0 | P a g e · The Executive Committee will resume its meeting after the completion of the expert...


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1. Report on the 27th Meeting of the PUIC Executive Committee 2

2. Report on the Meeting of the Working Group to Study the Draft Islamic Parliamentary Declaration


3. Report on the 6th Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs 14

4. Report on the 6th Standing Specialized Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Right and Environment


5. Report on the 6th Standing Specialized Committee on Women, Social and Cultural Affairs


6. Report on the 14th Session of the PUIC General Committee (Council) 39

7. Report on the Open-Ended Drafting Palembang Declaration on Democracy, Justice and Prosperity


8. Report on the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference 50

9. List of Participants 73

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24 - 25 JANUARY, 2012 DAY 1: TUESDAY, 24th JANUARY 2012, 09.00 to 12.00 Hours

1. Recitation of some Verses from the Holy Quran

The meeting was opened by the recitation of some Verses from the Holy Quran. After recitation of the Quran, the Chairman of the Meeting, the Vice Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Hon. Mr. Priyo Budi Santoso opened the meeting. In his welcome message, the chairman extended his appreciation and warm welcome to the members of PUIC for the PUIC Conference in Palembang from 24 - 31 January 2012. It is expected that the Conference produces beneficial decision to the best interest of the members. Parliament as the representation of the people shall work in the principle of consultation (musyawarah) as stated in the Shura/Islamic Principle. PUIC needs to work on some contemporary issues include: Palestine, Somalia, Political dynamic in the Arab and North African region. To the date, it is noted that the response of PUIC remains slow and unable to keep up with the rapid development of those issues. The issue of slow and weak organization viewed as an irony to the organization and need to be answered quickly. Parliament as the representative of people works based on democracy, and should have the capacity to solve the problem facing the ummah based on mutual respects and understanding.

2. Adoption of the Agenda and the Program of Work The agenda and the program of work were adopted anonymously.

3. Report of the PUIC Secretary General The PUIC Secretary General, H.E Prof. Mahmud Erol Kilic, opened his report by expressing his appreciation to the people of Indonesia and Palembang. His report focuses on the 26th meeting of PUIC Executive committee recently held in Ankara, the Republic of Turkey on the 20th November 2011. The hard copy of the report has been dispatched to each members of the PUIC by DHL. However the report was limited only to the Executive Committee meeting and did not include the overall activities of the PUIC and its Secretariat General, which reflect the participation in an international and regional fora, statements made by the Secretariat General, organizational affairs, and following up on the implementation of various PUIC resolution. In addition, it did not cover the report on the financial affairs, which will be included in the report of the Secretary General to the 14th session of the PUIC General Committee (Council). The draft agenda of the 14th session of the PUIC General Committee and the draft agenda of the 7th sessions of the PUIC Conference, which were adopted during the 26th session of the Executive Committee Meeting, were enclosed for updating and conformity. The report of the Secretary General was welcomed by several responses from the floor. Hon. Dr Hidayat Nurwahid from the Indonesian delegation was concerned with the report that it has not included two items proposed by the Indonesian delegation. In response to those concerns, the Secretary General noted the concern and this issue will be discussed further as the Executive Meeting proceeded. He also stated that the proposal has been included in general within the agenda of the Standing Committee on Political Affairs. The Chairman of the meeting then making a suggestion to the Indonesian delegation to further elaborate on the proposal when the meeting has come into discussion of items (7), (8) and (9) of the agenda.

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4. Following up on the resolutions of the 13th Session of the PUIC General Committee (Council) about an Islamic Parliamentary Declaration The Secretary General reminded the Executive Committee that a proposal for an Islamic Parliamentary Declaration has been submitted and there is a need to set up an expert committee to follow up on the context of the text of the Declaration. Although nomination for some names have been received from some Members of the Executive Committee, the Secretary General encouraged those who has not submit the names to do so with the maximum of two names. At this stage of the meeting, he made it clear that he does not provide his own review since he just read it yesterday and will comment after the comments from the expert committee. The Executive Committee will resume its meeting after the completion of the expert group meeting.

5. Request for Membership to the PUIC by the People's Majlis of the Republic of Maldives (Maldives is full member at the OIC since 1976) The statutes of the PUIC of article 2 states that the Union shall be composed of the OIC Member States. The Executive Committee recommended that the request from the People's Majlis of the Republic of Maldives will be discussed in General Committee meeting and the decision will be made in the next PUIC conference.

6. Request for observer status to the PUIC by statistical economic and social research and training

centre for Islamic countries. There were some responses extended in regard to the observer status. Specifically for the application from the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries. Saudi Arabia criticized the Secretariat General for lack of explanation on the nature and work of the applicant. Additional information such as brief reference, head quarters, and the nature of memberships within that organization, need to be provided. The Secretary General commented on the memberships of PUIC. According to the Secretary General, out of 57 members of the OIC, 6 members are not as yet members of the PUIC. Therefore, he persuaded members of PUIC to encourage those countries to apply for memberships in PUIC. In response to this, Indonesia reported to the floor that they have contacted some of those countries such as Maldives, Brunei Darussalam, and Nigeria. Further, the Secretary General commented on the observer status that it is common for organizations under the umbrella of the OIC to send observer to each other. The Secretary General was also in full support for the activities of the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries, however, agreed to the suggestion from Saudi Arabia that more documents/information regarding that organization are required. In regard to that particular matter, the Indonesian delegation supported an argument from Saudi Arabia regarding application for memberships. Countries/organizations can make request for observer status provided that more information on the nature of their organization are available for the Executive Committee to study. Finally, the Chairman agreed that the observer status of the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries will be discussed further and to be decided in the PUIC Meeting.

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7. Request for observer status to the PUIC by Parliamentary Assembly Union of Belarus and Russia. It has been agreed that the request will be discussed in Committee (Council) meeting and decided in the PUIC meeting.

8. The need of stronger PUIC for promoting democracy, common prosperity, justice and world peace (theme for the conference) proposed by Indonesia. The Indonesian delegation provided a brief explanation on the theme proposed by the host country. The theme has been approved in Ankara, thus no need for the subject to be debated. It was drawn in line with the PUIC mission to be a better organization and keeping with need of Ummah. This theme will also strengthen the existence of PUIC. However, the members of the Executive Committee raised some interesting points regarding the theme, initiated by a question from H.E Dr Emrullah Isler from Turkey on the possible mechanism taken by PUIC to strengthen and to promote democracy, justice, and common prosperity. In response to that question, Indonesia stated that the mechanism includes what we have agreed in Ankara, including strengthening relationships among parliament in the Union. Internally, there should be an effort to dispatch some members of the union to meet with members of parliament in the west (Europe and US) to establish and sound and robust relationship and to rectify misunderstanding of Islam that Islam has no relation with terrorism or radicalism. Other mechanism is by encouraging the members of the union to increase their participation and take active role in the union. H.E. Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria supported on having a theme of PUIC Conference as it is a necessity. In principle, Algeria agreed on the theme however it shall be streamlined if necessary. Therefore the Executive Committee agreed that a small team consists of the Secretary General, Dr. Hidayat Nurwahid, and Executive Committee member from Algeria will meet to streamline and sharpen the theme and to report to the meeting.

9. Updating the draft agendas of the 6th Meeting of the Standing Specialized Committees. Indonesia reiterated on the proposal in conformity to what has been agreed during the meeting in Ankara. Therefore, the proposal should be included in the agenda. The Indonesian delegation insisted that the draft agenda should be updated based on the reason that their proposal on Al Quds Al Sharif and Palestinian Causes is specific to consolidate the bid from Palestine to be the full member of UN. In response to this the Secretary General provided clarification that the proposal has been included in the agenda of the Standing Committee on Political and Economic Affairs. There was also a discussion on the term of 'Arab Spring'. Some members were disagreed on the term as it is more a representation of the western views on the political dynamics of the region. Several terms were proposed by some members of the Executive Committee such as Islamic awakening from Iran, a development in the Arab world from Turkey, and a political dynamics in the Middle East from Indonesia. And finally, it was agreed that the term used afterwards is the political dynamics in the Middle East as proposed by Indonesia. The Chairman requested the Secretary General to polish on the wording of the term. There was also a discussion regarding item (17) on the draft agenda of the standing specialized committee on the political and economic affairs.

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H.E Mr Hamadou Sali from Cameroon:

Raised the awareness on catastrophe in Somalia, flood in Pakistan and worsening conditions in Central Africa. However, most of humanitarian aid were coming from western countries, thus need to be discussed in the spirit of Islamic solidarity.

H.E Mr Ouedraogo Sayouba from Burkina Faso :

Concerns on the resolutions of 2010 regarding what have been done in regard to economic affairs and made a proposal for discussion on the outcome of the past resolution in this meeting.

H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria:

In support of the suggestions and reminded the Executive Committee that no significant response obtained from members in regard to this matter.

H.E Prof. Mahmud Erol Kilic, The PUIC Secretary General:

PUIC has put forward a proposal to establish charity body/funds but there was no positive response from members of PUIC as they are in favour of channelling the aid directly to those in need of financial aid.

Hon Priyo Budi Santoso, the Chairman of the Executive Committee Meeting:

Assigned the Secretary General to decide whether the points raised in this deliberation shall be discussed as a new point or strengthening the items in the economic affairs.

H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria:

Commenting on the statute of the organization regarding the changing of the agenda.

In addition, the Indonesian delegation also presented some proposals for the Standing Specialized Committee on Women, Social and Cultural Affairs. The proposal were to merge agenda items (1) and (2) as well to merge agenda items (4) and (5) of this Specialized Standing Committee. There was also a proposal for minor change regarding agenda item (3) by inserting phrase to strengthen democracy to replace the original phrase in such a way as to preserve their dignity. The Indonesian delegation argued that democracy encompass all terms including the dignity of the women. The proposal received by mixed responses from Turkey and Saudi Arabia. For the proposals of merging the items, the members prefer to keep them as independent items. Indonesia was in full cooperation and agreed on the reservation thus withdrawing the proposal. In regard to the minor changes, after comments from Cameroon and Algeria, it was agreed that the new agenda item will be enhancing the role of women in all development aspects in PUIC member states in such a way as to preserve their dignity, protecting their human right and strengthening democracy.

10. Updating the Draft Agenda of the 14th Session of the PUIC General Committee (Council) The Draft Agenda was adopted as is.

11. Updating the Draft Agenda of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference

The discussion on the Draft Agenda of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference was opened by the concern from Algerian Delegation on the item (12) of the Agenda, on the Organizational Matter, as the nomination of the PUIC General Committee (Council) shall only be for 2012. The Secretary General took a note on the suggestion and the agenda item will be rectified by tomorrow.

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Indonesia made a reservation on changing the period from 2012-2013 to 2012 since the activities of the Committee and the period of the Conference are spanning for two years. In regard to item (16) of the Agenda, the Secretary General made a correction and clarified that there will not be any election for the President of the 9th Session of the PUIC Conference as any country that will host the Conference from the African Group will automatically become the President of the Conference.

Further, the Indonesian Delegation also concerned with point (16) regarding the venue of the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference. Learning from the domestic political condition in Syria, which will be the president of PUIC and the host of the next Conference, and their failure to host last year Asian Parliamentary Assembly, the Indonesian Delegation belief that PUIC shall prepare some alternatives pertinent to this matter. Some inputs extended by some members of the Executive Committee including: H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria:

Entrusted the secretary general with the duty to contact the Syrian delegates and to consult regarding the condition whether they are ready to host the next meeting. The Executive Committee then need to deliberate on this matter and make recommendations.

Hon Dr Hidayat Nurwahid, the Chairman of the Executive Committee Meeting:

Inform that Syrian delegation will attend the Conference and assign the Secretary General to consult with Syria.

Hon Dr Hidayat Nurwahid from Indonesia:

Welcoming Syria as the host of the next conference, however, questioning on the hosting mechanism for Executive Committee Meeting and PUIC Conference should Syria would not be able to host the Conference. Therefore, there should be an alternative.

Hon Priyo Budi Santoso, the Chairman of the Executive Committee Meeting:

According to the new statute, the host country will be the chairman of the Executive Committee but if Syria insisting on hosting but it is not able to host the Executive Committee meeting at the same time, how is the organization of the meeting?

H.E Prof. Mahmud Erol Kilic, the PUIC Secretary General:

Will discuss and sit down with Syrian delegate regarding the matter

According to the statute, it is not necessary that the host country will be hosting both the Conference and the Executive Committee Meeting.

H.E Mr Ouedraogo Sayouba from Burkina Faso:

Problem whether the delegates from other countries will attend the conference for the security reason should the condition in Syria is worsening.

H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria:

We need not evaluate the condition of other countries but other body or the Syrian themself should. Question: are we going to give up the host by the Syria should they say yes?

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H.E Mr Emrullah Isler from Turkey:

If the Syria insists, what we should do? We need to find an answer should the Syrian insist to host the conference next year.

Hon Dr Hidayat Nurwahid from Indonesia:

Arab group need to discuss themself the replacement if the Syrian withdraws.

Proposal from Indonesia: o If Syria unable to host, we can prepare another country and perhaps make a

resolution on this matter. o entrust the Secretary General to contact Syria

H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria:

To convince Syrian to withdraw the hosting or asking commitment from Syria whether they want to host the Conference.

H.E Prof. Mahmud Erol Kilic, the PUIC Secretary General:

Today or tomorrow the Secretary General will hold a meeting Syrian Delegation and ask for their last decision. If they say no, the Secretary General will ask the Arab Group to deliberate. If they insist, Executive Committee can ask the Arab Group to reconfirm and asking for assurance or to change before this conference started.

The Secretary General requires confirmation for quorum one month before the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference. If the quorum is not met by the Syrian, then the second country can host the meeting with the possibility of one or two months delay.

Assistant to the PUIC Secretary General:

Statute of the organization: no election for chairman of the Executive committee.

Not necessarily that the hosting country will be the chair of the executive committee. Executive committee can meet in other country than the incoming host of the conference.

Towards the end of the discussion, some conclusions regarding the host of the next PUIC Conference were drawn by the Chairman. The conclusions are:

The Secretary General will be assigned to contact the Syrian Delegation immediately to confirm their position.

If for any reason Syria is not willing to host the meeting, the Arab Group should find the substitute.

If Syria insisting on hosting the meeting, then the Secretary General should report immediately to the Executive committee (in one or two day). If there is an emergency situation in Syria and they will not be able to host the meeting, a second country should be prepared as an alternative.

All the measures/alternatives should be taken in accordance to the PUIC statutes. The Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 hours. The Executive Committee will reconvene on 25 January 2012 at 14:00 hours. DAY 2: WEDNESDAY, 25th JANUARY 2012, 14.00 to 17.00 Hours The Executive Committee members resumed their meeting at 14:00 Hours on the 25th January 2012. Hon. Priyo Budi Santoso, the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, chaired the meeting. He

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opened the meeting by extending his appreciation to the members of the Executive Committee for their hard work within these two days. There were four (4) main agenda of the Executive Committee meeting, as follows: 1. Report of the small team on their assignment of rephrasing the grand theme of the 8th PUIC

Conference 2. Report by the Working Group on the Draft of the Islamic Parliamentary Declaration 3. Report by the PUIC Secretary General on the arrangement of the 8th PUIC Conference 4. Report by the PUIC Secretary General on the 27th Executive Committee Meeting

The first agenda was the report from the small team composed of Dr Hidayat Nurwahid from Indonesia, H.E Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria and the PUIC Secretary General on streamlining the grand theme of the 7th PUIC Conference. Dr Hidayat Nurwahid represented the team and delivered the report. The small team agreed upon Democracy, Justice and Prosperity as the new theme and this theme was adopted by the Executive Committee without any reservation or comment. The second agenda was a deliberation upon the report from the working group on the Islamic Parliamentary Declaration. Before Dr Hidayat Nurwahid as the Chairman of the Working Group Meeting delivered his report, the PUIC Secretary General was asked by the Chairman of the Executive Committee Meeting to briefly inform the floor on the latest development pertaining to the Declaration. The PUIC Secretary General reminded the Executive Committee Members that the decision to produce the Declaration was made during the 25th Executive Committee Meeting in Abu Dhabi. Then, during the 26th Executive Committee Meeting in Ankara, the PUIC Secretary General encouraged the members of PUIC to submit name(s) for the expert working group as well as proposition for declaration. This is also in response to the statement by Hon Ahmad Ali Al Zaebi from UAE that their proposed draft Declaration had been approved by the last Executive Committee Meeting as a working paper for this year expert meeting on the Islamic Parliamentary Declaration. While he personally supports the spirit and idea behind the Declaration that was drafted by UAE, he was on the view that the draft may have some limitations. Thus, the need for further deliberation on the declaration and any organizational matter of the working group is imperative. In his report, the Chairman of the Working Group Meeting, Dr Hidayat Nurwahid, reported that 8 members were present during the meeting. Representative from UAE was also present on the invitation of the Working Group in order to provide a brief description on their preposition. Upon a lengthy deliberation on the proposed draft, the Working Group came into conclusion that it requires more time to study the draft and to take into account any proposals from other member states. Following the report from Dr Hidayat Nurwahid, there were mixed responses and comments pertaining to the draft of Declaration proposed by the United Arab Emirates. The first comment was extended by the PUIC Secretary General who briefly reminded the Executive Committee of the background on how the Expert Meeting and the declaration were initiated. According to the Secretary General, during the 25th Executive Committee Meeting in Abu Dhabi, there were concern about western influences and also the political dynamics on the union members. Therefore, it was considered important to form a declaration by the union in regard to the concerns. Then, the members were asked to send name(s) and preposition as well to organise nine (9) names for the Working Group mandated by the duty to formulate the Declaration. However, 15 names were received. In addition according to the PUIC Secretary General, ideally the preposition/text should had been received from the members of PUIC at least before the 26th Executive Committee Meeting

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in Ankara. In his conclusion for the comment and after reading the declaration from the United Arab Emirates, the Secretary General provided a point of view regarding the preposition from the United Arab Emirates, that there are some points need to be clarified and therefore need to be continuously studied. Indonesia also extended their view on the matter. After listening to the brief explanation and having read the draft declaration, it was acknowledged that more time required studying the documents, possibly within the few days before the conference. Following this, the United Arab Emirates was given a chance to reiterate their explanation previously presented in the Working Group Meeting. There were some reservations from the member of the Executive Committee against the draft declaration as well as the report of the Working Group Meeting. A strong comment was extended by Iran by firstly correcting English version of the report of the chairman of the Working Group Meeting that the Working Group Meeting needs to conduct another meeting or to conduct a meeting before the conference. Iran also put an attention on the preposition to change name of the union, that the UAE's declaration draft will change the nature of the organization. Iran also argued that there was not enough time to study the draft since the document was received in Indonesia only a few days before commencing of the Working Group meeting. Further, H.E Mr Hossein Sheikholeslam from Iran emphasised that the decision on such important matter like declaration should not be made in a rush. They also stated that the draft needs to be consulted with their national expert in regard to the legal and international law. In a similar position with Iran, H.E Mr Emrullah Isler from Turkey also provided his view on the matter. According to H.E Mr Isler, it was agreed that the Expert Committee will hold another meeting to discuss the draft. And Turkey also required more time to study the document such as to get discussions for the legal point of view, internally in their country. In addition, Turkey commented that the substances of the draft declaration were sending a vague idea on the establishment of a new organization, the so-called 'Islamic Parliament'. This, according to Turkey, has to be deliberated further in their parliament. In contrast, there were supports also for the draft extended by the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia suggested to study, review, and amend the draft and to be re-submitted to the Executive Meeting during the remaining time of the 7th conference. They also suggested to adopt the declaration by firstly asked the United Arab Emirates to refine the declaration during the remaining time. Cameroon also shared a similar view with the UAE. A support to the declaration was also extended by H.E Mr Ouedraogo Sayouba from Burkina Faso. He stated that there was an agreement to finalize the document in Indonesia based on Abu Dhabi meeting. Therefore, it was suggested to provide one or two days before the conference end, and if not possible, the matter has to be discussing in the next conference. Similar to Burkina Faso, H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria commented that the draft or preposition by the United Arab Emirates had been discussed in the meeting in Abu Dhabi and had been accepted and become one of the resolutions in the 13th Session of the PUIC Conference. Algeria was in support for accepting the draft declaration. It was suggested by the Algeria that the Executive Committee select exactly nine (9) members to create a new draft with the proposal from United Arab Emirates as the basis and to be submitted to the Executive Committee. There was also a suggestion for the Secretary General to create a time table for deliberation on this matter.

