10 photos with commentary




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Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/200 secondsLarge depth of field

Commentary This my first photo out of the 10 photos I might use for my brochure.

In this photo the lighting condition was artificial and dull, therefore I needed to use a flash and a fast shutter speed to be able to catch my model in the position he was in at the time.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and I needed the flash to make the photo clear.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. The movement in this photo shows that my model was skating at a fast pace and is balancing on a small part of his skateboard which conveys the message of taking a risk.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•Uneven background•Skin of the model may be too bright

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


In this photo the lighting was artificial and although it wasn’t as dark as some of my other photo’s it still needed to be assisted by a flash just to brighten the photo up a bit.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. You can see by how I captured the movement that this was a dangerous stunt because he has launched himself up into the air and captured the adrenaline rush.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•Uneven background•Skin of the model may be too bright

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


Although there wasn’t any natural light in this photo it was still fairly light, however I still used the flash to help make the photo a little brighter

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. You can see by the way I have captured this movement that he is balancing on the front of his skateboard on the edge of the ledge and this could be easy to fall and mess up.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•Model is facing away from the camera•Angle may look unprofessional

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


In this photo there wasn’t any natural light as the picture was taken inside where there was artificial light, although it wasn’t too dark I still needed to use the flash to brighten the picture up a bit.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. You can see by the movement of this photo that my model is doing a kick flip up a large step and this captures the fast paced movement and the adrenaline rush at the time which could represent taking a risk.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•The glowing from the lights on the picture make the photo look a bit foggy •There is a person on a bike in the background

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


The lighting in this room was still artificial however with the flash it was a good brightness due to the position of the camera

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport.In this photo my model is on the skateboard balancing on his back trucks on the edge of a ledge. This really emphasises taking a risk as he could fall at any moment and it shows that he needed a lot of balance and skill to do this trick.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•The light in the top left corner of the photo is distracting •The shadow on the wall from the model makes it look blurry

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


The lighting in this photo is dull and boring, even with the flash it still comes across dark. The position of the camera obviously couldn’t capture the light very well in this photo.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport.You can see by the facial expression of the model sat on the edge of the ramp that this stunt was dangerous and very close to failing, therefore this conveys the message of taking a risk.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•The lighting in this photo is very dark•The lights above create a murky image•Movement of the models is blurry•The image is slightly tilted

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


The lighting in this photo was fairly light even though it was still inside with artificial light, the flash was used to brighten the picture up a little.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. The moment which was captured in this photo shows that perfect timing was needed to pull this stunt off successfully, this shows that they were taking a risk as it could have easily been timed wrong and therefore the stunt would have failed.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•The model on the skateboard is slightly blurry

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


The lighting in this photo was dull in the background, however the lighting on my model is a good brightness

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. This picture shows that my model is balancing on the middle of his skateboard on the edge of ramp and this is takes a lot of skill.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•The models body isn’t completely on the photo•Background lighting isn’t very good

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


The lighting conditions in this photo are dull and this is the reason this photo might not be used.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera. However the flash didn’t seem to make much of a difference in lighting my photo up.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. You can see that the position my model is in on the ramp shows that he went up the ramp with a lot of speed, although this doesn’t look very high up on the photo in real life it is actually quite high and is therefore quite dangerous.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•Photo isn’t very clear because of the lighting•Doesn’t seem like the model is actually doing much

Shooting Details

Location: Deeside skate park in Wales Time/Date: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on the 29th November Lighting Conditions: Inside, artificial light, darkCamera: NIKON D200Aperture: F/5.6Shutter speed: 1/125 secondsLarge depth of field


Although the lighting in this photo seems dull it’s still comes of fairly bright and clear.

The F-stop for this photo was 5.6 because I was indoors and was using a flash with my camera.

This photo works well in advertising my energy drink as Risk energy is aimed at an audience who are interested in extreme sports and skating is classed as an extreme sport. This is similar to one of my previous photos in the position the model is in, however in this photo he has not actually made contact with the edge of the ledge yet and this shows the speed and accuracy that he needed to get on to the ledge.

However there are some issues with this original photo:•Model looks slightly blurry •Lighting isn’t very good