10th Season for Buffalo Open-Air Autobus! · sunscreen, and unbreakable bev - erage bottle (no...


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Dear Buffalo Lover,There is simply no better way

to see Buffalo and grasp what it isall about than a tour on the Open-Air Autobus. 2016 is our 10th sea-son of topless touring (yes, we’ve

heard all the jokes, and startedsome of them)—it really is the bestway to get around and see, hear,and smell Buffalo (ahh, toastedoats, chicken wing sauce, char-coal grilled hot dogs!).

We have an all-new bus for2016, thanks to timely and gener-ous support of the Wendt andZemsky foundations. Better ride,sound, body, and easier steps!

Open-Air Autobus tours arebuilt on 30 years’ worth of archi-tectural and historical research bymembers of The Campaign forGreater Buffalo History, Architec-ture & Culture in the course ofpreservation activities. The toursenhance our educational missionand help cover the costs of wide-

ranging preservation work. The Campaign is Buffalo’s most

dynamic preservation organization.Our tours reflect our character: Pas-sionate, lively, and knowledge-able.

Five-star reviews: People raveabout us on TripAdvisor. TheCampaign’s tours are popular, in-formative, well-done. We are thego-to organization for the generalpublic and experts alike.

By doing a tour, you are doinggood: We are a charitable organi-zation chartered by the New YorkState Dept. of Education. Rev-enues are plowed directly backinto local historic preservation.

Bring appropriate outerwear,sunscreen, and unbreakable bev-

erage bottle (no alcohol). We gorain or shine: We have a roll-down, see-through rain fly.

—Tim TielmanExecutive Director, The

Campaign for Greater Buffalo

10th Season for Buffalo Open-Air Autobus!

RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED: (716) 854-3749; OPENAIRBUFFALO.ORGTim Tielman, Executive Director,aboard Buffalo Open-Air Autobus

Paul McDonnell, architect andCampaign President, leading tour

Chartering theOpen-Air Bus

You can give your entiregroup the Buffalo Open-AirAutobus experience. We’vehelped schools, families,alumni groups, weddings,bar mitzvahs, corporations,colleges, travel groups, youname it plan unforgettableevents. Only $700 for up totwo hours. Special rates forlonger periods. We areweather-proof, so you canplan with confidence. Call now for full details: 716-854-3749.

This is THE tour of the city for everyone—visi-tors and long-time residents. Fun, fast, andinfo-packed. We tell the story of the city

through what you see on the ground. On this tour,besides buildings by America’s Big Three architects—Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and H.H.Richardson— and a park system by Frederick LawOlmsted, you’ll see scores of other beautiful build-ings and houses by prominent national and interna-tional architects and the streets and neighborhoodswhere Buffalonians carry on their everyday lives.

We start with the foundation of modern Buffalo,

and modern urban America: The building andgrounds of what was the Buffalo State Hospital, de-signed by H.H. Richardson and Frederick Law Olm-sted, conceived in 1870. We end with the HeathHouse by Frank Lloyd Wright of 1904. In between,you’ll see world-altering industrial architecture, thepreening mansions of Delaware Avenue, and theprototype for the skyscraper, Sullivan’s GuarantyBuilding, plus downtown and the Canal District.

We’ll put it all in context for you, as we point outdozens of buildings as markers of Buffalo’s progressthrough the years. In addition to masterpieces, you’ll

see a basketful of compelling places that tell thestory of the city:

• Symphony Circle and Kleinhans Music Hall• Ellicott Square by Daniel Burnham & Co.• St. Paul’s Cathedral by Richard Upjohn• Niagara & Lafayette squares• Millionaire’s Row• Allentown, Delaware, Theater, and West Villagehistoric districts • Shea’s Buffalo Theater• Bidwell, Chapin, and Lincoln parkways

It is an astounding 90-minute tour. Hop on!

The Atomic-AgeSuburbSept. 10, 2016 at 10:00am. 2-hr. tour.$30 (C4GB members 20% off). Meet at Plaka Restaurant, 2094

Delaware Avenue, Kenmore

Looking for a cozy Cape or a ramblingRanch? You’ll find it on

this intriguing tourthat explores thenooks and curblesscrannies of the post-war suburban fron-tier, Tonawanda’s

Green Acres subdivi-

sion. In the mid-1950’s Howard Pearce(left below) and his Pearce & PearceCompany built thousands of ranchhouses in Green Acres. He warmed upby building the nation’s very first split-level houses in Amherst, Clarence, andTonawanda, perfecting mass-produc-tion techniques and space-age optionsand built-ins. Nationally influential,Pearce rose to become head of the Na-tional Association of Homebuilders.He helped shape the environment ofmillions of baby-booming nuclear fam-ilies.

