0110 0 Velvet - Treherne · 00 Ipw liolng ruto por th.y moal. got meul81lt n prol,ortlonutoly...


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VOL. 8



Council Meetin2. .: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :. ,', . ~ ,', 0;. Brunswick Holel_ 'i' ',' ','

..... ~ •

july 19, 1907

sc~)re stoo~ '19.14 in favor of Tre­IIp·rn',····-Thi3 was tbe hrst game of

:/forth L~ngue and places the

Celebration at St. Claude , /



I Vo'i!I srll your goods and for" very small Discounl you can have your cash day of sale. PI·kes reasonable and salisfaction I

. guaranleed. " . N. -WIL~ON.l\['A.A.


NO. "p

,', COlt, MAIN AND IfUPERT STS: ':' A / y DR. :r.AMONT,' ._ • 'i' .J, FOWLIE. FROP. Wlnn ... o". ';' locals n the lead with the othel three' tied fo'r second place.

St. Claude was favored with fine weather last Saturday when the National French holiday was cde· PhYRlchtu, Bnrgoon. Offico 80d relldoDCft on •• ','

Boyno atrouL, Troberu6, ,I, •• ,1 lowing is a summary of ~h:'l'i:"';nn's games :­

. , brated III the usual manner. A fair· ...,...--==------'-------1 ,I, ",' ,f, Be8~ $1.60 por day hou80 In tho West. .1,

S Stoam heot in overy room. ,:, ',' Doat DrftUU8 only or LhlUOrB nod Cigars. a

Iy good crpWd was present. Flags DR. G. w. STArI.1tS

PhYIlclnn ond anrgeon. M, D. C. 11. Uolver­elLy of MuultohB. Ofllco Dlal roshleueo,ooo

hlock sout.h of tho poat oilleD.


M. H. C. S. l~nglnnc1, L. S. A. Lomlou. Fo~low 01 tho Rritlsh OYllrucologlcnl Soclotr, ot~. Ihy· aleinn, nlld Rurgoon. Ulloo at. IClsidenco ou Hrondwnl, RATHWEf,L, AlAN.

COTTAGE ITOST,'ITAL. P01' t.ho troutmant. of Madlenl, Surgical and

Accoucholll(ln~ Co SOd. AlllJomc com Corte. ltor turlRH 11111)1)' to

M. G. DUNDAS, M. D. _

• Rollmoll, aroo.

ANDR1~WS & L1NDSAY )lAnnt STEne liD.

OFl~rOEg all H"lh'in~' ,\\0., Trehorne, Aln~, i:!oilcltor8 for th. GllnodlllD lI.uk ,01 Com·

merco ulld for Munlclpnlftr of ::Iouth Norfolk.

J. GOI.:r.nV, V. S.

HOllor ~rllduRlo tn1800 of Onlnrlo Vot.orinary Uollclro All dlliORHOS of domaetio aulnraia

trontod hy Lho Intost BclontUlc 1Il0thods, Clbor. 'fOf! modernt.o, Ol1lco 0110 door BOl1l1l of en vorl. ... Wilsoll rosldoHco olJPo.lto Lit. school. \l:

• TU~;HEUNE, al. , Will bo In IInLhwoll woekly, Irom 2 p.m. 0 5

on FrhlilYB.


D. MCCOIG AgOllt In Treharno lor sovornl firsL 01088 loan

compnnio8, lonnins on lunda nnll othor llropor­ttCK Ilt IOUROllllblo lutoS. "FinDnclal busiDess condnclocJ.


REAI.J EgTATJ.~, I.,080 nnd Insl1rnuoo agont. , SpoclnlllUontion givon to IUBurnuco,

Ol11co, 1I0llwIII' nvo., next door to Mrs. blar~· iu. MOllOY to JORU.

~'. c. FORims, RATHwn:r.'L.

M ONEY TO LOAN 011 Jml)fol'ml Form Pro­portr"nt lowest raton 0 IntoreBt.

r ... ontllpu LORn Cumpnn(OB repreBontod. Farm J,,,"d~ lor snlo. Morriollo 1.lcons.8 Is,nod.

'i' Froo HUB mooLs u11 lraills. ',. •• • •• : ••• e e e_ .......... e_ ....... . . ...•.•...• -................................ ~ ................ : .. .







read. Carried.

PIJ;d, Treherne .. 6 Rathwell_ .. 6 ," IndiRnford .• 6 . MutchettviJle 6' .

W<>n. 6 2


o 4 4

Lost. were fiyiug at every masthead, the French tri·color preilolninating. Among the people .. celebrating, largely of cOllrse French, one no, ticed quaint. looking foreigners­Ihe Swiss mOllntaineer Gnd the Brittan)' peasalJt, 111eir odd bead­gear and costumes making a sharp contrast with the more comll1on, IF IT'S YOUR FAUi:.T

Woodman - Caswell-That the Clerk issue a permit to C. Ga ruer, Rothwell, to cut hay on Ole road So far this season the'I'reberue allowance between section 19 and 1.1J''''''I:U:ltll team ha~ 'not lost a:gallle. section 30, tp. 8, r. 8 west, for the There nre still tw'o games in doubt, sum of $5, and that'a pcrmit to Cllt alit! wiLh Nasbiit' and one with 011 the line betweeu sec. 29 and sec C\'press River. It will be remcm, 30 be issued to Leonard Martlett be red how the Nesbitt game re. for tht: same amount. Carried. mains in the balance, and the Cy,

Spinks - Woodman-That the press game is explained in another Council appoint T. C. Forbes AS item. At present the league arbitrator in the matter of the for· stands:­

I •

place Cauadian attire. Early ill YOIl nre bound to feel" uncomfort. the forenoon the SI. CIntHIe brass able "'hell 'I'e I k f' 1 b d . lb' I I r h d . "'~ IW e your rlen( an . wIt I rig It Y po IS e lIIstm a slIit that'S{ 1;t 'I' I '1'1 . ., ments, played their way to the at snme ri ~~ "n) IS I, \\ 1\ e. ,).onTs church where High .Mass was cele. . p C;, .I~ 110t, there IS some, bra ted by }Iathcr Radn;'. After this tl1lng ",'.'·QnIt, ISII'tthere? a general stampede was made to the IT'S,IIN THE CLOTH AND

Pld. 'Won. Lost. Dru. place of refreshment, which did a ,! Treberue '.' 2 2 0 0 rushing business. After dinner, the " THE CLOTHING

U1atioll of the proposed new school :---'----'..:....:..-....;..~-..;....!.,;;--.I district of Cardiunl, as a petition AS AN ACCOMMODATION TO has'been presented to this Coullcil

FOR OUR DEAREST SlIvc\"\vare we ask no more than VOll would expect to IXI)' for far inferior goods. \Vc want you to feel able to afford Ihe best, whether it be for YOUI table, sideboard 01 dressing case. So we make a,specialty of FINE: SILVE:RWARI!: MODERATE-


\Ve hm'e sets and single pieces. Standatcl and spccial pallcl"l1s. Ev­e,') piece fully wan ankd to \\ eat for year~. \\'c sliall be pleased Lo have you I~ok at our collection any time.

- TH E: FARMERS properly signed regarding same. \\'0 pur"o •• contfuuluil tlie lormor cu.· Carried.

tom of servlmI menls nt 811 hot1rs. Wo wOllhlurgo thorn to got n monl tlckot, ns by Spinks - Caswell-That a pc-00 liolng th.y got meul81lt n prol,ortlonutoly tition of J. J. '1~ochair and 12 others Ipw ruto por moal.

re tbe building of a lIew bridge MEAL TICKET, GOOD FOR 21 MEALS ---- FO R $4.50.------ across tbe Boyne river all the lil1e





" 1907

between sectioml4 and 5, tp. 8, r. 8 west, be received, and that COIlO.

Woodman be appointed to arrange with J: Cameron for tbe purchase of a roa§ through tbe coruer of· 'his property instead of building the,b~fdge. Carried.

Woodman - Caswell-That as road work in the road beat of

T. C. Forbes was 110t performed last season on account of the wet weather, and as tbe people are an­

ious to perform the ,,",ork this season, that the Clerk be Ill. structed to give them credit for the same ou the instruction of the pathmaster, Alex. Forsythe, the said work is per~o!:lli~d.

, ,

Nesbitt .. 3 ,0 2' J band took lip its place on the stand We know bOLh. Suits mnde by II~ Cypress R . 3 1 I erected for its lise ami for thos~ wear Alld look well. We IIndel-I' -- who wished to dance, and disc.G,n-? stand clllling nnd making. Ell I'

i\. ball game,. married men vs. eel sweet music, the IIl.a·rse illaise your next suit of liS aud he sllre. single, was arranged to take the coming in for a large shine of alten- ____ _ place of the league game ou Mon- tion. The' spor~' of the .afternoon

day evening, but - befole nIl the included horqC racing, carbine W H H 0 USE ISSlJW! O~' MIIlHlolm; I,ICBNSES players appcaled thc rain set in aUd shooting', saskfraces, anel of conrse ===-===-=========="================ gallic was called off. Anolher cven, dancing, nlW not n few soft eyes of


ing these two factions'will uppear the dark"eyed belles of St. Claude Vi l\I'1:~!m:tr'§'lIll>....,o,j~~~~,~~~ in full dress and perform for a side lookef.\'-Iove into eyes of slln-tanned bet of something I~ss tban a thous, titlt;rs of the soil, whiCh to be sure and.' . Watch The ~imes for date. looked Ic.v; again, and all went

~" , " ''':'':''---~'::':''';''':'''~ " !merry as a marriage bell. There

'. The Mos~ulto. / were loads of festivity according, to

the ideas of our Gallic brethren. Beriault's hotel was the scene where Terpsichorean art most dis­played ilself. 'I'hey danced \ there Lo beat the cars, and no one could possibly feel sad in the presence of so much poetry of 1lI0tion. Among the dancers were noticed several from Rathwell's and they were having a swell time, you bet. AI. together the day passed off SUccess, fully and everyoll~ had a good time.

sum, aud !Jites

"~_~'1:.'uu wi th liS, says aU.t'!t!~ tbe feiMle

suffering e man who

-~rI(3tal Velvet ~o,. the ~ath and 90ilet Renclers the hardest waler soft, cleansing and delightful. It illtparts to the bath a refreshing fragrance. Its hygienic action on the skin is beneficial and produces a general feeling of exhilmation. - -' . ,:_ ,:_ _:_ -,-.... : ................. -.......................... .. . .... . . .. '" . ...-...................... ,

DIRECTIONs-For lhc toilet arid a rounded teaspoonful to 21. bowl of water. For the balh, a heaping ta!Jlespoonful will genern.lly suffice.

0::.. .... "" _~-. ... ~ ............ •

Secure your' Paris Green at once, Tile demand far exceeds the supply, It is a scarce article.

-6fO. GRAHJ\M~ Druggist Optician

We have in stock Dominion, Radle and Heintzman Pianos, Dominion and Doherty Organs, Violins, Guita,'s, Uanjos, l\f ollth Organs

and Musi,cal Supplip.s. These goods are guaranteed First Class in every pal·ticlllar and being ~old

At Rock-bottom Prices.

~ ~~ frame-hygienic.





E TERROR'S DlNNER . , on. Toast" Was

the Cowboy's Order.


Promptno.. With Which the 'I.,.'';';, ... W.lter Served the Di.h Took

T.rror'. Nerve Away-The Ro­p .. t and the Final R.qu •• ~

back In 1876 11 man nam~ estobll.shed 11 restauront In

nnd nmong Turpin's original c!ulpl,oY4~es WIIS n wnlter nnmed Job

who could sboot with great .llr'eclslon, play draw poker with lIU-

succcss nnd pock eighteen .plnt(lS ot mlscellnueous gruh upon aDO

al'm at olle lime. He could cxc nU tho pre\ n1l1ug melodies olt!: -

pinna or gullnr, lind lie I}OSSessc/1 most tmmelluous bOlltoue ,olcl' heard In Arlzonn Why, DWU som\)

weut to '1'111 pin's Just to helli' Jot' Il"IIv.,r gllstronolllic orders. No per

deacrilltion cun be given ot tblll howe\i!r, except to sny tbnt nt It leoUy dIll muke things clutbll

Once n fresh ) oUllg cowboy frolU QUn Bend entered 'l'urpln's for a

"",mlw 118 dlnllCI wbo took n starlllull n8 nil nppetl7.cr lind then

!ll'(lpp4~d tuud-Ilke at n table nnd rOlllgh· ghn ... 'ml 10 Slralgbt:

there, Bnldy I Bring me Slime

wua lit first nppalled; but, reeo,.­hIs reserve limit of eC)ullultnlty.

brushed nn Imaginary brendcrumb tile frescoed tnblecloth nml

laked a b11l or tnre trom the \'I\rlo castor nud plnced It before lhe

g terlor 'bt the Beull It nwnyl" cried the latter In

tbat could give Strnlght's ordl el'erydny baritone 0 ensUe nud

:ellcc,knlal:e It In Ilve moves "1 don't to rend your darned old tract.

enre II dUln who came luto th~ ':W(lrld to sa Ie slunors. Bring me some

Grubl Grub! Grubl" do you wunt 1"

"Rii ttlcanllikes on tonst! And 1 wllnt bump yourseltl"

