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1:30 – 3:00 PRE-PRESBYTERY PRESENTATION [location in bldg to be determined] Barry & Shelly Dawson, PC(USA)Mission Co-workers

Come and hear about God’s great work in Southeast Asia

3:30 p.m. Registration and Refreshments – Center Ch “Gathering Space”

3:45 – 3:55 A PINE SPRINGS ‘OPEN HOUSE’ – Center Church Sanctuary Exec. Director Greg Davis will re-cap the 2015 Pine Springs summer season

with pictures and stories. Those who are interested are invited to join us in the Sanctuary! ******************************************************************************


4:00 p.m. *A Gathering Song Jesus, Light of Joy No. 673, verse 1 only *Presbytery Convenes with An Invocation TE Stuart Broberg, Moderator *A Hymn of Celebration Come Sing, O Church, in Joy No. 305 Welcome and Greetings TE Jeff Schooley 4:10 p.m. Stated Clerk Report, incl. Omnibus Motion RE John Rodgers Intent to Introduce New Business


*A Song of Praise Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim No. 299 verse 1 only 4:20 p.m. Nominating Committee RE Judy Scott 4:25 p.m. Presbytery Council – nominee for Nominating Comm. CRE Judy Mayer 4:27 p.m. Committee on Preparation for Ministry RE John Mark Scott, Jr. 4:32 p.m. Committee on Ministry – Part 1 TE Emily Miller examination of called candidates for ordained ministries in our presbytery (pending)


5:05 p.m. Committee on Representation – Annual Report RE Carla Hayes 5:07 p.m. Board of Trustees – first reading of 2016 Presbytery Budget RE Dick Hultman 5:15 p.m. Congregational Vitality Committee

future of the Washn. Pby. Resource Center 5:20 p.m. Presbytery Council CRE Judy Mayer

• 5:20 – Report of Discernment/Dismissal Review Task Force first reading of revised Discernment Policy

• 5:35 – Breakouts: Sharing & Prayer - on the presbytery’s future

• 6:05 – Executive Presbyter’s Report – included in meeting packet

6:05 p.m. Committee on Ministry – Part 2 TE Emily Miller

• Authority for COM to act between meetings of presbytery

• Transfer of The Rev. Thomas Ribar to Presbytery of Pittsburgh


*Song of Fellowship Called As Partners No. 761, verse 1 only 6:10 p.m. Presbyterian Women 2015 Fall Gathering Nancy Pryor, PW Mdtr.

6:15 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Reconvene in the Sanctuary – Recognition of Elders attending for the first time *A Gathering Song Jesus, Light of Joy No. 673, verse 2 only 7:05 p.m. Domestic Violence Awareness – September 2015 TE Merle Timko Evening Prayers CRE Nellie Baker, Presbytery Vice Moderator

HEARING GOD’S WORD FOR US 7:15 p.m. The Reading of God’s Word Choral Anthem Center Church Choir

Linda Boice, Choir Director

The Evening Sermon Rev. Dr. Barry Dawson, preaching Barry & Shelly Dawson are Mission Co-workers serving in Thailand, and also serve as PCUSA Regional Liaisons for Southeast Asia, which includes our Presbyterian ministries in the nations of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/barry-and-shelly-dawson/

7:45 p.m. Celebration of The Lord’s Supper *A Song of Joy Jesus, Light of Joy No. 673, verse 3 only

7:55 p.m. any previously-announced New Business

8:00 p.m. *A Song of Commitment Go in Grace and Make Disciples No. 296

*Adjourn with Prayer

WE GO FORTH TO SERVE IN CHRIST’S NAME ******************************************************************************

THIS MEETING: Center Presbyterian Church, 255 Center Ch Rd, McMurray, PA 15317. 724.941.9050 DIRECTIONS: From Route 19, turn onto East McMurray Road. Travel 1.2 miles and

turn left onto Center Church Road, then½ mile to the Church, on the right. PARKING: Ample parking is available in the Center Church parking lots.

Page 2

MEAL: by reservation only; Reservations must be phoned or emailed to the Washn. Presbytery Center by 3 PM on Friday, September 4th.

(office@washingtonpresbytery.org; 724.222.1500) Cost of meals is $8.00 per person, payable at the door. Reservations must be paid for, please!

HANDICAPPED FACILITIES: Access to the Fellowship Hall for dinner is via the stairs down, or by going outside the building and walking/driving around a gently sloped driveway. NEXT PRESBYTERY MEETING (hour listed is that anticipated for commencement of business): Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church, 250 Brookwood Road, Venetia, PA 15367 Please note change of location. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Oct.13, 2015, 1PM at Hillsview Chapel, SeniorCare.___

The new Presbyterian hymnal GLORY TO GOD is now available in money-saving

bundles until December 31, 2015. For more information go to this link: (PC(USA) Store http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=60164bdda6e4064d943bed8b2&id=8ae849bd58&e=8f2bc85af1

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Stated Clerk’s Report

September 8, 2015


Presbytery Meeting Schedule 2015

November 10, 2015 7:00 PM Peters Creek United 2016

January 23, 2016 9:00 AM Fourth, Washington

Council Meetings 1:00 p.m. meeting

October 13, 2015 Presbyterian Senior Care December 8, 2015 Presbyterian Senior Care


1. The membership of the Presbytery is comprised of teaching elders in our jurisdiction, commissioned ruling elders, those with a vote as a result of office, and ruling elder commissioners. Most churches have only one ruling elder commissioner. All others are to register as guests without voice and without vote.

2. Only one ruling elder commissioner from each church is registered as a commissioner for

each meeting. The only exceptions are the Church of the Covenant and Canonsburg each of which have two ruling elder commissioners. Please put only one name on a line when registering. This is of great importance when we must count votes.

3. Minutes of the meetings of the Presbytery are posted on line at

www.washingtonpresbytery.org . This is a password protected, copy protected file. The password is distributed by email or by calling the presbytery office.

4. The Stated Clerk is receiving invitations for the March, May and September 2016 stated



September 8, 2015

In order to energize and shorten our meetings, Council has recommended the use of a single OMNIBUS MOTION to be presented by the Stated Clerk early in the meeting. This omnibus motion will contain only non-controversial items that are necessary business of the presbytery. The omnibus motion is not debated, but any ruling elder commissioner or teaching elder member can simply request that any item be pulled from the motion for individual consideration.

The Stated Clerk moves the following:

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From the Stated Clerk

1. That the roll of Presbytery be constituted by all teaching elder members and ruling elder commissioners of churches registered, and those entitled to be enrolled by the BOOK OF ORDER and the MANUAL. A quorum is present.

