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JosephPearce’s Bar

Art Auction

Exhibition:12 Nov–10 Dec

Auction:10 Dec, start 6pm

Joseph Pearce’s Bar,23 Elm Row,Edinburgh

It’s easy to forget thatmany children and youngpeople in society need oursupport and protection.Barnardo’s Scotlandbelieves in the potential ofevery child and youngperson, no matter whothey are, what they havedone or what they havebeen through. Bysupporting the Barnardo’sScotland Art Auction atJoseph Pearce’s Bar, youwill be helping children inEdinburgh to achieve their full potential.

The Auction will take place onWednesday 10th December and all the money raised will go to thechildren who are resident atBarnardo’s RAFT Project. RAFT is a residential service forchildren who have been removedfrom their families for their ownsafety. When they get to RAFT,these children are given stabilityand continuity, in a residentialsetting as much like a familyhome as possible. When theymove on from RAFT to specialistfoster carers they will have thetools to be able to join a stableand loving family, who can meettheir needs and support them.

Because these young childrenhave had very few chances torelax and enjoy themselves andjust be kids, each year Barnardo’sScotland provides a well-deservedsummer holiday allowing them achance to build friendships, learnabout teamwork, enjoy fresh airand exercise and ultimately havefun. Most of us are lucky enoughto have happy memories of

childhood and summer holidaysand we can often underestimatehow much of an impact these haveon a child’s development andwellbeing. Through the 2008 ArtAuction, you could raise enoughmoney to fund a holiday for thechildren at RAFT and give theman experience they won’t forget.

There will be an opportunity toview the work from Wednesday12th November when it will beexhibited at Joseph Pearce’s Bar.

For more information about

the Art Auction, Barnardo’s

Scotland or to place advance

bids please contact Pamela

Williamson on: 0131 334 9893

or pamela.williamson@


1. Jamie Primrose – Late afternoon on the Royal MileMedium: Exclusive one-off ‘Artist’sProof’ of a Limited Edition Printon Hahnemuele fine art paper, in ahand-crafted frame – one of theartist’s collectable atmosphericEdinburgh cityscapes. ‘Artist’sProofs’ are not for sale, so this is arare opportunity. Size: 64 x 63 cm framedAbout: Jamie is one of Scotland’smost talented and successful contemporary artists, who hashosted numerous sell-out soloexhibitions in Edinburgh andLondon. His artworks continue to

rise in value every year withsubstantially increased demand.Jamie was a finalist for theprestigious Jolomo Awards 2007for his outstanding artworks of theScottish landscape and hisreputation as a highly collectableartist thrives, having beenfeatured in many publicationsfrom The Times, The Scotsmanand The Guardian to The Herald, i-on, Artmag and Homes andInteriors Scotland.www.jamieprimrose.com

2. Helen Beech – SikkhimMedium: Acrylic paint on canvas.About: Helen’s inspiration for this

piece came whilst trekking inSikkhim, India. Helen’s paintingsreflect the myriad cultures andsights she has seen on her travelsaround the world. Helen’s art isnot about grand politicalstatements, rather a wish toconvey the beauty in everythingaround us.

3. Andrew Nicholson – CastleMedium: Acrylic on canvas.Size: 64 x 63 cm framedAbout: Andrew is a graphicdesigner who paints as a hobby.This piece depicts EdinburghCastle, silhouetted against an earlymorning sky.

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4. Alison Filose – Bryher FudgeMedium: Free-machineembroidery using a variety of handpainted and disperse dyed fabrics. Size: 50 x 50 cm framedAbout: Alison is a Textiles teacherand artist who lives and works inSomerset. She visits the Scilly Isleseach year and this piece wasinspired by the hustle and bustleof the annual fete on Bryher, herfavourite of the islands.

5. Anneli Holström – ChokeMedium: Painting showing a fishbone stuck inside a throat,surrounded by suffocating smokeand heavy rain clouds.Size: 20 x 15 cm About: Anneli studied atEdinburgh College of Artgraduating with a BA in Paintingin 2007. She then went on to studyfor an MFA at Edinburgh Collegeof art from which she will begraduating this year. Anneli worksin a variety of mediums includingpainting, sculpture, installationperformance and film.www.holstromartworks.blogspot.com

6. Cookie – Joanna DressMedium: This gorgeous, blue,polka dot dress is by Eucalyptus,available from Cookie.Drawstrings underneath make thelength adjustable.Size: The winning bidder canchoose from size 8–14About: Cookie, on CockburnStreet, offers a vibrant and uniquealternative to the generic HighStreet retail experience. Studentsreceive a 10% discount from Eden,Lava, Supakuru, Voodoo, Pie in theSky and Cookie.

