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Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011Part 2: students

business studies


creative arts and design*


Data provided and analysed by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Written by Emily Blandford, Chris Brill, Stephanie Neave and Anna Roberts Allison.

Designed by Emily Blandford.

*The statistic on the cover shows the difference between students declaring a disability in different subjects. 14.4% of students studying creative arts and design declared a disability, compared with 4.5% of students on business and administration studies courses (figure 3.10).

© Equality Challenge Unit December 2011

Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Part 2: studentsContents

Introduction iHow to use this report iOnline resources iThinking beyond current monitoring information ii

Students: key facts and figures iii

Definitions and notes v

1 Gender 1Key facts and figures 1Profile over time 5Subjects 6Continuation rates 12Degree attainment 13Leavers 16

2 Ethnicity 19Key facts and figures 19Profile over time 24Subjects 26Continuation rates 36Degree attainment 38Leavers 44

3 Disability 47Key facts and figures 47Specific impairments 52Profile over time 54Subjects 56Continuation rates 60Degree attainment 61Leavers 64

4 Age 69Key facts and figures 69Profile over time 74Subjects 75Continuation rates 78Degree attainment 79Leavers 82

5 Multiple identities 85Key facts and figures 85Gender and ethnicity 86Gender and disability 88Gender and age 90Ethnicity and disability 92Ethnicity and age 94Age and disability 96Degree attainment 98Mission groups 104

Index of tables 106

iPart 2: students


Equality in higher education: statistical report (part 2: students) presents an equality-focused analysis of student data that higher education institutions provided to HESA* for the 2009/10 academic year, plus a year-on-year comparison showing the progress of equality across the sector since 2003/04.

New legal requirements across England, Scotland and Wales mean that HEIs need to set equality objectives or outcomes. The figures in this report, alongside information gathered at a local level, will provide an evidence base that will inform these objectives. Covering England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the report also provides a useful benchmark for HEIs to compare their local statistics.

This is ECU’s most detailed statistical report so far. It includes data on disabled students’ allowance, continuation rates, degree attainment and provides an overview of national variations. For the first time the report looks at the interplay of multiple identities (for example, female black students or disabled male students), with a specific focus on differences in degree attainment.

This is the second part of 2011’s statistical report. The first part focuses on the equality make-up of higher education staff, Equality in higher education: statistical report (part 1: staff ).

* Higher Education Statistics Agency

How to use this report The report is split into five sections:

= gender

= ethnicity

= disability

= age

= multiple identities

Each section is colour-coded for easy navigation and highlights key information alongside illustrative tables and charts.

A list of definitions and notes is provided to clarify some of the terms used.

Online resources To complement this report, HESA has developed a set of specific equality reports in their online data management tool for institutions, heidi.

heidi equality will allow users to compare their institutional figures with the national figures provided in the 2011 statistical

ii Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011


There are several sources of equality information that will supplement and give context to the monitoring information that institutions supply to HESA. Institutions can also collect information through student surveys, academic feedback exercises and engagement activities, among other methods. This local information, benchmarked against the national statistics provided in this report, will provide a fuller picture of equality across the institution.

A number of ECU’s publications explore the collection of additional information in further detail:

= ECU (2011) Effective equality surveyswww.ecu.ac.uk/publications/effective-equality-surveys

= ECU (2010) Religion and belief in HE: researching the experiences of staff and students www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/religion-and-belief-staff-and-students-in-he

= ECU (2010) Advancing LGB equality: improving the experience of lesbian, gay and bisexual staff and students in higher educationwww.ecu.ac.uk/publications/advancing-lgb-equality

= ECU (2010) Trans staff and students in higher education: revised 2010 www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/trans-staff-and-students-in-he-revised

= ECU (2010) Student pregnancy and maternity: implications for higher education institutions www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/student-pregnancy-and-maternity

HESA information on students currently only covers age, disability, ethnicity and gender. It has been proposed to extend the number of equality characteristics covered in the future, allowing institutions to produce a more detailed analysis of their student body.

Thinking beyond current monitoring information

report. The system also allows users to further manipulate the data, for example to compare their equality performance across geographical areas or mission groups.

The relevant resources are highlighted throughout the report.

Further information on heidi and training materials: www.heidi.ac.uk

iiiPart 2: students

Students: key facts and figures

1 Gender = More female first year students studied part-time than men across all degree levels (figure 1.5).

= Despite an increase in the proportion of male students over the past four years, in 2009/10 there was still a gap of 13.3% between female and male students’ representation (figure 1.6).

= Assumed unemployment rates were higher for male leavers (9.1%) than for female leavers (6.1%) (figure 1.18).

2 Ethnicity = Over the past seven years, the proportion of UK-domicile BME students has increased from 14.9% in 2003/04 to 18.1% in 2009/10 (figure 2.6).

= Over the past seven years, the percentage of UK-domicile leavers achieving a first class or upper second class honours degree has steadily increased for most ethnic groups (figure 2.19).

= For UK-domicile qualifiers, the difference between the proportion of white qualifiers who obtained a first class or upper second class honours and that of BME qualifiers (the attainment gap) increased from 17.2% in 2003/04 to a peak of 18.8% in 2005/06 and is now at 18.6% in 2009/10 (figure 2.19).

= For UK-domicile leavers, BME leavers (12.6%), particularly Chinese (14.7%) and black (14.3%) leavers, were more likely to be assumed to be unemployed than white leavers (6.2%) (figure 2.24).

3 Disability = 55.0% of first degree undergraduate students who declared a disability stated that they had a specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia) (figure 3.5).

= The proportion of students declaring a disability increased from 5.5% in 2003/04 to 7.6% in 2009/10 (figure 3.7).

= 2009/10 saw the highest percentage of first year students declaring a disability at 6.5% (figure 3.7).

= 64.5% of qualifiers with mental health difficulties obtained a first class or upper second class honours degree, compared with 51.6% of qualifiers with autistic spectrum disorder (figure 3.15).

iv Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age = Over the past seven years, the proportion of students aged 21 and under on entry has grown from 45.4% in 2003/04 to 48.2% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

= In contrast, the proportion aged 36 and over has decreased steadily from 21.3% 2003/04 to 18.4% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

= 18.2% of qualifiers aged 36 and over achieved a first class honours degree (figure 4.12).

= Leavers aged 26 to 35 had the highest proportion (55.2%) of leavers in full-time paid graduate employment. (figure 4.16)

= A quarter of leavers aged 21 and under were in full-time graduate occupations (figure 4.16).

5 Multiple identities = Among UK-domicile BME students, there were more black female (6.0%) than black male (5.7%) students. For all other BME groups, there were more men than women (figure 5.1).

= 51.1% of the male population were aged 21 and under compared with 45.9% of female students. However, 20.9% of female students were aged 36 and over compared with 15.3% of male students (figure 5.7)

= 9.2% of white students declared a disability compared with 3.6% of Chinese students (figure 5.10)

= 67.6% of Asian students and 62.9% of Chinese students were aged 21 and under compared with 38.6% of black students. 26.1% of black students were aged 36 and over, compared with 8.6% of Chinese and 7.3% of Asian students (figure 5.13).

= The ethnicity attainment gap ranges from 9.3% for qualifiers aged 21 and under to 29.8% for those aged 36 and over (figure 5.26)

Students: key facts and figures

vPart 2: students

Definitions and notes

The total number of students studying at institutions in the UK has been gradually increasing over the past seven years from 2,200,175 in 2003/04 to 2,493,415 in 2009/10.

Due to a coding error, one institution has been excluded from analysis of class of first degree in 2009/10 and one institution has been excluded from analysis of disability and disabled students allowance data in 2009/10.

All counts of students have been rounded to the nearest five in accordance with HESA policy in order to protect the confidentiality of individuals. All percentages based on 52 or fewer students or averages based on seven or fewer students have been suppressed to protect against over-interpretation of small numbers.

Percentages are based on those students for whom the data in question are known.

Age Student age is calculated at the commencement date of their studies. Qualifiers’ age is calculated at 31 July 2010. In 2009/10, the proportion of students whose age on entry was unknown was relatively small (0.1%). These have been excluded from the analysis.

This report uses the following age categories:

= 21 and under

= 22 to 25

= 26 to 35

= 36 and over

Attainment gap The attainment gap measures the difference between the proportion of first degree undergraduate qualifiers within two groups who obtain a first class or upper second class honours degree.

This report contains information on the attainment gaps between white and BME students, male and female students, and between students with a declared disability and those not known to be disabled.

The analysis presented here is based on a small selection of the large amount of data available from HESA.

vi Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Definitions and notes

Continuation status Full-time first degree undergraduate entrants who are UK domiciles are tracked from one academic year into the next. Students are then categorised into one of three possible states:

= continue or qualify – gained a first degree or other undergraduate qualification or continued their studies at the same institution

= transfer to another HEI – no qualification obtained at their original institution in 2008/09, but have an active record at a different HEI in 2009/10

= no longer found in HE – no qualification obtained in 2008/09 and no active record found in 2009/10

Disability ECU promotes the social model of disability, which views environmental, physical, structural and attitudinal barriers to be disadvantaging – or disabling – for people with impairments.

The HESA disability categories indicate the impairment that a student has based on their own self-assessment. Students can choose not to disclose this information.

The qualification class that the student obtained.

Some qualifications, such as medical and general degrees, are not subject to classification. These, alongside qualifications considered as passed by a student too ill to finish the appropriate material, have been included within the unclassified category.

Third class honours, fourth class honours and the pass category have been aggregated. Lower second and undivided second class honours have been aggregated.


BME Black and minority ethnic

The attainment gap has been calculated as, for example:

= percentage of male qualifiers obtaining 1st/2:1 – percentage of female qualifiers obtaining 1st/2:1

viiPart 2: students

Definitions and notes

Ethnicity within the HESA student record is based on the 2001 census classification system. For the purposes of this report, the census categories have been aggregated into six groups:

= white

= black

= Asian (includes Asian or Asian British Indian, Asian or Asian British Pakistani and Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi)

= Chinese

= other Asian

= other (includes mixed ethnicity and other ethnic backgrounds)

For some analyses the non-white groups have been further aggregated into a single black and minority ethnic (BME) group.

It is only compulsory to collect ethnicity data for UK-domicile students (although students can choose not to disclose) and therefore analysis of student ethnicity is restricted to UK domiciles.

First year student Students who commenced their programme within the reporting period. In some cases the student’s first year of study may be the second or subsequent year of a programme.

DLHE Destination of leavers from higher education (see Leavers)


Disabled students’ allowance This identifies whether a student with a disability receives disabled students’ allowance (DSA) or not. The DSA is a supplementary allowance available to UK-domicile students who incur additional expenditure because of a disability.

The allowance can cover costs for:

= specialist equipment required for studying

= non-medical helpers (eg note-takers)

= extra travel costs paid by a student because of a disability

= other costs

viii Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Definitions and notes

Leavers The destination of leavers from higher education (DLHE) survey conducted by HESA collects information on what UK-domicile leavers from higher education programmes are doing six months after qualifying from their higher education course (employed, engaged in further study and so on). DLHE data is based on responses from 379,865 qualifiers.

Destinations are:

= full-time paid work only (including self-employed)

– graduate full-time paid work only (including self-employed)

– non-graduate full-time paid work only (including self-employed)

– unknown full-time paid work only (including self-employed)

HESA records whether a person’s sex is male, female or indeterminate. Indeterminate refers to intersex people who can have a combination of male and female anatomy and, as a result, their biological sex cannot easily be classified as either male or female.

The numbers of known intersex people in the higher education sector are very small, so they have been excluded from some parts of the following analysis as any statistics drawn from these small numbers would not give accurate information about the proportion of intersex people in the sector.

Some intersex people may find the indeterminate category used by HESA offensive. HESA uses this category to be consistent with the managing information across partnerships (MIAP) common data definitions coding frame. For data return purposes, institutions are able to ask staff about their gender using the intersex terminology and return any positive responses to HESA using the MIAP coding and terminology.


Full-time student Students normally required to attend an institution for periods amounting to at least 24 weeks within the year of study, on sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution. During that time, students are normally expected to undertake periods of study, tuition or work experience that amount to an average of at least 21 hours per week.

ixPart 2: students

Definitions and notes

Part-time student Students recorded as studying part-time, or studying full-time on courses lasting less than 24 weeks, on block release, or studying during the evenings only.

Location of institution The allocation of an institution to a geographical region relates only to the administrative centre of that institution.

There may be students registered at institutions who are studying in regions other than that of the administrative centre of the institution.

The Open University is counted as a wholly English institution. Its administrative centre is located in England although the Open University teaches throughout the UK.

Multiple identities The HESA student record currently identifies students by age, disability, ethnicity and gender.

All people have a combination of these identities which lead to different experiences.

For example, a non-disabled woman may have a dfferent experience to a disabled woman.

= part-time paid work only

= voluntary or unpaid work only

= work and further study

= further study only

= assumed to be unemployed

= not available for employment

= other

Throughout the analysis on leavers, the term full-time paid work has been used to mean full-time paid work only (including self-employed).

Postgraduate students Students on courses leading to higher degrees, diplomas and certificates.

x Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Definitions and notes

Subjects (SET) In this report, science, engineering and technology (SET) includes:

= agriculture and related subjects

= architecture, building and planning

= biological sciences

= computer science

= engineering and technology

= mathematical sciences

= medicine and dentistry

= physical sciences

= subjects allied to medicine

= veterinary science

Qualifiers Qualifiers refers to UK-domicile first degree undergraduate students.

Subjects (non-SET) Subjects classified as non-SET in this report are:

= business and administrative studies

= combined

= creative arts and design

= education

= historical and philosophical studies

= languages

= law

= mass communications and documentation

= social studies

These subject names have sometimes been abbreviated within the report for reasons of space.

xiPart 2: students

Definitions and notes

UK-domicile Prior to entry into higher education students whose normal residence was the UK including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

Undergraduate students Students participating in undergraduate programmes of study aiming for qualifications of first degree, foundation degree or a range of higher education diplomas and certificates (levels 4–6 of the national qualifications framework). In the majority of the analysis, undergraduates have been disaggregated into first degree undergraduates and other undergraduate students.

Key facts and figures

= More female first year students studied part-time than men across all degree levels (figure 1.5).

= Despite an increase in the proportion of male students over the past four years, in 2009/10 there was still a gap of 13.3% between female and male students’ representation (figure 1.6).

= Assumed unemployment rates were higher for male leavers (9.1%) than for female leavers (6.1%) (figure 1.18).

1 Gender

2 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

heidi reportsA.1a Undergraduate students by level, mode and gender 2009/10

A.1b Postgraduate students by level, mode and gender 2009/10

1 Gender

In the academic year 2009/10, women made up 56.6% of the student population. Female students were in the majority across all four countries (figure 1.1).

1.1 All students by country and gender

1.2 All students by country and gender (graph)

Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No.

All studentsEngland 1188110 56.7 905520 43.3 2093635Wales 68455 53.5 59430 46.5 127885Scotland 125480 56.8 95430 43.2 220910Northern Ireland 30140 59.1 20850 40.9 50990UK 1412185 56.6 1081225 43.4 2493415First yearsEngland 576415 57.8 420040 42.2 996460Wales 34830 52.8 31145 47.2 65975Scotland 56790 56.7 43310 43.3 100100Northern Ireland 13545 59.8 9115 40.2 22655UK 681575 57.5 503610 42.5 1185190


WalesEnglandScotlandNorthern Ireland


3Part 2: students

Women were in the majority across all degree levels and modes with the exception of full-time postgraduates, where 50.4% were male (figure 1.3).

The proportion of female students was highest among other undergraduates (64.7%) (figure 1.3).

1.3 All students by degree level, mode of study and gender

Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No.

First degree undergraduateAll 782940 55.1 638545 44.9 1421490Full-time 657835 54.4 550785 45.6 1208625Part-time 125105 58.8 87760 41.2 212865Other undergraduateAll 318925 64.7 174295 35.3 493225Full-time 79290 63.3 45985 36.7 125275Part-time 239635 65.1 128310 34.9 367945PostgraduateAll 310320 53.6 268380 46.4 578705Full-time 146980 49.3 151275 50.7 298255Part-time 163340 58.2 117105 41.8 280450TotalAll 1412185 56.6 1081225 43.4 2493415Full-time 884105 54.2 748050 45.8 1632155Part-time 528080 61.3 333175 38.7 861260

1.4 All students by degree level, mode of study and gender (graph)


Full-time postgraduateAll postgraduateAll full-time studentsFull-time �rst degree UGAll �rst degree UGAll studentsPart-time postgraduatePart-time �rst degree UGAll part-time studentsFull-time other UGAll other UGPart-time other UG


UG: undergraduate

4 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender

1.5 First year students by degree level, mode of study and gender

Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No.

First degree undergraduateAll 283640 54.7 235205 45.3 518850Full-time 239620 53.6 207040 46.4 446660Part-time 44020 61.0 28165 39.0 72190Other undergraduateAll 213990 64.3 118695 35.7 332685Full-time 40950 58.6 28870 41.4 69820Part-time 173040 65.8 89825 34.2 262865PostgraduateAll 183950 55.1 149710 44.9 333660Full-time 101870 50.7 99045 49.3 200915Part-time 82080 61.8 50665 38.2 132745TotalAll 681575 57.5 503610 42.5 1185190Full-time 382440 53.3 334955 46.7 717395Part-time 299140 63.9 168655 36.1 467795

More female first year students studied part-time than men across all degree levels (figure 1.5).

5Part 2: students

Profile over time

Profile over time

Over the past seven years, there have consistently been more female students than male students in higher education in the UK (figure 1.6).

Despite an increase in the proportion of male students over the past four years, in 2009/10 there was still a gap of 13.3% between female and male students’ representation (figure 1.6).

This trend was also present among the first year population with the gap decreasing from 17.5% in 2003/04 to 15.0% in 2009/10 (figure 1.6).

1.6 Student profile over time by gender

1.7 Student profile over time by gender (graph)

Female Male Total GapNo. % No. % No. %

All students03/04 1260140 57.3 940035 42.7 2200175 14.504/05 1284605 57.4 951665 42.6 2236265 14.905/06 1313130 57.6 968110 42.4 2281235 15.106/07 1325260 57.5 979440 42.5 2304700 15.007/08 1317735 57.1 988220 42.9 2306105 14.308/09 1363810 56.9 1032230 43.1 2396050 13.809/10 1412185 56.6 1081225 43.4 2493415 13.3First years03/04 594505 58.8 417395 41.2 1011900 17.504/05 592825 58.6 418020 41.4 1010845 17.305/06 620335 58.7 437185 41.3 1057515 17.306/07 618110 58.5 439195 41.5 1057305 16.907/08 621140 58.1 447550 41.9 1068825 16.208/09 661520 57.8 482495 42.2 1144020 15.609/10 681575 57.5 503610 42.5 1185190 15.0

6 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender


A much higher proportion of men than women studied engineering and technology (83.7%) and computer science (81.7%) (figure 1.8).

In contrast, subjects allied to medicine (80.6%) and veterinary science (76.6%) were studied by a higher proportion of women than men (figure 1.8).

