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  • 7/21/2019 1-s2.0-0167931792901062-main


    Microelectronic Engineering 17 (1992) 5 17-520


    5 7

    Resonant tunnelling in O-D and 1-D double barrier systems

    G. Faini, A. Ramdane+, D. Mailly, F. Mollot and H. Launois

    Laboratoire de Microstructures et de MicroClectronique - CNRS

    196, avenue H. RavCra 92220 Bagneux - France

    + present address: CNET, 196, avenue H. RavCra 92220 Bagneux - France


    We present an experimental study consisting of O-D and 1-D energy spectroscopy by means

    of transport and magnetwtransport measurements carried out in nanometric double barrier reso-

    nant tunnelling heterostructures. Coulomb blockade effects in our structures are discussed.

    1. Introduction

    The study of low dimensional semiconductor systems has attracted a great deal of interest in

    the past few years. Advances in nanofabrication technology have allowed the fabrication of qua-

    si one- and zero- dimensional quantum wires and dots.

    Quantum confinement along the epitaxial growth direction is controlled to thicknesses down

    to atomic layers. Additional lateral confinement is further obtained by either a fabrication im-

    posed depletion layer [ 1,2] or an electrostatic field induced by a gate at the surface of the heteros-

    tructure [3,4].

    Modelling of these systems is non-trivial. As lateral dimensions are reduced, fewer and fewer

    electrons are present and may no longer behave as a part of continuum [.5]. In particular correla-

    tion effects should be important if the number of electrons and their spatial extent are reduced,

    and then Coulomb interactions may become dominant: in small enough systems, the addition

    of a single electron significantly changes the Coulomb energy of the system, so that the tunnel-

    ling of an electron is inhibited for biases V < Vc = e / 2C, where e is the elementary charge and

    C the capacitance of the junction[6]. Charge and spatial quantization effects may become inex-

    tricably linked and the question which then arises is how to distinguish between the two.

    In this work we report the observation of resonant tunnelling in quantum -dot and -wire

    double barrier heterostructures. The constricting lateral potential arises from fabrication im-

    posed lateral depletion layers. The effect of an applied magnetic field, which should help sepa-

    rate between charge and spatial quantization, has been investigated.


    Samples and fabrication process

    The MBE double barrier structure consists of a 5.1-nm undoped GaAs quantum well, sand-

    wiched between two 8%nm undoped A1.33Ga.&s tunnel barriers, separated from the


    doped electrodes by a 10.2-nm undoped spacer layer. The electrodes consist of a 750-nm



    -3m S&doped GaAs layer, followed by a 250-nm 1018 cmm3 S&doped GaAs cap layer.

    The fabrication process has already been described elsewhere [2], only a brief summary of

    it will be given here. Electron beam lithography at 50kV using a JEOL 5DII e-beam system is

    used to define a selective mask for SIC4 reactive ion etching. After the removal of the mask, a

    polyimide is spun on the sample and cured to planarize and isolate the devices. 02-plasma etch-

    0167-9317/92/ 05.00 0 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

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    Faini et al. I Double barrier resonant tunnell ing

    ing of the polyimide is then carried out to unveil the top of the pillars and walls. Final etch depth

    is controlled by laser interferometry and viewing in an optical microscope. This last step could

    also be controlled in a SEM as shown in figure 1. The final step consists in the Au-Ge-Ni ohmic

    contact formation, allowing to connect either groups of diodes in parallel or isolateddevices. The

    height of all the structures is about 2 pm, pillar diameters ranged from 200 nm to 2 pm and wall

    widths ranged from 100 nm to 1 pm with a length of 10 j.tm.



    .640 .960

    1.26 1.60 1.92

    Voltage Bias V

    Fig1 : Plasma unveiling of top of a 400nm

    Fig.2: I-V characteristics of 200nm and 400nm

    diameter pillar diameter pillar diodes

    3. Resonant tunnelling in O-D and 1-D double barrier structures: experimental results

    Previous reports have already been made where evidence of resonant tunnelling through both

    discrete quasi-levels in quantum boxes [2,7] and quantum wires [7] has been presented.