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7. Cosima Sempill – Pink Rose BirdcageMedium: Slip cast, earthenwareplate with under glaze detail andceramic decals, surrounded withdrawings and ceramic roses.Size: 53 x 53 cmAbout: Cosima has her own designcompany Kitty & Dude, sellinghandmade ceramic giftware. Sheexhibits all over the country,currently in the National Galleryof Scotland. ‘Most Kitty & Dudepieces have a “tongue in cheek”appeal; I enjoy combining andcontrasting ideas and focusing ondesigns that delight both aestheticand intellectual senses.’

8. Ian Hamilton Finlay –Harvester PD98Medium: A 1996 postcardpublished in an edition of 300 bythe Wild Hawthorn Press.Reproduced from one of a pair ofstamps designed by the artist andGary Hincks for the exhibitionImagined Lands at the City ArtCentre, Edinburgh, November 1996.www.inglebygallery.com

9. Diane Boys – SandyMedium: Framed photograph ofLucy Poett’s life-size bronzesculpture of Sandy IrvineRobertson, founder of the Scottish Business AchievementsAward Trust, enjoying the viewacross the Shore in Leith.Size: 20 x 28” framedAbout: Diane has always beencreative and was caught by the‘shutter bug’ in her mid teens. She won first prize in the ‘MyLeith’ 2008 competition, presented by the Leith CommunityInvolvement Project and LeithNeighbourhood Partnership.

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10. Donna Ford – We Are All TheSame, Yet DifferentMedium: Oil pastel drawing.Size: 17 x 19” About: Donna is a publishedauthor and artist living in East Lothian.www.donnamford.com

11. Ed Slater – BeginningsSize: 70 x 60 cmAbout: This piece was a responseto the Tsunami; the blue shapesrepresent areas where the landwas submerged.Ed is a self taught artist who hasbeen painting since he retiredfrom the Royal Marines, sevenyears ago, having served for 22years. He has recently exhibited atImagination Art, Dundas Street;The Plumed Horse, Leith and theSt Petersburg National Museumwith the Scottish InternationalCreative Society 2007.www.edslater.co.uk

12. Elaine Wilson – UntitledSize: Each of these small pieces is 15 x 35 cmAbout: ‘Weather conditions likemist and fog, which filter out wherethe landscape ends and the skybegins is where my interest lies.The paints I use help me to achievethe desired “organic” effect I want,as if they were unprocessed anduntreated, like the landscape itself.’

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13. Faisal – Odd Man OutMedium: Recycling with apurpose. Musician with time onhis hands has created a (soundbaffle) wall out of glass bottles.Size: 37 x 37 cm framedAbout: Faisal started out as amusician touring the UK, Europeand the USA as an ‘Athlete’ withJames Yorkston & the Athletes.Photography was always lurkingaround there somewhere, and nowforms a more visual aspect of hiscreativity. Pieces to date havefound ‘good homes’ in the UK anda first solo exhibition is plannedfor 2009.

14. Gerry Smith – Einstein/Kafka and BeachSize: 80 x 20 cm About: Gerry Smith studied at theOpen University, graduating witha BA in Art History and Culturalstudies in 1992. He then went onto gain a BA (Hons.) inPrintmaking at Duncan ofJordanstone College of Art andDesign in 1998. Recently he tookpart in Only Words at theKunstbunker Tumulka (Munich,2007). He has also producedseveral books, the most recentbeing ‘Permanent Culture’.

15. Grazyna Dobrzelecka – Lady in a HatMedium: Acrylics and crayon on paper.Size: 50 x 60 cm framedAbout: The painting is acomposition based on light andcolours of everyday surroundings;the lady is camouflaged in the rightpart of the central area of the work.Grazyna is a recent graduate fromthe Drawing and Painting courseat the Edinburgh College of Art.She is currently in her first year ofa postgraduate MFA in Printmakingwhich allows her to explore varioustechniques from crayons andpaints, to printmaking.

