1 MARIJUANA. 2 What is Marijuana???? A mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, and flowers...


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What is Marijuana????

• A mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, and flowers of the hemp plant.

• Marijuana has a chemical in it called tetrahydocannabinol (THC) which is the mind altering ingredient

• Marijuana is 20-25 times stronger than it was in the 1960’s ( 10 times more THC)


Marijuana contains about Marijuana contains about 400400 chemicalschemicals

Some of these chemicals may cause Some of these chemicals may cause lung lung cancercancer

Marijuana has some of the same Marijuana has some of the same cancercancer- - causing substances as causing substances as cigarettescigarettes

Marijuana smokers tend to Marijuana smokers tend to inhaleinhale more more deeply and hold their breath longer than deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers do (cigarette smokers do (moremore smoke enters the smoke enters the lungs).lungs).

Puff for puff, smoking marijuana may Puff for puff, smoking marijuana may increase increase the risk of cancer even more than smoking the risk of cancer even more than smoking cigarettes does (also at risk for cigarettes does (also at risk for bronchitisbronchitis))


Smoking marijuana may increase the Smoking marijuana may increase the risk of a risk of a heart attackheart attack Marijuana Marijuana increasesincreases heart rate and blood heart rate and blood


The chemicals from marijuana can The chemicals from marijuana can remain in the body for remain in the body for 45 days45 days..


What are some common What are some common names of marijuana?names of marijuana?

WeedWeed PotPot GrassGrass MaryjaneMaryjane


How is marijuana used?How is marijuana used?

Smoked- joint or bluntSmoked- joint or blunt

Water Pipe or bongWater Pipe or bong

Eaten- mixed with foodEaten- mixed with food


How many teens use How many teens use marijuana?marijuana?

As part of a 2002 NIDA (National As part of a 2002 NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) funded Institute on Drug Abuse) funded study, researchers asked teens if study, researchers asked teens if they had used marijuana in the past they had used marijuana in the past monthmonth Of all the 8Of all the 8thth graders surveyed, only graders surveyed, only

8.3%8.3% said yes. said yes.


What are the common effects What are the common effects of smoking marijuana?of smoking marijuana?

Loss of Loss of coordinationcoordination You could You could forgetforget your best friends your best friends

phone numberphone number Watch your grade point average Watch your grade point average dropdrop Get into a Get into a car accidentcar accident High doses of marijuana use can High doses of marijuana use can

cause cause anxietyanxiety and and panic attackspanic attacks



For some people, smoking marijuana For some people, smoking marijuana makes them feel makes them feel goodgood. .

Within minutes of inhaling, a user Within minutes of inhaling, a user begins to feel begins to feel “high.”“high.”

THC triggers brain cells to release THC triggers brain cells to release the chemical dopamine. the chemical dopamine. DopamineDopamine creates good feelings– for a creates good feelings– for a shortshort time.time.



Heres the thing: Once dopamine Heres the thing: Once dopamine starts flowing, a user feels the urge to starts flowing, a user feels the urge to smoke marijuana again, and then smoke marijuana again, and then again, and then AGAIN!again, and then AGAIN!

Repeated use could lead to Repeated use could lead to addiction.addiction. (searching for the high)(searching for the high)


SmokingSmoking 3-5 3-5 marijuana cigarettes a marijuana cigarettes a week can have the same effect on week can have the same effect on the lungs as smoking the lungs as smoking 16-1816-18 “regular” “regular” cigarettes a day, 7 days a week.cigarettes a day, 7 days a week.

That is almost a pack a day- every That is almost a pack a day- every day.day.


Short-Term EffectsShort-Term Effects

Increased AppetiteIncreased Appetite Altered sense of timeAltered sense of time Bloodshot eyesBloodshot eyes Dry mouth and throatDry mouth and throat Increased heart rateIncreased heart rate Loss of balanceLoss of balance Loss of short-term memoryLoss of short-term memory ParanoiaParanoia


Long-Term EffectsLong-Term Effects Weight GainWeight Gain Loss of short-term memoryLoss of short-term memory Reduced immune systemReduced immune system Slower mental abilitiesSlower mental abilities Increased risk of throat, mouth, head, Increased risk of throat, mouth, head,

and neck cancersand neck cancers Lung diseases (emphysema and Lung diseases (emphysema and

bronchitis)bronchitis) Psychological dependencePsychological dependence


How much THC is in marijuana How much THC is in marijuana today?today?

In 1960, an average marijuana joint In 1960, an average marijuana joint contained contained 0.2%0.2% THC. THC.

Today the level of THC in an average Today the level of THC in an average joint is between joint is between 5%5% and and 14%14%
