12-Month Calendar 2014 - Blue Cross Blue Shield …...obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that...


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Taking charge of your health begins with daily habits. What you eat and drink, how active you are, and whether or not you use tobacco all play a part in how healthy you are. In fact, the three most important things you can do to lower your chances of dying from heart disease, cancer or stroke are:

• Don’t use tobacco. Quit if you smoke or use tobacco.

• Eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer foods that are high in fat.

• Be more active.

Make Half Your Grains WholeLower your chances of some chronic diseases by eating more whole grains. Anything made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or cereal grain is a grain product. Grains can be either refined or whole grain. Whole grains have the entire grain kernel. Here are some ways you can add these to your diet:

• First, be a smart shopper. The color of the food won’t tell you if it’s whole grain. And even the food labels can be confusing. The terms ‘multi-grain,’ ‘100 percent wheat’ and ‘bran’ don’t mean it’s a whole grain. Look for these words: whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole-grain cornmeal, whole oats, whole rye or wild rice.

• Try whole-grain bread or bagels.

• Use brown rice instead of white rice.

• Eat popcorn, with little or no added salt or butter, as a healthy snack.

• Try whole-wheat pasta as a change.

• Try adding whole wheat in recipes.

Daily HabitsTry some of these tips to help you develop healthier daily habits.

• Set a specific goal, such as losing 10 pounds or improving your cholesterol numbers.

• Focus on the outcome such as losing 10 pounds or improving your cholesterol numbers.

• Pick one thing to change about your eating habits, like adding fruit to your diet.

Once that becomes a habit, you can move on to a new goal.

Add More VeggiesVegetables provide vitamins and minerals, and most are low in calories. Here are a few ways you can add veggies to your meals:

• Bored with salad? Try brightening it up with colorful veggies like black beans, red peppers, radishes, red cabbage or watercress.

• Try adding a veggie soup to the mix. Just be sure to look for low-sodium soup.

• Add seasonal veggies for great flavor and lower cost.

• Did you know that frozen vegetables are as good for you as fresh? Try buying frozen corn, peas or green beans and keeping them on hand for fast side dishes.

• When eating out, pick a side salad or vegetable instead of a typical fried side dish.

Add Movement Add movement to your day. Start slow, gradually work up to 30 to 60 minutes per day, four to six times per week. Any movement counts: walking, cleaning, gardening, swimming or riding a bike.

Set your goal for 15 minutes at first and as you feel better, increase your time. Remember, exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other illnesses.

Throughout this calendar you will find QR Codes that can be used to reach more resources. First, download the free mobile app at http://gettag.mobi. Then scan the QR Code with your smartphone or tablet.* Once scanned, the application takes you to a video from the Be Smart. Be Well®. website at besmartbewell.com.

Here is a QR Code that will take you to Blue Access MobileSM. Blue Access Mobile brings convenient, secure access to your mobile phone. From your mobile phone Web browser, you can register or log in to your secure member site – Blue Access for MembersSM. There is no registration required to access the mobile site. However, members must enter their user name and password to log in to Blue Access for Members. *Data rates may apply.

Sources: United States Department of Agriculture; familydoctor.org

Seize the Day

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If you suffer from allergies or asthma, enhancing the air indoors can help. Limit everyday irritants such as dust mites, mold, pet dander and smoke to breathe easier.

Give indoor air a clean sweepDid you know there may be a health problem lurking in your home that you can’t see, taste or smell? Radon is a radioactive, cancer-causing gas. Studies show that higher radon levels are found in about one out of every 15 homes in the U.S.

you can’t see it, taste it or smell it. yet exposure to radon leads to 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year. Here are some facts about radon:

Old or new homes, schools and offices can have a radon problem.

• Radon can seep into homes through wall and floor cracks, gaps around pipes or in the water.

• Smoking, along with exposure to high levels of radon, greatly raises your chances of lung cancer.

• Testing for radon is easy. Visit epa.gov/radon/radontest.html to get facts about radon testing.

Sources: United States Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services



Make your health a priority by scheduling a date for your yearly exam and keep heart disease and other health problems in check.

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Women, watch out for this ‘heart-throb’February is Heart Month and a good time for women to take action and guard their heart health. no longer just a man’s problem, this disease is the leading killer of women over age 25. Follow these guidelines and stay smart about your heart:

• Know the signs of a heart attack. Trouble catching your breath, chest tightness and arm pain are classic signs. But women may also feel upper back or jaw pain, fatigued, dizzy or nauseated.

