1 EDM 6210 Education Policy and Society Tsang Wing-kwong Rm. 416, Ext. 6922 Pong Suet-ling Rm. 417,...


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EDM 6210 EDM 6210

Education Policy and SocietyEducation Policy and Society

Tsang Wing-kwongTsang Wing-kwongRm. 416, Ext. 6922Rm. 416, Ext. 6922

Pong Suet-lingPong Suet-lingRm. 417, Ext. 6974Rm. 417, Ext. 6974



Why Education Policy and Society?

■ 2010年 10月 14日

要聞 > 要聞


校長有讚有彈 家長憂死背法律









報告中建議於 2013/14年把課程「升格」為獨立「學科」,並增加教授《基本





價資助參與交流團。「薪火相傳」計劃亦於 2015/16起增 4000個名額,與志






在回歸 13年,學校是時候推行規範化的國民教育,在乎推行方法是否能軟硬

■ 2010年 10月 24日 (日)

法政隨筆 余若薇




今年施政報告中,不單有 5段提到國民教育,所佔篇幅更長,牽涉資源更

多,而且第 161段更提到將來中小學原有的公民教育會改為獨立的「德育及





懂得如何做個地球村的良好公民 global citizen。公民教育著重公民責任與權







生都要學會歌功頌德。至於劉曉波以言入罪,被判入獄 11年,即使榮獲諾貝






■ 2010年 11月 2日 (二)

法政隨筆 李柱銘



















2010年 11月 09日

觀點 黃均瑜



每當特區政府建議加強國民教育,總會招來謾罵與批評。今年施政報告提出「進一步加強國民教育內容, 使這個課題成為獨立的『德育及國民教育科』」,社會上隨即出現反對論調。本來,香港社會言論自由,各人都有表達意見的自由和空間,但如果論點來來去去都離不開「洗腦論」和「狹隘論」,那麼,這只顯示出香港儘管已經回歸了13 年,不少事物雖然都在開放、在進步,但在某些論者心目中,國民教育似乎依然停留了在歷史某一時空。





2010年 11月 09日

觀點 黃均瑜





在過去一段很長的日子裏,在課室推動國民教育是一種禁忌,如今回歸了 13 年,這禁忌仍要保留嗎?


2010年 11月 18日

觀點 池卓龍



今年施政報告宣布加強國民教育,筆者翌日在報章中指出,國民教育應了解中國社會最真實的一面,絕非單單安排學生參加交流團到中國主要城市興盛一面。依賴學生到冠冕堂皇的內地社會參觀,絕非交流原意,反而只會令到學生對香港制度產生自卑感。我認為推動國民教育是應當理直氣壯做的事,但國民教育絕不應情緒化,反而是讓學生透徹了解家國國情,另一方面反思國民身分。事隔不久,母校校長黃均瑜隨即撰文指謾罵與批評國民教育者論點離不開「洗腦論」和「狹隘論」,文章提出擔心國民教育「洗腦」者是向教育工作者投不信任一票, 「認定教師將會不辨是非、盲目地向學生灌輸思想」。



作為黃校長的過氣學生,我深深感受到所謂的國民教育,就是單一灌輸家國觀念—— 「有國才有家」,未有帶領學生為國家的發展作反思批判。過去多年母校一直將國家的正面事件誇大,令到同學對國民身分增加認同,因身為中國人而感到自豪和鼓舞。令我印象深刻的,就是每學年剛開始不久就借用「九一八事變」來宣傳民族主義;待到學期完結之際,卻對「六四事件」隻字不提。是其是、非其非,國民教育應該教導學生分清是非黑白,並非情緒化來觸動學生神經。只可惜黃校長的觀點卻是「國家的負面信息媒體每日都有,自不需我們代勞」,那麼套用同一邏輯,國家的正面消息也「自不需我們代勞」,不是嗎?用最簡單的邏輯來分辨是非,充分說明「期望教師培養學生

■ 2011年 1月 3日 (一)

三言堂 吳志森


















「言下之意,就是 Propaganda了」;「乜都可以學,千祈唔好學內地報喜

唔報憂嘅新聞工作作風」;「你偉大祖國唔出 D負面嘢,港媒又點會報道你,

不如賴人哋逼你做 D負面嘢啦,好冇?」;「那要先請這位王老師解釋一下




2010年 11月 18日 (四)

