100m presentation



100m sprint presentation boards

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Brief Title : 100 / 100m sprint The Brief

The decimal system is integral to how we lead our lives but 100 has a certain aura - it is a special number...The 100m race is one of the most popu-lar events in athletics with the fastest time gaining the name fastest man/woman in the world.

Create a publication educating 11- 15 year old on the 100m race. You should include information about the top 10 records of both men and women. The publication should make the subject fun and exciting for the target audience.


Ma^�*))xf^mk^l%�hk�*))&f^mk^�]Zla%�bl�Z�sprint race in track and field competi-tions. The shortest common outdoor running distance, it is one of the most popular and prestigious events in the sport of athletics. It has been contested at the Summer Olympics since 1896 (1928 _hk�phf^g"'�Ma^�k^b`gbg`�*))xf�Herfib\�champion is often named "the fastest man/woman in the world".ConsiderationsHistory of the 100m sprintWinners of the 100m sprintFastest 100m sprint times

/ The Brief /

ConsiderationsHistory of the 100m sprintWinners of the 100m sprintFastest 100m sprint times

Target Audience

11 - 15 year olds

Mandatory RequirementsResearch and development into the history of 100m sprint Design boardsA pdf of 5 presentation boardsMock ups, final artworks, a fully function-ing indexfile and supporting media ready for online host-ing etc.

Tone of voice



Publication about the 100m Sprint. Leaflet about the 100m sprint

Studio Deadline


1/ Andy Foster /

To make my publication more interesting for my target audience I decided to illustrate on top of the athletes. These illustrations would describe the speed, nickname or the nationality of the athlete.

Illustrator Jiro Bevis was a large influence for these illustrations as he often illustrates on top of photographs.

/ Visual research /

/ Andy Foster / 2

The illustrations are supposed to give the publication a lighthearted feel making it more interesting and exciting for the target audience.

I am covering the top 10 fastest runners on the planet and adding illustrations on top of them. These illustrations have been drawn using tracing paper and scanned in so colour can be applied digitally.

/ Image development /

3/ Andy Foster /

The website allows users to create similar illustrations to those in my publication. Users are given a random athlete which they can draw on top of using the paint palette provided. Once they are finished these illustrations can be uploaded to an online gallery.This website could be used to host competitions for the best ilustration submitted being awarded with the book plus other 100m goods.

I have also mocked up an app for the ipad. This would work in the same way as the website but allow users to turn the ipad sideways to get a full screen of the drawing surface. Creating an app for the ipad will also help advertise the book because of its popularity with people within my target audience.

/ Website /

4/ Andy Foster /

Finished printed publication.I printed my 100m book through the online publication printing p^[lbm^��;enk['\h'nd�'

The publication is 24 pages long containing 10 double page spreads with information, facts and figures on the 10 fastest men in the world.

/ Final product /

5/ Andy Foster /

These are mock ups of POS displays which could be used to display my book in book stores such as Waterstones. I have also created a POS display to sell bookmarks which are often present on the counters of many book shops.

/ Point of sale displays /

6/ Andy Foster /

Social networking is extremely popular with the age group I am targeting for my book. This means it is the perfect place to advertise the book, the website and competitions.<hfiZgb^l�hg�_Z\^[hhd�h_m^g�Zeehp�nl^kl�mh��ebd^��Z�lmZmnl�mh�[^�bg�with a chance of winning a prize. When a user likes the competition it appears on their friends newsfeed and therefore advertises your the company.

/ Facebook page /

7/ Andy Foster /
