11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


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  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2



    Principles of Leadership

    Semester 1, 2013

  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


    OVERVIEW: week eleven

    1. Questions

    2. Culture and leadership; Diversity

    Kiwi culture

    Cultural perceptions

    Multi cultural perceptions

  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


    If culture is defined as.

    Culture- describes what people develop to enable them to

    adapt to their world, such as language, gestures, tools to

    enable them to survive and prosper, customs and traditions that

    define values and organise social interactions, religious beliefs

    and rituals, and dress, art, and music to make symbolic andaesthetic expressions.

    Culture determines the practices and beliefs that become

    associated with an ethnic group and provides its distinctive




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    Ethnicity and Culture

    What is ethnicity, culture and identity?

    Ethnicity- belonging to a group that shares

    the same characteristics, such as country of

    origin, language, religion, ancestry andculture. Ethnicity is a matter of biological and

    historical fact and is not changed by the

    culture in which a person grows up. Source:



  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


    Identity- classified as an individual's personal

    identity, social identity or ethnic identity

    Source: http://www.childsafety.qld.gov.au/adoption/education/intercountry/module6/definition-


  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


    What is Kiwi/NZ Culture?

    How would you describe Kiwi/NZ culture to

    people from China, Italy and Somalia who are

    considering coming to live in NZ?

    Agree five things that define Kiwi/NZ culture.

    Discuss in groups of three and record your

    ideas. Nominate one person to report back to class.

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    Answer the following questions

    in your group

    If you were going to a barbecue at a friends

    place what would you take?

    What would you wear?

    If you are asked to take a plate to a socialfunction what would you take?

    You have graduated from CPIT; how will you

    celebrate? It is your Grandmothers 90thbirthday; what

    would you do on this occasion?

  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2



    Workforce diversity means a workforce made

    up of people who have different human qualities

    or who belong to different cultural groups.

    Individualsdifferences among people in termsof dimensions such as age, ethnicity, gender or


  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2



    Driven by demographic changes.

    Globalisation has changed attitudes to diversity.

    Adds value to the organisation.

    Development of employee and organisational


    Develops organisation flexibility.

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    Ways women lead

    Interactive styleleader favours a consensual

    and collaborative process.

    Influence derives from relationships.



    Idealised influencefollowers identify and want

    to emulate the leader.

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    Social value systems (Hofstede)

    Power distance High means people accept inequality in power

    among institutions, organisations, and individuals

    Low means that people expect equality in power.

    Uncertainty avoidance

    High means that members of a society feel

    uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity and

    support behaviours and beliefs that promise

    certainty and conformity.

    Low means that people have a high tolerance for

    the unstructured, the unclear and the unpredictable.

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    Social value systems

    Individualism and collectivism Individualism reflects a value for a loosely knit socialframework in which individuals are expected to take care of


    Collectivism is a preference for a tightly knit social

    framework in which people look out for one another andorganisations protect their members interests.

    Masculinity and femininity Masculinity reflects a preference for achievement, heroism,

    assertiveness, work centrality and material success.

    Femininity reflects the values of relationships, cooperation,

    group decision making and quality of life.

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    National value systems

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    Challenges minorities face

    Unequal expectations

    Living bi-culturally

    Glass ceiling

    The opportunity gap

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    Leadership initiative

  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2


    Barriers to evolution


    Stereotypes and prejudice

    The white male club

    The paradox of diversity

    Actual cultural differences

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    Leadership solutions

    A personal, long-range vision that recognises

    and supports a diverse organisational


    A broad knowledge of the dimensions ofdiversity and awareness of multicultural issues.

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    Leadership solutions

    An openness to change themselves.

    Mentoring and empowering diverse employees.

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    Personal development awareness

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    Ways women lead

    Global diversity

    Challenges minorities face

    Leadership initiatives

    Leadership solutions

  • 8/13/2019 11 Week Twelve Class Notes Kiwi Culture 2



    Daft R. L., Pirola-Merlo A., (2009), The Leadership Experience,APE 1,

    Cengage Learning, Australia

    Ginny Ferguson CPIT: 2012 21