:':Whllt's thot1" "I've glveu DIY order, you bnldbeadcd

clgnr store sign, lind 1 wnnt you to move on yourself, p, d, q, Ua tue­

. :.lllnllces on toostl" "Rattlesnnkes on tonsil" cried Job to

cook In ncccnts tllnt ~ould have folyzed Corl Formes bad thnt old

I>rotuntlo been living ond beard ,


Oellghts 01 a Trip Through the Swit-zerland 01 America •

Not to ae Fooled, ~ rcsldclI of n New Englnnd towu IN PARIS CAFES.

for his grent klnduess m~lls:.,\"I,ewed ilie first borse cnrs N_o Price. on Bill. pf Fare, and Waite'"

"It's sheer cruelty, that's Impose on Guest., Insisted, and tbe plea "I tell YOu," snld £he returned Euro-


Sir Wllhl1m Mul'jck POll1"" oul thaI SWltzorland, a country WIth a popu IntlOn of 5,000,000 people, bas no In dustnes worth speaklUg of. and thnt It practtcally "hves on Ita scenery_" Sir WIlham, on Ius receut trip to thr West, was much unpressed by th' seemc beuutles of Bntish Col urn bla and by lhe'lmmense posslblhtlea 01

COI"v(inl,eil(~e or necessity bad no In- pean trn\'eler, tnklng up the bill of I,Duellee upOU blm, [are, "It's a good den I of relict to get

"I'd wnlk to Boston nud back beCore 10 a plnce where one can know the I'd ndd n Ilonnd's weight to wbltt tbose exnct cost of things to ent Itnd drink. poor C1enmres bnve to drag,"_be de- ,Wben on tbe other side I l1arrowly e9-ellll ed und no persuasion could Induce coped-uen ous prostration Decnuse of hll1l to Iide In n-\rtreet car drogged by lbe lotltude In the prices or Items on

Oaused boruolallng Pain-Cure Efteoled Six Y_" Ago By

tourist trnde lhere_ That Weslern Canndn 18 n fnir rIval

10 ellic SWIlzerl!md, worn old by the fcet of centunes of beauty seckers. i5 n strnnge Idea to lIIany of our coun trymen 'who nrc withm eomparnllvely "68Y nccess of It.

Bnt there IR n certnln group of hnman fnn1lly "hleh hIlS Its represen, totlVC'S HI all tunes nncl countries, e gloup 1\ hose mdlvldnnls hnve the plOncer 8plllt nnd wbo ruspond instme! to the strunge chnllenge 11Igh plueee 'rhes. are "lhe moun lOIn climbers," profeSSlonnl Ilnd IlmB 'Il.!,lr To some of these who IlB~e II 4.~ wllh cnlhusiruA.lc sympnthl we ,,\,~ -::>-iihant ghmpses of the won c1erlnnd 'I "t' US the Cnna han Rockies. _.

An Opening "1 tell yon whnt,:' said the shd·

looking man, ''It'S pretty hard for a man with a InIge family to bve-..!.n a small mcome." "Ycs/~ engerly ngreed the stJ:anger,

"but It's 11 great deal harder for his family If hel dles on one, _ Now, my line IS lllsurance; let me mterest you -eh? What's your burry?"-Phila-delphia Press_ /

--,--'-----'--'-' '

One of the II" ........ ndventunnR ul such Rplrlts. wh" hnh ""'J~ the gIft 11'

grnphlcnlly communiclI~g hiS 1111 pressIon IR Mr Illmes I ~trum In his book WlllCh grew Ollt ",:,"!-t!S cnOlf): 'ng nnd ehm Illng there, he I ~sen'" n VIvid picture which glYes u n Is Better Than to Re-cnslllll rOlltll'r n thrill for "tho I medLclUo In the shllpe of the Cnnndinn Rockies." \Vrlll~~!I~;~'~lle~'~!II~~ which arc

Ho turns from II retllllllSeenceJ Vegetable Pills, SWltzerlnnd to sny "But though Ilf i"~,~r:~illl!,~el'ed' at the proper time ~oenery is unchnnglngly benuUful and dIrectIOns ndhered to, the fnmlhnr ,'Iplne mon'trohs reluin 0 'serlOus attack of lorevol the nffecllon 01 the-mollutaltl- money which would cer, vet hlB soul WIll em /0 - and In all 11 reg ulan-rightly-ao-the cllle! JOy of the c1l1nb of ° olgnns they 'llIe or's Ilmhltlon n 'first nacent' He Illl lllvnlu COI,>(cctIVO and by turns most nntnrnlly, thP.rofore, 10 cleanslllg blood \~hcy clenr_ the the gront conlltlont of Amorlcn, skin of ImpelfectIons. '-\ where ho expects to find plenty 01 ~ new things Innd f!'enernlly finds them Friend (to artlst)-Woll,' on the largest scale, The Umtcd f I States, With its enormOllS arcn and success u nt the snlon? hTnltles~ urrny of nature's nll"hhest ArtISt-No, they rejected " ture, the wletches, works und trensures, might well ex- FrIend-Why? poct to possess 30mo to Artist-How should I know? ; Thl) Europe's plensure grol'nd. B Oil wns bnd perhnps.-Nos LOISJrS, I as we mny nnllel the uplnnd of Colorndo'~ sea of lolty', n.nl1l\ltninR the noble panks nnd "COll1YOtiE Cllhformll Sierras, or tho nesscs of Mt Shnsta ancl lhe CnlBclntle l!nnge the more closely they ore stud­Ied, the more llllrinsically III e Ihl!Y lound to diller from SWitzerland Ellch eoutlltns some of the splendid features thllt Ilrc 1111 com blncd wltllln the Bcanty limIts 01 the little EIII 0 peon Republic, the rOItH gla elDl fields, the

DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS 0\ /lrWOI ked, tired horses : elec- tim menu_ POlIs Is obOllt the \\Ol'8t oC· tr'elty wos opplled, and the Cender among Europcnn cities In this sruoollily aloug wltbout the bon«!;r,i.ch In I estllurnut nUer restaurtlnt sou snld: p~ces nre omitted from the bill

"Now, [nlher, you cnn simply to gil e nn opportunity

The [Jnssing of stones 01 glllvel, us the uric oeld formntlOn IS called, from tile kIdneys thrClugh tho Ul e­tels to tho bladder. probably pro-

scribed I was unnble to do any I~Orl" and flequently dlschnlged hlood 'i'hough I spcnt hundreds of dolllllS m doctors' blils I receIved no rclte[, and at lllst deCided thnt I \\ auld never be Ilble to work ngam.

street cars "Ittiout ';::;~~:~j.~~.~~.;~~~~~~~1 pockets of the unwnry, horses. You can go Into nd ha\c ns close no lour cllse now" ngreement 88

".lames," said the old mnn, "you rcgllrlllng wnys iush lit conclusions You don't menl bo-study Into things liS I do. Don't I leud don't, In thc pupels IIbout cvery cnr huvlng loss to bnyc so much horsepower1 And nhcnd 'rbc wnlter, wllh the conlllv· dOll't I know \vell cuough what thllt unce o( the proplletor ot tbe ('nfe, menus 1" And tbe old gentlemnn slgb- will do nil he CIlIl to Impose upun ) ou cd: "It sllllI)ly menns, illY sou, thnt "One II agIc story thllt I cnll IOlwll the \lCIOr~borses nrl! belog worked just (or IUny be at Intelest to Alllel'l~llII os hOI d lIud Just us many hOlliS, ollly tourists It sho" fI one vnrlety of Iea­we (lon't see 'em taurant rohber~ In Pllrl8 1II11sUIIlIug

"Those power houses could tell tules, 11Icldl'ntllily FrenS',1 Ingenuity, Au I reckou, No, I'Ye uo more use (01' Amcricllll "omnu gal'e n slllull IUlleh· street cnrs now thnn I C\ er bnd, nnd eou nt It well knowu plnce to u Imlt for the Slime reosou!'-Youth's Com- dozen friends. She hnd uo Intention llOnlon. at mnltlng It nil elubolnte nlralr. She

Barber'S H.ir Cu~ "Wlsbed I hod lIlll~ to go out nlld get

my Illlir cut," Icmarlted II bill bel' ns he rcmol'ed 1)111 t of tbe luther flam tile customcr s lips with his second lIugcr

"Time 10 go out nnd get It cut1" re­peotca tbe mnll lu the ehnlr, with the emphnsls on "out" "Are you like the mnll thut won't ent In his own restnu­ront? Atell't you wlIUng to trust one of your own mcn to cut yom' bn111"

"Oil, I'd tt list tbem, nil I'lglll1" suld the bnrber "It Isn't tllat, but YOIl

hardly ever see n barber getting his haIr cut lu his own IJlnce. 'l'be other bllrbers nil IIIw to go home plomptil nt quitting time lIud If one of us gets work doue d Uti ug the dny tlwre Is sure

be n' rush nbout that time, 111111 It innii.~.~n~,customer 'sore' If he has to

two bnl'bers right here nud ou him He doesn't like to

;;~;;~;;:d'f.1'ltllc one barber cuts uu­"-Cievelllnd Plain

knew l~rcucb II nys nnd had n "",ro,fll1l estlmnle made at the cost of thc rl)l)a~t orderlJd Afte' lhe second course "he uotlced that the wnlters were III easing upon het guesls delicacies for 1\ hlch she bnd not stlPl1 lu ted, nnd she o\).: served, too, tlmt II point I\ns UlIlt1(' of IIsl,lng eRch Ilerooll If she wonh) 11111 e soma of lhls, ihu t or the othel thIng. Of course the ,lllnds were ncCellle(1 These extrus wei C slIccccdl'l1 I" oth· ers, the poor hostess uot being n hie (or felt sho wos unnhle, which nmollnts 10 the some tblng) to stem the title rnp­Idly oyel\\ helming ber- Jlorl.cthool., When shc hnd n stolmy Resslou II !til the proprietor she could get no sntls­fnctlon. The things II CI coffered: th4!), were enten. 'or n surety. mOdllUlC had ordered them, else they would uot hnye been sen ed, It Is Impossible thnt madome \\ auld wish to lin 1'1) con­~eltllenCeS most nnplensnnl7' 1'\ Isely puld the hili, but the cxperlNlco cost ber den r

"So, lOU see, holdnps nrc uot con­fined 10 OUI' bela, erl couutry In tnct, I thlnl. thut our polite coutelUllorlllles oyer t~e Atlnntlc kuow tblngs ollout the gnme nbopt \\ hlch our despCl adoe!

"-':'2'1!I .... r( lu' entlte Iguorunce"

the most ternble pam that Immom bemg "as ever culled upon to benr

Mra Walter Hornbrook, Cody's, Queens county, N B, writes'

"I "as n grellt Buffelel flam Iwl­ney disease, wllleh tho doctor de­Bert bed ns tho unc aCid stones pnss 1IIg from the l(Jdneys to ·tho bluddel I henrd of s1l1ulnr cnses bomg CUI cd by Dr Chuso's Kidney-LIver Pilla and sent for some Altogothcl 1 used seven boxes liBel wns com pIe toll cUled. ~'hnt \VIIS SIX yeRls ngo, nllli I hove never had u pn1l1 111 my 1<1(1-neys Bmce 'Vo RIO never l\llhout Dr. Chose's Kldney·LIVel Pills 111 the house"

Mr. Daniel Drown. Engltsh RIver, Ont ,wntes "For three yeals I su[­forea w,th utinllry tl ou bles, pnrtnl<­I11g or the nnture of stones In the blndder, or gllLvel, nnd tho Plllll ,~hich I endUled cnn seRl eoly be do-,

"Wlule In tillS eomhtl m I WIIS nd­Vised to try Dr Ohase's KIdney 1.1 ver Pills, lind though I hud no fUlth III them 0' 111 anytlllug else T deCided to gl \ e them It fnu tl ml A flol I1smg one box I felt 11 deCided chnnge for thc bettel, Ilnd uftcr tnkmg five boxes I feel Itkp a new mlln I U1I1 cntucly out of PlIlll, Ilnd hnvo IlO 1Il010 dlschul/;e of blood I Clln honestly I ecollllnend])1 Chuse's Klt!­ney-LlVcI 1'Ii1s to Illl) fellow-Buffm el, IIl1d 1\111 chcerfully vertfy tillS stnle­ment to anyone wntmg me "

'i'helo cOuld BClll cell' be It mOl e se­vele lest of uny tlclltment fOI tho Kidneys, nnd when DI Chusc's Klt!­ney Llvel 1)llls> prove successful III

Huch CIISOS liS tillS they clln surely be dopended upon In less sovere lud­ncy (II1ments Olle pIll Il dose, 25 cents u box, Ilt 1111 dealers, ()r ,'r!­munson, Bnlcs & Co 'i'oronto

Rosenberg, th" Olotluer-Llttllli 1\[IS SCllbbet ( IllIlIcssIVely)-Able found a bIg roll of bills on dCI WhntevCl you do, nevel IIIIUIY 1\

sldewlllk. '1leWSJlIlJlOI !Un n Mrs Rosenberg-Vll1 you ndver. School F,lcllt1-Why not

tise der money? "I lllnliled ono nlld I know. Rosenberg-Vell, I'll put del monoy I Evmy llIght my hnobaml bllllgH

in 110W stock on' advertlso del' goods, hOlllu It lot of IICWSPllllCl a 110111 ull -Puck, OVOI the cOllntl), "lllch <lll\e me

A lady Wrltos "I wns ennbled t:> remove tlla.coms, loot and brunch, by the use of Hollo\\ oy's COl n Cm e " Others who hnve tried It II/LVe the snme experience.

