07 paraxial to real surfacesecee.colorado.edu/~ecen5616/WebMaterial/07 paraxial to... · 2009. 9....


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  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Paraxial into real surfaces

    • Curvature, Radius Power• lens and mirrors

    • lens maker equation• mirror and lens in contact• Principle planes

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Real SurfacesRefractive via Fermat’s Principle

    Calculate optical path length.

    Set equal to our definition of OPL for thin lens

    Paraxial power of curved refractive surface.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Real Surfacesrefractive via Snell’s Law

    Paraxial Snell’s Law

    Replace refraction with ray angles

    Paraxial approximations to angle, obeying sign conv.

    Cancel y, rearrange.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    2 lens separated by d









    F1 F2



    = youo

    T4R3T2R1T0[ [] ] M = R3T2R1 system matrix

    M =






  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Lens Maker’s EquationNot that anyone would make a lens with it !

    This is why it is not good to make lens with

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Real Surfacesreflective

    Derive power of mirror by placing object at center of curvature.Since ray strikes surface normally, it must return to the samepoint.

    Remember that by our sign convention, R

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Lenses in ContactExample: Magnin Mirror

    = a symmetric concave lens with curvatures c1 + a convex mirror of curvature c2

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    If real lenses have significant thickness, why have we wasted all this time with thin lens?

    All of our paraxial lens equations work with distances measured from the principal planes. However, for high NA optics the planes are actually spherical surfaces.

    It turns out that a thick lens (or system of lens) can be replaced with 2 surfaces called principle planes. This assumes axially symmetric optics.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Cardinal Points

    • Guass showed that these quantities completely characterize a thick lens system.

    – Front and back focal points/planes– Principle points/planes– First and second nodal points

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Principle Surfaces and Focal points

    In the paraxial limit, all rays exiting a compound lens will appear to have encountered a single plane P’ with power. Ditto for reverse travellingrays, but in general P is not at P’.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Understanding Principle PlanesOverlay previous two drawings and reverse the direction of the ray in the bottom picture (if this bothers you, hold on, it will make sense in a moment). Note that incident rays 1 and 2 appear to converge towards a virtual object at P. Note also that exiting rays 1 and 2 emanate from a virtual image at P’. And finally note that the object and image height are equal.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Principle Planes: What are they good for ?

    Since the principal planes are the conjugates of unit magnification, we can replace any compound lens element with just P and P’. Rays that hit P must be imaged with unit transverse magnification and unit angular magnification to P’. In other words, they “teleport” from P to P’. Ditto on the reverse trip. All the element power F is applied on the second plane (P’ if going forward, P if going backwards).

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Principle Planes

    Warren Smith, “Modern Optical Engineering”, SPIE

    P is roughly 1/3 glass thicknessRule of thumb

    Note: focal points for negative are reversed

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Nodal PointsA ray crossing the axis at the first nodal point emerges from the second nodal points parallel to itself. Obviously, for lenses with the same index in object and image space, the nodal points are at the intersection of the principal planes and the axis. This is not true in general (e.g. the eye).

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Ray Tracing Thick Lenses

    Same rules as before just rays are extended to principle planes and then they skip the distance in between the principle planes

    P1 P2

    F F

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Vertex and BFL/FFL

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Summary of a 2 Surface System

    N - Conjugate Matrix

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Summary of a 2 Surface System

    Remember ϕ1 = (n-1)/R1

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Lens Example


    R1 = 40mmR2 =20mmn =1.5d = 5mm

    ϕ1= (n-1)/R1 = 0.0125ϕ2= 0.025

    1/F = ϕ1 + ϕ2 - d ϕ1ϕ2F = 27.8mm compared to 26.67mm for d=0

    bfl = F(1-d ϕ1 ) = 26.1mmffl = F(d ϕ2 -1) = -24.3mm

    H2= 27.8-26.1 = 1.7mmH1=27.8-24.3=3.5mm

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    We know how to solve problems

    • Now we can calculate F, bfl, ffl from lens parameters

    • With bfl, ffl and F you can find location of principle planes (h1 and h2 on figure)

    • With measuring distances from principle planes

    • All other thin lens equations still work for image position magnification etc

    WOW !!!!

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Compound lens

    We will do lots of problems next lecture to see how this works…

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 1If you are making a system with multiple elements that have to be hard mounted (i.e. no adjustments), how can you use the result of HW problem 1) to help align the system (assuming that you can shim the mounting plate of the plate). Can use you plates to change the location of the focus? Are their issues with using a plate in a converging beam? Is there anyway to minimize these issues? The problem of not having mechanical adjustments is typical in optical engineering as the system is being converted from a research testbed into the final product.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 1

    Solution 1: Tip/tilt plate as fine position adjustment of a nearly collimated beam. Δθ = 1° = 17mrad, t=1mm, n=1.5. The beam displacement will be ~5 microns. Can slim in both directions toget X and Y offset.

    Solution 2: Put 2 plates tilted at fixed angles in rotating barrels –spin barrels to reach and XY. Similar to Risley prism set.

    Comment: can change focus position but with consequences.

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 1

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 1

    VERY LIMITED NA, much worse if plate is tilted

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 2

    You are given an elliptical beam that has a 2:1 aspect ratio. Use prism(s) to circularize the beam. What are the tolerances on angles, index, etc to get a circular beam to within 5% of perfectly circular?

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Nichia Laser Diode Spec

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Nichia Laser Diode Spec

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Nichia Laser Diode Spec

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Nichia Multimode LD Spec

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Design Problem 2



    SolutionsSingle prism2 prismsToric/astigmatic lens

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Sample Spec for prism in this use

  • ECE 5616Curtis

    Homework #2

    Available at the website under homework


    Due in 2 weeks

    W. Smith “Modern Optical Engineering”

    Chapter 4 (again) andChapter 13 (will help for next week)Reading Chapter 17 – cover camera lenses we discussed last time.