要聞 > 要聞

直資校混帳 審計轟十罪




年豪花數以億元計學費收入作非教學用途,包括有學校一擲 7100萬元投資股



宿舍、繞過校董會招待 1000名內地校長到港培訓、沒有公開聘請員工「3宗




現時全港有 72所直資學校,共有近 7萬學生入讀,以全年學費平均約 4萬

元計算,每年學費收入估計多達 28億元,連同 24.2億元政府資助,每年總額

近 53億元。審計署昨發表審計報告,指出全港 72所直資學校在行政和帳目





胡亂花費、任人唯親等。該校在 2006至 09年間,動用 1000萬元學費及捐款

等收入購買 3項物業,其中一個物業,在未經校董會批准下,於 2006年 8月

以校監及校長名義註冊買入,校方在 7個月後、即 2007年 3月才獲校董會事


Why Education Policy and Society?

■ 2010年 11月 18日 (四)

社評‧ 筆陣 > 社評

直資學校管治帳目混亂 執法部門應查箇中流弊

【明報專訊】審計署審查全港 72所直資學校,發現其中一些的管治及行政









2008/09學年,直資學校獲公帑津貼約 25億元,另外從學生收取了約 28億

元學費,這是一個涉及 53億元的「產業」,若管理不善,對於約 6.4萬名學


這樣那樣的問題,而審計署對其中 4所中學的實地審查,發現都有不當情况,




育局監管不力之下,流弊叢生,腐蝕了教育界。問題的性質,大致可分為 3


變相斂財方面,審計署發現,2008/09學年,有 14間直資學校向教育局申

請加學費時,誇大赤字預算等,獲准加學費,年度終結時,其中 8所學校的

實際儲備較預測儲備超出 1倍以上,例如有學校預測儲備 450萬元,結果實

際儲備 3170萬元,超出逾 6倍;另外 3所學校,則由預測赤字變為盈餘,例

■ 2010年 12月 26日




文 莊曉陽 圖 陳淑安

會考放榜轉校那一天,也是我第一次來到男拔萃,原來市區也有這麼大的校園,長長的馬路沒有盡頭。副校長Mark Rosario 告訴我: 「你想讀純數組,但你的附加數學沒有 A(我考 B03),你只可以去生物組了,你讀不讀?」




當年的拔萃照顧草根階層,窮學生可以在校內享用廉價午餐,同學也沒有階級觀念,大家可以打成一片,他們的知識和視野也很廣,從他們身上學到很多東西,而我人生第一次坐 Benz 也是在男拔萃的日

■ 2011年 1月 5日 (三)





直資計劃自 1988年提出後,辦學團體逐漸願意辦直資學校,主要是希望以






因此可以把學費定在 4萬元以上。轉直資後他們更可以不參加派位,自行收







元加 5000元就是 50%,相比下 4萬元學費的學校若加 5000元學費,就只是





■ 2010年 11月 29日

e Emily 李光知

直資風波掀出階級矛盾 孫公功力再受考驗



現時直資學校的收費架構,已偏離一般家庭可承擔的水平。有資深教育界人士向筆者指出,現行直資學費有兩個「怪」現象,第一是不少直資小學的學費竟高過一條龍升讀的直資中學!按筆者查看的資料,其中一間著名直資男校,中一的全年學費為 3.3 萬元,但附屬小學的全年學費則高達 4 萬元,較中學高兩成。

理論上,中學的教師薪酬、課程資源甚至實驗室設備開支也應高出小學不少,怎可能小學的學費會高過中學?有教育界人士提醒筆者,一些名牌直資小學看準的,便是學校坐擁一條龍優勢,只要家長願付鈔,便可保子女未來 10 多年升學無憂,因此這個學費架構,說穿了是按家長需求而訂的「市場價」,與實際開銷無關。

另一個怪現象,是部分直資學校的學費升幅已超乎通脹。有教育圈人士指出,香港的整體通脹每年約以 3%上升,但審計報告卻揭出,部分直資學校一年的學費加幅達 25%,個別直資學校的每年學費高達 6 萬元,即每月 5000 元,相當於一個基層家庭的全部收入。從這兩個現象,加上審計報告揭出學校涉及剋扣助學金或無批出足夠學費資助等漏洞,足見直資學校只會愈來愈「中產化」。


