1914-05-01 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · and Chile-which,...


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·,OffiCIAL •

• COUN-1'1 PMIJl

·' • I

<I~~tf3030 ~eWe. l . • l :


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,. Nt].MBER 15, • . .. :' .~

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.. ··P·r.op~·r··_.·c·. are. a·£ W.. a· ·o .. l :~·.f·. Not War-~~~~~iati~n · trip t6 Boston l~st week in 'the ~pnemnorda, • o·r. PAden is hl at• · .. · "' · .. - L

interqst of the company. tcndance. : ' ' .-. -s~ ... ~_,-.. -. ·• CJ!lNES r~pidly chang~ iti the MeJC{c~n .situ~tio!l e. --:-•.....- . [ ~1r. antl Mrs.S.E.S·l~ug):tter,o£ .-_.;-~ OMEITIME ugo. we t'oQk •occasion ~o r~prhtt: a

. ( .. .....

-_ -last \vee}( it looked like nothing under. tb~ $"11., Jicarill! El Paso, were i~ our city a few day~ s· . · government bulletin on the· best manner to· handle ·eo"ld preve•t war; Vera Cruz bad tieeJl o~upiell, -- last week. . wool. We ugafn present a bulletin from tbe satu~

1--.....,-·1 the Americans lost a number killed and'· wouaded Mr. Dale motored to Corona l<', S. Randles wao; a business authority. The pr~sumption is that the depcrt· •· ·o·,w and· the. Mexiaans a still greater number.· And Monday, aacompanied by. bt.s

1. meot knows what it is ta~ing at)(lut, and If tht>


visitor in Carrizozo Tuesday.· yet, following bloodshed and the landing of traops family. \

1 advke g-h·eo is followed and the rt.'sults promised

f · 'I tb k h b f Andrew McBr."'yer ..,..went to Misses Teresa .and Ven<~ Me· bt I d 't 'Jl t· · II · th · t f on oretgn sot , e past wee as cen one o .. ..,. o a ne 1 wt ma erta y ~nerealll' e recetp s n

comparatlve quiet, ;nd the prospects for peace are White Oaks tl't\l middle of the Donald arrived· Tuesday from "'· olir sheepmc.>n who for~ a big part of our industrial El Paso for a visit with ~Irs. "' ·

good, if-and that, at this tilhe, is the biggest word in the week on business. alfairs. 'l'he sheep and wool industry rl"prest.'nt a

E I. d Littell. •·· · ' I d 'f d' . l 11· _'_,_I;IJL!~!l ~~g!lage-if f!.u~~t_~ step~ d.C!.W_!l~ll_n out. " We bear, a good move in the • · . . utg tnvestment tn our sect cu. an t con 1ttons ol tatll '~,g

Three South American goverriments-Argent1ne,Brazil rig-ht directioU.mis -tba-CSun<fily- .l\h:s.-M.--E.-..D;)'et--lS.-.~~~--t-he-p-r-o!lue-t-pr.mtucc-e\:eJul.small pt•r•·eotagc of..iru;r~k~JJL and Chile-which, like the Untted States, have never re· s ho 1 'II b · t S d week from Tucmucan ''ISitlng the price the adrrregatl! that our flocltmaaters would n•o:t•iv<' c o wt egm . nex un ay, . • ~>" c:ognlzed the Huerta government, have tendered their ser· under the supervision of the her hu.sband who t~ em~loyed by would mean quite a respectable sum. The bulletin r••ads: vices as mediators, This government immediately accept· teacher, the Hev. ~dwards. the\\ tid Cat Leastng <;o. A preliminpry report of the tD\'('s•igatton i_oto tiH· ed the offer, aud later the Huerta government did likewise. · A crowd from here ''i~>ited tlH• rnc:thvds of marketinrr American wool, now bein~ conducted

Loco is gettinl{ in its .work " The representtttivcs of the three govern!llents named &re among tbt1 stock in this section, ruins at Gran Quivera last Fn· by the department, indicates that from lU to 2U per ren~ of no\v enoaged in the task of "athering the data presented . . da~·. They made the trip in the the vahtt• of the crop is lost annually through the negll•.:t

.. "' we nottced one fine young antmal by tbe Washington and the Mexico governments-cndeav· cars of ~1es'>rs. Van Schovck and of a few simple measures, Under existing condition-., when

. badly affiicted,and hear of others. oring to adjust differences, subject. to each respective de· Horses are, perhaps, more sus~ Lane. All report a plea~>ant Amencan l(nd Australian wools lie side by side in the ware-maud, before going into the maio features of dif!erencea cepllble to the weed, though cattle time:. house, the poor handling of Amerira:n wools is so noti.:eahle e11ioting between the contending parties. It is feared the eat it and succumb to its work The mov 1ng pictun· show on that tlw prlct.' i., 1m•vitably atfec1ed. Thi-. haildic.ql wouhl main stumbling block wi!J be the in'>istence on the part of upop their system. Monday e\·emng was well attend- be remo,·ed to a gn·at e:tttent if •Ill growers would agn•e tu the United States for tbe elimination of Huerta. Should ed. A number of .rood. view .. ol do four thing-.:

4 · We heard lhe roof of Mr. Fam· "' the Mexican :Uictator decline to be eliminated--and quite :Sc\V Me:ttko ancl L1n.:vln cuuoty Sal'k ewt•, lamb, and bul'k llee,·t,>o; Ill sep<H.IIe '"'k~. . . brough's bouse was damaged by ltkely be wtll-tbe opportuntty for a peaceful settlemt>ot of were shown. Sht•ar bla.:k !ihCl'J' sevarat•·ly and _kl·ep thl' tlcNl'll -.e·

the severe winds of last week. the difficulties, apparently ceases to e:ttist.


In the meantime, congress bas appropriated a half a Roy Owen ·passed through on million dollars to get Americans out· of Mexjco, and tbc:y the t'ast side last week with a have been coming out the past week in droves. Some in· bunch of stoclt. cattle,. purchas!'d dignities wer~ committed by enraged Mexican~& upon Amer• from ·Mr. Hanner near White icans-especially durtng the firtng at Vera Cruz and the Oaks, driving to his ranch on the landing qf of American marines, but there ba~ been no loss Gallo mesa. of life; aod inasmul'h as the t:niterl States made no attempt to invade the country, by an interior mov"!ment, feeling bas 110mewbat Sl.lbsided and fear11-for the safety of Amer• icans are about o\'er. General llunston,with 5,000 soldtcr:~, landed at Vera Cruz this week, and the blue·jackets have been relieved uud havo gone back tQ their ships. Every· thing is again quiet at that seaport.

Again, the anticipltcd trouble with the. constitutional· ists, at lenst for the time, bas vanished. Carranza, who got on his "high horse" last week, bas, evidently, seen a great light, and say11 that hb note to President Wilson was not understood. Aa a matter of fact, General Vtlla, who is the real head and front of the constitutionalists, and but for whom l'arranza would no\ last a holy minute, has told tlte "aged chief" where to bead in. and tbe au· prcme chief of the constitutionali'lts is putting on all steam for the port indicated.

Now the foregoing resume of the past week co,·ers the situaticJn. and if Huerta effaces himself, or i .. by 'iomc mean!! s~pt aside, no more blood is lilrely to flow. But t bat H--­it looms as big as a mountain.

News Notes from Outside Points


The "kiddte'>" at the E. E. Wilson ranch narrbwly el!caped 11

rattle~nake bite Sunday. when in their piny en.:oun tcred one coiled h• strike within ten feet of the door.

There arc many little calves now,and it i11 a merry sight ·to sea them !fainboliug , o,·cr the fresh green of the prairie .

Tbe fruit tree11 are io bJ,om. the lilac: buds ju•t ready to burMt. the roses lea ''ing out, and n II naturl! awakeDing to !lflrtn~:.

What a &ad thou~:ht it ill to realtz•· that it is not too late for killtng­

weatber. It was tbe twenttcth of May, the last spring that all thing!! were jnst a!! protni!lin~;.

when they were cut short b,· ,,

big frost. We noticed the roof blown from

the old Price house,hy la!Ot wet'k'' 'bard "twis-ter<!."

1-le\', and !\lr~ llendr1x were up from Carrtzozo Wl·•lnesda.v. la'ot Ne~k returning the next day. He,·. Hcnclrix preacht•d here: in the 1!\:Cntng and expect'> to n1.1ke rl·~~..l.•r trips lu•re 111 the futurt•

Osc:uro Outlinea -(;ov. W. C. Md>• nald i, pre· partng to plant twenty a,rt'S of hlll<u.d whid1 adjoiu .. tlwO .. uHo

town'litl' tnlo an or~hard. The d .un for 1rnga t iun pur po!!e' w a-.

lll!ltallcd la!lt yeilr and ha'lprmt•n. after te'lt to he .tdcquo~le The dam s•ort•'l the on·rllow from the Governur'~o ~Ld.1gm -.prtnl{ and this is tlw watt'f_IO ut• u-.ed tn thl' ,. irrigation of the twenty aae'l of apJ•1es !loon to he plilnh•d. Sur· vcyor Smtth, of So~nt.t Huo;a came down wttlt Truman ~pen~t·r tht'l week, ~Jr. Smith r•·tn.Jittiii!J to do some wurk tn t!w n-:~nity.

E.G HdiTl'ty, Mdno~gt·r of tlt!' Oscuro D•••·l'lopment Asso, I<~ tum, Ill in Jo;l l'aso tht-. wet'k on tnnt· pauy bu-.inet~'l. The •lrtll111g for deep water, o1l or gao; 1'1 about r.eady to lOtnrnenre. we are in· formed.

Tie the llc:l•.:e" ~ith papl'r twine, whirh doc:• not adhere to the wool.

l~cmove the tng" ordtmg locks and put tht>m in ott•purntl· sack'! markt•d to show t ht•tr nm ten t!l.

F'l~eures pyepare<l hy the Bureatl of ~tatilltil'l 1 1\grkul· tural Forecasts I anti ba .. ed on reporh from ·'H.' growl."n; wh•• ~ohl•ared in I'JI-1 ll total "f :!,2h'I,005 'lhl'l'P o;lww that at the present timl' about one-half of thl• llol'k owner., 'iill'k t•wt•, lamb, and bul'k wool "''IMratcrlv. alwut htl per l't•nt ""Jlar.tte tht• bladl flt"l'Cl'll and tH• With (M)lrf tWIIIe, I unci ), . .,., than ooe·half put ta~-. 111 •wparate sa.:kll. _It 1'1 plllllll'd out,how· l'\'!'r,that thCtllfrl' .. pOIIdenl<l who tnok the trouble to oiii.,Wl'f th~ llliJUHil''l ol the IIIV!'sttgators, and from whotl' u·phl'., these statls\t{B arc compiletl,pre,.umahly repro'\t'nt tht• more progre,.sl\·eelentent 111 tbe andustry, and that tf ll Wl're puo;· <\tble to ohtam the facts from every wool-growt'r 111 tht• countr)' the percl•ntal{e of those ustng the improved method 'I would l.je found to be mucb lower. '

It j,. potntcll out al~othat altltough,on the face of tbt•m. tbe"e n·turn!i do not '<t't~nt so- un .. ati~factory, the ,·aluc of

wool11 produced in a givl'll lol'ahty 1'1 o;ct bJ the general rl'· putatton already t'"ltdhll'lht.'d. Buyer" will not alt .. r their price~ for !!mall tndt\ tdul\1 chp-., though they may be betlt·r handled than the a\c!ruge, and Ill conse•1uent·e tho'\t' who do put up thctr wool properly are mndf' to 'IUtlrr lor the "I"" of the1r neighbors.

Buytng ,·onlerns can and mn y. ltowevrr, a II ow t hl'lr re· prescolath·es mon· latttude in ,ll"aim1n11ting between tn· dl\·1dual dtp" But "'·en tbould tbl'y do so, pn,·es l'ould ht'

altered only for dip1 of suffident 'llzr to yteld arouo<f lll,OilO

pound" of t'a, h fCrade rontaiol'd. Ftlty·ntne .:a'\C'I wt•re repo.rh•d Ill whid1 docknr.re for

tag'i was m.ult> upon the whole chp. although thl' tng't had heen <~eparat!'ly salked.

The usual interesting picture ( program was bad at tbe local , f theater tbis ·week.

the Laundry Ave Park is beeom· ing quite popular with . the resi­dents of that part of the PO'It. Miss Ethel Phillips holds the championship to date.

The war scare i<~ upon us all, and it doe<~n't seem enroural!tnf.r to per11ons i!'.olated from town .. or commuuitie ... to note the larg•·

Clta'l. F. Cirt•y Ita" rl'lurut>cl after a tnp up and down the lint'. Tlte Cirey'l are bu'ly buildcng a nice l'Oncrete home on their home-

numbers eo;,·aptng thl' arm11·'> "n sCead near town ; the SQ.Utb nf ""· and collt>dinK In ~Its.." Hazel Thornton Ill ht>rl' large number'! within our mid-.t.

Tht• remrd'l', tht• 1nvesttgatnr" dedare. ts to rni'le tb!' reputation of a lo,aht)' hy nn attreement among the grower"' not to pt>rmit any po~>rly handled wool to lt·n'e th(' ,·om· munity.