"Brnce up I Wilut nils you?" asked the old hound

"I just heard tho must~r suy he'd hnve to put me through the 111111," rep-lied the pup

'Yes, he's going to train you for the huntmg fleld--"

"Oh I Is that It? I thOllgM Ul meuut the suusage mtll."-l'lllladel phlll Press

C1 nzy " f"llhe no\\ 611 I1POI B Pt) "J'ntleed they do I '1'hc) nl e Ju~t

ernlllmed 'I tit Lho mosL llSlolllShllll( bnlglUns-J1l shops II hundlcd lI11lcd Ilway."-Tntler. ----

Minard's Lintment Cures DIstem­per,

His Preference-"Do you favor I1ny partlculio.r school of musIc?" naked the ludy,

"Yes, mdoed," repl'ed the young mnn who lives in a flnt "I favor the plal1lSSlmO school."-Puclc

--..':-'-' most perEecl lur·

nace IIrate on the market. or the 10111' trianQUlar Ifrllte bars, each bar is operated by the use of a- handle applied to either 01 the Iwo centre bar., To remove Ihi.

, ltandle after shllkinll ill impossibl" unlll ',' ..... v. J(rate bar has been returned to ill

oriiIlIlal posilion. 8at and in place, without any of tho cogll

~81ickinll up. Tho result is thnt the bnr. are .lwlYs lIat und.pr the fire end thllt it is imposslblo lor Jump.ol coal 10 drop throullh .nd ba wuted, The Record T rtllJ)lIwar Grate can be en· tir«;ly removed Irom without without lying on atomach Or botherinll wuh II hl/ht 106 Write for Catalollue.



r' t~· • ?\ "" I •


i J

I t-L,: ...





a~;;~=~;;E;;;~;;;~;~;;;;;;=;=~~lllII'ltlOllle 'l1l'nltll 'W'lIn'!li aliould"" .acre4 eYen from 01, Pbazma But wbat la to be 40n& wilen tbe editor In cblef eom­mnnds? 'Oun not to reason ... byl' 'l'ba




• C.".I,ht • .,02 •• , THE BOWEN.MEaaILL COM'AII,.



baton T()1)I,t::t lllr~ \'\'uy qll!1 tDdt ana. .eelnll only the rotallng C}1!8 or a pick-

I anlnny (IRt. uf'd upon 111m bill rllod tbroll).th tltp enllnn(e nnnglllll' upon thc "n lis \" r~ red a ud "I cen pod. a ud

poem t. • monody on tbe tn,e4, .t tbe tbeater."

"A.t tbe 8t. CharieR'" a.14 PbRliID • 111llUIIDCI"~'c:"Aa 1 pa~1Ied It WBI cloac4.

aeemed earl1 for tbe performlne. to be over l' et tbe tbell ter w .. dark; .11 tb. UCbtl b.d cone out." ,

"Mon tb.n tbe U,btl went ouf," .... _ered StnwI KRnl7. "A lit. went

...... -----GOD'S FATHERLY CARE ..

00()":~ and educalton? Why should we thank Ium lor tho beautIful scenes

naturer When \\ e go mto the home wenlthy man and see hIS pl(:.ture

11IfERI~~I~1! we marvel at the masterpIeces HIS TENDER MERCIES ARE C the arhsts have pamted for

ALL H IS WORKS. But the greatest 01 all artIsts bave been but COPYistS Do you want to see a more glorIOUS sunset thlln n Rubens or n Turner has ever placed on canvas? Then thIS evemug throw open vour \\ mdow f,o\l/ll d tlte \I est Would you see the models 01 an Ed wm Landseet or a Rosn Bonheur? Then look at the living horses n.nd tlogs by your SIde It IS amnzmg to

Beneficence In Nllttjlre:~)ppOrtlln~1 me...hQ.w .... ronD ~::o ~ ~~

Ity for C.a •• I.1I - Work a Great Ble •• ln~Tru. Llfl Mlan.

over the works of a Moran or a 'BIer­stadt nnd WIll not louk tWice at thl! surging sea and ~he glOries 01 th~ moun tams

But as I was slttmg III the woods I'some With my books by my

nbout the smnll bIrds heard a great chatt~r

seekmg food, now they are a \\ ay as If they were some frIends They oearly always flymg tense heat of the day some may rest for a httle Vi hI Ie cool shade of a leafy bower the most part they are on the \Hng !lnd movmg thIS way and that


rHE SUNDAY SCHOOL lesson III.-Thlrd Quarter, For

July 21, 1907,

THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. WhIle you watch thIS ceaseless ac

lIvlty of t.he bml you may sa¥ to me. "If God IS good nnd God IS kmd why does he not make hfe eosler for the sparrow s?" Then I would say "It IS a good God who keeps the ht- Tlxt of the Lellon, EK. XK, 12 17. tie bIrds on the move It would be a Memory Verlel, 12-17-Golden Text, cruel God who would allow the spar Lev. xix, 18-Commentary Prepared row to sit still and do nothing , Snp posmg I shonld go out to day and by Rav. D. M St •• rn .. catcn a httle sparrow and shut hIm [Copyrlgbt. 1007. by AmerlClll Pre. A_clatlon ] m a golden ~e as Borne women do The lesson todllY covers "hut IH WIth theu met-throated cananes kno" n 8S the second table or tbe law, Then, supposmg I should fill the seed or out duty to our tellow LDnn Bum cup of thnt cllge WIth the most entic

THERE Is nn npborlsm to tbe ~t fect thnt ono CDllnot sllPnll nnr! bave, nl80 R Aayln~ uuout tit, whirlwind both or "bleh In

Hme CRUle home to tho lund bUlou ~'or Revernl I:enerutlons the Muuvlll~ tl1l11l1y, beurln!: onc of tbe proud.,t nnmell In LoulslullU hlld beld wurl ed prestige unller Spllnlsll 111111 l'lenca .. nle whllo extel,"1 tl! plantnUona In(1I

bunchc'ic or dried berbe ot Ulltl'Uelltlcm, .. j- .. ro.·rp .... nbl" \ Irtne belonltitllt to tbe Crl'np.'. phnrmneoP(rln Mau\lIIe Blowly RS

1 ·~~r.~~~:.·~~:l~~il~C~~all , July 14 -In thI~ mg a scoldmg by my SIde I look-I1rl)lIIi1tf!l With the songs an:! ad down, and there was n httle bird

the odors of the summer hopping about my camp table She

mg bIrd food and put the clearest med up lu the Golden 'I'ext 'I hou purest water mto the cup Then, sup shult 10\ e thy neighbor ns ths self,' pos11Ig I should say to tillS cuged bud \\hlcb our Sn\loUl quoted to the la1\ ''Now, sparrm\ I am gom~ to make lei In lIIutt xxII 30 und "hleb Is ulso your hfe a life of lOY, for It shall be gl\en In ROUl :tIll 0 n8 n summnfS ot n hfe of eaae I WIll gIve you all the the sume, und III tbe next \ crse we sunlight you wnllt, all the food you nrc told thut lo\e Is the (ulfllllng of want and all the drlOk you wnnt I Inw' Let us lcmember, as In the shnll clean out the cage at least tWIce lust lesson thnt God g!He no Inws to a. dav g" '10 .dit!..~1Il1 be. lO!Jan1110U

~c1lted lite co 111 01< rein I BBceodency ot lb. patrooa 8 Ulle •• t018 'rhe thrlrt of nl~ (oretutiterR ho\\ • ver pusscd lI&"ht Iy over Edwllld Hnm IIle Bent 10 Pari, by his mother B widow wLto could duny him nothing In tbe C01lrlle of II few yeur~ Itu Itnd S(IUHndered tWI) plantnUoD9 nlld om.lnl hundred ne .:-roeo Her deuth pillet d him In undls puted posse. sian of tbe ro,ldu. of tb. e.tutll, wholl IInlilng th .. exnctlnc de tall. of COUlmel eo Irk"ome In a mo lDent of ... eakuels be wus Induced to dispose of 80m. of bls posselslons to Tank"e .pecnlAtors "ho had come I. wltb tbe Ilood or northprll enern tl08t or 'be money thUB realized be pl.1'I'1l Itt looso ItlvestmeDtl whlla tbe rrlll rluder &"radunl, dluppeured la tullul"lnlr bl. pleasUlea.

A.t tbl. clltlcal stu,e In Ills fortlllles, or Dllatortunes the putrooo I lellne1 IIld Rewed timely nnll bls trip to tbe Ilortb toll owed lIut trom a swurm of creditOr! to a nest of antlrenter .... aa out of the fr11De pon Into tbe lire. hu· teninc bla relurll to tbe Crescent City, wbere be WU! SOOD (orced to muke an .. algnment ot tb" remnllling ploper!y A aeore of bUll1(IY Inwyertl bovered "round tbl Ilnklllg estntel:reedll1 jellons le.t lome one or their number .bould batten too gluttonousl, at tbltl ,enernl collation It wus tho one to"le of Interest In tbe musty dus, COllrt­house nlllll the end IIPlleured wltb tbe rol1ow1l111 .Dnouucement In tbe local

cend~d lb" dnrk stnlr. 111111 renched bl. Irllllle~lbllm retreat e smllll Ipartllll'nt with rllr I11tutlt fit cun .. ",ork .nd flodr cover4.'d with spn gUI"" tho cell1ng low aDI! the \\ ltuJows 111111011' op"l1lug UilOO U wlu lutuI!! lJulL'Ouy thut olru'ed ap1lce for ene nlld 110 more

"Is dut yo' honey?" anld aD .dorlnc l'olce 011 thl! III udlug

'l:us uuntle" rel)lIed tbe land baroll a9 an old crollo emerged trow an III lI"bt~d recess und stood lJefore blm

I ,\.ny one beell to see we mllmmyr' Only dDt Mexlcun a:emlllen - dat

cemmen been bere befo wLto tuke yo' I meHslIge 1Ibout de troops. when de1 110 I frow New Orlel1l18, Ltow w11ny de,

am" I 'You kno ... tba .. nuntle?" be alked

,ulckly "You know that 1"-I Yes boney,' site tlllSWcre!l, abnk.

Ing her 11I!I1d "Yo be lJelry careful,

I it 11 I I r Ed1\ard' Wbat did Lto ",ant?" auld the I.nd

burollr quickly 'Ho "Ib DIP dis" And tbe creDI

b1lnded ber visItor 0 .Up of puper on wLtlch R few ~ordB were written­"'Vbat dn t mClln'"

"U mellns I 8m 1I'01n. aWII, DlaDl my , pushing bnek bls cbalr "Gwlcell~uy,"ahtl repeuted "Wben'a

10' gWll 1''' "1 omorrow, perbap. tonlgbt el'en;

dowo tbo river auntie rising .Dd aur-Teylng hlmselt III u mirror

, How 101lg yo !,,"wltle 1111'81 fob1" "Perbllps torever onutie" "Not fob a:ood Mllr II r t1d WIl rd. not

, foh I:ood?" He nodded, and ablt hrok. Into loud "ulllngs '1011 I:wlnl

.. 'Tbill. our IUlt performnnce t,,"lIto er,' be .~Id Ibsent'1 She 1111"" blla a reproaebful look 811d Ill' udded qulekl,: 'Do I appear .Ioomy, my deur' I nevel telt bappler'

"At tbe ell4 ot tbe aecolld act be­lItIeml'4 to aroulI! blm~elf wben Ibe ••• Isabella, nld, 'I'll lit 1111 mind to death, tor biB lOul'a reat' He lazed at ber lonc aDd earDestl1. his look cnreRslo. ber wbereyer ahe moved BCKlonlnlr tb. prlJlOn tlcene wltb Iplrlt, be bud pro­ceeded to

Houon thus .. lIh lit. rr I do IQ •• Iltee I do lone. thIn. That non. but toola wuuld k.ep -

wben suddenly h .. tbrew up bl. arm. anll fell upon tI~. -hIKe. bl. fuee to .... r.

we arc taught the lesson of seemed to be saymg to me 'Wltat and proVldence for iill hla are you domg here? ThiS IS my prop­

creatures The text 18 Luke xu, 6, arty You are mtrudmg on my mnter "Not one of them IS forgotten before nal domam I must look after my God" chtldren, and you are worryIng me al _ Wha~ are God's provIdences? most to death I cannot si.nl1d tillS

"'Vcll," you answer, Ute use plam stram any longer" Then thIS lIttle 81lnple, practIcal intelligIble Enghsh, bird flew off a short distance and be­they melln God's watch lui and pro- gan to chatter to her mate TillS hus­tectmg care over his creatures For band was a solemn, dlgmfied bird mstance I have a bttle buby born He seemed to be much older thall into the world I do Dot 'go and leave she Then I thought I heard thii male my little 0110 as Ii foundhng upon bird cry "My dear, do not worry Romo doorstep With the cold snow That man WIll not hurt you nor your for a pIllow and With the whlsthng chIldren He IS not a hunter See, he January wmds for a lullnby But-I, has 8 pen III IllS hand That IS no

n lOVing parent, take care that she gun Go ahead and feed the babIes haR a soft crib 111 wluch to sleep As He will not trouble them" Thu8 he she grows older I caro for her and pro- coaxed and pleaded and at last qUIet­Vide for her until Ilt last she 18 ablo ed her It took a long time to per­

tllke care of hersell Now, If I do suade the frettmg wife not to worry I tillS [or my cluld I do a lather 9 thonght by the way she turned her

dnty and prove myself II prOVIdent eyes upon me sho seemed to sny parent When we speak of God s pro- "Husband, I th111k you are wrong vldences we sl)eak about the diVine That IS the same man I saw rUllmng Father's care for his human ofrspnng about these woods the other day With and lor tbe prescrvatlOn 01 hIS nm- a shotgun over Ius shoulder But 1 mal, vegetable nnd mmeral world' "Ill follow your adVice and go and