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The Executive Committee also agreed on the nine (9) designated members of the Expert/Working Group to study the draft of the Islamic Parliamentary declaration. The nine (9) members are Algeria, Cameroon, Indonesia, Iran, Senegal, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Initially, Mauritania was one of the members but it was replaced by United Arab Emirates on the ground that Mauritania was absent from the meeting. The third agenda item was a report by the PUIC Secretary General regarding the arrangement of the 8th PUIC Conferences and its related meeting, particularly the readiness of Syria to host the meeting. Since there was no firm answer from Syria regarding their readiness to host the meeting and the recent political dynamic in that country, it is necessary to find an alternative country/scenario provided that all the measures are taken in conformity with PUIC Statutes. The PUIC Secretary General informed the Executive Committee that Sudan was eager to host the meeting but still waiting for last confirmation from their speaker and provided that the Arab Group support their nomination. The Executive Committee welcomed the intention of Sudan to host the meeting and was willing to wait for the confirmation. Further, Saudi Arabia and Algeria were extending their support for Sudan although they could not speak on behalf of the Arab Group. During this deliberation, H.E Mr Ouedraogo Sayouba from Burkina Faso informed the Executive Committee on the goodwill of Burkina Faso to host the meeting if Sudan decides to withdraw their confirmation for any reason. This intention was welcomed with great appreciation from the floor. The PUIC Secretary General suggested the Executive Committee to send the proposal from Sudan to the Conference and if another country is showing its desire to be the host of the Conference then it will be decided through an election. The fourth agenda item was Adoption of the Report of the 27th Executive Committee Meeting. The report was adopted with no reservation or objection. However, H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi reminded the PUIC Secretary General that he made a proposal regarding election of chairman and deputy chairman with regards to the article 12 in the Statute of PUIC. Since this proposal was not reflected in the report, he requested an explanation from PUIC Secretary General on this matter. The PUIC Secretary General made it clear that there will not be any election and the position of chairman will automatically become the domain of the host country. The Executive Committee Meeting also discussed on organizational matters such as whether official delegates who could not attend the meeting, for any reason, could be replaced by the Ambassador or designated expert from their country. It was decided that they could be replaced but the replacement has no voting right in the meeting. Toward the end of the meeting, H.E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi from Algeria delivered a thank you message from the Speaker of the Algerian People's National Assembly. In that message, the Speaker of Algerian National Assembly was sending his appreciation to H.E Mr Marzuki Alie, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, and to the Indonesian House of Representatives for the hospitality and good arrangement of the meeting. In return, the Chairman of the Executive Committee Meeting, Hon Mr Priyo Budi Santoso as the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives was extending his appreciation for the friendly note from the Algerian National Assembly. The Executive Committee Meeting was declared to be closed at 16:45 Hours. The Executive Committee Meeting was closed by recitation of some Verses from the Holy Quran.

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The meeting was opened at 09:00 Hours. It was chaired by Hon Dr Hidayat Nur Wahid from Indonesia. In his opening message the Chairman was welcoming the delegation to Palembang and providing a brief introduction to Palembang, which was once the centre of Islamic movement in the South East Asia. Before deliberation on the draft declaration, the Assistant PUIC Secretary General was asked to remind the Working Group on the background of its formation and its mandate. The Working Group was established following the idea from UAE to develop an Islamic Parliamentary Declaration as an answer to the contemporary challenges facing the ummah as well as to strengthen the PUIC. As the initiator, UAE would initially draft a plan of action focuses on, among all, solution for Palestinian Coves and Islamic civilization. However, the Islamic Parliamentary Declaration was neglected due to election in UAE, which made them unable to host the meeting. The PUIC Secretary General was asked to submit his report on the follow up on PUIC resolutions; however, the declaration was not ready yet. Therefore the Expert Group needed to convene in Indonesia in order to finalize the declaration. During the meeting, the issue on the number of working group members was brought into attention by the Chairman. It was decided during the 13th Council Meeting in Abu Dhabi that the Working Group should be composed of nine (9) members. However, the PUIC Secretary General received 12 names. Therefore, it was necessary to decide whether the PUIC Secretary General would extend the invitation to all 12 names or to choose 9 names out of 12. There were mixed responses regarding the number of the Working Group members. Mr Nuri Deliorman from Turkey proposed that the decision on the members of the Working Group should be made in the Executive Committee. Hence, the formation of the Working Group should be decided in the afternoon session of the Executive Committee Meeting. Mr Hamadou Sali from Cameroon reminded the Working Group that during the Executive Committee Meeting in Abu Dhabi, it had been decided that Mauritania would be one of the members of the Working Group and it should not be being excluded from the Group despite of its absent from the meeting. It was interesting to note that during the beginning of the meeting; most of the countries in attendance were still unclear on the modalities, terms of reference and mandate of the Working Group. H.E Mr Hossein Sheikholeslam from Iran was questioning the modalities and terms of reference of the Group and strongly suggested the Group to postpone the meeting. The proposal for postponing the meeting was supported by Turkey on the ground that the time given to study the draft declaration was very limited. UAE as the initiator of the declaration was circulating the draft on Tuesday, 24th January 2012 or just before the 27th Executive Committee Meeting took place. Iran was also refused to rush into the matter and took a decision that will jeopardise the position of their Speaker. UAE reminded the Group that they have been given a mandate by the Executive Committee to study, deliberate and finalize the declaration. Therefore, bringing back the draft declaration to each national parliament will be a backward move.

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In order to resolve these different opinions, Mr Makarim Wibisono from Indonesia proposed a middle ground by referring to the draft declaration that the relationship between parliaments shall be based on mutual respect and understanding. He proposed that the Working Group shall utilize the basic of the declaration or the introduction remarks prepared by the UAE. Thus, in the report presented to the Executive Committee, the Working Group should mention that they have understanding on the underlying philosophy behind the text but decided not to engage in in-depth text of the declaration. In the response to the solution proposed by Indonesia, UAE was given time to present their idea and its underlying principles. Some of the principles behind the proposed draft declaration were: (1) to emphasis on the adherence to the Charter of OIC in the context of promoting solidarity among Islamic peoples based on Islamic values; (2) to confirm to the commitment to the principles of the United Nations, international law and international humanitarian law; (3) to confirm the importance of protecting the interest of PUIC members and ensure effective participation of Islamic Parliamentary Union in preserving dignity, identity, security, stability and development of Islamic World through cooperation with the OIC and its various institutions; (4) to strengthen relationship between Islamic States based on justice, mutual respect, equality and to promote friendly relation and respect for national sovereignty; (5) to respect diversity of civilization and to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation between various cultures and civilization; to support the Millennium Development Goals and promoting social solidarity between the affluent and the underprivileged Islamic States; (6) to confirm the nature of cooperation between Islamic States in facing the challenge of intra-national crimes including murders, human smuggling, international drug problem, weapon trafficking; and (7) to emphasis on the Islamic solidarity in the face of natural disasters, emergencies and poverty. Basically there were two standing points on the subject of the draft declaration proposed by the United Arab Emirates. Mr Nuri Deliorman from Turkey requested more time to study the draft declaration since some of the points may potentially create some problems for Turkey. He was in full support toward the proposal for a middle ground proposed by Indonesia. Upon studying the draft, he questioned the terms Islamic state/nation since some of the PUIC members are secular country. Further, he questioned article 7 on holding an annual conference, which may infer a sense of establishing a new organization. H.E Mr Hossein Sheikholeslam from Iran was also in favour of postponing the draft declaration due to the limited time in discussing the draft with their national experts. Further, he emphasised that the Working Group should take responsibility in writing its own declaration rather than simply accepting draft from UAE as its working paper. On the other hand, Senegal and Saudi Arabia were in favour of continuing deliberation on the draft declaration. Senegal reminded the Working Group that during the Extra-Ordinary Meeting in Abu Dhabi in January 2011 that was a decision to form an expert group to conduct an in-depth study on the Declaration. Therefore, there is a need to work on the declaration as it has been neglected for some time. Saudi Arabia was in favour of continuing the deliberation based on the ground of cost and distance in attending the meeting. The Working Group also discussed on some terms and phrase used in the draft in order to enrich the draft. Mr Wibisono was suggested to insert phrase economic development in the article (4). Mr Deliorman was suggested on careful used of Islamic States and not to introduce new terms such as Islamic Parliamentary Union.

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Toward the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the nominations for members of the working Group will be based on the attendance in this meeting in Palembang. Thus, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Cameroon, Senegal, Indonesia, Algeria, Syria and Iran will be nominated to be the members of the Working Group. As with Mauritania, which was absent from the meeting, it would be decided by the Executive Committee. The Secretary General acknowledged that as a concept, the preposition own by the UAE is lacking in detail. It was also acknowledged by the Secretary General the preposition arrived in a very late stage, at least from the procedural point of view. Whilst the spirit and the idea inside the preposition is of significance to PUIC, there were many mishap in terms of language, which may contradict to the international law and the organization's statutes. The Working Group was ended with the following recommendation:

Decision on the number and members of the working Group will be taken during the Executive Committee Meeting on 25 January 2012 at 14:00 Hours.

Postponement on deliberation on the substances of the proposed draft declaration. Since the preposition from UAE is not mandatory, the Working Group will deliberate on a new draft declaration with the draft proposed by UAE as the basis.

The Working Group meeting was declared to be closed at 13:00 Hours.

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26-27 JANUARY 2012 DAY ONE: 26 JANUARY 2012 MORNING SESSION 09:00-13:30 HOURS The meeting was chaired by Hon Dr. Hidayat Nurwahid from Indonesia. Before the meeting began, the Assistant to the PUIC Secretary General were making announcement that initially the delegate from the Kingdom of Morocco was chosen as the Chairman. However his flight was delayed and he was expected to arrive in Palembang in the late afternoon. Dr Hidayat Nurwahid as the host of this Conference was asked on the behalf of the Committee to chair the meeting. The Chairman opened the meeting by extending his appreciation to the delegates and welcoming them to Indonesia, particularly to the historic city of Palembang. Palembang was deliberately chosen for several reasons but mainly to introduce parts of Indonesia other than Jakarta, Bandung and Bali, which are famous for conference and tourism. Also due to the reason that Palembang was the centre of the Islamic movement in Indonesia. It was once a Buddhist Kingdom before being converted into Islam. The Standing Specialized Committee deliberated on the agenda and draft resolutions that have been approved by the Executive Committee. There were proposals from the floor to merge the draft resolution proposed by Indonesia into one item under the subject of minorities. This matter will be discussed further when the deliberation reached that agenda item. Before the Committee start the deliberation, Hon Sidharto Danusubroto from Indonesia was expressing his support to the Palestine cause and rejects any activities from Israel in the Al Quds Al Sharif as it is illegal according to international law. Further, he was mentioning that Indonesia fully encourage Palestine to seek other measure for their cause, by, inter-alia bidding to be a full-fledged member of the UN. Indonesia was also in support of Palestine as the full member of UNESCO. Through this august meeting, Indonesia called for the other PUIC member states to support Palestine in bidding for full membership of the UN, thus making the UN into a more democratic organization. Indonesia also made the Committee aware on the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and encourages other nations to take concrete action in resolving the crisis in Gaza. Some of the initiatives taken by DPR RI includes: Visit from Speaker in June 2010, Palestine Caucus. In return, Palestine was also extending their appreciation for the support from Indonesia. In addition, he made a proposal for article (15) of the agenda to focus on welcoming democracy and the rule of law and the preservation of rights and human rights as the model of the Arab Spring. His proposal was further discussed as the meeting proceed. The Assistant Secretary General was also expressing his support the proposal from Indonesia, in particular the proposal on the theme of Conference. The 7th Session of the PUIC Conference is the first PUIC Conference with a theme.

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There were fourteen (14) draft resolutions for deliberation.

1. Draft Resolution No. 1-PE/7-CONF on Situation in Palestine Paragraph 1 Palestine: Condemn all the practices by Israel on the Judaization of Al Quds Al Sharif as the capital of Islamic world therefore proposed to insert Al Quds Al Sharif as the Capital of the Islamic World. Turkey: prefer to left the paragraph as is Assistant Secretary General: prefer to put the phrase in the Declaration Sudan: Propose a new paragraph instead of calling upon all efforts that have been taken by other organizations on this matter, in order to put more pressure to the international community to take immediate steps to end the crisis in Palestine. Sudan's intervention was supported by Palestine and expressed their rejection to two state solutions, and to be inserted in article 3. Turkey suggested a new paragraph on the matter. Approved by the Committee and the General Secretariat will draft a new paragraph 4. The Paragraph was approved without amendment. Paragraph 2 Approved. Paragraph 3 Approved. -Note- The Committee members agreed on an additional paragraph to be inserted after paragraph (3). The paragraphs are on condemning and rejecting Israeli settlement in Palestinian territory, and consider it as an illegitimate act. The Secretary General was entrusted with the task to draft the new paragraph. Paragraph 4 Due to the additional paragraph, the operative paragraph (4) becomes operative paragraph (5) and the number is adjusted accordingly. Operative paragraph (5) approved. No observations/interventions were made by the Committee Members. Paragraph 6 Approved. No observations/interventions were made by the Committee Members. Paragraph 7 Approved. No observations/interventions were made by the Committee Members. Paragraph 8 Palestine delegation made a correction that today there are 1.7 million instead of 1.5 million Gaza’s. Paragraph approved with correction. Paragraph 9 Palestine made a proposal for an addition to the operative paragraph (9). The addition is on persuading the UN Sec Gen to declare the result regarding the aggression on the school

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build by a relief organization. The school was a settlement between Palestine and the relief organization. The result of the investigation was not disclosed therefore Palestine asked for the UN. Palestine was asked to draft the addition and submit it to the PUIC Secretariat General in writing. Paragraph approved with amendment. Paragraph 10 Approved. Paragraph 11 Approved. Paragraph 12 Approved. Paragraph 13 Approved. Paragraph 14 Adopted. Paragraph 15 Palestine: proposed an amendment - call on the IPU to pressure Israel and to freeze its membership in the IPU. Adopted with amendment. Paragraph16 Adopted. Paragraph 17 Adopted. Paragraph 18 Adopted. Paragraph 19 Adopted. Paragraph 20 Palestine: Al Quds in need of humanitarian fund but there was no reference to aid and fund for Al Quds in this paragraph, therefore Palestine proposed for a reference to Al Quds fund to be inserted in this paragraph. Assistant PUIC Secretary General: support the point made by Palestine and called on the OIC and all the Islamic institution to accelerate support for steadfast solution for the harsh condition faced by Palestine due to the Israeli occupation. However, this point raised by Palestine will be included in the next draft resolution.

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2. Draft Resolution No. 2-PE/7-CONF on The Role of Muslim Parliaments in Confronting Israeli Plans Concerning Jewishness of Israel and Judaization of Al Quds Paragraph 1 Approved. Paragraph 2 Members of the Committee were unclear with the idea of forming a Standing Committee on Palestinian Affairs and the PUIC Secretary General made a clarification on such committee. During the PUIC Conference in Uganda, there was a proposal from UAE to form a special committee on Al Quds Al Sharif. The Committee shall be an open-ended Committee comprises of PUIC members from different countries. In response to this, the Chairman of the meeting was of the view that in order to avoid duality or overlapping, this Committee shall be formed in consultation with other committees. The Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs agreed on setting an open ended committee on Palestine, in which any Parliaments could become the member of this Committee. Any parliament interested on becoming member and following up on the activities of this committee was suggested to directly contact the PUIC Secretariat General. Paragraph 3 Approved. Paragraph 4 Approved. Paragraph 5 Approved. Paragraph 6 Approved. Paragraph 7 Palestine made a proposal to add phrase and Gaza after the Western Bank. Approved with amendment from Palestine. Paragraph 8 Approved. There was also an additional proposal from Sudan in regards to paragraph (3). They approved paragraph 3 in terms of its idea, but proposed for strengthening the respective paragraph. Requests the PUIC Secretary General to address the UN Secretary General and the IPU Secretary General, and ask them to exert efforts for stopping Israeli measures aimed at Judaizing Al Quds City- in order to give more pressure to the international community in ending the Judaization of Al Quds Al Sharif.