W. A. Benham. Second Lieut. Miss Trusedale, formerly nur11e from El Pa<\O \'i'ltting her parl'nts Mrs. Fox and Dorothy arri\'l'd for several week" detached from McCullouglr and nt No. 10, is head nurse at the

Ll. 1 t · d · h the lat_ter part nf this wt>ek from relieved from further treatment nco 11 sana onum unng t e Dr. and :\Irs West and childrt>n

b f b 1 a visit to friend" in and n<"ar Cln-at Ft. St-anton: N. M. and order· a sence 0 t e regu ar assigned left for Chica••o Monday e,·cnin.,.

d 0 • h d cago and Minneapnlis. IlMothr "' ..

c to nondaga. Granted thirty- ea nurse. after a vtsit or se,·eral weeko; to ha!l attended s,·hool tn the former dl!.ys•Ieave of absence en-route.-- Through letters to his manv Mrs. West's parent!.,l>r. and Mr ... place since last summer. The Washington Star. friends here Dr. R. G. Pearce,ou.r • (;uuto Ranntgl'r. Cattle buyer!! from other parh

Billy Lin'ley is the present former denti'it i'l telling bow be All the orchard" 10 the Ykinitv. were sncces<~fnl in inducing 'IOml' champion croquett player on the misses his good timessoeotat Ft: of the stock men to p~rt witb are looking prosperous and no local court and .be promi<>es to Stanton. The doctor is in charge • frost is reported as ha vina bun thetr yearlings, the pa!ll week. " keep the honors for sometime to of the Detroit Shriner's e:acursiou any of the trees. A good harvpc;t come. to Atlanta next week, where the Mrs. E. E. Wilson and ,ltildren is antidpated.

natioilal\:onvention of that order returned home to the ea<~t <~ide

It ,·an not be !laHI that the grower'\ who follow the practto:e'l advotated h\ tht' markt•t at pre-.t•nt rcce1ve much, if any, t·ompenllalton 'or so dolO!{ A" tn olhl'r line", 1t re!d11 with !IUt'h progres<;i\·e iodh·i•lual'l to hnug thc1r corn· rnunttic'< up to a common 10tandarrl that wall hc of benefit to a II.

In the opini~ of the inve'ltig11tor" the reform" already mentioned would be t~uflkient for tha pre!lent to put Aa1t>r· ican wool 10 a C:ttlert'nt light. Later 1t may be advi'lablt< to adopt the AuMutlian method 'I of "11kirttng," or rl'mov· ing fro~ the ll('cce the wool of tht• legs a}td belly, and grad· ing before !lacktng, but thts is not urged now.

Artangement~ have been com· The 12,000 fruit trees in tht• i_!! being held. · Sunday, after a week's visit in Raffety nurscr.v are throwing out

· pleted with the El Paso Times to .,.. h th t h h 11

Mr. Ben King.e:t&patieot.writes camp. leaves after their fir<;t irrigation. prisoners further from the Mex· '100 are women and children. ave a paper reac ere t e ....,_ d '"'~lt f "'h' Practically every one of tlte<~e are tcan border in view of possible Smce the takin<r of Vern Cru,

ft ·moo.. f tb d .,. 't • from his office t'n Ne"' OrJeans of u.r on .. ., s, o n He Oak" 1 t "


a e .. ·o e same a, t ts .. alive., deve opments. · by the Jnited States forces tw .. .-.ublt·s·h· "d. Mabter AI"• g•ttto" his good health. and his bu~t. t'n""". springs, was hunting stock thru Tlte Tbt'rd ~tr~uadron of lhe of tb u ' · h r " " v.. u ""'"' Georgo Morris, the local telc· --. · e .oext.:an pnsoners av.

, it but little vrar paper messenger. tour to be made along .the Pacific the bills for several days last phone man, Is installing several Twelfth ca,·alry, now at l<'ort bt>en badly wounded by guard" 0

' siuci; be wiU meet the auto at coast in May. week. new phones around town. Meade, South Daltota, will be the 1'wcntieth United States In "-" .. . l · sent to l<"'ort Wingate t'O guard fat)try as they attempted t •• tu~ utbto ttga\e each afternoon Mr. H. A. I<~reel-.nder, ex•post· . Tile "eall of the wild" il ap- John Orr and familv left this the prisoners. . . escape. tot•eeiife·tb.e buadle of times for rria~ter at this point, is doing' well peaJi11g to W. W. Fitch patrick as we-ek for St. Louh;, where they The ~ex lean federal prtaoners ln additleln to Geuern.l Mercnd1• the 'l'ort Stant<nl ~ubscriben. at &is old home in Detroit. Mt. the warm days come on, and be iS' ~ill visit for a short time. r10w under ~uard at Fort Bli!ls are the prisoners inclu1le Geuerar ..

Cltaptaht lftutul visited with Fretlandt!r is one of the· leading leiaurly preparing to answt!t 'its fJ. B •. Chase wa!l down from ibn remnants of the command of l!'rattciscl) Castro, Bin&, Orpinn i'<• .,. sportinrr "'i>o"ds merch"'"'t" t'n that call lty bikinv out to hill favorite (;arrizozo ou business Mouday and General Salvlidot Mercado, lora• and Romero. General Jo!le Ynrz

Fathtr utrma at ~t•coln last Fri· b e. ... u "' <? Tttt!sday and will move here May erly federal governor of ChihMa• Sdazar also io cot1 fined witt. day; t aity. . habitat,"'one of these days in . the lstt to accept a position with the ~un, which fled .l¢to!l9 the border them. Ita '' the feder'al. genera.

The warwltb Maiectil-iuttrest~ A letter tl~ttd Chicago April near futut~-, Osc:ttro Development Association. toto 'fe.xa.s ·after tbe battle of now under htdietmcnH itt th-· . . _ ~-- ....,._ ·:-· OJibaga;in which the rebel forces United Statts on · char~e-s ot ing no-dottb~. btiUh«t~ war<Jn 2211d. from Waltei' G. :Andetson, Wlalte Oab . F· . . • . . qtJ~r General Villa were vic· violnting Uti.} tteutrality taW!< the 'l\ a. ahquld p-t()te ~tilt tnC>te says he bar; Mat tht "eon" and .......,_ Hetal Pmea~rs to be Removed totious. 1'he fedet.n1s were taken Ha will b~ takeu to Sauta I<~e fo ittterestit1a'• . '_'Ob•n: tbt cu:teo ia ha;'/~a_g quite a sqceess itt his vari· There wi.ll be a cfauc'"' . • at ... • .. '-. • . · in ebar~e by Unitt;d ~{ates troop!} \Tilll itl Mn;o. .


.. 11

d t't ll ·d ·'""" ~ c)tts u de tak'ntrs ""gtven • Wasbtu~tou, Aprtl27.-0rders at l~;;~tudiu, ."''cxau, acros~ the Maximo Castilhi, nntd tl)"' havl' • -~ wot ~n . a : .. e!Wu"ftt ,r~m · n r 1 b • • • the Wcmeu's Club· r()Qm ott . Sat.. wer~ insued by . the war· depart': 1itu~ rrom Ojinaga, aud ttJMcbcd heeu chief of the batuHts wbo set

_ .· ~ht!r~al!-.t caust t~ollld.~d« for Mr, An'drew Catitou, tormerlj urday evettitJg, May 2Jtd, Every tft~ut today transferring- the Mu· ovethuul to M.atlat 'ret as wltcncc fire to thlt Cumbre tUitner. ()}1 th~·

t~- •titer elt~~'. _as. ~tt ptestltt.e. is- :SiatieH~ lJt No. 13, writes. of his one is c:or«tia11y invited ttJ be pte• ic:•it ptisoners held nt h~ort nlil!!:l. tlii.!Y were brought ·there fty ttai~ .. Me•h:o North~ \\k!tttrn raUro;ul. 1: 11oU.u-&. t•le.r~fett~ . , . . itiug_w~n at Ids home. ht Cleve-- sen~ · . lft\\t El }>.Aso, to- Fc,rt Wii1ia.te. 'l'lHJ.Jnst eensutt ()f tile f~derat ftf wll_i~b In leMt i2 Attted~tllt~

, • 'r'&~•tttn•dt....,.•\lnb ~......... 1.-... lall..... , A ~.t..,._

1... "'l"rk .:..-__ ~h· ... w.· .... :... .-t... ...

1 ...... w . ..,....... ...

1. ;1· N:. M •. 'the war depttdlllent be• tatupSllowccH;'900 pth!ouer~ uuder I oat~ t11t!ir liv~. «lso is a })risoncr

.W'1 • •• t,.ly"l... 7 "" :.r:~m...... . ... .. .... -" .... ........ Hl"' "' '"""':" ., ....... v ... li~Vtd it ncce~S.l'H."Y to mov~ the 'gU!Itd, or w~ielt approdttltt(cty llt Fort BU~s; ' .

' . f ' . .. c"""-- ,..Z: ~-: t'IO•~~..l..-'G'~---,.._•>:"'•~"""--, "'~,- ~-~·"+'~-'-'·_,.,__,._,_ ~"'"'~*'. <"""--1"'-~c·'-,..,;.-.~---,._ --'-'>-~'~ ,...,._,'!.__ _ ..-,_....,:·,)~


whi!A bUil~eaa W!Uf • ll~Ue 41!11,. 'f li&.- j • ~ . JJ.eve t!JeJ'&'III 11Qmetblnc Pllo!IY .boqt. th:~ i• 01'1111 Alqng tl!111 La~eat DeaiQnl . t.he bl&IIIe lllnalc&; Uo wPn't ~-.t •. and .,.h • H n" .. ·d R • n tor •••

•6 1 .. ·• '"K"' ......... N"'E .. M.EN.T8 "'oW •o. R. · •· •• .,.,..ct · · •• · 9 · • l''Ve ~JDPtlld hhn..,. tb. tlle "•t l()QUJ~J l'!lm ... ........... ... . . . . ,. r. p·' r It .

get, l pess l'll run down t:Q. th!l ••PIJ8$Y Wli.LoW TJ::A!' . , · . . .• -;P~ Y• · . lJQw~J'f ·~tJ J!lt QDEI of' ~olle 11il!(~8 111 .JI'o~ mls~E)II a.!ld for Plltde!6t Wear; ~.harpl! to CQI#e !lP and ]lave !l l!ll>k .1!,1; • • . . , . • . , • ~ve11 ·rorj~QfAI!)g U~fe Jn ~hi:! noliB!l, t~e h.tm; ll!ellov~ lila ttl(ltl! .l'.lf::e!l·ti)U~(.' ~~~~· tor Entertalnm,nt· ~ Good P.llt JIII!f~Y :lMuse ih td"'al, ~nd Pl!fe hl• one

''1 kneW lle w•• -~uck OJ,l ~ ,;trJ.. th!lt T!Ja~ !U1911Id NC!t e. N•aJ!!j:te!l- . UJaf IJl(JWll ihfl'lP,t(,IB~ l"rencb toucl)es, w~ aoh!J " tutu ~~ 4 muslo llall !t!)v;n,.. f'or <;on teat . THat wm·l iltcr·'· aUgoU~b tlle middy Wall . tn~~9411C~d that. war, llllt b!lah!'(!tjll w~ dqll, II~> l · · e.at tbo LJttle 0..,... . lflto J>ans lll Amerlca.nl/. 'l11111 )s Qf let llfm ~o wJtll<lut ral~lng a ·b<!ller, · . Tho JJ~t aay be cQmel!. bar;~ Wi.t~ a. · · ..,.....,.. · ·

' jaw·~arpcnter. wllo claimed Jle J.cnew "lJcnv W.!mJd yqu l!lce t~ Jl!lYe a lllllHI)' ~b!.ir.7.!JI!r.qm~1l~~m~=~~:;:;:;!!l!~~~~~~~~~~;:,;.l~~ tdl ala>u~ llllal(es· and wn~:~n )Ill ,ets wltli)W teaT" roily deri)apM4 as l!be ~i'Qlltb. }o(l~inl{ ~t J>qte'll mQtl.th )vo· · bul'tlt lntO JIIY den wit.~ a· ID'PAt tuZ~Y• tclt Jl.reUy bhle, . . · wilziy buncl! ot ''ltittY·~t1tlnl!." "Jt,lsJ



''~You got It, .didn't you?' ~ay$ J. . '""antier!'· Ba"• 11 .. , 1You" .· ll.ttlo the tiling f!>l' .thl~ 11easou, ~o.Jlurryup · .·"'Good nn.d 'nJentv •. ' 11n.ya he. 'l\Jy "· · "" ·"' • · · · 1 " lit 1 d '1 · •· •· !llln.kelefmay llva·a mo!ltb.' ' and tell }!PUt' b g·.an.,. .t.e r!!~ OJ'.II,· tirm .hurts me ·nlrendy.' , · .. t•':. d · ·s ·t ·" rl "t · uW!!ll. ihnt. pqt it. up to us to (O~ s .. o ®n ... ue . • P ge 11!n,..y, g ..

l.lkn tho pitcher whlol\. wont to tbo "Wq sot buoy rlght awar .. and too~ buf!y, so 1 a14 U!o IIPiellng Pn the ou~ away; but ~rst you mu11t $lnd your.pu~~>o w<•ll until It ruol tbo provllrbJnl fate1 hlm.up til tbo holiplttll where Donn.vita l!l!le until m}' voice gav~ out, ant) ¥1,1r- ales. lllm 11ure the !lelgll~orhood Ohll· 1 Ito tr11lnor entered tho llon'll· den OQCO lo now. Say, he wna a very thl!l'JIIaU rHt llel! on the ln.olde :until be WILli dreli. Wlll be glad to liiJJlP~Y ;you, . I ~m too ortt•n, and what remained or him and. YOIJ Cll!l llCO tlla~ l'm no Jlgbt• blMk. lu the face,' telling nbollt bow taldng n 'for Jp·anted tbat. YOU nva Ill "11" plu•·t•d In an nmbulnnco and taken welgltt: but by mldnfgbt tM right aldo many 1.1heop old. Pete swallowed every tho country wher!l they' ~row 11lld l,n to th•: hospital. Afttlr tho performance ot biB body and bin right arm anll leg weol~ We had • lot of rabblta IUld tho cn:r tho evor up.to-dn.te lllld f<lr '"" t•v.,nlng Willi over, Bnltlmoro, ·were nwollon to rny oh:o; and In tho doves with him tn tl)o cage, hopping obliging 1\orlat wlll supply 'th\lm.. · t h•· bud lion, who bad uuddonly d(•vol· morning all ol tbo nwollen part wne 118 Qlld Oylng around behind· tbe thick Decorate brownish ct~rde wtth Water· "l"'d a rravl11g for human noah, bud black llll 11 coni. Ho wns uuftcrlng tor- glnas front, and they were real no- color puouy wlllowo11, or they may be h•·•·n dnult "lth by tho J•roflrl••lor or rlbly, nnd l trlod to get hold of tho clnblo wltb old Pl'le, who never bat· done In pen and ink or oeplllo tints, Juot t hn .rn,.nnlwrtu In u manner which Arab llnake doctor but couldn't locale ted an eye nt 'em At tho end of the a stltr little oprny nt tbo top. A fe,w. would upoll hlo llflJlolllo for many a. hlni, 80 1 wlrpd to Rocbeotcr for Rat· month be Willi loolltng pretty thin and brancben In tall vnoeo and jnro will be oluy to l'omtJ.Ilnd makn him r••rn•·mhl•r. llt•llnnko Pete. R-u came down nnd n wo were afraid be wo.uld peg out MY nil the Oo\verll requlroJI, with' a woo '""' truln••ru cannot bo mnnch·d with inlghty lntcreatlng mnn he 18• but he dny. It WIUI burd luck on,ua, for things branch tor each _gueot ttl take home lrnl•uully couldn't do anything which 'doc' UP nt wore coming our wny and our bnnlt pinned to her coat.

