1 Sunday, July 21, 2019 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July 21, 2019 -Sixteenth Sunday in...


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1 Sunday, July 21, 2019 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Two weeks and counting! I am grateful for everything that has transpired. Obviously, the past two

weekends were an overload for me. Preaching for all seven masses the first weekend was a rare

experience, but very touching. The following Friday, July 12th, was my 23rd priestly anniversary. I never

expected to have so many parishioners attend my Mass of Thanksgiving, but what happened was a

testament of love and friendship. I was so touched by the parishioners of Holy Angels in Globe coming to

grace the occasion as well. I was so inspired by the participation and presence of my new Parish members.

The choir, deacons, altar servers and lectors did a great job. I was pleased to have my brother priests

concelebrate with me. Of course, the pot luck preparation was a sign for me that I have a great family here

at OMOS. The reception afterwards was a feast. Thank you everyone for making my 23rd celebration of

my priesthood very meaningful.

Then after my anniversary event, came the weekend receptions where I had my “Meet and Greet”

with the parishioners after all the Masses. It was a one-of-kind experience for me having to shake the

hands of so many of my new parish family members. The smiles and hugs were so sincere as they now see

their new “little but cute” pastor. Some challenged me and asked if I could still remember their names

after the meet and greet. I laughed. It will definitely take a while to come to memorize all the names. But

the fact that they came and welcomed me, it was very significant. It made me feel more adjusted and more

at home. All in all, I was so pleased by the way the events unfolded. Thank you to my staff and volunteers.

You did a great job!



Let us always “put our gifts at the service of one another” 1Pt. 4:10

~Fr. Arnold M. Aurillo


There’s a different pace to a summer Sunday, especially on those days when we dream of air

conditioning and wave any available paper to stir the air. Yet we persist in gathering, even with so many

breaks from the usual routines. We distance ourselves not only from routines, but from schedules and

familiar well-worn paths. These are playful days and contemplative days. We see long-lost friends and

visit almost-forgotten places. We have more leisure than any people before in the history of the world, and

we need it because our lives are so care-worn and tiring. More of us walk barefoot and look up at the stars

or dip our toes in the lake or sea, sing around campfires, read novels on the beach, and eat comfort food

with our fingers. We see how beautiful life can be, and are more aware than usual of how God is always

breaking in with signs of love.

In Genesis today, Abraham and Sarah practice hospitality to their visitors, who turn out to be God

dropping in. During the summer months, God practices hospitality in return, inviting us into a season of

celebration. Keeping Sunday holy is a good habit to cultivate in these days when our spirits are especially

receptive to God’s deep desire for us to know divine love.

—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Christian Education / Formation

Scripture Reflection


If you know sign language and would be willing to sign at

one of our weekend Masses, please contact Lyn at

305-3612 or lbulski@omosparish.org

Did you know…?

Did you know there are three feast days this

week? The 22nd is the Feast of Mary Magdalene,

the 25th is the Feast of St. James the Apostle and

the 26th is the Memorial of Joachim and Anne,

the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You

might think of Ordinary Time as a time when

there is little going on at the church, but in

reality, we celebrate our saints and Apostles

every day.

Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

July 21, 2019

Genesis 18:1-10a; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42

This Sunday’s readings are about serving and

listening to God, something we might not do often


Abraham saw three travelers and he encouraged

them to stop. He fed them and gave them rest during

the heat of the day. He wasn’t aware that they were

visitors from God. Abraham just knew that there were

travelers who needed water and some comfort. God

rewarded Abraham and Sarah with a child.

Jesus was visiting a family. One sister was

serving, while the other was sitting and listening to

Him talking. Martha was upset because she was doing

the serving and wanted Jesus to tell Mary to get up

and help. Jesus didn’t do it. Not because serving isn’t

important because it is, but so is taking time to listen

to Jesus.

St. Paul makes it clear that proclaiming Jesus’

words and teaching His wisdom is what we’re called

to do. He was telling that to his followers in Colossae.

That is what he spent the last years of his life doing.

We need to take time to stop and listen to listen to

Jesus talk to us. Often when we pray, we talk to God.

That’s not a bad thing at all. But imagine if you have a

friend who does all the talking and you never get a

word in edgewise. Wouldn’t you feel you have things

you want to say? Well, God has things to say to you.

