1 Measuring e-government readiness 衡量電子化政府的完備性 Chang E. Koh, Victor R....


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Measuring e-government readiness


Chang E. Koh, Victor R. Prybutok, Xianoni Zhang

指導老師 : 林娟娟老師 報告者:林秀蔓(98756005)

李美玲 (98756018)


Outline Abstract Introduction Background Research Model Methodology Study Findings Discussion Summary and conclusions


Abstract a way of assessing readiness of a

government organization major components of e-government three levels

Strategic( 策略 ) System( 系統 ) Data( 資料 )

test and results the results supported only a two-level model

Important findings


Introduction a conceptual socio-technical model a simple online brochure-like site 轉變為

integrated portal 使用 Churchill’s 方法收集資料

the city of Denton, Texas, located 35 miles north of Dallas, Texas 110,000 人口 每年 6% 人口成長率 1400 員工 4 億美元預算 / 年


Background(1)-Study Study

70 metropolitan areas of the U.S. >1500 websites

the majority of local governments used their sites as directories, providing phone numbers and address information

only 11% of the sites in the study provided sophisticated automated online services


Background(2)-Implement better sites implement better e-government sites

internal pressures budget reductions ( 預算削減 ) increased public demand( 公共需求增加 )

an e-government readiness model integrates Several theories Concepts of IT ,e-commerce, e-government

Technical( 技術 ) Organizational( 組織化 ) social issues( 社會問題 )


Background(3)- E-government functions Deshazo et al. identified 51 different e-

government feature 12 categories

online payments( 線上支付 ) Registration( 登記 ) Permits( 許可 ) customer service( 顧客服務 ) Communication( 通訊 ) License( 許可證 ) Images( 影像 ) audio/video( 音像 ) Documents( 文件 ) Applications( 應用 ) Procurement( 採購 ) Miscellaneous( 綜合應用 )


Background(4)- Three-Ring Model Koh and Balthazard proposed a simple( 簡

單 ) , Intuitive( 直覺 ) and yet comprehensive( 全面性 ) framework

A Three-Ring Model captures all Internet applications in three categories of Internet use


Background(5)- Fig.1. Three-Ring Model


Background(6)- Three primary uses of the Internet Informational use

Educate Entertain Influence reach their citizens

Transactional use a coordinated sequence of user and system

activities provide service and transfer value

Operational use by integrating IS, human intellect, and other

resources into synergistic networks


Background(7)- E-government transformation The stage theory of IS was introduced in

the late 1960s

An organization can better utilize its IS and increase the chance of its success while controlling costs( 控制成本 ) and other potential barriers( 克服其他潛在問題 )

Extending their Three-Ring Model


Background(8)- Fig. 2. Evolutional path of organizational Internet use -1


Background(9)- Fig. 2. Evolutional path of organizational Internet use-2


Background(10)- Fig. 2. Evolutional path of organizational Internet use-3


Background(11)- Earliest stage In the earliest stage

primarily for informational purposes returns are perceived as quick and large

they expand their Internet application =>integrating Internet with existing applications and databases becomes effective


Research model(1) successful e-government requires

Planning coordination of

Goals( 目標 ) Policies( 政策 ) Processes( 流程 ) technologies ( 技術 )

e-government readiness model investigate the issues at three levels

Strategic System data


Research model(2)- SIS and government improve efficiency by both legislative

mandate and budget and taxation income constraints

1996, Clinger-Cohen Act to link investment in IT to agency

accomplishments and establish a process to select, manage and control IT investment


Research model(3)- SIS and SIS planning SIS and SIS planning is one of the most

critical issues for many IS executives organizational issues( 組織性議題 ) and

should be conceptualized( 概念化 ), operationalized( 實際操作 ) , and evaluated(評價 ) as such

success (or failure) factors an effective organization Implementation database


Research model(4) - E-government readiness model


Research model(5)- E-government readiness issues from support literature.Level Issue Sources


策略性網際網路計畫的存在 以網際網路為焦點營運計畫的存在以營運計畫的網際網路計畫的組合

Gartner 的有關電子化政府的 4 個階段

System 網際網路發展計畫的協調 在網際網路應用中的整合 非網際網路的應用的整合 集中控管和管理

Gartner 的有關電子化政府的 4 個階段 ;deloitte 研究

Data 在網際網路應用中資料分享的延申在非網際網路應用中資料分享的延申資料標準化的層次

Gartner 的有關電子化政府的 4 個階段


Methodology( 方法論 ) Desing the survery instrument 1.conducted 6 personal interviews and 13 focus groups involving 73 participants 2.used the feedback In addition, interviews with the city managers to determine how best to

administer the survey and gain participation.


Methodology-Instrument development The instrument consisted of two sections: -one that measured the employee perceptions

of different e-government functions : Deshazo et al. identified 51 different e-government feature 、

12 categories

-the other that assessed critical success issues : e-government readiness issues from support literature

Methodology-Instrument development All items were constructed using a Likert

scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7(strongly agree)

以包括 IS 研究人員、博士研究生、和一些主要市府主管的專家小組進行了三輪試行測試。這些試行研究的回饋已被納入最終版本的工具



Methodology-Data collection(1) The data collection process began with

two letters sent by the city manager to all employees

每個員工分配到一個專有的訪問代碼 , 隨員工喜好,可一次回答多頁或少頁 , 這項調查的網路伺服器會記錄進展情況和引導員工通過調查。

Methodology-Data collection(2) Out of 1104 employees eligible to

participate only about 800 employees had easy

access to computers and, given this, our response rate could be considered as

about 42 percent Without access to computer that none

were return



Study findings-Demographics The survey participants represented a broad range of employees in terms of

department, tenure length, job, education, gender and age

Study findings-Use of the Internet The city of Denton and most of its

departments had various Internet application

the organization uses the Internet primarily for informational purposes

Those e-government functions that employees considered very important with a score of 6.0

Informational uses:City information Transactional uses:Utility payments Operational uses:E-mail 、 Requests for service


Study findings-Use of the Internet 電子化政府功能問券結果


Study findings-Use of the Internet 電子化政府功能問券結果


Study findings-E-government readiness at three levels

以三個層級衡量 E-government 完備性問券結果


Study findings-E-government readiness at three levels respondents rated all three data-related

items lower than any other item Without data infrastructure, e-government

will remain fragmented and isolated This is not only a technology issue but also

of organizational and cultural concern data sharing is often regarded as a relinquishing of power and authority



Study findings-Factor analysis(1) Reliability and validity

Study findings-Factor analysis(2) 由之前問券調查電子化政府功能來進行因素分析


Study findings-Factor analysis(2) 兩個可變因素( TR01 和 TR02 )與涉及承包商

和供應商交易有關。 其他變量( TR03 - TR07 )涉及的交易功能,目


這些支持劃分成兩部份:第一個是 G-to-B (政府對企業),第二個是 G-to-C (政府對市民)。


Study findings-Factor analysis(3) 由之前問券調查電子化政府完備性三個層級進行因素分析


Study findings-Factor analysis(3)




Discussion e-government readiness model must

recognize and focus on the critical issues at both the strategic planning and system implementation levels

establish a mechanism to coordinate and integrate various e-government initiatives and to set up a data infrastructure that seamlessly connects different databases


Summary and conclusions Our analysis suggested that a two level e-government readiness model was more

appropriate than the three-level model we originally posited.

a conceptual framework that helped to explain the mechanism and dynamics of

e-government as it evolves from a simple website into a fully integrated portal

簡報結束,謝謝 !