2. That the docket, as included in the packet of materials, be adopted as the docket of the

meeting.That the minutes of the May 12, 2015 meeting, as corrected by the presbytery and reviewed by Ruling Elder Jane Noble be approved. The full copies of minutes are available on the presbytery web site. The Stated Clerk can provide a paper copy upon request.

3. That the presbytery accept the transfer of membership and hold the membership, per the

letter dated April 20, 2015 from William C. Wentzel, Clerk of Session of First Presbyterian Church, Waynesburg, PA, and replying confirming letters from each of the following named individuals who at this time choose to be members of neither that church nor any other church: Emily Petery, Andrea Weimer, and Samantha Braga

4. That Nancy Pryor, as Moderator of Presbyterian Women, be given privilege of the floor,

without vote, during her term of office.

5. That the following be given privilege of the floor at this meeting: TE Jerome Creach (Temporary Supply, Claysville); Greg Davis (Camp Pine Springs); RE David Leslie (Presbytery Representative to the Synod of the Trinity); Shelly Dawson (PCUSA Mission Co-worker, preaching); Barry Dawson (PCUSA Mission Co-worker, preaching)

Page 5

Washington Presbytery

Ecclesiastical Affairs Committee Report

2015 Minute Book Reading Results

September 8, 2015

Item for Information Thank you to all the clerks for the hard work in keeping the Minute Books in order. This year we reviewed 36 books. Fourteen churches did not have their books reviewed, as indicated with the notation “N/R”. Below are the results:
























































Page 6


The Administrative Commission of Washington Presbytery, as appointed by the presbytery

moderator, to install the Rev. John C. Dykstra as Teaching Elder at the Pigeon Creek

Presbyterian Church, Eighty Four, PA on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pigeon

Creek Presbyterian Church, Eighty Four, PA, is as follows:

Teaching Elders present:

Ruling Elders present:

By Invitation:

The Rev. Dr. Stuart D. Broberg, ModeratorThe Rev. Craig A. KephartThe Rev. Emily I. Miller

Elder Ed Rizor (Pigeon Creek)Elder Fran Skariot (Cokeburg)Elder Wil White (Faith UP)

The Rev. Dan Hrach (Presbytery of the James)The Rev. Bill Roemer (Pittsburgh Presbytery)

The Commission was convened with prayer by Stuart Broberg. The order of service was

reviewed, and a motion to proceed with the service of installation made by Emily Miller and

seconded by Ed Rizor was carried. At the conclusion of the service, The Rev. John C. Dykstra

pronounced the benediction, which concluded the meeting of the commission.

Respectfully submitted:

‘p p

TE D. Brober:, Cleri~’

Page 7

Council Report September 8, 2015

1. The Council places the name of Beverly Mounts, RE East Buffalo in nomination for the

Nominating Committee, Class of 2017.

2. First Reading of the Gracious Discernment Policy.

3. TE Merle Timko presentation re: Domestic Violence Awareness.

4. Breakout Sessions.

Page 8



Center Presbyterian Church, McMurray Meeting

September 8, 2015

Items for Action

1. COM recommends that presbytery approve the transfer of membership of Rev. Tom

Ribar to the Pittsburgh Presbytery. Rev. Ribar is currently the part-time pastor at Mt.

Pisgah Presbyterian Church as of 12/1/2014 and in a validated ministry at World

Christian Discipleship as of 6/1/2014.

2. COM recommends that presbytery examine and approve Dr. Mary Louise Russell for

ordination and membership into Washington Presbytery. Dr. Russell is a candidate for

the ministry under the care of Pittsburgh Presbytery, certified ready to receive a call. If

the way be clear, Dr. Russell will be called as the Part-Time Temporary Supply Pastor at

Emmanuel Presbyterian Church. Her statement of faith and terms of call will be made

available at the meeting.

3. COM recommends that presbytery examine and approve Mr. Alan Olsen for ordination

and membership into Washington Presbytery. Mr. Olsen is a candidate for the ministry

under the care of Pittsburgh Presbytery, certified ready to receive a call. If the way be

clear, Mr. Olsen will be called as the Temporary Supply Pastor at First Presbyterian

Church, Houston, Pa. His statement of faith and terms of call will be made available at

the meeting.

4. COM recommends that presbytery approve the request of the Burgettstown Presbyterian

Church for TE Eric Perrell to serve as moderator of the session.

Page 9


Alan Olson

Alan D. Olson is a PCUSA Candidate certified by the Presbytery of Pittsburgh as “ready

to receive a call.” Alan is a native of Washington County, received his B.A. degree from Case

Western Reserve University in 1993, and graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in


He has extensive experience in pulpit supply preaching, served on the seminary’s Chapel

Team, and completed a field experience in the full range of pastoral duties at Crafton United

Presbyterian Church. During 2014-2015 Alan served as a ministry intern at Community Three

for One, a new church development in the Brookline neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

Alan’s previous work background is in the creation, development, implementation, and

revision of online training courses.

His Statement of Faith is included in this packet.

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Alan Olson

I believe in the Triune God—God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity describes our understanding of God in relationship with God’s self. Through this

community, God reaches out to us. I believe in the one God who created all things and all

people. I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior, the Word of God made flesh,1 who entered

human time, fully human and fully God, who entered the world for our salvation.2 I believe in

the Holy Spirit, through whose power, Christ unites us with God. The Holy Spirit empowers us

to participate in God’s work here on Earth.

God created the world as an act of love. Because God created us in love, we are called to

love God with all our heart, soul, and might,3 and also, we are commanded to love our neighbors

as ourselves, because God created them.4

We are sinful and our sinfulness separates us from God. In our sinfulness, we claim to be

masters of our own lives; we fail to acknowledge that God is in charge of all things, thus we turn

away from God and we fail to love our neighbors.5 God welcomes us back—like the prodigal

sons and daughters that we are—no matter how many times we have turned away. The Bible

records many examples of God threatening to destroy Israel, yet God does not. Instead of

sending another flood and starting all over, God enters the world in the person of Jesus.