'I" u m•·n I dt at the tnbl" In front of tho boopllal hndn't done, nnd It wan ro!ll! wcrr~ K!lltlng £Q.QfLJU1JI -l\l!mtr ... lLJ!QIWibnuldwanLto. givathla".pnxtty 1h• nrrnn witt. the t•roprtr•lor. atac•Ullll· ~ "<layll before- 'IDY num "\Vllll'-c:iut of thick nod they were 1111 •yellow boyo,' tor children, try thla plllltlmo, which lnl( th•· n<·"ldo•nt nnd i111t••nlng to danger. He willl not n drinking man- from the clllle card to tbe wr11pper. they will enjoy nnd perbnpp your • tori•"' nr former ••uruunlt•rH whlcb be 1 llnlebod hrwlng drunllardo around my Our wads grew fatter 1111 Peta grew grown-up gueuto would like It, too. r•·lathd . show n good many Y".aro ngo--nnd d1e b

1 ••

1 f

.. t Inner, nnd we were oo .. ng or aome Urnw n mhmmotb brnnch of puosy "Yt·H. any mnn who folluwu lbln bunt. whltiky look right hold or him arid eaoy mark to unload him outo, when willow on o. e.beet with charcoal or on

Ill. •• ... ,,1, •• 1116 lifo• 111 ''''' l•"ndu," h•• pull I'd him through. 'Doc' kt•pt nqulrt• 1 •. 1 Itt 1 · h ·" " " one morn ng " err comeo runn ng a lnrgo oqut\l'o of paper, then give enc .,,, .. In ''''"wt•r to 11 nu,.011011 from tho lng some red 11tulf Into hlp arm, but ll t J t 1 •-·"'- ff f k bl .. ., • ., ou , uo 1111 wuo Ownwg o 11 nrmer one a tlouue pnper cat In or uomo t

"'·rrut•IC•·r wllhln tb•• IIBLPH. ''You wno tho 'red·eye• which oaved him- I t·" h d hi ll d b ht ro w 10 ,..., cur m e an roug or pnpllr to be co called, bllndfo'ld one ll'•lv•·d ,,, "Ill•• for IJIIOI llonavlt- ,A. ILI'rd that remlnda me." d n k f bb b . to II .

• " •r nro•!n n oc o 11ca Y a cop ac at a lime nnd ueo who can pin the c11t· lll "l•t. nft••r ll"lttnrur,. nntalwd wl'" He beckoned to tbe wtilter Dlod cnch to f k f d - " "'' un or on11 e oo . IUn lJearest to the br11ncb or right on

111m. mo you know uhat 11 llnn'a Jawe onoprd••red blo favorite antidote for 11 "'Jim.' be ycllo, grabbing me by t~ tt tn tho place where It ought to" grow. '""'' do l'vo M"·n 't•m cb"""d up au IJODillblo linal!o bite. ebouldero aml walt%1ns nround llko ll If you think It advloablo a real live kit· l .. uJ un thut nnd ll••l ovt•r It, but !hPY It w11n growing lntn, and. tho Pro· wblrllng del'VIub, ·we'll make ltockeCcl· ten could be given tor 11 prlzo. u110 "''"'' K•·t •tulln ttu· •arno nllaln l.••llY" }lrh•tor announced that be wno golnll fer look !Ike thirty contB; old Pete baa thlo !doll with discretion. for uomo 'h•· 1"'"1"""" • :'\11. 11 Ia Ilk" 1 h•· u••n, to uhow hlo wltn 11 good hun band and uwullowcd nvl'ry blnmc pigeon nod rnb- molberu do not opprovo or calli. Servo "'"'"' "h" l11k•·• '"It k"''"" II up until Hnld good night, but the Strnng .. r walt. bit In tho coop!' leltuco anndwtcbeo; and did you ever .,,.. '""" ''"II"'" \\lu·u h,. <lo•·•n't ,,.. •·d tor the utory which he nnw wao "It u"emod too good to be true, but try nn ornnge and Bermuda onion ... " r J,,,, art•·r " had nn l<l<'lol h11 tr••rnbllng upon bin comvnnlon'o llpu, wbl'n 1 went to have 11 look thoro Willi saiBd? It lo dellclouu wttb tho lettuce ,. oully 111k•·a twuth•·r br••,.d ul ,unl· 11nd Induced tho uh•(li)Y waltnr to not a Cl>alher nor n piece or fur to bn unndwtcheo. Tho klddlco will thank "'·"• bring a rnrowt>ll dOfle or onnko-blte an· ""''" and old l't•tc wno exnmllllng nil you If you give them lotnonBdo to

Th•· wnral nl(!ht 1 ,..,.r 11uw Willi: lldotn. 'rho man wna unknown lo him tbP <'orncm or tho cngo to oeo tbnt bo drink wiiJJ a nice ,,. cherry or otrllw· .,,,.,,, '"" )'''"" 1111<>. "b•·n ""''"'our I"Y name,· but hlo peruonnltty prom· hadn't overloollcd a bet. Ho looked a bolT)' 10 eocb gltu~o. I" rfotllollll( lwurn IUIIII•d on Ita lruln<•r lof>d (o bo lnh•roatlng, for blo fa<'tl wholo fol bPtiPr Blroady, llnd M~Jrrltt ,,,J •··••• •l hln unn lin "orrlt•d It no 1 •1n•kn or good living, llw rPd or btu nnd 1 began to dlacuou wbal \VCl ohould "o, "'' r "'"old u hou•• f,r n Kood l\\t•n·! ,•otnploxlon wan f'VId<'nlly not l'lttlrf>ly do with all our mooey. •' '"'""'''" hdurt• wo• roultl drlvn him • dull to nxpoouro to Uw KUD, and tho Ill· "llut 611y, thoro WIUI ono thing wo .,,. atod thr tu·ar ttt ... t from tlu• pun· Uti cneu under tho ay.-..s lndlt'at~J that rorgot to l'f'l'ton on· ··Um nppotUG bo '"""'r"' "" 11av" bun lw wnu apt to be tho loot or n convivial had bmm navlng tor ubout 11 ye11r. nnd

I oul•l I hut brnr utlllt II wau lho pnrty to tJugr,nat breaking UJl. nllhouah tho mon<•Y camo In fa•tcr '"''"' ••Khl I nvrr nr>w, nnd II wan, but tic hnd llatt•n~>d to the l'ro11rlf>lor'fl lhnn rv(lr, moot of It Wf>nt out to tho " '""' lo11111 huppt•llr>d h••rt• In" I Y••tH nturii'U with tho onmo bor"cl rxpruaulon rabbit mton nod lllgcoa fWJclcra. ·• '"' h IIIIJ•r•·an••tl 1111• nuliP h•••·uun•• It whlrh North mlgbt WPilr In hl'arlntl th" "You know thnt when a 11n11ho ownl· • "" "" m••••·rlnun A lrlrnd ol lulnP •·•p••rlt•n<'•·u of •a uunlror of lhn llny· lo~>o nn nnlmnl you can B(lO \he bulgo

' tn him ror 11 lonR tim~>, but you eouldn't II<'<' nny In old l'ow. Jlo waa Juat tho nome olzo nil Uto woy from bla no~>o

to thP Up of bto tnll, Cor thero wnu no np'l<'" bt•twron lht> nnlmnlll.

""ThlnltB bt>;:nn to loah prptly aerloua for un. {»r "'"" hnd tilled up all tho IIVnllobln amnii llvo otol'k In IIJP tur· roundiDit rountry, nod tho tnbnbltunt.o got onto th" fnt't thai wo '>'Pre up ng:tlnul thrlr gBJDO and raland tb•• aoto on uo for w hot wn11 lf>tt It 'a II ke tah· Inn t'nndy rrom a ~hlld to orll n gold brtrk to n fntnwr. but be f>V<>rlaatlngly

I grta bade at you If )'ou hnv~> lo buy nny or hlo produc<> Hungry Jo, and tlw mnn who lnvPntod tb" grrw>UJi:OOdD' gamo would bo oklnnPd to drnlb If thl'y h11d to buy 11 doznn rgga rrom.ono of 'torn.

p i\nd all tllto tlmt> ntd I'"'" ftppt a. ronotnnt prol'tonnton of 11mall nnlmlllo moving down hto tbront, regnrdlf>BD of ,..,~n11o, rtnd If tb~> aupply l't\0 short ho would took at Mt>rrltt po r••pronl'll· fully thnt It mod(> him frPI no bnd be

"' huo •d<~ "'"'''" d Ill" n bnx of rnl· ton flood. nnd hi' lookod rrgrl'ttully at rouldn't t((lllvt>r hlo lf>t"tUtl' for oobn. • lo·r• """ h h•• "ruto• had b••rn 'at,. the va<'ont chair, now that bla turn llo u·orkcd ttit> pntl!rtl<' on him, but • •'lld•·d tn nt11l I "UI>PfJPr>d I bat thlllr bod comr • If 1 cam" nmund thel'l' wna no 'Only I"''"''" fnug• hnd boPn oxtrB<'Iod. "Snnkt•tt!" bo .xl'lnlm~>d with 11 con· tllrll4' grnlno or corn, mothor · "xprea­·r h•·• ,., ,,, d••llu•r"d Juot b<'for<• tho I t"mptuoqn tmort "\\'hut do"o tho alon on h!o tnl'f>; hP would Juat r"nr up o"·rfnrnonnrP otnrll·d and I riJ•Pt>d a • boua know nbout 'om? I uoPtl to own 011 hl11 tall and lnmbnut.tbnl alaoa lJ'y. •••nrd nrr thn but nnd alu<'k tny hnnd I lhe only unnko that wao worth having. lng to get nl mo. ,., ~trnhhinll lhrm unr by on" nnd Jo1vor boar of 'Dig J'(llfl r'" Thll Rtrangtor "Wto hnd r<•nted 0 frume building In th'""'"" thro1n lntn tho dPn 1111 lr they t'onfcoocd hla lguortu~C'e, and the otbt>r a little town up tho river and wPro ""'" ~urlo•r unoko·o Bt'tll~>d back In bla chlllf 11nd llgbted ahowlng him oU In good form Dual-

. Thn man uho tool! cnro of tho 11 CMJab clgar. n<>an '1\'0ll rut1hlng and we hod thf' R R.

Contcat ror Bowing Circle. Tho club of little glrln wbo aro meot.

In& to aow for poor clilldron durlns Lent mny ltko tl1lo eontcot to ntudy on w ben tbo work Ill nnlohod o.nd tho hoatt·DO Ia buay pra{mrlpg rotroab· mtontn. It In calll!d tllo contcnta ot mother' a work bnsltet · I, Dbetnr tthru.ndJ. 2. ')'rPcmgbn CPJoory bag); 8, atbuU1o 1 buttonn 1, 4, nlnp 1 ptnut, 1'>, ~><•dnoll' I noodl,.at . Cl. t!Utpnlcl (tape llnl' •. 7, liooab 1 book.o 1; 8, ocey Cll)'l'81, !1, :&C!lbt'UW lbPilDWIU); 10, ntrlpnntar t oa.tcty plnu 1; 11, tgrlon tatr1ngl, ll!, halek lchlllkl; 13, hrtoa· 1IIDkl lOll It throlld I; 14. ardlb I brnld I; tr,, Pnnolol'<' C oclaoora 1 • 16, clbmlth tthlmblcl, 17, debiW Cbcadut, 18. nrugdlntocrnl 1 dumlng rouon 1. Ill, kno~>IJI lbodklnl; 20, rnnottp IPQt· tern 1. 21, dugro t gounJ I. :!2, Ink· dlr<'ottngln I knit Ung nocdltol, 23. btuerk tburklot



Model of manila hemp trimmed with forget·me-nota, rona and velvet ribbon.

cotton creptl, trimmed with NntUor bluo cotton velour, blue lined button· boleo nncl black buttollll. Tho collar ln 11 tc11turo of late faobtono, oboer organdy. wtred to ettlnd. Anolber rca· turo Ill thll a.djuntnbloncau of tbo lower b11nd, made nm11l1or or larger by me11na of concealed unap f11otenen.


No Rcaeon for Anything but Rojolclng That Tbl1 Pretty Stylo l1 Not to

Do Dona Away Wltb.