Women were in the majority of all non-SET subjects except business and administrative studies (48.5%) (figure 1.8).

1.8 All students by subject and gender

Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 11175 59.0 7750 41.0 18920Architecture, build’g, planning

20465 31.0 45525 69.0 65990

Biological sciences 115160 62.9 67875 37.1 183035Computer science 18475 18.3 82310 81.7 100785Engineering, technology

25640 16.3 131345 83.7 156985

Math’ sciences 15505 39.6 23620 60.4 39125Medicine, dentistry 37580 57.1 28220 42.9 65800Physical sciences 37330 41.0 53705 59.0 91030Subjects allied to medicine

245900 80.6 59315 19.4 305220

Vet’ science 4105 76.6 1255 23.4 5360SET total 531325 51.5 500920 48.5 1032245Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

171475 48.5 182435 51.5 353910

Combined 68460 61.5 42945 38.5 111410Creative arts, design 105780 60.9 68045 39.1 173825Education 170640 75.4 55745 24.6 226385

History, philosophy 51295 53.3 45000 46.7 96290

Languages 92635 67.1 45455 32.9 138090Law 56165 59.5 38215 40.5 94380Mass comms, documentation

29910 56.3 23220 43.7 53130

Social studies 134500 62.9 79250 37.1 213750Non-SET total 880860 60.3 580305 39.7 1461170

7Part 2: students



Engineering, technologyComputer scienceArchitecture, build’g, planningMathematical sciencesPhysical sciencesBusiness, admin’ studiesHistory, philosophyMass comms, documentationMedicine, dentistryAgricultureLawCreative arts, designCombinedBiological sciencesSocial studiesLanguagesEducationVeterinary scienceSubjects allied to medicine


1.9 All students by subject and gender (graph)

8 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender

1.10 Students by degree level, subject and gender

First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateFemale Male Total Female Male Total Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 5415 67.7 2590 32.3 8005 4135 52.3 3770 47.7 7905 1620 53.8 1390 46.2 3010Architecture, build’g, planning

11515 29.0 28225 71.0 39740 2755 27.3 7350 72.7 10100 6195 38.4 9950 61.6 16145

Biological sciences 87025 62.8 51535 37.2 138560 7115 56.2 5545 43.8 12665 21015 66.1 10795 33.9 31810Computer science 10395 16.4 52865 83.6 63260 3365 24.7 10275 75.3 13640 4715 19.7 19170 80.3 23880Engineering, technology

14800 15.6 80170 84.4 94970 1780 9.7 16615 90.3 18395 9055 20.8 34560 79.2 43620

Math’ sciences 12350 40.3 18285 59.7 30635 1210 39.6 1845 60.4 3055 1945 35.8 3490 64.2 5435Medicine, dentistry 25805 57.2 19290 42.8 45095 680 86.3 110 13.7 790 11095 55.7 8825 44.3 19915Physical sciences 26450 40.8 38380 59.2 64830 3055 45.6 3645 54.4 6700 7825 40.1 11675 59.9 19500Subjects allied to medicine

97365 79.1 25730 20.9 123100 110705 86.0 17970 14.0 128670 37830 70.8 15620 29.2 53450

Vet’ science 3460 78.5 950 21.5 4410 0 .. 0 .. 5 640 67.9 305 32.1 945SET total 294585 48.1 318020 51.9 612605 134800 66.8 67120 33.2 201925 101935 46.8 115780 53.2 217715Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies 91070 49.2 94105 50.8 185170 27380 53.8 23510 46.2 50890 53025 45.0 64825 55.0 117850Combined 21490 62.6 12845 37.4 34340 45890 61.1 29180 38.9 75070 1080 54.1 915 45.9 2000Creative arts, design 82425 61.2 52355 38.8 134780 10865 59.8 7315 40.2 18180 12490 59.9 8375 40.1 20865Education 49230 85.0 8715 15.0 57945 45930 73.8 16325 26.2 62255 75485 71.1 30705 28.9 106190History, philosophy 35820 53.0 31815 47.0 67635 7315 62.3 4430 37.7 11745 8155 48.2 8755 51.8 16910Languages 62975 70.6 26185 29.4 89165 18320 57.6 13490 42.4 31810 11340 66.3 5780 33.7 17120Law 40850 61.8 25215 38.2 66065 3500 57.7 2570 42.3 6070 11815 53.1 10425 46.9 22240Mass comms, documentation

21180 55.0 17365 45.0 38545 1710 46.0 2005 54.0 3715 7015 64.6 3850 35.4 10870

Social studies 83315 61.6 51925 38.4 135240 23215 73.6 8345 26.4 31560 27970 59.6 18980 40.4 46950Non-SET total 488355 60.4 320530 39.6 808885 184125 63.2 107175 36.8 291300 208385 57.7 152605 42.3 360990

86.3% of other undergraduates studying medicine and dentistry were women, compared with 57.2% of first degree undergraduates and 55.7% of postgraduates (figure 1.10).

At postgraduate level, 51.8% of history and philosophy students were male (figure 1.10), compared with 46.7% at all levels (figure 1.8).

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

9Part 2: students


1.10 Students by degree level, subject and gender

First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateFemale Male Total Female Male Total Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 5415 67.7 2590 32.3 8005 4135 52.3 3770 47.7 7905 1620 53.8 1390 46.2 3010Architecture, build’g, planning

11515 29.0 28225 71.0 39740 2755 27.3 7350 72.7 10100 6195 38.4 9950 61.6 16145

Biological sciences 87025 62.8 51535 37.2 138560 7115 56.2 5545 43.8 12665 21015 66.1 10795 33.9 31810Computer science 10395 16.4 52865 83.6 63260 3365 24.7 10275 75.3 13640 4715 19.7 19170 80.3 23880Engineering, technology

14800 15.6 80170 84.4 94970 1780 9.7 16615 90.3 18395 9055 20.8 34560 79.2 43620

Math’ sciences 12350 40.3 18285 59.7 30635 1210 39.6 1845 60.4 3055 1945 35.8 3490 64.2 5435Medicine, dentistry 25805 57.2 19290 42.8 45095 680 86.3 110 13.7 790 11095 55.7 8825 44.3 19915Physical sciences 26450 40.8 38380 59.2 64830 3055 45.6 3645 54.4 6700 7825 40.1 11675 59.9 19500Subjects allied to medicine

97365 79.1 25730 20.9 123100 110705 86.0 17970 14.0 128670 37830 70.8 15620 29.2 53450

Vet’ science 3460 78.5 950 21.5 4410 0 .. 0 .. 5 640 67.9 305 32.1 945SET total 294585 48.1 318020 51.9 612605 134800 66.8 67120 33.2 201925 101935 46.8 115780 53.2 217715Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies 91070 49.2 94105 50.8 185170 27380 53.8 23510 46.2 50890 53025 45.0 64825 55.0 117850Combined 21490 62.6 12845 37.4 34340 45890 61.1 29180 38.9 75070 1080 54.1 915 45.9 2000Creative arts, design 82425 61.2 52355 38.8 134780 10865 59.8 7315 40.2 18180 12490 59.9 8375 40.1 20865Education 49230 85.0 8715 15.0 57945 45930 73.8 16325 26.2 62255 75485 71.1 30705 28.9 106190History, philosophy 35820 53.0 31815 47.0 67635 7315 62.3 4430 37.7 11745 8155 48.2 8755 51.8 16910Languages 62975 70.6 26185 29.4 89165 18320 57.6 13490 42.4 31810 11340 66.3 5780 33.7 17120Law 40850 61.8 25215 38.2 66065 3500 57.7 2570 42.3 6070 11815 53.1 10425 46.9 22240Mass comms, documentation

21180 55.0 17365 45.0 38545 1710 46.0 2005 54.0 3715 7015 64.6 3850 35.4 10870

Social studies 83315 61.6 51925 38.4 135240 23215 73.6 8345 26.4 31560 27970 59.6 18980 40.4 46950Non-SET total 488355 60.4 320530 39.6 808885 184125 63.2 107175 36.8 291300 208385 57.7 152605 42.3 360990

10 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender

1.11 First year students by degree level, subject and gender

All student First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateFemale Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 5705 56.4 4410 43.6 10115 2070 67.2 1010 32.8 3075 2680 50.5 2625 49.5 5300 960 55.3 775 44.7 1735Architecture, build’g, planning

8705 32.5 18055 67.5 26760 3945 30.5 8985 69.5 12930 1460 27.2 3905 72.8 5365 3305 39.0 5165 61.0 8470

Biological sciences 47245 61.8 29210 38.2 76455 31875 61.1 20275 38.9 52150 4680 56.7 3570 43.3 8250 10695 66.6 5360 33.4 16055Computer science 8925 19.4 37155 80.6 46075 4080 16.5 20580 83.5 24655 2195 25.9 6270 74.1 8465 2650 20.5 10305 79.5 12955Engineering, technology

11290 16.3 57790 83.7 69080 5355 15.2 29865 84.8 35220 1100 9.9 10025 90.1 11125 4840 21.3 17900 78.7 22735

Mathematical sciences

6355 40.2 9450 59.8 15805 4530 40.3 6700 59.7 11235 665 40.1 990 59.9 1655 1160 39.8 1755 60.2 2915

Medicine, dentistry 11255 57.1 8465 42.9 19720 5530 55.7 4395 44.3 9925 420 83.3 85 16.7 505 5305 57.1 3985 42.9 9290Physical sciences 15025 41.3 21320 58.7 36340 9090 40.9 13105 59.1 22195 1965 43.7 2535 56.3 4500 3965 41.1 5675 58.9 9645Subjects allied to medicine

124375 81.2 28730 18.8 153110 35815 79.6 9200 20.4 45010 68090 85.7 11390 14.3 79480 20470 71.5 8145 28.5 28620

Veterinary science 1100 74.8 370 25.2 1470 755 77.1 225 22.9 980 0 .. 0 .. 5 340 70.3 145 29.7 485SET total 239980 52.8 214945 47.2 454930 103035 47.4 114340 52.6 217375 83255 66.8 41395 33.2 124650 53690 47.6 59215 52.4 112905Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

85540 48.8 89705 51.2 175245 36400 49.1 37700 50.9 74100 17835 54.1 15135 45.9 32965 31305 45.9 36870 54.1 68175

Combined 44420 61.9 27290 38.1 71710 7475 63.4 4310 36.6 11785 36215 61.9 22275 38.1 58490 735 51.1 700 48.9 1435Creative arts, design 46015 61.0 29390 39.0 75410 31550 61.1 20050 38.9 51600 6895 60.2 4550 39.8 11445 7575 61.2 4795 38.8 12365Education 99700 73.7 35620 26.3 135320 18765 84.1 3555 15.9 22320 30425 72.0 11825 28.0 42250 50510 71.4 20240 28.6 70750History, philosophy 21660 54.1 18380 45.9 40040 12260 52.5 11100 47.5 23360 5070 63.3 2935 36.7 8010 4325 49.9 4345 50.1 8670Languages 43080 64.2 24045 35.8 67130 21115 70.2 8975 29.8 30085 15350 56.3 11915 43.7 27265 6620 67.7 3160 32.3 9775Law 24945 58.0 18025 42.0 42970 14400 61.0 9190 39.0 23585 2480 56.5 1910 43.5 4385 8065 53.8 6930 46.2 14995Mass comms, documentation

13965 56.9 10585 43.1 24550 8250 54.7 6835 45.3 15090 1220 47.0 1375 53.0 2595 4490 65.4 2375 34.6 6865

Social studies 62275 63.6 35620 36.4 97890 30400 61.3 19155 38.7 49550 15245 73.9 5380 26.1 20625 16630 60.0 11085 40.0 27715Non-SET total 441595 60.5 288665 39.5 730265 180605 59.9 120870 40.1 301475 130730 62.8 77300 37.2 208035 130260 59.0 90495 41.0 220755

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

11Part 2: students


1.11 First year students by degree level, subject and gender

All student First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateFemale Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 5705 56.4 4410 43.6 10115 2070 67.2 1010 32.8 3075 2680 50.5 2625 49.5 5300 960 55.3 775 44.7 1735Architecture, build’g, planning

8705 32.5 18055 67.5 26760 3945 30.5 8985 69.5 12930 1460 27.2 3905 72.8 5365 3305 39.0 5165 61.0 8470

Biological sciences 47245 61.8 29210 38.2 76455 31875 61.1 20275 38.9 52150 4680 56.7 3570 43.3 8250 10695 66.6 5360 33.4 16055Computer science 8925 19.4 37155 80.6 46075 4080 16.5 20580 83.5 24655 2195 25.9 6270 74.1 8465 2650 20.5 10305 79.5 12955Engineering, technology

11290 16.3 57790 83.7 69080 5355 15.2 29865 84.8 35220 1100 9.9 10025 90.1 11125 4840 21.3 17900 78.7 22735

Mathematical sciences

6355 40.2 9450 59.8 15805 4530 40.3 6700 59.7 11235 665 40.1 990 59.9 1655 1160 39.8 1755 60.2 2915

Medicine, dentistry 11255 57.1 8465 42.9 19720 5530 55.7 4395 44.3 9925 420 83.3 85 16.7 505 5305 57.1 3985 42.9 9290Physical sciences 15025 41.3 21320 58.7 36340 9090 40.9 13105 59.1 22195 1965 43.7 2535 56.3 4500 3965 41.1 5675 58.9 9645Subjects allied to medicine

124375 81.2 28730 18.8 153110 35815 79.6 9200 20.4 45010 68090 85.7 11390 14.3 79480 20470 71.5 8145 28.5 28620

Veterinary science 1100 74.8 370 25.2 1470 755 77.1 225 22.9 980 0 .. 0 .. 5 340 70.3 145 29.7 485SET total 239980 52.8 214945 47.2 454930 103035 47.4 114340 52.6 217375 83255 66.8 41395 33.2 124650 53690 47.6 59215 52.4 112905Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

85540 48.8 89705 51.2 175245 36400 49.1 37700 50.9 74100 17835 54.1 15135 45.9 32965 31305 45.9 36870 54.1 68175

Combined 44420 61.9 27290 38.1 71710 7475 63.4 4310 36.6 11785 36215 61.9 22275 38.1 58490 735 51.1 700 48.9 1435Creative arts, design 46015 61.0 29390 39.0 75410 31550 61.1 20050 38.9 51600 6895 60.2 4550 39.8 11445 7575 61.2 4795 38.8 12365Education 99700 73.7 35620 26.3 135320 18765 84.1 3555 15.9 22320 30425 72.0 11825 28.0 42250 50510 71.4 20240 28.6 70750History, philosophy 21660 54.1 18380 45.9 40040 12260 52.5 11100 47.5 23360 5070 63.3 2935 36.7 8010 4325 49.9 4345 50.1 8670Languages 43080 64.2 24045 35.8 67130 21115 70.2 8975 29.8 30085 15350 56.3 11915 43.7 27265 6620 67.7 3160 32.3 9775Law 24945 58.0 18025 42.0 42970 14400 61.0 9190 39.0 23585 2480 56.5 1910 43.5 4385 8065 53.8 6930 46.2 14995Mass comms, documentation

13965 56.9 10585 43.1 24550 8250 54.7 6835 45.3 15090 1220 47.0 1375 53.0 2595 4490 65.4 2375 34.6 6865

Social studies 62275 63.6 35620 36.4 97890 30400 61.3 19155 38.7 49550 15245 73.9 5380 26.1 20625 16630 60.0 11085 40.0 27715Non-SET total 441595 60.5 288665 39.5 730265 180605 59.9 120870 40.1 301475 130730 62.8 77300 37.2 208035 130260 59.0 90495 41.0 220755

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

12 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender

Continuation rates

A higher proportion of female entrants in 2008/09 continued or qualified in 2009/10 (90.3%) than male entrants (88.2%) (figure 1.12).

1.12 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and gender

Continue or qualify

Transfer No longer in HE


No. % No. % No. % No.Female 176605 90.3 5165 2.6 13905 7.1 195675Male 141025 88.2 4580 2.9 14300 8.9 159900Total 317630 89.3 9740 2.7 28210 7.9 355580

7.1 No longer in HE 8.9

2.6 Transfer 2.9

Female Male

Continue or qualify


Continue or qualify


1.13 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and gender (graph)

13Part 2: students

Degree attainment

1.14 Qualifiers by degree class, SET status and genderDegree attainment

A higher proportion of men obtained a first class honours degree (14.8%) than women (14.1%) (figure 1.14).

A higher proportion of males obtained third class honours/pass (9.2%) than females (6.3%) (figure 1.14).

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

AllFemale 25815 14.1 93020 50.8 52690 28.8 11460 6.3Male 20895 14.8 63285 44.8 44230 31.3 12990 9.2Total 46705 14.4 156305 48.2 96920 29.9 24455 7.5SETFemale 10980 17.5 29715 47.5 17580 28.1 4345 6.9Male 11675 17.9 26775 41.1 19925 30.6 6730 10.3Non-SETFemale 14835 12.3 63305 52.6 35110 29.2 7120 5.9Male 9220 12.1 36505 47.8 24310 31.9 6260 8.2

1.15 Qualifiers by degree class, SET status and gender (graph)

heidi reportsA.4a First degree qualifiers by class and gender 2009/10


SET maleAll maleNon-SET maleNon-SET femaleAll femaleSET female

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

14 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender

1.16 All students by country, degree class and gender

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

EnglandFemale 21730 14.0 78825 50.6 45085 28.9 10100 6.5Male 17745 14.7 53905 44.6 37790 31.3 11405 9.4Total 39475 14.3 132730 48.0 82875 30.0 21505 7.8WalesFemale 1340 12.8 5025 48.0 3390 32.3 720 6.9Male 995 12.5 3305 41.5 2880 36.2 775 9.8Total 2335 12.7 8330 45.2 6265 34.0 1495 8.1ScotlandFemale 1975 16.6 6580 55.4 2840 23.9 475 4.0Male 1670 17.6 4620 48.7 2600 27.4 600 6.3Total 3650 17.1 11200 52.4 5440 25.5 1075 5.0Northern IrelandFemale 765 15.7 2585 52.9 1375 28.1 165 3.4Male 480 15.5 1455 46.8 960 30.9 210 6.8Total 1250 15.6 4040 50.5 2335 29.2 375 4.7

Across all four countries, male students were more likely to obtain a lower second class or third class honours degree than female students (figure 1.16).

In England and Scotland, male students were more likely to achieve a first class honours degree than female students (figure 1.16).

15Part 2: students

Degree attainment


Wales maleEngland maleWales femaleNorthern Ireland maleEngland femaleScotland maleNorthern Ireland femaleScotland female

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

1.17 All students by country, degree class and gender (graph)

16 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

1 Gender


Similar proportions of female and male leavers were in graduate full-time paid work (figure 1.18).

A higher proportion of male leavers (15.7%) than female leavers (12.8%) were engaged in further study only (figure 1.18).

Assumed unemployment rates were higher for male leavers (9.1%) than for female leavers (6.1%) (figure 1.18).