Through Jesus Christ we are made children of God.6 Jesus offered himself as a voluntary

sacrifice for the sins of humanity, to take away our sins.7 In this way, Christ reconciles us to

God.8 Jesus teaches us how to pray; He makes disciples of us; He instructs us to love our

neighbors, and then He redefines who our neighbors are and how we are to love them. When we

follow Jesus, we give witness that we hear God’s Word and that we trust and obey Jesus Christ

in life and in death.9

The Holy Spirit inspires our faith in God and Christ, sanctifies us, and binds us to

Christ.10 The Spirit inspires us to do good works.11 The Spirit guides us as we read and examine

the Scriptures and the Spirit illumines God’s Word.12 When we come to God in prayer, it is the

Holy Spirit that helps us to find God.13 The church is the body of Christ in the world and

Jesus is the head of the church.14 The Holy Spirit moves through us today and calls us to be the

1 John 1:14 2 Nicene Creed 1.2 3 Deuteronomy 6:4 4 Leviticus 19:18 5 Confession of 1967 6 John 1:12 7 Scots Confession 3.09 8 Confession of 1967 9.07 9 Barmen Declaration 8.11; Confession of 1967 9.11 10 Scots Confession 3.12 11 Scots Confession 3.13 12 Book of Order F-1.0203; Directory for Worship W-1.4001 13 Directory for Worship W-2.1001 14 Scots Confession 3:16

Page 11

church.15 The church’s mission is to participate in Christ’s reconciling work despite our

sinfulness.16 Though we are human and flawed, we are still called to do Christ’s work.

Scripture offers an authoritative account of God’s self-revelation. Scripture is inspired by

God; it is the Word of God written, and where that Word is read and proclaimed, Jesus Christ the

living Word of God is present through the inward witness of the Holy Spirit; for this reason,

Scripture is central to Christian worship.17

The sacraments of the church, baptism and communion, are the visible signs and seals of

God’s love and faithfulness. In the sacraments we reaffirm that we are in need of God’s grace,

which is extended through Jesus Christ.18 In baptism we are marked as belonging to the Lord and

as members of the church, the Body of Christ;19 we are baptized into the life, work, death, and

resurrection of Christ.20 Baptism, through the power of the Holy Spirit, unites us with Christ and

with one another, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and that grace is offered to all, through

Jesus.21 In the Lord’s Supper, we reaffirm our baptism—we remember Jesus’ body and blood,

broken and spilled for us, for the forgiveness of our sins. This act sustains us in our faith and

calls us to remember our baptismal vows.22 When we take communion, through the power of the

Holy Spirit, we are united with all believers, at all times.23 And in partaking of the physical

elements, we see that God’s grace is extended to all.

The good news of the Gospel is this: Christ has died for our sins, Christ is resurrected, and Christ will come again. Christ will return to the Earth to complete God’s redeeming work and inaugurate God’s kingdom.24 Until Christ returns, we must act in covenant faithfulness, working to build God’s kingdom here on Earth, trusting in the resurrection, grace,

15 Confession of 1967 9.07 16 Confession of 1967 9.06 17 Directory for Worship W-1.1004 18 Directory for Worship W-1.3033 19 Scots Confession 3.21 20 Confession of 1967 9.51 21 Scots Confession 3.21 22 Directory for Worship W-2.4006 23 Directory for Worship W-2.4006 24 Confession of 1967 9.54, 9.55

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Dr. Mary Louise Russell

Dr. Mary Louise Russell is a PCUSA Candidate certified by the Presbytery of Pittsburgh

as “ready to receive a call.” She is a native of Beaver Falls, PA, received her B.S. degree from

Geneva College, and an M.D. from The Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1983. She

graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2014. Dr. Russell currently serves full-time

as a physician on the staff of a physical rehabilitation facility in Pittsburgh.

Her current home congregation is Third Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh. She has

experience as a Sunday School teacher, trustee, and elder. She completed field education at

Linway United Presbyterian Church in North Versailles.

Her Statement of Faith is included in this packet.

Page 13

Personal Statement of Faith Mary Louise Russell

1 I believe in God, who is the creator, sustainer and ruler of the universe. God is without2 beginning or end, having existed from all eternity. There are mysteries about God which humans3 find difficult to comprehend. One such mystery is that God exists as three persons, composing4 the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

5 The three members of the Trinity have different functions, yet are equal in power and status.6 A relationship of love, marked by mutual self-giving and self-receiving exists between the three7 persons; this relationship is the foundation for the statement: “God is love”(l John 4). God8 created humans to participate in the love relationship between the members of the Trinity.

9 I believe that God the Father is the creator. The Father sustains all that exists. The Father has10 permitted and does permit humans to rebel against Him. The Father has not immediately judged11 humans as their rebellion warrants. For humans, without intercession of the Holy Spirit, the12 Father’s power in creation is not evident or acknowledged.

13 I believe that God the Son provides salvation to humans, the restoration of relationship14 between them and the members of the Trinity. The Son has two natures: a divine and a human15 nature. The Son took human form in the man Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary. In his human16 nature, the Son satisfies the Father’s requirement for perfect obedience. Through his divine17 nature, the Son has the power to redeem or ransom humankind. On the cross, the Son took the18 punishment deserved by all humankind for sin. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead,19 demonstrating that He had fully paid the price for sin and had conquered the forces of evil.20 Believers participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection, at His Second Coming the benefits of their21 union with Him will be revealed.

22 I believe that God the Holy Spirit empowers people to believe the gospel, then to live more23 and more as members of God’s family. The Spirit quickens human will to response to the24 proclamation of salvation. The Spirit gifts believers to strengthen their individual faith and to25 build up the church. The Spirit also works in the innermost being of believers to guide them in26 increasingly apprehending that they are united to God through Jesus Christ and participants in27 the Trinitarian love relationship.

28 I believe that by the means of grace believers are facilitated to reach their created potential,29 to love and serve God. The church is the earthly instrument through which the means of grace,30 Scripture and the Sacraments, are administered. It is the visible body of those who profess to be31 followers of Jesus Christ. Through the church, believers are provided with instruction in the32 Christian faith, fellowship, corporate worship, venues for service, and oversight and discipline.33 The church is to be a witness to the reality of the Lordship of Jesus Christ through its teaching34 and service.

35 I believe Scripture is the revelation of God’s plan of salvation for humankind. Scripture36 instructs people regarding who God is and what God requires. These eternal truths about God37 were provided in a given era and place: this particularity accounts for differences in38 interpretation of Scripture which have arisen in the church over time. Thus, an ongoing task of


Page 14

39 the church has been to assist its members in understanding and application of Scripture to their40 lives. The Holy Spirit renders the reading and study of Scripture meaningful to believers.

41 I believe that the Holy Spirit also fosters spiritual renewal and growth through the church42 administered Sacraments. In the Sacrament of baptism, the cleansing or washing from sin is43 performed, with water as the external sign of the internal reality. The person being baptized is~44 declared to be a child of God. Members of the congregation vow to nurture the baptized in the45 Christian faith, claiming corporate responsibility for this new member of the community of faith.46 The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper commemorates the last Passover meal Jesus celebrated47 before his death. In partaking, believers are united with Christ in his crucifixion, resurrection,48 and ascension. The physical elements and bread and juice provide tangible reminders of our49 union with Jesus. The Holy Spirit uses these prompts to instruct and encourage us in our faith.