■ 2010年 12月 05日








八九六四那年,我在鰂魚涌一間街坊中文小學讀小五。我是班長,自發貼了大堆剪報,發起同學手纏黑布。翌年六四 1 周年如是,我還記得我們和班主任一起哭。

1991 年,我被派到那所名女校升中一,班主任比我更興奮,我卻戰戰兢兢。

我被編入全級最 top 的 A 班,噩夢開始——老師上課全講雞腸我聽唔明、英文堂默生字我無個寫得出、原校小學升上來的個個都已埋堆唔受我玩,和我一樣的外來生全班只有五六人,她們不是半唐番就是英文小學出身,來自中文小學的好像只我一個。

同窗: 我唔想自己中文咁叻


■ 2010年 12月 12日




編按:上期刊出蘆葦〈名校教了我什麼——女校生的反思〉一文,在網絡世界引來了巨大迴響,無數的 likes/dislikes,編輯部亦收到一些回應文章,有來自前名校生,也有來自家長。本欄將陸續刊出一些有裨益於討論和認識直資制度以至於香港現行教育制度的文章,歡迎投稿。

時移世易,報紙看罷了就掉,有了互聯網和 facebook,一篇「有趣」的文章就會不斷流傳。在新聞紙上看到蘆葦小姐疾書力數母校,最後得出「家長不要麻目追求名牌」的結論,起初也不以為然,但幾日來見 FB 上不斷有朋友讚好,亦有昔日同學簡單回應「黐線!」,才暗暗一驚,原來直資學校的糊塗帳,已被算到所有「(傳統)名校」的孩子頭上,FB 一百幾十字,怎夠解釋?

文 可名

據教育局網頁指出,直接資助計劃於 91 年 9 月開始實行。據《二○一○/一一學年直接資助學校名單》,現時全港一共有 84 間直資中、小學,「傳統名校」從來也沒有定義,但以筆者曾身在其中的認知,數來也不到 10 間,佔名單不多於 12%。翻查資料,蘆葦小姐的港島區女校,亦是在 2004 年轉直資(請恕筆者用簡單邏輯計算她的年齡),89 年讀小五的她,應該早已畢業了。先不說直資牽涉校政的監管與無王管責任誰屬,反正蘆葦小姐本人十多年前的經歷(怨氣?),其實與現時社會對直資學校討論,牽不上半點關係。而她以偏概全的得出所有「名校」(直資校?)名不副實、教育理念歪曲的結論,直指「名校最成功的,是它大批倒模生產一個個典型香港人——實際、精叻、識上位、識表現自己。



Why Education Policy and Society?


Why Education Policy and Society?


Why Education Policy and Society?


Why Education Policy and Society?


Why Education Policy and Society?

““In 1943, Sir Fred Clark, Director of the Institute of EdIn 1943, Sir Fred Clark, Director of the Institute of Education, argued the case for the apporintment of a soucation, argued the case for the apporintment of a sociologist to a chair in education on the ground that thciologist to a chair in education on the ground that the ‘uneasy awareness, now so widespread and yet so e ‘uneasy awareness, now so widespread and yet so ill-defined, that great changes in the social order and ill-defined, that great changes in the social order and the inter-play of social forces are already in progressthe inter-play of social forces are already in progress’ meant that ‘the educational theory and educational ’ meant that ‘the educational theory and educational policy that take no account of these will be not only policy that take no account of these will be not only blind but positively harmful’ (Sir Fred Clarke Archive, blind but positively harmful’ (Sir Fred Clarke Archive, Institute of Education, March 1943).” (Whitty, 2000, p.Institute of Education, March 1943).” (Whitty, 2000, p. 2059) 2059)


Why Education Policy and Society?

• Empirical policy issuesEmpirical policy issues– Why fine-toning MOI controversy?Why fine-toning MOI controversy?– Why DSS elitism controversy?Why DSS elitism controversy?– Why education for nationality controversy?Why education for nationality controversy?

• Issues of boundness and embeddedness of educatIssues of boundness and embeddedness of education policyion policy

– The contextual embeddedness in policy making and implThe contextual embeddedness in policy making and implementationementation

• Embeddness at macro-level: social, economic, political and Embeddness at macro-level: social, economic, political and cultural contextscultural contexts

• Embeddness at meso-level: Institutional and organizational Embeddness at meso-level: Institutional and organizational contextscontexts

– The boundedness of rationality in policy designThe boundedness of rationality in policy design• Degree of omniscience in education policy Degree of omniscience in education policy

• Degree of omnipotence in education policy Degree of omnipotence in education policy

• Degree of omnipresence in education policy Degree of omnipresence in education policy


Sociology of Education Policy of What ?