How comforting is the thought of look after the chtldren" Then I saw tho dlvme care! Even Thomas Carl) Ie, tillS mother bud fly mte a small green the gloomy, dcspondent pllliosophor, tree by my sldc, and at onco I salY felt It In a letter to a frIend ho w rote. the nest Then four montbs shot up "'Our WIll be done' What elso can over the nest Those little nedgohngs we say? 'lhe othcr Dlght III my sleep seemed to be all months, and they less tosslIlgs about. whIch were grow- seemcd to say, 'There 18 mother, and mg moro and more nnserable, these dmnor has eomo at last" "Ah" I

brtef, grand prayer callie saId to myself ns I "atched the I'st!~Lng:elli.!~OO my mmd as II wrItten anXietIes of that mother bird 'God

new emphaslH aq not only gives to the httlo birds a for me III mIld beautifnl world to hve m, but ho also

l~i~~.i0~~·.';~~I:~~': black bosom of makes that bellutIful world glow WIth I, as It wer~ the tender ties 01 domet\1C love 'Has

r~~~~~'~~~~iw~o;;r~d:~wlth a sud God blessed your hfe WIth the

I fa~~I~x~~r~~: whIch Wlll:l 01 mother and father llnd Inis-

AlT't1!at 1"Ir<l need"o dO IS to aft'1lpon Isrnel nntll He bud sbown tbem His 1\ perch, Just as you Sit upon a tree love nnd po1\er by redeeming tbem brnneh and tWitter and talk and talk f10m Egypt The messngo which "e and tWItter' What wonld be tho re arc to currl Is thnt ot John lII, 16 nnd snIt? Why soon very soon, the plum- "hen people sec the 10\ e oC God to age 01 that sparrow would be rurned them, Icall~ sec and believe It, they Then hIS head "ould droop, and ho "Ill want to 10\ c and pleuse Rim would SIcken and dlo Ah tho spnr 1:bc Spirit "Ill clnlm HIs o\\n prop­row does not find health and strength erty nnd Iml)reSS upon such hearts and hapPllless 111 dOlUg nothmg I God thnt like Dunlel s Crlends they cnn blesses hIS creatures by glvmg them opportunity for ccaseless acbvlty He not how d()" n to uny hilt the true never blesses a hfe by never emlmg God (Dun Ill, 17 18) Wo shall by case the Spirit of GOll In liS Il~ e Ollt the

Why does the trout's fin look hke n Ufo oC the lesson toduy wblch our flake of SIlver as he leaps out of tbe Lord Himself hus explulned to us In oddy Because every mornlllg and Mutt v ns reCelllng to the Inwurd evemng he finds hIS health und pUI ts 1\ hete tbe Lord desires truth strength and JOy through workmg (Ps II, 6) Next to God come onr nnd labonng III the currents of tho earthly pments to be bonoled und brook to get IllS dally food Why do I tho lower blanches of a treo grow obe}ed See Jet xxx\,18 ID, Epb , strongor and heaVIer? Becuuse each 2, Prov I, 8 uud con trust Ex xxi, 16, lower brnnch hlLq to reach out farther 1'10\ xxx, 17, Deut xxi, 18 21 nnd farther m Older to push Its leaves In Matt x, 37 \\0 lenrn thnt to lovo mto tho sunhght Why does the busy fnthel llml motile I more tllnn the Lord mnn find hfe un endlcss JOY? 13e Is not light. III 1\II1tt ~,21 22 wltb causa as he works and keops on "ork I John 111 15 \\e lire tnugbt thut mg he not only WillS a hvohhood for hahcd Is murder lu the sight of God, Ius dear onos, but by that work ho nnd In Cain lIud IIerodlas \\ 0 sec how gets a clearer brum and purer blood hatred or an Inwurd glUdge led to and hnpPler hie Oh, my friends do not begrudge the sparrows then WOI k I mUider 'Ihe SU\ lour s tenchlng con­Do not SllY to me that it IS a cruel cernlng thc sc\elltb commllndment Is God \\ho would Inde food for Ins h(" thl1t 11 lustful 1001, Is guilt In thnt re tic buds III tho carth Oruel lIldced speol (lIIutt \ 28), nnd "Itll It we would be that God who would mnko might put 'The tbought of (oollsbness hie easy for Ins elnldren and for IllS Is sin' 'Vltll tbe elghtb cOlUmnnd feathered friends mont remember Epb lv, 28 I '.rbess

yo' old mammy II 8ee yo' 00 mob­DO Dlob I I knows wh1 yo'. IIwlne, Mar'i'r Edw.rd I'Ke beurd yo' talkin' obout her In yo' aleep But yo' atoy. and 10' mamm1 bUR ala" .. cllarm rob

for tlurty o~J.~ji;'~~eJnnd Wife and chtld as he has formally ,~ ihe love ilfe of a htUe bIrd?

... "'"111,,........ vra:v'ar-.,-nay, Thero may be more beautIful treel! than the old cherry tree willch grew just to the left 01 our wmdow m lh" old fashIoned house w here ~ e wero born }Iany yenrs ago the worms played havoo WIth S6me of Its branch os The old tl unk had a hump 011 It, as though the wmlf.r wmds had push ed against It too long and too hard

But though I Itm struck WIth mnny lv, 0, lind consldm that It Is posslblo wonderful ehalactenstlc8 of the htt1e evell to rob God (Mal III, 8) If we bIrds of the \\ oods lIiler nil, thell' rcnd"f to God less thun Il seventh or

10' Den abe'tI yo's fob .. "1"sh"\1'; mummyl

bearmg tht! ~~~t;~l'~t:~i~t~~~:~~g~~r~a!n1dfather had !n:y£,'cYl'.s:"u.1 and

absences at corlllln SMsons of the ~ year Impress me Just as much as the 'ft'''~'tlme Ilnd a tenth of ottr Income bleSSings With which they nre sur we are lobbing God, und there Ilre oth­rounded m tho sprlllg and lhe sum er wa~ s As to tbo next If there Is the mer and the antumn November slips love tbot thlnketh DO evil there will 111tO December 'lho bellutlful tapes never be false witness bearing (I Cor tnes of the \\oods havo Itlded UWIlY xlii, 5) In Zecll \11,10, vIII, 17 wo are nnd been dcstroyc(l Now lOstead 01 forbidden to Imnglne ovll In our bourts the leaves of the trees rusthng \\ I th against a brother or a nelgbbor In gladness, cllch tree trunk covered \11th Ps 111,4, I) soo II bat God snys ot a do­whIte snow looks hke a column of spotless marble Whero are tho birds? celtful tongue On covctousness soo Where are tho little bUGS that used Hab II, D, Luke xli, 15 Col Ill, Ii to mako the welkm rlllg WIth their Ibe }oung man or Lulre x\ 111 21 never endmg choruses? "Oh,' you thought that be bad I[cpt nil these answer, 'they have gono I They Pnul also thought that he bud dono have IIllgrnted No soonor dId the \\ ell In I efelelltC to tbe rlghtcousness bhdards of the ArctIC beglll to ho\\1 of the In\\ but this tcntb command than God seemed to cnll Corne, Itt ment opened hl~ es cs (Phil 111 6 Rom tie buds-come I to come vII 7 11) In las II 10 "e lel1(l that WIth me to the It "whosoe\ct Hhnll I,eep tho \\ bolo Inw IS too cold for ~ our your tonder thTo!lts nut.! ~ et olIentl In one point be Is gullty to the sunny south" of 1111 nnd In 'lew of tlle light till 0\\ 11

IS .fly Yes, thoy fly out IIPOll theso commnnds by our Lord '~:~~::ll'hey flyaway flam the willte shronds IIIUl8Clf thele Is 110 one In his light

I j~~r~;~1~~~~~~1r~[~!~~t~~;,~rOi~~!~ of frost They fly to where tbe sun mimi \\ ho \\ oulll dllre to think thllt ho IS never clouded where hud I,cpt tho lu W lIud posscsscd tbe and brooks are IIever rlgbtoousness tll It God requires It They fly to where thoy \\e ule 110t righteous "0 arc un and whore they wlll not die d 'th " Itt God has called to some of oor htUe rlglitoous, on 0 unr g J eOUR bIrds called clllidren and some 01 our shnll 1I0t Inbellt the kingdom ot God bIg buds called men and women He 1 COl ,I 0) but Christ "ns mnde called and sQld "Come fllther come sin fOI us tba t \\ e might be mndo the mother, como, \\ Ife, come. husband, righteousness of God In Rim, lind Ho como, Clllid Come lIltO the lalld of Is til(! enll ot tlie III w for IlgltteollSlle~s flowers Come moo the land of eter to e\ t'r~ oue thnt bellevetb (II Cor v nal sunsll1ne Come lOto the land 21 Horn x '1) Concerning ull wlto where you be troubled hnly receh 0 Him It Is \\ Iltten "ot

"m,ve:r.fear 1II1l1 nrc S e In ChrIst Jesns who Of ·"~'~·,I·,line God Is made unto US" Isdom and right

eOllHllOSS nnd snllctlflcntiQn nnd re Ilcmptlon tflat according us It Is 'Hit, tell He that glolleth let him glOIY In

Lord' (I COl I, 30,

, • '"' • I

Mone'" to Lo Reports of the'wedding anlli"er-., .......... , sary of Mr. aud . Mrs. C. R. Dar-

"'1i:l,·),:~". ling aud of the County Conrt Ses-At lowest rates on farm sian are crowded out of this is~;\\e.

town property for long or short , 'President R. C. Evans, of the

, . Church of Latter-Day Saints, ad· Farm Lands For Sale. dressed a public meeting ill Staples '1'he following are offered cheap "n.ill' on 'l'uesday evening. Nulice

quick sale:-S.W. J.( 4-8-8, W. of the meeting being short, there


DIA:tvlOND .. RING FOR $2 .. .00.

\Vnll A DIAMOND RING FilE!!: hal\' tu secure a




lilY prClllihes about ~ray 24 lust; a red tlvo-yenr-old heifer,sol,ne', ,vbite on bi:lly. QlVuer lItoy hove ~anJe hy paying ex'P~nses.

• " T. GORDON, 27.6: 10 Beocol1sfield.

S.B. J.( 3-8-8, W_ were 110t us U1any present os other· wise would have been. N. Wilson

L:OMPLIlXION. Diamonds and ex- I

r,;~~'0;;':\~:!Y8,ncc ••• orC .• V • LINDSAY. presided. Mr. Evan's showed the j;~j to J. 'I'. Bold'" Co. difference between Utah MonuQn-ism and the Latter-Day Saints. Quoting from the Book of 1\Iorllloll and tbe Book of the COI'enDuts, he made it quite clear that polygamy is utterly condemued in the dogma

pl'Dctice of the Church found~d by Joseph Smith in 18:~0. He showed further tbat Brigbam Youcg was au apostllte froUl the

qlliRile complcxiGn uri:, beth desir-able. All opportunity to every man is now offered. for obtaining both. For $2.00 I offer a .2 Kt. Gllid Shell Ring, "haped like a bel­cher, with a Tiffany setting, set with a g-enlline diamond and will send fl'ee with every ordeOhe recip!;; and directions for obtaining a genu­ine complexioii, easily understood und simple to follow. It will save the expense of Creams, Cosmetics and Bleache~. \Vi11 free the skin

li~~[;;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Latter·Day Saints as establisbed b Smitb, and with lib followers i tuted polygamy, blood atonement; and other pernicious doctriues and

from pimples, blackheads, etc., and 'It.;jii~:I!(-~:i~I~~:I~'I~;j!~1~7J~'!~'I$l.il<jil gh'e the skin beaut)' and softness.



',C. T. Busby, who has been visit­i ng here, bas left for ,Somerset.

practices, to cover lip their owu black deeds. Utah Mormollislll wit II its practice of polygalllY, the speak. er said, was started on its unsal'ory career by BrigllEllll Young. and should not be confused in the pub­lic milld with lhe Church of J<aller­Da y Sai lltS.

The Doctor Away from Home When Most Needed •

; Andy Moore, of Treherne,visited with friends here during the week. . :. Frank Rittenhouse paid a flying visit to his farm last week. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmAster



to be as represented, and should an)' purchaser be dissatisfied, I will cheerfully refund the mOlley. Do 110t let the price lead you to doubt t[le g'el1uiness or value of this ring, as the abuve guarantee protects e.lch and every purchaser. Send me $2.00 by mail and luke ac\\'antage of this o fTe I', as the time is 'limited. Send size of finger for which ring is desired.