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16. Helen Jones – DocMedium: Palette knife oil painting.Size: 41 x 33 cm About: Helen has been paintingfull time for four years, she hasalways had art in her life from anearly age; her favourite pastimewas lying across the floor withsketch pad and pencil. She woulddraw for hours letting herimagination spill onto a blankpage. She has continued her love for art and now paints in the sun from her home in Spainand ships paintings all over theworld including America, Australia and Japan.

17. Daniel Irwin – UntitledSize: 60 x 30 cm

18. Kristin Talseth – Grimy andscantily he stood up on thewhale’s back ‘I killed the whale! Ikilled the whale!’Medium: From a series ofPhotopolymer Prints illustratingthe story of ‘The Soul of the Whaleand Its Burning Heart’, a folk talefrom Alaska.Size: 65 x 75 cm framedAbout: Kristin is a Norwegianartist and illustrator, who has justgraduated from EdinburghCollege of Art with a degree inVisual Communication. Over the

summer, she had her workrepresented at the CompassGallery in Glasgow, as part of their‘New Generation Show’. She hasalso been selected to participate inexhibitions in London and Oslo,showing the work of NorwegianArt and Design students. Thispiece was recently shown in the‘Open Here’ exhibition at ECA, aspart of the 500 years ofprintmaking in Scotlandwww.kristintalseth.com

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19. Liana Moran – Level 3Size: 120 x 90 cmAbout: Liana is a student ofEdinburgh College of Art. Herprevious exhibitions include NewEdinburgh Work, Chelsea Galleryand Spine Owl Online Gallery.

20. Lynne Baxter – Jock the CockMedium: Charcoal drawing.Size: 42 x 52 cm

21. Lisa Pettersson – LambSize: 60 x 60 cmAbout: Lisa was born in Swedenand has spent time in Asia andAustralia. She has a degree in FineArt from the University of Walesand a Diploma in Graphic Designfrom Telford College. Recently her work has beenexhibited in Saigon, Tel Aviv,Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Oxfordand in Edinburgh’s Stockbridge.www.lisapettersson.com

22. Mark Beaumont – Anafternoon cycling session for twoAbout: Not strictly speaking anartist, Mark is best known forbeing a record breaking longdistance cyclist. Earlier this yearhe completed his journey roundthe world in an incredible 194 daysand 17 hours. The BBCdocumentary about his journey‘The Man Who Cycled the World’was broadcast in August this year.We are delighted to have on offer aunique auction prize for the lucky bidder and one friend to spend anafternoon training with Markaround Edinburgh.

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23. Moira Cochrane –Sunflowers in Copper PotSize: 34 x 44 cm approx.About: Moira was inspired by asunflower plant her grandsongrew at school – to keep a littlesunshine during a long greywinter. She started painting sixyears ago when an artist friendgave her paints for Christmas. Her first solo exhibition was in2006 and is presently exhibiting atthe Ming Chen Clinic in BernardStreet. She spends winters inTenerife where the blue sky andsea are constant inspiration.www.mocoart.co.uk

24. Neil Davey – Arran from ButeMedium: Photograph takenlooking over the Sound of Butetowards the Isle of Arran, on asunny spring afternoon.Size: 20 x 30 cmAbout: Neil is based in Edinburghand works as a freelance travel andillustrative photographer. Hispassion for photography started inthe early 90’s and he turnedprofessional in 1998. He hasexhibited and sold work aroundthe world, including Norway, USA and of course, his nativeScotland. He is a regularcontributor to national and

international travel and lifestylepublications, and oftencollaborates with his Norwegianwife, who is a travel writer.

25. Neil Davey – River Thurso, CaithnessAbout: Dusk falls over the RiverThurso in Caithness. Crofts lieabandoned along the river’s pathto the Pentland Firth.

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26. Nicci Kitchin – Edinburgh SkylineMedium: Acrylic.Size: 90 x 30 cmAbout: Nicci graduated fromEdinburgh College of Art in 2004.She initially painted a citysilhouette for a friend and has sincedeveloped a series of recognisableskyscape paintings of major cities,with her signature paintings beingof Edinburgh – ‘I like to believe thatif you were ever lost in Edinburgh,no matter where you stood, as longas you could see the castle, youcould find your way home.’