1.18 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by gender

heidi reportsB.1a DLHE leavers by activity and gender 2009/10

Female MaleNo. % No. %

Full-time paid (including self-employed) total

117040 52.7 82405 52.2

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

91855 41.4 65750 41.6

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

24970 11.3 16425 10.4

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

215 0.1 235 0.1

Part-time paid only 26725 12.0 13510 8.6Voluntary/unpaid only 3955 1.8 2500 1.6Work and further study 22470 10.1 13920 8.8Further study only 28370 12.8 24770 15.7Assumed to be unemployed 13535 6.1 14435 9.1Not available for employment 7295 3.3 4405 2.8Other 2555 1.2 1960 1.2Total 221950 100 157910 100

17Part 2: students


1.19 Female and male UK-domicile leavers by destination (graph)

Assumed to be unemployed 9.1 Not available for employment 2.8 Other 1.2

Further study only


Work and further study


Voluntary/unpaid only 1.6 Part-time paid only



Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 10.4

Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 52.2

Assumed to be unemployed 6.1 Not available for employment 3.3 Other 1.2 Full-time paid

(including self-employed) total 52.7

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Further study only


Work and further study


Voluntary/unpaid only 1.8 Part-time paid only


Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 11.3


Key facts and figures

= Over the past seven years, the proportion of UK-domicile BME students has increased from 14.9% in 2003/04 to 18.1% in 2009/10 (figure 2.6).

= Over the past seven years, the percentage of UK-domicile leavers achieving a first class or upper second class honours degree has steadily increased for most ethnic groups (figure 2.19).

= For UK-domicile qualifiers, the difference between the proportion of white qualifiers who obtained a first class or upper second class honours and that of BME qualifiers (the attainment gap) increased from 17.2% in 2003/04 to a peak of 18.8% in 2005/06 and is now at 18.6% in 2009/10 (figure 2.19).

= For UK-domicile leavers, BME leavers (12.6%), particularly Chinese (14.7%) and black (14.3%) leavers, were more likely to be assumed to be unemployed than white leavers (6.2%) (figure 2.24).

2 Ethnicity

20 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

In 2009/10 96.4% of UK-domicile students disclosed ethnicity information.

18.1% of students with known ethnicity were BME. This proportion varied from 20.4% at institutions in England to 2.2% at institutions in Northern Ireland (figure 2.1).

2.1 UK-domicile students by country and ethnicity

England Wales Scotland NI UKAll students

WhiteNo. 1351565 94825 160810 40875 1648070% 79.6 93.2 93.4 97.8 81.9

BlackNo. 114500 1445 2180 170 118290% 6.7 1.4 1.3 0.4 5.9

AsianNo. 120180 2130 3945 205 126460% 7.1 2.1 2.3 0.5 6.3

ChineseNo. 15745 515 1315 175 17750% 0.9 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.9

Other Asian

No. 27120 675 990 80 28865% 1.6 0.7 0.6 0.2 1.4

OtherNo. 68235 2160 2990 275 73665% 4.0 2.1 1.7 0.7 3.7

BME totalNo. 345780 6925 11420 905 365030% 20.4 6.8 6.6 2.2 18.1

Total No. 1697345 101745 172230 41780 2013100Unknown ethnicity

No. 61330 2110 7670 3400 74515% 3.5 2.0 4.3 7.5 3.6

First years

WhiteNo. 625500 45265 68075 16465 755305% 80.2 92.5 93.5 97.7 82.2

BlackNo. 53690 805 985 60 55540% 6.9 1.6 1.4 0.3 6.0

AsianNo. 50480 1140 1585 100 53305% 6.5 2.3 2.2 0.6 5.8

ChineseNo. 6645 270 530 70 7520% 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.8

Other Asian

No. 12885 405 415 45 13750% 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.3 1.5

OtherNo. 30895 1035 1255 115 33300% 4.0 2.1 1.7 0.7 3.6

BME totalNo. 154600 3655 4770 390 163415% 19.8 7.5 6.5 2.3 17.8

Total No. 780100 48920 72845 16855 918715Unknown ethnicity

No. 32510 1250 3770 2815 40345% 4.0 2.5 4.9 14.3 4.2

21Part 2: students

England Wales





Scotland Northern Ireland

2.2 UK-domicile students by country and ethnicity (graph)

2.3 UK-domicile students in London and the rest of England by BME/white identity

White BME TotalUnknown ethnicity

No. % No. % No. No. %All studentsLondon 159955 54.5 133690 45.5 293645 14795 4.8England exc London

1191605 84.9 212090 15.1 1403695 46540 3.2

First yearsLondon 75685 56.2 58900 43.8 134585 7985 5.6England exc London

549815 85.2 95700 14.8 645515 24525 3.7

A particularly large proportion (45.5%) of students studying in London were BME (figure 2.3).

22 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.4 UK-domicile students by degree level, mode of study and BME/white identity

White BME TotalUnknown ethnicity

No. % No. % No. No. %First degree undergraduateAll 985980 80.4 240530 19.6 1226510 25505 2.0Full-time 819525 79.6 209975 20.4 1029505 18840 1.8Part-time 166455 84.5 30550 15.5 197005 6660 3.3Other undergraduateAll 370350 85.3 63985 14.7 434330 26960 5.8Full-time 86520 79.2 22745 20.8 109265 3255 2.9Part-time 283825 87.3 41240 12.7 325065 23705 6.8PostgraduateAll 291740 82.8 60515 17.2 352260 22050 5.9Full-time 100475 79.6 25830 20.4 126305 5285 4.0Part-time 191265 84.6 34690 15.4 225950 16765 6.9TotalAll 1648070 81.9 365030 18.1 2013100 74515 3.6Full-time 1006525 79.6 258550 20.4 1265075 27380 2.1Part-time 641545 85.8 106480 14.2 748025 47135 5.9

heidi reportsA.2a Undergraduate UK-domiciled full-time students by BME marker 2009/10

A.2b Undergraduate UK-domiciled part-time students by BME marker 2009/10

A.2c Postgraduate UK-domiciled full-time students by BME marker 2009/10

A.2d Postgraduate UK-domiciled part-time students by BME marker 2009/10

First degree undergraduate students were more likely to provide data on their ethnicity (98.0%) than postgraduates (94.1%) or other undergraduates (94.2%) (figure 2.4).

Part-time students were less likely to declare their ethnicity across all levels of study (figure 2.4).

Across the different levels of study, the proportion of BME students was highest among first degree undergraduate students (19.6%) and lowest among other undergraduate students (14.7%) (figure 2.4).

23Part 2: students

White BME


Full-time other UGFull-time postgraduateFull-time �rst degree UGAll full-time studentsAll �rst degree UGAll studentsAll postgraduatePart-time �rst degree UGPart-time postgraduateAll other UGAll part-time studentsPart-time other UG


2.5 UK-domicile students by degree level, mode of study and BME/white identity (graph)

UG: undergraduate

24 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

Profile over time

Over the past seven years, the proportion of UK-domicile BME students has increased from 14.9% in 2003/04 to 18.1% in 2009/10 (figure 2.6).

With the exception of Chinese students, there has been an increase in the proportion of BME students across all ethnicities (figure 2.6).

There has been the greatest increase in the proportion of black students, from 4.4% in 2003/04 to 5.9% in 2009/10 (figure 2.6).

2.6 UK-domicile student profile over time by ethnicity

White Black Asian ChineseOther Asian

Other BME

% % % % % % %All students03/04 85.1 4.4 5.9 0.9 1.2 2.4 14.904/05 84.5 4.7 6.1 0.9 1.2 2.5 15.505/06 83.9 5.0 6.1 0.9 1.3 2.8 16.106/07 83.4 5.2 6.2 0.9 1.3 3.0 16.607/08 82.8 5.4 6.2 0.9 1.3 3.3 17.208/09 82.2 5.7 6.3 0.9 1.4 3.5 17.809/10 81.9 5.9 6.3 0.9 1.4 3.7 18.1First years03/04 85.1 4.7 5.5 0.9 1.3 2.5 14.904/05 84.3 5.1 5.7 0.9 1.3 2.7 15.705/06 84.0 5.2 5.7 0.9 1.3 2.9 16.006/07 83.6 5.4 5.8 0.9 1.3 3.0 16.407/08 83.0 5.6 5.8 0.9 1.3 3.4 17.008/09 82.4 6.0 5.8 0.8 1.5 3.5 17.609/10 82.2 6.0 5.8 0.8 1.5 3.6 17.8

25Part 2: students

Profile over time

2.8 UK-domicile students in 2009/10 by ethnicity (graph)

White 81.9

Other Asian 1.4 Other 3.7

Chinese 0.9 Asian 6.3 Black 5.9

2.7 UK-domicile student profile over time by ethnicity (graph)







Other Asian


26 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.9 All UK-domicile students by subject and ethnicitySubjects

Students of all ethnicities except other Asian were more likely to study non-SET subjects than SET subjects (figure 2.9).

20.5% of black students and 20.9% of other Asian students were studying subjects allied to medicine compared with 13.0% of white students (figure 2.9)

10.9% of white students studied education, compared with 6.6% of black, Asian and other students, 4.6% of other Asian students and 4.0% of Chinese students (figure 2.9).

20.0% of Chinese students studied business and administrative studies compared with 10.0% of white students (figure 2.9).

White Black Asian Chinese Other Asian OtherNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

SETAgriculture and related subjects 15570 0.9 240 0.2 130 0.1 50 0.3 35 0.1 250 0.3Architecture, building and planning 45395 2.8 2625 2.2 3010 2.4 635 3.6 590 2.0 1770 2.4Biological sciences 135150 8.2 8155 6.9 8920 7.1 1115 6.3 1955 6.8 6485 8.8Computer science 52615 3.2 6435 5.4 8195 6.5 1080 6.1 2070 7.2 3080 4.2Engineering and technology 82045 5.0 6345 5.4 6475 5.1 1550 8.7 2335 8.1 4040 5.5Mathematical sciences 24540 1.5 1130 1.0 2860 2.3 830 4.7 770 2.7 1110 1.5Medicine and dentistry 36715 2.2 1720 1.5 9015 7.1 1240 7.0 2220 7.7 3075 4.2Physical sciences 69100 4.2 1620 1.4 2780 2.2 650 3.7 655 2.3 2200 3.0Subjects allied to medicine 214680 13.0 24310 20.5 17905 14.2 1630 9.2 6045 20.9 7480 10.2Veterinary science 4305 0.3 10 0.0 40 0.0 10 0.1 10 0.0 110 0.2SET total 680115 41.3 52580 44.4 59330 46.9 8785 49.5 16680 57.8 29595 40.2Non-SETBusiness and administrative studies 164320 10.0 20440 17.3 24495 19.4 3550 20.0 4255 14.7 9570 13.0Combined 92360 5.6 3170 2.7 2710 2.1 465 2.6 695 2.4 2330 3.2Creative arts design 130665 7.9 5735 4.8 3450 2.7 1270 7.2 1180 4.1 6860 9.3Education 179275 10.9 7760 6.6 8370 6.6 720 4.0 1340 4.6 4870 6.6History philosophy 78620 4.8 1270 1.1 1845 1.5 250 1.4 445 1.5 2575 3.5Languages 98430 6.0 2435 2.1 2970 2.3 745 4.2 885 3.1 4755 6.5Law 50325 3.1 7160 6.1 10290 8.1 570 3.2 1210 4.2 3585 4.9Mass communications and documentation 36020 2.2 2820 2.4 1705 1.3 230 1.3 355 1.2 2165 2.9Social studies 137935 8.4 14930 12.6 11295 8.9 1165 6.6 1815 6.3 7355 10.0Non-SET total 967955 58.7 65710 55.6 67130 53.1 8965 50.5 12185 42.2 44065 59.8

27Part 2: students


2.9 All UK-domicile students by subject and ethnicity

White Black Asian Chinese Other Asian OtherNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

SETAgriculture and related subjects 15570 0.9 240 0.2 130 0.1 50 0.3 35 0.1 250 0.3Architecture, building and planning 45395 2.8 2625 2.2 3010 2.4 635 3.6 590 2.0 1770 2.4Biological sciences 135150 8.2 8155 6.9 8920 7.1 1115 6.3 1955 6.8 6485 8.8Computer science 52615 3.2 6435 5.4 8195 6.5 1080 6.1 2070 7.2 3080 4.2Engineering and technology 82045 5.0 6345 5.4 6475 5.1 1550 8.7 2335 8.1 4040 5.5Mathematical sciences 24540 1.5 1130 1.0 2860 2.3 830 4.7 770 2.7 1110 1.5Medicine and dentistry 36715 2.2 1720 1.5 9015 7.1 1240 7.0 2220 7.7 3075 4.2Physical sciences 69100 4.2 1620 1.4 2780 2.2 650 3.7 655 2.3 2200 3.0Subjects allied to medicine 214680 13.0 24310 20.5 17905 14.2 1630 9.2 6045 20.9 7480 10.2Veterinary science 4305 0.3 10 0.0 40 0.0 10 0.1 10 0.0 110 0.2SET total 680115 41.3 52580 44.4 59330 46.9 8785 49.5 16680 57.8 29595 40.2Non-SETBusiness and administrative studies 164320 10.0 20440 17.3 24495 19.4 3550 20.0 4255 14.7 9570 13.0Combined 92360 5.6 3170 2.7 2710 2.1 465 2.6 695 2.4 2330 3.2Creative arts design 130665 7.9 5735 4.8 3450 2.7 1270 7.2 1180 4.1 6860 9.3Education 179275 10.9 7760 6.6 8370 6.6 720 4.0 1340 4.6 4870 6.6History philosophy 78620 4.8 1270 1.1 1845 1.5 250 1.4 445 1.5 2575 3.5Languages 98430 6.0 2435 2.1 2970 2.3 745 4.2 885 3.1 4755 6.5Law 50325 3.1 7160 6.1 10290 8.1 570 3.2 1210 4.2 3585 4.9Mass communications and documentation 36020 2.2 2820 2.4 1705 1.3 230 1.3 355 1.2 2165 2.9Social studies 137935 8.4 14930 12.6 11295 8.9 1165 6.6 1815 6.3 7355 10.0Non-SET total 967955 58.7 65710 55.6 67130 53.1 8965 50.5 12185 42.2 44065 59.8

28 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.10 All UK-domicile students by subject and ethnicity (graph)

29Part 2: students


30 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.11 All UK-domicile students by subject and BME/white identity

White BME TotalNo. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 15570 95.7 705 4.3 16275Architecture, build’g, planning

45395 84.0 8625 16.0 54020

Biological sciences 135150 83.5 26630 16.5 161785Computer science 52615 71.6 20855 28.4 73470Engineering, technology

82045 79.8 20740 20.2 102785

Math’ sciences 24540 78.6 6695 21.4 31235Medicine, dentistry 36715 68.0 17265 32.0 53980Physical sciences 69100 89.7 7900 10.3 77000Subjects allied to medicine

214680 78.9 57370 21.1 272050

Veterinary science 4305 95.9 185 4.1 4490SET total 680115 80.3 166970 19.7 847090Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

164320 72.5 62310 27.5 226635

Combined 92360 90.8 9365 9.2 101725Creative arts, design 130665 87.6 18500 12.4 149165Education 179275 88.6 23055 11.4 202335History, philosophy 78620 92.5 6385 7.5 85005Languages 98430 89.3 11785 10.7 110220Law 50325 68.8 22815 31.2 73140Mass comms, documentation

36020 83.2 7280 16.8 43300

Social studies 137935 79.0 36560 21.0 174490Non-SET total 967955 83.0 198060 17.0 1166010

The lowest proportions of BME students were seen in veterinary science (4.1%) and agriculture (4.3%) (figure 2.11).

The highest proportions of BME students were seen in medicine and dentistry (32.0%) and law (31.2%) (figure 2.11).

31Part 2: students


2.12 All UK-domicile students by subject and BME/white identity (graph)

White BME


Medicine, dentistryLawComputer scienceBusiness, admin’ studiesMathematical sciencesSubjects allied to medicineSocial studiesEngineering, technologyMass comms, documentationBiological sciencesArchitecture, build’g, planningCreative arts, designEducationLanguagesPhysical sciencesCombinedHistory, philosophyAgricultureVeterinary science


4.3 4.1

32 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.13 All UK-domicile students by degree level, subject and BME/white identity

First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateWhite BME Total White BME Total White BME TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 6975 95.5 330 4.5 7305 7090 96.8 235 3.2 7325 1500 91.5 140 8.5 1640Architecture, build’g, planning

28440 83.6 5595 16.4 34035 7735 85.2 1340 14.8 9075 9220 84.5 1690 15.5 10910

Biological sciences 105630 82.9 21860 17.1 127495 10255 87.4 1480 12.6 11735 19265 85.4 3290 14.6 22555Computer science 37365 70.3 15760 29.7 53125 9825 80.9 2325 19.1 12150 5425 66.2 2770 33.8 8200Engineering, technology

55030 78.5 15045 21.5 70075 14210 88.4 1865 11.6 16075 12805 77.0 3825 23.0 16630

Math’ sciences 19870 77.4 5815 22.6 25685 2395 88.0 330 12.0 2725 2275 80.4 555 19.6 2825Medicine, dentistry 27065 67.8 12855 32.2 39920 635 88.3 85 11.7 720 9015 67.6 4330 32.4 13345Physical sciences 53135 89.8 6045 10.2 59180 5470 92.3 455 7.7 5925 10495 88.2 1400 11.8 11890Subjects allied to medicine

84790 76.3 26265 23.7 111055 95830 80.2 23675 19.8 119505 34060 82.1 7425 17.9 41485

Veterinary science 3605 96.7 120 3.3 3730 0 .. 0 .. 0 695 91.6 65 8.4 760SET total 421910 79.4 109695 20.6 531605 153450 82.8 31785 17.2 185235 104755 80.4 25490 19.6 130245Non-SET Business, admin’ studies 93855 69.2 41760 30.8 135610 33755 80.2 8310 19.8 42065 36715 75.0 12240 25.0 48955Combined 28890 88.7 3665 11.3 32560 62045 91.8 5515 8.2 67565 1420 88.7 180 11.3 1605Creative arts, design 105130 87.3 15285 12.7 120415 14165 87.8 1960 12.2 16125 11370 90.1 1250 9.9 12620Education 49520 88.7 6325 11.3 55840 48385 87.3 7055 12.7 55440 81370 89.4 9680 10.6 91050History, philosophy 58150 92.4 4810 7.6 62965 9745 92.9 745 7.1 10490 10725 92.8 825 7.2 11550Languages 72190 89.2 8735 10.8 80930 17555 89.7 2025 10.3 19580 8685 89.4 1025 10.6 9710Law 37115 67.3 18075 32.7 55195 4120 75.3 1355 24.7 5475 9090 72.8 3390 27.2 12475Mass comms, documentation

28195 83.1 5720 16.9 33915 2480 76.6 760 23.4 3240 5345 86.9 805 13.1 6150

Social studies 91025 77.5 26455 22.5 117480 24640 84.6 4475 15.4 29115 22270 79.8 5630 20.2 27895Non-SET total 564070 81.2 130835 18.8 694905 216895 87.1 32200 12.9 249095 186985 84.2 35025 15.8 222010