AUCTION·EER I am now in Tr~herne ugaiu, and

prepared to comlller auction sale:; in tOWll and C01l 11 11 y, and guarnlltee the best service possible ill every way, prepared to gllarnntee all solf.!s, and pay cash to sellers all tbe day of sale. For terms etc., apply at McGowan' s warehouse, ()r to

-We bad a beavy rain here last at Cherrydale, Ind., keeps also a Saturday nigbt whicb bas brighten- stock of general merchandise aud JAS. STEVENSON, ed the crops up, and proRpects aredpa[~I~[ medicines. He says: "Cham-

32 East 23rd. Strt!et. , New Vork City.

looking a bit brighter as w.:ll. ain's Colic, Cholera. and Dial" ~==;========='7' Aucti9l1cp.r aud Valuator. rhoea Remedy is standard here in 1.0ST ....",====~~====== '~Two Mormon elders passed. f '1 • . '"

through here last week on their Its line. It never al s to give satls- - 1 1 ~"4"""4""""""".' factioll alld we could hardly About June 1st, 190 7, a rec a~( '!! ,way to Winnipeg. to be without it." For sale by white yearling heifer. horus turned

• de[llers everywhere. back. Information leading to re-~AII Irish priest had labored hard '!!!!!!!! ................. '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_"""''''''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... =~ covc:ry of sanie will be thankfully

'with one of, his Hock to induce him IMPOU"DED received. D. CAnInRoN. to give up whisky. If I tel! you, 42'44P '1'reherne P.O. Michael," said the priest, "whisky I Grey Mare. bmuded "R.R II." it"yollr worst enemy and you shollld all left hip, colt at her side; I bay

TO RENT . keep as far away from it' as YOIl Colt, two years old, with white ,'can." "Me enenlY, is it, Fatber?" faee; I dark iron grey Colt, olie On Shares, tlle S. W. j.f. 2·8-10.

responded Michael. "and it was year old. Owner mny lll",e by Now is the time to plow for next your River.nce's self that waS tell- paying expense. season's ·crop. Over 20 acres new ·iog us in the pulpit ollly last Slln- JOHN THOlllPSON, land , 2ud crop of[. Must ktlOl\,iu .d·ey to love our enemies." "So I 42 '43P s. 20-8-9 three weeks tillle was, Michael," rejoined the priest, =============1 DR, T. G. PHII;LIPS, ",lint I did not tell YOIl to swallow TE"DERS WA"TED 61 Yorkville Ave .. them." ' 41-46c '1'orouto, Onto

.. A.G., FRY,

, . I Hill IlIIW \1I'(lI)luml to llo OAIlIU.\O l ~AINTINa on Lhe Shol Loet . Notice,

HOllse Painting, Paper Hanging T B R M S UODBRATB. Oruon mn)' bo loft nt tho 'l'rohurno lIolol, ........ .

T~eherne ,

Sealed Ten clers fa r the pu rc 11 a se ""''''''''';''''''''''''~''''''''~!!!!!,=~=!!!!!!i!!!!!!i~ Last Saturday A, Rutherford had of the Old Scboolhollse in 'freherne "" '=~==~=======:,~

unique experience of meetilogl will be received by the l1ndcrsiglled FOR SALE ,._".'.L. a huge black bear quite close t 'rl d A t . 1 H' up 0 noon on Illrs ay, ngm; Severnl

hiS p ace, IS son, who was on 1st. All scbool fllniishings nre ~""rQahn"", s~w Bruin first, and he reserved'by. the School Board. Applv to

. fi rst-class thilch cows

J. H. RomtR'I'SON, t S.W.;4/14-8-IO. to his father, wll@ ,vas Board also reserves the right to lise 40.'1~p

n,~;~!~;~lfyUP another borse. As is the building fOI' school purpoiies as ""-~=========:::=;===I K' the case in emergency, a long as they may require it, after

waS not at band, and after the which it will be turned over to the " <0, ' --•• ' ••• '~ ,

"1:1:.ear"·~lad turned and' showed his purchaser, who. must removc it SOtllh,'}4 of 22-7' I I ).!alf ,·:~rt~I~~;i~:t,~~m~ade good an escape. Mr. from the s.::hool grouuds at his own from Hollanel,upward of i80 uncleI' 'J tells us tliis bear is the expense and risk. ill at least three ciiltivalioil 40 more to. break; bal-

he has ever seen, and tlie k ft 't b' tu ed hay and J1"asture, g,?od house, s of the feet, which could be :::r.

s a er I 5 elng so ~u "r'lliai"r'" out-buildiug:;, good shelter and

traced across the fields,Were. The highest or any.timcler not water. Apply to' W. J .. Mills,

larger than a man's hand.- necessarily accepted. Hollaud, or R. J. Mills, 'frehern~, A:*,~r{1~~~~~~ll~i.!if1!3~to~~~~~ f~~;~~;:I~!~; ;':'\<~)ODller'set Century. R. J. MII,LS, Sec' y_ Treasurer and be cOllvinced that it is the bes( .~: !'. Bill Nye when a yonng man once West Treberne S. D. deal on the market to:day.

an engagement with a lady I~===f~=~~===== 28 tf . ,;'.Ifr:i.~!nd of bis to take her drh'ing of = ................ .."., ...... ;,;,;;,""'"""':~~~;;...,#~~"""~~""""""~~ ..... """,;,...~I

SU'lId~LY afternoon. T.be appoill~­;::,;;t,:<;.edl'diLv came, but at the livery stable

h)lll,tbe horses ,were out save one ,i;li~a,ky, exceedingly bony nag. <

Nye ·bired the. horse and ;;,i:lr(iveto bis'friend's residellce:'1'he IM:atc:\J,e c)Ufv.i~rrehel'ne,

let bim ·wait nearly all hour AFiTll:RN:oa'N ~~~ii:;i:).x;fo're she was ready and theu on f;r!:)~vll,~wing his disreputable olltfit flat· ;)j"'?2I:r:,rletused to accompany bim.

by. II she exclaimed . sUI~er. i,:ioi&ly, "tbe horse lDay die of

~1~il~~Ji?;~~~Z~:~ ,

-...:. • • :.- • . ' -_ _ - w - ,'~ • _ • _ ,,;:!

en ra ore. I Fr.o"'t St,,~ Treherne" I

,_.om m z:t:z=


-- -- -


THERE is -no reason why you should not be as stylishly dres­sed, as neatly dressed and as

comfortably c1re~sed as any Ulan in Canada. All you need to know· is t~o things---who makes'the best and most ~ty 1ish clothes, an d who sells them in this town.


It is now conceded on all sides that .20TlI CENTURV BRlND garments are, the jines,t made in Canada artd the onlY.·cl<?thes iII; t~lis'cot1ntry that class with the very beo:;t made. We ~re s~le ag'~nts for' them in this town and' clistt·ict. K_eep these two facts' in 'min~ and your clothes troubles are at an end.

We have just a few two-piece summer suits le ft, i11 b0th liglit and d_ark patterns. This is your last ch-ance to get

:one 'of thpse dressy suits at a bargain. tit .M



The balance of our ::.tock to clear at • a .'

. ,



. , . ...

This line includes Corset Covers: Night Gowns, Drawers and White Blouses.

For"theJ?alapce-?f the i~lonth ,we are offering" a discount of .cent: off [hess 1IIuslins and Ginghams. We have

"'i,,_ .. ~i\r7a'1""'T .. ":~.ice range of these g'oads o'n. hand, apd sllch bar­t ,n'Ot,last 'long., First come, iirst served.

, ~ , I .' I

- r. , y ,


"; , t! . , " ;

,\ Ii .. ~ ~ • ~


ij . i , .-

I, } , I , \ , 'I I


I I 1 ,

, . ..

, ..

I , J,

1 , J-

( 1

[' .f,..


t . r I \


I, ?

~ .... Money to Loan


~'ho rn to or lutore.t I. 6 1·2 per cont. If rOil want to put a loan Ob )'ottr farm

lrllldH. DDU'~ waiL until ratol of Inter" 0.tllloroa80. Do It now. Alao oholc8 larlll proporty BDel wIld land for la1e.

"lIIilIe ,r.,erl. ler slle er 'I rell.

G. A. Anderson.

............. _----_ .. The Week's Grist PorEon81 nnd Looalltom. about Pooplo

und Events ie and around Trobornu.

Thoe. Roberts was a Winnipeg Fnir visitor. .

Will. Mnir, of Swan Lake, spent last Suudny ill town.

Miss Ida McGowan visited in tbe city over Sunda,·.

..... Mr. and Mrs, J. Greenaway, of Rnthwell, Sl1ndayed in tOWII.

N. \\Tilson returned from a trip to the city last Satnrday.

Miss J. Barkwell is spending the week with friends in Winnipeg.

S, Cah'ert left 'On Monday lIlorn­iug's train on n short visit to Sask­atoon

Mr, nnd Mrs. A. Forbes, of Rath­. ' well, were in town last Thursdav


David A. Ross returned 011 Fri­day frolll a visit of several days ill the city ..

Miss Maud Allderson visited

Miss Ruby Winkler is howe for the holidays.

Mrs. J. Palmer retumed home by Monday evening's local.

W. H. Spinks was a passenger to the 'Peg on Monday's traill.

. Mrs. J. K. Scott and Mrs. Moore dro\'e over to Holland all Tuesday.

Miss Lanra \Voolley was a pas­seliger to the city last Friday even ing. .

Harold Parker, of Pipestone. visited at H. Field's during the week. \

Mrs. W. C. Hicks alld Miss E. Hicks are visiting fi'iends in Por­tage la Prairie.

Mrs. W. D. Staples left by MOll­dayevenillg's train to spelld the week in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyle, of Kin­istillo, arrived all Monday evenillg on a visit to friends.

Geo. Darlillg returned from Ed montoll on Monday evening on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Darling.

J, J. Ross rdurned on Wednes­day from Wadena, Sask., where he has been performing homestead duties for the past six months.

IMrs. Bartlett, of Lyleton, who has been visiting at James Aitche. son's for the last month, left on Tnesday on return borne.

A reward of $5 is offered for the return of a Masonic watch cbarm lost by Geo. Harper. Finder please return to Station Agent and claim reward .

N. Wilson will auction off a qnantityof household effects at the Matchettville Parsonage on Tues­day, July 30th .. See ad. in this issne.

...,...,~--- --'-' "

Mrs. J. K. and Miss F. Robson spellt Thursd'ay'in Holland. -


T. C. and Adam' Forbes were in town all Wedllesday, court-day. _

Mrs. C: Somerville, Swan River, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Bowles.

Mrs. Gee. Brock and Miss Millie Brock returned from tbe city Wed­nesday evening. '

D. Cameron has lost a red and white yearling heifer. See ad. else­where ill this issue.

Favorable weather dnring, the week has brought the growing crops along fin~ly.

W. Wheeler. of Ratbwell, drove up with ·N. N. Cairns to witness the ball game on Monday evening.

Mr. alld Mrs. R. H. Eadie and children and 1'. Roberts returned from' the 'Peg Fair all Wednesda}'.

One of our townsmen was heard to remark that the Winnipeg Ex­hibition was nothing but a pick­pocket.

J. Dietrich's mowing machine can be heard these days mowing down the superfluous ~rass alollg the boulevards.

, Alf. McGow1m returned from Neepawa 011 Tuesday night's ex­cursion. Business in Neepawa aJ:­pears to be in a bad way.

A splendid sample of bearded barley, picked up at random on' P. Hauselwood's farm, was sbown 115

yesterday. It measured four feet and was well bearded.

friends in Cypress River last Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham and

Miss Helen McLeuQan left on Tuesday morning's train on an ex­tended visit to friends in-the East. She goes by way of Chicago, where she will visit an uncle before ceeding to Nova Scotia. Miss Lennan will . return ill the fall to Toronto to spend the winler. .

dny "lId Frl'cla}' Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Reeves were .. . His Honor Judae Ryan consider-passengers on' Monday evening's ,.,

C. V. Lindsay Snndayed in Win· train to Winnipeg Beach, where ed the appeal of W. J. Barron for a uipeg, returning home by Monday's h '11 d h k reduction of his assessment from tel'. WI spen t e wee . 11.04 train, $4 per acre to $2.50 per acre on



MiSS. Bella BOUSIJII, "I~T""'I CH­IIn.llerl. t' 1 .. le.


Taacher of' Plano .. Organ:'.





e: •• purAALE P.OPL •• 8 R.P.".NC. AND



VOUlt LOCAL'''''.


NEW VOliN clry.

Harness .... We have a good display of Single

Harness, Lap Dusters , and Whips.

Also a large stock of Team Harness Sweat Pads, Horse Brnfjhse,

Curry Combs and other stable requirements

always on hl;lnd and at right prices.

Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases


Broadway, Treherne.·

Blacksmithing. All kinds of General Black­

smithing. Horse shoeing and general repair work our speci­alties. The best work man­sltip at shortest notice.

BUGGY REPAIRS. \Ve have Tops, Trimmings

and other buggy fixings, aud can repair your old rigs to' make the,n look like new.



H.: A. Sanderson THE FRUIT MAN

5"ountain !/)rink~.