• Keep your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy range.

• Workout most days of the week.

• Do not smoke or use tobacco.

• Limit alcohol use.

• If you think you are having a heart attack, call 911 right away.

Women have a greater chance of heart problems as they age, but women of all ages should take steps to avoid these problems by embracing healthy choices.

Sources: national Institutes of Health; American Heart Association


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MARCH 2014

Prescription painkiller overdose has become a national epidemic. If you or someone you know needs help for substance abuse problems, call 800-662-HELP, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Fast facts to slow down poisoning riskPoison acts quickly and so should you if you think someone has been poisoned. Just remember to remain as calm as possible. you can prepare ahead of time by learning these facts:

• Call 911 if the victim isn’t breathing or awake.

• Contact the toll-free poison help number at 800-222-1222 if the victim is alert and awake.

• Be prepared to provide lifesaving information including the time of poisoning, address where it occurred and the victim’s weight and age.

• Try to locate the poison container, if possible, to provide more details.

• Remain on the phone and follow emergency instructions carefully.

To help prevent poisoning, keep medicines, vitamins, toxic plants, cleaning and personal care products and other household poisoning risks out of children’s reach.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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APRIL 2014

Learn the signs of stress, which may include unusual fatigue, a quick temper, feeling sad or down, sleep problems or coping by using drugs, alcohol or other substances.

Sharpen your chill skillsStress is a fact of life, whether you face a hectic day, loss of a job, illness or hear about scary world events. It may seem hard to chill out when worry strikes. But handling stress can help protect your health and well-being. Take these steps to calm stress:

• Take part in mood-boosting exercise daily, such as a brisk 30-minute walk.

• Stay connected with supportive family, friends and community or religious groups.

• Focus on what you have done, not what you haven’t.

• Make time for fun, relaxing pursuits.

• Get regular care for any health problems.

• Eat healthful, balanced meals.

• Relax through yoga, stretching or other programs.

• Seek professional help if you can’t cope, are abusing substances or have suicidal thoughts.

Dwelling on problems can make them seem even bigger. Try replacing negative thoughts with positive ones to help keep stress at bay.

Source: national Institute of Mental Health


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MAy 2014

Studies show that getting the right amount of sleep may lower your chances of heart disease and other health problems. Adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep each day.

Give the nod to better sleepDo you feel sleepy and often nod off during the day? you may have obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that disturbs your breathing and often causes loud snoring. Being male, weighing too much or having a small airway raises your chances of having this problem.

Sleep apnea can cause:

• Problems at work

• Accidents on the job

• Car accidents

• Mood and behavior changes

• Health problems, such as heart disease and stroke

Talk to your doctor if you have signs of this condition.

Sources: national Institutes of Health; national Heart, Blood and Lung Institute


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JUnE 2014

Men can help lower their chances of serious health problems by getting screened for colon cancer, heart disease, prostate cancer and other health conditions. Get a yearly exam even if you feel okay.

Guys get your healthy game onThe gap has closed, but studies show that women still outlive men. Guys can increase their odds of living longer with a healthy game plan. Here are a few winning tips:

• Get plenty of sleep to help ward off health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and depression.

• Ask your doctor which adult shots you need.

• Track your numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index.

• Tell your doctor right away if you have problems urinating, rashes or sores, shortness of breath or any other problems.

• Choose healthy foods and drinks. Stay away from too much sugar, fat, salt and alcohol.

• Try to be active for at least two and a half hours each week.

• Don’t use tobacco.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; national Institutes of Health


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JULy 2014

Know the basics of swimming and take lessons if needed. Studies show that children ages 1 to 4 years old lower their risk of drowning when they take formal swimming lessons.

Keep your head above water this summerSummer is a great time to cool off with a swim in the pool, or at the lake or beach. While enjoying summertime fun, don’t forget safety. Drowning is ranked the fifth leading cause of accidental injury in the U.S.

Stay afloat this summer with these drowning prevention tips:

• Learn life-saving skills, such as CPR.

• Install a pool fence.

• Swim with a buddy.

• Avoid alcohol when swimming or supervising children.

• Watch the weather forecast before engaging in water activities.

• Wear a life jacket at the beach or lake and at the pool if you are a poor swimmer.

• Obey beach warning signs and avoid strong waves or currents.

