12 Day's of Kindness for your Community



This year give the gift of kindness at your community with the 12 Days of Kindness. This also includes some Community Acts of Kindness and a Merry Christmas greeting from Toni, Doug and her Family!! Enjoy the holiday and add kindness to your December social scene!

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∂∂∂“Keep your heart open

to share the gift of kindness this holiday season”

The 12 DaysThe 12 Days



You see me!Now SAY


You see me!Now SAY


Text 90999 to REDCROSS to donate $10 to the American Red Cross. Real people like Candice, Amy & Nova are facing a challenging holiday season. Let’s help!

Find out what the person behind ordered and pay for it! I wonder . . . if we could follow an act of kindness forward – what we would see? Pay it forward . . . by looking back!

If you see another person in need – lend a hand!

Pay attention to people! Look them in the eye, listen and pay attention with VIP treatment!

Cute hat! If you think it – say it! Give a compliment to those you pass and those you know!

Please, Thank You, You’re welcome, Yes &

Let someone with one item go in front of you – allow a Mother with children to in that close parking space.

Share something of yours with someone with less that you! Buy a bouquet of flowers and share them with people in the store! Share a ride, a meal, your music or just a moment!

Turn down the TV, walk softly and spend a quiet night in your apartment. Tonight's let’s be quiet!

Even if you have a point – be agreeable! Use words of agreement! YES – Of course – you have a point there – that is right – I love that – great job – absolutely -

Allow your community to participate in an act of kindness within

your city or area!

Community ActsCommunity Acts

Say Thanks to those who serve and protect us! Create a coloring station with pages thanking our brave men and women. Put a sign out in front of your property! Drop it off at the fire house with cookies! Get creative this holiday and take time to say THANKS!

Say Thanks to your resident’s teachers. Create your own “Thank a teacher Day” and provide apples gifts for the children as they leave for school! Ask residents to donate a bag of apples and add “Thank You” stickers!

This is a great way to match your residents to a local need in your area. Visit the site and see what opportunities for service are available nearby!