Tho auupendor btouao! It bna a ruotlc nound which Ia not borne out M Pll 111 tbu fllcto of the c!lllc. Tho tact of It lo th11t tlle ouopondor qcem.o bow•d to Jll')' Into all our gannont11 tllto yei.U'. It· nppcnra on conto nnd cmpeo and It 11M bttcm uoed nrtfuny In many amort gown11

lllouneu In which tbP clfect In pro­,.lded nbow colored r1bbono brought down undrr tb<> llyron or Mllor <'Ollllr uoUI IJJey "tlPnt lhe wldt1 glrdlt', which Ia or tho name color or nllk or rib­bon. Onll vnry <'harming exnmplc oc­curred In n blouuo or lnvcndvr clllf· ron with atrapo ani! gtrdlo or bhu:h tafl'rla. Somollmoo the atrnpo do not go undor nny col111r at 1111. but oro placl'd nbout tho nock without Otting. In thlo oTe~l tho alii! In giYon tbl' far-11Way, outatnndlng look or one or tho moat popular colllll'll or tht' yl'!lr

Sheer Walata for Spring. With ohNJrneca ouch WI lm()Drtant

Item. many of the new IIJrlng mcdnlll In IAco \\'Uiotn bnve tho 11loovea un· lined. but the body of the wnJat 11howa n low l'Ut llnlns botlt bn<'k IUid front. Thin hmvt>a tho n~k and the nnnn p:ll"· Ually UOCOVC'rt'd, the Unt of tlle• Orutb ahowlng through tho lnl't> ·

When "ntlro llnlnga nrv uAed, p:!.lo pink chilTon or net lo pnrtlt-uiBrly d~ 11lrnble. no thla ougal!tltn tlle Oeab UnL Tho ten ahadea nro nino becoming pop. ubr. ellp(>f'lolly tho11o that bnve tho Ungo of yPIIOW

New Powder Puff Idea. Tton cents Ia tho prtce of ha.lr a

dO!(ln &mall J)C\\'dl'r puUII.. Tboy llrt callt'd po\\'der puffa. but tlley nre not really pull's

. Th~>y 11re little pndo of son paper llalurutrd with ()Dwder lllld neaUy tna­tenl?d 04t('b In a wn.xed p:lJJOl' envelope that m11nsurea about two lncbea cquare

"""~··• """ out on tho bnllyboo, wnlk· "I'll t .. JI you obout him, then. You 0. algn oat nll the tlmn. 1lut nnnk,.. food '"" nnoun<l with th" ll'Bnd"r following know that a oonlto Ia a queer propo. wna gotUng uenrccr than boiiPd lol> l>~no '" •d•<"rthtn tho ehow; and when Bltlon In a menagerie. Th<•Y gel &ore atrru during the cold unnp lllllt winter. "" '"'"'' In bn lnokrd thorn oYer IUid mouthD-<!tUikr!'r, tho fnkera call ll- 'libl' 11how bnd l'losed up ror night nnd .... .....,-................... ..-._ ...... _ __...._....,..--...... --...;..... ...... .....,......,_....., ___ ....,.._ • ....,. .... _ ... ... fnun•l lht~l Ml<'h nno hod a.o pretty a. !Uld von't cut, and tbl'O. If you've got we Wl'l'tl trylug to make dnnta In tho

, 1 otr nr fan1111 tu• you 'l>'ould wlab to aoo. any lnYecrtmont In 'em you want to g~>t front or the tnvt'rn bar t'llltb <rdr bronat LIKE THE VEIL A LA TURCQUE

Novel F11e11 Covering, With lte Air of Myatery, Hae Won Favor of

Gay Parlalennea.

II•· h•lol "'" nbout It nnd I conff'aD thnl It out mighty qulclt, for they nrc no bones nnd l11ytng In a. utock of aup. 11 «"'" "'"" """"Coolin« In thfl pit of Ort'hldo. I woo pretty Wflll on my up. pUC'fl, In caoc old Peto ohoold bite ua. m, ot~<~narh. tor I M'mrmbcrPd how I pora, nttor 11 bi!.d Dl'!lron tm thr rood, "'Vhllo wo were dlneusalng the beat ltnd f••lt around for them In the box when tL lf1!1 named Joterrltl cnmo to mo wo.y to attmulnte tho mbblt·breedln; "lib m)· bnre hllndo. nnd aald bo could got a fine onako Industry, 'blll-boom-bo.ng,' wt'nt tho

Tho onnkt> mnn Instead of gt'ttlng <'heap, and he thought we might make town bell and tho bntkoop commenced Tho faablon for wearing vellA that h<><'k on tbo bnllyhoo where he 00. nomo money out of him by ohowtag to peel oil hla cont !Uld get Into n red completely hide tho lower part or the '""""'1. •toad around tho antLite cage, him at tho County !nlra. nnnnlll oblrt and 0 firemztn'u helmet. It f11ce Bnd leave only the eyeo visible wc~hlns tllo now ruttlon. 11nd lllong "What I didn't know about ona.kea wna one or tboa9 towns where Uley hAll nlrea.dy been mentioned. but morn ramn " Muplo or gn.nnoo11 who com· would bavo filled a book. but t'llhen I haTe n dodo volunteer llre department. with the Idea or 11 curious novelty tha.t lnf>nc<>d !Billing about tbl>m. Ono of nnw tbla ono l know It Willi 11 bnrg;nln. which tho boyu 1111 join Cor tho co- waa not lllcoty long to be popult\1', or r hrm wn11 tho wtoo !JUY, who nlwnyu tL wna the blnmedt!r:~t, bf(lgeot unnko cflllll In tho winter 11nd to look rtroll1 only with tho very few; but otrnnge-

. kno\vo nbout how tho tLnlmnln tiro tbnt ovllr &11VO tL wriggle, a.nd the only on tho nnnunl parode d11y. Morrflt and ly enough, It hna plensed the fnncy •loped so lllo:v -"'On'& blto and all tllat MJru:on IIJI ownoro hnd not mndo o. Cor· 1 didn't hurry nny; wo know tlult tt of tho gny P11rlslt'nne, the ·myatertoua nlhor lntormBtton wblcli tcn•t 110. llo tuno wtlll bocauco lL wnn Mver proper- woulll take 11omo timp tor tho eblet, effect It giveR to tho uneommon. t>omnlonce<l oxpla.tnl~~j~liow tho cnnkllll I:Y advertised. I UGcd to lmow Juct who kept the town drul!i ntoro, to get Tbol'tlfore tlle voU n lA Turoquo Is to ,...,,., ho.rmloa11, boenuoo tbolr tt>otb hod b0\1' much ho wolgllt>d nnd bow long Into bill ehlny boola nnd ueleet the bou· bo Boon In 11 grca.t variety or dllferent ho .. n pullr<l, and ~;lvlng n lot of ml11ln· ho vno, but my brnln got oo Urod flg· quet to cnrry In thll bin· end or hlu makes..

Afternoon Gown. <'hnrmt'uue In n lovely rooo-plnk

color to tbe silk uaed for o. tetchtna gown to We!ll' O.t afternoon brldp gnmea, the druumnta 11nd reccpUO'ruJ teas

The bodice Ill buUt on tlle now drop llhoulder line with 11 fresh wblto mull VE'llt and loose turn~er collar of IID.me In tho nlmcat UDJvei'IID..IJy seen low cut neck The llklrt cronea o.t the Bide. front In 11 graceful drupery nnd at the back and oldeo n tunic opJ)elUII made or embroidered chilton In tbe BBntto abode aa the gown.

A very wide girdle of cluumeuoe Is omam.,nted with 11 olnglo long rold tnssel. a.s la.;.tbe tunic ut the lowest point ntrthr¥-1t~ft ·11ldl!. Ttnr gilt but­tonCl;atld loopo trim Ute vest of mulL

rurruntton nbout tbom. Tho anoko mon urlng up tho· moQl\y wo. tnndo out of apnolllng trumpet. Pretty ~>oon, 'Al- TUllo tb!U ltr p!Mn 11bout tho eyes ltatoncd until ho oonldn't stand It on)' hlm tbnt t'vo bt'ld fin momory tot flg. wa.ys Ready, Ever Fa.lth_ful, NosQ COm• and thickly opetted belov, fino nata Ianser nnll lhon ho utuek blo h11nd Into uroo alnco. pony Numbor Ono.' wlilcb u•mprtsed wtth wld!l lneo borderu, or tho broad New 8tyla Collat. ,tbo t>na:n nnd &ll'!lbb«t ono of thO' rtLt• "\\'oil, na t onld, I wns pretty b11rd tho dcP:lrtment. cnmo doWll tito lltteet, mo11hod ltUI'IIllnn tUllll, wltll allk N d tlora by tho neck. ul). but 1 bnd· .thla llPI.U'lde.r lett Cor •ta.tl nil of thO comp:l.ll)' obouttng ordofll: throo.d!l lnter\'l'ovon to give the ya.sb· 0 oubt you have tnlldo 11 CQ!Ial'

"'- ttAA h·' h • d h .. • d -h I II th t 1t I th - h t .... d th t . . m~t., ~rt~· h ... A.ho"cn. n·-"-- "ftd from fl flnndlcerohlef, but In etul& "'n•nso pu ''"• e , e4711 C!, nn o mono.,. on " on nw n ann o l'Qlllf rumpe... ... e wo eooDlJ u--: c .,.. ..... v •· .. . .......... .... don't know how, herl! ntG·aome mndo tho 1'1\Ulcr oven hill mouth nild puabod lt over mr uncln'a countol'," who \'l'tlrb liUlllng tho cart. qu~nt •a thlu f.11.sblon mny be, It eor- tiQns: ahow a portCXJt p:dr of allngon. TM Ill.\ volntC~d to n lruao yellow dlnQ~ond ·•or oourae, wo want alone to ace the taln•t lends a. dlaUnl!t charm to tbo T · .w111o IIUY took ono look 11.t them and ln bla IICI:ltf, tuld Uto SU'twlt(!r ttlt>d to 'rl&hUng of tho FltUttcs' allow, but tcatur<la lllld nrouson ln tile bebold(lt • nke 11 h!Uldlt~rchlllt ot drnWllwotlt

' .··Won lilY HI• ¢0!111eay,. ''WllY dhl 811.e ~lltarrY ll.e~ .dlr9f084

11Ulbll,'llt\2" . . . • ·~.hi!! l!ald llle w1¥1 11\U't b,e W®14 not pbJCQt:. tt 111le sl\Qul~. · WISJ1.t ~Ptber:. cU 'I!'Qti:e<'' · · '


. H~D B~QAN TP .F~ST~R . ~

~. ().~ox 5(). Qr9~n'fllllil, ¢a.l.-,.":t.et' tall m..r balll bQ:r,.·twp l,lnd a l;lalf yeara pld, ~e1~ !Pld .'Jllt the b.JP.Ilk Qt ltla hen« OD ~e door-c:ai!ID!rt • c;uttl:Uc t,iUUo a l:a&b~ l thOU~W l~ WOidd heal r'ght awar, •o when l. ~~kl!ll Jll.!D; .up 11nd wasl1e4 ~Ia l!ead·l Pllt BO!lW..__ on . lt an4 .}!~ eoon wa11. playl!Jg !ll!alli. Tile ·!· ne;r;t Ptp.ndnr tll«lt~. WI!~ a. acab over . lt. .Jlut ~ter a tow d•Y• lt l:!egtm ttl ~· teater .1\nd o.tlw.r. !I(!~ ~•me .11ear IL · TheY commenced at hls ntl(lk and grad~ly llJlreal! to *l!o· top ot hl.l •" J.tead, Tho orupUou Wilt Ukg 1llcor* l ed »lm).llell ~,t~d ltcbilll ..ud fn1.~4lc!{ him. ,;wtully, anMclaUy at ntabt, Wh'ln hg would scratch and dig bls helld. I had. hard work to keep hlm from soratohlng them. lUa hair tell out where the sores were thickest.

"Tbe porco looked red and m11ttered l had all his hnlr cut cloae to his bead 10 I c.luld get tho Cutlcqra Ointment on well night nnd morning nnd 1 Wllllhed bls helld 'Well with tho CuU· cura Sollp. After • tow 11pJl11Ct&tlona nJ.Si!t AAJJ JIIOrD!Di tbll l~chf.D£ ~toned and no moro now Borea came. In two weeks It was healed nicely and In three weeks be waa cured tmd there I• not even 11 ucar on"hls head." (Signed I Mro. A. D. Wolters, Dec. 17, 1912.

Cutlcnrn. Soap and Ointment aold throughout tho world. SBmJllll or encb troe,wltll32·P· Skin Doo.k . .Addreua post. card "Cntlcuro', Dept. L, Doaton."-Adv.

Sometimes we would rnther m"et c man who would lend uu 11o dollur tb,•n lend uo 11 bund.

Dr. Plerce'o Pellet., amall1 otJiur """'"'1, ~~ eDII)' to tnke lUI cAndy, fel!liiAU anol m vo~ 1 onte aioiii4Cb, hver IUid bowea. IJu n..1 ( cripo. Adv. !

·~~:·~~tt~M;~··! LONG SICKNESS I

Yielda To Lydia E. Pink- ~~ hom'• V cgetahle

Compound. I! Elkhort, Ind.:-"I rnrlrcred for four-


~n yc!lrll from O!l)tU11o lnfln:mmatlon, j 1

,..,...__....,..,.,...~"". f e JII o I o wco.lcne:a. 1

paln and lrregullui !i Uc:~. Tbo ~ in ·~ my aldco WeN In crcn::cd by walking •. or at.andlng on my feet nnd I had cucll o.wtul bearing dowo fccUngn, wne d·· preoscd in opirll~ a.nd became thin llltd palQ with duU,be:n y

"-..;..,..-'"---_. eyca. I had clx do. toro from whom I received only temp> rury ~net I dccldcd to glvo J..ydia ~; Pinkhmn'o VC!gctablo CoJIIpound 11 fn·r trlal and nbo tho Sruw.tJvo W t:cll. I bn'" now tWld tbo mmcdieQ for four montru and cannot EXJll"'ll::: my tlmn1ta for what t.hoy bnvo dono tor mo.

•• It thCliO lines will be of £U1Y benPti t !'.·

yen havo my pcrtnlalon to publi!<h thc:m."- Mrs. SADIE WllJ..LUW, 4:.6 f James Stroot, Elkhart, Imllana. [I

Lydia E.' Pinkham' a Vcrrot.ablo Com 111

pound,madDfrom nntJve roots and berblo. c.cnta.lna DO lll.miUc or hanntul dru(o:!'. and to-day holds tho n!cord of being th• t.j most ~ rtltncdy for ftmnle lito J we know of, and thou!!mdso! VC:anton

1 te:Jtimonlalll 00 flJo In thu Pinklmm 11 laboratory at Iqnn. Maa., acan tD }

provo thtl fact. ! I If yon have the cilgbtest douM .

that Lydla E. Pinkbilm'• V eg-etn,.. ble Compound wiU bell)you.wri~ 1 to L)'!l!aE.Pinkbam Mcillctne£'~ (001i11. dentlal)L~a.sa.,forn.<l• 'II vice. Your letter will bo openf'd.