• Epistemological constituents of the course Epistemological constituents of the course – Policy studies in educationPolicy studies in education– Sociology of educationSociology of education– Sociology of education policySociology of education policy


What Education Policy and Society ?

• Ways to Synthesis the Field of the Sociology of EducWays to Synthesis the Field of the Sociology of Educationation

– In terms of theoretical perspectives, e.g. Functionalism, conIn terms of theoretical perspectives, e.g. Functionalism, conflict theories, interpretive perspective, post-modernism, etc. flict theories, interpretive perspective, post-modernism, etc.

• Kababel and Halsey (1977)Kababel and Halsey (1977)

• Sadovnik (2007)Sadovnik (2007)

• Apple et al. (2009)Apple et al. (2009)

– In terms of empirical areas, e.g. studies of education institutIn terms of empirical areas, e.g. studies of education institution, school organization, higher education, classroom interaion, school organization, higher education, classroom interaction, curriculum, schoolteachers, etc.ction, curriculum, schoolteachers, etc.

• Apple (1999) Apple (1999)

• Ball (1997 & 2008) Ball (1997 & 2008)


What Education Policy and Society ?

• Ways to Synthesis the Field of the Sociology of EdWays to Synthesis the Field of the Sociology of Educationucation

– In terms of themes, context, location and time:In terms of themes, context, location and time:• Roger Dale (2001)Roger Dale (2001)

• Whitty (1997) Whitty (1997)

• Halsey et al. (1996)Halsey et al. (1996)

• Lauder et al. (2006)Lauder et al. (2006)

• Apple et al. (2010)Apple et al. (2010)

• Rizvi and Lingard (2010) Rizvi and Lingard (2010)


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Dale characterizes the trajectory of the Dale characterizes the trajectory of the

development of the field into three components or development of the field into three components or forces. They are forces. They are

– Dominant theme, Dominant theme, – Context, and Context, and – LocationLocation


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Dominant themeDominant theme: Two prominent themes have end: Two prominent themes have end

eavored through the history of the field. Sociologiseavored through the history of the field. Sociologists of different theoretical orientations may charactets of different theoretical orientations may characterize them with different terminologies and put their rize them with different terminologies and put their emphasis on them. emphasis on them.

– Emile Durkhiem’s dual functionsEmile Durkhiem’s dual functions of modern education of modern education• Social necessity of homogeneity: Organic solidarity aSocial necessity of homogeneity: Organic solidarity a

nd integrationnd integration• Social necessity of diversity: Division of labor Social necessity of diversity: Division of labor


““Each society sets up a certain idea of man, of what he should bEach society sets up a certain idea of man, of what he should be, as much from the intellectual point of view as the physical and e, as much from the intellectual point of view as the physical and moral; that this ideal is, to a degree, the moral; that this ideal is, to a degree, the samesame for all the citizens; for all the citizens; that beyond a certain point it becomes that beyond a certain point it becomes differentiateddifferentiated according t according to the particular milieux that every society contains in its structuro the particular milieux that every society contains in its structure. It is this ideal, at the same time one and various, that is the foce. It is this ideal, at the same time one and various, that is the focus of education. Its function, then, is to arouse in the child: (1) a us of education. Its function, then, is to arouse in the child: (1) a certain number of physical and mental states that the certain number of physical and mental states that the societysociety to to which he belongs considers should not be lacking in any of its mwhich he belongs considers should not be lacking in any of its members; (2) certain physical and mental states that the embers; (2) certain physical and mental states that the particular particular social groupsocial group (caste, class, family, profession) considers, equally, (caste, class, family, profession) considers, equally, ought to be found among all those who make it up. …Society can ought to be found among all those who make it up. …Society can survive only if there exists among its members a sufficient degresurvive only if there exists among its members a sufficient degree of e of homogeneityhomogeneity; education perpetuates and reinforces this ho; education perpetuates and reinforces this homogeneity by fixing in the child, from the beginning, the essential mogeneity by fixing in the child, from the beginning, the essential similarities that collective life demands. But on the other hand, wisimilarities that collective life demands. But on the other hand, without a certain thout a certain diversitydiversity all co-operation would be impossible; ed all co-operation would be impossible; education assures the persistence of this necessary diversity by beucation assures the persistence of this necessary diversity by being itself diversified and specialized.” (Durkheim, 2006/1911, p. 7ing itself diversified and specialized.” (Durkheim, 2006/1911, p. 79-80)9-80)


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Dominant theme: Two prominent themes have endDominant theme: Two prominent themes have end

eavored through the history of the field. Sociologiseavored through the history of the field. Sociologists of different theoretical orientations may charactets of different theoretical orientations may characterize them with different terminologies and put their rize them with different terminologies and put their emphasis on them. emphasis on them.