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3. Draft Resolution No. 3-PE/7-CONF on the Support for Palestinian Full-Pledged membership in the United Nations (proposed by Indonesia) Paragraph 1 Palestine made a proposal to add phrases that will justify the referral to the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 181 (11) of 29 November 1947 in the preamble paragraph (4) and made a reservation for the operative paragraph (1) on the ground that the bid for Palestinian statehood was submitted by PLO not Palestinian Authority. Paragraph 2 Approved. Paragraph 3 Approved. Paragraph 4 Iran made a suggestion for the operative paragraph (4) to be divided into two paragraphs to emphasise the importance of the visit to Gaza Strip by Speakers of PUIC Member Parliament. Palestine made a proposal for deleting phrase visiting Gaza Strip and mention Palestine as a whole. However the Assistant to PUIC Secretary General disagree with the proposal for changing Gaza trip into Palestine since visiting the whole Palestine will need approval from Israel and this contradict the principle of neutrality, and in order to stay true to the Resolution of the First Extraordinary Conference held in Damascus on 30th June 2010. Lebanon seconded the proposal from Iran to divide paragraph into two parts. Algeria made a comment that the content of the document is sufficient but there are limitations in the structure of the draft resolution. Turkey supported the proposal made by Iran and Lebanon, and suggested the Committee to split the paragraph into two parts. The General Secretariat was entrusted to draft a suitable paragraph for paragraph (4) and the Committee postponed the approval until the end of the session. Paragraph 5 Approved.

4. Draft Resolution No. 4-PE/7-CONF on Syrian Arab Golan Syria approved the draft resolution without any reservations. Lebanon made an intervention expressing his concern about preamble paragraph (4) regarding the Israeli destruction and the possibility of this paragraph obstructing the peace process. The draft resolution approved without amendment.

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5. Draft Resolution No. 5-PE/7-CONF on the Situation in Lebanon Iran made a proposal for changing lauding into commanding in the preamble paragraph (1) and changing taking note to condemning in the preamble paragraph (2). Lebanon made a proposal to omit up to the area beyond the Blue Line at the end of the operative paragraph (4). The draft resolution approved with omission and replacements.

6. Draft Resolution No. 6-PE/7-CONF on Equal And Inalienable Rights Of All Nations To Have Free Access To And Usage of Modern Technologies And Energy For Their Peaceful Purposes. Algeria seeks a clarification on whether the draft resolution representing Iran as it was mentioned in the title. Proposal for omission of (omissions and replacements are proposed by Iran) in the title. Palestine seconded the move from Algeria. Iran made a proposal to introduce new paragraph to be inserted after the second operational paragraph. The new paragraph was Consolidate the support for the develop countries for the transfer of technology, material and equipment necessary for peaceful purpose, especially in the chemical, biological and nuclear field. Urges those states which continue to impose restrictions on the transfer of technology for peaceful purposes to take initiative of removing those restrictions in accordance to the international law and relevant international legal instrument. The new paragraph was approved and Iran was asked to redraft the paragraph, and submit it to the Secretariat General. The Draft Resolution approved with amendment.

7. Draft Resolution No. 7-PE/7-CONF on Making the Middle East a Zone Free of Weapons of All Mass Destruction Palestine was seeking clarification for operative paragraph (6) and made a proposal for omission of the respective paragraph. Algeria made a proposal to use Israeli entity in all of the articles. Lebanon made a preposition to change demand the United Nations to requests the United Nations in the operative paragraph (3) The draft resolution approved with observation from Palestine, Lebanon, Algeria and omission of paragraph (6).

8. Draft Resolution No. 8-PE/7-CONF on The Situation In Iraq Syria made a proposal for a change in the operational paragraph (1) of the Arabic version of the draft resolution to make it similar to the English version.

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Palestine made a proposal for changing extremist religious to sectarian extremist in operative paragraph (6) and proposal for using reject any call for sectarian partition instead of secession in operative paragraph (7). Turkey made a proposal for changing secession into preservation for its territorial integrity in the operative paragraph (7). Algeria made a proposal for deleting punishing those responsible for crimes of torture as well as deleting also calls on Iraq to finalize implementation of remaining international resolution relevant to the liberation of Kuwait. Palestine made an intervention to express their understanding on the concern of Algeria regarding the punishment for crimes of torture and suggested that the paragraph should be clarified. Lebanon made a proposal for adding phrases punishing those responsible for crimes of torture during the occupation period. Indonesia made a proposal for broadened the paragraph by adding human rights violation including genocide as well as crime against humanity. However, the Committee was only approving proposal from Lebanon and the draft resolution approved with the proposed changes.

9. Draft Resolution No. 9-PE/7-CONF on The Situation in The Sudan Sudan made an intervention to inform the Committee on the recent developments in Sudan. Then, the delegates were also putting forward several proposals. The proposal were: 1. to merge operational paragraph (4) with paragraph (5); 2. Change the phrase which led to arriving at the Doha Document of Peace in Darfur into which led to stability in Darfur in paragraph (4); 3. Change ... support for implementing the items of the document into ...support for implementing the stability. Palestine made a proposal for additional paragraph regarding the situation in the South of Sudan, in which Israel become a dire threat to Sudan. Sudan seconded the proposal on the ground that Israeli presence in the South Sudan is a threat to the sovereignty of Sudan and as an effort to divide Sudan into two parts. The proposal from Palestine and Sudan was agreed in principle. The delegates from Palestine and Sudan were entrusted to draft the new paragraph with the assistance of the Secretary General.

10. Draft Resolution No. 10-PE/7-CONF on Combating International Terrorism Iran made an intervention to note the Committee on the differences in the translation between Arabic and English version. Turkey made an intervention to express their disagreement with omitting preamble paragraph (5) as proposed by Iran on the ground that the substance of this paragraph is important for upholding democracy and rule of law, as well as to achieve sustainable development.

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Algeria made a proposal for keeping all the paragraphs. Lebanon made a proposal to add one paragraph to distinguish between resistance, liberation and terrorism. Indonesia made a proposal to keep preamble paragraph (5) on the ground that the root of terrorism is inequality and injustice in terms of economic and development. Turkey seconded Indonesian proposal and propose to add lack for respect for human rights. Palestine made a proposal for additional sentence to clarify the whole paragraph. Lebanon made a proposal to change ...expanding the roles of civil society among the stakeholders into ...expanding the role of civil societies and all relevant stakeholders. Indonesia made a correction to the date of the 16th Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Bali in preamble paragraph (11) Iran made a reservation to the English translation of the paragraph (10), in which it supposed to be translated as strongly condemns the increase in terrorist acts against scientist and university professor particularly in Iran. The draft resolution adopted with preamble paragraph (5) remain in the draft and will be redraft by taking into account the proposal by Lebanon and Palestine.

The morning session of the Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs was adjourned for lunch and praying at 13:30 Hours. AFTERNOON SESSION 17:00 - 20:00 Hours The Specialized Standing Committee on Political and Economic Affairs resumed at 17:00 Hours.

11. Draft Resolution No. 11-PE/7-CONF on Promoting Solidarity and Unity among Muslim States to Confront Increasing Challenges Which Target The Capabilities of The Islamic Ummah Palestine made a proposal for adding to be aware of the Israeli/Zionist conspiracy by means of assassination in the draft resolution. It was decided that the proposal was approved and reference to Israeli/Zionist and other enemies will be stated clearly in the draft resolution. The draft resolution approved with amendment from Palestine.

12. Draft Resolution No. 12-PE/7-CONF on The Situation in Somalia Draft resolution approved unanimously.

13. Draft Resolution No. 13-PE/7-CONF on Situation in Cyprus Draft resolution approved unanimously.

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14. Draft Resolution No. 14-PE/7-CONF on The Situation in Jammu and Kashmir Draft resolution approved unanimously.

15. Draft Resolution No. 15-PE/7-CONF on The Aggression of The Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan made an intervention and reminded the Committee that 2012 is the 20th Anniversary of the Armenian occupation on Azerbaijan; therefore, the Azerbaijan delegates put forward a proposal for a new paragraph to commemorate on the anniversary. The paragraph: Call upon the Member Parliaments to properly recognize the genocidal massacre of Azerbaijan civilians by Armenian forces in the town of Khojaly of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 26 February 1992; demands to take to justice the perpetrators of the Khojaly massacre starting from 2012 which marks the 20th anniversary of the tragedy. Turkey seconded the proposal from Azerbaijan and suggests that the proposal will also be included in the Declaration. The Turkish delegation also provided brief information on the annihilation by the Armenian to emphasis on the importance of expressing the concerns of PUIC on this matter. Draft resolution approved and proposal from Azerbaijan will be included in the declaration.

16. Draft Resolution No. 16-PE/7-CONF on Rejecting All Sanctions Imposed on Any Islamic Countries Palestine made a suggestion for redrafting of the draft resolution particularly with clarification on the sanction instead of generalizing on the matter. However, the Assistant to the PUIC Secretary General is of the view that this draft is perfect. Sudan seconded the point of view of the Secretary General and extending their support for the draft resolution. The draft resolution adopted as is.

17. Draft Resolution No. 17-PE/7-CONF on The Necessity to Conduct Consultations and Prior Coordination Between Islamic Parliaments on the Sidelines of International Meetings Algeria made an intervention to voicing out their concern that when the PUIC and the secretariat of IPU were holding sidelines meeting during the meeting of those organizations there was always shortcomings in arranging the meeting such as lack of attendance from the PUIC member states. In response to this intervention, the PUIC Assistant Secretary General inform the floor that the invitation to this conference will be sent out at least 45 days before the commencing of the meeting. Indonesia made a proposal to cancel the phrase some circles in the preamble paragraph (8). Algeria seconded the proposal and proposed to change the word some circles with internal circles or bodies. The draft resolution approved with changes.

18. Draft Resolution No. 18-PE/7-CONF on The Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and the Muslim Population of the Dodecanese Draft resolution approved unanimously.

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19. Draft Resolution No. 19-PE/7-CONF on Doubling Relief Efforts by Member Parliament of The PUIC In Favor of the Famine-stricken People of Somalia and the Flood-Stricken People of Pakistan Draft resolution approved unanimously.

20. Draft Resolution No. 20-PE/7-CONF on The Role of Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) in Supporting the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Muslim Communities and Minorities in Non-OIC Members Lebanon made a proposal for an additional paragraph on the protection of the non-Islamic minorities in the Islamic country, thus reiterate the true image of Islam and to spread justice, as well as to fulfil the rights of minorities. Draft resolution approved with amendment of a new paragraph concerning Lebanese proposal.

21. Draft Resolution No. 21-PE/7-CONF on The Dynamics of the Peoples of the Middle East The draft resolution was proposed by Indonesia. Algeria made a proposal to omit North Africa from some paragraph the draft resolution since the dynamic in the Middle East has limited implication to North Africa. Turkey made a suggestion to delete the phrase in the Middle East and North Africa from the operative paragraph (1). Draft resolution approved with changes.

22. Draft Resolution No. 22-PE/7-CONF on The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact Upon the Economies of Developing Countries and in Particularly on Islamic Countries Following some concerns from the members of the Standing Specialized Committee of Political and Economic Affairs, the draft resolution will be redrafted by the PUIC Secretariat General and redistributed on the 27th of January 2012. Adoption of this draft resolution postponed until the member of the Standing Specialized Committee receives the revised version of the draft resolution. Indonesia made an intervention to extend their support toward draft resolution proposed by the Islamic Republic of Iran since this resolution critical to promote development in the PUIC member states.

23. Draft Resolution No. 23-PE/7-CONF on Establishing Legal Framework for the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers Indonesia withdrew their proposal for this draft resolution on the ground that it has been discussed and approved in the Standing Specialized Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Environment.

Toward the end of the meeting, Palestine was extending their invitation for the PUIC to convene in their country. He was also announcing the willingness of Turkey to host the first meeting of the open-ended committee on Palestine.

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The Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affair adjourned its meeting at 20:00 Hours.

DAY TWO: 27 JANUARY 2012 The meeting resumed at 17:30 hours. Point of order was given for the delegates from Morocco. Morocco was extending their apology and regret on their late arrival in Palembang due to force majeure. They were also extending their support for the Palestine causes and would like to be included in the Committee on Palestine Affairs. There were dynamic discussions in regards to the Committee on Palestine Affairs. The secretariat general has circulated the idea on the formation of the committee and communicated with PUIC members in order to gather interest from PUIC members. Palestine opted for the Committee to be open-ended in order to avoid the possibility that some Muslim country to be felt left out. While the Assistant to the PUIC Secretary General opted for the committee to be formed by the ten (10) countries that has expressed their interest and expanded after one year. In response to that, Turkey expressed their view that the number of the committee member is too large and shall be composed only by 3, 5 or 7 members at most. They also made a proposal to confine the number of the members in order to enable the committee to work immediately. In order to be able to work on a practical basis, the number of members should be limited to a small number. Morocco expressed their disagreement with confinement of the number of members on the ground that the Palestine Causes is of the concerns of all PUIC members. The y made a proposal to open the membership of the committee and increase the number of members until a certain limit (30 at most and 3 at least). The Committee then continue their deliberation on the draft resolutions and the Assistant to the PUIC Secretary General was asked to report on the amendment and changes that has been made.

1. Draft Resolution No. 1-PE/7-CONF on Situation in Palestine Amendment to the operative paragraph (1) … and declares the city of Al Quds Al Sharif as one of the spiritual capitals of the Islamic Ummah and the permanent capital of the State of Palestine. Amendment to the operative paragraph (3) …request that this recognition be immediately applied by the OIC Member States, and that the upgrade the level of relations with the State of Palestine to the level of “Embassy”. Additional new operating paragraph (4) strongly condemns and rejects Israeli settlement in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, including Al Quds Al Sharif, and considers it as an illegitimate act which should be eliminated. And request the international community to adopt a clear cut stance on condemning Israel for continuation with settlements. Amendment to operative paragraph (9) …which has been emphasized by the resolutions adopted by the PUIC Extraordinary Conference, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 19th January, 2011. Amendment to operative paragraph (10) ...and requests announcement of the conclusions of the investigation concerning aggression on UNRWA.

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Amendment to operative paragraph (10) ...it also request the international community to exert pressure on the occupation authorities to expedite the payment of these repatriations. Amendment to operative paragraph (15) ...request the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) to freeze the membership of Israel in the Union until the release of detained Palestinian representatives.

2. Draft Resolution No. 2-PE/7-CONF on The Role of Muslim Parliaments in Confronting Israeli Plans Concerning Jewishness of Israel and Judaization of Al Quds

Amendment to operative paragraph (2) – the names of the members of the Standing Committee on Palestinian Affairs. Amendment to operative paragraph (2) - point 2.1 Welcomes offer of the Grand national Assembly of Turkey to host the first meeting of the Committee and point 2.2 Mandates the PUIC Secretary general to address the UN Secretary General and the IPU Secretary General and asks them to exert efforts for stopping Israeli measures aimed at judaizing Al Quds City. Amendment to operative paragraph (4) ...and establishment of the racist separation wall. Amendment to operative paragraph (7) change of the word inhabitant of the Western Bank into Palestinians of the Western Bank, and adding words and Gaza after Western Bank. Additional new operative paragraph (9) Request energizing Al Quds Fund to support the steadfastness of our people in the city of Al Quds Al Sharif to confront settlement, the policy of judaization, confiscation and expulsion. New operative paragraph approved with amendment under PUIC, proposed by Palestine.

3. Draft Resolution No. 3-PE/7-CONF on the Support for Palestinian Full-Pledged membership in the United Nations (proposed by Indonesia)

Amendment to preamble paragraph (4) ...on whose basis Israel was established Amendment to operative paragraph (1) - change Palestinian Authority to PLO Change in operative paragraph (4) - omission of ...through inter-alia visiting Gaza Strip by parliament Speakers of PUIC as implementation of the First Extraordinary Conference held in Damascus on 30 June 2010 which then reemphasized by the resolutions adopted by the Second Extraordinary Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirate on 19 January 2011

4. Draft Resolution No. 4-PE/7-CONF on Syrian Arab Golan Amendment to preamble paragraph (2) Expressing its denunciation of Israel's non-application of the international resolutions, especially UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, as well as its concern about Israel's destruction of the peace process through its intransigence.

5. Draft Resolution No. 5-PE/7-CONF on the Situation in Lebanon Preamble paragraph (3) - change taking note into condemning Amendment to operative paragraph (2) ... as well as the attempt to rob Lebanon’s oil resources

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6. Draft Resolution No. 6-PE/7-CONF on Equal And Inalienable Rights Of All Nations To Have Free Access To And Usage of Modern Technologies And Energy For Their Peaceful Purposes. Amendment to operative paragraph (3) in the Arabic version in order to make it similar to the English translation.

7. Draft Resolution No. 7-PE/7-CONF on Making the Middle East a Zone Free of Weapons of All Mass Destruction Amendment to operative paragraph (3) ...and request the UN to urge Israel to accede to the NPT without any delay or conditions and subjection of its nuclear facilities and programmes to IAEA inspection

8. Draft Resolution No. 8-PE/7-CONF on The Situation In Iraq Amendment to operative paragraph (5) ...during the American occupation of Iraq Operative paragraph (6) - adding the term sectarian media Operative paragraph (7) - adding the terms territorial integrity and sectarian division Operative paragraph (8) - change the term political operation with political process

9. Draft Resolution No. 9-PE/7-CONF on The Situation in The Sudan Omission of some words from operative paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) Amendment on operative paragraph (2) - adding the term Zionist entities Revision on operative paragraph (4) Amendment to operative paragraph (4) ...Calls on the Member Parliaments to urge their respective governments and the international community to extend material and moral support in implementation of the document and for the launching of development of efforts.

10. Draft Resolution No. 10-PE/7-CONF on Combating International Terrorism Additional new operative paragraph (1) Stresses that resistance for national liberation and independence from foreign occupation is a legitimate right and should be distinguished from the criminal terrorist acts. Correction to the date of the 16th Ministerial Conference of the Non Aligned movement in the preamble paragraph (11) Operative paragraph (6) - change faith with religions Revised draft of operative paragraph (8) Amendment to Operative paragraph (12) … scientist and university professor

11. Draft Resolution No. 11-PE/7-CONF on Promoting Solidarity and Unity among Muslim States to Confront Increasing Challenges Which Target The Capabilities of The Islamic Ummah Amendment to preamble paragraph (6) ... and warning against conspiracies which are land and carried out by the Zionist movements and others which target the unity of the Muslims and seek to cause dissension among them including the means of assassination as well as utilizing the media and others in order to destroy the sanctities of Muslims

12. Draft Resolution No. 15-PE/7-CONF on The Aggression of The Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan

Additional new operative paragraph (15) as proposed by Azerbaijan

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13. Draft Resolution No. 17-PE/7-CONF on The Necessity to Conduct Consultations and Prior Coordination Between Islamic Parliaments on the Sidelines of International Meetings

Additional new operative paragraph (5) Mandates that the PUIC General Secretariat to inform the Member Parliaments about the date for holding the consultative meeting which will convene on the sidelines of the IPU Conference one month before the meeting

14. Draft Resolution No. 18-PE/7-CONF on The Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and the Muslim Population of the Dodecanese

Correction in the Arabic version on the term of legislation in the last operative paragraph.