We have Ollf Soda Foull­taiu set lip again and are prepared to que ncb your thirst with the best drinks available. -:- -:-' -:--.-,

J, K. McLennan attended - the section, 34, tp. 8, r. '8; The Coun-A. J. Tyson and Dr. Lipsett, of '1 f th M .. I't d d annual meeting of the Grain Com- CI 0 e nl1lClplI I yen eavoure Holland, were business visitors in b- th t th t Pllnv in Winnipeg 011 Tuesday, re- 5 ow a e assessmen was




town on Friday last. 't bl . . 'th tb turning by the late excursion train equi a e 111 comparison WI 0 er Mrs. Geo. Brock and Miss the sam.ght. lands in, the municipality. Mr.

Willett were passen~ers to the city , , Barroll, however, brought' e\'idence on Saturday'S express. The. pulatioll of t~e Dominion to ·show that be had the poorest

on April, 1907, is' estimated at land ill the municipality. His Misses M. nnd E. Da\'is left by 6,504,900, an increase of nearly a Honor concurred with him and

Sa turda y_evening' s train on a visit million alld a quarter since 190 I. .rednced the assessment accordingly. to relatives ill tbe city. At the present rate of immigration I

there should be over 8 000 000 - A I~rge the ""Allan Ross h!,s had, his IUIllIg~1 Canada before'19 u :; . .,-. .'" '" local lodge

on Frollt Street raised with a good of oth,er foundation put under it. An amusing story is told of a cftizens, went to 'Rh'er

Moines man who went to the Ch'CUiSI Friday to attend' Orange celi!. Mr. dE., ~fall~alh and Miss M. and was thus addressed by bration there. A large crowd was

McLeo VISited 111 Holland between "What steps would you incline present. The brethree~n~e:~~~~:d~ trains on Monday. take, sir, in the event of yonder through the town. On tl

Mi~ses R. Smitb and E. Barkwell tiger effecting his liberty ?\, "Very there wer~' addresses by ... "vs,

left by Saturday morning's train on long ones," replied the laconic Pollock, Frizzell, and Mr. ~t/\r'; n two week's visit with Mrs. G. capital city man. Elm Creek: Selections of - music Sayers, St. Cla~de. At a meeting of the bu were rendert!d by the Treherne and

Holland' brass bands. Dinner arid Mr. aud MrS. J. S. McEwing re- committee on' Mondav ev,enllng d supper were served by the hotels

turned all Monday's was agree to go 'On With the uU,lIU~1 and .Ladies' Aids of the'churches passenger, after a three week's trip illg of lhe Presbyterian Church, day was ,.very warm; but all to the coast. and Mr. Brock and gang are busy .

lrE~mclviIII!: the present building back a very enjo'yable puting. . . , An nutomobile party of lhree to make room.· A tender for the E .. T. McMillan" formerly editor

, passed through tOWII last Friday baseme~ll has been accepted, but of this paper' and now of the Moose evening all their way from Winni- not for the main building as yet. 'arrived on . on'

, .• ,peg to I~lgin. _ . , visit. ''I' .... :,:nr"iri .. "Editor Stead, of '-'-'.--'."

Miss Kathleen Martin returned publishing a uniQue Iittlt:.m~IKazl '. - home from Welwyn, Sask., on Fri- the title If Noble Deieds:

.' day evening last and will spend her name implies, it chroll.it::lles.Doble ", summer vacatioll :it her home ~-'-"I'a,nQ beroicdeeds

- '. 'The Times items last week' the

huildlng operations here were copied deeds on re,~or'd ~~£:~I~~!i~i:r~f~:m~~~:s~~~~i':~1~i~~:~~~:~~!, by The Western Canada COli tractor. its readers with'a more '. Every little helps to'advertise the view of humanity. The price . tOW,1l and district. - paper, is 25C ~ year.

A first class livery and feed busi­ness; good reliable horses; stylish rigs-everything up-to-date.

Prompt and obliging fervice. Draying aud teaming. Special atteritio,\ to Commerc~als.

LettnBr': Bros.' ~"

'wish to I!llnouilce that they have purchasec,! the Butch­er Business of C. A. Roux .

. and will carry it on at his j • 11 ," •

old stand .. Your,patronage ls' respe~tflilly ~olicit~d.

" , . . .




Sweet Capor, 1 Cigar­~tte5 lOco a phg.

Traharne, Man.

Ranton's Studio will" be open for b~siness on and

a.ft e r. . Mond,,,.-, May. 20th', "07.


Fine Jail



Big Reductions -in-

Single Harness For the next TWO WE EKS, we

will give the following sloarp reduc­lions 011 Single Harness for Cash-

50-Ge~uine Rubber Mount, a vel')' stylish harness, (/> made 01 Oak Leather, usual pl'ice $25, sale price .. . ..p 2 0.00

No. 4o--~iclde summit Mount, a· very show)' harness, us- 0 8 lIal prtce $22, 50, sale price , ., '" . . . , . ...p I .50

·No. 7-A good ser\'iceable Nic Hal"lless ancl nobby finbh (/> .

.worth $14.00, sale pric<! .... , . , . , , , ... ,p I 1 .50

\Ve will als? give 15 p~r cent" disCl1unt 011' all our dusters and lap rugs. A splelldld assortment to choose frol11. IVI;! ha\'e a fl;!w Fly Nets we,are selhng ofT at h~l.r price. See ollr $1 50 whips for $1.00, and 75c . whips fOI' Soc. RepaIrIng always done in H hurry.


Manitoba I

The Land of Opportunity For Parmer, Mechanic and Laborer

IN 1006 1. 3,141,537 nCl'es produced OI.2~O,1l3 btJahols of ",hout-avorngo

por Rcro over 10 bl1l!hols. 2. Farmol's oxpolluad o\'or 1,5J5,(~:i in oroctinJr uow ImildinS6. 3. Winuipog' building rcLllI'uti shuw $13 000.000 oX'))olldml. 4. A Provinciol.t\gricultnrul Culll!(Jo ostnbllshod. 5. Lnnd evorywhoro itl L1lo pl'n\ iueo contlnuoB to incrou6IJ In yulno

-ilIlOW rauses rWIII $6.00 tn *'~O.OO por nClo. G. M8Di~obli I!HS 45,000 PI~o8poroua fnrmors. 7. Mnnllobn h08 aUlI20,OOO,OOO ACrO!! Rl'nblo, "'rRiu prairio Ollon

ror Bo~tlaIJlOut.

The Land Whue a Man Can Mllcc the Most in the ...................... , .................................................................................... . Shortest Space of Time wilh Ih. Least Possible Effort.


'PO PROS13 EC'l.'IVE SE'I"L'I.arrL=tS Coming to Lho GI'onL 'Vost-Do lIot ImBS 0\'01' Mnullobll wiLhont sooing' hor ,'nlunhlo JnlllIR,lIS wull au hor gront oJIllortnulLiotl, Ilor tllTo\lgh Wlnnlpog wilhont IiLOPllluR' to oi1l!tin fuJI iurorlllnLiou about homoatonlls, ulso lAuds for snlo by tho Proviuoiu! Govorn. mOllt Bud nu11W8Y8,

R. p. ROBLIN. Premier or MnnitobR untI Ministor of l\griaulLuro

For spoolnl informntlon 'npply to Joseph Burhe, .

017 Alliin tit., "'lnlllpulI, AIUlI.

JEI!, Ho.rtnc:.v.


77 Yo"r St" Toronto,Out.

Robson's Lumber Yard 1907'

Spring An·nouncenlcnt. We have delayed onr usual spring annOllllcement owing to the

late season/and congratlliate onr- cllstomel!i on the fnct that the wheat seeding is now prnctically over and that we are assnred of a crop as llsual. \Ve are also -ready for business and in a position to fill orders for Building Material of all kinds ..

NUI.NAt IIAN~ CfIlINT.-We ha\'e just unloaded n fresh car. LIlIIIII.-Unloading cars every day just now.-SpJ\CIALTY-Cal'

Cedar Shiplap at $28,00 per M,. • 1 ....

lIlIf.-Fresh car in to·day at 4oc. a bushel.

IIlIIUE nl"'II.-The·Best make in Canada . ~AI ...... 1. 1I.lllIINGI. &e .. always 011 hand.

J.I . .-'ItOBSON. < "


If Republic Can t Control Fract OUS State the Island K ngdom

Will London-The correspondent of the

Dally Telegrapl at TI e Hague sends m a column dlspntcl whIch purports to reflect tho vIe vs prevllIhng there on U e Japanese Arne lOan sItuatIOn winch he declares to bo more absOl b mg tI an tho co Iference tself The correspondent says tI It as a result of hlB mqu rles I 0 learns U at th" S tuatlol IS IPally stratnod alt! ough both govern me Its are try ng to con ce II tt 0 fnet lIe nsserts tI at s ncc June 20 the quest 01 I as e Itered up on an acute pi ase Japan has I cen sendtng the U ted 8tates extremel) categorical notes stat I g w tI out bitterness b t In the clearest terms the dIlemma tl nt unless Wasl ngto IS able to COl trol CI,lI forn It J p w II consl Ie he self frco to nct d rectly aglllnst Cnllfor I n Noth ng llowever I as yet bee! exchanged p e clud ng a pnClfic sottle el t but lIIany of tho J Ipanese nt lilo Hague are of tI e opm on tl It tho J"IlP lDese governlllont ougl t to net WltI out do lay and I ot l: vo tI 0 U I ted States tin 0 to utIhze I er vnst roso HCCS nnd economic potentllllity n I undredfold grellter tI a I Jnpnn s to perfect war Hke prepnrnt on8

In an ed tor nl a t cle TI e Tole graph says It does nol Ident fy Itself With tI e statements of Its corr€lspon"I dent at TI 0 Hnl:ue to be charlled Vlt undue dancy At tho sa no ttme tI 0 papel contlllues they are 1111 de upon a not­able authOrIty al d they cnnnot be rend Without profou d u lenSlllOSS The Telegraph A convlIIced how ever tl at tI 0 stntcs nansl J.> of botl countlles WIll be strong enough and the lIIat not of tho two nutlOl s snne enough to hoI 1 mad clauVlI Ism II lensh Nevortheloss the pnpel de elllros It III I nposslble to deny tI e danger of tI 0 s tt atlo TI 0 preR,"n •. peaco conference from Its las created dlsngroon ent tlon tendml; to mako vorse HI.StllllO of Improvo tI 0 relat ons powors Tlo last assembly nt Hague was follo ved by great con fllcts we cal only pray that the present ono mny not bo succecdod by moro ternblo calamities

In conclUSion nftor n full d scus sion of the pOInts of d fference 1 he Telegrllph declares that It IS not a color question but fu damcntallv an oconolll c q lestJO I It says fUi Ll er

We trust our nllles v II take I t at that and reallzc that tI c po nt of nal10nal honor has beC! nCCIde tally caught up WIth the p oblom but IS not permanently IIlvolved m t Any attempt to sottle the quest on by arms ~hatever the 1m nedlato IS sue ,ould menl soonol or later a hundred yenrs conflict

• = • ~


Settler. Long Dog SI3d Dr ve to Save His Wile a Life


Britain ~ Pr nc pal Harbor Along the sen ~all bet ee Ryde

and Sea V e v tl re IS 8 keen breeze


blo I{ ng tlllt vi IpS tl e willers be 0 ~ IOte an unend ng processIOn of wllte horses Alli ougl t IS 0. n ~ty do\ those passu g 0.10 g the wall n ay dl~ cern Portsmouth nd South sea beym d 011 the rna nland In wi at the p l nter. call the nJlddle chstance lire tI 0 fort.! U lit dom lIate tI e el trance to 0 IT prellller war harbor POlldorous and II ert am d the restless seIlS tl oy off"r n VIVId contrast lo lhe long 10 I{ I I " Wltl ts l}ellnOIl of murky smoko tI nt marks the trail of a destroyer crOCI mil out to U e wost The waters tI t thiS 1I1ho groyhound among shll s fill gs back COl temptuously from ts bows are the wnlors of an I Isterlc III chorngo tho asscm bly groul U of tI e ,orld s navIeS SPIt! oad

The Vear Without • Summe~llmat

They I nve I ot al~ .ys I et upon peaeer I miss ons tl esc warnor lUI bassadors of tI e lowers A t the vcry dawn of nuvul ~nrllre SPltl ead vad tho sccne of 8 "llonfl ct between tI c fleet of Hel ry VUI under Lord I Isle and the fleet of Franc s of France under d Annebf\ut Incoll cluslve I Its results that baLLle WIIS \ ot marked by n great dlSlLqte tl loss of the Mary Rose SrI Iwltr I Howard hn 1 01 ce descnbed tI s ah I I1fI the noblest slip of slllI at tI is hour that T trow be m Chrlstendol But she I ad a fault her 10 vcr dock porla ~ ere too Ollr tho water Imo Tackll g I 0. slrong bloczo With tI 0 ports open nnd tI e guns co.,qt looso sl e teol In II enormous quant ty of water \\ ns h ought over OI her benm cnds an I rapidly sanlc Hor capta nand 1111 I er con pleme t b t 36 'C1 t down v tI I e Io I v n tI 0 museu n of 1I e ROYIlI U lIte I Se vICe Inst toTO a fo v el cs of tI 0 ~llp all tl at s left to ro I. of one of tI e ear est of the gre It I II val I 5 lsters n our history A r I n th It sa ne II uaCUlI arc relics of 1I other clltllstropl e s II liar n I any re specls-tl e loss 01 the Royal Gcorllo nt I er noonngs at Sp the ld 11 story of the Bad ever t IS best told n the sin pIe wor 1M of U e 1101 ument