– Emile Durkhiem’s dual functions of modern educationEmile Durkhiem’s dual functions of modern education• Social necessity of homogeneity: Organic solidarity and intSocial necessity of homogeneity: Organic solidarity and int


• Social necessity of diversity: Division of labor Social necessity of diversity: Division of labor

– Martin Carnoy and Henry Levin’s dual roleMartin Carnoy and Henry Levin’s dual role of schooling i of schooling in capitalist-democratic staten capitalist-democratic state

• Preparation for citizens in democratic statePreparation for citizens in democratic state

• Preparation for workers in capitalist economyPreparation for workers in capitalist economy


““The schools are an The schools are an arena of conflictarena of conflict because they have the because they have the duadual rolel role of preparing of preparing workersworkers and and citizenscitizens. The preparation required . The preparation required for citizenship in a democratic society based on equal opportunitfor citizenship in a democratic society based on equal opportunity and human rights is often incompatible with the preparation ney and human rights is often incompatible with the preparation needed for job performance in a corporate system of work. One the eded for job performance in a corporate system of work. One the one hand, schools must one hand, schools must train citizenstrain citizens to know their rights under t to know their rights under the law as well as their obligations to exercise these rights throughe law as well as their obligations to exercise these rights through political participation. On the other, schools must h political participation. On the other, schools must train workerstrain workers with the skills and personality characteristics that enable them to with the skills and personality characteristics that enable them to function in an authoritarian work regime. This requires a negatiofunction in an authoritarian work regime. This requires a negation of the very political rights that make for good citizens.” (Carnoy n of the very political rights that make for good citizens.” (Carnoy and Levin, 1985, p. 257) and Levin, 1985, p. 257)


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Dominant theme: Dominant theme:

– Roger Dale dual project of modernityRoger Dale dual project of modernity• Education as part of the project of Education as part of the project of enlightenmentenlightenment, i.e. the , i.e. the

project of emancipation of human potentials and reasonsproject of emancipation of human potentials and reasons

• Education as part of the project of redemption and Education as part of the project of redemption and rectification of the rectification of the negative side of enlightenmentnegative side of enlightenment (Dialectic (Dialectic of Enlightenment), e.g. inequality and injustice in education of Enlightenment), e.g. inequality and injustice in education and/or other human conditionsand/or other human conditions


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Dominant theme: Dominant theme:

– To summarizeTo summarize, the dualism in the educational theme of , the dualism in the educational theme of modern societymodern society

• To nurture To nurture social homogeneitysocial homogeneity and constituting and constituting social social integrationintegration among future members of a society within the among future members of a society within the imperative of the modern nation-state, more specifically of imperative of the modern nation-state, more specifically of the liberal-democratic state. This imperative is built on the the liberal-democratic state. This imperative is built on the ideal of ideal of universal equality of all reasoning citizensuniversal equality of all reasoning citizens..

• To nurture To nurture social diversitysocial diversity and constituting and constituting social division social division of laborof labor among future members of society within the among future members of society within the imperative of capitalist economy. This capitalistic imperative of capitalist economy. This capitalistic imperative is operated under imperative is operated under the rules of competition, the rules of competition, inequality or even the institution of stratification.inequality or even the institution of stratification.


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • LocationLocation: The field of sociology of education has been : The field of sociology of education has been

inhabited predominantly by academics working in inhabited predominantly by academics working in teacher training institutes or researchers in policy teacher training institutes or researchers in policy studies agencies. These locations of the practitioners of studies agencies. These locations of the practitioners of the filed imprinted their marks on the development of the the filed imprinted their marks on the development of the field.field.

– This location feature of the field has salient effect on its This location feature of the field has salient effect on its researchers' orientation. The filed is by nature an researchers' orientation. The filed is by nature an applied applied fieldfield and embedded in the practice of teacher education and embedded in the practice of teacher education and the process of education policy formation.and the process of education policy formation.