1 read and answered by n womllll. and hel4 ~ atrlct confidence. . --~-- j

Qed, Md tho •na'ke tnlln would bavo ~nnlto a tlit.mtnl ealeulntlon ot tho pawn• snt: tho joko waa on us. tor 1t wna our a conllnua.t soeeulnUott as to tho be:lu• 0~ 11 :ulntny ombrotdorett ono and eut · ei.U'rllld It olr aU rtaht. onlY bo wna io broker'S valunUon"Cit tt. tbe:l.tor whleb lll'6Yldtld lt.. Tlm:ro ty ot tho thu11 veiled Indios whoso 0

t e two 0PPtl!rlte sides. J..tnll! thal~~~~~~~~~~E~~ 'buar eaUlnlt • tow cbote9 Dllfll(l!J lrtni' "Mcnl\l mal'intc.a to dig up 4otno Wlllltt't ttnylblnr loft to bu:.~n Qlld. tho C)'(!S only enn b\'1 dlscetntd. ' - • :OI"'iertl ~ogether iO ht1Ve' "' lOb• bltn that bo 'Plaliod tbe a!lue blck ln ~tua. Mt1 wo dltppcd. In ~ttr hoto company. imirchllit.J;lroUdly ~Cit. - ntahed ~ttge, '"'~--· -- - ·• -.. tllo caau lnli~d or tbrowtns It lii, litld aptc;co and bo~mtl tbl! proud . poe- Poor Veto wu. Mthlftg but a hoop ot. &Ilk Neck lhd't•. 'I'ho Plnc:e wh~to It Itt Jolll(lli will 'tho tlltUor etruek blll$. bofol'(llttl wutd. je.faQt'i o( lll1 Pf:lti!.lt l htl.d b11o11 wlao tulhllf nnd Meirrltt iroled tclrrowtul. Neck rufta nro ntwnrs In dotnnnd tct give You. t~o uqunre edffi~ t.cJ tome drnw hlo htUu\ out, llo lilu1 a clown to lho f.lualn~ltil t W()ti\4 hl\vo ltnoi\1i "";ttml tlntu he. l<!t.'• COPJXll' thG beh"'"en Mrt~on·~ w"~". ~11,.. ....... t... In In the mlddte at tha hac't of thd MeV.

ll " · " · b .. ~ · .., ... " '"' " .. "... "" "'""' .. '"' 'l'h. o ends thltt "om·-~0-·-..:.. .. 0· .... ·•"' 'tnako-up on. lltl I ooulil'n't to w.i!>Uitli' ih~ w ... aotnC!t"lng wrortc ta m111to :r4b ll J;Mt.O. .. t h(ltoro· t.,.ol" •llt idso.:.. a~i'lng time wbon nt flrtlt wa tnlll.B'"Otlr tt " . ....... u. u.r,

bo wno '"'to or Mt whnn bo uma u.. hlm lieU ·~~> tM.I\¥1. but wa: moto tllnn ''I) lit )'Ou liMo no luauran~o?'~ uke4 tnt. A l!ntUeulhtty .Ptetty tult Ia: mll.da '\Vi .. b(i finished. ct!rtietlll l!'totn. lUi' n. taw sntu.ut(ll1\t\t\'!t and ll~lcl ~:~u~ to~ ou:t li'it\ll<1t ·b!u!k ()\It ot lllm tho tb11 stt'lli.\tllr llrtnt!4lhcUeitl.v. . 1>.t fart(lftis trarcd nt tho tncts to fflve hnndk~bfer tou li.annun t.'tro hll bD~d~ but theffi waa « queC!l' <it• tlri.t 1\'eoll, ·~·lte ha4: M klelt ~mfq~ ' "~ot a. blll~i:\· t<intl' l'tlllllod ~bfti. tho dosfred light llnct· llltt tin ISh to · Jpbt tMs~.t tolelhilt til f~~ .a l!rt~llf(lll ou bta tneo tti4 t ll.ntlif. •hat :-wt 'lfo~ .l?~ln• t>Q 1'1lltot ~'tid 'halt ·cQt~~\lanle>tt u b., l'O$t to co to bod. thn 11~1t. lt: (ciinli\s tn V!lrto\ll wlor- . J't'f• thl•W• tOt> ...,," W•'•t .. · tn1 Qp«;hcnaloill IWt Mt ~- ~t\Wstd~ .. n wu. tueb: Ulttth.tbllt ••nuu IUXi t~t'Jol~nc aoad tnoM~ ouU;t tnllld.>ut. fs il.Ji'!tblll$ ~lla~t_ aluf ~14 .Lo tna~e: .tlren tihh!lds tdr-•rouudt(tl.. " . . M.~rtlf.tt .. 'WhU look:ed. Ut4r th~.t.na~ ole! N~ f\if, :t b•cl)ilm lltuU:od tnl{ Umc)' tn 11bot WtQtu. So.~peUruci u wat11~ <:Ul wbtt"' 'ffilmel the

'"l'Jtm. "oro jlta' two Utile rt:·i't ~w. · wbl.lt t 4ld tllo •;Jillh:i• •~d ii0111 ttclf.• ret a .bundrtd c. wtelC b'Qnt • d.lm[) tnu-- it t•lltont1d. at:. thQ\ •tae' ot dttoou1 Ut. altc!~ trlm the ed,ctt' ~th br 'fl() biCttr ~ f;lln ~tidf. ol the ~k """ ott tM·mn~ ~omm~nct~ to &fit. it\• tot hltu-ucl Utet ~'the ,theliac:~. nnd a~lli•tlil'(ltllfiy i!Ol!'~ ,Uidit~tD tlte.~s: JUt ro~ ta orbl!l l'lmlt · , 'Rttltcl-l4t :tt~P -.. ~cl loQ kl-. . t~eL"' , • n«~aUo., In mo •\Utet). tlllda ~Nbtt b<;y., .th!i:t wlllltHp ll• :~~at~"' "-'

···We li.s't below a few ·oft be many things ·we. carry in stocJ.<';"=cOur pr.ices will: always ayerage Hnv-~

~ ; .. . '~


Iron Roofing: · · · Composition Roofing Barbed Wire Chickeu Netting

· Hog. Ff,m~e · ~ Wagons :Haclts Hay Balers .Mowing Machines Lime Sulphur

Pitch · Dytlamite . Blasting Powder Blasting Caps Fuse · Drill Steel Alfalfa S,•t•d Feterita Seed Cane Seed Millett Se.ed l\tiln Maze Seed

Best <Jrade Flour, Per C\vt. Oranulated Sugar,. •• Sack

Kaffir C;b1·n · Seed Oats. Seed Barley Sheep Dip Linseed Oil Turpentine White Lead Dry Batterit•s, Etc. Cotton Seed Cakl·

... ;) ';

- ./).



These quotations subject to change without notice·-· Prompt attention

given to mail orders.

Welch & Titsworth CAPITAN. NEW MEXICO


\ · Ja.:obo Hn(« o1rtd ~li<~<~ lla'lla .. SD!diera Boys Go Through I 1;.tllrgo~ '\<'re marri!.'d ,, ... tenia\ ! morn1nl{ at'th<' Catholh: churd•. sl';>;DAY "'"' .,oldtcr dav m

I H<>'' J H Oifma, of l.in.-oln pf'r· Carrizozo. Thr~:c traiiHl pa'>· forminl! the t'rr<>m""' Oullr a 'It·<! through from Fori Htlt•y.

, aowd of rclatin:<~ and -friend-. 1\.an-..l ... It> El Pa .. o, '{\:xu ... ca ... h J Wlhar'I'<Cd tht> ,~eremuny. hann~ .tbtmt 1511 men, more lh<IU

.,j Buv and nml•l. 1 hrHe J, 1t,. for thai numb.-r of hur"t'" and mult'<, 1 ... 1le 111 all V·•rt" uf Co1rrizozo. h ... d .trt•.lt·n. <'•J<~IJ.M!{t'. •·t· . .u111 I W. \V. STAHTl\l\N, enough t>Xpl""'\''" to hluw ~h·xt"'' I >tl tbf' map. 'I br tir .. t tr.lln JM'I·

f The Odd fellow<~ danre and <~Ui>- ..... tl through wllh onh a .. ll~ht

pa la,.t Jt'nda\· mghl at tht• stot'• but tht· ta .. t 1""· .trnnng 111 Baij.k llalt wa'l largl'IV atlendt>d afternoon an•lt·H·n•nt.:. •ldr,11 ncd. 'I' and highly enjoyed. 'rbe musac. unloade•l tht•tr lwr•t-- .tn•l mui<'" with ~lr ... Codv at the Ptdno and and lt·d in th•· \H•I~ 1;nrn· Did{ Ptcr.-e ~ith the drum. was \'hdl{t'd wH ,\·a .. t'\;ldt·n't on l'HH cxn~plaonallv fine, and the as hand ·but not 10 t'verv ""e-tl ,. sembled merrT·ma~r'> wert• \'('fJ b••Ts lookt·•l ani! a.;t1·ol a" thnu~.:h

t mtWh pleasefJ with tt. thPV wert· una hojula\· ex.ur'>I(IIJ

: Just recrtved a car of Sef'd · · U:.trley -Wl"kh & Ttt!lworth. Dantilli School Cn pi tan, N. M. l·~acb Tut"'da ,. Oil{ ill- a I 0'1, urn.

111·: , .. ,,,1 dr .• n:.Jii, ,It•'· ·~•·I t.!'"' 1., 1111'•·•' 1':.,, t · 11 • 1 t , , ! ~ 1tt ( H (I ~. · \\ II 1 1 1 1 ~ -. L 1 t 1 II · n 11 \\ t d r t ~. •

d.t\, .lf1111\!. ~l.t)' h1i, 11 tilt· hlt .. h .. , hu~ot .~ud··

h•r i1l1H •t Ia· \ tuh h .• ' !u \'!1 r,·}u· !f ... tn:~ 'till'' ,{t d

h f, r -<11111' lltllt' pa~l ''"·I tho· I'· rl•>i Ill·•'" ,. l.:ol,

'·'''to ht· on\' of th•· l' . ,.f th•· .,,.,,,on I~···• n.d

.llul.a l{t·ner,,l .s•'lll'· .... t"n uf ~-,, \\til l•t' 'IJ.,r::,tl.

Th,· fnli•fWllll! J{ tht• <'•"' • h.1f.1 '•·r

i"armt•r \\'1111hrup •. \ r '1!"1 !'\l·" ll.<ll'l"hH<' r.,rnlt r. l'r"'l" r Slwrn

...,,,, r t t • \ nta r ·

'· (J :-\1 liol

l·:.!w.u•l \",,u (),,.,..n. \ Pt<l lu :\laiJl•l,

Oli"·r Stanhnp<'. ,\ \l.d ... t.

\llol)l.:' hlt1\k,..IJll~!l. lfl Itt\\' \\1\11

\\Ill llli';,(Wolll

z., t. \\',,tllln•, .\ , ou~: jt"l« II.

hu~ "UP • ., 'null'. dlltl 11o' ,, ~·~\

:\lt.ln :O.Iui .. u•. \ lr' !'>lo-..·,1 ;,lllllll~h• .. \ l·,' r \1' l{l•l"" J'lll Ill

m.t n. Tnnv '-J•h.tl{<'111. An I .,.t.th Ball.;t1.t

\. t·ndnr. llu<l f,lflorol, ,\ :\.·w y., l1 FH<'IIItll,

l-l ... trul \ltkl', .\ ''''' ·,.,;.; m.tn. ~hl'rlo,k 11om•.., J:.nn·. \ rlcll•• ll\1',

11ltl I.


HdWlllllf",ln ic.tl!tl•· -.·.,l'' \'an·llu"• ·t. f..,,,., .\•Lclll" \lalwl \\ 1111hrop. Til• :.,·mfr·-. cldUJ.!hlr r. \lh H. T

r.u. ,,, Till~. ll··r IIJ.,,d,·n .aun•. \lr .. J'r.,, i"·r ~llt'll\ \lr .. - \\'1nthrnp. Th·! •••:~t·r· .. "''''· \Jr, .\ \l,l.ur•h !'>\uOin", .\ la•h "1'h ·• r· ·n<l of hn '"' n \Jr, 1 h.,. . I 't•· ru·

Aot I Th.1nk•jt"t• "':! l''' .tl th· ll<~nu··'• .•. t _.\ hu~hortnf) .,ppt·.tr ..... tflq ·L~ut.thtt" 1~ 'urn• ,: ,,u• 1n~o tl.e


.\d 2 E . .-t Hn cr p,. i. 1'1 !'\nv Yorl< I II 1 ,\, J,.,_..t..,.;\. Lit•l t••ut ~,.,,; .. tH wurk .-\. t \ Tlu· I lid :"\•·w li•lll(l<hHc· llomt· A rldlll(hll·r r<'lurth .,r,.J .a \tlltan I• ''l'"·••i. ;Jnol '"

l.rt1tJ!!h! t·• Jll"'-th ,. l··, t\VU ,·lt·\t·r •'et~·· ti\• < ..

~~ t?<~. Jl"" E. li1·tr.. lJtr•·• lr····~ \If<!-.. J"'" W -llr 'il•t<l'\.l'l<~nt~t

It woulcl t.,• wrll '" -.r, uru rJ, .. ,jrilhle r,·, n·.t\t•lfh at \0\lf

ea rlit"•t ""' \I'TI 11 ''"' !\1 an\ I Kkf'tS art· "I rt· ~·I y en I! a v;t•d :O.lrs. Gumm tC('eived a phone Wedne ... dav night at Bank Hall

me<o'>age this morning from An Carn:wzo; .tnr. Friday nagbt al gus to the effect that her falht>r, Cat•itan. All of lht' l.ttt>o;t dan.·<·" .. \.C. Au ... tin. was quite ill. \lr. taught.

1 ~.,ilil-111-t-ll.,ilililil'!lll.,ililiHI!lil-19-t-t Jilil~Golr"""f.f.Gof.tr-f.•tl-s.f.f.&-f.O.tr'-~

and Mrs. (~umm nnd Dean left :'<It< ... .J. I t 01''·· « ...

hnmediatelv in their car. 4-IO·tl. ln.,.lructor. ; c • J H t J ; A washout on tbc railroad in Final Poll Tu Notice i 0 m tn e rc I a 0 e ;

t the 'I'u.:uut.:ara county, laM night.: Ex\rad from the l,nv: ; 1\RS ~ L HOWELl 1\ ! delayed all W<''>l bound tbroug?