He does to all of us. We just have to listen for Him to

say them. When you let God talk to you, you’ll be

surprised how quickly you can get a response. God

always responds.

Now registering adults for RCIA, POF and Adult Confirmation! Sessions start Tuesday, Sept 10. Contact Melinda Caballero in the Parish Office, 747-1321, mcaballero@omosparish.org RCIA - this faith formation process is for non-baptized and/or unchurched adults (people baptized who received no further formation) to prepare for receiving the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Adult Confirmation - this series is for Catholic adults who are Baptized and received Eucharist, but lack Confirmation. Profession of Faith (POF) - this series is for persons who are baptized, practicing Christians and wish to be educated in the rites and practices of the Catholic Church and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.


Liturgy & Worship

Liturgy At A Glance! Lyn Bulski at 305-3612 or Lbulski@ omosparish.org


Wednesday 6pm - 6:25 pm

Saturday 4pm - 5pm

Saturday 7pm - 7:30pm


Monday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;

Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Tuesday: Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17;

Mt 12:46-50

Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28;

Mt 13:1-9

Thursday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28

Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23

Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;

Mt 13:24-30

Sunday: Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14;

Lk 11:1-13

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord

James C. Martin

The Our Mother of Perpetual Help Rosary will take

place at 3pm on Tuesday, July 23rd.

The next Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary will take

place in the PAC Rm #1 on Thursday, July 25th at


"Jesus has

made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and

day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come

back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration."

~ Mother Teresa

Eucharistic Adorers Needed

Sunday: 1:00pm, 4:00pm

Tuesday: 4:00pm

Wednesday: 12:00pm

Thursday: 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 7:00pm,

8:00pm, 9:00pm, 10:00pm

Friday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm,


Saturday: 1:00am, 6:00am

OMOS Has Talent!

Now’s the time to start working on

your act for the OMOS Has Talent

part of the Fiesta!!


A reunion will be held April 19, 20, 21, 2020 in Tucson.

All former Faculty, Staff and Students are invited!

Please see: www.reginacleriseminary.com

Email: reginacleriseminary@hotmail.com

Or call toll free (479)414-4344 for details.

July 28 17th Sunday in Ordinary (ordered) Time

OMOS School

Registration is now open! Looking for a great Catholic education

focused on a strong faith and academic

growth? Call 747-1027 to schedule a

tour of Our Mother of Sorrows School.

Financial Assistance is available. Now enrolling students

ages 3 years old to 7th grade.

Thank you for your prayers!

A special “thank you” for your prayers during my re-

cent surgery. I had a plate removed from my leg after

I shattered it 10 years ago!! I’m still hoping that it will

resolve the issue so I really do appreciate your prayers

and kind words!!!

With love, Lyn Bulski

A MINDSET OF SERVICE There’s a lot of traveling, delivering, and visiting

going on in our readings today. In Genesis Abraham

cares for the needs of three mysterious travelers. The

psalm responds, celebrating the kind of righteousness

that Abraham practices. Then, in his letter to the

Colossians, Saint Paul describes his own ministry as

almost like a delivery service: he, God’s steward, brings

the word of God to their community. Finally, Luke’s

Gospel shares the well-known story of Mary and Martha,

and the different ways they welcome Jesus into their

home. Amid all this coming and going, we are invited to

pay attention to the ways we tend to the needs of others.

Each of us can ask, How am I present to God and others

in my life? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Ministerios Hispanos LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe:

Todos los miércoles por la mañana

de 9:30 – 11:30am

PAC Rm #1

Bereavement Support


Facilitated by OMOS

Stephen Ministry

Meets THIS Thursday, July 25th 6:30 – 8:00pm PAC Retreat Room

Grupo de Oración San Juan Pablo II se reúne cada

lunes de 7-9pm en el centro de actividades de la

parroquia (PAC), te invitamos a formar parte de esta

oración comunitaria e individual. Ven y Ora, aprende y

toma un descanso del ajetreo diario en los brazos de Jesús.

La oración es la columna vertebral de nuestra Fe.