We start at the amazing PlakaRestaurant, where you can have break-fast beforehand and lunch afterwardsin the middle of a temporal flux: its

full-on Atomic Age interior survives inall its glory.

From there we’ll look at earlyPearce & Pearce rental housing, its of-fice building, the First Trinity LutheranChurch (Is it a bird? A plane?), and

some custom projects, including amind-blowing cream-brick-and-stoneRanch-L with shed-roofed garage andcarport at —where else?—the intersec-tion of Glen alby and Glenhurst.


The Buffalo Whirlwind Tour

10:00am Saturdays & Sundays, July 2 - September 4. Meet at Elmwood & Potomac Aves.

George Jetson attended First Trinity Lutheran.Or should have.

The Plaka Restaurant has authentic Mad Meninterior and rice pudding to die for.


Campaign for Greater Buffalo members havebeen conducting bus, boat, and walking toursof the Buffalo waterfront since 1985. Our Wa-

terfront bus tour covers what no one else does—Buf-falo River, the Old First Ward, and the Outer Harbor.You’ll get a unique perspective on Buffalo’s mar-itime, cultural, and industrial heritage on this tourcreated by Tim Tielman, editor of the book Buffalo’sWaterfront,

You’ll learn of the heroic effort to build a harborand the Erie Canal, and the unique landscape it cre-ated—the giant grain elevators lining our waterways.

Some of the big things you’ll see in an amazing 60minutes:• The Old First Ward, where Irish immigrants of the

1820s and 1840s sought their fortunes in the NewWorld. • The factory where Edward Barcalo’s invented thereclining chair—and the paid coffee brea• The historic fireboat Edward Cotter.• A tavern dating back to the days of the saloon-bosslabor system and • The Cobblestone District, a Canal-era industrialheritage district.

• The site of Grover Cleveland’s table-top speechlaunching his meteoric rise from Buffalo lawyer toPresident of the United States.• The Great Northern Elevator, coverboy of ScientificAmerican in 1896, when it was both the largest grainelevator ever built and the first to be powered by al-ternating current electricity.• The Washburn-Crosby grain elevator complex(home of Cheerios) that architectural historianReyner Banham called the “most influential struc-tures ever put up in North America.” Wake up andsmell the toasted oats!

“I am it and youse is nit.” Fingy Conners looking satis-fied with himself. He wasn’t bashful about bling, boast-ing, and bare-knuckled anything.

The BarcaLounger—invented and made in the Old FirstWard

Into the Heart ofBlack RockSept. 18, 2016 at 10:00am. 2-hr. bustour. $30 ( C4GB members 20% off).Meet at Niagara & Porter aves.,

Black Rock was, until 1853, an inde-pendent village in spirited competitionwith Buffalo for supremacy on theGreat Lakes. A distinctive place re-mains. From LaSalle Park to a renewedAmherst Street, we’ll trace the his toryof the place from 1609 to WWI. Dis-cover an all-but-forgotten border rail-

road station and customs house andthe c.1830 Howell House. We’ll also seea stunning Federal Style historic rehab,a firehouse converted to a house, a

cannonball factory, the Black RockLock, and several churches.

We start at the forgotten beach ofSandy Town, and the string of make-do War-of-1812 fortifications along theBlack Rock waterfront. We pass overthe actual black rock, see where GroverCleveland whet his political whistle in1856, where Glenn Curtiss built his fa-mous Jenny airplane (also whereThomas Flyer was built, the winner ofthe first round-the-world auto race),William Letchworth built his fortuneand philanthropy, the smallest streetin the city, a cluster of pre-Civil Warhouses, and both ends of Unity Island,

where ferries and trains crossed theNiagara, the last lock on the Erie Canalwas built, and newparks have beent r a n s f o r m e dwhat was onceliterally thegarbage heapof Buffalo(next to thecity incinerator)into a spectacularand historic river-front.

1:00pm Saturdays & Sundays, July 2 - September 4.*Meet at Hanover and Main streets in the Canal District * No tour on 7/23

Buffalo’s WaterfrontMonumental Grain Elevators, The Old First Ward,

& The Canal District

The Belt Line underpass and St. Francis churchin Black Rock: grittiness and grace

Pretty Peter Porter picked aperilous portage to BlackRock


Frank LloydWright’s BuffaloSept. 10, 2016 at 10:00am. 2-hr. tour.$30 (C4GB members 20% off). Meetat Elmwood and Potomac aves.

As an artistic figure, Frank LloydWright (right, c. 1906) has been

compared to Michelangelo and Rem-brandt (Wright would have agreed). Hebuilt one of his most influentialhouses, the D. D. Martin House, in Buf-falo. This tour encompasses all five ofWright’s Buffalo houses —the Martinand Barton houses, the Gardener’s Cot-tage, Davidson and Heath houses, aswell as previously unbuilt designs for a

mausoleum and a boathouse.The houses are within Colonial-,

Period Revival, and Craftsman-fla-vored neighborhoods. We’ll view thehouses in these historical contexts.