1• "k poll tnx of one dollar shall ~ • · ~· ·• gr · 't1

trains. No. 1, due at 2:30 thts be levied upon all able· bodied.; ;

~morning, will not arrive until male persons of the age of 21 '• R 1 R t $ ;

11tlbOUt 3:45 tbi~aflernOO~t ~ISO yeats, or O\'er, residing in tbe 1w · egu ar a es, 1.00 '(I

N?· 3, due at 9:52 this morn mg. district " :t lt Wtll get along about the ~arne Old age is not a aufficient ex· ~ Special 6 O'clock Sunday Ill

thue. tuse for not payihg poll tax, u·n· : · : Judge Edward L. Medler is less a man is totally disabled, ! Dinners, JSC :t

eepceted here today from IJas. beca.ttse of old age. Only ,about • ~ Cruces, having set some rna tters I !\VO·tbirds 0! those wh~ arc sub• m . ... for hearing tomorrow. The in· JeCt to taxation have patti up •. al· ~~< CARRIZOZO "" . N-EW 1\'\EX t. f~rma.tion _ Uted .agains~ Count v : though the clerk of the board !las ~ _ _ . . . • ~· Cle-rk Bartrey was Olle Df the prin·! ~a~e a.n exlcnston of the ttme! ~U~-t-9;J:UU4U·n.f4;)'f·U~-IUUAfE.HSilfl!f"n••.-n••n•'-~

Carrizozo l:at i ng House \\ .,\unngcr

r·''·.~:::c:;-:-!::- --+;-" ~; ;-.t:.:;:}.}:;~. =!.-:-: t r;:::-:·.t~,!,:.... ;.:; ... ~J:~::::...f;,:.:};!~~-,\)-:. ~-.. ._...,~a...~~ lllo;;,~.,,e::_., - •• - "'Lt::.:..:o~.~C:;;:,..:.~,::--1 '-'"~-- .., ..0 ~- =·~k.: ...... ,-~J~l'4 ._.,_.

~ ~

~ · PURE DIWOS :: ~ and all the artidt•" u~utllr fourHI in an :~ t~ up-to-date druJ! shop. Wt· ht·lit•\'t' in lhl· '

fj=l (;nod St•rvice ldt•a and will ~in· you lht• '•

(i:~ hesl wt• know ht\". l'all. .:

~ . . ~ ~~ ROLLAND BROS. ~ ~ Pl~'l/'""', 4r?j ~ ... ~,.,-~,..--,.; ... , .... ,- It~~~..-...~~- "i .. -<:"". -:; ~ ·-.. '~ :~:=~~~·t7'"l~·~~- -:•"~r:"-.:7"''"~:b~t-:•~!.;~ t'i~·~::~~~;;:··-~·t7• ;;- ~-: )-, ::~<~

clpaf mattet'lJ tot t;onsideratiot:l, I hmtt for tli'! payment of tbesam~. i -- - --- . . .. . __ c:. .. _ _ _ ••• _

. but the clerk.'tl-.Uorneyst Prkb· i Th~ r~qummtettt of tho !aw ts Dr. J. H. ('.t~dy is vretJared to thew and have them on tile on the ar~ and tlat!>tr •• ha-re: s~ltted a_l ve~y platn. Ii poll t<pc _ 19 not test your eyes and fit glasses for' date !Jf m~ctinl!~ . An interesting ~ttt of ptohtb~ttot.t1. nr~ _16. noted p!Ud 30 day~ aC~et, t~e tt~t de· the same. Capitan, N. M. 4 24 tf; trteeltng • ts ?nhct.p~ted, a.s thl' elsewh~re. and tbi:!Jt .s~tvu:e oil maud (posttng .10 a consptcuous I bOard qn_tle hlcely wtll outhnc the· ft.J.dgeUedl!!fwitlp~!:$[udea bear- ptuei!J ~onsidered a demand by . The road board ia to tnect here w()f.k for Ute county during the· t'tlg at tbts. titrt<l.. 'l'hi!!- writ law.', whtch was don~ .fn the. Post M'ontla.y, May n. The inntrttc· year. · .

A New York t~eatrical .man with an income of $26,000 a year went to Wall Street with $20.000 and trippled it. His hea.d was turned~- in a few month~> theatres closed-income ceased and Wali Street had fin ished his spare change The ·EXTRAV AOANCE hi"'· family had been used'to soon drove him to the extremity of mortgaging property and &acrificing pet securitie'; Today he is BROKE.

Make OUR bank YOUR bank

Ws paf 4 per cent interest on certificates of d()pDSlt

EXOHANOE SANK. Carrizozo, N. M. te~thed '1-tr.: llat:bot: fttntt S~nta Offic tbe fi.rst Mondav. itt l<"~bt!i• tiorts heretofore is$ned by the, Ca'tld' . . ·dE h '. n~ F'e _yesterday ana. ~ill be 1>ervect 1ty} the clerk may br!ttft sutt 111 botr1l nrc. for all having bill& ..... aee, pu~e att rca • UQX u~n .lud'e Medler whe@: 1ia tlln ni.iUS oftbe distrtet. ag~in§t tb~ roatl !utld td properly abd Bullet Mite: better-~ teache~ her:~. · · · . ThttlJ;you will ti!adily see it 1g JteJnill~ Uta aeeouut, swear to ··· PAI)£N'S

THE CAR~IZOZO N.EWS ~OMIN,d ~ Pla~liaMI hr1 JfrWay •• N HX r WEEK

·care-i.zo2J(), Lincoln C9unty, New Mexic~ z.~_....,..,...,:x .. ;;.,:g; ...... , j, .~,..- ~ ~·-·<··-~"" .. ~,..._-)_, ___ .,. .. ~: ...... , ...... -_ .... - ....... :::, ......... 1,..._ •-"···'··- ~ ·- ...... ---·-

J)It.r•li u ~~P!!d·CIIII!I --~$Itt# i!lq I'~>~i Oftlce at c..,JICII«), ~. u:.,· JJipe ~. l{XJS :. _· . ,, ' _· - .... _·.

To Promise you the Most.·. . . r .• .

·.a.11d A.lwr;tys··tot Fulfill. is·our Creed ' . •. '' ' •'' ' ci V ' • • • .... • : • .. . I ...

·.· . . . . '*' ' .. .j lt . . .-0 UR purpos~ is to cap:y only,tqe ~ost ~~voyote~ tbingsi~. cSt.yl? and fabnc t~l · · · satisfy y.our wants; to sell o'Ur mercbandtse at ~n.ces thatgrve you a goOd profit in value received; to make· ·right any failure to secure. !or you hundred ·per 'Cent. • _$\tisfacti<.m.. · ·• · · ~ · · · · • · · ·

' ..

Our Clothing for Men ~n~; ~ 'J •

. "'J.3oys cannot· b~ .excelled~ ·,either in firm or quality.

We -can

.'(! .

. Out Ladie$' ~n.d, Cl)ildr~n , Suiu~ -Coats, Dresses~ ·Un· · ., · de~wear, ete., are careful-

ly selected, and we have · some extraordinaryvf1lues ·to offer our· customers,. fit any figure,

as- well-as:- the

Stout Man. In Dress Good~-we. have-~ some beautiful patterns, so we will be pleased to

Ju~t received a shipment '

of Arrow Brand and Sig-

nal Shirts; with and with­

out Collars. Buy your

summer supply while yoru

can get a choi~e.

Now is the time to buy

your Spring Underwear.

. show thesespleadid valu~;. also our beautiful line Qf Laces and Embroideries.


See our Ladies' and Chil-dren's Wash Dresses from the cheapest to the best

Waists from Up

75ct I

r COME in an let us sell you a complete outfit of Spring Clothing and save you some,\ l

money and at the same time give you the best values in all lines of merchandise!J W ~ are here to stay and you may demand fair and honest treatment ~ well as lowest prices from us, which we are at all times pleased to give our customers.

- -Stove!\ and l~allJ!:t"S. Builder&' Hardware.

N. B. TAYLOR & SONS Blacksmithing and Hardware

• CA~RIZOZO dr WtliTll OAIC~

Tmwarc. Pamts, Glass, Oils of all kinds.

H.trne'l'l, Ammunition. Elc::.



Clllc:agQ. t'ol.I!'IC:il P~··~• Prdln•nc:• Pr~:wldlns:~. fo~ $)tel!' ll!!lpQt. • .

' C'blell~·":""A.,l\ ot!illlllllce Provldllll tor the .t-~JMlll.dltur~ o.t '(l5,00Q,_npo"_tQr_ • new termfnlll att4 J'ltiltton tol' tho

· rl!.llrQadlf.now ~~~t.ng the ~Atoq &t.attoti her~ P1li!!l~e~ the Ql.W t:Qu_ nell .•. Tile lJl_!l~

· provldel! 1: 41. 1lt'W 11taUon on llle i!\lup.e locaU<>I) Q ~b.e · prell!lllt at&tll)n 11t Aci·

. _ 41.ms 1\.nd 'PI!.nal etreets.. Tile il~w att;. ·7 UoP. .l!l ttg ~:~;~st ll.Jl~l.'o:r;lmatalr $15,0Q.!J1•



PltYh:e II! .t:;yllncfrl~l In F!i!'J'I, With. l$tY!I!r!ll .QomplrtiY'Itntll Arr~ngec( _ • Or• Abo~e Othllt;

Cfilt Fl\FlP C. :rlllRSO.N, .o919rltc1o A.-rl· . . <:Ult\1~ Coli~~). . • _ . . 4 u11w ·''elll~trtcaf c;ool(er'' .111 no?t

ui'Qn. th(} m1~ket. . ~hi~ cooker 14! crl· ~ddcall!l- fot:m. wl~ ~&eY~nrcooklnll (lompartml;ll)tlcl Al.'l'!Ulge~ on!} a.b9ve th~

Uric Acid.

• ·IS Slow · Poison

0.00-. . . .. , ,. ,....... __ ,..,__,__,.,.

, t.~n~l R,eatgred to l;n~ry. · •

111 the loWlli''P~ !If tbe eool(~r l' a, fiE!:xlbJq lJl'lli!!IUre Jllltll ab9ve a

, . -J,Jpsl!l, {)f w!lt!lr; . The <~ul'~nt · , "!:~:~;a;~18l;::;~~~ · • ~ .·. , • • tur.nll~ otl vaJ.JQI11ea the water •s thll r. Nc:arir ·ss,ooo Mr.~~~ .of·Ianci: froiil a

fo011er oil,· wltlldruwnl :,tn Wy!>mftlg were. restor¢d to (ln,b·y bY t\le. i'res!· dent (\l)r•nt February on the reeom· menclati91l' ot Secretary. Lane, ex11.ml·

thm o~ tl!-e la):ld · by'tflQ United ta~et:l ~ologlc~l __ survey having own ·tbnt it ill' non·oll l11 ~haractlli'. . l .· .. - ..


e,328,000 Bushel• on Colorado Farma March 1, Saya Federal Repol't.

All 'rh~t Ill! Riifqul_re_d Ill! to Preaa Sprl11q. ~ea~ tnereaaernmtll "'(ie~ :pressur!l A~c~e!l ~0 Qne l;nd of D!lvl_ce . !8 reacbed;,·t)Jt!f' .autOJllil.ij~llr OJICiltl

·: t~ . ~et Light. · . tl\e ctreult. .. ~bull 11buttlp.g .olr tho el!r· . . . . _ <~t. . rent. since U~t:~ . w•JI!I ot tlte, cooker An lJllproved1 pendant tor efeetrto are Jlil(d!} of !!. Jl!>n.oondueUng nuu"'"'a'

lamp!! tll!lt m!IY be raleed or lowered tbl;l cookbil{ cont{UUI\B-'Ilncter tb.e to any dealred ,degree by 8ill!PlY press. lees prll:lQJple. Wll\lu the coo~lllg log ·a snrln'g attached to one ell4 ot r~ached a cpl:taln- J)olnt condensation the device, IB belnS,_Il;IIIJIUtac~ll~ed~ lillY!! btl!! t:educed tbe JIJ'Illl'"re lllld the cu~­Popular Mechanics. Tbe · pt:lll.dallt Sll rent ts In Ul!e onlf Pll.rl 1>t tM tlmllt a·Isn 11.rrnnged so that aU tbe. ad van· · tblfl gtvea an eco11omtcal ui!e of elee· .



Half Million of T1lklng Dbvlce• -Berlin Haa-210,000.

There were 2,328,000 busllelA or wheat on the rarms of· Colorado on Marth l, according to the government roport tor March an Increase. of 238,· 0110 bushels over a year ago. Oats ehow n decrease rrom •.340,000 bush· els a yc.>.ar ago to 3, 745,000 on the Clrst

- ofthTs month. • • Com showed a decrease, the total

on Marc.>h I IJelng 2,016,000 bushels aa compared to 3,219,000 a yt'ar ago.

Alth'ougb tho Unlted States contains but five per cent. of the population or the globe;;rma-l)!rper-cent, Of nll-t-hA..j..--1

tlllephonell In tbe world and 61> per c:enL of the telephone mllooge.

TUriieys ~oceili bir;t;;;-almout ___ - - · - - HORSE SALE DISTEMPER Barley crop ou Mnrch 1 WllB 812,001»

bullhola as compared with 1,050,000 e, year ago. All the figures oho\v a big Increase as compared to the nverngo for tbe pllBt tlve reare.


Alabama Man M1ke11 Firat Repol"t - Flied Under New Law.

r·~ t Wllt~hlngton.-First · repOS"ts of &

) 4l_D mpalgn '\XPenso In nenatorlal pr1· maries under the new dlrA<:t electlona amendment Wl're made public by tho GCnate.

Ropresentutlve llo.bson of Ahbama 11ent In a detailed account ot expend· ltures aggregating $(),367.34, or wblch 52,174 was spt>nt In traveling and S2,· G18.1!l In new11pflper and other adver­Uslng. Contributlonn to bls rund amounted to ,1,825. or which $600 eamo from the NaUonnl Women's Tempernnco n11lon.

From South Daltota. Senator Craw· ford, who was defentl'd by Rt>prl'scnta. tlve Bnrkt>, reported upl'ndlug S2.0Mi, while Rl'PI'{'fll!ntath·e llurk.,'s lint to­taled $3.328.80.

Senator Clnrll of Arknnsnn rrDortf'd $!160.30, qnd blo opponent, William F. Kirby, $1.63U.u.