50 I believe that Jesus Christ will return again to earth, revealed as its ultimate ruler. At his51 Second Coming, the dead will be resurrected and all of creation will be renewed. His followers52 are to prepare for His return by proclaiming the gospel, serving others, striving for ajust and53 equitable society, and restoring creation.

54 I believe that humanity occupies a unique role in creation. People were made to be in55 relationship with God. Their rebellion against God has rendered humans incapable of56 communion with Him. Another effect of this rebellion has been a distortion of their role as57 stewards of creation. To be restored to right relationship with God and proper service to58 creation, people must approach Him through the mediation of the Son, Jesus Christ.

Word count is 846 words.


Page 15




The Committee on Representation met on Saturday, August 29, 2015 to discuss future plans and a subsequent report from the committee will be reported to the November 2015 meeting of presbytery. In the meantime, one of the goals of the committee is to offer a workshop dealing with serving church members with special needs at a presbytery retreat or Leaderfest event. Respectfully submitted,

RE Carla Hayes, Chairperson

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Washington Presbytery

Board of Trustees Report

September 8, 2015

Item for Action: Washington Presbytery Gas Lease Amendment The Trustees of Washington Presbytery have negotiated an amendment to the existing gas lease with Rice Drilling B LLC for the one acre located at 89 Lively Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330. This amendment extends the drilling range to include the deeper Utica shale formation and provides a onetime cash bonus of $1,000 per acre. The rest of the lease is unchanged. Steve Marriner provided the legal counsel.

Motion: The Board of Trustees moves that Washington Presbytery approve the

amendment to the existing gas lease with Rice Drilling B LLC. (This motion will be rescinded if legal advice is not received by September 8, 2015)

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Washington Presbytery

Budget vs. Actual July 2015

Annual 58%

Jan-July 2015 Budget % of Budget Jan-July 2014


40000 · Per Capita 95,736.34 176,385.00 54% 112,822.80

41000 · Mission Contributions 51,374.89 84,800.00 61% 36,373.06

43000 · Trust Fund Income 6,555.39 18,500.00 35% 6,778.63

43100 · Trustees Contribution 0.00 6,500.00 0% -

44000 · Miscellaneous Income 2,392.83 2,000.00 120% 12,254.11

44000 · Dismissal Money Transfer 0.00 15,159.00 0% -

Total Income 156,059.45 303,344.00 51% 168,228.60


61000 · Payroll Expenses 83,478.88 167,594.00 50% 95,836.65

62000 · Office Expenses 13,007.99 21,200.00 61% 11,843.79

63000 · Property Expenses 11,746.29 18,400.00 64% 17,862.27

64000 · Program Expenses 1,589.67 2,600.00 61% 989.27

64100 · Administration 70.17 2,150.00 3% 24.00

64200 · Council Expenses 9,640.32 13,500.00 71% 6,313.18

64300 · Ecclesiastical Expenses 450.00 1,400.00 32% 450.00

68000 · Related Support Mission 32,535.00 76,500.00 43% 35,325.00

Total Expense 152,518.32 303,344.00 50% 168,644.16

Net Income 3,541.13 - (415.56)

Page 18

Trustees recommendation

September 8, 2015

Washington Presbytery

Proposed Budget 2016

Budget PROPOSED Actual

Account Name 2015 2016 Thru 6/30

33.00$ 33.00 33.00 budgeting priority - keep at $33.

WP per capita 23.58$ 245,289.00 214,335.00 116,388.59

GA per capita 7.12$ (52,551.31) (46,244.40) (26,275.50)

Synod Trin per capita 2.30$ (16,352.60) (14,938.50) (8,176.50)

Sub Total: Per Capita 176,385.09 153,152.10 81,936.59

Mission Receipts Unified 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mission Receipts Designated WP 20,000.00 20,000.00

Subtotal mission receipts 100,000.00 100,000.00

GA Unified Mission 14% (10,400.00) (11,200.00) incr. of 1%

Synod Unified Mission 1% (1,600.00) (800.00) decr. of 1%

Sub Total: Missions 84,800.00 84,800.00 45,884.82

J Parkinson Trust Income 11,000.00 9,500.00 4,813.68

M parkinson Trust Income 7,500.00 3,500.00 1,741.71

Sub Total: Trust Funds 18,500.00 13,000.00 6,555.39

WP Trustees 6,500.00 27,280.00 13,640.00$ New Covenant General Fund and

Bank Account Interest 500.00 500.00 365.23 13,640.00$ New Covenant Parkinson Funds

Use of Dismissal Monies 15,159.00 13,640.00 -

Sub Total: Receipts,

and Bank Interest 22,159.00 41,420.00 365.23

Sm Church Ldrshp Dev Grant 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,389.23

Total Receipts 303,344.09 293,872.10 136,131.26

Page 19

Trustees recommendation

September 8, 2015

Washington Presbytery

Proposed Budget 2016

Budget PROPOSED Actual

Account Name 2015 2016 Thru 6/30


EP-Salary 37,685.00 37,685.00

EP- Def Comp Allow 1,200.00 1,200.00

EP - Medical Flex 2,500.00 2,500.00

EP-SECA Allowance 4,416.00 4,416.00

EP-Housing Allowance 25,000.50 25,000.50

EP-Pension & D/D 8,110.26 8,110.26

EP-Major Medical 16,558.45 16,558.45

EP - Cell Phone 1,200.00 1,200.00

EP-Dental 675.00 675.00

EP-Study Leave 1,000.00 1,000.00

EP-Travel & Business Exp. 7,100.00 7,100.00

Sub Total: EP 105,445.21 105,445.21 51,819.63 5-year salary agreement

Resource Center Director 6,000.00 3,000.00

Travel reimbursement

Sub Total: RC Director 6,000.00 3,000.00

SC -Salary 10,240.00 11,500.00 5,120.04 exp acct eliminated; 4% increase

Stated Clerk Bus Exp 800.00

Sub Total: Stated Clerk 11,040.00 11,500.00 5,120.04

Transition Consultant 3,000.00 1,500.00

Transition Cons. Travel Reimb 750.00

Record Clerk Salary 1,050.00

Sub Total: Consultants 4,800.00 1,500.00

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Trustees recommendation

September 8, 2015

Washington Presbytery

Proposed Budget 2016

Budget PROPOSED Actual

Account Name 2015 2016 Thru 6/30

Admin. Assistant-Salary 31,800.00 28,080.00 Pby. Center staffing four days per week