– On the one hand, some of its researchers have oriented On the one hand, some of its researchers have oriented their research efforts to their research efforts to pedagogical practicespedagogical practices in in classrooms and classrooms and administrative practicesadministrative practices in school in school organizations.organizations.

– On the other hand, some other practitioners of the filed On the other hand, some other practitioners of the filed have concentrated their research endeavors on have concentrated their research endeavors on policy policy studies in educationstudies in education..


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • ContextContext: The changes in the : The changes in the empirical contextsempirical contexts, in , in

which the practices of education, schooling and which the practices of education, schooling and instruction take place, have also affected the instruction take place, have also affected the development of the field significantly. They have not development of the field significantly. They have not only shaped the research agendas and themes of only shaped the research agendas and themes of the field but also the practical climates of the the field but also the practical climates of the locations, in which its practitioners work.locations, in which its practitioners work.

– The institutionalization of modern schooling systemThe institutionalization of modern schooling system: In the : In the nineteenth century Europe and then the first half of the nineteenth century Europe and then the first half of the twentieth century in most of the developing countries, the twentieth century in most of the developing countries, the development of the national-compulsory education system development of the national-compulsory education system was defined as the project of constituting the complex was defined as the project of constituting the complex division of labor and human capitals for industrial division of labor and human capitals for industrial societies and building the organic solidarity for the societies and building the organic solidarity for the modern societies.modern societies.


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Context:Context:

– The optimism of progressive education and equalization prThe optimism of progressive education and equalization projectoject: The policyscape of post-WWII welfare state had elicit: The policyscape of post-WWII welfare state had elicited a number of research projects and policies claiming to ed a number of research projects and policies claiming to equalizing social disparity with equality of educational oppequalizing social disparity with equality of educational opportunities. ortunities.

• James Coleman's research on Equality of Opportunity in the James Coleman's research on Equality of Opportunity in the US in the 1960s.US in the 1960s.

• A.H. Halsey's project Educational Priority Area Project in the A.H. Halsey's project Educational Priority Area Project in the UK in the 1970s.UK in the 1970s.

• Desegregation school and busing policy in the US in the 1960Desegregation school and busing policy in the US in the 1960s.s.

• Comprehensive school movement in the UK in the 1960s.Comprehensive school movement in the UK in the 1960s.

• Compensatory and remedial education in developed countrieCompensatory and remedial education in developed countriess


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Context:Context:

– The pessimism and criticism of the radical theoristsThe pessimism and criticism of the radical theorists: In co: In connection with to the radical student movements in Western nnection with to the radical student movements in Western countries, the discursive theme of the field shifted to more countries, the discursive theme of the field shifted to more critical or even cynical toward the egalitarian project and pcritical or even cynical toward the egalitarian project and progressive education in the 1970s.rogressive education in the 1970s.

• Reproduction theories proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, Bowles Reproduction theories proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, Bowles and Gintis,… and Gintis,…

• The resistance theories advocated by Michael Apple, Paul WilThe resistance theories advocated by Michael Apple, Paul Willis, Henry Giroux, …lis, Henry Giroux, …


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Context:Context:

– The instrumental-economicism the liberalistic-competition The instrumental-economicism the liberalistic-competition statesstates: :

• A series of transformations of the 1980s, such as A series of transformations of the 1980s, such as – coming into power of the neo-liberal and neo-conservative governcoming into power of the neo-liberal and neo-conservative govern

ments in many Western countries in the late 1970s and the early 1ments in many Western countries in the late 1970s and the early 1980s;980s;

– the rise of global-informational economy in the late 1970s and the the rise of global-informational economy in the late 1970s and the early 1980s; and early 1980s; and

– the advent of global-informational culture in the late 1980s and earthe advent of global-informational culture in the late 1980s and early 1990s.ly 1990s.

• In response to these fundamental transformations, the contexIn response to these fundamental transformations, the contexts of education policy in many developed countries have undts of education policy in many developed countries have undergone fundamental changes. ergone fundamental changes.