Our Mother of Sorrows Job Opening

Our Mother of Sorrows Parish has an immediate opening

for a 2nd shift part-time custodian to clean the school and

parish buildings. If you are interested, please apply online

at www.diocesetucson.org. There is a link to job listings at

the bottom left of the homepage. No paper applications will

be accepted.

Lunes: Cant 3:1-4b o 2 Cor 5:14-17; Sal 63 (62):2-6,

8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Martes: Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17;

Mt 12:46-50

Miércoles: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Sal 78 (77):18-19, 23-28;

Mt 13:1-9

Jueves: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6;

Mt 20:20-28

Viernes: Ex 20:1-17; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Mt 13:18-23

Sábado: Ex 24:3-8; Sal 50 (49):1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;

Mt 13:24-30

Domingo: Gn 18:20-32; Sal 138 (137):1-3, 6-8;

Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13

In Laudato si' the Holy Father,

Pope Francis, talks about how the

Holy Spirit is interwoven in


God is intimately present to each

being, without impinging on the

autonomy of his creature, and this

gives rise to the rightful autonomy of earthly affairs.

His divine presence, which ensures the subsistence

and growth of each being, “continues the work of

creation”. The Spirit of God has filled the universe

with possibilities and therefore, from the very heart of

things, something new can always emerge: “Nature is

nothing other than a certain kind of art, namely God’s

art, impressed upon things, whereby those things are

moved to a determinate end. It is as if a shipbuilder

were able to give timbers the wherewithal to move

themselves to take the form of a ship”.

(Laudato si', 80)











Pilgrimage Saturday, August 3rd to

Our Lady Queen of Angels Orphanage

And Barrio Outreach

The summer pilgrimage to Our Lady Queen of All Angels

Orphanage in Agua Prieta is scheduled for Saturday,

August 3rd. This one day pilgrimage to the orphanage and

barrio is a prayerful, hands on experience reaching out to

the vulnerable and least among us. In addition to spending

time with the children there will be a dedication of the

newly remodeled space at the orphanage being dedicated

to Carl Sylvester. In the barrio pilgrims will be helping to

hand out food, clothing and school supplies. The carpool

will depart from the parish at 8:00am an Saturday, August

3rd and return by 8:00pm. Cars will be parked on the

Douglas side of the border and the pilgrim group will walk

across the border and board a bus that will take them to the

barrio and the orphanage. There is no cost, but a freewill

offering to offset the cost of the Mexican bus and to assist

the orphanage will be collected. Pilgrims are responsible

for paying for their own lunch in Mexico. A valid passport

is required. Interested parishioners may contact Rocio or

Laura at the parish office, 747-1321 or



Christian Life Commission

Pray For Those Who Seek Healing:

Agnes Nelson, Mary Reed, Rosario Bermea,

Ramon Arvizu

The Golden Agers are looking for new

card players (55 and older). We meet in

the PAC Dining Room on Wednesdays,

9:30am to 2:30pm. We play bridge, hand &

foot, and pinochle. For more information, call

Marge King at 207-8414 or 573-979-7111.

School starts the first week of August. School supplies are

needed for families who rely on Casa Maria as well as

those in our own parish community. In addition the

children at the Queen of All Angels Orphanage in Agua

Prieta are in need of school supplies this year. With your

help we will help as many children as possible. School

items listed below can be dropped off in the box marked

School Supplies in the church or in the Parish Office now

through August 11th. Students who receive the supplies

greatly appreciate your donations. If you have any

questions or wish to make a monetary donation to help

please call Laura Stehle at 305-3611.

School Supply Drive











Dry Erase Markers

Spiral Notebooks (Wide and College

Rule — One, three or five subject)

Dividers & Page Protectors

Plastic/Poly Folders

Notebook Paper (Wide & College Rule)

Glue & Glue Sticks

Disinfectant Wipes

Composition Books

Hand Sanitizer

Paper Towels

School Supplies Needed

Ladies Guild Summer Tea Party

Inviting all women of faith!

Join us:

August 25th from 1PM - 4PM

in the Parish Hall

OMOS Teen MD Missionary Disciples

“What you are is God’s gift to you. What you

become is your gift to God” Hans Urs von Balthasar

For information regarding Teens

please contact : Kim Sisson,

ksisson@omosparish.org, 602 677 3064

Save the Date!!!