AA-Pension/RSP 4,458.44 1,200.00

AA-FICA (Employer) 2,450.00 2,148.12

AA-Study Leave Reserve 400.00

AA - Medical Flex - 1,000.00

AA-Business Exp. 1,200.00 500.00

Sub Total:Office Assistance 40,308.44 32,928.12 9,852.83

Financial Services 10,200.00 11,000.00 5,100.00 increased responsibilities in 2016

General Office 6,000.00 6,500.00 3,130.78

Telephone 2,800.00 3,600.00 2,086.35

Postage 2,200.00 1,200.00 515.50

Sub Total: Office Expenses 21,200.00 22,300.00 10,832.63

Taxes and Insurance 7,400.00 7,400.00 3,097.93

Utilities 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,280.47

Building Maintenance 7,000.00 7,600.00 4,815.55 housekeeper - first increase since 2008

Sub Total: Property Expenses 18,400.00 19,000.00 10,193.95

Mod & Vice Mod Exp. 500.00 750.00

EP to GA 500.00 500.00 250.00

SC to GA 400.00 400.00 200.00

Sub Total: Ecclesiastical 1,400.00 1,650.00 450.00

Council Expenses 1,500.00 1,600.00 940.32

Peters Crk Legal Fees 12,000.00 18,000.00 9,000.00 $1500 / mo., for 12 mos.

Sub Total: Council 13,500.00 19,600.00 9,640.32

Page 21

Trustees recommendation

September 8, 2015

Washington Presbytery

Proposed Budget 2016

Budget PROPOSED Actual

Account Name 2015 2016 Thru 6/30

Congregational Vitality 1,000.00 250.00 committee budget unused

Resource Center 1,500.00 1,423.08 uncertainty of Resource Center

Missional Outreach Committee 100.00 100.00

Sub Total: Program 2,600.00 350.00 1,423.08

Sm Church Ldrshp Dev Grant 1,500.00 1,500.00

Committee on Ministry 100.00 3,000.00 35.17 incr. training & support for pastors/CREs

Comm. On Prep for Ministry 35.00

Ecclesiastical Affairs Com. 50.00 50.00

Nominating Committee 500.00 50.00 committee budget unused

Sub Total: Administrative 2,150.00 4,600.00 70.17

Resurrection Power 15,000.00 19,000.00 7,500.00

Bethel Synod Partnership 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,250.00

Congregation Mission Grants 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 grants have not been sought by churches

Presbyterian Senior Care 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00

Mission Trip Assistance 5,000.00 2,500.00 - little assistance has been asked

Washn City Mission - 3,000.00 - new for 2016

Evangelism/Missions Speakers 1,000.00 2,000.00 - urging churches invite mission workers

Hunger Fund 2,500.00 2,500.00 -

Pine Springs - Scholarship Fund - 3,000.00 - new for 2016

Pine Springs Camp 38,500.00 38,500.00 19,250.00

Sub Total: Mission Support 76,500.00 76,500.00 44,000.00

Total Expenses 303,343.65 293,873.33 136,402.65

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1 First reading of revision 8 Sept., 2015, Second reading 10 Nov., 2015. Approved 10 Nov., 2015


November 10, 2015 4 INTRODUCTION 5 While affirming our essential unity as the body of Christ, it is recognized 6 that there are times when a discernment for the need of separation becomes an 7 imperative of conscience either for an individual or a congregation. Therefore, 8 it is prudent to establish principles for discussion of separation and any potential 9 action before they become necessary. In this way a decision-making process that 10 remains faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ and our common bond in Him is 11 affirmed. 12 The difficulty of these issues and our responsibility, whether in agreement or 13 disagreement, to act and to treat one another in a Christian manner that honors 14 our God is acknowledged. Difficult decisions of conscience may need to be 15 made, but they must not be allowed to be driven by selfishness, by a struggle for 16 power, or by vindictiveness. In agreement or disagreement, we must seek the 17 good of God's Kingdom and follow the example of Jesus in setting the interests of 18 others above our own. 19 Additionally, individuals, congregations, and the Presbytery should be given the 20 opportunity to discuss and prayerfully consider options without fear of sanction 21 or punitive action. Care should be taken in such discussions to ensure that all 22 voices are heard, and that historic decisions are made cautiously and deliberately 23 and result from seeking prayerful guidance. 24 While tangible issues of property and assets enter into any real consideration of

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25 requests for dismissal, it is affirmed that we are stewards of God's resources 26 intended to be used for His honor and glory. Consequently, while the 27 constitutional principle of church property "held in trust" is noted, neither 28 the property nor its seizure should be a focal point in the discernment process. 29 The intent of this document is to delineate a process that is fair, clear, and 30 easily understood. While final decisions concerning requests for dismissal must 31 be made by the Presbytery, these guidelines will be helpful to all parties 32 concerned and will encourage openness and trust as they seek the will of Christ 33 together. 34 PROCESS 35 When the session of a particular congregation votes to present its membership 36 with a request for a discernment inquiry, the clerk of session should immediately 37 notify in writing the Stated Clerk of Washington Presbytery. The matter 38 will be referred to the Committee on Ministry which will investigate and make 39 an initial determination about whether an Administrative Commission will be 40 named or whether the church is given permission to consider entering the 41 discernment process. 42 A determination of "true church" status will be made by the Presbytery upon 43 recommendation of the Committee on Ministry. G4.0207 44 After the Committee on Ministry grants permission to consider entering into a 45 discernment process, the session shall call a congregational meeting to determine 46 whether the church should enter the discernment process. 47 At this meeting representatives of the session and the Presbytery in equal numbers

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48 will speak to the issues. 49 The regular bylaws will govern the meeting. A simple majority of those present 50 and voting must support entering into this process. 51 Upon receipt of written intent, the Presbytery will invite the session to enter into 5 a mandatory covenant with the Presbytery for the purpose of prayerful 53 discernment. Under the covenant the session will commit to scheduling 54 a congregational meeting for consideration of dismissal between six months 55 and a year after the date of the first congregational meeting. The Presbytery, 56 through the Presbytery Council, will appoint a team of presbyters (to be known 57 as the Pastoral Team) to represent the Presbytery and to work alongside the 58 session in consideration of any action. Together, the session and the Pastoral 59 Team will engage in mutual and shared prayer, seeking God's guidance and 60 direction. 61 Should the session decide to enter the covenant relationship, its responsibilities 62 will include the following: 63 1. The development of a plan of mission, describing what will be the 64 church's ministry outside of Washington Presbytery and the 65 Presbyterian Church (USA) should the congregation choose to 65A withdraw from the Presbytery. 66 2. Commitment to an open process of congregational discernment 67 in which minority voices are heard and respected. 68 3. The development of a plan to minister to any minority constituency 69 after the congregational vote is taken. 70 4. Determination of the number of active members for the final 71 congregational meeting will be established on the date of the first 72 congregational meeting. Any members who were removed within 73 one year prior to the date of the first congregational meeting, except 74 for death or request, will be restored to the active role. No new