15. Draft Resolution No. 20-PE/7-CONF on The Role of Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) in Supporting the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Muslim Communities and Minorities in Non-OIC Members

Additional new operative paragraph (5) Stresses that the real image of Islam is the one which reflects the content of its tolerant message which is based on propagating justice, peace and renunciation of violence and interaction with other in such a way as to serve humanity and achieve the progress of nations and peoples, and focuses on confronting western Zionist campaigns against Islamic values and Islam and obliteration of its true image. Amendment words Zionist after western so it will be western Zionist campaigns

16. Draft Resolution No. 21-PE/7-CONF on The Dynamics of the Peoples of the Middle East Morocco and Algeria insist on omitting the words Middle East and North Africa from the preamble paragraphs and operative paragraphs in order to make the draft resolution more general. The Draft resolution approved with the changes proposed by Morocco and Algeria.

17. Draft Resolution No. 22-PE/7-CONF on The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact Upon the Economies of Developing Countries and in Particularly on Islamic Countries

Approved without changes. The meeting of the Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs declared to be closed at at 18:45 hours.

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DAY ONE: 26 JANUARY 2012 MORNING SESSION 09:00-13:30 HOURS The meeting was opened at 9.25 hours by the PUIC Secretary General with an apology on the delay in starting the meeting due to late arrival of some of the delegates. The deliberation was then handed over to the Chairman of the meeting who was accompanied by the Representative of the PUIC Secretary General, covering six (6) items of draft report and draft resolution of the 6th Meeting of Standing Specialized Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Environment. The agenda of the meeting was agreed unanimously. The meeting were attended by delegates from Turkey, Tunisia, Syria, Senegal, Oman, Niger, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Chad, Cameroon, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and Malaysia. 1. Draft Resolution No.1-LHE/7-CONF on PUIC-OIC Cooperation on implementation of Ten-year

Program of Action

The review of this draft resolution was conducted by reading paragraph by paragraph of the resolution by the Representative of the PUIC Secretary General. The floor was given chance to comment on the resolution. Several comments were observed during the deliberation upon this draft of resolution. Senegal commented upon point 1 regarding the importance of implementing the cooperation and expressed a desire or will for a stronger cooperation between OIC and PUIC. The cooperation needs to be promptly followed up in order to provide advantages to the union. Moreover according to Senegal, the cooperation is considered to be crucial especially for the African countries which facing poverty, famine and internal conflict which cannot be resolved only by their internal parliament. Members of the parliaments need to cooperate with the OIC in an effort to assist those countries. Indonesia was welcoming an increasing cooperation between OIC and PUIC with a belief that both can work together in implementing the Ten- year program for the best political interest of ummah. Particular attention by Indonesia was given to an effort to reform UN memberships especially the Security Council so that members of PUIC can be considered to be a member. Other issues which being concerned by Indonesia such as Islamiphobia, protection of the right of Moslem ummah especially the minority in some countries, Palestine issue, and an effort to boost cooperation particularly in respect to an economic and trade cooperation amongst the PUIC members. Chad gave a particular highlight on the political domain, especially Palestinian issue. However, there were also some similar problems in other countries such as in Arab Springs and Africa which require attention. Chad argued that there is lack of concern from the PUIC in regard to those countries. Therefore, it was suggested that the PUIC not only look exclusively at the Palestine but also at other problems such as Arab springs and Pakistan. Niger was commenting on the increasing poverty and conflicts, particularly in Arab world. Consequently, Niger asked for concrete actions both in political and economic domain by the PUIC.

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In addition, they asserted that there is necessity for the PUIC to come up with new approach to solve the problem and to be able to act effectively. The Chairman then summarized point of concerns raised by the floor which are: needs a way to measure follow up of the resolution, issue in dealing with Islamophobia, trying to find genuine concept of terrorism, and supporting right to fight for Palestinian freedom and entity. Regarding the effectiveness of the resolution, the Chairman argued that the organization need more time in order to be able to implement their resolutions. The problem lies in the nature of the organization, which is parliamentary, that has a limitation in their action. In respect to the items of resolution, items (1) and (2) of resolution No. 1-LHE/7-CONF is adopted unanimously. In addition, one item was added (mention by the Chairman as amendment) to the resolution based on the suggestion from the Chairman in response to apprehension from the floor regarding the follow up on the implementation of the resolutions. The chairman then assigned the Secretary General’s representative to prepare the resolution which was directly formulated during the meeting and has been read before the floor. The additional item 3 is request the Secretary General to follow up upon this resolution and to prepare the report thereon in order to be presented and submitted to the next incoming meeting of this committee. The amendment/addition was warmly welcomed by the floor with a small concern from the Senegal regarding the word amendment and addition which was finally agreed to be interchangeably. And even Niger suggested establishing a new committee which is in charge to report on the implementation of the resolutions, consisting of selected members and the Secretariat General. However, the reporting process by the Secretary General in the next incoming meeting was considered to be sufficient. In conclusion, the draft resolution was approved with amendment/addition of the above item 3. Still related to Agenda discussion 1, there was also a small discussion on the Draft Resolution No.2-LHE/7-CONF on Signing/Ratification of (Accession to) the Charter and the Agreements concluded under the organization of the Islamic Cooperation. The Chairman suggested the members immediately signing the charter/agreements. The list of members which have signed or have not signed any charter/agreements will be posted through the website. 2. Support of the Member Parliaments to the application made by the PUIC to obtain the

observer status at the United Nations (Draft Resolution No.3-LHE/7-CONF on Cooperation with the United Nations)

The discussion was initiated by reading of the draft resolution by the representative of the Secretariat General, followed by comments by the floor. The first comment came from Jordan that suggested adding a word of ‘environmental’ in the resolution; however it was discharged due the approval of the draft from Indonesia regarding Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development later on. Following this, Indonesia also extended comments on the resolution. Indonesia suggested strengthening the presence of OIC in the UN forum in order to develop a positive communication. Gaining the recognition is critical; unfortunately it is not materialize yet. Similarly, the observer status by the PUIC is also important, and pertinent to the interest of the member countries.

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Senegal was also in support for the resolution while questioning the Chairman regarding the cause of the impediment/obstacle of the union in obtaining the status of observer in order to be able to act accordingly whether this cause is procedural or simply because the UN does not accept it. The Chairman was responding by expressing an expectation that the parliaments to communicate with the foreign ministers of the member countries to lobby on the effort. If the resolution is to be agreed, then it has to be communicated with the foreign minister of each country. By then, it can be discussed in the UN‘s meeting. Finally the resolution was adopted anonymously. 3. Democracy, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law


4. Action to promote human rights in accordance with the lofty Islamic precepts The discussions of agenda 3 and 4 were combined into one agenda discussion. The first comment came from the Chairman who questioning on the meaning of International Humanitarian Law that stated in Resolution 4 and on the extent on the implementation. The representative of the Secretary General replied that it could be defined as laws accepted by the UN or norms accepted by the international countries, however he could not comment on the extent it has been implemented. In response to the similar question, Chad stated that it could be defined as norms, rules and principles recognized by the UN and accepted internationally, however put concerns on the double standard of the implementation. Since there is no consensus amongst the floor on the definition of the phrase ‘International Humanitarian Law’ on item 1 of the Draft Resolution No.4-LHE/7-CONF on Democracy, Human Right and the International Laws, the phrase was omitted from the draft. Due to acceptance of the Indonesian proposal regarding the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (Draft Resolution No.5-LHE/7-CONF), the paragraphs and items of Draft Resolution No.4 which contains environmental related matters are omitted. Those omissions are:

Some paragraphs on page 11 of the Draft Report and Draft Resolution of the SSC on Legal Affairs, Human Right and Environment, which are paragraph 2 (Recalling also…), paragraph 4 (Recognizing…), paragraph 5 (Expressing…), and paragraph 6 (Expressing also…).

Some items on page 12 which are items no. 6, 7, 8, and 10. A part of item no.9 is also omitted (…and adequate interest for the protection of the environment, for the benefit of present and future generations.)

Still regarding Draft Resolution No.4, Jordan requested to review paragraph one on page 11 in an Arabic version of word ‘compliance’ which is considered inappropriate, even though that the meaning in English is correct. Therefore it was suggested to amend the Arabic version only. 5. Paying attention to the environmental issues, and dealing with the requirements of

sustainable development

This is one out of two of the Indonesian proposals in the draft report of the 6th Standing Specialized Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Right and Environment.

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Firstly, Indonesia was given a chance to briefly explain the background of the proposal. The first draft is related with the environmental and sustainable development. The resolution recommends focusing more on the sustainable development to avoid over exploitation of the nature. It is also closely related with the stipulation in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Summit) and UN sustainable development goal. Another issue is fighting the climate change and reducing the green house emission as stipulated in the United Nations Convention on Climate Change and also based on the Bali Roadmap, Bali Action Plan and Cancun agreement. Stronger political will is needed to be being imposed upon the PUIC countries in regard to this matter. In addition, a green economy was also introduced by Indonesia which focuses on economic development which is pro poor, pro job, and pro environment. In response, Malaysia was commenting on the Indonesian draft and was in full support for the Indonesian draft resolution. They also highlighted an issue of green technology and proposed to add some points to the resolution. It was agreed by the meeting that Malaysia to add the following items into the Resolution 5, as follows:

Item (8) Encourages developed countries to share their technology know-how in the field of in renewable technology.

Item (9) Urges the international community to play a role by creating a special fund to overcome financial constraint especially for poor countries.

Supports for Indonesian and Malaysian proposal also came from Chad and Jordan which also provided evidences of the negative effects of the green house emission and the worsening of the environmental condition. Finally the meeting anonymously accepted the proposal from Indonesia with additional two items from Malaysia. 6. Establishing legal framework for the protection of the human rights of migrant workers (for

the Standing Specialized on Human Rights). (proposed by Indonesia) The last agenda of the standing committee was related to Draft resolution no.6 –LHE/7-CONF on Establishment Legal Framework for the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers, proposed by the Indonesia. Firstly, Indonesia was given once again opportunity to explain the background of the proposed resolution. It was drafted following the Abu Dhabi’s resolution on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, it is considered to require more comprehensive legal agreements from both the state of origin (exporter) and state of employment (importer) of the migrant workers, through pushing parliamentary and legislator efforts. Following this, Malaysia extended their view on the proposal that there has been political effort to discuss G to G between Indonesia and Malaysia regarding the matter. Even though supporting the Indonesian proposal, Malaysia put a concern on the issue of illegal worker which led to slavery. Then, Malaysia suggested an anti trafficking law to stop the illegal immigrant worker amongst PUIC countries. Other comments were also in support to the proposal. Sudan urged the members of PUIC to have bilateral agreements between countries of the PUIC. Meanwhile, Chad also was also concerning on the issue of illegal worker, but the issue has to be wisely responded.

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In regard to the text of the proposal, there were some suggestions extended and can be summarized as follows:

Omission of phrase Moslem migrant workers (Page 16 item no.1)

Clarification of on terms of ‘flows’ in item no 6. It was clarified to be ‘flows of migrant’.

Correction in Item no 10 (concerning the translation in Arabic), the Arabic version is amended to confirm the English version.

Inclusion of the Malaysia’s proposal as an additional item: o To call upon member of PUIC to propose a comprehensive legal act for anti human

trafficking law to encounter the human trafficking.

Correction on item 10, change of word ‘object’ into ‘objective’. In the concluding remark, the Chairman stated that some aspect of the draft report and draft which have been deleted will be re-drafted and distributed accordingly during the joint committee meeting. The meeting was concluded at 12.35 hours, covering the whole agenda of the Standing Specialized Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Environment.

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Aryaduta Hotel, Palembang, 26 January 2012

DAY ONE: 26 JANUARY 2012 MORNING SESSION 09:00-13:30 HOURS The meeting was chaired by Hon Dr Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, the deputy chairman of the Bureau for Inter Parliamentary Cooperation, The Indonesian House of Representatives. Before the meeting began, the PUIC Secretary General, Prof Mahmud Erol Kilick, were making an official greeting to the Members of PUIC and extending his wishes that the result of meeting will be beneficial for the ummah in the Muslim world. The Chairman opened the meeting by extending her appreciation to the delegates and welcoming them to Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country in the world. In her remarks, the Chairman stressed the importance of the Standing Specialized Committee on Woman Social and Cultural Affairs in assisting the PUIC members to resolve the issues coming from the modernized world. However, the lack of women representative in politics has restrained the aspirations and interests of woman in the development program. Therefore, drawing examples from the golden age of Islamic era, the Chairman urged the augmentation of women's role in key decision making processes within the ruling government to achieve sustainable development, sustainable democracy and sustainable future in building more peaceful and prosperous world. In her closing sentence, the Chairwomen expressed her gratitude for the implementation of this Standing Specialized Committee's resolution to assemble the 1st Women PUIC Conference on the following day. The Standing Specialized Committee deliberated on the agenda and draft resolutions that have been approved by the Executive Committee. There were eight (8) draft resolutions for deliberation.

1. Draft Resolution No. 1-WSC/7-CONF on Establishment of Sustainable Dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments Algeria Shared their experience of their continuous dialogue with Western parliaments Indonesia Viewed this event as the significant way to increase a stronger role of Islamic countries in international world and to defend the Islamic values in heritage. Indonesia provided an example of how the communication between Indonesia government and the International world has been successfully answered the questions about the accountability of Indonesia's 1965 regulation on the information of religion towards individual human rights. Indonesia guaranteed that the continuation of this regulation will not lead to shallow radicalism of religion. Malaysia Requested for the constant updates through the available media on what kind of resolution implementation have been carried out by PUIC members, in order to allow other PUIC members to participate or to share their views about such activities from time to time.

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Chairman In response to Malaysia requests, the Chairman referred to point 9 of the resolution to present an example of how she, as Muslim woman leading the Women Coordinating Committee in IPU, utilize the Indonesia membership in IPU, as the International parliament organization, to promote the dialogue with western world. The Chairman also encouraged other members which also join the other International parliament organizations, such as APA or AIPA, to implement this point of resolution. The Chairman also shared her experience during her last campaign to become the president of IPU in her effort to represent the Islamic women in international forum and showed how the Western world has respected and supported her during her candidacy. The Chairman, then, agreed with Malaysia to provide the Secretary General with what the members need and have done from time to time. Malaysia Then questioned if the aforementioned vocal group in the draft resolution is an informal group to check and update with each member during the international forums. Chairman Replied that in every International conference, the PUIC members, especially their woman representatives, shall meet to support each other and to be aware of what major issues that they should work together. The Chairman then pointed that UN has its own International Association of Women living under Islamic Law and how woman representatives in this association has given the bad image to the Islamic law. Therefore, the Chairman stressed that the PUIC members shall speak up and spread the information about what actually happens in their experiences as an counteract of what the International Association of Women living under Islamic Law currently does to denounce the Islamic way of life. PUIC Secretariat General Explained that PUIC has initiated the dialogue between Islamic and Western civilizations. The ambassador appreciated the Dr. Nurhayati's experiences in her effort to represent Islamic world in various International conferences. The ambassador then recommended each PUIC members to establish a group that would communicate all of their activities in their parliament to other PUIC members through the PUIC secretariat. PUIC Secretariat General Really appreciated the PUIC Members responses to the draft resolution and really hoped that it would be implemented soon to achieve a very productive discussion between the PUIC members. Chairman Again stressed the importance of the formation of a vocal group within each PUIC member parliament, which not only consists of man but also woman parliamentarians, in order to diminish the communication barrier between Islamic and Western world. The Chairman provided a couple of examples of how miscommunication between Islamic world parliamentarians and Western world parliamentarians could lead to an uncomfortable situation between countries. The Chairman then requested the PUIC Secretariat General to establish the vocal group. The Chairman also urged the PUIC members to give a chance to their woman parliamentarians attend International meeting like IPU, European or African meeting so Muslim women will have more of their representatives in such International forums. Uganda provided an example of proposal from Sudan delegation during the PUIC conference in Uganda in 2010 to invite woman parliamentarians from all Islamic countries in the world

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to the PUIC meeting. He then continued to explain that the Sudan's idea had been discussed and developed during the last PUIC meeting in Damascus and the results from that discussion have been implemented in this PUIC conference in Palembang. Malaysia Shared their experiences on how their woman representatives in parliament stand against the challenges and issues in their country. Religion and tradition have been used interchangeably as reasons on why women should not present in public interests area and key political decision making process. Time restriction has also constrained women from developing their skill to reach their full potential when they have to juggle between domestic and education duties. First solution to this problem is to initiate in depth discussion to reflect the issues within Muslim women life. Malaysia also appeals to the international banks to extend their financial aid to help create decent condition for Muslim women. However, the most important thing is the Malaysia parliament's effort to encourage Muslim women in increasing their roles in economy, social political fields through the Muslim women empowerment and capacity building programs. Indonesia Stated that currently in Indonesia more Muslim women now have significant influences in the national security and defence area as well. Indonesia then stressed that Islamic world not only needs laws and regulations to increase women participation in key areas but also the advancement of thoughts and wisdoms of both sex to accept the gender equality and women independence in their daily live by which the Islamic religion has guaranteed. Chairman Reminded the floor that the discussion about civilizations had not been started and requested the participants to focus on the current discussion about vocal group issues and dialogues between Muslim women parliamentarians. The Chairman also acknowledged the draft resolution proposed by Algeria delegation. The Chairman then added that the discussion of draft resolution no.1 would be adopted later on because she received good comments from the Algeria delegation and decided that these comments should be mentioned in the next formulation.