We start at Soldiers’ Place, designedby Frederick Law Olmsted, as we con-template Wright’s Heath House andtake a peek at an exact reproduction of

Richardson’s StoughtonHouse of Cambridge,

Mass. — the ShingleStyle archetypethat first expressedthe design princi-ples Wright would

extend to theirfullest.

Vincent Scully, Jr.,

dean of American architectural histo-rians, notes that “beside their OlmstedParkway, these two houses express thecontinuity of organically developingAmerican architecture, as well as im-portant changes in that developmentbetween the early 80’s and 1900.” Per-spectives you won’t want to miss!

The Belt Line: Industrial-StrengthSat. July 23, 1pm & Sat. Sept. 11, 10am2-hr. tour. $30 (C4GB members 20%off). Meet at Main & Scott sts.

It is one of Buffalo’s Hide-in-Plain-Sight secrets: The NY Central Belt Line ofthe 1880’s, the city’s most consequentialtransportation project since the ErieCanal. The Belt Line attracted huge indus-

trial plants like Pierce-Arrow, Ford Motor,Larkin Soap, and, of course, the titanic NY

Central Terminal itself. Seepowerful and innovative

architecture that effectshow we live today. Learntheir stories and thoseof the diverse neighbor-hoods it traverses, Park-side, Polonia, BlackRock, and the “Yam-


E.B Green-a-thonSept. 25, 2016 at 10:00am. 2-hr. tour.$30 (C4GB members 20% off). Meetat Elmwood and Potomac aves.

E.B. Green (1855-1950) is Buffalo’smost distinguished architect. Betweenhis early partnership with WilliamWicks in the 1880’s to 1950, Green hada hand in designing over 300 build-ings, many of them superb examplesof their type, whether office building,hotel, apartment building or grandiosemansion. The number and quality of

his commissions is staggering: MayfairLane and the Bachelor (endangered aswe speak), Buffalo Savings Bank Mar-

ket Arcade, half of “Millionaire’s Row,”the Twentieth Century Club, theCounty Jail, the American Radiatorfactory, the Marine Bank, the AlbrightArt Gallery, department stores.

Fine structures of wood, brick,and stone, they are prominently sitedor tucked away on side streets, radiat-ing charm and poise. Join us as wehunt down dozens of the buildingsand tell the tales of the people wholived, worked, worshiped, and social-ized there.

This Old MansionSept. 25, 2016 at 10:00am. 2-hr. tour.$30 (C4GB members 20% off). Meetat Elmwood and Potomac aves.

The story of America’s rich and in-famous unfolds on this fascinatingtour of the mansions of Buffalo’s titansfrom the Civil War to the Great Depres-sion. Learn of their feats and foibles,but most of all, their evolving taste inarchitecture. Massive Italianate, Sec-

ond Empire, Victorian Gothic, QueenAnne, and Shingle Style houses werebuilt as displays of conspicuous con-sumption. Bound by rigid codes of be-havior, some rebelled. Most notablewas Mabel Dodge Luhan, who, after atrailblazing and swath-cutting life ontwo continents, wrote a scandal-mak-ing memoir that dished the dirt on heryouthful Buffalo neighbors. Devilishthey may have been, but their taste inarchitecture was well-bred.

A boathouse Wright designed went un-built for a century before being adaptedand built on Black Rock Canal

John Larkin built large

The Open-Air Autobus at E.B. Green’s Al-bright Art Gallery

We PreserveWonderment

The Campaign for Greater Buf-falo leads the preservation move-ment in Buffalo. For decades, itsmembers have saved everythingfrom the Richardson Complex to theCanal District, churches, cottages,and factories, and created severalhistoric districts. The things thatmake Buffalo a place of wonderment.

You can think of us as The Cam-paign for Maximum Buffalo, be-cause we believe it is our historicbuildings, streets, and neighbor-hoods that are the best foundationfor a robust future.

The Campaign is not dependent ongovernment grants nor do we solicitcorporate support. It is the support ofconcerned citizens like you that givesus an independent voice.

Join us now and help us do thework that needs to be done, and saveon every Open-Air Autobus tour!.q Dime-a-Day Trooper Level. $36.50, or 10 cents per day: You are thebedrock of the citizen army!

q Buck-a-Week Card-CarryingPreservationist. $52, or a dollar perweek: You are with us on the barricades!

q C-Spot True Believer. $100: Youare ready, willing, and able!

q 200-Clams Hero of the Revolu-tion. $200: Help finance a new worldorder!

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