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

33Part 2: students


First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateWhite BME Total White BME Total White BME TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 6975 95.5 330 4.5 7305 7090 96.8 235 3.2 7325 1500 91.5 140 8.5 1640Architecture, build’g, planning

28440 83.6 5595 16.4 34035 7735 85.2 1340 14.8 9075 9220 84.5 1690 15.5 10910

Biological sciences 105630 82.9 21860 17.1 127495 10255 87.4 1480 12.6 11735 19265 85.4 3290 14.6 22555Computer science 37365 70.3 15760 29.7 53125 9825 80.9 2325 19.1 12150 5425 66.2 2770 33.8 8200Engineering, technology

55030 78.5 15045 21.5 70075 14210 88.4 1865 11.6 16075 12805 77.0 3825 23.0 16630

Math’ sciences 19870 77.4 5815 22.6 25685 2395 88.0 330 12.0 2725 2275 80.4 555 19.6 2825Medicine, dentistry 27065 67.8 12855 32.2 39920 635 88.3 85 11.7 720 9015 67.6 4330 32.4 13345Physical sciences 53135 89.8 6045 10.2 59180 5470 92.3 455 7.7 5925 10495 88.2 1400 11.8 11890Subjects allied to medicine

84790 76.3 26265 23.7 111055 95830 80.2 23675 19.8 119505 34060 82.1 7425 17.9 41485

Veterinary science 3605 96.7 120 3.3 3730 0 .. 0 .. 0 695 91.6 65 8.4 760SET total 421910 79.4 109695 20.6 531605 153450 82.8 31785 17.2 185235 104755 80.4 25490 19.6 130245Non-SET Business, admin’ studies 93855 69.2 41760 30.8 135610 33755 80.2 8310 19.8 42065 36715 75.0 12240 25.0 48955Combined 28890 88.7 3665 11.3 32560 62045 91.8 5515 8.2 67565 1420 88.7 180 11.3 1605Creative arts, design 105130 87.3 15285 12.7 120415 14165 87.8 1960 12.2 16125 11370 90.1 1250 9.9 12620Education 49520 88.7 6325 11.3 55840 48385 87.3 7055 12.7 55440 81370 89.4 9680 10.6 91050History, philosophy 58150 92.4 4810 7.6 62965 9745 92.9 745 7.1 10490 10725 92.8 825 7.2 11550Languages 72190 89.2 8735 10.8 80930 17555 89.7 2025 10.3 19580 8685 89.4 1025 10.6 9710Law 37115 67.3 18075 32.7 55195 4120 75.3 1355 24.7 5475 9090 72.8 3390 27.2 12475Mass comms, documentation

28195 83.1 5720 16.9 33915 2480 76.6 760 23.4 3240 5345 86.9 805 13.1 6150

Social studies 91025 77.5 26455 22.5 117480 24640 84.6 4475 15.4 29115 22270 79.8 5630 20.2 27895Non-SET total 564070 81.2 130835 18.8 694905 216895 87.1 32200 12.9 249095 186985 84.2 35025 15.8 222010

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

34 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.14 First year UK-domicile students by degree level, subject and BME/white identity

All students First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateWhite BME Total White BME Total White BME Total White BME TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 8180 96.2 325 3.8 8505 2660 95.3 130 4.7 2790 4735 97.6 120 2.4 4855 785 91.2 75 8.8 860Architecture, build’g, planning

17105 82.7 3585 17.3 20690 8575 81.1 1995 18.9 10570 4065 84.9 725 15.1 4790 4465 83.8 860 16.2 5325

Biological sciences 55575 83.3 11135 16.7 66710 39550 82.6 8335 17.4 47885 6525 86.3 1035 13.7 7555 9500 84.3 1765 15.7 11270Computer science 22190 71.2 8990 28.8 31180 13670 68.9 6160 31.1 19830 5915 81.6 1330 18.4 7245 2605 63.4 1500 36.6 4105Engineering, technology

32800 78.7 8860 21.3 41665 18855 76.7 5730 23.3 24590 8245 87.8 1145 12.2 9390 5700 74.1 1990 25.9 7690

Math’ sciences 9425 77.7 2705 22.3 12130 7100 76.3 2210 23.7 9310 1205 86.3 190 13.7 1395 1125 78.8 305 21.2 1425Medicine, dentistry 10230 67.1 5020 32.9 15250 5875 67.9 2780 32.1 8655 390 86.8 60 13.2 445 3970 64.5 2180 35.5 6150Physical sciences 26500 89.1 3225 10.9 29730 17910 89.2 2175 10.8 20085 3540 91.7 320 8.3 3860 5050 87.4 730 12.6 5780Subjects allied to medicine

107915 79.6 27655 20.4 135575 31230 76.8 9435 23.2 40665 58825 80.7 14040 19.3 72870 17860 81.0 4175 19.0 22040

Veterinary science 1130 95.3 55 4.7 1185 755 95.8 35 4.2 785 0 .. 0 .. 0 380 94.4 25 5.6 400SET total 291055 80.3 71555 19.7 362615 146180 78.9 38990 21.1 185170 93440 83.1 18960 16.9 112405 51435 79.1 13605 20.9 65045Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

72135 72.6 27160 27.4 99295 34095 68.9 15395 31.1 49490 21020 80.2 5200 19.8 26225 17015 72.2 6565 27.8 23585

Combined 57890 90.3 6245 9.7 64135 9505 86.7 1460 13.3 10965 47370 91.1 4635 8.9 52010 1015 87.5 145 12.5 1160Creative arts, design 54900 87.6 7805 12.4 62710 39790 87.1 5900 12.9 45690 8805 88.1 1190 11.9 9995 6310 89.8 715 10.2 7025Education 106440 88.4 13990 11.6 120425 18600 87.4 2680 12.6 21280 31735 86.8 4825 13.2 36560 56105 89.6 6485 10.4 62590History, philosophy 32165 92.3 2675 7.7 34840 20095 92.0 1740 8.0 21835 6655 93.0 505 7.0 7160 5410 92.6 430 7.4 5845Languages 42640 88.7 5440 11.3 48080 23990 88.5 3110 11.5 27100 13780 88.8 1740 11.2 15520 4870 89.2 590 10.8 5460Law 21525 69.6 9415 30.4 30940 12815 67.0 6300 33.0 19115 2940 75.2 970 24.8 3910 5770 72.9 2145 27.1 7915Mass comms, documentation

15500 82.7 3245 17.3 18745 10740 82.7 2240 17.3 12980 1625 74.8 550 25.2 2175 3130 87.2 460 12.8 3590

Social studies 61045 79.4 15880 20.6 76930 33320 77.7 9575 22.3 42895 15575 83.4 3110 16.6 18690 12150 79.2 3200 20.8 15345Non-SET total 464245 83.5 91855 16.5 556100 202960 80.7 48395 19.3 251355 149515 86.8 22725 13.2 172240 111775 84.4 20735 15.6 132505

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

35Part 2: students


2.14 First year UK-domicile students by degree level, subject and BME/white identity

All students First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateWhite BME Total White BME Total White BME Total White BME TotalNo. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No.

SETAgriculture 8180 96.2 325 3.8 8505 2660 95.3 130 4.7 2790 4735 97.6 120 2.4 4855 785 91.2 75 8.8 860Architecture, build’g, planning

17105 82.7 3585 17.3 20690 8575 81.1 1995 18.9 10570 4065 84.9 725 15.1 4790 4465 83.8 860 16.2 5325

Biological sciences 55575 83.3 11135 16.7 66710 39550 82.6 8335 17.4 47885 6525 86.3 1035 13.7 7555 9500 84.3 1765 15.7 11270Computer science 22190 71.2 8990 28.8 31180 13670 68.9 6160 31.1 19830 5915 81.6 1330 18.4 7245 2605 63.4 1500 36.6 4105Engineering, technology

32800 78.7 8860 21.3 41665 18855 76.7 5730 23.3 24590 8245 87.8 1145 12.2 9390 5700 74.1 1990 25.9 7690

Math’ sciences 9425 77.7 2705 22.3 12130 7100 76.3 2210 23.7 9310 1205 86.3 190 13.7 1395 1125 78.8 305 21.2 1425Medicine, dentistry 10230 67.1 5020 32.9 15250 5875 67.9 2780 32.1 8655 390 86.8 60 13.2 445 3970 64.5 2180 35.5 6150Physical sciences 26500 89.1 3225 10.9 29730 17910 89.2 2175 10.8 20085 3540 91.7 320 8.3 3860 5050 87.4 730 12.6 5780Subjects allied to medicine

107915 79.6 27655 20.4 135575 31230 76.8 9435 23.2 40665 58825 80.7 14040 19.3 72870 17860 81.0 4175 19.0 22040

Veterinary science 1130 95.3 55 4.7 1185 755 95.8 35 4.2 785 0 .. 0 .. 0 380 94.4 25 5.6 400SET total 291055 80.3 71555 19.7 362615 146180 78.9 38990 21.1 185170 93440 83.1 18960 16.9 112405 51435 79.1 13605 20.9 65045Non-SETBusiness, admin’ studies

72135 72.6 27160 27.4 99295 34095 68.9 15395 31.1 49490 21020 80.2 5200 19.8 26225 17015 72.2 6565 27.8 23585

Combined 57890 90.3 6245 9.7 64135 9505 86.7 1460 13.3 10965 47370 91.1 4635 8.9 52010 1015 87.5 145 12.5 1160Creative arts, design 54900 87.6 7805 12.4 62710 39790 87.1 5900 12.9 45690 8805 88.1 1190 11.9 9995 6310 89.8 715 10.2 7025Education 106440 88.4 13990 11.6 120425 18600 87.4 2680 12.6 21280 31735 86.8 4825 13.2 36560 56105 89.6 6485 10.4 62590History, philosophy 32165 92.3 2675 7.7 34840 20095 92.0 1740 8.0 21835 6655 93.0 505 7.0 7160 5410 92.6 430 7.4 5845Languages 42640 88.7 5440 11.3 48080 23990 88.5 3110 11.5 27100 13780 88.8 1740 11.2 15520 4870 89.2 590 10.8 5460Law 21525 69.6 9415 30.4 30940 12815 67.0 6300 33.0 19115 2940 75.2 970 24.8 3910 5770 72.9 2145 27.1 7915Mass comms, documentation

15500 82.7 3245 17.3 18745 10740 82.7 2240 17.3 12980 1625 74.8 550 25.2 2175 3130 87.2 460 12.8 3590

Social studies 61045 79.4 15880 20.6 76930 33320 77.7 9575 22.3 42895 15575 83.4 3110 16.6 18690 12150 79.2 3200 20.8 15345Non-SET total 464245 83.5 91855 16.5 556100 202960 80.7 48395 19.3 251355 149515 86.8 22725 13.2 172240 111775 84.4 20735 15.6 132505

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

36 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

Continuation rates

Chinese entrants in 2008/09 were the most likely to continue or qualify (91.1%) (figure 2.13).

Black entrants in 2008/09 were the most likely to no longer be in higher education (11.7%) (figure 2.13).

2.15 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and ethnicity

Continue or qualify

Transfer No longer in HE


No. % No. % No. % No.White 247225 90.4 6340 2.3 19910 7.3 273475Black 18705 83.7 1030 4.6 2610 11.7 22350Asian 24400 87.1 1220 4.3 2385 8.5 28000Chinese 3215 91.1 90 2.6 225 6.3 3530Other Asian 4625 86.8 230 4.3 475 8.9 5330Other 13225 87.1 555 3.6 1405 9.3 15185BME 64170 86.3 3125 4.2 7100 9.5 74395Total 311395 89.5 9465 2.7 27015 7.8 347870

37Part 2: students

Continuation rates

2.16 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and ethnicity (graph)


WhiteBlackAsianChineseOther AsianOther


Continue or qualify Transfer No longer in HE

38 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

Degree attainment

A greater proportion of white students achieved a first class honours degree for both SET and non-SET subject areas than any other ethnicity (figure 2.17).

2.17 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity

heidi reportsA.4b First degree UK-domiciled qualifiers by class and BME marker 2009/10

ECU and the Higher Education Academy have released a commentary to provide higher education institutions with ideas and examples on how to support institutions in narrowing the degree attainment gap. www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/improving-attainment-of-BME-students

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

AllWhite 34960 16.0 113535 51.9 58475 26.7 11750 5.4Black 605 4.5 4520 33.6 6225 46.3 2105 15.7Asian 1655 8.4 8190 41.6 7735 39.2 2120 10.8Chinese 355 12.4 1270 44.5 955 33.5 275 9.7Other Asian

295 9.3 1300 40.6 1215 37.9 395 12.3

Other 1185 11.8 4895 48.7 3205 31.9 770 7.6BME 4100 8.3 20175 40.9 19335 39.2 5670 11.5Total 39060 14.6 133715 49.9 77810 29.0 17420 6.5SETWhite 16855 19.5 40470 46.8 23340 27.0 5815 6.7Black 275 5.3 1655 31.8 2410 46.2 870 16.7Asian 915 11.0 3435 41.1 3085 36.9 915 11.0Chinese 200 14.9 605 45.2 415 30.8 120 9.1Other Asian

175 10.6 640 38.6 625 37.7 215 13.1

Other 520 14.8 1555 44.1 1130 32.0 320 9.1Total 18945 17.8 48365 45.4 31005 29.1 8260 7.8Non-SETWhite 18105 13.7 73065 55.3 35135 26.6 5935 4.5Black 330 4.0 2865 34.8 3810 46.3 1235 15.0Asian 740 6.5 4760 41.9 4645 40.9 1205 10.6Chinese 155 10.1 665 43.8 545 35.9 155 10.2Other Asian

120 7.8 660 42.6 590 38.1 180 11.5

Other 665 10.2 3340 51.1 2075 31.8 450 6.9Total 20110 12.5 85350 52.9 46805 29.0 9155 5.7

39Part 2: students

Degree attainment

2.18 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity (graph)

SET blackAll blackNon-SET blackNon-SET AsianSET other AsianAll other AsianAll AsianNon-SET other AsianSET AsianNon-SET ChineseAll ChineseSET otherSET ChineseAll otherNon-SET otherSET whiteAll whiteNon-SET white

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

40 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.19 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and BME/white identity, over time


2:2/3rdWhite BME White BMENo. % No. % % No. % No. %

03/04 121820 63.1 15150 45.9 17.2 71200 36.9 17855 54.104/05 126560 63.8 16350 46.0 17.9 71710 36.2 19215 54.005/06 131130 64.7 17445 45.9 18.8 71495 35.3 20580 54.106/07 133065 65.5 19015 46.9 18.6 70015 34.5 21545 53.107/08 143140 66.4 20910 48.1 18.3 72465 33.6 22570 51.908/09 141970 67.2 22625 49.2 18.0 69380 32.8 23405 50.809/10 148500 67.9 24275 49.3 18.6 70225 32.1 25000 50.7

2.20 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity, over time

03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10% % % % % % %

1st/2:1White 63.1 63.8 64.7 65.5 66.4 67.2 67.9Black 35.5 36.2 35.7 36.7 37.7 38.1 38.1Asian 45.6 45.7 45.4 46.6 48.1 50.0 50.0Chinese 51.2 49.1 52.6 51.8 53.1 55.4 56.8Other Asian 50.8 50.6 48.2 48.5 48.9 50.6 49.8Other 56.9 56.6 57.9 58.7 59.9 60.1 60.52:2/3rdWhite 36.9 36.2 35.3 34.5 33.6 32.8 32.1Black 64.5 63.8 64.3 63.3 62.3 61.9 61.9Asian 54.4 54.3 54.6 53.4 51.9 50.0 50.0Chinese 48.8 50.9 47.4 48.2 46.9 44.6 43.2Other Asian 49.2 49.4 51.8 51.5 51.1 49.4 50.2Other 43.1 43.4 42.1 41.3 40.1 39.9 39.5

Over the past seven years, the percentage of leavers achieving a first class or upper second class honours degree has steadily increased for most ethnic groups (figure 2.19).

The difference between the proportion of white qualifiers who obtained a first class or upper second class honours and that of BME qualifiers (the attainment gap) increased from 17.2% in 2003/04 to a peak of 18.8% in 2005/06 and is now at 18.6% in 2009/10 (figure 2.19).

The attainment gap is highest between white and black students, where the difference was 29.8% in 2009/10.

41Part 2: students

Degree attainment

2.21 UK-domicile qualifiers achieving a first class or upper second class honours degree by ethnicity over time (graph)














Other Asian


42 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

2.22 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, country and ethnicity

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

EnglandWhite 29080 16.1 93875 52.1 47460 26.3 9770 5.4Black 585 4.4 4425 33.6 6095 46.3 2065 15.7Asian 1600 8.4 7930 41.5 7505 39.3 2065 10.8Chinese 315 12.2 1140 43.9 875 33.7 260 10.1O’ Asian 290 9.3 1260 40.7 1175 37.9 375 12.1Other 1100 11.7 4560 48.4 3030 32.2 730 7.7BME 3895 8.2 19320 40.8 18675 39.4 5495 11.6Total 32975 14.5 113195 49.7 66135 29.1 15265 6.7WalesWhite 1900 13.0 7000 48.0 4770 32.7 910 6.2Black 10 5.1 40 25.0 80 50.6 30 19.2Asian 25 9.2 95 37.6 105 42.0 30 11.2Chinese 5 9.2 40 50.0 25 34.2 5 6.6O’ Asian 5 .. 15 .. 20 .. 10 ..Other 40 12.1 145 46.3 110 34.8 20 6.7BME 80 9.5 330 39.0 340 40.3 95 11.2Total 1980 12.8 7325 47.5 5110 33.1 1005 6.5ScotlandWhite 2860 17.1 8920 53.5 4145 24.8 760 4.6Black 10 8.5 50 41.5 45 39.8 10 10.2Asian 35 9.7 160 47.6 115 34.4 30 8.2Chinese 25 13.9 90 53.6 50 28.9 5 3.6O’ Asian 5 8.2 30 45.9 20 31.1 10 14.8Other 45 14.7 170 58.9 60 20.5 15 5.8BME 115 11.7 500 51.2 290 29.8 70 7.4Total 2975 16.8 9420 53.3 4440 25.1 835 4.7Northern IrelandWhite 1120 15.4 3740 51.4 2105 28.9 310 4.2BME 10 14.9 30 40.5 25 35.1 5 9.5Total 1135 15.4 3770 51.3 2130 29.0 315 4.3

As there are few BME students in Northern Ireland, the groups have been combined.

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

Across all countries, a higher proportion of white qualifiers obtained a first class honours degree than qualifiers from all other ethnic groups (figure 2.20).