2. Draft Resolution No. 2-WSC/7-CONF on Promoting Dialogue among Civilizations with Special Emphasize on facing Western Campaigns against Islamic Values Indonesia Commented on point no. 12 about the importance of establishing Islamic television channel. Indonesia urged the PUIC members to strongly influence and persuade their respected governments about this issue, in order to provide the International people with a more balance view about Islam and to prevent the spread of negative and imbalance news about Islamic world from the Western world media. Nigeria Even though Nigeria came as observer in this Conference, Nigeria delegation fully supported the PUIC resolutions, especially point no. 14. Based on the experience taken from their country, Nigeria encouraged the PUIC members to encourage peaceful jihad and to spread the beauty of Islam, instead of killing or destroying each other. Nigeria also expresses their view towards PUIC as good platform to start those peaceful actions. Indonesia believed that the causes of the widening gap between Islamic and Western world communities derived from undemocratic international institution and further damaged by

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discriminatory incidents towards Islam. Therefore, Indonesia parliament encouraged PUIC members to pursue and formalize a sustainable dialogue between both communities in institutional framework or bilateral cooperation. Indonesia delegation then expressed their view about point no. 8, about the exchange program between the youth from Arabic speaking Islamic countries and the youth from Non-Arabic speaking Islamic countries. Indonesia expected that youth exchange program will be developed extensively as the Western world has been successful in such program PUIC Secretariat General Welcomed Nigeria and expected Nigeria to become full member of PUIC. The Ambassador shared his experience in teaching Arabic language and how the Indonesia government has aided his program to establish an Arabic speaking Islamic university in Malang, Indonesia. He then encouraged PUIC member states to provide scholarship for students from Muslim countries who wish to study Arabic language in another Islamic country. He expected that this program can be facilitated by their parliaments through some sort of cultural exchange agreement. By doing so, he hoped that the unity of ummah can be rapidly established. The ambassador also commented on the Islamic Television channel issue, explained that PUIC already brought the idea to the UNESCO and encouraged the PUIC members to implement this initiative. The draft resolution no. 2 was then agreed to be adopted without amendment.

The Standing Specialized Committee on Women Social and Cultural Affairs adjourned its meeting at 13.30 Hours. AFTERNOON SESSION

3. Draft Resolution No. 3-WSC/7-CONF on Enhancing the role of women in all development aspects in PUIC Member States to strengthen democracy Indonesia stressed on the need to secure the future and security of children as fulfilment of their inalienable rights. Indonesia also provided a brief overview on child situation in Indonesia, in which many children are still neglected of their rights for education. It was mostly due to inability of parent to finance for their education. In most cases, children are forced to join workforce at early age to reduce the burden of family, thus denied of their rights for education, socializing and playing with their peers. Therefore, Indonesia encourages PUIC member states to take specific measures to overcome that problem. Nigeria emphasized that culture affect the role of women in each country, thus PUIC need to be conscious of this reality. Furthermore, PUIC shall seek measures to strengthen women in general, such as through encouraging wider opportunity for education for children especially girl. Bahrain suggested on exchanging experiences between different parliaments within PUIC. Malaysia made statement in support of items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. They realized that women are invaluable resource for social political and economic development of nation. Women are equal breadwinner as well as capable think-tank and policy maker. Malaysia has also allocated significant amount of their national budget for training of women, as well as

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enacting policies in support of women in decision making and strategic position in corporate and public sectors. As of today, there is a significant increase of women holding high level position in public sector, however, still relatively low in corporate sector. PUIC Secretariat General extended appreciation and agreed on additional item to reflect Bahrain suggestion on exchanging experiences, not only the successful experience but the obstacles faced by each parliament. Thus, enable PUIC to provide concerted effort in overcoming those obstacles.

4. Draft Resolution No. 4-WSC/7-CONF on Protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque against Israeli threats Malaysia reaffirmed their Government support toward Palestine causes and fully supports this resolution. Malaysia reinstated their support for the legitimate rights of Palestinian for the independent state of Palestine according to the two state solutions based on 1967 borders. Malaysia will continue to support all efforts by the international community to find a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful settlement to the Palestine-Israel conflict, including ensuring that Al-Aqsa Mosque will not be demolished. Nigeria expressed concern that this meeting will be concluded by a generalized idea on this topic that will be difficult to implement and suggested that PUIC come up with a concrete steps to resolve the matter. Nigeria also suggested that PUIC drawing up an action plan to stop the excavation, etc. In attending to that query, the PUIC Secretariat General clarified that the action plan has embedded in the draft resolution itself. There were some questions from the floor on the wording of this resolution followed by some suggestions on the wording to strengthen the resolutions.

5. Draft Resolution No. 5-WSC/7-CONF on Protection of holy places in Islamic States

There was a very dynamic discussion on the substances of the draft resolution with some of the PUIC members proposed on revising the draft resolution. During the discussion, Indonesian delegation put forward a request for an explanation from the PUIC Secretariat General on item no 3 in the draft resolution concerning the churches in Alexandria. The PUIC Secretariat General made it clear that the item was included in order to demonstrate that Islam also concern on any irresponsible acts towards holy places of other religion. Indonesia then made a proposal to change the title of the resolution to accommodate the PUIC concerns on those churches. The proposal was accepted.

6. Resolution No. 6-WSC/7-CONF on Promoting the status of youth in Islamic World Syria put forward a proposal for including media, audiovisual and satellite channel due to its high influence to the youth in Islamic world. Indonesia was also concerns with decrease in Muslim identity due to western music and lifestyle; fortunately in Indonesia there is a growing number of youth interested in Islam as a religion and as an ideology. In politic, there is a growing number of youth representing

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Islamic parties. Indonesia was also fully supporting the resolution particularly item no 1 and 2 of the resolution. Bahrain also put forward a proposal to include education in the draft resolution. The draft resolution was adopted with amendment from Syria and Bahrain.

7. Resolution No. 7-WSC/7-CONF on the child care and protection in the Islamic world

Indonesia has ratified various regulations to protect children lives since 1990. One of the most important achievements based on those regulations implementation is the formation of National Commission of Child Protection as an independent organisation to protect the rights of children. As addition, Indonesia also adopted national action plan to combat child trafficking and child sexual exploitation. Indonesia expected these issues to be added to the resolution and the chairman replied that these issues already mentioned in point no. 4 of the resolution. The draft resolution was adopted with amendment from Syria and Palestine.

8. Resolution No. 8-WSC/7-CONF on Role of Islamic parliaments in confronting global

pandemics and fatal diseases Nigeria suggested that TBC should be added on the paragraph no. 2, because TBC and AIDS aggravate each other. The Secretariat General explained the importance of circulation of results from current pandemics and fatal diseases studies held by PUIC members and expected to receive any update about the study progress to be communicated with other PUIC members. The draft resolution was adopted with amendment from Nigeria.

Toward the end of the meeting, there was also an exhaustive discussion on Draft Resolution No. 1-WSC/7-CONF on Establishment of Sustainable Dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments and Draft Resolution No. 3-WSC/7-CONF on Enhancing the role of women in all development aspects in PUIC Member States to strengthen democracy. The draft resolution no. 1 was adopted with amendment from Algeria. Indonesia agreed to remove all references of children in draft no.3 as draft no. 7 has already covered the child protection issues. Indonesia proposed an amendment in article 10 in order to fully protect the rights of women migrant workers and to provide protection and justice for the victims of violence acts. Indonesia also proposed an additional operating paragraph between article 6th and 7th of the paragraphs that encouraged all PUIC members to form an affirmative action to ensure that gender equality in all development aspects has been fully implemented. The draft resolution no. 3 was then adopted with amendments from Indonesia.

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28 – 29 JANUARY 2012

DAY 1 – 28 JANUARY 2012, 09.00 HOURS – 11.00 HOURS 1. Recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran Following the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran, The meeting was opened at 9.30 hours by H.E. Marzuki Alie by welcoming and by expressing appreciation for the participants of the General Committee meeting. 2. Adoption of the agenda and the Program of Work of the 14th Session of the PUIC General Committee (Council) The agenda, which was previously drafted by the Executive Committee with recommendation that the PUIC General Committee accept the agenda, was approved unanimously. 3. Report of the Secretary General The Secretary General started his report by congratulated on the success of election of some of the members’ parliament and was wishing success for others, which are still in the process. The Secretary General mentioned that the meeting was change its name into General Committee Meeting (previously Council) following the adoption of amendment of statute held in Abu Dhabi 2011. There were some additional information provided by the Secretary General in regard to communication and memberships. In term of communication, an informative bulletin has been published quarterly in three languages (Arab, French, and English) and an effort to regularly update the web. Related to memberships, it was stated the current number of the permanent members of PUIC is 52 countries while missing other remaining six (6) of OIC members. Therefore, it is suggested to contact those countries, which not join the union yet, in order to secure their memberships. In addition, the number of observer has risen from 15 to 18 observers. The Secretary General also extended an important issue before the floor which is regarding the process to obtain the status in the United Nations (UN). The Secretary General regretted that there was a mistake in the process of application send by the Secretariat to UN. However now, it has been rectified that the President of the Union must apply first to UN and the delegations of PUIC which are permanent members of UN must support the application. Therefore, the Secretary General recommended and urged the states secretary/permanent ambassador of PUIC countries in UN to support the idea. Information regarding the detail plan of the meeting in UN headquarter will be informed to PUIC members later on. This matter has also been discussed with the H.E. Marzuki Alie from Indonesia as the permanent members of UN. There was no comment from the floor regarding the report from the Secretary General. The Chairman then suggested proceeding to the next agenda meeting. 4. Request for Membership to the PUIC by the People’s Majlis of the Republic of Maldives. (Maldives is full member at the OIC since 1976) The Chairman, in regard to this item, explained that this item been discussed and approved by the Executive committee previously. The only comment on this item came from Pakistan who expressed

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a full support for the membership of Maldives. The Chairman offered the floor to agree upon it and to submit the request to the Conference (7th Conference of the PUIC). Then, the submission was approved unanimously. 5. Request for the observer status in the PUIC by the Moro National Liberation Front. (Moro National Liberation Front is observer at the OIC since 1977) The request which was agreed previously in Ankara, Turkey was approved to be submitted to the 7th Conference of PUIC unanimously. 6. Request for the observer status in the PUIC by the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries. (Subsidiary Body of the OIC – establish in 1977) The Chairman explained that the request has been discussed previously at the Executive Committee which recommends discussing the matter at the General Meeting (Council). This request was also unanimously agreed to be submitted to the 7th PUIC conference. 7. Request for the observer status in the PUIC by the Parliamentary Assembly Union of Belarus and Russia. This agenda item was also unanimously agreed to be submitted to the 7th PUIC conference. 8. Examination and adoption of the Reports of the 26th and 27th Meeting of the PUIC Executive Committee and their annexes. This agenda deals with the reports of the Executive Committee, comprising the report of the 26th meeting in Ankara, Turkey and the 27th Meeting which was conducted here in Palembang. The reports have been distributed to each table of the participants of the General Committee (Council). The first comment regarding this item was extended by Pakistan which proposed some suggestion. Pakistan was asking for parliament quota in PUIC Secretariat General and hiring PUIC annual staff. It is also highlighted the importance of training such as a security and staff professional training, and staff capacity building, training in the patron of CPA on the annual basis, and also providing training for the parliamentary practices. Pakistan is ready to be host if requested. The Secretary General responded to proposal from Pakistan by saying that PUIC is eager to cooperate if any member extends a proposal on a training, meeting, or conference. However, the proposal must come from the member. For example Turkey had invited PUIC for 3 days meeting in a small city to discuss the parliamentary budgeting aspect. Other example mentioned by the Secretary General was Saudi Arabia who proposed to host/organize for training of the officials of the parliament. In conclusion, the Secretary General stated his readiness for cooperation if any parliament is to propose or willing to host any training. Following this; the Chairman re-stated that, in regard to item 8, both of the reports of the Executive Committee have been distributed and recommend submitting to the conference for the approval. There was no comment from the floor and therefore both reports were adopted and will be submitted to the Conference.

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FINANCIAL AFFAIRS 9. Approval of the following financial documents of the Union:

9.1. Report of the Financial Control Committee (FCC) on the Final Accounts for the fiscal year 2011 9.2. Proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2012

The financial report was presented by the head of FCC (Financial Control Committee). An external auditor has been used in conformation with the article 16 of the statutes of PUIC. A brief summary was given in regard to the financial report that the total contributions assessed were 2.178 Millions USD. The Head of FCC highlighted one important issue in regard to contributions from the member countries that there are 21 countries have not paid their contribution yet for the current year and there are 7 members’ states that have not paid their contribution since joining the union. Therefore, it was suggested that PUIC conducting the investigation regarding the payment. In conclusion, the Head of FCC stated that the financial report is sound, clear, and the expenses are within budget without any variation based on the international auditing procedure. Commenting on the issue of contribution, Uganda inquired whether the Council have received explanations from the countries which have default in the payment of the contribution. The Secretariat General should ask those countries to explain the reason in writing and should decide upon the reason. Other comment came from UAE by first thanking FCC for the report. However, UAE suggested developing an improved the budget process and adopting an international auditing and budgeting procedure. It is also suggested to have more details report and to improve the financial system adopted by PUIC. In addition to gain financing from the parliament not only relies from OIC. In response to comment from Uganda, the Secretary General commented that there are some countries facing crisis and deficit in their financial aspect. There are two options suggested by the Secretary General. The first of option is to be strict on members that are not paying their contribution within consecutive three years by reviewing their membership or omitting those countries from memberships. The second one is to keep the memberships but requiring those countries to provide the reason behind default, and if it is logic, then the august Committee will deliberate on the problem. Some countries also expressed their concern on the matter. Pakistan endorsed the suggestion from Uganda and the Secretary General that the problem needs to be resolved. Indonesia supported comments from Pakistan that PUIC must summon the countries that have not paid the contribution. However, Indonesia suggested not embarrassing the delegation, and discussing it in a private meeting to solve the problems. Morocco expressed appreciation to FCC and was in support for the Secretary General’s views on the financing and contribution that it is understandable since many countries of PUIC facing crises. Saudi Arabia also proposed a discussion not a sanction on those countries. A stronger suggestion was expressed by Algeria by suggesting the Secretariat to contact OIC on whether those countries have paid the OIC contribution but not to PUIC. If this is so, the finding has to be address properly.

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Chad was asking why their name is still on the list while they have paid the contribution on 2011. This has been clarified by FCC staff that Chad that it just paid in cash at the conference whilst the report based on last year closing budget in Teheran. Commenting on UAE suggestion in regard to the auditing system, the Secretary General emphasized that the Union is not a company, but organization. Moreover, all the money goes to basic needs such salary, housing, and electricity, conference, etc. For the project such as the conference, the auditing is a different system. In regard to the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2012, FCC put a high concern on the limited availability of budget for the Union. It is projected that the budget would not meet of the previous year. The budget is confined by the contribution and based on what has been collected at the previous year. Therefore, it was recommended to increase the annual contribution since the budget of PUIC less than 10% of OIC. Moreover, all of them go to the basic need such as salary, housing, electricity, etc. Similarly, Secretary General also stated the same concern that the budget is approximately only 7% of OIC and less than subsidiary body of OIC. The budget is just to breathe or to live, thus need to be revised. In conclusion, the Chairman urged the Secretary General to follow up the matters expressed by the floor. 10. Determining the fees of the Local External Auditor for the year 2012. Regarding this agenda meeting, the Secretary General explained that there are two financial institutions handling the financial aspect of the Union, which are FCC and the local external auditor. If it is agreed by the floor, the external company will be used continuously as the external auditor. Then the Chairman gave opportunity to the floor to comment on the matter. There was no comment from the floor; therefore the suggestion of using the external auditor was approved. ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS 11. Enlargement of the PUIC Memberships (Proposed by Indonesia) This agenda was to discuss a proposal from Indonesia to enlarge the memberships from both member and non-member of OIC, and also other countries which has Muslim minority. It was proposed amend the statute thus enabling the countries which have Muslim minority to be the observers. Indonesia has visited those countries in order to participate in the conference and to submit application as the observer. For example Maldives, which have become observer, and also Bosnia Herzegovina. The objective of the amendment is to open the memberships to the wider community, and to provide opportunity to others to promote dialogue by inviting to be member and observer. The followings are summary of comments extended by the floor in regard to the proposal of Indonesia. Palestine was in support to Indonesia proposal as long as the memberships brings the best interest the Muslim even though a minority.

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Uganda responded that they will go to the East African countries on the matter, and will report upon the results to the Union. Morocco was in support for Indonesia and thanking Indonesia for the concern of such issue. The Secretary General reminded that any proposal must first go to the Executive Committee and then to the Council, and finally submitted to the Conference. It was also stated that Indonesia is just collecting the information, then Indonesia has to submit proposal in the next conference meeting. The Secretary General, reminded also that there are many Muslim in many countries all over the world (such as in Israel, US, Europe). The questions, according to the Secretary General, are whether to give a full membership or just an observer status for such countries and what the PUIC should do if all of those countries applied for the memberships. Qatar suggested accepting or adopting the proposal now, and then it can be informed to the Executive Committee regarding the matter in order not to waste any time. Indonesia expressed an appreciation for approval of the proposal by the floor. Indonesia also added that the idea had also been discussed previously in Abu Dhabi. Palestine was in reservation to comment by the Secretary General that there is Muslim in Israel. Palestine will reject any representation from Israel if exist. And Palestine will withdraw from PUIC. Deputy Secretary General reminded the forum of the statute of the Union that members of PUIC are members of OIC. The enlargement should only be for members of OIC which are yet a member of the PUIC. Thus, for countries which have minority is not eligible and it is against the statutes. If it is as guess or observers then it is acceptable. Algeria supported the statement from the Deputy Secretary General that it has to be referred to the PUIC statutes, in order to stop such dialogue. Chairman commented by saying that emphasize is on the objective to increase the membership. Regarding the Israel, Indonesia has not even recognized Israel in their diplomacy. Finally, the proposal was approved with some footnotes. 12. Preparation of the Draft Agenda for the 7th Session of the PUIC conference The Chairman invited the floor to comment on the result of the 27th session of the Executive Committee meeting which has been distributed. There was no comment from the floor received. The draft agenda of the 7th Session of the PUIC conference was adopted. Any other business: There was no other agenda from the floor suggested. All agendas of the Session has been discussed. However, there was a question from Indonesia whether to continue drafting the decision today since all agenda of the day has been finished (the afternoon agendas have also been discussed). Regarding this, the Secretary General suggested two options: to finalize today if the documents will be ready in three languages, or to conduct the meeting tomorrow after lunch. Algeria was in favor to finish the work today. The Secretariat General assistant agreed and was ready to provide the documents.