A Framework Synthesizing the Development of

the Sociology of Education • Context:Context:

– The instrumental-economicism the liberalistic-competition The instrumental-economicism the liberalistic-competition states: states:

• Lauder et al. (2006) have synthesized these transformations intLauder et al. (2006) have synthesized these transformations into two trendso two trends

– IndividualizationIndividualization: It refers to the social-differentiation process in th: It refers to the social-differentiation process in the late-modern or even post-modern society. It consists “first, the die late-modern or even post-modern society. It consists “first, the disembedding of industrial society ways of life and second, the re-esembedding of industrial society ways of life and second, the re-embedding of new ones, in which the individuals must produce, stambedding of new ones, in which the individuals must produce, stage and cobble together their biographies themselves.” (Beck, 1997; ge and cobble together their biographies themselves.” (Beck, 1997; quoted in Lauder et al, 2006, p.21)quoted in Lauder et al, 2006, p.21)

– GlobalizationGlobalization: It refers to the social-integration process in the late-: It refers to the social-integration process in the late-modern or postmodern society. It “is really about the transformatiomodern or postmodern society. It “is really about the transformation of space and time. I would define it as action at distance, and relan of space and time. I would define it as action at distance, and relate its growth over recent years to the development of means of instte its growth over recent years to the development of means of instantaneous global communication and mass transportation.” (Giddantaneous global communication and mass transportation.” (Giddens, 1994, p. 22) It refers to the “time-space compression” processens, 1994, p. 22) It refers to the “time-space compression” processes “that so revolutionize the objective qualities of space and time tes “that so revolutionize the objective qualities of space and time that we are force to alter … how we represent the world to ourselvehat we are force to alter … how we represent the world to ourselves.” (Harvey, 1989, p. 240)s.” (Harvey, 1989, p. 240)


Educational System

Social DifferentiationSocial Integration

18000-1940Modern stateformation

1950s-1970sContradiction of welfare state

1980s-1990sNeo-liberal state

1990s-2000sGlobal-competition state

2010sPost-liberal era

Constitution of massive, universal, compulsory and state-controlled schooling system as institutional means for citizenship building and human capital accumulation

Constitution of egalitarian schooling system as policy instrument of implementing progressive and compensatory education to rectify socio-economic inequalities

Rolling back the of egalitarian policy and reinstating neo-liberal and new-conservative education policy as means to enhance freedom of choice and accountability

Elevating neo-liberal and new-conservative education policy to global-competition scale

Beginning to reinstate regulations to global-market fundamentalism in financial sector. And what would become of the policyscape of education


The Organizing Themes of the Course

• Education policies as Education policies as projects of social differentiatiprojects of social differentiationon of modern economyof modern economy

– Conceptions of social differentiation, inequality and stratifiConceptions of social differentiation, inequality and stratificationcation

– Education policies in the context and process of class struEducation policies in the context and process of class structuration of capitalismcturation of capitalism

– Education policies in the context of the class formation of Education policies in the context of the class formation of capitalismcapitalism

– Education policies in the context of the “post-class” societEducation policies in the context of the “post-class” societyy

– Education polices as project of social equalization Education polices as project of social equalization


The Organizing Themes of the Course

• Education policies as Education policies as projects of social integration projects of social integration of modern stateof modern state

– Conceptions of state, nation, and citizenshipConceptions of state, nation, and citizenship– Education policies in the context of state formationEducation policies in the context of state formation– Education policies in the context of nation buildingEducation policies in the context of nation building– Education policies in the context of citizenship Education policies in the context of citizenship

developmentdevelopment– Education policies in the context of global citizenshipEducation policies in the context of global citizenship


The Organizing Themes of the Course

• Education policies as Education policies as projects of social integration projects of social integration of modern stateof modern state

– Conceptions of state, nation, and citizenshipConceptions of state, nation, and citizenship– Education policies in the context of state formationEducation policies in the context of state formation– Education policies in the context of nation buildingEducation policies in the context of nation building– Education policies in the context of citizenship Education policies in the context of citizenship

developmentdevelopment– Education policies in the context of global citizenshipEducation policies in the context of global citizenship


The Organizing Themes of the Course

• Education policies as project of competition state Education policies as project of competition state reflexively confronting reflexively confronting the phenomenon of the phenomenon of globalizationglobalization

– Education policy in the context of globalizing class Education policy in the context of globalizing class position and identity position and identity

– Education policy in the context of globalizing citizenship Education policy in the context of globalizing citizenship and nationalityand nationality


The Organizing Themes of the Course

• Education policies as project of constituting the Education policies as project of constituting the lifelifeworld of schoolteachersworld of schoolteachers


Lecture 1Lecture 1Sociology of Education Policy: Definition of the Field Sociology of Education Policy: Definition of the Field

