01 Argument Essay (Model Answer)



01 Argument Essay (Model Answer)

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  • Argument Essay: Model Answer

    Government should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or

    disagree with this statement?

    Recently, the way money should be spent has become a challenging issue among people in the world. It has

    been shown that present-day societies highlight the importance of education and recreational activities

    simultaneously compared to the past. From my vantage point, it would be a good idea to allocate much more

    money to the process of teaching and learning. It will be proven by analyzing the areas of having a more

    intellectual and well-educated generation to come as well as expanding the horizons of first-hand knowledge

    and invention in the foreseeable future.

    First of all, people would like to have had a more enlightened view by the time they become proficient in a

    specific major after learning a large amount of specialist knowledge. By the way of example, looking at the

    villagers and city dwellers lifestyle, we see that there is a world of difference between them which is an

    inevitable consequence of lacking adequate information and training. Therefore, if we have a better education

    system in the forthcoming years, the new generation will not suffer from anything in their lives. As a result of

    undergoing some training, people will become smart enough to hunt for a better situation which leads to a

    more prosperous future and town simultaneously.

    Second of all, having an all-round education helps the community members experience a variety of subjects

    which result in startling discoveries and scientific achievements. To illustrate, Einstein, who developed the

    Theory of Relativity, completely revolutionized the way scientists understand space and time. It is crystal clear

    that prior knowledge will make a lasting impact upon the new generations; thus, spending a large sum of

    money on education will bring them tangible benefits while searching for more wonderful inventions to

    facilitate life in its real sense. In brief, getting access to a large amount of knowledge and inventions, we come

    to the conclusion that money should be spent on how to train people.

    However, it is beneficial to spend money on sports and entertainment industry as well. To demonstrate,

    certain sports tournaments such as the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup raise public happiness level, which

    are being held every four years. Moreover, the effect of routine exercise on each individual is so obvious that

    needs no explanation. Therefore, by providing more and more sport complexes or public places for daily

    exercise, many diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and stroke will be prevented. Furthermore, it will

    improve the psychological conditions of people.

    In conclusion, it is true to say that a cleverer generation and more discoveries and inventions are the reasons

    why we should spend money on peoples training. From a practical standpoint, spending money on education

    will be to the benefit of the people at any given time. It is recommended all facets of the issue be taken into

    account before making a decision as to how to spend money.