43Part 2: students

Degree attainment

2.23 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, country and ethnicity (graph)

Wales BMEEngland BMENorthern Ireland BMEWales whiteScotland BMENorthern Ireland whiteEngland whiteScotland white

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

44 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

2 Ethnicity

Leavers 2.24 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by ethnicity

White Black Asian ChineseOther Asian

Other BME

Full-time paid (including self-employed) total

No. 160345 6400 9895 1325 1710 5275 24610% 54.7 42.8 45.0 42.0 44.2 46.3 44.4

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 125725 5000 7795 1105 1415 4130 19445% 42.9 33.5 35.4 35.0 36.5 36.2 35.1

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 34265 1395 2090 220 290 1130 5125% 11.7 9.3 9.5 7.0 7.5 9.9 9.3

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 355 10 15 0 5 15 40% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1

Part-time paid onlyNo. 31835 1850 2660 270 425 1265 6470% 10.9 12.4 12.1 8.6 11.0 11.1 11.7

Voluntary/unpaid onlyNo. 4485 370 445 60 85 310 1275% 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.7 2.3

Work and further studyNo. 28880 1350 2040 225 325 945 4875% 9.9 9.0 9.3 7.1 8.3 8.3 8.8

Further study onlyNo. 36915 2160 3380 620 655 1845 8660% 12.6 14.4 15.3 19.6 16.9 16.2 15.6

Assumed to be unemployedNo. 18295 2140 2750 465 465 1190 7005% 6.2 14.3 12.5 14.7 12.0 10.4 12.6

Not available for employmentNo. 9360 400 480 125 115 385 1500% 3.2 2.7 2.2 3.9 3.0 3.4 2.7

OtherNo. 2980 280 370 70 90 190 1000% 1.0 1.9 1.7 2.2 2.3 1.7 1.8

Total No. 293095 14940 22015 3155 3875 11400 55390

54.7% of white leavers were in full-time paid work (including self-employed) six months after leaving, compared with 44.4% of BME leavers (figure 2.24).

A higher proportion of BME leavers (15.6%), particularly Chinese leavers (19.6%), were in further study only than white leavers (12.6%) (figure 2.24).

BME leavers (12.6%), particularly Chinese (14.7%) and black (14.3%) leavers, were more likely to be assumed to be unemployed than white leavers (6.2%) (figure 2.24).

45Part 2: students


2.25 White and BME UK-domicile leavers by destination (graph)

Assumed to be unemployed 12.6Not available for employment 2.7Other 1.8 Full-time paid

(including self-employed)

total 44.4

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Further study only


Work and further study


Voluntary/unpaid only 2.3

Part-time paid only


Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 9.3


Assumed to be unemployed 6.2 Not available for employment 3.2 Other 1.0

Further study only


Work and further study


Voluntary/unpaid only 1.5

Part-time paid only



Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 11.7

Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 54.7

Key facts and figures

= 55.0% of first degree undergraduate students who declared a disability stated that they had a specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia) (figure 3.5).

= The proportion of students declaring a disability increased from 5.5% in 2003/04 to 7.6% in 2009/10 (figure 3.7).

= 2009/10 saw the highest percentage of first year students declaring a disability at 6.5% (figure 3.7).

= 64.5% of qualifiers with mental health difficulties obtained a first class or upper second class honours degree, compared with 51.6% of qualifiers with autistic spectrum disorder (figure 3.15).

3 Disability

48 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

1.4% of students chose not to disclose their disability status. This proportion varied across the UK from 0.7% at institutions in Wales to 3.9% at institutions in Scotland (figure 3.1).

7.6% of students with known disability status declared a disability across the UK. This ranged from 5.3% at institutions in Northern Ireland to 8.3% at institutions in Wales (figure 3.1).

3.1 Students by country and disability status

England Wales Scotland NI TotalAll studentsNo known disability

No. 1721215 116455 196125 47640 2081430% 92.4 91.7 92.4 94.7 92.4

Declared disability

No. 141270 10530 16145 2650 170595% 7.6 8.3 7.6 5.3 7.6

Total No. 1862490 126985 212270 50285 2252025Unknown disability status

No. 21440 905 8640 700 31685

% 1.1 0.7 3.9 1.4 1.4

Receives DSA

No. 58535 4530 5335 1275 69675% 41.4 43.0 33.0 48.1 40.8

First yearsNo known disability

No. 821385 60370 90615 21255 993630% 93.5 92.6 93.3 95.8 93.5

Declared disability

No. 56660 4820 6535 930 68950% 6.5 7.4 6.7 4.2 6.5

Total No. 878045 65195 97150 22190 1062580Unknown disability status

No. 12420 780 2950 470 16620

% 1.4 1.2 2.9 2.1 1.5

Receives DSA

No. 18155 1600 1600 355 21710% 32.0 33.2 24.5 38.2 31.5

heidi reportsA.3c First year students and all students by disability 2009/10

49Part 2: students

3.2 Students by country and disability status (graph)

No known disability Declared disability


WalesEnglandScotlandNorthern Ireland

50 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

3.3 Students by degree level, mode of study and disability status

Other undergraduates (2.5%) and postgraduates (2.3%) were more likely to choose not to disclose disability information than first degree undergraduates (0.6%) (figure 3.3).

Part-time students were less likely to disclose this information than full-time students (figure 3.3).

Full-time other undergraduates were the most likely to declare a disability (10.2%). Full-time postgraduates were the least likely (4.8%) (figure 3.3).

heidi reportsA.3a Undergraduate students by level, mode and disability 2009/10

A.3b Postgraduate students by mode and disability 2009/10

No known disability

Declared disability

Unknown disability status

Receives DSA

No. % No. % No. % No. %*

First degree undergraduateAll 1193920 91.3 113570 8.7 8520 0.6 55035 48.5Full-time 1098265 91.4 103330 8.6 7035 0.6 50800 49.2Part-time 95655 90.3 10245 9.7 1490 1.4 4235 41.3Other undergraduateAll 364410 92.7 28835 7.3 10155 2.5 7580 26.3Full-time 111075 89.8 12555 10.2 1635 1.3 5055 40.3Part-time 253335 94.0 16285 6.0 8520 3.1 2525 15.5PostgraduateAll 523100 94.9 28190 5.1 13010 2.3 7005 24.8Full-time 278920 95.2 14130 4.8 4880 1.6 4085 28.9Part-time 244180 94.6 14055 5.4 8130 3.1 2925 20.8All studentsAll 2081430 92.4 170595 7.6 31685 1.4 69620 40.8Full-time 1488255 92.0 130015 8.0 13550 0.8 59935 46.1Part-time 593175 93.6 40585 6.4 18135 2.8 9685 23.9

* percentage of students with a declared disability who receive DSA

51Part 2: students

3.4 Students by degree level, mode of study and disability status (graph)

No known disability Declared disability


Full-time other UGPart-time �rst degree UGAll �rst degree UGFull-time �rst degree UGAll full-time studentsAll studentsAll other UGAll part-time studentsPart-time other UGPart-time postgraduateAll postgraduateFull-time postgraduate

UG: undergraduate

52 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

Specific impairments

55.0% of first degree undergraduate students who declared a disability stated that they had a specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia) (figure 3.5).

The proportions of students with particular specific impairments varied by degree level. For example, a higher proportion of postgraduate students declared an unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma) compared with first degree and other undergraduates (figure 3.5).

3.5 Students with a declared disability by degree level and impairment type

First degree undergraduate

Other undergraduate

No. % No. %Blind/partially sighted 2215 1.9 640 2.2Deaf/hearing impairment 3630 3.2 1890 6.6Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

3045 2.7 1395 4.8

Personal care support 110 0.1 50 0.2Mental health difficulties 7935 7.0 1795 6.2Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

15590 13.7 5115 17.7

Multiple impairments 5820 5.1 1575 5.5Autistic spectrum disorder 1960 1.7 325 1.1Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

62410 55.0 12985 45.0

Other impairment 10860 9.6 3055 10.6Postgraduate All studentsNo. % No. %

Blind/partially sighted 745 2.6 3600 2.1Deaf/hearing impairment 1580 5.6 7100 4.2Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

1270 4.5 5710 3.3

Personal care support 65 0.2 230 0.1Mental health difficulties 1695 6.0 11425 6.7Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

6260 22.2 26965 15.8

Multiple impairments 1380 4.9 8780 5.1Autistic spectrum disorder 245 0.9 2530 1.5Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

11555 41.0 86950 51.0

Other impairment 3395 12.0 17310 10.1

53Part 2: students

Specific impairments

3.6 Students with a declared disability by degree level and impairment type (graph)

First degree undergraduate

Other undergraduate


Unseen13.7 Speci�c




Unseen 17.7



Other 10.6

Unseen 22.2

Blind/partially sighted 1.9Deaf/hearing impairment 3.2Wheelchair user/mobility di�culties 2.7Personal care support 0.1Mental health di�culties 7.0

Multiple impairments 5.1Autistic spectrum disorder 1.7

Blind/partially sighted 2.2Deaf/hearing impairment 6.6Wheelchair user/mobility di�culties 4.8Personal care support 0.2Mental health di�culties 6.2

Multiple impairments 5.5Autistic spectrum disorder 1.1

Blind/partially sighted 2.6Deaf/hearing impairment 5.6Wheelchair user/mobility di�culties 4.5Personal care support 0.2Mental health di�culties 6.0

Multiple impairments 4.9Autistic spectrum disorder 0.9



Other 12.0

54 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

Profile over time

During the past seven years, the proportion of students who chose not to disclose their disability status dropped from 2.3% in 2003/04 to 1.4% in 2009/10 (figure 3.7).

The proportion of students declaring a disability increased from 5.5% in 2003/04 to 7.6% in 2009/10 (figure 3.7).

The number of students who receive DSA has increased from 36,720 in 2003/04 to 69,675 in 2009/10 (figure 3.7).

2009/10 saw the highest percentage of first year students declaring a disability at 6.5% (figure 3.7).

3.7 Student profile over time by disability status

3.8 Student profile over time by disability status (graph)

No known disability Declared disability



No known disability

Declared disability

Unknown disability status

Receives DSA

No. % No. % No. % No. %*

All students03/04 1874660 94.5 109180 5.5 47120 2.3 36720 33.604/05 1896760 94.0 121345 6.0 45150 2.2 45020 37.105/06 1938785 93.6 132005 6.4 41595 2.0 52580 39.806/07 1940505 93.1 144055 6.9 43580 2.0 57150 39.707/08 1932410 92.7 151960 7.3 40040 1.9 59810 39.408/09 1998740 92.5 160955 7.5 42520 1.9 64865 40.309/10 2081430 92.4 170595 7.6 31685 1.4 69675 40.8First years03/04 869540 95.1 44870 4.9 29090 3.1 12150 27.104/05 873960 94.7 49375 5.3 26475 2.8 14645 29.705/06 893420 94.3 53985 5.7 28240 2.9 17435 32.306/07 881055 94.0 56650 6.0 27820 2.9 17385 30.707/08 892815 93.6 61345 6.4 24775 2.5 18675 30.408/09 955835 93.6 65805 6.4 24410 2.3 20865 31.709/10 993630 93.5 68950 6.5 16620 1.5 21690 31.5

* percentage of students with a declared disability who receive DSA

55Part 2: students

Profile over time

3.9 Students declaring a disability by impairment type over time as a proportion of all students

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10No. % No. % No. %

Blind/partially sighted 3685 0.2 3560 0.2 3600 0.2Deaf/hearing impairment 6940 0.3 7225 0.3 7100 0.3Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

5465 0.3 5585 0.3 5710 0.3

Personal care support 350 0.0 255 0.0 230 0.0Mental health difficulties 8380 0.4 9780 0.5 11425 0.5Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

25780 1.2 27165 1.3 26965 1.2

Multiple disabilities 7810 0.4 8465 0.4 8780 0.4Autistic spectrum disorder 1440 0.1 1890 0.1 2530 0.1Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

74915 3.6 81105 3.8 86950 3.9

Other impairment 17190 0.8 15925 0.7 17310 0.8

The proportion of students declaring different impairment types has broadly remained constant over the past three years (figure 3.9).

56 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability


The highest proportion of students declaring a disability studied creative arts and design (14.4%) (figure 3.10).

Business and administration studies – the subject with the most students – had the lowest proportion of students declaring a disability (4.5%) (figure 3.10). This is particularly prominent at the postgraduate level, where only 2.6% of students had declared a disability (figure 3.12).

3.10 Students by subject and disability status

No known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSA

No. % No. % No. %*

SETAgriculture 16420 89.2 1990 10.8 790 39.7Architecture, build’g, planning

59925 92.0 5230 8.0 2280 43.6

Biological sciences 148845 91.5 13795 8.5 6295 45.6Computer science 83930 92.4 6950 7.6 2975 42.8Engineering, technology

140165 94.2 8625 5.8 3565 41.3

Math’ sciences 30210 94.6 1735 5.4 695 40.1Medicine, dentistry 61570 94.7 3450 5.3 1530 44.3Physical sciences 73215 91.2 7045 8.8 3170 45.0Subjects allied to medicine

275375 92.7 21535 7.3 8245 38.3

Vet’ science 4775 90.0 530 10.0 225 42.5SET total 894425 92.7 70885 7.3 29770 42.0Non-SETBusiness, admin’ 315385 95.5 14825 4.5 5395 36.4Combined 30050 92.0 2625 8.0 390 14.9Creative arts, design 147005 85.6 24660 14.4 12025 48.8Education 197100 93.5 13780 6.5 4690 34.0History, philosophy 74925 89.5 8760 10.5 3315 37.8Languages 116655 93.9 7605 6.1 2660 35.0Law 83755 93.8 5520 6.2 2090 37.9Mass comms, documentation

48320 91.7 4380 8.3 1895 43.3

Social studies 173810 90.8 17555 9.2 7390 42.1Non-SET total 1187005 92.3 99710 7.7 39850 40.0

* percentage of students with a declared disability who receive DSA

57Part 2: students


No known disability Declared disability


Creative arts, designAgricultureHistory, philosophyVeterinary scienceSocial studiesPhysical sciencesBiological sciencesMass comms, documentationArchitecture, build’g, planningCombinedComputer scienceSubjects allied to medicineEducationLawLanguagesEngineering, technologyMathematical sciencesMedicine, dentistryBusiness, admin’ studies

3.11 Students by subject and disability status (graph)

58 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateNo known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSA

No known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSANo known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSA

No. % No. % No. %* No. % No. % No. %* No. % No. % No. %*

SETAgriculture 7020 88.5 915 11.5 475 51.9 6580 87.8 915 12.2 275 30.1 2815 94.6 160 5.4 45 28.1Architecture, build’g, planning

35915 91.2 3475 8.8 1750 50.4 9140 92.5 745 7.5 230 30.9 14870 93.6 1010 6.4 300 29.7

Biological sciences 112800 91.3 10800 8.7 5395 50.0 8140 90.3 870 9.7 295 33.9 27910 92.9 2125 7.1 605 28.5Computer science 52995 91.2 5135 8.8 2490 48.5 8860 89.4 1055 10.6 310 29.4 22070 96.7 765 3.3 175 22.9Engineering, technology

83440 93.0 6315 7.0 3060 48.5 16635 94.5 975 5.5 245 25.1 40090 96.8 1335 3.2 260 19.5

Math’ sciences 24995 94.4 1485 5.6 645 43.4 530 92.1 45 7.9 10 .. 4685 95.8 205 4.2 40 19.5Medicine, dentistry 42065 93.8 2790 6.2 1420 50.9 755 96.1 30 3.9 5 .. 18750 96.7 630 3.3 105 16.7Physical sciences 51740 90.3 5580 9.7 2805 50.3 3745 93.4 265 6.6 60 22.6 17725 93.7 1200 6.3 305 25.4Subjects allied to medicine

110505 91.4 10360 8.6 4770 46.0 115400 93.1 8615 6.9 2945 34.2 49470 95.1 2560 4.9 525 20.5

Vet’ science 3900 89.0 480 11.0 215 44.8 5 .. 0 .. 0 .. 870 94.7 50 5.3 10 ..SET total 525380 91.7 47330 8.3 23020 48.6 169795 92.6 13515 7.4 4375 32.4 199250 95.2 10040 4.8 2375 23.7Non-SETBusiness, admin’ 168065 94.5 9870 5.5 4460 45.2 40600 95.1 2090 4.9 450 21.5 106720 97.4 2870 2.6 485 16.9Combined 5250 89.6 605 10.4 285 47.1 23915 92.3 1985 7.7 100 5.0 885 96.0 35 4.0 5 ..Creative arts, design 114255 85.1 19980 14.9 10500 52.6 14565 86.0 2370 14.0 690 29.1 18185 88.7 2310 11.3 840 36.4Education 50410 92.0 4405 8.0 2335 53.0 51305 93.0 3860 7.0 945 24.5 95385 94.5 5515 5.5 1410 25.6History, philosophy 50810 89.1 6235 10.9 2810 45.1 9615 90.1 1060 9.9 145 13.7 14500 90.8 1465 9.2 360 24.6Languages 74995 93.1 5530 6.9 2260 40.9 26145 96.0 1085 4.0 160 14.7 15515 94.0 995 6.0 240 24.1Law 57980 93.4 4090 6.6 1745 42.7 4895 94.0 310 6.0 85 27.4 20880 94.9 1115 5.1 260 23.3Mass comms, documentation

35040 91.3 3355 8.7 1590 47.4 3195 89.5 375 10.5 150 40.0 10090 94.0 645 6.0 155 24.0

Social studies 111735 90.2 12175 9.8 6030 49.5 20385 90.3 2185 9.7 470 21.5 41685 92.9 3200 7.1 885 27.7Non-SET total 668540 91.0 66240 9.0 32015 48.3 194615 92.7 15320 7.3 3200 20.9 323850 94.7 18150 5.3 4635 25.5

3.12 Students by degree level, subject and disability status

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

* percentage of students with a declared disability who receive DSA

A higher proportion of first degree undergraduates declaring a disability receive DSA than other undergraduates or postgraduates (figure 3.12).