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75 member shall be added for the remainder of the discernment process. 76 77 The session will be encouraged to invite members of the Pastoral Team to 78 address their regular meetings and to join them in prayer. 79 The Pastoral Team will be appointed by the Presbytery Council with Presbytery 80 staff (General Presbyter and/or Stated Clerk) serving as "ex officio" (voice, but 81 no vote). Every effort will be made to assemble a team that is perceived as fair. 82 While representing the Presbytery for prayer, information, and advice, the team is 83 not an administrative commission. It has no authority to take any action regarding 84 the property held in trust, pastoral leadership, session membership, or the 85 moderator of the session. 86 The responsibilities of the Pastoral Team will include the following: 87 1. Praying for and with the session and congregation 88 2. Providing an open channel of communication with Presbytery bodies, 89 including Presbytery Council, the Committee on Ministry, 90 Ecclesiastical Affairs, and the Trustees 91 3. Identifying and recanting predetermined outcomes according to 92 our own will, emptying ourselves of our own ego, and opening 93 ourselves to discern God's voice and will together 94 4. Advocating Biblical principles of church unity and reconciliation, 95 Reformed principles of connection in Christ, and participation in 96 the Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA). 97 The session will invite members of the Pastoral Team to attend the congregational 98 meeting at which dismissal is considered. The moderator of the congregational 99 meeting will offer team members and Presbytery leaders the opportunity to speak 100 on a balanced basis. The congregational meeting to consider dismissal will be 101 conducted according to the Book of Order. All active members of the

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102 congregation will be encouraged to attend and to participate in the meeting. 103 Inactive members should also be invited to participate in the meeting, but 104 they must be informed that they will not be allowed to vote. 105 If the discernment process fails to reach a conclusion after one year, the 106 session will petition the Committee on Ministry for permission to call 107 a congregational meeting to seek an extension for an additional year of 108 discernment. If the Committee on Ministry grants permission to consider 109 extending the discernment process, the session shall call a congregational 110 meeting to determine whether the church should continue the discernment 111 process for one year. The regular bylaws will govern the meeting. A simple 112 majority of those present and voting must support extending the process. The 113 rules regarding the rolls of active members specified for the initial congregational 114 meeting shall continue during this extended period. 115 GUIDELINES

116 When the congregation considers the question of requesting dismissal, it should 117 be understood and communicated clearly that responsibility for the division, 118 dismissal, or dissolution of churches lies with the Presbytery, "in consultation 119 with their members." It is also the responsibility of the Presbytery to develop 120 strategy for the mission and witness of the church in this geographic region. 121 As a result, any final decision on a request for dismissal or dissolution must be 122 taken by Washington Presbytery as a whole. 123 Without abdicating its constitutional responsibility, Washington Presbytery 124 designates a Pastoral Team in order to work cooperatively with a local church

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125 considering a request for dismissal. This Team will report to the Presbytery 126 and may recommend action on any congregational vote to request dismissal 127 with church property. 128 In order for the Presbytery Pastoral Team to consider supporting such a request, 129 these guidelines should be followed: 130 1. The covenant between the session and the Presbytery, committing 131 each to prayerful reflection and fair and open discussion, must be kept. 132 2. Any congregational meeting to vote on a request for dismissal must 133 be scheduled to provide sufficient time for deliberate reflection, 134 education, and participation by all active members of the congregation. 135 3. With the scheduling of the congregational meeting, a letter from the 136 Pastoral Team will be sent to the active membership of the 137 congregation introducing the Team and explaining the discernment process. 138 4. While the quorum for congregational meetings is set by the Book of 139 Order and by the bylaws of the particular congregation, the Presbytery 140 expects that a goal of fifty (50) percent of the active membership 141 will participate in the meeting. In order for the active members to feel free to act based upon conscience, a written ballot for voting will be used. 143 5. The tally of the vote will be attested to by the congregation and the 144 Pastoral Team. 145 6. Requests for dismissal to another church body must specify a 146 denomination or governing body in the Reformed tradition. 147 7. There must be a plan of mission in place for the continuation of 148 the work of Jesus Christ in the geographical area of the congregation. 149 8. There must be a plan to support any substantial group voting in the 150 minority that desires to continue local ministry in the Presbyterian 151 Church (USA). 152 9. At least seventy-five (75) percent of the active members voting must 153 be in favor of dismissal. If the vote passes but with a majority of less 154 than seventy-five percent, the Presbytery Pastoral Team will not

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155 recommend support for dismissal to Presbytery. 156 If a majority of seventy-five percent or greater votes to seek dismissal, 157 the Presbytery Pastoral Team will recommend consideration of 158 dismissal of the congregation with the property "held in trust." This 159 recommendation will be made based upon resolution of any 160 outstanding debts and dedicated endowments and will include all 161 property, real and personal, without financial encumbrances. 162 If these guidelines are fulfilled, the Presbytery Pastoral Team will support and 163 recommend the proposed request to Washington Presbytery. The Pastoral Team 164 will seek to make a unanimous recommendation in regard to the fulfillment of 165 "spirit" and "letter" of this process. The Pastoral Team's vote will be reported 166 with their recommendations to the Presbytery. 167 The final decision on a request for dismissal by a congregation, the continuing 168 ministry of the Presbyterian Church in that region, and the divestment of 169 of any property "held in trust" will be made by Washington Presbytery at a 170 properly announced meeting. At that meeting representatives of the congregation 171 will be given opportunity to explain their request, and members of the Pastoral 172 Team will make their recommendations. Any decision will be made by 173 Washington Presbytery based upon its understanding and commitment to the 174 ministry of Jesus Christ expressed through the Presbyterian Church.