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Finally, it was agreed to meet at 17.30 hours the same day to finish all agenda of the General Committee (Council). The session was concluded at 11.00 hours. AFTERNOON SESSION The meeting adjourned at 17:30 hours. The agenda for the afternoon session was an adoption of the report of the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) to Fourteenth Session of the PUIC Council (Committee). Before delivering his report, the PUIC Secretary General H. E Mahmod Erol Kilick acknowledged the inputs given by Member of the PUIC Council (Committee) during the deliberation in the morning session. All members of the committee were agreed on all items in the report, with the exception of item (9) in regards to an overdue contribution from some member states. The issue was raised by delegates from Jordan, which reminded the Secretary General to take action in regards to seven non-paying members and that action shall be reflected in the text of the report. Initially, the Secretary General intended to keep the text as is and to follow up on the recommendation from Jordan. However, several member states were also making interventions in support of Jordan. Uganda was commenting of PUIC that it is not making progress in regard to seven countries which are not paying their high dues. Therefore, they proposed to give a sanction. However, the sanction shall be imposed after the respective countries are given the opportunity to express their reasons of not settling their dues. If, for any reason, they are not able to explain the reason, PUIC shall dismiss that country from membership. There was also an intervention from Qatar that suggested the Secretary General communicate with the respective country that unable to pay their contribution and asking for the underlying reason. Therefore, the Committee may take several measures to solve the problem such as a partial payment or a payment exemption. Qatar was requested putting their intervention in writing and the Secretariat General will incorporate that text in the resolution. Furthermore, Bahrain informed the General Committee that not only that those countries are not paying their dues but also not participating in the Conferences. Hence, Bahrain requested the Secretary General to enquire the reason for not participating. Qatar asked the Secretariat General asked to submit a report, in regard to this matter. Intervention from Cameroon: decide this morning that member should pay their fees and their membership will change into observers until they pay their fees. Country that cannot pay their meeting could not held any meeting in their country and if refused to give them the right to vote or even the right of for intervention in any conferences. Responding to all of the intervention, the Chairman stated that all of the interventions are heard. Reminded the Committee that this organization is formed to promote the values and teaching of Islam and if there is obligation, Islamic is teaching on how to fulfill that obligation. Therefore the Committee issued a request for the Secretary General to communicate with them on their responsibility to settle their dues.

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The followings are summary of the agenda adopted: - Preamble adopted unanimously - Agenda item (1) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (2) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (3) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (4) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (5) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (6) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (7) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (8.1) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (8.2) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (9) adopted with some intervention - Agenda item (10) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (11) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (12) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (13) adopted unanimously - Agenda item (14) adopted unanimously The report prepared by the General Secretariat was approved with amendment from the floor and will be adopted during the 7th PUIC Conference. Before concluding the meeting, the Chairman was once again expressing his highly appreciation for the cooperation from the members of the Committee. In his view, the General committee session was very productive and the members of the Committee were showing friendly demeanour, which contributed to the smooth running of the meeting. He was also extending his invitation to all Committee Members to the opening ceremony that will be held on Monday 30th January 2012 and will be opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The Secretary General made announcement that tomorrow will be an open ended drafting committee on the declaration at 10-13 pm. Consultative group meeting of the Asian Group 9-10 am meeting of the Asian Group, Consultative group meeting of the African Group after the Council meeting and consultative group meeting of the Arab group on 29th of January 2012 6-7 pm. The meeting concluded by recitation of the Holy Verses from the Quran.

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The drafting committee meeting opened by 10:20 hours and chaired by Hon. Dr HIdayat Nurwahid as the representatives of the host country. Before the drafting committee began the Secretary General reminded the Committee that the committee is an open-ended committee and shall begin its work as it has reached quorum. In his opening address the Chairman was extending his appreciation to the member PUIC and once again welcoming them to the great city of Palembang. He was also expressing his expectation that the Open-ended Drafting Committee should be able to complete their work successfully. The drafting processes follow the mechanism of the Assistant Secretary General read the declaration paragraph by paragraph and then the Committee members presented their intervention. The Palembang Declaration proposed by Indonesia as the host country. Deliberation on the Palembang Declaration Pakistan In regards to the paragraphs under the heading of Peace and Justice, Pakistan put forward a proposal for a new paragraph to be inserted under paragraph four (4) concerning the right of 17 million people of Kashmir. “Strongly support the resolution of the long standing Kashmiri conflict in accordance to the UN resolution …” Proposal accepted and Pakistan was requested to submit the complete draft to the Secretariat General. Palestine Palestine proposed to add phrase on page (3) under the heading of Peace and Justice "...and the repatriation of Palestinian refugee or Palestinian detainees in the Israeli Jail including the parliamentarians to the homeland." Proposal accepted. Iran Proposed to add a phrase in page four (4) paragraph two (2) under the heading of Solidarity and Prosperity among Muslims. "Determine to strengthen mutual cooperation among Islamic countries today as indispensable step in facing the recent global challenges including the economic and financial crises (in congruence with the resolution in Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs)" Proposed to add a sentence to commemorate the Iranian scientist, who has been the victim of terrorist attack, under the heading of Peace and Justice. “And we can strongly condemn the Israeli terrorist and Western act that target a number of Iranian scientist working in this area”

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Libya Proposed to use Welcome instead of Call Upon in paragraph two (2) under the heading of Democracy, hence the paragraph should read “Welcome the PUIC member states that have made successfully transition of power…" Proposed to switch the paragraph three (3) and paragraph one (1) to emphasize on Palestine rather than on transition. Morocco Commented on the Arabic version of the text and proposed to move the bracket on (peace be upon him…) in the Arabic version of the text. In addition, commented on another linguistic issue on the Arabic version of the draft declaration. Proposed to add reference to Hadist on equality between men and women in paragraph eight (8) under the heading of Peace and Justice. Uganda Commented on grammatical construction of the English version, especially on the usage of mindful of in some paragraph. . Proposed to change the term alleviation with eradication and welfare with development in paragraph seven (7) under the heading of Peace and Justice "...including poverty alleviation eradication and development of children” Palestine Commented on typological message in the Arabic version of the text. Proposed to use "Acknowledge the importance to..." in paragraph (9) under the heading of Democracy. Proposed to use To reconfirm our commitment instead of In line in paragraph (7) under the heading of Democracy. Proposed to use Line of thought instead of School of thought paragraph ten (10) under the heading of Democracy. Proposed to use Condemn the Judaization practices by Israel towards the holy city of Al Quds Al Sharif instead of Condemn the Judaization effort in the first paragraph under the heading of Peace and Justice. Different kind of assistance in Proposed additional wording ... (full) membership of Palestine at the UN in paragraph three (3) under the heading of Peace and Justice. Proposed to delete Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and use ban nuclear experiments in paragraph six (6) under the heading of Peace and Justice. Iran Proposed an amendment to paragraph six (6) under the heading of Peace and Justice to encourage PUIC members’ states to consider the possibility of ratification of CTBT as one of our effort in promoting a free-nuclear weapon world. Palembang Declaration adopted with amendments and interventions. Deliberations proceed to the PUIC Communiqué on Democracy, Justice and Prosperity.

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The Seventh Session of the PUIC Conference Communiqué on Democracy, Justice, Prosperity Palestine Proposed to add a sentence under the heading of Palestinian Issue, “so that inalienable right of people, which is represented as being liberated from colonialism” ... to be inserted before the Palestinian State. Proposed to add (and around) before the Al Aqsa Mosque in paragraph six (6) in order to be to be concise on the vicinity Proposed to add a new paragraph to item seventh (7) on page five ..."called on Israel to open the nuclear site for control and inspection" Proposed to add a new paragraph on PUIC Member States support toward full membership of Palestine in the UN Morocco Commented on the Arabic version of the text and notice that the Arabic text missing few propositions and there is a discrepancy between the Arabic and the English text. Cyprus Proposed reactivation of previous resolution and called upon Greece to respect the Turkish minorities. Propose to use Renew our solidarity instead of Express our solidarity in paragraph two (2) items three on Lebanon. Proposed an addition to Item 11 ... "reject completely all kind of sanction and (we would like to express our solidarity to other Muslim country that subjected to sanction)". Noticed a Misprint in the word Solidarity Fund in the Arabic version of the text. Re-mention of the First Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarian as it has been mention in the declaration of women conference. Turkey Proposed amendment Western Thrace and Aegean Island to paragraph three on item nine (9). Proposed to delete Decision and use (Initiative) in paragraph four (4) item (11): Azerbaijan in regard to French Parliament Decision. Indonesia Commented on the structure of document. Proposed to include strengthen Islamic solidarity in dealing with the economic crisis as it was deliberated during the meeting of the Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs. Entrusted the Secretary General to recap the matter discussed in the respective Committee. Request the Secretary General to add subheading environment in item fourteen (14) on page seven as there was no reflection on environmental issue on that item. Proposed to add new paragraph "Called the parliament of PUIC member to request the Government to develop policy that aim on enhancing sustainable environment growth" Cameroon Reconstruction of sentence: demand the punishment of Israel Proposed to use express our solidarity with Lebanon and determination to (scale up) instead of express our solidarity with Lebanon and determination to keep up in paragraph two (2) item three (3) on Lebanon.

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Proposed to add (unconditional) in paragraph four (4) item five (5) on Sudan hence the sentence should read "Call for the definite and (unconditional) revocation of this decision". Cyprus Noticed some misprints. Noticed some grammatical inconsistency. Noticed that there was some paragraph in English, which were not reflected in the Arabic version of the text. Iran Recalled the discussion in the Standing Specialized Committee for Legal, Human Right and Environmental Affairs, and there was a decision to omit international humanitarian law. Therefore, proposed to use human rights, international law and humanitarian law in congruence to the decision made in the respective Committee Lebanon Proposed an amendment on the minorities of Islamic countries as part of their own country and should have the opportunity to exercise their right. Chad Propose to add an amendment: call for the members of PUIC to invite other members of PUIC to observe election in other PUIC member states. Indonesia Made a correction for point (15) Motion of thanks. Instead of would like to recognize the national council of Indonesia, Indonesia proposed to use the proper term The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Iran Disagree with the proposal from Chad on the ground of intervention of domestic affairs of PUIC Member States. Chad Disagree with Iran because the holy verses said that brothers in Islam must support each other. Therefore, Chad request support from PUIC Member States for a clean election. Chairman Proposal from Chad shall be directed to the next Executive Committee meeting for deliberation. Motion of thanks for Turkey – for hosting the first meeting of the Committee on Palestinian Affairs. Joint Communiqué approved with changes.

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30-31 JANUARY 2012 DAY ONE: 30 JANUARY 2012 at 09:00 HOURS


1. Recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran The meeting was chaired by the President of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference, Hon. Dr Marzuki Alie. Following this, the first speech was given to the President of the previous PUIC conference, the 6th PUIC conference.

2. Speech of H.E Mrs. Rebecca Kadaga, President of the 6th PUIC Conference, Speaker of the National Assembly of Uganda,: H.E. Mrs Rebecca Kadaga started her speech by first extending a warm and peaceful regard from the people of Uganda to the Conference as well as a great appreciation to Indonesia to host such a successful conference. H.E. Mrs Rebecca Kadaga also expressed thank to the Secretary General of PUIC that PUIC now has been recognized worldwide and is no longer an alien to the international community. Various issues were covered in the speech. The first one was an encouragement of a communication and bilateral approach among the PUIC member countries. Some examples of cooperation were extended by H.E. Mrs Rebecca Kadaga in respect to cooperation of Uganda and other members of PUIC. In terms of education, there was assistance by the PUIC to the University of the Uganda, followed by cooperation with other countries such as Saudi Arab, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Turkey. Other example of cooperation was a funding assistance for the parliament of Uganda from the Muslim countries and funding bodies/organization for the development of the countries. The report also highlighted other possible cooperation between Uganda and other PUIC countries such as an expansion of some Airline company which can be followed by others. The cooperation can also in other area (e.g. farming, mining, packaging, etc.). Other issue highlighted was in respect to women and social culture, therefore it was suggested to enhance women capability to plan active roles for the dialogue among cultures and community. Uganda has taking this issue of dialogue importantly due to the diversity in Uganda's cultures. In regard to idea of expanding the memberships, Uganda was welcoming the idea from Indonesia. In response to this, Uganda will communicate the memberships with Uganda's sister countries to apply for the observer status. Concerning the conditions in some countries, Uganda wished a sincere hope for a better life for other countries which are currently facing disaster and conflicts. Finally, Uganda invited the members of PUIC to visit Kampala, Uganda for a meeting (for example during Easter holiday) in order to be able to see closely the cultures and development of Uganda.

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3. Welcome remarks of H. E. Dr Marzuki Alie, President of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference, Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives At the outset, H.E. Dr Marzuki Alie, congratulated H.E Mrs. Rebecca Kadaga, speaker of Uganda and President of the 6th Session of the PUIC Conference, which has brought the spirit solidarity and understanding within PUIC. Based on this spirit, H.E. Dr Marzuki Alie encouraged PUIC to develop a sustainable peace through regional commitment and called on the members to deal with a contemporary issue such as confronted the economic issue amongst other issues. H.E. Dr Marzuki Alie, was accepting the position of the President of the PUIC of period of 2012 to 2013 which was given applaud by the floor. The main priority of his leadership is to focus on the unity and togetherness of the PUIC member states, in order to achieve the objective of PUIC at the best interest of all member countries. One of the solutions to achieve those objectives is by enhancing the memberships of PUIC both as a full member or observer status. H.E. Dr Marzuki Alie, then, highlighted other issues such as Palestine, humanitarian disaster, social, and cultural issues. Finally, he congratulated the achievement in the deliberation of resolutions in the conference. The Chairman gave the occasion for speech to the President of the First Session of the PUIC Conference, H.E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Albar Nateq Nouri.

4. Speech of H.E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Albar Nateq Nouri, the First President of PUIC Conference

H.E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Albar Nateq Nouri delivered his speech by highlighting some important points of issues. The first one was in regard to the knowledge development in the Islam world that the past should be learnt for the development the future. All Muslim people must know the history since this is the momentum for the future by highlighting on the Islamic scholar whom had enlighten the knowledge. In the same time, H.E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Albar Nateq Nouri criticized the Saudi Arabia to be a backwards in this respect. H.E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Albar Nateq Nouri was also commenting on the regimes which are not in respect of their people's dignity. Islamic people should not only restore the right but also uphold the democracy. Thus, the leaders of the countries need to respect that fact. H.E. called on the leaders of the parliament to aware of the desire of their people that they should draw lessons from different conflicts. Highlight also was also given on the aggression of US in Iraq and Afghanistan which were failed. Appreciations were given to people of Tunisia and Egypt which manage to get their right. There is also a need to respond and support some countries such as Libya and to be aware of the aggression and intervention of the western countries. He also criticised on the autocratic rulers, because they are naïve and against the religion as well as arrogance. The meeting was adjourned for a couple of minutes due to a walk out from the Saudi Arabian delegation following a strong statement made by the First President of the PUIC Conferences. The Chairman apologized for the incident saying that all were in respect of the founder of PUIC and in appreciation of the participation from the speaker of the Parliament of the Gulf countries. The Chairman also reminded that PUIC has an agreement and understanding to build a unity and solidarity in advancing PUIC organization.

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Regarding the issue of Medina and Khulafaur Rasyidin, the Chairman reassures the delegates that those places are respected, and it is expected that members of PUIC not express any statement that is insensitive to others. The Chairman reminded the audience that they should not interfere on other member states internal affair and governmental system, and should avoid any discussion on the internal problem of other member countries. The Chairman also asked the delegates to maintain unity and solidarity and to understand that working together in unison is important in order to be able to influence the community, internationally.

5. Speech of OIC Secretary General delivered by H.E. Ambassador Abdullah Abdul Rahman Alim,

Assistant Secretary General for Political and Economic affairs H.E. Ambassador Abdullah Abdul Rahman Alim commenced his speech by first expressing an appreciation to the people of Indonesia, and also to H.E. Dr. Mr Marzuki Alie, and the Secretary General of PUIC. His Excellency highlighted the new changes and movements, and also development of standard of living of Muslim countries. These great challenges need solidarity among the Islamic countries, therefore it is important to consolidate relationships among OIC member states. Some other issues were also highlighted such as the situation in Palestine where there is a worsening condition of the people of Palestine. Moreover, Israel is not committed to the UN resolutions therefore there is a need to urge Muslim countries to take a firm stand to force the resolution of the Palestine to the United Nation. OIC, in this case, calls on members to recognize the Palestine in the United Nation. Other issues, amongst others, are an effort in combating Islamophobia by sending message on the matter internationally, fight against denial of the freedom of the Muslim. It requires a cooperation amongst OIC member states to face all the challenges, thus it is expected the member of OIC to implement and support the decision/resolutions by OIC. In term of economic affairs, the focus is on the intra-trade within OIC countries that it is low. It was only actually represented 14% of their total trade. Following this fact, the Makkah Summit in 2005 put a target to achieve the intra OIC trade target of 20% by 2015. In addition, the members were invited to sign the treaty or agreement in economic sectors cooperation. It is also suggested the countries should take all the resources benefit for the economic development in order to be equal with the western countries. Therefore, H.E. Ambassador Abdullah Abdul Rahman Alim called on all members to take all the possible stand to increase the economic growth for the interest of the all members. The President of Indonesia arrived at 11.00 hours upon the conclusion of the above speech.


1. Speech from H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick, the Secretary General of the PUIC

H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick commenced his speech by firstly expressing a sincere gratitude to President Yudhoyono for the opening. H.E. also expressed thanks also to the city of Palembang as the host of the 7th PUIC Conference. Following this, H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick gave a flashback of the historic achievement of Indonesia to conduct the Asia-Africa conference in 1955 which later on becoming the Non-alignment movement.

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There were many issues highlighted by the H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick. The issues necessitate cooperation; require strengthening of position due to rapid changing in international political and economic affairs. Palestinian issue also reminds an important issue with a necessity to support the Palestine as a full member of the UN following the acceptance of its membership at the UNESCO. There is also demand nuclear free without exemption in order to be able to develop nuclear technology for peace. Combating terrorism was also highlighted at the state level terrorism such as Israel and other extreme religion/sectarian acts. Therefore, it needs to strongly condemned attack on others Muslim sects. H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick also called the members of the PUIC on promoting dialogue and sustainable dialogue within Muslim countries and with other non-Muslim countries. In terms of women participation, there are two conferences of Woman have been conducted in Damascus and Palembang. Both conferences urge the protection of children and woman. H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick also requested supports for an application of the PUIC to obtain the observer status at the UN. It is expected that all of the external minister to support the application and the venue and date of the discussion will be informed. This matter has been discussed with H.E Dr Marzuki Alie. Finally, H.E Dr Mahmod Erol Kilick addresses his appreciation of the hospitality of the Indonesia.