59Part 2: students


First degree undergraduate Other undergraduate PostgraduateNo known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSA

No known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSANo known disability

Declared disability

Receives DSA

No. % No. % No. %* No. % No. % No. %* No. % No. % No. %*

SETAgriculture 7020 88.5 915 11.5 475 51.9 6580 87.8 915 12.2 275 30.1 2815 94.6 160 5.4 45 28.1Architecture, build’g, planning

35915 91.2 3475 8.8 1750 50.4 9140 92.5 745 7.5 230 30.9 14870 93.6 1010 6.4 300 29.7

Biological sciences 112800 91.3 10800 8.7 5395 50.0 8140 90.3 870 9.7 295 33.9 27910 92.9 2125 7.1 605 28.5Computer science 52995 91.2 5135 8.8 2490 48.5 8860 89.4 1055 10.6 310 29.4 22070 96.7 765 3.3 175 22.9Engineering, technology

83440 93.0 6315 7.0 3060 48.5 16635 94.5 975 5.5 245 25.1 40090 96.8 1335 3.2 260 19.5

Math’ sciences 24995 94.4 1485 5.6 645 43.4 530 92.1 45 7.9 10 .. 4685 95.8 205 4.2 40 19.5Medicine, dentistry 42065 93.8 2790 6.2 1420 50.9 755 96.1 30 3.9 5 .. 18750 96.7 630 3.3 105 16.7Physical sciences 51740 90.3 5580 9.7 2805 50.3 3745 93.4 265 6.6 60 22.6 17725 93.7 1200 6.3 305 25.4Subjects allied to medicine

110505 91.4 10360 8.6 4770 46.0 115400 93.1 8615 6.9 2945 34.2 49470 95.1 2560 4.9 525 20.5

Vet’ science 3900 89.0 480 11.0 215 44.8 5 .. 0 .. 0 .. 870 94.7 50 5.3 10 ..SET total 525380 91.7 47330 8.3 23020 48.6 169795 92.6 13515 7.4 4375 32.4 199250 95.2 10040 4.8 2375 23.7Non-SETBusiness, admin’ 168065 94.5 9870 5.5 4460 45.2 40600 95.1 2090 4.9 450 21.5 106720 97.4 2870 2.6 485 16.9Combined 5250 89.6 605 10.4 285 47.1 23915 92.3 1985 7.7 100 5.0 885 96.0 35 4.0 5 ..Creative arts, design 114255 85.1 19980 14.9 10500 52.6 14565 86.0 2370 14.0 690 29.1 18185 88.7 2310 11.3 840 36.4Education 50410 92.0 4405 8.0 2335 53.0 51305 93.0 3860 7.0 945 24.5 95385 94.5 5515 5.5 1410 25.6History, philosophy 50810 89.1 6235 10.9 2810 45.1 9615 90.1 1060 9.9 145 13.7 14500 90.8 1465 9.2 360 24.6Languages 74995 93.1 5530 6.9 2260 40.9 26145 96.0 1085 4.0 160 14.7 15515 94.0 995 6.0 240 24.1Law 57980 93.4 4090 6.6 1745 42.7 4895 94.0 310 6.0 85 27.4 20880 94.9 1115 5.1 260 23.3Mass comms, documentation

35040 91.3 3355 8.7 1590 47.4 3195 89.5 375 10.5 150 40.0 10090 94.0 645 6.0 155 24.0

Social studies 111735 90.2 12175 9.8 6030 49.5 20385 90.3 2185 9.7 470 21.5 41685 92.9 3200 7.1 885 27.7Non-SET total 668540 91.0 66240 9.0 32015 48.3 194615 92.7 15320 7.3 3200 20.9 323850 94.7 18150 5.3 4635 25.5

60 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

Continuation rates

There was little difference in the continuation rates of entrants declaring a disability (88.6%) and those with no known disability (89.4%) (figure 3.13).

3.13 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and disability status

Continue or qualify

Transfer No longer in HE


No. % No. % No. % No.No known disability

289835 89.4 8935 2.8 25365 7.8 324135

Declared disability

25900 88.6 770 2.6 2575 8.8 29250

Total 315735 89.3 9710 2.7 27940 7.9 353385

3.14 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and disability status (graph)

7.8 No longer in HE 8.8

2.8 Transfer 2.6

No knowndisability


Continue or qualify


Continue or qualify


heidi reportsA.4c First degree qualifiers by class and disability 2009/10

61Part 2: students

Degree attainment

3.16 Qualifiers by degree class and impairment type (graph)

1st/2:1 2:2/3rd


Autistic spectrum disorderSpeci�c learning di�culty Wheelchair user/mobility di�cultiesDeaf/hearing impairmentMultiple impairmentsOther impairmentBlind/partially sightedUnseen impairmentNo known disabilityMental health di�culties


Degree attainment

59.9% of qualifiers declaring a disability obtained a first class or upper second class honours degree (figure 3.15).

Of those declaring a disability, students who received DSA were more likely to obtain a first class or upper second class honours degree (60.2%) than students who did not receive DSA (figure 3.15).

64.5% of qualifiers with mental health difficulties obtained a first class or upper second class honours degree, compared with 51.6% of qualifiers with autistic spectrum disorder (figure 3.15).

3.15 Qualifiers by degree class and impairment type

1st/2:1 2:2/3rdNo. % No. %

Blind/partially sighted 325 61.3 205 38.7Deaf/hearing impairment 515 60.0 345 40.0Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

415 59.3 285 40.7

Personal care support 15 .. 15 ..Mental health difficulties 1050 64.5 580 35.5Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

2350 61.3 1485 38.7

Multiple impairments 820 60.0 545 40.0Autistic spectrum disorder 175 51.6 165 48.4Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

9505 59.0 6610 41.0

Other impairment 1590 61.1 1010 38.9All declared disability 16765 59.9 11240 40.1Receive DSA 8880 60.2 5875 39.8No known disability 180355 63.4 104215 36.6Total 197120 63.1 115455 36.9

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

62 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

3.17 Qualifiers by degree class, country and disability status

1st/2:1 2:2/3rd TotalNo. % No. % No.

EnglandDeclared disability 14295 59.9 9560 40.1 23855No known disability 152400 63.1 89225 36.9 241625Receive DSA 7665 60.5 5000 39.5 12665Total 166690 62.8 98785 37.2 265475WalesDeclared disability 990 55.6 790 44.4 1780No known disability 9620 58.5 6825 41.5 16445Receive DSA 535 53.5 465 46.5 1000Total 10610 58.2 7615 41.8 18225ScotlandDeclared disability 1160 63.2 680 36.8 1840No known disability 13395 70.2 5675 29.8 19070Receive DSA 515 64.1 285 35.9 800Total 14555 69.6 6355 30.4 20910Northern IrelandDeclared disability 315 59.9 210 40.1 530No known disability 4940 66.5 2490 33.5 7430Receive DSA 165 56.9 125 43.1 290Total 5260 66.1 2700 33.9 7960

The percentage of student qualifiers declaring a disability who received a first class or upper second class honours degree varied across the four countries (figure 3.17).

The attainment gap between students declaring a disability and those with no known disability also varied. The widest gap was in Scotland (7.0%), and the smallest difference was found in Wales (2.9%).

63Part 2: students

Degree attainment

3.18 Qualifiers by degree class, country and disability status (graph)

1st/2:1 2:2/3rd


Wales receive DSAWales declared disabilityNorthern Ireland receive DSAWales no known disabilityEngland declared disabilityNorthern Ireland declared disabilityEngland receive DSAEngland no known disabilityScotland declared disabilityScotland receive DSANorthern Ireland no known disabilityScotland no known disability


64 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability


A lower proportion of leavers declaring a disability were in full-time paid work (including self-employed) (46.8%) than leavers with no known disability (53.5%) (figure 3.19).

36.3% of leavers declaring a disability were in full-time graduate paid work compared with 42.3% of leavers not known to have a disability (figure 3.19).

Higher proportions of leavers declaring a disability were in further study only or assumed to be unemployed than of leavers not known to have a disability (figure 3.19).

3.19 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by disability status

heidi reportsB.1b DLHE leavers by activity and disability 2009/10

No known disability

Declared disability

No. % No. %Full-time paid (including self-employed) total

178305 53.5 15460 46.8

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

141175 42.3 11985 36.3

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

36835 11.0 3440 10.4

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

295 0.1 35 0.1

Part-time paid only 35370 10.6 3630 11.0Voluntary/unpaid only 5390 1.6 885 2.7Work and further study 30070 9.0 2835 8.6Further study only 47175 14.1 5095 15.4Assumed to be unemployed 24025 7.2 3300 10.0Not available for employment 9430 2.8 1315 4.0Other 3630 1.1 540 1.6Total 333395 100 33065 100

65Part 2: students


3.20 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by disability status (graph)

Assumed to be unemployed 10.0 Not available for employment 4.0 Other 1.6

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Further study only


Work and further study 8.6 Voluntary/unpaid only 2.7

Part-time paid only


Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 10.4

Declared disability

Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 46.8

No known disability

Voluntary/unpaid only 1.6Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 11.0

Assumed to be unemployed 7.2 Not available for employment 2.8 Other 1.1

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Further study only


Work and further study


Part-time paid only


Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 53.5

66 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

3 Disability

Blind/partially sighted

Deaf/hearing impairm’t

Wheel-chair user/mobiility difficulties

Personal care support

Mental health difficulties

Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

Multiple disabilities

Autistic spectrum disorder

Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

Other impairment

No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %Full-time paid (including self-employed) total

255 42.9 610 49.7 325 34.6 10 .. 610 34.8 2440 48.9 515 32.6 80 21.4 9305 50.3 1310 42.8

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

195 32.7 490 40.0 260 28.1 10 .. 445 25.6 1950 39.0 375 23.7 55 14.6 7170 38.7 1035 33.8

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

60 10.1 115 9.5 60 6.5 5 .. 160 9.3 490 9.8 140 8.7 25 6.8 2110 11.4 275 8.9

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.0 0 .. 0 0.0 5 0.1 5 0.2 0 0.0 20 0.1 0 0.1

Part-time paid only 65 10.7 155 12.8 75 8.0 5 .. 195 11.2 585 11.7 155 9.9 35 8.9 2030 11.0 330 10.8Voluntary/unpaid only 20 3.0 35 2.9 35 4.0 0 .. 75 4.3 110 2.2 65 4.0 20 5.5 430 2.3 95 3.2Work and further study 40 6.7 130 10.4 100 10.5 5 .. 165 9.4 435 8.8 150 9.4 20 4.9 1505 8.1 290 9.5Further study only 100 16.4 130 10.6 180 19.4 5 .. 335 19.2 730 14.6 365 23.0 110 29.2 2625 14.2 515 16.8Assumed to be unemployed

80 13.4 90 7.4 120 12.6 0 .. 235 13.3 430 8.6 190 11.9 95 24.7 1745 9.4 320 10.4

Not available for employment

25 4.5 55 4.5 70 7.4 0 .. 85 4.7 185 3.7 100 6.4 5 1.8 645 3.5 145 4.7

Other 15 2.3 20 1.7 35 3.5 0 .. 50 3.0 75 1.5 45 2.8 15 3.6 230 1.2 60 1.9

3.21 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by impairment type

Percentages calculated on populations which contain 52 or fewer individuals have been suppressed and represented as ..

There is considerable variation in the destination of leavers with different impairment types (figure 3.21).

29.2% of students with autistic spectrum disorder were in further study only (figure 3.21), compared with 14.1% of students with no disability (figure 3.19).

67Part 2: students


Blind/partially sighted

Deaf/hearing impairm’t

Wheel-chair user/mobiility difficulties

Personal care support

Mental health difficulties

Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

Multiple disabilities

Autistic spectrum disorder

Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

Other impairment

No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %Full-time paid (including self-employed) total

255 42.9 610 49.7 325 34.6 10 .. 610 34.8 2440 48.9 515 32.6 80 21.4 9305 50.3 1310 42.8

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

195 32.7 490 40.0 260 28.1 10 .. 445 25.6 1950 39.0 375 23.7 55 14.6 7170 38.7 1035 33.8

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

60 10.1 115 9.5 60 6.5 5 .. 160 9.3 490 9.8 140 8.7 25 6.8 2110 11.4 275 8.9

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.0 0 .. 0 0.0 5 0.1 5 0.2 0 0.0 20 0.1 0 0.1

Part-time paid only 65 10.7 155 12.8 75 8.0 5 .. 195 11.2 585 11.7 155 9.9 35 8.9 2030 11.0 330 10.8Voluntary/unpaid only 20 3.0 35 2.9 35 4.0 0 .. 75 4.3 110 2.2 65 4.0 20 5.5 430 2.3 95 3.2Work and further study 40 6.7 130 10.4 100 10.5 5 .. 165 9.4 435 8.8 150 9.4 20 4.9 1505 8.1 290 9.5Further study only 100 16.4 130 10.6 180 19.4 5 .. 335 19.2 730 14.6 365 23.0 110 29.2 2625 14.2 515 16.8Assumed to be unemployed

80 13.4 90 7.4 120 12.6 0 .. 235 13.3 430 8.6 190 11.9 95 24.7 1745 9.4 320 10.4

Not available for employment

25 4.5 55 4.5 70 7.4 0 .. 85 4.7 185 3.7 100 6.4 5 1.8 645 3.5 145 4.7

Other 15 2.3 20 1.7 35 3.5 0 .. 50 3.0 75 1.5 45 2.8 15 3.6 230 1.2 60 1.9

Key facts and figures

= Over the past seven years, the proportion of students aged 21 and under on entry has grown from 45.4% in 2003/04 to 48.2% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

= In contrast, the proportion aged 36 and over has decreased steadily from 21.3% 2003/04 to 18.4% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

= 18.2% of qualifiers aged 36 and over achieved a first class honours degree (figure 4.12).

= Leavers aged 26 to 35 had the highest proportion (55.2%) of leavers in full-time paid graduate employment. (figure 4.16)

= A quarter of leavers aged 21 and under were in full-time graduate occupations (figure 4.16).

4 Age

70 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

48.2% of all students were aged 21 and under (figure 4.1).

Northern Ireland had the largest proportion of students aged 21 and under (56.6%) while England had the lowest (47.3%) (figure 4.1).

4.1 Students by country and age group

England Wales Scotland NI TotalAll students21 and under

No. 988660 66145 116135 28830 1199770% 47.3 51.8 52.6 56.6 48.2

22–25No. 324915 19770 33275 7185 385145% 15.5 15.5 15.1 14.1 15.5

26–35No. 383225 20125 35555 7385 446285% 18.3 15.7 16.1 14.5 17.9

36 and over

No. 394360 21745 35910 7520 459535% 18.9 17.0 16.3 14.8 18.4

Total No. 2091160 127780 220870 50925 2490735Unknown age

No. 2475 105 40 60 2685% 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1

First years21 and under

No. 386405 28365 41195 10045 466005% 38.9 43.0 41.2 44.5 39.4

22–25No. 187015 12615 19905 3755 223290% 18.8 19.1 19.9 16.6 18.9

26–35No. 203595 12070 18720 3845 238230% 20.5 18.3 18.7 17.0 20.1

36 and over

No. 217230 12835 20260 4955 255280% 21.8 19.5 20.2 21.9 21.6

Total No. 994240 65885 100075 22600 1182805Unknown age

No. 2220 90 25 55 2390% 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2

71Part 2: students

4.2 Students by country and age group (graph)


EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern Ireland


21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

72 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

4.3 Students by degree level, mode of study and age group84.3% of full-time first degree undergraduates were aged 21 and under. 49.1% of full-time other undergraduates were aged 21 and under (figure 4.3).

50.1% of full-time postgraduates were aged 22 to 25 with a further 30.4% aged 26 to 35 (figure 4.3).

Part-time students were generally older than full-time students. 44.2% of all part-time students were aged 36 and over compared with only 4.9% of full-time students (figure 4.3).

68.2% of all full-time students were aged 21 and under compared with 10.2% of part-time students (figure 4.3).

All students Full-time Part-timeNo. % No. % No. %

First degree undergraduate21 and under 1059285 74.5 1019300 84.3 39985 18.822–25 125735 8.8 92835 7.7 32905 15.526–35 125090 8.8 61755 5.1 63335 29.836 and over 111300 7.8 34705 2.9 76595 36.0Total 1421415 100 1208600 100 212815 100Unknown age 75 0.0 25 0.0 50 0.0Other undergraduate21 and under 104110 21.2 61525 49.1 42585 11.622–25 66965 13.6 22215 17.7 44755 12.226–35 123390 25.1 22725 18.1 100665 27.536 and over 196710 40.0 18785 15.0 177925 48.6Total 491175 100 125245 100 365925 100Unknown age 2050 0.4 30 0.0 2020 0.5Postgraduate21 and under 36380 6.3 31720 10.6 4655 1.722–25 192440 33.3 149260 50.1 43180 15.426–35 197805 34.2 90705 30.4 107105 38.336 and over 151520 26.2 26520 8.9 125000 44.7Total 578145 100 298205 100 279940 100Unknown age 560 0.1 50 0.0 505 0.2Total21 and under 1199770 48.2 1112545 68.2 87225 10.222–25 385145 15.5 264305 16.2 120835 14.126–35 446285 17.9 175185 10.7 271100 31.636 and over 459535 18.4 80015 4.9 379520 44.2Total 2490735 100 1632050 100 858685 100Unknown age 2685 0.1 105 0.0 2575 0.3

73Part 2: students

4.4 Students by degree level, mode of study and age group (graph)

Part-time postgraduatePart-time other undergraduateAll part-timePart-time �rst degree undergraduateAll other undergraduate All postgraduateFull-time postgraduateAll studentsFull-time other undergraduateAll �rst degree undergraduateAll full timeFull-time �rst degree undergraduate

21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

74 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

Profile over time

Over the past seven years, the proportion of students aged 21 and under on entry has grown from 45.4% in 2003/04 to 48.2% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

In contrast, the proportion aged 36 and over has decreased steadily from 21.3% 2003/04 to 18.4% in 2009/10 (figure 4.5).

4.5 Student age profile over time

4.6 Student age profile over time (graph)

21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over




21 and under

22–25 26–3536 and over

Unknown age

03/04No. 992005 311955 416875 466020 13320% 45.4 14.3 19.1 21.3 0.6

04/05No. 1013955 325175 418010 467645 11485% 45.6 14.6 18.8 21.0 0.5

05/06No. 1045890 333395 417115 475905 8935% 46.0 14.7 18.4 20.9 0.4

06/07No. 1071630 337040 417280 472070 6675% 46.6 14.7 18.2 20.5 0.3

07/08No. 1097235 338855 413195 453000 3825% 47.7 14.7 17.9 19.7 0.2

08/09No. 1138875 358115 430740 465430 2890% 47.6 15.0 18.0 19.4 0.1

09/10No. 1199770 385145 446285 459535 2685% 48.2 15.5 17.9 18.4 0.1

75Part 2: students



The age profile of students studying SET subjects was younger than for those studying non-SET subjects. 49.3% of students studying SET subjects were aged 21 and under. 47.4% of those studying non-SET subjects were aged 21 and under (figure 4.7).

4.7 Students by degree level, subject area and age group

21 and under

22–25 26–3536 and over


First degree undergraduate

AllNo. 1059285 125735 125090 111300 1421415% 74.5 8.8 8.8 7.8

SETNo. 449175 59110 60070 44215 612575% 73.3 9.6 9.8 7.2

Non-SETNo. 610105 66625 65020 67085 808840% 75.4 8.2 8.0 8.3

Other undergraduate

AllNo. 104110 66965 123390 196710 491175% 21.2 13.6 25.1 40.0

SETNo. 46530 27620 54150 73290 201595% 23.1 13.7 26.9 36.4

Non-SETNo. 57575 39345 69240 123420 289580% 19.9 13.6 23.9 42.6


AllNo. 36380 192440 197805 151520 578145% 6.3 33.3 34.2 26.2

SETNo. 13120 76300 77585 50625 217625% 6.0 35.1 35.7 23.3

Non-SETNo. 23260 116140 120225 100895 360525% 6.5 32.2 33.3 28.0


AllNo. 1199770 385145 446285 459535 2490735% 48.2 15.5 17.9 18.4

SETNo. 508825 163030 191805 168130 1031790% 49.3 15.8 18.6 16.3

Non-SETNo. 690945 222115 254480 291405 1458945% 47.4 15.2 17.4 20.0

76 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

4.8 Students by subject and age group

The highest proportions of students aged 36 and over were in combined (47.4%) and education (35.5%) subjects. The lowest proportions were in veterinary science (2.7%) and mass communications and documentation (5.5%) (figure 4.8).

