11 18 celebration (winter 2011) (nx power-lite)1




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In February, students ran activities for their peers and for younger pupils to raise awareness of global justice issues.

CAFOD was allowed to photograph the day – so you’ll see this school featured in future resources!

Christ the King, Nottingham

Over fifty Year 11 pupils wrote to the Secretary of State for International Development to support more small businesses owned by poor men and women overseas during a special cross curricular day held in February.

The event involved workshops run by the school and by many aid agencies, including CAFOD.

St Anne’s, Southampton

The Youth of Churches Together Fellowship held a concert which raised £612 for the people of Pakistan.

Churches Together, Weybridge

All Saints sixth formers planned and organised some fun activities:

• A ‘fairy’ football match!

• A friend auction

• A sumo wrestling match

They raised £4,595.33.

You did everyone proud, sixth formers!

All Saints, Brentwood

This photo display shows how Y9 English Group integrated their fundraising for World Gifts into their "informative writing" module. Creative!

All Saints, Sheffield

Art and Design students took action after learning about development and CAFOD‘s work. They raised £114 and bought four piglets for a community in the Philippines.

Yale College, Wrexham

Over 200 young people took part in a special Youth Day titled ‘A Noble Adventure’.

Participants wrote letters to William Hague in support of CAFOD’s campaign to end Gaza’s blockade so that more goods, people and help can get into and out of the country.  

Portsmouth Diocese

William Shippin, an IT manager at St Thomas More, completed the Great South Run in 1hr 18mins.

This was his second run but his first for CAFOD and he raised over £200.

Well done!

St Thomas More, Bedford


Year 11 pupils sent their Welsh flag signed with messages of solidarity to Colombian young people after learning about their lives and struggles amidst long-term conflict and poverty. The Colombians reciprocated with messages of hope and thanks on their own flag.

Blessed Edward Jones, Wales

Members of the ‘Tuesday night Soul Food’ group took action for global justice after learning about CAFOD’s work. The 25 young people met their challenge to turn £15 into £150, matched by the parish to a total target of £300.

They raised £320 from car washing undeterred even by freezing weather conditions.

Brilliant work all!

St Joseph’s, Northampton Flint

Fast Day news!

Find out what young people have been doing for CAFOD this Lent by visiting our Fast Day photo wall.

Don’t forget to send in your own Fast Day photos so that we can add them!