II e cl rei ynr I at Porlsea On the 29t1 lay of A Igust 1782

IllS maJestv 8 ship the Royal GeorgI! be ng on tl 0 I eel at Sp U e dover sot III d ..Ilank by vluch flltol ,ccldent Ibout !l00 persons wero nstanLlv launcl od mto eterl Ity nn ong vi on \las that br vo n I expor enced 011\ cer Rear' hmrnl Kempenfoldt N ne doys afte ma y bodies of tI e u br tunates floate I 35 of whOl ve e bur led tn one grave onr th B mOl I II ent witCh IS electe I by the parisi of Port­§ea as n grateful tnbute to tl e ne ory of tI al gent CODlII Illlder and I Id follow sufferers

During tI 0 Inst hal~turv Sp t­hend has som n any flit~ns n v I ga therlllgs In the early"i:tIlYs of 0 clads there was II. VISit frOl th French floet un ler COllnt Bo let­\\ Illaumez und a review at 81 t­head when suet historIC vessels s the Black Pr I ce tI e Hector n d tI e Defence lllv III the line al d wor all tho top c of convOislllolI aDlO IP' profeBBlonol II en

'I he two Jub lee reviews RI d thu coronatIOn revle v brought toget! or tI ree wonderf II asse nblles of tI c wllrslups of tI e vo Id I 1887 there were 109 Brit al penna Its flymg 2G arllDrod 81 IpS I1n I 83 others bes deB foreign V sitors In IS97 tI ere were I6fi ships I J(I 111 1902 tI cre woro 130

'II e n ere fig res gIve vo y I ttl Ideo. of tI 0 scene te thoso vi 0 \I ero not actunlly 1 resont Nor do tI ej oemet tute a recor I for at tI 0 grent nnval rev eo.v 11 ISH at SI> thend n I onor of tho all ed soverelj!1 s tI Pr nco Regent of Brltn n the E nperor of Russ a nnd tI e KIUg of 1 r S81 I nspected II fleet of over two hundre I

vessels rhere IS 0 0 Inst soono 111 the story

of Sllthend tI at 110 EI ghsl I a I Cll leave 0 t of IIccoulI~the passu g of Queen V ctorla

The Alberta WIth tI e wi lte ens gl at half mast nnd all II e assembled warships 181m lar monrlllng tl d dull slow boom r g of t! e m n It guns tI e gr~y I uod clouds of s OK thllt hung listlessly over tI e face of the waters tI cse were the aspects of the great anchorage on a day when i' did not rejOice

In Social W.. Then

no manu I ron plows La

I ad not be- n no 011 lampd

and very few


FeUows'Leeming's Essence

Bat dou't wait until an animal Is Injured. G~r IT NOW-and you ha"" the remedy tbat CURES aU lameness in borses.

If your dealer doe!! not bandle It, eend 5Oc. to National ONS'" ChemIcal Co , Umltod,


A Grim Joke An AmerlClLll on a VISIt to J.ondon

took II 'bUB to UIO OJ ty eVe! y morn­ing, where ho had business lo do WIth lin AngI[) llJlIerlClln 111 m, says ILIl exchange Ho nlwnys Silt belund the driver On tho first J[)urney he notlcod that on arnvlllg al a certain corner tho driver took out hlB big Silver walch, dnngled it to and fro n few tunes nnd wmlted Jovlllily at all mdlvldunl who slood at the door of Il shop ,

"Why do you do thBt?' thll Amerl-enn nsked ,

"Well .. soid the dnver, tnklllg hIS Pillfl Iro'm 1118 mouth, "that's II little )01<0 we 'liS between us, beln' ns IVO nrc old frionds. You see, hlB fnthel was 'anged"

--:--c.,--.,---$100 I{EWAI\D $100.

Tb. rNden of lhl. C1.v,Jr will btl pleuod.-to 1M.,. ... t. there S. at lOMt anA droadtl(l dllN:tMe tl .t, ~lenC( ta .. been. able to oure In .. U Ita .tllMOll. and that. I .. ea,....rb. Ilall'. Cularrh I. thu onl), ,1OI1('ln

~d.... F. J OImNJJ:Y A UO • ~oledo. 0 &ute! b, c'lrunlflt" 760 Tak. D£lll'. F.mlb Pill. tor cotltrtlpetlaa.

Boy-]\[y molher bought Bomo shp· pers last Iveak.

]\fan-}'eItP Doy-Yep Three times ahendy­

~ Denver Post.


you , Schu. bert's musIc always carries me away

The Delle-Really? I WIsh they'd play aome of it now I-Illustrated Dlts

PAPA'S STORY. Th. ForcD of Habit, "Do I snole?" snld tha fat com mer·

-, ". r ciol drummer. 'I shonld sny so. '1'bot's , ..... "wava B. In Good Humor and Talk why 1 cun't use nn iilulllI clock. I can't

Plea.ant Things. beur 'em. My snore drowns the best of "Pupnl" Here arc some Interestlng 1I1u8sul· 'cm. And, speaking of the fOlce of "Well?" .unn Injunctions of convl\lallty, says Ilablt-I put up once at u Clow~ed "Tell me a stOI")." \be London Lancet. Tbe houor of be- country botel "bele 1 had to double np

lug selved tli'lil lJelongs to the lovltw with nn ncquailltunce. I told him I "I'll tell you 1ust ono It yon - guest" bo is, ill the possession oC any snored II few, but be didn't mind, be

[)romisc to go to sleep." lJlgb title or wbo ha~ iu ony woy or said been use llis wife was n stnr in "My pajamas don't feel good." iphere distinguished himself. It the thnt' line, oud he had II 'system' to "Doo't think niJont them. I'll host IiImselC is the oldest In the com· beat It _


HI. Attempt to Tell It WhIle Tryinll to Put Robert A.I •• p,

you II st~ry, but olle will be 011." Dony or baJ uny blgb decoration oC "'I'll just top you on tbe sboulder 1111' Todd sot beside the bed and be- lDerlt, be must first begin the meal every time you begin to, snore,' be ex.

gan: ' wltbout delny In order not to let the plalned 'Tbat'll stop you wIthout " GRIIIIN TIIA "Once there was a lItt1e_uoy"- otbers unduly walt. It shows bad up- waking you. and after n little I'll drop A P.Pf.ot ·LuJlur, to dapan Tea Drink ..... "What's his nllmo?" IJl'lnglng to be In n p1elancboly mood at orr ml self.' 81100.11. "I tOlget." - tnble or to speak of disagreeable things "It \\ 01 ked lI\,e a cbnl m I felt bls L.,g PAO •• T. O.LY. 40.; Hi' .... eo. P.r Lit, AT ALL "Didn't he hnvo any nome?" or to engage In Inapproprinte a~I~;:~ltaps tOl n time, but Dnnlly vII 1 went "Yes. to be sure be blldl Don't Inter- slon8 on matters ot reUglous on a dream of $1(1,000 sulnry nnd

rnpt me, nobert" I~oremost of nil, one must always be per cent commission. 'Veil, sir, wbeo "Then what WIIS It?" good humor nnd tnlk of pleasant things, nwoke In the mOl nlng there wos thnt "Why. his nnme was-blS name os did the prophet IJlmself ~ ehop tnplling nWIIY lit my-s\jouldel' leg.

.Iullus" You must always belp YOllrselC from iliaI' liS cloeltworlt, nnd be sound nsieep Scene "Julin's n girl's name!' Not Vet the side of the dish nearest t[) you nnd Been at It nil nlgbt, dOll·t lOU sec?


fit Spirited Delence By Lalh During Tudor War •• "ThIs boy s name was Jullns, not (Tommy-Does it make any differ- never try to Dnd out tbe best bits, Force of buhlt."

JulIa lIe wns named for Julius Cne· ence if bBby takes all Ius mediCIne wblch ougbt to be left for otllel' guests Anll he beallled Indulgently ou the snr." nt once, It one of the Invited hus not much a!'· silent lUll ty -New York Globe.

"I Imow somethlng- about- Jullua Baby's Mother (in horror)-Good petite, you must nsk him up to three Cueslll," Hobert Ilxclnimed, BItting up heavens I Of course It does. tlmcs with some kind cbosen words to

Tomm"-Bul It hBsn't made any t k f the mfinls A longer Insist suddenly nud quotlog: ,-, PIU a e 0 ~ •

aifference.-Punch. euce woulll cause ennui nnd would be "Jul1ulI Cnesnr I Wns n. wise old ceezer, most Innppropr nte You t,tlUst never

But he Croze on: hilI feet NERVOUS INDIGESTION. stop eutlng before otbers, becnuse In In a Ice crenm Creezer." A Severe Case Cured by Dr, Williams' doing BO 'you will embnrrass tbem nnd

"Wbero did you ever benr such a Pink Pill, couso tbem to 6nlMb quickly In ,rniL"'-thing liS thnt?" Ing you

"I suffered so much from nervous I btl ".Alrred Potis told It to me!' dl'spepsla that I feared I would be- Neyer ent gluttonous y, u a so ney-"Well, Ilon't you ever let me he:lr come insone," says Mrs. Alfred Aus. er attempt to conceal your good nppe­

you use Oint wor(1 'geezer' again. Now tin of Varney, Onto "For months, tlte •• Always ent little by little, Eng. go to sleep" says Mrs. Austin, "I was prostrated gcrnted compliments nre alwnys mls

"nut YOll didn't tell me the story" With this trouble) I got so bad I plllC.ed.:Tbe bost's duty Is to "All rlgbt. Tbis Isn't about Julius could not 'eat a mouthful of food I:sruests Ceel ns ,comfortoble as pOl~sn]le,

Coesnr nt nil Julius CneSDr wns 11 withoul It nearly choking me I wns encouraging the timid nnd shy, It king, ond he died a long time ago." aaected wIth such ternble feelmgs controlY to good taste to address

'When he Croze IJls feet orr, popn?" of diZZIness nnd nausea thnt I had to to fix tbe attention of n guest wben be "He didn't rreeze his feet. That Is leave the table sometimes WIth just Is eotlrig Even If the bost Is not !lc n piece of Silliness Alfred Potts two or three mouthfuls of food for a customed to ent mucb be must nlways

you." meal My nerves were nll unstrung try not t[) Dnlsh before others. Sbould and I grew eo weak that I could not any dlsll be fOI bidden to hlJTl by bls "What Is n piece of B~,~~:~:~s;~~(~s~:~~~>1 even sweep the floor. In fact my

"Don't nslr me sncb f' nerves nffected me to such an extent medical attendnnt be certainly must Settle <Iown nnd go t[) sleep 0/ I'll go thnt I feared to be left alone. I not partnke or It, but mnst nt tile SODlO

bnck downstnlrs nnll leuve you nlone." could not sleer. at nights, and used time excuse himself before hl~ guests.

Tho Bachelor Maid'. Keys, "Do I enjoy tile fleellolll or n latcb·

ke~ I" exclaimed tile bncllelor plOld bit· terly "Loolr at tbnt buucll"-boldlnl: aloCt II lin.; full of Iteys "1'lfteen, uod 1 hal'e ta cnn'Y 1111 of them all tbe lime 'fhls one Is tbo I>oy to the studio building, this to 111'1 own studio, tbls to illY clnb, tlll~ to my blllllPCl at the club, this to Illl deslt, thIs to the se· clet 1l11l\\ er of the deslt, this to u h'unk, thIs to IlIlolI.er, t his to my let· tel' box, this to my sewIng mllchln~ '~h: yes, the WOlllnll who cOllies to cloun my fitU<llo woulll do her llUllllll1 sewing thCle It I dllln't-this to my box In the slITety deDoslt, this to-tile plnno-to keep tbe IIOUllln flom using It, of cOllls~tllls-posltll ely 1 fOlget "hnt It Is COl', but I Imow 1 ueed It orten I'm 81nljlly \VOl n out luggIng lIl'oulld n WIIH! un;; big cl10llgh to hold thelll nil I a88l\l e lOu, lilY dear, thn t I f you el'CI'

"Pupa, my IlUjnlDns don't feel good." to lie awake till I feared my reason ,It Is nbsolutely necessory to avoid av. "I told you not to thlnk"about them. wonld leave me I was taking medi- cry movement ot;, gesture wblch Is opt !'",.,,,

Now, listen nnd I'll tell you-about this cine constantly. but it did noLdo me to crente disgust

helll I h'l\ e comilli tted mntllmony you tell n II my friends I needed n to callY lUl keys for me "-New

IIttic boy. He went out oae day and a bit of good. I had used Dr. WIl· -":'--,"":';'-'-..c'-__ hams' Pmk PJUS on a former occa­sion with good results, and at last

"0'" I I determined to try them· agam. I cnn SAY nothing better than that these pills have been a blessmg to

B8 have made me a well Every trace-of the mdiges.

str,on~II:~,~;;lt:l~~an:~d~ .. mJr"IlerveEI'.a're,:a8


Greater Than the Nation. TbelC I~ tl COl tlllu conglesslUan wbo,

Whlltc\ Cl lIuthOllty be may holll III tho councllH of a lute, Is of COlU'Jllm", tI veil' minor 11I11)01'tl1nee In his own bouse hold. In<leed, It bus been un· klnllly Intlmnted tbnt his wife Is. "tbe

'1IlIole tblug" lu tbelr estnbllsiullent Heplesentutlve lind 1111'S. llInnk hull been to Bultlmore one uftel·uoon. When tlley lelt the trnin ut WlIshlng· ton on theh' I etnrn 1\l1's Blnnlt dis· covered thu t her umbrello, wllicb bud been Inti uste!\ to tbe enre of ho;!' hus· bond, wus missing.