21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and overNo. % No. % No. % No. %

SETAgriculture 9795 52.0 2690 14.3 3340 17.7 3030 16.1Architecture, building, planning 33945 51.4 14380 21.8 11600 17.6 6055 9.2Biological sciences 115370 63.0 23605 12.9 25045 13.7 18995 10.4Computer science 53475 53.1 19345 19.2 17885 17.8 9995 9.9Engineering, technology 85235 54.3 32475 20.7 25975 16.5 13285 8.5Mathematical sciences 26220 67.0 4050 10.4 4400 11.2 4450 11.4Medicine, dentistry 38165 58.0 9715 14.8 12770 19.4 5140 7.8Physical sciences 55575 61.1 14445 15.9 11910 13.1 9090 10.0Subjects allied to medicine 87485 28.7 41420 13.6 78135 25.6 97940 32.1Veterinary science 3560 66.5 905 16.9 750 14.0 145 2.7SET total 508825 49.3 163030 15.8 191805 18.6 168130 16.3Non-SETBusiness, administrative studies 170585 48.3 69775 19.8 66570 18.9 45960 13.0Combined 18080 16.3 11800 10.6 28465 25.7 52625 47.4Creative arts, design 122505 70.5 21100 12.1 14895 8.6 15270 8.8Education 49680 22.0 38070 16.9 57990 25.7 80155 35.5History, philosophy 52355 54.4 9445 9.8 10940 11.4 23505 24.4Languages 82365 59.7 17755 12.9 16900 12.2 20950 15.2Law 54700 58.0 15490 16.4 14470 15.3 9700 10.3Mass comms, documentation 36655 69.0 8365 15.7 5205 9.8 2905 5.5Social studies 104020 48.7 30315 14.2 39045 18.3 40340 18.9Non-SET total 690945 47.4 222115 15.2 254480 17.4 291405 20.0

77Part 2: students


4.9 Students by subject and age group (graph)

21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

78 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

Continuation rates

Entrants who were 21 and under were more likely to continue or qualify (90.3%) than any other age group. The highest proportion of students who left higher education were aged 22 to 25 (13.5%) (figure 4.10).

4.10 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and age group

Continue or qualify

Transfer No longer in HE


No. % No. % No. % No.21 and under

266240 90.3 8400 2.8 20360 6.9 295000

22–25 22880 84.1 675 2.5 3660 13.5 2721526–35 17345 85.3 430 2.1 2560 12.6 2033536 and over 11155 85.7 240 1.8 1620 12.5 13015Total 317620 89.3 9740 2.7 28205 7.9 355570

4.11 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and age group (graph)


21 and under22–2526–3536 and over


Continue or qualify Transfer No longer in HE

79Part 2: students

Degree attainment

Degree attainment

Age is at 31 July 2010.

18.2% of qualifiers aged 36 and over achieved a first class honours degree (figure 4.12).

Qualifiers aged 21 and under were the least likely to obtain a first class honours degree (12.0%) but they were most likely to achieve an upper second class honours degree (54.0%) (figure 4.12).

19.4% of full-time qualifiers aged 36 and over achieved a first class honours degree, compared with 6.0% of part-time qualifiers aged 22 to 25 (figure 4.12).

4.12 Qualifiers by degree class, mode of study and age group

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

All students≤21 12855 12.0 57775 54.0 31460 29.4 4950 4.622–25 23880 15.1 74165 46.8 47430 29.9 12970 8.226–35 5340 16.0 13580 40.6 10615 31.8 3875 11.6≥36 4635 18.2 10780 42.3 7410 29.1 2655 10.4Total 46705 14.4 156300 48.2 96915 29.9 24450 7.5Full-time≤21 12795 12.0 57560 54.1 31280 29.4 4855 4.622–25 23375 15.6 71785 47.9 43775 29.2 11025 7.426–35 4120 16.9 10300 42.2 7635 31.2 2375 9.7≥36 2340 19.4 5255 43.5 3585 29.7 910 7.5Total 42630 14.6 144900 49.5 86275 29.4 19160 6.5Part-time≤21 60 10.8 215 39.0 185 33.0 95 17.122–25 505 6.0 2380 28.0 3655 43.1 1945 22.926–35 1220 13.6 3280 36.5 2980 33.2 1500 16.7≥36 2290 17.1 5525 41.3 3825 28.6 1745 13.0Total 4075 13.0 11400 36.3 10640 33.9 5290 16.8

≤: less than or equal to, ≥: more than or equal to

4.13 Qualifiers by degree class, mode of study and age group (graph)

21 and under22–2526–3536 and over

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

80 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age

4.14 Qualifiers by degree class, country and age group

1st 2:1 2:2 3rdNo. % No. % No. % No. %

England≤21 11250 12.0 50675 54.1 27330 29.2 4345 4.622–25 19590 14.9 61055 46.4 39715 30.2 11255 8.626–35 4545 15.8 11510 40.0 9210 32.0 3475 12.1≥36 4085 18.1 9490 42.0 6615 29.3 2425 10.7Total 39475 14.3 132730 48.0 82870 30.0 21505 7.8Wales≤21 710 10.1 3595 51.4 2350 33.6 345 4.922–25 1070 13.2 3395 42.0 2805 34.7 815 10.126–35 285 15.1 725 38.8 660 35.3 205 10.8≥36 275 18.7 610 41.7 450 30.6 135 9.1Total 2335 12.7 8330 45.2 6265 34.0 1495 8.1Scotland≤21 680 15.2 2425 53.9 1185 26.4 205 4.622–25 2440 17.3 7470 53.0 3535 25.1 640 4.526–35 360 18.7 915 47.5 500 26.0 150 7.8≥36 165 19.1 390 45.9 215 25.5 80 9.5Total 3650 17.1 11200 52.4 5440 25.5 1075 5.0Northern Ireland≤21 210 10.9 1085 55.8 595 30.6 50 2.722–25 775 16.7 2240 48.2 1375 29.6 260 5.626–35 150 17.4 430 49.4 245 28.0 45 5.2≥36 110 20.7 285 53.0 125 22.9 20 3.5Total 1250 15.6 4040 50.5 2335 29.2 375 4.7

Across the four countries, students aged 36 and over were the most likely to achieve a first class honours degree (figure 4.14).

≤: less than or equal to, ≥: more than or equal to

81Part 2: students

Degree attainment

4.15 Qualifiers by degree class, country and age group (graph)

Wales 26–35Wales 22–25England 26–35England ≥36Wales ≥36England 22–25Wales ≤21Northern Ireland 22–25Scotland ≥36England ≤21Scotland 26–35Northern Ireland ≤21Northern Ireland 26–35Scotland ≤21Scotland 22–25Northern Ireland ≥36

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

≤: less than or equal to, ≥: more than or equal to

82 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

4 Age


Age is at 31 July 2010.

Across all age groups, leavers aged 26 to 35 were most likely to be in full-time paid work (including self-employed) (61.8%) (figure 4.16).

Leavers aged 26 to 35 also had the highest proportion (55.2%) of leavers in full-time paid graduate employment. (figure 4.16)

A quarter of leavers aged 21 and under were in full-time graduate occupations (figure 4.16).

A higher proportion (22.3%) of leavers aged 21 and under were in further study only than in the other age groups (figure 4.16).

4.16 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by age group

21 and under

22–25 26–3536 and over

Full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 38450 84250 42875 33860

% 41.4 54.4 61.8 54.0

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 23195 65765 38285 30345

% 25.0 42.5 55.2 48.4

Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 15180 18345 4480 3390

% 16.3 11.8 6.5 5.4

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed)

No. 75 135 115 125

% 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2

Part-time paid onlyNo. 12185 15115 5505 7430% 13.1 9.8 7.9 11.9

Voluntary/unpaid onlyNo. 1995 2920 705 835% 2.1 1.9 1.0 1.3

Work and further studyNo. 7775 11655 7245 9715% 8.4 7.5 10.4 15.5

Further study onlyNo. 20725 22375 5950 4085% 22.3 14.4 8.6 6.5

Assumed to be unemployed

No. 7645 12485 4565 3280% 8.2 8.1 6.6 5.2

Not available for employment

No. 3135 4410 1740 2415% 3.4 2.8 2.5 3.9

OtherNo. 995 1665 795 1060% 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7

Total No. 92910 154880 69380 62675

83Part 2: students


4.17 Destination of UK-domicile leavers aged 21 and under and 36 and over (graph)

21 and under

Assumed to be unemployed 8.2 Not available for employment 3.4 Other 1.1

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


study only 22.3

Work and further study 8.4

Part-time paid only


Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 41.4

Voluntary/unpaid only 2.1

Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.1

Non-graduate full-time paid

(including self-employed)


Assumed to be unemployed 5.2 Not available for employment 3.9 Other 1.7

Graduate full-time paid (including self-employed)


Further study only 6.5

Work and further study


Part-time paid only


36 and over

Full-time paid(including self-

employed) total 54.0

Voluntary/unpaid only 1.3Unknown full-time paid (including self-employed) 0.2 Non-graduate full-time paid (including self-employed) 5.4

Key facts and figures

= Among UK-domicile BME students, there were more black female (6.0%) than black male (5.7%) students. For all other BME groups, there were more men than women (figure 5.1).

= 51.1% of the male population were aged 21 and under compared with 45.9% of female students. However, 20.9% of female students were aged 36 and over compared with 15.3% of male students (figure 5.7)

= 9.2% of white students declared a disability compared with 3.6% of Chinese students (figure 5.10)

= 67.6% of Asian students and 62.9% of Chinese students were aged 21 and under compared with 38.6% of black students. 26.1% of black students were aged 36 and over, compared with 8.6% of Chinese and 7.3% of Asian students (figure 5.13).

= The ethnicity attainment gap ranges from 9.3% for qualifiers aged 21 and under to 29.8% for those aged 36 and over (figure 5.26)

5 Students: multiple identities

86 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Gender and ethnicity

Among UK-domicile BME students, there were more black female (6.0%) than black male (5.7%) students. For all other BME groups, there were more men than women (figure 5.1).

5.1 All UK-domicile students by ethnicity and gender

Female MaleNo. %* %† No. %* %†

White 977220 82.8 59.3 670850 80.6 40.7Black 70550 6.0 59.6 47740 5.7 40.4Asian 65885 5.6 52.1 60575 7.3 47.9Chinese 9350 0.8 52.7 8400 1.0 47.3Other Asian 15200 1.3 52.7 13665 1.6 47.3Other 42335 3.6 57.5 31325 3.8 42.5BME 203320 17.2 55.7 161705 19.4 44.3Unknown ethnicity

39640 3.2 53.2 34875 4.0 46.8

* percentage of female/male students with a certain ethnicity† percentage of people with a certain ethnicity who are female/male

87Part 2: students

Gender and ethnicity

5.2 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by gender (graph)

6.0 Black 5.7 5.6 Asian 7.3

0.8 Chinese 1.0

1.3 Other Asian 1.6 3.6 Other 3.8

Female Male



5.3 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by gender (graph)

AsianChineseOther AsianOther ethnic groupWhiteBlack



Female Male

88 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Gender and disability

53.6% of male students declaring a disability had a specific learning difficulty, compared with 48.9% of female students (figure 5.5).

5.4 Students declaring a disability by impairment type and gender

5.5 Impairment types by gender (graph)

Female MaleNo. %* %† No. %* %†

Blind/partially sighted 1730 1.8 48.1 1865 2.5 51.9Deaf/hearing impairment 4310 4.5 60.7 2790 3.7 39.3Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

3560 3.7 62.4 2150 2.9 37.6

Personal care support 105 0.1 46.1 125 0.2 53.9Mental health difficulties 7120 7.4 62.3 4305 5.8 37.7Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

16410 17.1 60.8 10560 14.1 39.2

Multiple impairments 5130 5.3 58.4 3650 4.9 41.6Autistic spectrum disorder 480 0.5 18.9 2050 2.7 81.1Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

46875 48.9 53.9 40075 53.6 46.1

Other impairment 10150 10.6 58.6 7155 9.6 41.4* percentage of female/male students with a certain impairment† percentage of people with a certain impairment who are female/male

Autistic spectrum disorderPersonal care supportBlind/partially sightedSpeci�c learning di�cultyMultiple impairmentsOther impairmentDeaf/hearing impairmentUnseen impairment, eg diabetesMental health di�cultiesWheelchair user/mobility di�culties



Female Male

89Part 2: students

Gender and disability

5.6 Impairment profile of students by gender (graph)







Unseen 14.1




Blind/partially sighted 1.8Deaf/hearing impairment 4.5Wheelchair user/mobility di�culties 3.7Personal care support 0.1Mental health di�culties 7.4

Multiple impairments 5.3Autistic spectrum disorder 0.5

Blind/partially sighted 2.5Deaf/hearing impairment 3.7Wheelchair user/mobility di�culties 2.9Personal care support 0.2Mental health di�culties 5.8

Multiple impairments 4.9Autistic spectrum disorder 2.7

90 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Gender and age

51.1% of the male population were aged 21 and under compared with 45.9% of female students. However, 20.9% of female students were aged 36 and over compared with 15.3% of male students (figure 5.7)

5.7 All students by age group and gender

Female MaleNo. %* %† No. %* %†

21 and under 647730 45.9 54.0 552040 51.1 46.022–25 210420 14.9 54.6 174725 16.2 45.426–35 257965 18.3 57.8 188320 17.4 42.236 and over 294460 20.9 64.1 165075 15.3 35.9

* percentage of female/male students in a certain age group† percentage of people in a certain age group who are female/male

91Part 2: students

Gender and age

5.8 Age profile of students by gender (graph)




21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

5.9 Student age groups by gender (graph)

21 and under22–2526–3536 and over



Female Male

92 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Ethnicity and disability

9.2% of white students declared a disability compared with 3.6% of Chinese students (figure 5.10)

5.10 UK-domicile students by ethnicity and disability status

No known disability

Declared disability

Unknown disability status

No. %* %† No. %* %† No. %White 1320065 80.5 90.8 133790 85.3 9.2 13375 0.9Black 100305 6.1 91.9 8815 5.6 8.1 1545 1.4Asian 114465 7.0 94.9 6135 3.9 5.1 1250 1.0Chinese 16285 1.0 96.4 605 0.4 3.6 195 1.2Other Asian

25785 1.6 95.5 1225 0.8 4.5 430 1.6

Other 61930 3.8 90.9 6230 4.0 9.1 630 0.9BME 318775 19.5 93.3 23015 14.7 6.7 4055 1.2

* percentage of students with/without a known disability with a certain ethnicity† percentage of people with a certain ethnicity who have/have not declared a disability

93Part 2: students

Ethnicity and disability

5.11 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by disability status (graph)

No known disability Declared disability


WhiteOtherBlackAsianOther AsianChinese

5.12 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by disability status (graph)

6.1 Black 5.67.0 Asian 3.9

1.0 Chinese 0.4

1.6 Other Asian 0.83.8 Other 4.0

No known disability Declared disability



94 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Ethnicity and age

67.6% of Asian students and 62.9% of Chinese students were aged 21 and under compared with 38.6% of black students. 26.1% of black students were aged 36 and over, compared with 8.6% of Chinese and 7.3% of Asian students (figure 5.13).

5.13 UK-domicile students by age group and ethnicity

21 and under

22–25 26–3536 and over

WhiteNo. 823080 201115 271310 351390%* 80.6 81.7 80.4 86.4%† 50.0 12.2 16.5 21.3

BlackNo. 45680 14060 27655 30860%* 4.5 5.7 8.2 7.6%† 38.6 11.9 23.4 26.1

AsianNo. 85505 14555 17090 9280%* 8.4 5.9 5.1 2.3%† 67.6 11.5 13.5 7.3

ChineseNo. 11155 2705 2355 1520%* 1.1 1.1 0.7 0.4%† 62.9 15.3 13.3 8.6

Other AsianNo. 14265 3680 6210 4700%* 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.2%† 49.4 12.8 21.5 16.3

OtherNo. 41280 9960 12790 9155%* 4.0 4.0 3.8 2.2%† 56.4 13.6 17.5 12.5

BMENo. 197880 44960 66095 55515%* 19.4 18.3 19.6 13.6%† 54.3 12.3 18.1 15.2

* percentage of students within a certain age group with a certain ethnicity† percentage of people with a certain ethnicity who are within a certain age group

95Part 2: students

Ethnicity and age

5.15 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by age groups (graph)

21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

BlackOther AsianWhiteOtherChineseAsian




5.14 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by age group (graph)

4.5 Black 5.78.4 Asian 5.9

1.1 Chinese 1.1

1.4 Other Asian 1.54.0 Other 4.0

8.2 Black 7.65.1 Asian 2.3

0.7 Chinese 0.4

1.8 Other Asian 1.23.8 Other 2.2

21 and under 22–25

26–35 36 and over





96 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

5.16 All students by age group and impairment type

≤21 22–25 26–35 ≥36

Blind/partially sighted

No. 1785 475 530 805%* 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2%† 49.7 13.2 14.8 22.4

Deaf/hearing impairment

No. 2695 770 1000 2635%* 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7%† 38.0 10.8 14.1 37.1

Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties

No. 1770 595 915 2420%* 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7%† 31.1 10.5 16.1 42.4

Personal care support

No. 80 30 50 65%* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0%† 36.0 14.0 21.1 28.9

Mental health difficulties

No. 4755 1900 2440 2330%* 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7%† 41.6 16.6 21.4 20.4

Unseen impairment (eg diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

No. 12605 3660 4350 6340%* 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.8%† 46.8 13.6 16.1 23.5

Multiple impairments

No. 3815 1125 1380 2455%* 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.7%† 43.5 12.8 15.7 28.0

Autistic spectrum disorder

No. 1965 290 155 125%* 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0%† 77.6 11.5 6.0 4.9

Specific learning difficulty (eg dyslexia)

No. 54050 13320 11425 8150%* 4.6 3.8 3.1 2.3%† 62.2 15.3 13.1 9.4

Other impairmentNo. 8425 2190 2530 4160%* 0.7 0.6 0.7 1.2%† 48.7 12.7 14.6 24.0

Declared disabilityNo. 91950 24355 24775 29480%* 7.8 6.9 6.7 8.3%† 53.9 14.3 14.5 17.3

No known disabilityNo. 1081255 328925 343390 325460%* 92.2 93.1 93.3 91.7%† 52.0 15.8 16.5 15.7

* percentage of students within a certain age group with a certain impairment† percentage of people with a certain impairment who are within a certain age group

Age and disability

31.1% of students who are wheelchair users or have mobility difficulties are 21 and under, compared with 77.6% of students with autistic spectrum disorder (figure 5.16).

97Part 2: students

Age and disability

5.17 Age profile of students by impairment type (graph)

Wheelchair user/mobility di cultiesDeaf/hearing impairmentPersonal care supportMultiple impairmentsMental health di cultiesUnseen impairmentOther impairmentBlind/partially sightedNo known disabilitySpeci�c learning di cultyAutistic spectrum disorder



21 and under 22–25 26–35 36 and over

98 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

Degree attainment

For all ethnic groups a higher proportion of female qualifiers achieved a first class or upper second class honours degree than male qualifiers.