    Figure 2 gives the I-V characteristics at liquid helium temperature for pillar diodes of 200

    nm and 400 nm nominal diameters. Multiple peaks are clearly resolved on both curves and prac-

    tically equally split by about 70 mV and 35 mV respectively. The lines splitting increases with

    decreasing the pillar size and the smearing out of the peaks with increasing temperature is more

    pronounced for the wider pillars [2]: this is consistent with the interpretation that these lines are

    related to discrete electronic states in the system.

    The question of whether resonant tunnelling through small double barrier diodes is dominated

    by spatial quantization, single electron charging or both effects, has recently been discussed [8].

    Further measurements at lower temperatures (250 mK) and in magnetic fields up to 6T have

    been performed to test the hypothesis of coexistence of the two phenomena in our structures.

    The second derivative of the current versus the applied voltage d21 / f12 for a group of nine

    400 nm-nominal diameter pillars connected in parallel, in zero applied magnetic field and in a

    field of 6 teslas, is plotted in figure 3, allowing a more accurate determination of resonance bias

    positions. The applied magnetic field is directed parallel to the current flow. More attention has

    been paid to the data at threshold bias, which show the presence of several lines not discussed

    previously [2,7]. The effect of the magnetic field appears as a change of the relative strength of

    the resonance lines as well as a shift in voltage positions of some of them.

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    G. Faini et al. / Doubl e barri er resonant t unnel l i ng


    Quantum wire diodes of nominal length 1Opm and widths ranging from 1OOnm to lpm were

    also investigated. Figure 4 shows a typical spectrum for a single lOO-nm lateral width wall. The

    peaks resolved in the voltage range 1.51.7V are broader than in the previous case of 3D-con-

    finement with a splitting of about 40mV for the better resolved fiit two. A similar analysis to

    the O-D previous case, with a particular attention paid to the data at threshold bias showing the

    occurrence of more better resolved resonant lines, is in progress.

    .400 600 .800 1 oo

    Voltage Bias V


    Fig. 3: dzI / dV* for B=OT and 6T,

    Fig. 4: I-V spectrum of a 1OOnm wide

    for 400nm diameter pillar wire diode at 4.2K

    4. Discussion

    A simple picture for the structures fabricated with our process consists of a quantum box em-

    bedded in between two quantum wire electrodes [7]. In the absence of charge quantization ef-

    fects, the I-V spectrum would then consist of resonances arising from tunnelling between 1-D

    emitter subbands and O-D levels in the well as the bias is increased [9]. The resonant tunnelling

    sets in when the ground state in the well becomes aligned with the first populated subband in the

    emitter. A rounded-step-like I-V curve then results until the ground state passes the bottom of

    the emitter conduction band.

    A full self-consistent formalism is needed to accurately account for the observed features

    [lo]. We nevertheless can make a rough estimate of the cormsponding energy splittings if we

    assume a linear AE =f AV) relationship with a proportionality factor determined at threshold

    voltage. Two models for the fabrication imposed lateral confining potential have been consid-

    ered to account for the data [ 111: the zero magnetic field calculated voltage positions are reported

    in figure 3 in the upper and lower row of arrows for a parabolic and a hard-wall type confining

    potential respectively. The calculated energy splittings are broadly consistent with the measured

    ones in the framework of the two models, but the inverse pillar radius variation of the spacing

    between lines seems to favour a parabolic confining potential model [ 111.

    Magnetc+tunnelling data at 6T are also shown in figure 3. It is now well established that appli-

    cation of a magnetic field to a confined electronic system has a pronounced effect on spatial

    quantization [ 121. At low magnetic fields such as the magnetic length 1, = ,@ is larger or

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    Faini et al. I Double barrier resonant tunnell ing

    comparable to the lateral size resulting from the confining potential, a complex spectrum results.

    In figure 3, the appearance of extra peaks, especially at the highest bias voltages, seems then to

    imply a spatial quantization dominated energy level scheme, consistent with the value of the

    magnetic length at 6T estimated at about 1Onm which is comparable to the undepleted core pillar

    radius of about 30nm



    Coulomb blockade effect could also be responsible for the observed data [ 111: modelling the

    double barrier structure as two capacitors in series, we estimate an elementary charging energy

    e2/2C of about 3meV, comparable to the energy splittings induced by lateral confining potential.

    One might assume the possible coexistence of charge and spatial quantization [ 131 but, neverthe-

    less, our structure is symmetrical, so that the necessary condition to observe charging effects,

    collector tunnelling rate