Senator Rhh·ely ot Indiana reported be bad npont notblng.

Underwood Flies Expcnocn. • Washlngtc.n.- Reprc.>nentaUvo \Tn·

~rwood, .e2ndldnte ror the Ahbamn

<ttntorlnl nomination, filed ltb enm· p gn contribution and expl'nno statc­cn!'nt, showing PXpPndllures or $3,· •77.'>8, wltb contr:lbutlons Crom prtvato ~ourcos ame>untlng to $2.136.65.



DENVER, COLO. Alcohol and Drug Addictions turd by a cck!llifio course of medication. 'rhe only plac:e in Colorado where the Gtnuine Keeley Remedieurc administered

·wANT E o Mt!ll to ~t-un lx:lrbel trad ... ·. Few 'ltc•••• required. . . strcd>' l;l<)llltiOb tor rom-=• ~10 ~~.::tt~C::· ~[;

MOLt* .. BARBEl\ COLLEGE, a mer, Coro.

In New York· city alone there are 600,000 tBlephone11-more than twice the quota ot London. Berlin hllll but 210,000, and Parle only 92,000. Tho whole or Germany hllB but one-sev· enth the number of telephone stations operatlns In the United Stateo. ln 1912 there were made In tbe whole world 19,000,000,000 telephone calls. to which number the United Btatoo alone contributed 12,229,000,000.

.· ', ' ' - -- - ~"'"

. I .

Adjuatable Pendant.

tltgeo of an Indirect light may be bad from nn ordinary lamp pcndiiJit, to which tho Invention can be 11ttacbed In n few mlnutoo wltbo)lt nny rewiring.


PhotOQI'Jipha Rcgul1rly Tranamltted by Wlro Between Parla and Bel"

Jjn..-Spood In Problem. ·,.r- ·-- i

Photograpbo dre now regularly tmnn­mltt('d by telegraph, and It In quito practicable to oend 11 ('lnemaLograpblc oeril'u ot n bapprn,lng nt noon In Parl11 1

DO tbnt It c;an be ohown In a moving I picture thr.nler In Derlln the MXl morning. Blwl'd In tho tmnomlttlng 1 and rncelvlng Ia now tho grnnt. prob­lem. In n paper lately rend In VIenna. ' Prof. A. Kom ntatcd tbal a photograph ot five by novcn Inches Is trnnomltll'd In about fifteen mlnuteo, but to uhow an occurrence no rast 1111 It tnkoo place would roqulre 1.200 tlm11s thl' pronnnt oendlng mte. Thlo mnkeo vlolon by 1

telegraph a mntter ot many olcc:trlc I'Urrento nl onormouo oxpt>noo. :


NeW Fire Alum Sy•lem •.


Sheds Grateful Glow Over Book or Paper Without Olaagroesblc Ro·

flt~ctlona. on tho Surface.

The comfort and convenience or the dltruoc.>d oyatem or Interior lllumlna· tlon 111 so manlteut to all ·who bavo opponunlty or experiencing IL that tbero In n ntrong demand tor uomc­thlng of thlo rbarncter for tho home, and lhlo hn11 befln nnnwnrnd by n now



I I ,


~ ~

A 1\lastllll!bnMttB lnventor'IJ nuto. r.nnl.lc fire-alarm ay~tom may be at· t!lched to thtJ electric lighting clrcutt In a btiltdlut to allow the llltter to rtng .n belL

stor•gll Sattel')' ca .... Prnlii!llatt Stato -rnllWatB • are

sfo1'11go tnl.ttery cars at llltlll steam locomQUves or gaao-

tDY woman can Gtulf them.

Putnam Fadeless Dye11 do not 11taln !ho kettle_. _A..:,.:.dv.;.;':..· ---­

\Vbotwer heard or an actress sock· lng a divorce without publicity?

Rod CroM Uall IJiuo maket the laundren harpy, muk ... e!othe• whiter than anow. o\ I 11ood grocero. Adv.

When 11 tool bnu ngthlng to suy ho'o uover sutloRed until he sots IL

Dletreaa After Eating. JndlgeoUoo and loteoUnal Forl:non·

tatlon Immediately rellov~ by taking a Booth-overton Dyopopola TablM. Buy a 60c. bottlo nt DruggtstB. Money retundPd It they do not help. or write for frt•o oamplo. Booth-Qvertov. Co., 11 Broadway, New York-Adv.

Jl'o a good plun to put wmrtblng h) fOr ll ·rullly day; 0. JlttJe KUnlllli!U•, for !OIIlrull't•

You ltnow what you orll or buy throurrh tho Jtalu has t~l>out ono t<hn.n"" In, ftftY to ~>Ucn.pe I!Al.E B'l'•\.lll,E UIBTI~MPER. "BJ>OllN'B" Ia your tru" prutt>ctlon, your Olll)' oufesuurd, for u aure lUI you trellt all rour horna with II, you will aoon bo rid of thtJ dl1eaae. 1t ucta "" u aurc pr•ventlvo no mr.t· ter how U•e:r are "uponu<l.'' 50 centa nnd fl n bottle; • and 110 doaen bottles, nt nll soo•l ( .•uccl•ta, hono sooda l}ouaea, or delivered by the mnnufn<'t urero .. IPOH" MI!OIO,lL co .. Chellllatt and B.1c:torlolo;ltta, GOSHEN, IND .. U. LA

O'FALLON suPPLIES Alamo CucdM and OU Enctr.oa. A merton Centrtfural t'ump.a Deep Woll P\tmpa Kow•n~~e Hot Water

Suppl• Srolomo. H•dnllllo Ramo Wall DnlllnR Mach'"""'· Wo!l Cuing •nd I'IP'na. Steel .ond Wuod WtM-mllts. Ccmpleto lrrtrauon Plaata. Stock and ~IPraro T'o.r~a u,.,.. renutno wrourh1 lron Plpe:l..

~b~~tH r•;,~r~l~ k~~~~~.:.tanl~~=~ra,. :~,g:;.::~:.~ k ~:;~:;: ~~tMt:rJ'~~:b ~:~~=: P(lrtab~o Floor Cranos. Cblld'a'iftro f.aun-crutaher Wo c.nr 1he mo~t c.orrJ<leto lhi• ot ...-twnblnc and Huunc Supplloa. E.t~rtr..r•r'e SuppUGD and Equipment tn tho Wost w., un oupplJ from our etudl on a momon1'1 nonce rour o•,.ry demand. Our a'-lpp.toa •r• bKk..ed b7 cur Cuart-'1-toe. wbieb protcctaJOU. Oat our at.IIJOCUO and prtca U:t bcdJtO JOU bu1· • M. J. OTALLON SUPPLY COMPANY, 1G30 15th ST., DENVER, COLO.

A Girl ubould mako th•• rnonl ot h<'r 1 Th A f blrthdll)'ll. The Ume \\Ill cornu wbNI I e rmy ~ 0 t~bc \\OU't ~~a~ __ . \Constioation

lmponont Jo Mothers Ia Crowln• Small•r EnrJ Da,.. Fllea Coat Ua $350,000,000. Exnmlno cnrvtul y ovury bottlo of. CARTER'S LITTLE

Flit>» t•oot tlw l'nltcd Htntl'B $3:i0,· CABTOIUA, n onto and uuro romcdy ror' LIVER PILLS 1 ooo.oou llnnunlly. tntantll nnd chlldren, and aco tbat 'tt reDpon.nible- thearo

l Th•• pru~:t•n)' ot 11 nlngln t>nlr ct fllrn, Dcnro tho A ~~~ 'ootonlygivcrcllc?:

llBOUtulng that th .. y nil lh'"• IC Jlrt.>D!lod · Signature ot ~~ 1

-they penna•

ltoglllb .. r nt tbu end or tho summer. Jn Uoo For Over 3o Yeo.rs. ncmrlycuroCaa-would cx·c·upy u opuce or H,ooo.ooo cd· Children Cry for Flctcher'o Cll!ltorin j~~~~ 0

1 blc fl'l 1 ---- - - them for I Fortunutt•ly tor tht> ovt'nlgt> mun. Bill8ttaru,

I Blrthdaya of Prominent Men. f{'w ur btu 11myc•rt< art• uuuwort•d. ladlr"ll=. 51tk llauath, S&II•• 5khl..

Androw Jnclmon. ut•vontb pi'Ptllden\ ------ --·- SMAU. PILL. SHALL DOSE. S.\1ALL PRJc& ur tho United Staten, \\'118 born fn If ton "'''" lm:~ullful, ~l<'>r, wlntr Genuine mU!It beat Signature

' t'uton county, N C, 1\lur<'h 111, 17GI rl~>thr•. 11.., Ht'<l 1 ·n- llall Diu•· At all 1 nrov<'r ('lrvt•lnnd. our twent)'·OCeond soud 11roc~ra. Adv. I d ~___._./ und twenty fourth prroldc:mt, wllll born /~~t'c;;;?" ~~

·In I~DSClt t'OUIII), N J .. Murch 18. 1837 llor•A mnn PVt•r foul hill \\lit• n bill" \\ llllnm J. llr)·au \\lUI IJorn at Hulem. without kl<'ltlnK" W. N. U., DENVER. NO. 14 1914.

· Ill. March 19, IKGO Nature Never Intended b;'J.:.11~~J ~r~!~t ~ onjoy perlt•l.'t health nnd


I to be Sickly :~~;~~~h~~~'::.~~ - - - perhnpn mol'<' 110--· In vluw ol

tho fnet thnt l~ (g oho who brtn~ Into tho world tho offspring. Ev.cry womnn Cllll bo 11trong nnd bualtby. Don't roCJI(tiJ

youracl! to o doUcnto II! e. It l{OU e:uffer from hoadru:hrs. bneknehPA, nervou~tnOOII.

lq'!ll' splritn, lw of nmbltion, or hnvo lnnt a:l hope of beln~t well npln-lt'o mora thnn nn oven clumco tbnt you will epoodiiy regain your honl Ill If you will try

!!!:: Pierce's Favorite PrescrJptlon (In Tablet or Liquid Form)

Tbl• fnmoue remedy !11 tllo rcault of yenr11 of pntlonl ~tli'C!h by a phyuldnn wbo bna modo J'Omcn'o p«uu!U allmCilts o lifo utudy.

Glooe 11:11 lntroc!uaUcn-m<mo than ~ --umu-~ or wamen In _,. of U>o ha•o t<>otll!<d to lt.l 'II'CZll1crlul mutt&. ~ ""'- 1\"" II !Jooncll•laL Tr7 It"""'· Your d .. lc>r In .,...,.,.,...., will ouppb ""' If ff\r':•~ t/.~A~r.;or• trb1 boL Mdtua

.,.....__,...s-aaPeU&tannlale~U ...... ,---.

. a:~t=t.~~ I lltl~l(!Ctrl! (!41"!1. •l'i _. ............... _..,...__ . For th~ uno- ot aurgeollJI· and den· 8m•tt 't.'ungil"ri Filament.. • ttata tin Oblo matt haiJ 11lvonted an

.. '

filamentll· tor commerclal electric- lamp m<lUntcd· J~n p )l.!f$1lat4• ~te betng madQ' . as ble '(Jraeltet · wlilcb oortefil'lttltes lt.t ten•thottli3ndthil ot U h\YI thrtlUgb 4 fl11\fl't4, ot leU.t!l

att:me1tor. '.IAountcd ln • tube.

·, •·. ~ . .-<.--"'"-:--c••."..,_' ~- -$ ~~;,.,~ ... ~-'f;,._~..:.,.,..~ ~--; ~-=··-,..._..,_·-'-'"-• •- '·~""~' •. ~ '"'":·;~;''"'"::-"-'""-"~·-"'·'---:.. ~J,;;, _., .... ••• :.~ .,.,.., ,,._ •• -~ ·-"""'"~-•u.""'--~· -~~-..,..:: '"'-"'---· ,,._,.,....,_ ·"'~;:~"~·~" "._ . .,. ... t .. ~ • '-"~'-~-- -"-~·''"""''

. ' <• o'CO<.,~,... ,_ --"':':-'"":::'"--"' •"-""-'_..._ .... ..,..,,0/"..je..l;._,...;_l"o "'-',....."--'"""""'' .......... ,-.,'<c.,..__.,._~\~~-~ •+


. . '

The Carrlzo~o


. .

NATIONAL HIGHWAY~-~----·---------

Steel King


~ The Capitan Bar · ~: t . . The pt·oplc u! th11o <'ountr_v are building a National Highway as a lasting monu·

mt•nt to .t !{H'dt man.

Throu~-:h l•·rtllt• tielrl .... thnnng dtit"'• aao'>>~ riven and over mountains, the • f.lll,.,ln lltghway w1ll I'Xtl.'tHI from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

~ .• n Fr .• nd-.co will t.t• jtuned with New York, and the thousand cities and lown" aloll!( tht• war will IJC~ ut•n(•tited.

~ CAPITAN, N. M.· ~ ~ CHOICE L~QUOR.S, BRANDIES & WINES : ~ Billiard and Pool Parlor ~ ~~¥m~¥¥~~~m~~~~~~~~~¥~~m¥~~~

1\notlu·r ='ati•Jrtlll llllfhwav The Te!ephon{' Way- will be-opened to the Pub,-lr. lwlr.rr· th·· l.llh'llln Way I" rt•udy lor travel .

Steel King Wagons made by the Inter­national Harvester Co., of Chicago. Not effected by sun or rain, light run­ning, a guarantee of quality,go~d for any road.

I - - .. . .. ... -·. .. - .. - --. -

' -HuM'PtiREYBROS~""1 ~l Wholesale and Retail f 1 1.,m :--,., w York to Sau ttrann'lnr the big copper wirn of the lkll Sv"'tl.'m

I •I• ntl Ill olll unl.rulwn ltnl' the broad hil{hway of ulfivNSa) Servil-e.

tot he cnllrgy of private cnterpri!le.

T .. 'llt.at ~ptrlt nf ~t·ni<t• tiJat htHl made tht' Hell Sy?~tl.'m one (Jf the largest and

"'"··\ ""lui •. orpor.tllon~ 111 lht• nJUrttry.