OMOS Teen MD kick off will be Saturday night August 24th!!!

Are you looking for ways to

support our youth? 1. Pray for us

2. Consider joining our core team

3. Donate to support our program,

Retreats and conferences.

4. Support our ongoing fundraisers.

5. Consider joining our food

Ministry team.

Do you sense something missing?

Don’t worry...We’ll be back! Please pray for our Teens and Core while we are away

at the Steubenville West Catholic Youth Conference

this weekend!

OMOS Invites ALL High School

And current 8th grade Teens

to join us in the

PAC Teen Center

Thursday’s 6:00 - 8:00

Followed by Adoration 8:15-8:45pm

Sunday’s 1:30 - 3:30 12:30 Teen Mass or 4:00 Spanish Mass

It’s FREE and we always have FOOD!

Can’t make the meeting on Thursday?

Then join us for adoration!

6 THIS WEEK'S MASS SCHEDULE: If you would like to

present the gifts of bread and wine at the Mass offered for your

loved one, please sign up in the Gift Bearer Book behind the

last pew in the back of church.


7:00 am - Edward Peter Zdancewicz+

9:00 am - Penny Malsby

10:45 am - Vojta & Helen Tlanchae+

12:30 pm - Lito & Norma Caguioa

4:00 pm - Mariano Ainza+

6:00 pm - Larry Rhodes+


6:30 am - Loreta Mecares+

8:30 am - Fernando Galban+


6:30 am - Rolando (Nony) Monge+

8:30 am - Albert Almendariz+


6:30 am - Kiyo Cecil+

*8:30 am - Antonio Yepiz Cisneros

6:30 pm - Parish Ministries


6:30 am - Magdalena Galban+

8:30 am - Muiris Foley+


6:30 am - Daniel Ramirez

8:30 am - Yulissa Cardenas


8:30 am - Marcus Moon (Birthday)

5:30 pm - Gilbert Sepulveda+


7:00 am - Fred Mayer, Jr.+

9:00 am - Ron & Judy Marcischak

10:45 am - Benig & Gil Manzano+

12:30 pm - Deacon Bob Spears+

4:00 pm - Glenda Roark & Yvonne LaRoque

6:00 pm - Mark & Kathy Alcova / Derick & Jill Vardon

*School Mass (when school is in session)

Anointing of the Sick on the first Wednesday and Friday of

the month

For advertising in the back of the bulletin, please call

Claudia Borders at 298-1265

What’s Happening Around Town



1:45 pm - Summer Film Fun “Wall-E” - PAC Aud.


7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - PAC Scout Rm


9:00 am - Casa Alitas Refugee Training - Parish Hall


9:30 am - Golden Agers Cardplaying - PAC Dining Rm

2:00 pm - Primavera Food Prep - PH East and Kitchen

6:45 pm - Lectio Divina - PAC Retreat Rm


6:00 pm - Casa Alitas Refugee Training - Parish Hall

7:00 pm - OLOG Rosary - PAC Rm #1


7:00 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group - PAC Rm #1

SATURDAY, JULY 27 9:00 am - Rosary - Church


1:45 pm - Summer Film Fun “Wall-E” - PAC Aud.

Dealing with difficulties is not a

path you need to walk alone.

To receive a Stephen Minister,

call the Parish Office, 747-1321.

July 13-14, 2019 $ 13,062.67

Thank you for your generous support!

If you are a breast cancer survivor, we

want to hear from you… Researchers at the UofA are working to

understand how quality of life after breast cancer

is linked to stress and wellbeing. You can earn up

to $200 for sharing your time. Contact Bettina Hofacre at

520-626-4994 or bhofacre@email.arizona.edu for more

information. This study has been approved by the UofA

Institutional Review Board.

Can you spare at least 4 hours a week?

New volunteers are needed at Carondelet St.

Joseph’s Hospital in many different areas and

varying shifts. Positions include welcoming

patients and visitors and then guiding them to their destinations

within the hospital, answering phones, assisting family members,

making on-site deliveries, etc. If you are friendly and enjoy

helping others, please contact the St. Joseph’s Hospital Volunteer

Department at 873-3993 for more information. Your rewards

will be immeasurable.”