2. Speech from H. E. Dr Marzuki Alie, President of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference,

Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Hon. Dr Marzuki Alie extended a warm welcome of the attendance of the participants. The conference has been states as the biggest of PUIC conference ever in term of attendance/participants. This is also the first time Indonesia as the President of the conference. The objectives of the current leadership are to develop a stronger and more effective PUIC in development of peace, justice, prosperity, and democracy and also to develop legislative institution for the interest of people. Hon. Dr Marzuki Alie highlighted the future role of PUIC as an international union in providing solutions to the problem. Further, Hon. Dr Marzuki Alie stated a support of Palestine as the member UN and demanded the two Palestinian parliamentary leaders to be released by Israel. Other objectives are to alleviate poverty and increase prosperity, to protect people from international economic crisis which has happened in Europe, to uphold the principle of non interference among PUIC countries. H.E. Marzuki Alie also suggested a concern on the impact of international dispute such as in Africa and South China Sea. H.E. Marzuki Alie also expressed an appreciation for the acceptation of the resolution for the protection of the migrant worker which has been proposed by the Indonesia. Other topics also covered by the President of the 7th Session of PUIC Conferences such as an emphasized on the implementation of PUIC statutes, concerns on the recent political and democracy changes in Arab and North Africa. The issues invited a contribution from PUIC. PUIC should focus on the objective of PUIC to increase prosperity amongst the people of PUIC countries. In addition, H.E. Marzuki Alie was making a remark on fighting against terrorism which needs cooperation between countries. Further, H.E. Marzuki Alie stated that PUIC has a strong bargaining position. Thus, it needs to enforce its position. Cooperation between PUIC and other unions also relevant and necessary.

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In regard to this, there are some internal idea and suggestions to PUIC such as an idea on strengthening platform of PUIC, encouraging members to be active and to be committed to the role, pursuing the amendment of the statutes to be more open organization. In addition, PUIC should widen on the social issues in order to be able to coop with spreading of the Muslim in other continent thus encompassing the area. The important point is an effort to encourage strengthening/ enhancing its ability to follow up the resolution through the implementation. All of the above ideas and suggestions have been formulated and reflected in the Palembang Declaration.

3. Speech by H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia,

Custodian of PUIC Conference H. E President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was first commenting on the success of Palembang of becoming the host of the PUIC conference. His Excellency was also extended congratulation on the development of PUIC not only in term of member but also in their activities. Further, there are some issues highlighted by President Yudhoyono. Amongst others are the rapid changes and uncertainty of the political and economic situations, requirement to tackle issues of the recent times, and a need cooperation and dialogue between countries. In terms of economic affairs, it is considered important to gain more shares in prosperity of the world such as through international trade. Another major treat is from an economic crisis especially a global economic crisis. It is encouraged also to reform the international financial body/organization and regime. Other issues were Islam phobia, intensification of dialogue through the media, poverty alleviation, climate change, mutual tolerance and harmony, mutual respect, dialogue, differences and diversity as asset not a treat, and democracy. In regard to democracy, President Yudhoyono took an example of Indonesia that the democratization is not only due to separation of power but also because the community is given chance to express the idea and voice. In Indonesia, according to the President Yudhoyono, Islam, democracy and modernity are united/mixed together. In other part of his speech, President Yudhoyono expressed a support for the Palestine for the UN membership and for the capacity building of that country as well as a settlement of the violence and crisis through a dialogue. Finally, President Yudhoyono was congratulating PUIC on the inclusion of the Women Conference in the 7th PUIC Conference and also the inclusion of the resolution on migrant worker. President Yudhoyono was also commanding on the Indonesia delegate to propose the protection the right of the migrant workers to be included in any resolution, especially concerning the situation in middle east where most of the migrant work. Following this, a prayer said by Prof. Dr. H. Aflatun Muhtar, the Director of the State Institute of Islam - Palembang; concluded the morning session. The session was concluded at 12.03 hours and was continued at 13.30 hours at the same day.

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AFTERNOON SESSION This session was commenced by adoption of some agendas, and it was chaired by the President of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference, Hon. Dr Marzuki Alie. Agenda 1 Election of the vice-presidents and rapporteur of the 7th conference of the PUIC:

Vice President from the African group: H.E. Mr. Youkoue Nana Mama, MP from Togo

Vice President from the Arab group: H.E. Mohamed Bin Mubarak Al-Khulaifi Qatar, the President of the Majlis Al-Shura of Qatar

Rapporteur : Hon. Dr. Hidayat Nur Wahid, MP from Indonesia The above arrangements were agreed by the floor. Agenda 2 Adoption of agenda and Programme of Work of the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference - adopted. Agenda 3 Request of the People's Majlis of Maldives to join PUIC as a full member - adopted. Agenda 4 Request for Observer Status to the PUIC by the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF is observer at OIC since 1977) - adopted Agenda 5 Request for Observer Status to the PUIC by Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (Subsidiary Body of the OIC - Established in 1977) - adopted Agenda 6 Request for Observer Status to the PUIC by Parliamentary Assembly Union of Belarus and Russia - adopted Agenda 7 Adoption of the report of the PUIC Secretary General The report of the Secretary General was presented a compiled report, comprising of two reports since 6th conference including the extraordinary sessions and all activities of the two years activities, especially in the international fora in political, economic and social affairs. The Secretary General was also seeking all information regarding proposal for cooperation from members and ready to organize any conference, on issues of child, woman, education of any hosting countries. Examples of the cooperation such as a conference in Turkey regarding a Woman, also visit from the delegation of Turkey and Indonesia in PUIC headquarter. The Secretary General also reiterated the importance of supports to obtain an observer status especially from the PUIC members' ambassador of the permanent members of the UN. He was also highlighted on important effort in expanding the memberships by approving some observer status.

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He was also presented other information regarding PUIC communication that it has updated the website daily in three languages, development of a database dedicated for information on women parliamentarian, quarterly published bulletin, as well CD and DVD proceeding in three languages. There was no comment from the floor regarding the report and the report was adopted. Following this, the Chairman gave an opportunity for each of the member delegate/representative to bring speech to the floor. Below are summarises of the speech. Agenda 8 Addresses by Head of Delegations H. E. Mrs Jozefina Topalli, the Speaker of the Parliament of Albania Albania commenced their speech by extending their gratitude for the invitation of Albania in the Conference. Albania then briefly informed the history of their country, in that 20 years ago it was part of the communism. The annual income per capita at that time was only USD 200, however now it has been raised by 14 percent. The Investment rate grows by 300 percent. Albania is enjoying a harmony between different religions. Albania has also signed the agreement with Europe and a member of NATO. Albania was congratulating PUIC on the First Muslim Woman Parliamentarian Conference in Indonesia. Albania was also seeking a support for the recognition of Kosovo. H. E. Dr Ali Larijani, the Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran Iran commenced their speech by expressing their gratitude to Mr Marzuki Alie on the hospitality of the Indonesian Parliament and their support for the theme of the conference: democracy, Justice, and prosperity. Following this, the Representative from Iran was commenting and clarifying on the previous morning speech of the First President of the PUIC Conference that the intention is in the name of glory and almighty which can be found in Islam and based on Islamic way of thinking. But the conditions of the Islamic countries have changed. Iran also replied on the complaint from other members by citing that Iran is in support for unity of the PUIC countries. Iran is in support openly to democracy in any countries, did not mean to disrespect any countries. In regard to the theme of the conference, Iran was commenting that the theme needs practical implementation. They should not used as tools for propaganda, such as expansion in the name of democracy, or aggression/oppression in the name of justice, or slogan of peace. Iran also regretted that the ruler in many case act as a dictator, therefore an independency leading to dependency. The rulers tend to sign many treaties which make them away from their own countries. Iran also reminded the intention on targeting the democracy and set it on fire by the western. Iran also called on members to strongly condemn the arrest or the Palestine speakers. Iran also demanded a focus on unity among Islamic parliaments that PUIC is a device for cooperation between countries in many aspects such as economic and knowledge sharing.

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Iran was extending congratulation for Egypt and Tunisia on their new parliament, thus expecting the PUIC to communicate with them. Iran also urged on setting the community in the fight against terrorism. In this occasion, Iran was taking pride of the Islamic awaking, therefore the PUIC should announce of the support of the movement. Finally, Iran thanked Indonesia upon the success of the conference and invited the next meeting to be conducted in Iran. H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima pandikar Amin Mulia, Speaker of Malaysia Malaysia commenced his speech by extending his gratitude to Indonesia for the invitation to the conference and appreciation toward the hard work by the Indonesian Parliament for the success of the conferences. He was also stated his expectation that the PUIC member states committed to the adopted resolutions. Malaysia described their goal for Global Movement of Moderate, including a moderation to fight against extremism, not fighting fire with fire in respect to fighting the terrorism. Therefore, Malaysia was seeking a support for their goal of Global Movement of Moderate. Other issues highlighted were an Islamophobia and in regard to the cooperation between PUIC and OIC especially a support for the Ten-year program. H. E. Mr Messaoud Ould Boulkheir, Speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritania Mauritania also expressed an appreciation for the invitation to the conference in Palembang and was thanking also the hospitality of the city. The speech mostly concerns on the security and peace in the regions. Mauritania reminded the members to respect to the will people that if the freedom of people is to be violated will lead to disasters/conflicts. It is suggested also to increase dialogue between countries of PUIC. H. E. Mrs Fehmida Mirza, Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan Pakistan underlined their speech as a message of peace, friendships, dialogue, and cooperation. Pakistan also expressed a sincere appreciation to Indonesia as the host of the conference. There were some suggestion and idea extended for the PUIC at this time of a cross road of the transformations, considering the recent situation in the Muslim world. It needs a democratic and mutual consultation between countries in the process of developing an egalitarian community. One way to strengthen democracy is a materialization of an equitable and sustainable economic justice. It was suggested to conduct mutual resource sharing, and togetherness to fight against poverty, famine, and decease amongst the PUIC countries, requiring practical approaches by the PUIC. In addition, promoting peace and democracy, promoting inter fate and intercultural understanding, as well as the reconciliation not conflicting for finding solution are pertinent issues. Pakistan was also seeking support to the oppressed people of Palestine and Kashmir by clearly looking for a solution and not a status quo. The support for the self determination is the most critical issues for those regions. The issues of Global Warming and assistant in regard to an economic, trade, and investment are amongst the issues raised, requiring concrete measures by the PUIC.

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H. E. Mr Muhammad Al Khulaifi, Speaker of the Consultative Assembly of Qatar In the beginning of the Speech, His Excellency expressed an appreciation for the materialization of the conference by the Indonesia. In the speech, it was highlighted the concern over the changes of situation in the world. Therefore, PUIC is in an important moment, therefore the outcome of the conference have to be beneficial and practical to the Muslim countries. Qatar was also commenting on the arrest of the Palestinian Parliamentary speaker and members of the parliament. However, Qatar also calls for collaboration from Palestinian facts. The members of the PUIC were urged to assist and support the Palestinian for their independence. Qatar was also highlighted the importance of dialogue, dialogue to build the peace, prosperity, security in the regional and international level, such as dialogues between PUIC and other unions and between the parliament of the PUIC countries. H. E. Cemil Cicek, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Turkey commenced the speech by firstly thanked Indonesia for the organization and warm welcome of the conference. An appreciation was also given to the General Secretary of the PUIC and his staff. One important issues amongst others highlighted was in regard to freedom, democracy and justice. PUIC is required work jointly to find solutions for a regional conflict, solutions for and by the Islamic countries themselves. Turkey was taking into account one year of the Transformation process in Middle East and Northern Africa in their effort to achieve democracy and prosperity. Turkey is in support the legitimacy the mass of people in those countries. However, Turkey expressed sad expression to Syria. It is expected that the PUIC play role to respect the diversity, intercultural, interface, and relationships amongst the Muslim people. Other issue highlighted was issue of Palestine that Turkey is in support for the independence of Palestine and for the endeavour to obtain Palestine's recognition in the United Nations. Turkey also thanked the solidarity of PUIC countries of the flotilla victims. PUIC is also expected to increase the cooperation in the area of education, social, and economic fora. An intensive and close cooperation in combating terrorism, drugs, and illegal trafficking is also suggested. Following this, Turkey was informing the floor in regard to situation of the Muslim people in Greece and Cyprus, Azerbaijan's refugee in the Armenia, asking support for the recognition of Kosovo. In the final statement, Turkey expresses an appreciation to Prof. Mahmoud Killic for his successful work as the Secretary General of the PUIC. H. E. Mr Mohammed Ahmad Al Mur, President of the Federal Council of the United Arab Emirates At the outset, His Excellency was expressing an appreciation to the Indonesian Parliament for preparing and delivering the conference and also, for the hospitality. UAE put a concern on many changes which are happening especially in the Arab area. Therefore, protecting the Islamic world with parliamentary cooperation is one of the important solutions. It is important to develop respect of the diversity in Islamic worlds, increase the tolerance and development of moderation of Islam.

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In regard to PUIC, it is deemed necessary to establish a committee to discuss the implementation. It is also encouraged to construct active dialogue between members and also between PUIC and other Unions. UAE was also reminding the floor regarding the Islamic declaration based on the result extraordinary meeting which draft has been prepared by the UAE. Agenda 9 Request by the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for re-election of Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kilic as Secretary General of PUIC for a second term of office The Chairman was asking approval from the floor regarding the extension of the contract/working period for the second term of the Secretary General. The request approved. Agenda 10 Consideration of the approval of the nomination by the PUIC Secretary general of His Excellency Ambassador Ali Asghar Mohammad Sijani as PUIC Assistant Secretary General for a second term of office The Committee has also discussed the extension of the tenure of the assistant of the Secretary General. The nomination for extension was approved by the floor. Following this, the chair was changed from H.E. Dr Marzuki Alie to the vice president from Togo, H.E. Mr. Yokonana Mama. Agenda 11 General Debates Hon. Mr. Priyo Budi Santoso from the Indonesian House of Representatives Indonesia felt honoured that the conference is very historical and also the biggest conference of PUIC. This was the first time that PUIC organising a woman parliamentary conference, first time for developing a great theme of Democracy, Justice and Prosperity. Indonesia gave concerns of various issues. The issue on the dynamics of Arab Springs and on the migrant workers are amongst them. Indonesia highly condemned on the aggression in Palestine and on the systematic detention of the Palestine parliament member, thus demanding the release of the MPs of Palestine. It was also proposed for a collective support by make use the membership of Palestine in UNESCO in order to obtain recognition of Palestine in the United Nation. In respect to the political transition, especially in Arab and North Africa region, Indonesia expressed support for the sovereignty and integration of those countries. However, Indonesia was in regret for the existence of the civilian victims. It was asked that all countries to support the political transition in those countries. Hon. Mr. Priyo Budi Santoso briefly described that Indonesia has been practicing the democracy through one man one vote. One concrete example is a direct election for the regional heads and even for the head of village. Other issue highlighted was the issue of terrorism that it is a threat for the international peace and security. Terrorism cannot be affiliated to any religion, any area nor special ethnic. Indonesia is also planning to submit proposal for the protection of migrant worker, especially woman migrant worker.

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Chairman: The Chairman reminded the floor to extend a 5 minute speech, without needing to read the whole speech just the main idea. The full text of the speech will be collected by the Secretary General. Hon. Mr Hamadou Sali from the National Assembly of Senegal On behalf of the African group, Hon. Mr Hamadou Sali was thanking Indonesia for the hospitality. Cameroon was in support for the support an extension of the Secretary General's tenure as well in support of the nomination of the Burkina Faso to host the next PUIC Conference and Chad to host the next meeting to discuss on the UAE proposal on the Islamic Declaration. Hon. Mr Daadoua Al-Ayashi from the Parliament of Algeria Algeria expressed a special thank for the warm welcome and hospitality of Indonesia and Palembang. Algeria stated their concern on the changing in the world especially in the Islamic world. Algeria also demanded an equality, good governance, respect for the dignity and institutions amongst the PUIC countries. The concern was also on the imperialism such as in Palestine which needs cooperation between countries in order to mobilize support in this respect. In respect to the PUIC organization, there were some suggestions extended. It was also suggested to develop a mechanism of cooperation to eradicate discrimination as well as to avoid a conspiracy against other. The cooperation within the PUIC should to be developed in a healthy way. There was also a call for updating and for moderating the statutes of the PUIC in facing the problems, for the sake of interest of the Muslim countries. The PUIC is expected to take serious action and to fulfil the entire target in order to come out with the practical solutions. This is the challenge of the union. Hon. Mrs Govhar Bakhsaliyeva from the National Assembly of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan commenced the speech by sending the regards from the President of Azerbaijan to the Union and to Indonesia as the host of the Conference. Azerbaijan also expressed an appreciation on the hospitality of Indonesia. Azerbaijan is in the process of embracing a full democratization. The president is taking a new reform in terms of democracy and economic affair and for the integration with the international community. In addition, Azerbaijan is currently in the process of application as the non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nation. Azerbaijan was also concerning on the Armenian aggression, millions people are displaced including children and woman. Armenian has destroyed many Islamic civilization thus becomes an attack to Islamic world. Therefore, the Azerbaijan called on a termination of the Armenian attack over Azerbaijan (Karabakh highland). Azerbaijan suggested an inclusion a decision to urge the Armenian to stop the aggression in the output of the conference. Azerbaijan also put a concern on the youth development and a cooperation of youth amongst the PUIC member. A proposal pertaining to this concern has been submitted to the Secretary General, hoping that it is to be included in the conference.