The gender difference in degree attainment varied among the ethnic groups, with the largest difference observed between Chinese female (61.2%) and Chinese male (52.1%) qualifiers (figure 5.18).

5.18 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, gender, ethnicity

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %FemaleWhite 19680 15.6 68580 54.2 69.8 32435 25.7 5740 4.5Black 365 4.4 2890 35.1 39.5 3825 46.4 1160 14.1Asian 790 7.5 4615 43.5 50.9 4215 39.7 995 9.4Chinese 160 10.7 750 50.4 61.2 465 31.3 110 7.5O’ Asian 145 8.8 705 43.5 52.3 605 37.3 170 10.4Other 680 11.7 2975 51.0 62.6 1795 30.8 385 6.6BME 2140 7.7 11940 42.9 50.6 10910 39.2 2820 10.1MaleWhite 15280 16.6 44955 48.7 65.3 26040 28.2 6010 6.5Black 240 4.6 1630 31.3 35.9 2400 46.0 945 18.2Asian 865 9.5 3575 39.4 48.9 3520 38.7 1125 12.4Chinese 195 14.1 520 38.0 52.1 490 35.9 165 12.0O’ Asian 155 9.7 595 37.6 47.3 610 38.4 225 14.3Other 505 12.0 1920 45.5 57.5 1410 33.5 385 9.1BME 1960 9.1 8240 38.4 47.5 8425 39.2 2850 13.3

Black maleBlack femaleOther Asian maleAsian maleAsian femaleChinese maleOther Asian femaleOther maleChinese femaleOther femaleWhite maleWhite female

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

5.19 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, gender, ethnicity (graph)

99Part 2: students

Degree attainment

The difference in degree attainment for students who declared a disability and those with no known disability was slightly wider among female students (3.9%) than male students (3.1%) (figure 5.20).


Declared disability maleNo known disability maleDeclared disability femaleNo known disability female

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

5.20 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and disability status

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %FemaleNo known disability

23010 14.4 82575 51.5 65.9 45630 28.5 9100 5.7

Declared disability

1910 12.2 7805 49.8 62.0 4870 31.1 1080 6.9

MaleNo known disability

18695 15.0 56075 45.1 60.2 38580 31.0 10905 8.8

Declared disability

1540 12.5 5510 44.7 57.1 4135 33.5 1155 9.4

5.21 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and disability status (graph)

100 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities


Male 22–25Male 26–35Female 22–25Male 36 and overFemale 26–35Male 21 and underFemale 36 and overFemale 21 and under

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

5.22 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and age group

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %Female21 and under

18655 13.3 74325 53.2 66.5 39515 28.3 7310 5.2

22–25 2215 14.8 6440 43.1 58.0 4800 32.2 1470 9.926–35 2395 17.0 6095 43.1 60.1 4315 30.5 1320 9.436 and over

2545 18.0 6155 43.6 61.6 4055 28.7 1360 9.6

Male21 and under

16360 14.5 52295 46.3 60.8 34880 30.9 9340 8.3

22–25 1915 13.3 5390 37.6 50.9 5060 35.3 1985 13.826–35 1615 18.0 3530 39.4 57.4 2755 30.7 1060 11.936 and over

1005 19.3 2070 39.7 59.0 1535 29.4 600 11.5

5.23 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and age group (graph)

18.0% of female qualifiers aged 36 and over achieved a first class honours degree compared with 13.3% of those aged 21 and under (figure 5.22).

However, for both female and male qualifiers, those aged 21 and under were most likely to obtain a first class or upper second class honours degree (figure 5.22).

101Part 2: students

Degree attainment

Declared disability blackNo known disability blackDeclared disability ChineseDeclared disability AsianNo known disability AsianNo known disability other AsianDeclared disability other AsianDeclared disability otherNo known disability ChineseNo known disability otherDeclared disability whiteNo known disability white

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

For qualifiers of all ethnicities except for other Asian, the proportion of those obtaining a first class or second class honours degree was greater for those with no known disability than those declaring a disability (figure 5.24).

The difference in degree attainment for students who declared a disability and those with no known disability was greatest for Chinese students of whom 44.9% of those declaring a disability achieved a first class or upper second class compared with 57.5% of those with no known disability (figure 5.24).

5.24 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, ethnicity and disability status

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %No known disabilityWhite 30880 16.2 99915 52.5 68.8 49885 26.2 9455 5.0Black 560 4.7 4060 34.0 38.7 5545 46.4 1790 15.0Asian 1535 8.4 7635 41.6 50.0 7245 39.5 1925 10.5Chinese 340 12.5 1215 45.0 57.5 895 33.1 255 9.4O’ Asian 280 9.4 1210 40.7 50.1 1125 37.9 360 12.0Other 1065 12.0 4390 49.4 61.4 2795 31.5 635 7.2BME 3775 8.4 18510 41.3 49.7 17605 39.2 4965 11.1Declared disabilityWhite 2920 13.1 11010 49.3 62.4 6855 30.7 1555 7.0Black 40 3.3 405 33.6 36.9 550 45.8 210 17.3Asian 100 8.7 465 40.9 49.6 435 38.2 140 12.2Chinese 10 9.3 40 35.6 44.9 50 44.1 15 11.0O’ Asian 15 7.9 80 42.3 50.3 75 39.2 20 10.6Other 100 10.2 440 44.1 54.4 355 35.5 100 10.1BME 270 7.3 1435 39.2 46.6 1470 40.2 480 13.2

5.25 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, ethnicity and disability status (graph)

102 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

BME 36 and overBME 26–35BME 22–25BME 21 and underWhite 26–35White 36 and overWhite 21 and underWhite 22–25

1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

Across all age groups a higher proportion of white first degree qualifiers achieved a first class or upper second class honours degree than BME qualifiers (figure 5.26).

The ethnicity attainment gap ranges from 9.3% for qualifiers aged 21 and under to 29.8% for those aged 36 and over (figure 5.26)

5.26 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, BME/white identity and age group

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %White21 and under

9675 12.2 44375 56.1 68.4 21935 27.7 3065 3.9

22–25 17115 17.1 51265 51.2 68.3 26190 26.2 5550 5.526–35 4030 20.1 9095 45.3 65.4 5405 26.9 1540 7.736 and over

4145 21.3 8805 45.2 66.4 4950 25.4 1595 8.2

BME21 and under

1395 9.1 7630 50.0 59.1 5375 35.2 865 5.7

22–25 2035 8.3 9545 39.1 47.5 9740 39.9 3070 12.626–35 430 7.4 1850 31.8 39.2 2500 42.9 1045 17.936 and over

240 6.4 1150 30.3 36.6 1720 45.3 685 18.1

5.27 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, BME/white identity and age group (graph)

103Part 2: students

Degree attainment


Declared disability 36 and overNo known disability 22–25Declared disability 22–25Declared disability 26–35No known disability 26–35Declared disability 21 and underNo known disability 36 and overNo known disability 21 and under


1st 2:1 2:2 3rd

5.28 Qualifiers by degree class, disability status and age group

1st 2:11st/ 2:1

2:2 3rd

No. % No. % % No. % No. %No known disability21 and under

32135 14.1 114805 50.4 64.6 66400 29.2 14280 6.3

22–25 3610 14.5 10075 40.6 55.1 8315 33.5 2830 11.426–35 3285 18.1 7690 42.3 60.4 5525 30.4 1670 9.236 and over

2675 19.2 6070 43.6 62.8 3960 28.4 1225 8.8

Declared disability21 and under

2465 11.7 10380 49.5 61.2 6655 31.7 1490 7.1

22–25 350 13.4 1110 42.8 56.2 845 32.6 290 11.226–35 325 14.6 940 42.5 57.0 735 33.2 215 9.836 and over

315 14.3 880 40.1 54.3 765 34.7 240 11.0

5.29 Qualifiers by degree class, disability status and age group (graph)

Qualifiers with no known disability in all age groups except those aged 22 to 25 were more likely to achieve a first class or upper second class honours degree than qualifiers declaring a disability (figure 5.28).

The disability attainment gaps range from -1.1 for students aged 22 to 25 to 8.5 for students aged 36 and over (figure 5.28).

104 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

5 Multiple identities

1994 Group Million+ GuildHE Russell Group University Alliance No affiliationNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

GenderFemale 139425 54.5 289455 56.8 58225 65.4 268270 54.0 402770 56.9 259420 58.5Male 116330 45.5 220155 43.2 30765 34.6 228480 46.0 305360 43.1 184120 41.5Total 255755 100 509610 100 88990 100 496750 100 708125 100 443545 100EthnicityWhite 153040 80.8 289815 70.5 71440 88.4 306905 84.1 539255 86.2 293120 83.9Black 9730 5.1 54385 13.2 3265 4.0 9105 2.5 26495 4.2 16545 4.7Asian 12090 6.4 35970 8.7 2890 3.6 22435 6.1 33415 5.3 20275 5.8Chinese 2230 1.2 2855 0.7 315 0.4 6005 1.6 3410 0.5 2985 0.9Other Asian 3470 1.8 8370 2.0 655 0.8 5820 1.6 5550 0.9 5280 1.5Other 8805 4.6 19735 4.8 2280 2.8 14600 4.0 17350 2.8 11210 3.2Total UK-domicile with known ethnicity

189370 100 411135 100 80840 100 364870 100 625480 100 349415 100

DisabilityNo known disability 233505 92.4 467305 92.8 77405 88.4 459280 93.8 449970 91.7 402360 92.1Declared disability 19100 7.6 36390 7.2 10185 11.6 30405 6.2 40860 8.3 34620 7.9Total with known disability status 252605 100 503700 100 87590 100 489680 100 490830 100 436980 100Receives DSA 6980 36.5 14590 40.1 5205 51.1 10860 35.7 17765 43.5 14655 42.3Age21 and under 141430 55.3 223400 43.9 48965 55.2 289915 58.4 283930 40.1 216110 48.822–25 38580 15.1 86455 17.0 11430 12.9 82325 16.6 98610 13.9 68975 15.626–35 39950 15.6 99310 19.5 12220 13.8 69750 14.1 148200 20.9 78635 17.836 and over 35670 14.0 99430 19.5 16080 18.1 54425 11.0 177085 25.0 79200 17.9Total with known age 255630 100 508590 100 88690 100 496415 100 707825 100 442925 100

5.30 All students by mission groupMission groups

105Part 2: students

Mission groups

1994 Group Million+ GuildHE Russell Group University Alliance No affiliationNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

GenderFemale 139425 54.5 289455 56.8 58225 65.4 268270 54.0 402770 56.9 259420 58.5Male 116330 45.5 220155 43.2 30765 34.6 228480 46.0 305360 43.1 184120 41.5Total 255755 100 509610 100 88990 100 496750 100 708125 100 443545 100EthnicityWhite 153040 80.8 289815 70.5 71440 88.4 306905 84.1 539255 86.2 293120 83.9Black 9730 5.1 54385 13.2 3265 4.0 9105 2.5 26495 4.2 16545 4.7Asian 12090 6.4 35970 8.7 2890 3.6 22435 6.1 33415 5.3 20275 5.8Chinese 2230 1.2 2855 0.7 315 0.4 6005 1.6 3410 0.5 2985 0.9Other Asian 3470 1.8 8370 2.0 655 0.8 5820 1.6 5550 0.9 5280 1.5Other 8805 4.6 19735 4.8 2280 2.8 14600 4.0 17350 2.8 11210 3.2Total UK-domicile with known ethnicity

189370 100 411135 100 80840 100 364870 100 625480 100 349415 100

DisabilityNo known disability 233505 92.4 467305 92.8 77405 88.4 459280 93.8 449970 91.7 402360 92.1Declared disability 19100 7.6 36390 7.2 10185 11.6 30405 6.2 40860 8.3 34620 7.9Total with known disability status 252605 100 503700 100 87590 100 489680 100 490830 100 436980 100Receives DSA 6980 36.5 14590 40.1 5205 51.1 10860 35.7 17765 43.5 14655 42.3Age21 and under 141430 55.3 223400 43.9 48965 55.2 289915 58.4 283930 40.1 216110 48.822–25 38580 15.1 86455 17.0 11430 12.9 82325 16.6 98610 13.9 68975 15.626–35 39950 15.6 99310 19.5 12220 13.8 69750 14.1 148200 20.9 78635 17.836 and over 35670 14.0 99430 19.5 16080 18.1 54425 11.0 177085 25.0 79200 17.9Total with known age 255630 100 508590 100 88690 100 496415 100 707825 100 442925 100

106 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Index of tables

1 Gender 1.1 All students by country and gender 21.2 All students by country and gender (graph) 21.3 All students by degree level, mode of study and gender 31.4 All students by degree level, mode of study and gender (graph) 31.5 First year students by degree level, mode of study and gender 41.6 Student profile over time by gender 51.7 Student profile over time by gender (graph) 51.8 All students by subject and gender 61.9 All students by subject and gender (graph) 71.10 Students by degree level, subject and gender 91.11 First year students by degree level, subject and gender 111.12 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and gender 121.13 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and gender (graph) 121.14 Qualifiers by degree class, SET status and gender 131.15 Qualifiers by degree class, SET status and gender (graph) 131.16 All students by country, degree class and gender 141.17 All students by country, degree class and gender (graph) 151.18 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by gender 161.19 Female and male UK-domicile leavers by destination (graph) 17

2 Ethnicity 2.1 UK-domicile students by country and ethnicity 202.2 UK-domicile students by country and ethnicity (graph) 212.3 UK-domicile students in London and the rest of England by

BME/white identity 212.4 UK-domicile students by degree level, mode of study and

BME/white identity 222.5 UK-domicile students by degree level, mode of study and

BME/white identity (graph) 232.6 UK-domicile student profile over time by ethnicity 242.7 UK-domicile student profile over time by ethnicity (graph) 252.8 UK-domicile students in 2009/10 by ethnicity (graph) 252.9 All UK-domicile students by subject and ethnicity 272.10 All UK-domicile students by subject and ethnicity (graph) 282.11 All UK-domicile students by subject and BME/white identity 302.12 All UK-domicile students by subject and BME/white identity

(graph) 312.13 All UK-domicile students by degree level, subject and BME/

white identity 322.14 First year UK-domicile students by degree level, subject and

BME/white identity 352.15 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and ethnicity 362.16 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and ethnicity

(graph) 37

107Part 2: students

Index of tables

2.17 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity 382.18 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity (graph) 392.19 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and BME/white identity,

over time 402.20 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class and ethnicity, over time 402.21 UK-domicile qualifiers achieving a first class or upper second

class honours degree by ethnicity over time (graph) 412.22 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, country and ethnicity 422.23 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, country and ethnicity

(graph) 432.24 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by ethnicity 442.25 White and BME UK-domicile leavers by destination (graph) 45

3 Disability 3.1 Students by country and disability status 483.2 Students by country and disability status (graph) 493.3 Students by degree level, mode of study and disability status 503.4 Students by degree level, mode of study and disability status

(graph) 513.5 Students with a declared disability by degree level and

impairment type 523.6 Students with a declared disability by degree level and

impairment type (graph) 533.7 Student profile over time by disability status 543.8 Student profile over time by disability status (graph) 543.9 Students declaring a disability by impairment type over time

as a proportion of all students 553.10 Students by subject and disability status 563.11 Students by subject and disability status (graph) 573.12 Students by degree level, subject and disability status 583.13 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and disability status 603.14 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and disability

status (graph) 603.15 Qualifiers by degree class and impairment type 613.16 Qualifiers by degree class and impairment type (graph) 613.17 Qualifiers by degree class, country and disability status 623.18 Qualifiers by degree class, country and disability status (graph) 633.19 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by disability status 643.20 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by disability status (graph) 653.21 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by impairment type 66

108 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Index of tables

4.1 Students by country and age group 704.2 Students by country and age group (graph) 714.3 Students by degree level, mode of study and age group 724.4 Students by degree level, mode of study and age group (graph) 734.5 Student age profile over time 744.6 Student age profile over time (graph) 744.7 Students by degree level, subject area and age group 754.8 Students by subject and age group 764.9 Students by subject and age group (graph) 774.10 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and age group 784.11 UK-domicile entrants by continuation status and age group

(graph) 784.12 Qualifiers by degree class, mode of study and age group 794.13 Qualifiers by degree class, mode of study and age group (graph) 794.14 Qualifiers by degree class, country and age group 804.15 Qualifiers by degree class, country and age group (graph) 814.16 Destination of UK-domicile leavers by age group 824.17 Destination of UK-domicile leavers aged 21 and under and 36

and over (graph) 83

5 Multiple identities 5.1 All UK-domicile students by ethnicity and gender 865.2 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by gender (graph) 875.3 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by gender (graph) 875.4 Students declaring a disability by impairment type and gender 885.5 Impairment types by gender (graph) 885.6 Impairment profile of students by gender (graph) 895.7 All students by age group and gender 905.8 Age profile of students by gender (graph) 915.9 Student age groups by gender (graph) 915.10 UK-domicile students by ethnicity and disability status 925.11 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by disability status

(graph) 935.12 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by disability status (graph) 935.13 UK-domicile students by age group and ethnicity 945.14 Ethnicity profile of UK-domicile students by age group (graph) 955.15 Ethnic groups of UK-domicile students by age groups (graph) 955.16 All students by age group and impairment type 965.17 Age profile of students by impairment type (graph) 975.18 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, gender, ethnicity 985.19 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, gender, ethnicity (graph) 985.20 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and disability status 995.21 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and disability status (graph) 995.22 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and age group 100

4 Age

109Part 2: students

Index of tables

5.23 Qualifiers by degree class, gender and age group (graph) 1005.24 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, ethnicity and disability

status 1015.25 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, ethnicity and disability

status (graph) 1015.26 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, BME/white identity and

age group 1025.27 UK-domicile qualifiers by degree class, BME/white identity and

age group (graph) 1025.28 Qualifiers by degree class, disability status and age group 1035.29 Qualifiers by degree class, disability status and age group

(graph) 1035.30 All students by mission group 104

110 Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011

Index of tables

ECU works closely with colleges and universities to seek to ensure that staff and students are not unfairly excluded, marginalised or disadvantaged because of age, disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity status, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or through any combination of these characteristics or other unfair treatment.

Providing a central source of expertise, research, advice and leadership, we support institutions in building a culture that provides equality of both opportunity and outcome, promotes good relations, values the benefits of diversity and provides a model of equality for the wider UK society.

ECU works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education across all four nations of the UK, and in further education in Scotland.

Equality Challenge Unit

Both parts of Equality in higher education: statistical report 2011 are available online:

Part 1: staff Part 2: students www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/equality-in-he-stats-11

© Equality Challenge Unit 2011

ECU’s publications are produced free of charge to the HE sector and for the FE sector in Scotland. Information can be reproduced accurately as long as the source is identified. Alternative formats are available including an accessible Word version: E pubs@ecu.ac.uk

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