19, February, 2010 Sung Sook Kim( ) Paichai University ( ) APEC-Tsukuba International conference...


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19, February, 2010 Sung Sook Kim( ) Paichai University ( ) APEC-Tsukuba International conference APEC-Tsukuba International conference Slide 2 Slide 3 How do curriculum, lesson and assessments relate? How can we improve the relations? Slide 4 Ranks comparisons Overall vs favourites in 2003 (PISA) Ranks comparisons Overall vs favourites in 2003 (PISA) Rank on all items Rank on own most appropriate items Rank on favourites higher than overall rank Rank on favourites lower than overall rank Korea 3 rd overall 9 th on favourites Slide 5 To understand the basic mathematical concepts, principles and their relationship through observing everyday phenomena from a mathematical perspective. To observe, analyze, organize, think and solve diverse problems in everyday situations by applying mathematical knowledge and functions. The Goals of Mathematics education in the 7 th National Curriculum Slide 6 In December, 2009, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in Korea announced some changes in the 7 th National Curriculum. New assessment guidelines were included Slide 7 Education that builds students sound character and releases their creativity Creativity and character building Key Policy Tasks for 2010 Slide 8 Increase subject instruction related to creativity and sound character building Introduce creative experience activities Improve student evaluation Slide 9 The focus of education will be on helping students self-identify their potential and release creativity rather than simply delivering knowledge and information. Slide 10 For primary and secondary students, MEST will reduce the number of subject matters and instead increase contents related to character building and creativity in the core subjects such as Math. Slide 11 As part of the regular school curriculum, creative hands-on experience activities will be provided three hours per week for primary and middle school students and four hours per week for high school students. Slide 12 what to assess Slide 13 Teacher will assess the creativity development of students. School records will include such students various experience-based extra-curricular activities which may later be utilized as information for university admission. Slide 14 whom to assess Slide 15 MEST will expand the teacher evaluation system to all schools nationwide in March 2010 Offer customized training programs for teachers upon evaluation results. The teacher training programs of universities of education will be evaluated, results of which will be tied to administrative and financial compensation. Slide 16 The Preference for Teaching Career is Very High The Social Recognition The Job Security The Economic Benefits Slide 17 Teachers Employment Test Preliminary Test Preliminary Test Content Percentage of items Item type Relevant knowledge Education in general30% Multiple choice items General pedagogical knowledge Mathematics (including Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, etc.) 50% Multiple choice items Subject matter knowledge Mathematical Education (Theory of Mathematics Education) 20% Multiple choice items Pedagogical content knowledge Slide 18 Second Test Essay test Slide 19 Third Test teaching practice Slide 20 NAEA is a nationwide test that is implemented to evaluate elementary and secondary school students' achievements Slide 21 NAEA serves as a regular indicator of performance of the educational system. Slide 22 The ministry will regularly analyze results of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement(NAEA), so as to better understand which factors impact academic ability and assist school efforts to raise student performance levels. Slide 23 For schools that show yearly improvement of academic performance, the ministry will provide financial support and grant increased principal rights to operate school. Slide 24 For students that lack basic academic competency as revealed in the NAEA, schools are to provide accurate diagnosis tools, level-differentiated supplementary programs and devices to measure their degree of improvement. Slide 25 In 1998, the Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation (KICE) established a fundamental plan for the NAEA. Slide 26 In 1999, KICE had chosen the NAEA as its major task. It planned to develop test items for Social Studies and Mathematics. Slide 27 In 2001, the NAEA was administered to 1% of the population of the sixth, ninth, 10th and 11 th grades in five subjects such as Korean, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science and English Slide 28 Subjects and the scope of the NAEA 2003 Slide 29 Slide 30 Analysis of NAEA 2008 Slide 31 Middle School(grade 9) Slide 32 High school(grade 10) Slide 33 Gender difference ? Slide 34 Elementary school(Grade 6) Slide 35 Middle school(grade 9) Slide 36 Slide 37 Area difference ? Slide 38 Elementary school(Grade 6) Slide 39 Middle school(grade 9) Slide 40 High school(grade 10) Slide 41 The school, teacher, and student variables were obtained from three types of questionnaires: school-administrator Teacher student. Background variables Slide 42 the scores of private schools were higher in all the five subjects compared to public schools Slide 43 High schools which emphasized on college entrance and development of creativity had the highest test performance. Slide 44 When school administrators perceived their teachers having the following attitude Slide 45 enthusiasm for teaching good understanding of students high expectations for the students good relationship with other teachers students performed well in all subjects Slide 46 The more time students spend on communicating with their parents, and the longer hours students spent on self-study and supplementary lessons after school, the higher their achievement score. Slide 47 the higher the students self-regulated learning, the higher their achievement. Slide 48 The College Scholastic Ability Test Slide 49 The third Thursday of November every year Test period Slide 50 Slide 51 Mathematics A : 121,828 (23%) Mathematics B : 397,772 (77%) Total : 519,600 Number of students Slide 52 Slide 53 Slide 54 Electives of Math A type Slide 55 Number of Items and Testing Time Slide 56 Maximum Raw Score :100 Standard score for Mathematics mean of 100 standard deviation of 20 standard score ranges from 0 to 200. Slide 57 The standard score is Where: z=(x- )/ x is a raw score to be standardized. is the mean of the population. is the standard of the population. The quantity z represents the distance between the raw score and the population mean in units of the standard deviation. z is negative when the raw score is below the mean, positive when above Slide 58 Slide 59 Slide 60 Gender difference ? Slide 61 There is a substantial gender difference in the College Scholastic Ability Test in Korea. Especially, mathematics is the area that students have shown the large gender gap compared to other subject. Female students lack mathematical achievement compared to male students in Korea. Slide 62 Gender difference Slide 63 Slide 64 Slide 65 Slide 66 Slide 67 Slide 68 Slide 69 Slide 70 Slide 71 Slide 72 Slide 73 problem 26 through 30 are for students who chose Calculus as their elective Slide 74 Slide 75 Slide 76 Slide 77 Slide 78 problem 26 through 30 are for students who chose Probability and Statistics as their elective Slide 79 Slide 80 Slide 81 Slide 82 problem 26 through 30 are for students who chose Discrete mathematics as their elective Slide 83 Slide 84 Slide 85 Slide 86 Slide 87 Concluding remarks Slide 88 How do CSAT, teaching & learning and assessments relate? Slide 89 Slide 90 Thank you very much for your attention!. Slide 91 See you again at ICMI-12