"Whew's my umbrella?" she de· mandell

"I'm nfruld I'l'e forgotten It, my dear" meeldy allswured tbe congress· , 1

mnn. "It mu"t sUIi be In tile tlllin " "In tbe' tralnl" IIDorted tbe

"Aull to think thnt tbe nrruhs of the nntlon nre Intrusted to II lUon doesn't Imow cnough to tnkc cfi\e of u womnn's umbrellu 1"-Success

One of the 1Il0tit interestlllg erh fice, in Greot LlrlLOlll IS Place Castle Foway, In soulh·ellSt Corn\mll II hn/{s the lar-uwny pnQt With UIP pre­SOllt In the double bonds of ,0nClent stone and 1)j_lCllt family. Erected III lhe begllJl\!ng 01 lhe 13th century Plnee Gnslle hilS alwllYs been the reSIdence of the 'rreffry fnmlly

The most famous story connecleJ With It IS lhat of Its defence by ElIzn beth T reffrv In 11&7 It \VIIS the lune of the Wnrs of the Roses and Thom as Treffry WIlS nil ny Illth most 01 hlf

The One Qualificntlon "Why do yon dlshke 111m soP"

nsl,ed MIS Gnlley "Ho's II mom· ber of your club, Isn't he?"

"Yes," leplled Galley, "but he ha. no busIlless to bc",

"Why, whnt's the mutter? Doesn't he drmk,"-Cathohc Slandard and TImes.

Saltman-lOnd of sod, isn't it, to lose SIght of tho Innel of your bIrth?

8quenmish-I wouldn't mIlld that; it's losm!; Sight 01- ovcrythIllg rOll have ever ellton' SIllCn )lour. buth that's 1V0rrymg me I - Pittsburg Leader.

'!I'.,~'.' or nomonl

orCatUe. AI • EJlman' Remedy r... Rh.um.lf .....

Sprdnt, Bore Throat, 1.I~o.t It 1iI1UV&luabltr. 'E • ..,. boltl. or OOUIII. lIalum ,old II

Warn.ntod to "ve eatllllAQtfiiii.-:1~co $1.10 per bDttle Bol(1 br drulflJJllbll Ot 80nt b,. .~ ., ..... , oha.l'G'e ..... td1, wiell lui dlroettont ror It. use 1T8eud or de-arJpth. alrcul&n; &-,«manlal .. ow. Addl'8al •

Tb. Llwlrence-WIIIJaml'Co .• Toronto, Om.

U sweets t.




, . .' .

"""·" .. ·,,,:Ih8 Tr8h8rn8~AgFiGultural loci "·"I,?"',,,; , ..

'_8 Sixth, Annual Fair. . .

Prizes amounting to $700.00, are being offered by the Society, together with over $250.00 in specials by the citizens. . Specia.l a!tractions are being arranged for, and 1n all two good_ days' entertain­ment is assured. Nleet me at the Fair. , WIDNISDAY lolTHI1RSDAY ,AI16I1ST7 i -0, !':_·,f"'''i,';::~\ rhe 1907 Fair will take

up,two full. days · · · • · '. ·

Remember the date of theJraherne ' .. _ •• n days, August 7 and 8. and across a vacant lot, strilslug a woodpile and thro\\'inf~ ·the. chil­dren out of the rig against the eml of the' wood. S, Baird was the first on the groltud, and picking np the eldest, which was uuconscious. carried it to the hospital of Dr Dundas. Tbe child was sufferiug from concllssion of the brain, and remained .unconscious until next day. 'I'he child is still in the hos­pitat and progressing favorably. 'rile YOlluger child was considerably shaken 11 panel was ina state of nervous cxcitement for two days after tile accideut.

, •• ~ ................ oo~ .............. ~~~


.......................... the Government en~ineer, alld t~e

DROP IN i 1::> b 11 R i matter was left open for further ~at we ttnlOrS consideration. It will be c1ecidetl

i ' 5horll\'. Inlere.ling Itom. aboul Peoplo aDel ]lv· :

of YOU OANNOT DO BETTER UlllollI R,aLllWeURuu Dialrlcl. • On look'ing over our sUbsc'ription tharl come .here to rig yourself out with a' st) lish Buggy .

Ru/-?,s(\VhlpS, etc. Buggy \Vhips, Rubber and Linen Dust­ers a specialty. About 350 whips to choose [rol11.

and see us in our new warehouse. It is, COIll­

pleted now and you are cordially invited to in­spect our stock of


•••••••••••••••••••••••••• list we find Ihat upwards of a hllll­Andrew Myles, of Treherne, wns dred dollam are due from Rath·

visiting friends in Ratbwell on July well snbscribers. Separately' the I I. amounts arc· small, but '\he total

. . . would help tiS greatly at the present Mls~ ~Jl1d Tarb!lth was aWlII.m- 'time of stringency in the money

peg VISItor 011 July II, returmug market. Kindly look at, the date on the I~lh~ label nnd, if not p~id, e10 :;0, n5

Yiss Hous,ton, of Cypress River, everyone knows the paper is '/iiI a was ill lown on July I rth establish- year in advance: -, ~ . - •

4.1; 'f'/ro Foncing :Jnd Pouit,.y Notting Keep the chickens out of your garden b)' usin" some of ollr

.. I . b pOll try nelt~np;. Improve the appearance of ),our pmpcrt)' .. 4 by investing in OUI' wO\'etl wire fcncing and r:~lcy gates. I~

~ ,.


>I LutiJbo,., Etc. 1. .., Three cars of lumber just univac! atl(ll11or~ to follow. Build- i .. . l' SID . . .. lIlg aper, as I, oors, 1\[ouldll1gs, Hard 'Vall Plast"r,


'WIRE FENCING AND GATES. ing n music class. ., Rev. Father Antoine Chulemenn,

As ente for McCormicl\ and Deering Machinery and Binder Twine. Gaeoline Engines­

{rom 1 to'29 horse Power •.

, 'A large l1umber of citizens of the of Notre Dame de'Lomdes, was in surroundiug district are attending tOWII ou Jnly 10. He-was nrrang­the fair this week.' iug for' a ticket to his home in . The Council of Soutb Norfolk Frallce,. where he is being sent, by

met in Soammel's Hall on July 10; his superior for a mtlch.nee?ed rest All th~ members were presetlt.· and vacation. Pere AntO\l1e has .0 0 R IE&. W I LSD N ,

Treherne, Man. , i. , _ beeo ill the Notre Dame de Lourdes

'" rbe PICt1lC r.t Ford s Grove ~n 'i:listr,ict for about sixteen yenn;, ar: . ~ ltesday, July 9th, was very suc- r,iving there .abont one year" after ~essful. . The usual games were the arrival 'Of Rev. Father Beruoit, II1dulged Ill. _ the head of the order at Notre

'Welcome •. -,' :iltou are cordially invited to visit our new

' .. III show rooms in the foriner Bank 'of Com­nlerce, and inspect our large find varied stock of e1e~nt and serviceable fUfniture. Thnnl<­ing you fOf past favurs and soliciting a con­tintla~ce of your patronage,

Yours truly,

Wm. Tarbath and Peleg Smith Dame de Lourdes, and has been in • drove over to the fair at Portage la continuously since that time. His : ' Prairie on T~lesday of last week aod is a w~l1-kl1~wn face in all ~he sur­e' returned Frlelay. . .rouuchl1g Villages, but he IS espe-: The members oC the Rathwell cially be.lov,~d by his owo people ' •. L.O.L·. No. I 20 attended the cele- and p~nsb, where he h~s. labored ." b t' J9 lilt C for their temporal aud splntllal ad­: ;.0 100 0Tb U y It· 1 d ~r:~s vancement. He will hU\Te the best • Ive~: t . ey re ume 011 e wishes of all bis friends for the reo .' evenlllg rIun. covery of his usual vigorons health,

. : There was a very refreshing a safe jonnley to his "homeland, and • s1.1ower of rain on Saturday night· a speed V return to his lleople here, : nud again gn r~onday even.ing. who are very sOn;y to part with hi1~1 • These showers, wIllIe not sufficleut, for the short penoil allowecJ. for bls

_. will keep the crop!! healthy nod 'vacation.' " • • • • growlug.

Rond Wdrk is the principal work last atHl this week.

Miss Katherine Hirel was visiting iu Treherne last week .

'fhe Indianford Church aud base­ball picnic netted over $60 profit.

Mr. Shipley,' of Elm Creek, visited Mr. J. E. McInnes I.ast week .

Mrs: Wm. McDonald, of Winni­peg, if; \'isiting at 1"£rs. Will. Ful­sher's.

Master Kenneth McIntoslJ, of Holland, is vi~itinF, at Duncan McRae's.

The farmers are busy summer­following and drawing. out their surplus wheat.

Rev.Clark, of Glenboro,dispensed sacrament in the Presbyterian Church 011 Sunday .

Charles Kitchen, who lately sold his farm to G. Syms, intends to reside in Winuipeg. Wonl~received from Geo. Smith

at Lloydmiuster says he likes that

Treharne's New -Furniture Store, i , • TREHERNE, MAN. :

There was a very jolly crowd at­tending the picnic at Watsou's Grove on Jnly 12th, and a very en­joyable lillie was spent by tho~e fortuna te _ enough to have received

On Thursday of last week Scar- part of' the West first·rate. row's dray team ~ot frightened by Pritchard Bros. gnve their barn the passing expr~ss and 'rau away a coat of paint last week whicb with It load of. wood. They ran- a grently adds to its appearance.

, . . . ...-; ................... : ................... , ....... . ,

N. WILSON, Prop.

- ,

. the ,WeSI .lnd

distance of half a mile, and I Crops ill this district arc coming up nt the stable d,oor ~ithOllt ou· fast despite dry weather. A any serious damage. James good benvy, rain is much needed.

T;' B. Arinstr~l1g, of Speriing,' had'a ·runaway accident the ·same Wlll. Huggart has jllstcomplete arrived in tOWll to take a posi; day thai' v~ry near·, ~esnltedf fa~IlY putting a new bridge across the in Ihe ~ortbern Bank here. to'bis. ~Ides~\son, a • .child.o a out Boyne opposite James A: ,Hal11il­

an invitation.. '.

six years. alld al;;o his youngest, II ton's. SlIcceeds G. G. Roberts, wbo child of two years. 'l'lte children accept~d a position 'with the had came to town with their fa l'be Imlianford senior anrl inter­Life Asstlrl\llce Co. ' . " and wben it· was> time to go home mediate baseball teams played a

There was II 'general meeting of tlie two children were placed in the game on Wcdnesday week, tbe citizens in the sample rO(l1ll1;;01 buggy. ,The; I\'.orse was tiecl in seniors winuing by a small margin . the Russell House on 'July 'lI'for front of P: R. McLachlan'S, store Misses Edith Fttlsher' aud Annie .tbe purP">se of receiving the reP,Ort and there were quite a number Pritchard, returned frol!1 th.e' Peg of the cOll1l11iLLeewho bad-been ap: oP,nnl:e standing near by. :Mr. For- 011 Satnrday after takll1g III the pointed to look after the letting of Uo;;i"U,~u'gone into a slore for a par·' S~I~~ay S~hool Convention and the contract. . ,l'he conllilittl:e re- cel aild whilst in there thc horse vIsIting fnends.

.. Kelly I'sland Limo, Bnilding I'cq'lircmctlts of every desctiPlion.!i

Gasoline Engines, Threshers, \Vintlmills and Parm Machinery. :

4 .. .. Always ready to fill your Lumber Orders At The Old Reliable tlardware Store-

'T'in~hop in Connuction.

• • 'SALT • • IN BARRELS-Fine or coarse at $2:25 a barrel.

IN SACKS-Fine 60c, a snck,' coarse Soc. a snck.

ROCK SAL'1'-At 2 cellts per poulld.

J,' G. McCowan & Co., At our neW' ostnnd. Rathwell, Manitoba,



ported, sbowing what had beenlf1tb', led its bridle against the hitch- bnseball uine drove to done, and also statiug tbe amounts and broke the strap wbich onSatllrdny evening, loth ~,~MM-N>NWWWMMM>N>NWWMM~>N>NWWMMMMoNI.

which the work It at once stnrted off, Bnd iust." aud played their Inst leilglle. 'J'tie those IIcar by game with the team of that town.

i-""'" struc!:ed: to try 'I'be boys lost by the close score of 87· .

',I'helndianford Presbyterian Sun­School will hold a picnic ,at

""'-'. Bowmun's lawn on Tuesday, 23. ' Refreshments will be

""r·.,;';,rl and supper at the ustial :-gllm4!S ' for the children;

.;.;:.;~.,"" • .-1

Rathwell's Furniture Store.

Snaps in Pictures •. ~r Some in gilt, others ill weathered oak frames, very handsome, all at reduced prices to clear.

~r Also a job lot of assorted frames cheap .

~r Furniture for ev~ry room in the house. - -~r Carriages repaired and repaillted. ,

, ,

"DQnald Robert.son, U ndcrtakcl·.

Lowest Conos\!'tont


for. • , .



-Rathwelt. . .'