• Remove floats and toys from the pool and deck when not in use so children won’t be tempted to enter the pool area when no one is watching.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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Boost your baby shot basics Vaccines help protect your baby from serious or even deadly illnesses. One example is whooping cough. Whooping cough has not been eliminated, so it’s vital to protect your baby.

Before your baby’s doctor visit, check out these ABCs:

• newborn babies only have short-term protection. That’s why it’s vital to start their shots early.

• Vaccines can’t overload a baby’s immune system. Millions of children are safely vaccinated each year.

• There are now 16 diseases you can take action against.

• Reactions to shots are mostly mild. Serious problems are rare.

• Follow the doctor’s advice for your baby’s shots.

• Ask your child’s doctor about combination vaccines that protect against more than one illness so your child will get fewer shots.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

bcbsil.comFind wellness guidelines for children and adults at bcbsil.com. Go to the Health and Wellness tab and look under Know your numbers.

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Learn more about food safety. Visit foodsafety.gov for charts with suggested cooking times, storage guidelines and more facts to help keep your food safe.

Stay in step with food safety Did you know that unsafe food causes one in six people to get sick each year? Guard your family from food poisoning by sticking to these four food safety steps:

1. Clean – Wash hands, work surfaces and kitchen utensils before and after you fix food. Always wash fruits and veggies before cutting or peeling.

2. Separate – Keep poultry, meat, eggs and seafood away from other foods. Separate them in your grocery cart and in the fridge. Use a different cutting board for these foods.

3. Cook – Use a food thermometer to be sure food is cooked to a safe temperature. Keep food at 140 degrees after cooking and cook microwaved foods to at least 165 degrees.

4. Chill – Don’t thaw or marinate foods on the counter. Put fresh foods in the fridge or freezer within two hours. Keep your fridge between 32 and 40 degrees and your freezer at 0 degrees or below.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Obesity in children has tripled in the past 30 years. It is now one of the most common problems seen by pediatricians. Schedule your child’s yearly exam and ask the doctor how to keep weight and health in check.

From growing pains to weight gainChildhood obesity is a growing problem with one in five children now overweight. These children are more likely to be bullied, have health and sleep problems and low self-esteem.

To help your children keep a healthy weight, it’s important to teach them about good eating habits and the value of being fit. Help them grow by healthy leaps and bounds with these tips:

• Be a good role model.

• Let your children stop eating when they are full, rather than praising a clean plate.

• Give your children healthy snacks to curb hunger between meals.

• Don’t use food as a reward or a punishment.

• Eat healthy meals together as a family.

• Teach your children what a healthy helping looks like.

• Help your children be active each day. Limit screen time.

Sources: The Obesity Society; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; United States Department of Agriculture


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Sometimes antibiotics don’t get rid of the germs they are trying to fight. This is called antibiotic resistance. If you don’t get better, call your doctor and ask for an alternative.

Learn the pill drill to fight germsBacteria are tiny germs that can make you sick. Antibiotics are one of the best ways to wage war on these germs. your doctor orders antibiotics to fight bacteria. These drugs are not used to treat illnesses caused by viruses – like the cold or flu. In most cases, these drugs are safe when taken as prescribed.

Get smart about antibiotics with these facts:

• Tell your doctor about other drugs you are taking.

• Alert your doctor about drug or other allergies, health problems, special diets or pregnancy.

• Ask your doctor why you need the drug. Ask about side effects, and how and when to take it.

• Don’t keep pills for later use or share them with others.

• Even if you feel better, take all of the medicine as prescribed.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; national Institutes of Health


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Keep your gift list safe this year by checking toy recalls and other facts at cpsc.gov. Visit saferproducts.gov to report unsafe products or harm they have vcaused.

Don’t toy with safety this holidayIt’s that time of year again. As you get ready for the holidays, be sure to keep the most important gift in mind.

Wrap the gift of safety this holiday season with these helpful hints:

• Choose safe toys based on your child’s age.

• Check all toys, whether you buy them or your child gets them as gifts.

• Stay away from toys that could cause choking, such as those with small parts, loose batteries or magnets.

• Watch your child if the toy calls for adult supervision.

• Keep toys for older children away from younger children.

• Make sure your child has the right safety gear, such as goggles or a helmet, for sports-related gifts or riding toys.

• Throw away plastic wrappings or packages once gifts are opened.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; national Institutes of Health


A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 57325.0114