27. Pie in the Sky – Lily DressMedium: This dress is by Moteland is the ultimate party dress, aunique take on the little black dress,covered in pink and red roses.Size: Buyer can choose from size 8-14.About: Pie in the Sky has been anindependent retailer for over 36years. They have six outlets sellinggiftware and clothing all situatedin the vibrant shopping area ofCockburn Street in Edinburgh’sOld Town.

28. Rabia Choudhry – Camping on UranusMedium: Painting.Size: 15 x 11.5 cm

29. Rabia Choudhry – Le Sexy PawMedium: Sketch.Size: 13 x 14 cm

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30. Sally Pring – BernardMedium: Signed digital print.Size: 50 x 40 cm framed.About: Sally is an establishedillustrator and graphic designerbased in Edinburgh. Sincegraduating with a BA (Hons.) inVisual Communication fromEdinburgh College of Art in 2004,she has exhibited her workextensively. She has also taken onmany editorial, advertising andcorporate commissions fromvarious clients, both nationallyand internationally, includingTime Out Magazine, the Guardianand Nokia.www.sallypring.com

31. Sigrid Acker – Blue DoorMedium: Oil on board.Size: 43 x 29 cmAbout: Sigrid is a self taught artistwho was born in Germany andnow lives and works in Spain,exhibiting her paintings at various galleries around thecountry. This piece has beengenerously donated by Edinburghbased online gallery Delicartessen. www.delicartessen.co.uk

32. Silvia Mackiewicz – Birds of ParadiseMedium: Watercolour on Arches paper.About: Silvia is a local artist who,living on Montgomery Street, is aneighbour of Joseph Pearce’s Bar.She has a BA from EdinburghCollege of Art and has exhibitedher work in the Botanic Gardens,Edinburgh as well as the 3rd Yearexhibition of the RSA..

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33. Steven Koren – Green DragonsSize: 32 x 90 cmAbout: Steven is an Edinburghborn illustrator who loves brightshiny things and digital crayons.www.hellosweetmeat.co.uk

34. Suzanne Gibson –Flamingo, Las VegasMedium: Limited edition print.Original painted with acrylic on board.Size: 50 x 50 cm framedAbout: Suzanne interprets oursurroundings in a bold colourfuland simplified manner. She paintsfor the pure pleasure of it. Themajority of her work was producedon a year long rest in Australia in2005 where she found the vibrantlight and colour captivating. Herprints are on display at her shop,Eero & Riley, on Easter Road.www.eeroandriley.com

35. Zohre Mirabassi – Waiting the adoptionMedium: Oil on canvas, framed.Size: 76 x 56 cmAbout: Zohre’s work captivatessomething about the humancondition. Born in Teheran in1957 she has been painting sinceshe was 12. With a BA (Hons.)from both Teheran and Madrid,she is currently pursuing a PhD.In 1984 she moved to Spain,painting portraits for 8 yearsbefore establishing her residencein Madrid, where she nowillustrates books for differentpublications. This piece has beendonated by Delicartessen.www.delicartessen.co.uk

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36. Helen Nordberg of VincentShoe Store – 5 Swedish LessonsAbout: Helen Nordberg was aSwedish Teacher before she cameto Edinburgh to open up VincentShoe Store on Comely Bank Roadtogether with her daughterCharlotte. Another unique auctionprize of five Swedish lessons withHelen and they are also donatingtwo pairs of their high qualitychildren shoes.

Returning for his third year as

Auctioneer is Billy from Renroc!

A huge thank you to Renroc for all

their support.

Everyone should feel very welcome to the Charity ArtAuction on 10th December. Therewill not be an entrance fee but wewill have a ‘donation envelope’ atthe entrance. If you are able todonate £5 or more in the envelopeyou will become part of ourfantastic prize draw!

Prizes include a voucher forchampagne dinner at TheWitchery, a spring clean for yourhome from Bluestone Cleaning, aphoto session at The PictureHouse portrait studio, a pamperpackage from Nevo at Renroc Cafe,a round of golf for 4 at Turnhouseand many more…


Buy online at: www.jamieprimrose.com

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Address: 23 Elm Row, EdinburghMidlothian, EH7 4AA


0131 556 4140

Opening hours:

Sunday–Thursday:10am–MidnightFriday–Saturday: 10am–1am


Pearce’s Bar

Barnardo’s adheres to the Fundraising Promise andFundraising Standards Board guidelines. Barnardo’sRegistered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 10620kb08