1" 1 u11r own te-l• phont•, oiiiJMU} 'a tl'rrttory 1douc tbc sev(•n Mountain Stall.''! 11,, n· arr· ~<~o,uou mtlt·" ul loug tli .. tan~c tuuh wayn opcu for your mt•!lsagt''l

, \ ,~ r \ cl.1 \

The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. •' Th• Corporal/on Diff•rent''

Dealers in

Built for the Mountaina Flour, Hay, Grain, . i Feed Stuff.s, Etc. ~ i ~ Phono 16 Wood and Coal Carrizozo, N: M. ~ ; ~..,.,~'t-:"~"...,.....,..W"J;t"~~~W'l'l"

Cfrcular lllaUt-J c>n R•qu .. t


~------------------'i-------------------------------------------foxwortb·Galbr altb

1 I~ -~- ... "!:' ,.


r1 Ul:' AD11 "GHT R. A. Duran 'l i S1unglc'\, Donn •• Sa10h, !'11ouldtng. ~~ flLri. Ll.l r S~LOQN. Manager

Bullrliou Papt>r, &c. •·

~--••••••••••••••r.•••••••••••••••••••11111 ... 1 ' 4 • • • • • • • Carrizoz;o, New Mexico

1< 1 _ -::::-- • , Sewell'~ l'atot, 1jl .:4 fl

·• -- l andevcr•thinl! intheltnl.' j'. Whiakies, Beer, Winea and \,;.i(lara . .. _!.,\ Clrr" Haney Aak1 for Writ Diuolalioa of PattaeralaJp Ju'!lt received 11 car of Bnrbed 1 ' · p I R Co 1· 1

- . Wlre. Hog l-·once, Chicken Nrt· 1 of Butldtng Mntertal. •;,. oo oom lD nnection {,' . ...,,tttl,, F.- .. \ J'fll 2>~. Th .. wrtl 'l'hc- pnrtiH'r<lhip lu·reto£orc t'll· tinll', etc.-- Weh:b & Tilllworth, iCnrri~uz" N('w Mt>XICt•lfi_ ..,-"'.. ='t.. •' ".m:~~ -~- -·~"1."1...:- "_-;!;i;.·-. ~;.:;!.._:-.,:_·;_:Aj

•·I pruhllnttun ·•L:·•IIl'lt llt'llrld )<~IIIII{ hrtween l~mihn f•'lorc" and Ca(litnn, N. M. I J••·l~· ~ I. \l,•llrr "d' n'kNI I' . (' I f \r lei I Ill ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ug!'nto .nrc a, o ' 111 n, • • - .. $ ----· ·~Q!~~\1!' ~'~~"'-.Cl!-~~~~ ... ~~~~~~ ~~~-~~~~ l"r 111 lhr ·L•I• "11fHt'

1111" ,uurl .uln rourny. ~!'W Mt'llll\ll,l"hcre· PROFB.S.SIONAL CARDS. ~~12f:~~~~~J!:i~ ~

tl11·• mn•n•n.: 1•V t'ounl\ \'ink t.r rh:aul\·ed hT mutual (nnsellt,: 1~ '1111! 11.1 nr 1 ,, ""''"In ,ounl). ur11l 1•: 1111 : 10 l•'lort'~ rt·ttrJOK fwm tbe!SETH 1•'. t:REWS .~ • c • L" 6 ~ lhr • nurl '' l \1., I II lor llu· ft .. llriJI and (•:uacmn (iarcia continu• AT'l'OIINEV AT l."W ! ~ .,. arrtzozo • 1 very .,. ~ ~tH•n•lrnt 1" ''"'" 'auq(' "hv thl' I Ill{ the bmunrs!l All nccount!l . ~Q! "''' ~huu:d nul,,.. ~''Hrt·•l lrD••alnftt the llrm will he t•aid by Will pr~tctke in F'ederal an•l ! Cbaa. A. Stevenr, Proprietor }2(

.. • State Cuurt~ m ~ 1'111· f.,,, l.tn,uln • ounl\' l!r.tnd lt~ugt•nl<l (;nr\lu nnd all accounts OSCURO .· NEW MEXll'OI .--------------~ ~

I ·rv r•lurn•·.t • "'~'"ntml.'nt. rtut· tht' tirm ~~~~ to he paid to Only Auto Garage Best Autos ~~ .. I{AII1,11L.r•f'l'lll1thr rqlllrl ot·l•gugt'tll(l(iarl·ln . E BL NrY I t& ~ Ill! lrl I ··11111.( audrtur ul till' 'ltiltl'. g\111,1() Ft.OIIIl'l, B· . A .• Located ea•t of Po.toffice Careful Drivers J2( l11dl{<' \l•·•lltr •Jilot'>ht''llhe fWIIII J•:t~t.t;stt"l(,\IH.I\ DKNTIST ·~~~ ~

lllfl' Jl·llld lor lloq.prt..rttit•'l ondl Arat ... t,,, N. M.. I Ex~.hnn~~.ff~~~~k·~htlldllll{ ~~ Livery Barns ~ First-Class Teams, "S "1 :\Ln 2 lor the· ht'llTIIIJ.! lllt•lt•r .• \t•rtl 10. 1''14 4·10-4t. • . • , · ~ Main Street ~ .• l'r~'~•m""'" uaf''ltruatwn to. Cnrru:o:o • • • New ~'''''"' ~t; !& Buggies, Hacks ~ ·11'1<'1"'111•' \\Itt lh• r IIIIT\t'\ .. }tuuld. Notice to Bidden I )'.l..t Best Corrals 95'i I 1 ·1 t 11 ,n·, ,. 1,tr1rl1n••: - ! FI~ANI< J. SAGEN Sale and Reliable Traasnnrta·· ~ ...... , ... ,,,"

101 1 ' ,.I NOTll'E i<~ hcrt>by gtven \bat

1: i" .. E IN.SUR NCE ~ r- },

I" .II I the Unn rd of Count v Corn· '"' " ~ El Pam Aoenue lion Anywhere , llani·\ r .. ,,.,., twn 1.0 nt' nil{', • ·, Notary Public: ~- !".sl!

. lml'l'ltonrr,. of Ltncoln County, : , ~ ~ lh<ol undt r thl' '"''(' \()tl .. llllltltlll. "' 'I II . I d I' •• me.'" RJrhlll'lfO n...,. l:&rrtiC...... •. ~ General Trarufer and Ihayaae Busine&$•••.,"""'mpt Se ..... r·ce ~ j,,l'\' a !'Xttn, WI rccel\c 1\ea e a r,.., • ., ~ ,,.11111\· ollh•al .. tnnot h(' .. u>~·: tl ,_I .... d tl -

1 lwl'l. "'" utt 11 to..,.,. opene o CH \RI FS L KFNNFI>Y ·~- ~ l'•·ntlc-•1 "" 10 thr·

1111 '•~' 11 " 11(''"'"1th•' ht d.tV of Junc.l'H4. to fur·j 1 4

•• • ·•' • •B Old and New Buggie•, Wag-. Agent for Continental Oil ~ I'""'"IC'Il~ of the ... n~lllutwn 1t_ 1 · I t(' . . t.AWYKII ~~~ ~ ~ nt'llh t 1r , ourt tOUS{' n arnzozo, : H L.. d u ,. , n___ J ~ ,. pru~ult•d tllolt ,,)untv ntlhtnl"i 'I . I h f ll ! IJo<h~lpOrlon ... tYitl• trtmH. ' ons, acNJJan narn- -J\': "0. 3 rTUUUCls A

. · Nc.>w ;<t'ltl~o. wttt t e 1> owtng: 1 Tho t.aw .. rTt-n as,_ ... "' ~~ y

•hall t)ulrl nfll.:•· until thl'tr "h· 1, J . Cl . ;na;,,,~ay.Uncd"'" Thm·••'"'" or.<l !b""''',...B e&• For Sale Auto Rt!pam ~and Supplit!& ilt·at•twtntrd unit~-.~ rt•· - ururs latrs. twutoJunoY Uowllt.WIIITF.n.Ut.'l.S 1H.X..j~ .. ~

•' "'nr11 • • 1 Ut'<lk, or Stand, for lhe • '

111 ,1\f'<l tor ""'"~"· thl' other. that J d IJ H C<>DY · u go. . ,.,.. • t , s· .:I 7i • s . lt , ~~

.tO lll\'!'IIII.C•ltton In "Ullpf'Od tllll !">WtYd 00ice ('hair for tbe 0 ~ .J ourrs s rae rtps a pecra Y• ){!]! unlr he had II tbl' tOntlnuaO\t' " 1 Judge. I Pltvskian & Surgeon Call or u•e tl.e Phone. No. 32 . Chauffeur'• Phone, N()~ 10 ~ the <lllllll' 111111 tht.! ret)Uellt of the 12 B Til ~

dd•·ndant Stn~e the.> ,ontlnu· ;: ;.~~~~;::~:r~~e:t:,~ni~cl~:s~ 'ICAt•ITAN • • • NIH\ Mlixll:o!~~~~~~~!G!I!;]i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a 11• t· wu not at the re•JUe .. t of ·-·-------~-~--- ·-

I Table, 4ft. x 30 inches. GvonGE' B BA. RB"'lJ ··--·~- · thr dt'frudaot he matntn10a t 1at ...,. "" '" · c.' j lud•r•• ttlt·dlt'r '" wi\bo\lt hnisdtc•

211 Benches,

9ft. long. c !•••••••••••••••••••••••••t ,. 1 Htddcrs ate rc<)Uested to sub• ATTOtdUiV AND ot·ssJtLt.ofi·.\T·

• mit bids on variouu styles of LAW

Nolin foz Pebll~~~~.. manufacture nnd mu.tctlal. Carrizozo • •t::~'m f '' .ottPAttr»~Nl'M' Tit£ lttnmou A ccrtUlecl check in the sum o - 0

-· .. ~-~- ••

' 11 L..Hw ovrmttatltllllw•II,N~• uomo. to'ifty l>ollnrG ($50.00_ )_ mu11t ac--, Dns. P ___ artsuv &:. SwnARtNmN . A!ardll:.'l. lOU. l ·

lhoUcoio b•r•hr ulton thtAd~~~~~~·dhUlllt>llt GOtnpauy CnC'b llltt every bid. . , . . .. . . . . ,, ... ,,.,,, Au uuu .... -. oflllul t•autdo. N u • The Board re!letves tb~ right S~clallsti!' Eye\. tt~r. ~osc aud .... "' ""No• l!'.I,IUU,tno.l!elltl.l:l.l:lofi•IU!ltll:\, to a·····"pl or .... _: .... t ..... .., "~•td. 1'it<Jat, ntt• l•tthng Glasses h•t Mil~. 1\ou 3 Tw1> 1.;t.1U.Ill:o U,;e,N U l'. "'"" ,...,,..,.. ..... ., " Uottdloll ...... ll!«d nutlcocf lptfil\\loo •• @lUI MELVlN ll'RANKS. tlllll' ,t~)'tnl N.atlctlfil tJ&qtr.noswtu.r .. N.U. Thr•• , • .,., t•roo~. ,., .,.,Attth blah1;1 •••tno l~>llll ,.ll .:tt1 ... _ "ti :n0 .. rd Cfiunl .,, ... _ ..... "!". ---------•~>•m• tltiulllod llotuto liet1ltlol' ot tl(i(ie;l'fflt, "- ... "" ~ " ..._ ., tl. a ..._,om""' •• ncaQU.a 11 • Mllllt '· . Commi.!U!lQnf.tts. L·it~fi w.,;W~STAttr~AN & n YRON · ' ":.'talm.alo•=•• ... >tlmo-~ tt)ln Couuty. N• M. ....v.t•tJ~> .. ifrtlu!lr-.l!i>t · .··· . . • , . . ... . ···(

t•tmWIIIo. Aui<UIItl lll\rtlil~ •• llltr.><:f ll'l!- C!lrti~oru>~ N. M. . ... ~e ........ ~ selected Hams 8aC4n . oa~ Iii frl,,lti\UIII 'l'n~ ~!\ l'attillli), )I An •t tl 1n14 .t•i"' .It_ ' .~ ....... . . . . . . . . . ,· . . . »•k~· . ., ' M , .ht&tltal:lllublo, ot ~W'I!liL_._· ••. ~""'. . . . . ,otJ. I" fl.· __ · >. ..,,._,'. , .. .· . , """'· ·(1. SQ.oi\~. t• '""'. \blti;o o.H!a•t~. N.al .. 0\ll'. · ___ flu~.-$.. . . ~--lttiti_ i ·tl. flll.tl lf" __ ''" ·"'.tl~_ .... _. ••1 · T.\. 'th.IIAtl~'" -"-c ~'""''"•'"""""""" ·*'""""""'_""._._"""""" · · · · ' a..-lat to. lOAA\ ~- ~~~r . pi= ~~I' 11' 1'llb.·HlluHab: "!If 1 .. ~ •• "'E:!.!.~ · Oue, trlve and 'tttt it\(.ft. 'l'rtteta . - · ~ ' .'" ... -_"""'' · · . . - :c:f' t<H•Iii~:>U~~~ ~•o jlo,~ · "'·.·. . .. • • '· · •

{?OR SAL& ·25 hull tun "f Land wltb Sh!!ll()\t Wttet' aaoR(ig SPJ.i!NCe Beef, t>c>rk and IAmb 1 We S~ll {' .• ~~:. "' .,-ohtt R. Flour. b!Moi Uettford Unll• t<~mlUif~ 11fo n•ar ll!lttiatn~o. N. M. Pd!:Cl$J A'tTOJ(Mitv·A~L&w "''' •• .Mttt u. •1111\'ilt ,~rfe<!Uc~t~ ·m. tj~f ;a· •• ... 1111 •. lllililiiiJillliiiiilillilliiil~( 1. ll'lliii!'!il .. ••••••••••-= lflt' •tt. Wtteh & Titawottltt low; termt cii.U1·--Stutltmu.u .& . . · . · . . . . . -..Jl't•:,.•&~~.. .. . ......•.. 1 . :; · C!lJitJ.~,..N:- w. · ,.r 4f )}tt?•· 4~4\l Cattilot(l ! N~w Muieo Clrri~oxo Meat M1uket.J ....


New Mexko · The Carrizozo Trading Co. ) '·· .. -~ .

1 f>



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