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First reading 5-8-07, Second reading 7-10-07, Approved 7-10-07 1 Process for Separation 2

Proposed Response to Potential Consideration 3 of Requests for Dismissal 4

from Washington Presbytery 5 July 10, 2007 6

Introduction 7 8 While affirming our essential unity as the body of Christ, we recognize that there are times when 9 separation becomes an imperative of conscience either for an individual or a congregation. 10 Given the present discussions within our denomination and within our own Presbytery, we 11 believe that it is prudent to develop principles for discussion of separation and any potential 12 action before they become necessary. In this way, we seek to affirm a decision making process 13 that remains faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ and our common bond in Him. 14 15 We acknowledge the difficulty of these issues and recognize our responsibility, whether in 16 agreement or disagreement, to act and to treat one another in a Christian manner that honors our 17 God. Difficult decisions of conscience may need to be made, but they must not be allowed to be 18 driven by selfishness, by a struggle for power, or by vindictiveness. In disagreement, we must 19 seek the good of God’s Kingdom and follow the example of Jesus in setting the interests of 20 others above our own. 21 22 Additionally, individuals, congregations and the Presbytery should be given opportunity to 23 discuss and prayerfully consider options without fear of sanction or punitive action. Care should 24 be taken in such discussions to ensure that all voices are heard and that historic decisions are 25 made cautiously and deliberately and result from seeking prayerful guidance. 26 27 While tangible issues of property and assets enter into any real consideration of possible requests 28 for dismissal, we affirm that we are stewards of God’s resources intended to be used for His 29 honor and glory. Consequently, while we note the constitutional principle of church property 30 “held in trust,” we desire neither to make property the focal point for the congregation nor to use 31 the threat of its seizure as a coercive instrument of the presbytery. 32 33 The intent of the following document is to lay out a process that is fair, clear, and easily 34 understood. While final decisions concerning requests for dismissal must be made by the 35 Presbytery, we believe these guidelines will prove helpful to all parties concerned, and hope that 36 they will encourage openness and trust as we seek the will of Christ together. 37 38 Process 39 40 When the session of a particular congregation votes to present its membership with a request for 41 dismissal, the clerk of session should notify the Stated Clerk of Washington Presbytery 42 immediately. 43 44 At that time, the Presbytery will invite the session to enter into a covenant with the Presbytery 45 for the purpose of prayerful discernment. Under the covenant, the Session will commit to 46 scheduling a congregational meeting for consideration of dismissal between four months and a 47 year after their initial notification. The Presbytery, through the Presbytery Council, will appoint 48 a team of presbyters (known as the “Pastoral Team”) to represent the Presbytery and to work 49

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alongside the session in consideration of any action. Together, the session and the Presbytery 50 team will engage in mutual and shared prayer seeking God’s guidance and direction. 51 52 Should the session be willing to enter the covenant relationship, its responsibilities will include: 53 54

1.) The development of a “plan of mission,” describing the church’s ministry outside of 55 Washington Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA), should the congregation 56 choose to withdraw from the Presbytery. 57

2.) Commitment to an open process of congregational discernment, in which minority voices 58 are heard and respected. 59

3.) The development of a plan to minister to any minority constituency after the 60 congregational vote is taken. 61

62 The session will be encouraged to invite members of the Presbytery Pastoral Team to address 63 their regular meetings and join them in prayer. 64 65 The Presbytery Pastoral Team will be appointed by the Presbytery Council with Presbytery staff 66 (GP and/or Stated Clerk) serving “ex-officio”(voice, but not vote). Every effort will be made to 67 assemble a team that is perceived as fair. While representing the Presbytery for prayer, 68 information and advice, the team is not an administrative commission. It has no authority to take 69 any action regarding the property held in trust, pastoral leadership, session membership nor the 70 moderator of the session. The responsibilities of the Pastoral Team will include: 71 72

1.) Prayer for and with the session and congregation. 73 2.) The provision of an open channel of communication with Presbytery bodies, including 74

(but not limited to) Presbytery Council, the Committee on Ministry, Ecclesiastical 75 Affairs, and the Trustees. 76

3.) Advocacy for the Presbytery and denomination. 77 78 The session will invite members of the Pastoral Team to attend the congregational meeting at 79 which dismissal is considered. The moderator of the congregational meeting will offer team 80 members and Presbytery staff the opportunity to speak. The congregational meeting to consider 81 dismissal will be conducted according to the Book of Order. All active members of the 82 congregation will be encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting. Inactive members 83 should also be invited to participate in the meeting – but informed that they will not be allowed 84 to vote. 85 86 Guidelines 87 88 When the congregation considers the question of requesting dismissal, it should be understood 89 and communicated clearly that responsibility for the division, dismissal or dissolution of 90 churches lies with the Presbytery, “in consultation with their members.” It is also the 91 responsibility of the Presbytery to develop strategy for the mission and witness of the church in 92 this geographic region. As a result, any final decision on a request for dismissal or dissolution 93 must be taken by Washington Presbytery as a whole. 94 95 Without abdicating its constitutional responsibility, Washington Presbytery designates a Pastoral 96 Team in order to work cooperatively with a local church considering a request for dismissal. 97

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This Team will report to the Presbytery and may recommend action on any congregational vote 98 to request dismissal with church property. 99 100 In order for the Presbytery Pastoral Team to consider supporting such a request, the following 101 guidelines should be followed: 102 103

• The covenant between the session and the Presbytery, committing each to prayerful 104 reflection and fair and open discussion, must be kept. 105

• Any congregational meeting to vote on a request for dismissal must be scheduled to 106 provide sufficient time for deliberate reflection, education and participation by all active 107 members of the congregation. 108

• With the scheduling of the congregational meeting, a letter from the Pastoral Team will 109 be sent to the active membership of the congregation introducing the team and 110 explaining the process. 111

• While the quorum for congregational meetings is set by the Book of Order, and by the 112 bylaws of particular congregations, the Presbytery expects that a goal of fifty percent of 113 the active membership participate in the meeting. In order for the active members to feel 114 free to act based upon conscience, a written ballot for voting is expected. 115

• The tally of the vote will be attested by the congregation and the Pastoral Team. 116

• Requests for dismissal to another church body must specify a denomination or governing 117 body in the Reformed tradition. 118

• There must be a plan of mission in place for the continuation of the work of Jesus Christ 119 in the geographical area of the congregation. 120

• There must be a plan to support any substantial group voting in the minority that desires 121 to continue local ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA). 122

• At least seventy-five percent of the active members voting must be in favor of dismissal. 123 If the vote passes with a majority less than seventy-five percent, the Presbytery Pastoral 124 Team will not recommend support for such action on the floor of Presbytery. If a 125 majority of seventy-five percent or greater votes to seek dismissal, the Presbytery 126 Pastoral Team will recommend consideration of dismissal of the congregation with the 127 property “held in trust.” This recommendation will be made based upon resolution of 128 any outstanding debts and dedicated endowments and will include all property, real and 129 personal, without financial encumbrances. 130

131 If these guidelines are fulfilled, the Presbytery Pastoral Team will support and recommend the 132 proposed request to Washington Presbytery. The Pastoral Team will seek to make a unanimous 133 recommendation regarding the fulfillment of “spirit” and “letter” of this process. The Pastoral 134 Team’s vote will be reported with their recommendations to the Presbytery. 135 136 Actual decision-making on a request for dismissal by a congregation, the continuing ministry of 137 the Presbyterian Church in that region, and any property “held in trust” will be made by 138 Washington Presbytery at a properly announced meeting. At that meeting, representatives of the 139 congregation will be given opportunity to explain their request and members of the Team will 140 make their recommendations. Any decision will be made by Washington Presbytery based upon 141 its understanding and commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ expressed through the 142 Presbyterian Church. 143 144 145

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1. Introduce yourselves to one another.

2. Pray, asking for special prayer requests.

3. Discuss: What is God doing in your life? Your church? Your Presbytery?

4. Would you characterize Washington presbytery as a “relational presbytery?”

5. What aspirations do you have for the future of Washington Presbytery?






Sharon Woomer, Convener

Stuart Broberg, Convener

Emily Miller, Convener

Mark and Judy Scott, Conveners

Monongahela Church of the Covenant

Canonsburg Claysville

Charleroi Faith Houston West Alexander

California First 1793 Chartiers Hill Grove

Donora Fourth Center, McMurray Upper Buffalo

Roscoe Crossroads East Buffalo

Finleyville Peters Creek North Buffalo

Coal Center Thomas Lower Buffalo (Independence)

Daiseytown Avella



Larry Stratton Convener

Bob Devore, Convener

Charles Puff, Convener

Dick Hultman, Convener

Greensboro Laboratory Burgettstown Upper Ten Mile

Harmony Mount Pleasant Langeloth Concord

Unity Emmanuel Cross Creek West Union

Hewitt Pigeon Creek Center Midway Taylorstown

Pleasant Valley Cokeburg Irons Memorial

First Waynesburg Lower Ten Mile Robinson


Note: Those pastors not currently serving a church are invited to attend the Washington City or Southern Area Session.

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Washington Presbytery

Report of the Executive Presbyter

September 8, 2015

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Summer 2015 has been a joy for me: welcoming another group of excited college students to their summer staff positions at Pine Springs; hearing the dramatic and faith-filled testimonies of PCUSA missionaries John and Gwen Haspels at Monongahela; being with Kathy as our three sons each took a large, next step in their personal lives; preaching Christ’s gospel at several of our rural and small town churches; worshiping in the outdoors with the California and Roscoe congregations and hearing about their mission endeavors in West Virginia; catching up with the leaders at Cross Creek and Langeloth as they seek new leadership for their congregations; visiting at the New England coast with my siblings and their families; and encountering many of our presbytery friends at the county fair. The summer seems to have gone by disappointingly too fast; but as I review activities of ministry and all the places I have traveled, I realize what a joyful summer it has been.

I am equally excited as I anticipate the fall season and the re-start of so many of your churches’ ministry programs. Before long the youth groups will be gathering after Friday football games, our pumpkin harvest will reap benefits for literacy outreaches in Ethiopia, and church choirs will launch into Thanksgiving and Christmas music preparations. We have been through a time of turmoil and loss as in Washington Presbytery, but Holy Spirit God still blows through with freshness of new ideas and new initiatives, and with new life for some old, reliable ministries.

The presbytery’s 2016 Proposed Budget shows that we will face the same financial challenges we have faced in recent years; I’m thankful that we have faced them successfully. God’s grace, working through your generosity, means we can keep our shared mission commitments, keep assisting churches in transition, keep loving oversight of our pastors and CREs, keep offering high quality leadership training, and keep resourcing and supporting the Christ-honoring work you and your churches accomplish on the front lines of ministry.

Be blessed in the Savior’s love as we enter into the fall season. Romans 11, at the very end of the chapter, points us toward the glorious purposes of the Lord in all that is and all that we do: “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen”

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Rev. Craig Kephart

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Washington Presbytery’s Presbyterian WomenWashington Presbytery’s Presbyterian WomenWashington Presbytery’s Presbyterian WomenWashington Presbytery’s Presbyterian Women


For Reservations: Please call or Email Nancy PryorFor Reservations: Please call or Email Nancy PryorFor Reservations: Please call or Email Nancy PryorFor Reservations: Please call or Email Nancy Pryor 724724724724----884884884884----5436 5436 5436 5436 specialnlp@gmail.comspecialnlp@gmail.comspecialnlp@gmail.comspecialnlp@gmail.com

Lunch will be served for $8.ooLunch will be served for $8.ooLunch will be served for $8.ooLunch will be served for $8.oo

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This is our theme for the Fall Gathering of Presbyterian Women in Wash-ington Presbytery. We will be highlighting 4 missions: International - Ethiopia; Local -Hearts and Soles and Resurrection Power ;“19th & York”

– PW in the Synod Mission Project.

International ~ Ethiopia

Michael and Rachel Weller were appointed in 1994 to serve in Ethiopia with the Ethiopian

Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) Mi-chael is PC(USA)’s regional liaison for the Horn of Africa, where PC(USA) works with partner churches in Sudan, South Sudan and Ethiopia. Rachel is health coordinator for the East and

West Gambella Bethel Synods of the EECMY in western Ethiopia. Rachel’s work with three

medical clinics in one of the most remote parts of Ethiopia offers her many challenges, the

greatest of which is finding well-trained medical staff willing to live and work there. She is en-couraged by the commitment of the East and West Gambella Bethel Synods to overcoming these obstacles so that the people of the area

may have access to health care.

Local ~ Hearts and Soles

Benedictine Sisters Audrey Quinn and Sue Fazzini founded the Greene County Mission in

1989. The philosophy of their mission is: We commit ourselves to a life of simplicity, a life of reverence, a life of openness and

hospitality; sharing our spiritual and material goods out of abundance or scarcity.

Two of their projects in Greene County are: Hearts and Soles – providing sneakers for chil-dren to start the school year. Christmas Back-

pack Project for children ages 6-16.

Local ~ Resurrection Power

Their mission is to “carry the message of God’s love to all those affected by substance use.”

They provide ministry programs oriented toward prevention, education and advocacy related to

substance use disorder. The primary ministry is to provide Sober Living Houses for people recov-ering from substance use disorder who wish to remain focused on their recovery and maintain their sobriety. Currently they have 3 Sober Liv-ing Houses with about 11 people living in each gender specific house providing a safe, suppor-tive, structured and spiritually focused environ-

ment for recovery.

2015-2016 PW Synod of the Trinity Mission Project

“19th & York”

This is a new entity of Bethel Presbyterian Church in North Philadelphia that is aspiring to provide after school services for kids on a profes-sional and family centered level. They seek to

serve families in a way that is “Spiritually Sensi-tive, Professionally Consistent, Culturally Com-petent, and Outcome and Results Driven.” After school programs offer more time for learning in creative ways, especially for those who may need extra help or individual assistance. Some of the services and programs provided are mentoring, counseling, employment support as well as rec-

reational programs and activities.

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