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Hon. Mr. Sayed Habib Maki Hashem from the National Assembly of Bahrain At the outset, Bahrain expressed an appreciation Indonesia for the arrangement of the meeting and hospitality of Indonesia and Palembang in particular. The first issue extended by Bahrain is concerning of the Palestine, especially the settlement of Israel in Palestine. Bahrain called for more intensive works in order to take effective measures against the occupation. Other theme suggested is in regard to dialogues, including the realization dialogues between different sects of people and also international and national dialogues. In this case, Bahrain goal is to try and endeavour to bring forward Islamic unity among Muslim. Hon. Mrs. Farida Rahman from the Parliament of Bangladesh Delegate from Bangladesh opened her address with a gratitude and appreciation to the Indonesian House of Representatives and the PUIC General Secretariat on the meticulous arrangement of the meeting. Bangladesh emphasised on the importance of PUIC to play role in promoting democracy and supporting development of OIC members’ states. There was also an idea for a sustainable development to ensure peace and democracy, hence supporting initiative of bilateral and multilateral trade among PUIC member states to secure economic growth as impetus of development. Bangladesh was also welcoming the first Conference of the Muslim Women Parliamentarian and expressing her support by adding that currently 19% of members of Bangladesh parliament are women and holding important portfolio. Iraq Iraq put the main focus on the self-determination of countries that the people can exercise their own free will. Ideally, the parliament is measured by how well it represents the voice of their people. Iraq representative described, that since the toppling the Saddam Hussein regime, Iraq has held 5 election. Amongst the parliament members, there are more than 5 women as members of the parliament. It is urged that the Islamic countries to restore their own position and to reject dictatorships. The new Iraq is representing diversity and is looking forward to cooperation with other Muslim countries by upholding the spirit of respect the dignity of other countries. Iraq also condemned on all of the extremisms acts or perception on one belief is better that the other. In concluding the speech, Iraq expressed an appreciation to Indonesia and H.E. Dr. Marzuki Alie for the success of the conference and Indonesian hospitality. Hon. Mr Marwan Dudine from the Parliament of Jordan Jordan was expressing best appreciation to the hospitality of Indonesia and Palembang in commencing the speech. There were several issues highlighted by Jordan, such as a concern on the accusation of terrorism affiliated with Islam and the issue of independence of Palestine which needs support internationally.

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In respect to the aggression over the Palestine, it needs more strong voice not merely a condemnation. It is suggested also that Muslim countries to solve their own problem internally in regard to the political transition in Arab region. Hon. Mr Nawar Mohammed Elsahili from the Parliament of Lebanon Lebanon conveyed a greeting from the Lebanese people to the conference as well as thanked Indonesia for the hospitality. There are four main issues extended by Lebanon, as follows: 1. Concerning on only 7 % of the world economy belongs to the Muslim countries. Therefore, it needs a policy development in regard to this by encouraging partnerships. 2. Emphasising on the agreement between countries. 3. Concerning on the changes in the regions, on the practice human and political right, on the equality and diversity. 4. Consolidating support from all of the countries in regard to Palestinian countries, those countries should take part in isolating Israel. Hon. Mrs Khadija Zoumi from the Parliament of Morocco Morocco was also expressing an appreciation to the Indonesia for hosting the meeting in commencing views. Various issues were covered in Morocco speech, such as responding positively to the transformation in Arab world, issue of discrimination of children, issue of respecting women and dignity of human being. Morocco also insisted on quota for the women on stopping any marginalization of women. Following this, Morocco was commenting on the consolidation with other countries in term of justice and democracy. Morocco also described a reform movement of a new constitution in 2012 of their countries in this respect. Other issue is the issue of Palestine. It was urged to condemn on the occupation of Palestine and to work in depending and supporting the full memberships of the Palestine at the UN. Palestine Palestine representative commenced the speech by expressing an appreciation to Indonesia as the host of the conference. The focus of the statement was in respect to Palestine own problem. Palestine emphasised on the unity of the Muslim countries, especially in regard to the occupation in Palestine. It needs to conduct a stronger act in order to avoid Israel deleting Palestine from the map of the world; therefore the fight should be against an effort to disconnect Palestine from the world. In addition, Palestine was also commenting on the settlement and destruction the houses belongs to the Palestinian. There were also some other acts by the Israel highlighted; such as an arrest of the member of the parliament and even the chair of the parliament, a development of a separation wall and also an act of changing the course of the water which however was failed. Palestine expected that the conference to produce resolutions for Palestinian freedom and resolutions to alleviate poverty and social injustice.

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Sudan Sudan was extending special thanks and an appreciation to Indonesia for the hospitality during the conference and for the effort in conducting the conference. The conference is deemed to be critical due to changes in Arabic area, and is critical since it is conducted at the turning point of the political transformation. Therefore, there is need 'need ties, tolerance, unity, dialogue. There were also some other issues expended such as in terms of social justice, job opportunity, poverty alleviation, social justice, strengthening cooperation, support the dignity of the people. Sudan was also welcoming Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya for establishing the dignity of people. Other concern was on the Palestinian issue by emphasizing on the unity of factions in Palestine. The PUIC was urged to declare cooperation in regard to the release of the MPs and to condemn the arrest. Sudan is in the process to develop a modern nation, a new government through a general election. Thus, Sudan is now open to other countries and inviting other countries to cooperate especially to develop a mining industry. In respect to economic affair, Sudan commented on the cause of the economic crisis which is according to Sudan is because of the capitalism that is greed and equal to riba. In the final statement, Sudan was extending their invitation to the next meeting that will be held in Khartoum, Sudan. Syria Syria firstly extended a best greeting from the Syrian people to Indonesia. The statement from Syria was focusing on the Zionist and Jewish occupation upon Palestine. Therefore, it was expected that the PUIC to contact the UN's Secretary General to urge the release the Palestinian MPs arrested by the Israel. Other comment was on the reason of ignoring the right of some Muslim countries to develop nuclear for peace and energy purposes, reflecting a double standard on nuclear problems. Syria was encouraging the learning and knowledge of language of Quran. Specifically in regard to the PUIC, the Syria suggested to develop a union in Islamic parliament and to cooperate with other unions. Syria is in support and seeking cooperation between PUIC countries thus it can accepted as an observer at the United Nation. Syria was very much welcoming the theme adopted by the conference which is Democracy, Justice and Prosperity. In response to the statement from Turkey; Syria was in reservation to Turkey's opinion which is considered interfering the internal affair of Syria. The Syria also stated that there will be a new government to be formed based on an election. The Chairman concluded the session at 17.45 and decided to conduct next meeting 09.00 am tomorrow, started with the views from the observer.

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DAY TWO: 31 JANUARY 2012 The meeting resumed at 09:30 hours and it was chaired by the President of the 7th PUIC Conference, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representative, H.E Dr Marzuki Alie. The meeting continue with the agenda from the previous day. Agenda 12 Addresses from Observers 1. Turkish Cypriot State, Hon. Mr. Hasan Bozer

The representative of the Turkish Cypriot State extended an appreciation to Indonesia House of Representative of Indonesia for the warm hospitality. In regard to the PUIC role, the Turkish Cypriot State highlighted the importance of a collective view and the growing need for PUIC to play pivotal role in peace and security, especially in regard to conflicted area such as in Jammu and Kashmir, Palestine, and part of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia. PUIC plays an important role in fostering solidarity among Muslim within the framework of OIC member States. Following this, the representative presented a brief history of Turkish Cypriot State. The state is in goodwill to find solution to Turkish problem in accordance with the UN resolutions and international agreement on the matter. There was also an agreement signed with Greece as a unilateral act on solving the problem. An important expectation was extended that the problem of Muslim could be solved by peaceful means. And for this purpose, Turkish Cypriot is ready to contribute in any way to the collective solutions.

2. Secretary General of African Parliamentary Union

The Secretary General of African Parliamentary Union congratulated Maldives for their annexation into PUIC. An appreciation was also extended to the President of PUIC for the excellent arrangement on the meeting. A highlight was given to the recent development in the in the political fora which confirming the necessity that the parliament shall be based on good governance principles. The Secretary General of African Parliamentary Union was also expressing the willingness of APU as the organization of parliament in Africa, comprises of 20 members of PUIC, to strengthen cooperation with members of PUIC from other geopolitical group.

3. Asian Parliamentary Assembly

First, the APA extended an appreciation to kind invitation from PUIC to APA. The APA and the PUIC share a common interest since both are similar in form and since most of the APA members are also the PUIC members. APA works on some issues that also being the centre of PUIC works such as cultural diversity, ramification of international crisis, integrated energy market, and protecting the rights of migrant workers. The cooperation between PUIC and APA could provide many opportunities for African and Asian nations for wider cooperation.

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4. Moro National Liberation Front, MNLF, Hon. Dr. Nur Misuari First, Hon. Dr. Nur Misuari expressed a gratitude on the hospitality of the host country, on behalf of Bangsamoro which comprises of more than 30 million Muslim with 1.3 million armed and unarmed military forces. He was also extended his gratitude to PUIC for granting the observer status to MNLF. The MNLF provided evidence that there has been recognition on their commitment toward peace. The Chairman has receipt some form of recognitions such as the most valuable peace award from UN through UNESCO, Nobel Prize for signing peace agreement on September 1996 in Jakarta, a Global excellence award last year, a candidate for peace award. These have proven their commitment of peace, justice and democracy in their struggle toward autonomy for Mindanao. The MNLF has recognized to plead their cause in February 2012, cause meeting in Bandung hosted by the Government of Indonesia to discuss the peace agreement. It was stated that Moro is under colonial oppression, therefore the delegation asked supports for their effort to consolidate peace especially through Bandung agreement for the sake of Bangsamoro in Mindanao. The MNLF also committed to uphold the exiting peace treaty such as the one that signed under the Presidency of Corazon Aquino January 2nd 1987 - for autonomy - but have not been granted by the Government of Philippine yet. Finally, they asked for the PUIC Conference to insert their concerns in writing in the result of the Conference.

5. Ambassador of Tunisia

The Ambassador provided a glance of the revolution in Tunisia amongst the Jasmine revolution or the Arab Spring. As a result the Parliament and the Shura Council was dissolved. The Ambassador was extending warm regards on behalf of the new Speaker of Parliament and the Shura Council along with an appreciation on behalf of parliament as well as on behalf of the Arab Group.

6. Parliamentary Union of Belarus and Russia, H. E Mr Gubaidullin Ezzam.

H. E Mr Gubaidullin Ezzam extended an appreciation to DPR RI and members of PUIC for approving the observer status of Parliamentary Union of Belarus and Russia. The observer status application is part of the expansion of Parliamentary contact which is of important to Belarus and Russia. The representative of the Parliamentary Union of Belarus and Russia reiterated on the importance expanding an inter-parliamentary contact, through inter-alia IPU and other Parliamentary cooperation organization. Therefore, in exchange, the Parliamentary Union of Belarus and Russia is ready to grant an observer status to PUIC and members of OIC.

The meeting was adjourned for short break at 10:30 am. The meeting resumed at 11 am.

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Agenda 13 Examination and adoption of the Report of the 13th and 14th Sessions of the PUIC General Committee (Council) and their annexes Both reports adopted. Agenda 14 Examination of the Reports and the Draft Resolutions presented by the Rapporteurs of the Following Standing Specialized Committees (S.S.C.s):- 1. Report of the Standing Specialized Committee on Political and Economic Affairs -adopted 2. Report of the Standing Specialized on Legal, Human Rights and Environmental Affairs

There was one comment by Bahrain that in report the rapporteur mentioned that the representative from Bahrain was absent from the Committee, however actually Bahrain is not a member of the Committee.

- adopted 3. Report of the Standing Specialized Committee on Women, Social and Cultural Affairs

The Chairman of the Standing Specialized Committee on Women, Social and Cultural Affairs, Hon. Dr Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, presented a brief report on meeting of the Committee, which produces eight (8) resolutions accommodating issues concerning women, social and cultural affairs. The meeting also supported an establishment of focal group for interfaith and intercultural dialogue to build mutual understanding and to prevent misunderstanding on the precepts of Islam. The Chairman was also reporting on the First Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians. The Conference had elected member of Committee Bureau consist of President and Vice-President representing Asian, African and Arab Group. The Committee's concern on women was reflected in adoption of several resolutions pertinent to enhancing role of women, in particular Muslim Women. The conference was also resulted in a Declaration of the First Conference of Muslim Women - The declaration based on the spirit of equality between men and women in public areas. PUIC member states shall encourage the expansion of opportunity for women in education, employment, business and socio-political life. It was proposed to amend PUIC status to recognize the Conference as permanent event on the side of the PUIC Conference. Draft Resolutions of the Standing Specialized Committee and Declaration of the Women Parliamentarian was adopted.

Following adoption of the reports and draft resolutions from each Specialized Standing Committee, the Chairman announced the changes in the name of PUIC into the Parliamentary Union of Islamic Cooperation.

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Agenda 15 Nomination of 15 Members for the PUIC Executive Committee for the year 2012 1. From the Asian Group:

Indonesia - Hon. Dr Hidayat Nurwahid Bangladesh Iran - Hon. Mr Seyed Ahmad Aalangi

2. From the African Group:

Cameroon - Hon. Mr Hamadou Sali Chad - Hon. Mr Zakaria Mahamat Saleh Mali - Hon. Mr Moussa Cisse Togo - Hon. Mr Youkoue Nana Mama

3. From the Arab Group: (submitted name of the country only)

UAE Aljazair Saudi Arabia

Agenda 16 Nomination of the Members for the four (4) PUIC Specialized Standing Committees for the year 2012 I. Members of Standing Specialized Committee from African Group

Political and Foreign Relation Benin - Hon. Mr Lafia Sacc Burkina Faso - Hon. Mr Oudreaogo Sayouba Gabon (will submit name later) Cameroon - Hon. Mr Amadou Adji

Cultural and Legal affairs and Dialogue of Civilization and Religion Mali - Hon. Mr Oumar Tapily Senegal - Hon. Mr Mactar Mbacke Chad - Hon. Mr Ousman Cherif, Togo - Hon. Mr Kpeky Touhtou

Economic Affairs and Environment Chad - Hon. Mrs Souraya Moustapha Mozambique - Hon. Mr Abel Safrao, Niger - Hon. Mr Janaido Gado Sabo, Gabon (will submit name later)

Human Rights, Women and Family Affairs Benin - Hon. Mrs Alonso Amoudatou Burkina Faso - Hon. Mrs Kardialou Korsaga/Keita Niger - Ms Mariama Manzo Uganda - Hon. Mrs Oleru Huda

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II. Members of Standing Specialized Committee from Asian Group Political and Foreign Relation Bangladesh - Hon. Mr Kazi Faruq Kader Indonesia - Hon. Mr Sidarto Danusubroto Iran - Hon. Dr Kazem Jalalai Turkey - Hon. Mr Mustafa Erdem Benin - Hon. Mr Lafia Sacca

Cultural and Legal affairs and Dialogue of Civilization and Religion Indonesia - Hon. Mr Tantowi Yahya Iran - Hon. Mr Seyed Ahmad Aalangi Malaysia - Hon. Mr Hasbi Habibollah Turkey - Hon. Mr Ihsan Ozkes

Economic Affairs and Environment Turkey - Hon. Mr Cem Zorlu Pakistan - Hon. Mr Nazar Muhammad Gondal Malaysia - Hon. Mujahid Yusof Rawa

Rights, Women and Family Affairs Bangladesh - Hon. Mrs Farida Rahman, Indonesia - Hon. Dr Nurhayati Ali Assegaf Malaysia - Hon. Mdm Nancy Hj Shukri, Pakistan - Hon. Ms Shamshad Sattar Bachani

III. Members of Standing Specialized Committee from Arab Group (Name of MPs will be

submitted later) Political and Foreign Relation Jordan Palestine Syria Mauritania

Cultural and Legal affairs and Dialogue of Civilization and Religion Saudi Arabia Mauritania Lebanon

Economic Affairs and Environment Bahrain Nigeria Oman

Human Rights, Women and Family Affairs Morocco Lebanon Palestine UAE

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Agenda 17 Nomination of 15 Members for the PUIC Executive Committee for the year 2012

1. Algeria: Hon. Mr Tayeb Chouaki 2. Azerabaijan: Hon. Mrs Govhar Bakhshaliyeva 3. Bahrain: Hon. Mr sayed Habib Maki Hashem 4. Bangladesh: Hon. Mr Md Ishaque Hossain Talukder and Hon. Mr Kazi Faruq Kader 5. Benin: Hon. Mr Lafia Sacca and Hon. Mrs Schanou Sofiatou 6. Burkina Faso: Hon. Mr Ouedraogo Sayouba and Hon. Mr Sanogo Issa 7. Cameroon: Hon. Mr Hamadou Sali and Hon. Mr Amadou Adji 8. Chad: Hon. Mr Zakaria Mahamat Saleh and Hon. Mr Mahamat Bazingue 9. Gabon: H. E. Mr Leon-Paul Mvouba Okori 10. Iran: H. E. Dr Ali Larijani and Hon. Mr Seyed Ahmad Aalangi 11. Jordan: Hon. Mr Marwan Dudin and Hon. Mr Mefleh Alkhazaleh 12. Lebanon: Hon. Mr Nawar Mohammed Elsahili and Hon. Mr Imad El Hout 13. Malaysia: Hon. Mr Matulidi Jusoh and Hon. Mr Hasbi Habibollah 14. Mali: Hon. Mr Moussa Cisse and Hon. Mr Oumar Tapily 15. Morocco: Hon. Mr Ahmed Hajji and Hon. Mrs Khadija Zoumi 16. Mozambique: Hon. Mr Ossufo Momade 17. Niger: Hon. Mr Harouna Hamani and Hon. Mr Mohamed Imbarek 18. Oman: Hon. Mr Malik Al Abri 19. Pakistan: Hon. Mr Nazar Muhammad Gondal and Hon. Mr Saeed Ahmad Zafar 20. Palestine: Hon. Mr Fathi Aboue Lardat and Hon. Mr Najib Al Qaddoumi 21. Saudi Arabia: Hon. Dr Mohamed Al Salem and Hon. Dr Abdullah Al Dhafiri 22. Senegal: Hon. Mr Mactar Mbacke and Hon. Mr Mbaye Niang 23. Sudan: Hon. Dr Ghotbi El Mahdi Ahmed and Hon. Dr El Tigani Mustafa Mohamed 24. Syria: Hon. Mr Hasan Al Saka and Hon. Mr Mohammed Zoheir Taglibi 25. Togo: Hon. Mr Youkoue Nana Mama and Hon. Mr Kpeky Touhtou 26. Turkey: Hon. Mr Emrullah Isler and Hon. Mr Orhan Atalay 27. Uganda: Hon. Mr Sulaeman Balye Jjusa and Hon. Mr Huda Oleru

Agenda 18 Nomination for the President of the 9th Session of the PUIC Conference Cameroon stated that the African group held a meeting and decided to nominate Burkina Faso as the President of the 9th Session of the PUIC Conference. -Adopted- Agenda 19 Date and Venue of the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference The meeting proceed to the agenda of date and venue of the 8th PUIC Conference It was decided that the venue for the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference is Sudan and the previous decision amended. Sudan extended their invitation for the PUIC member states to attend the conference next year in Sudan. Iran presented observation on the Conference and reiterate on their support for full fledged membership of Palestine in the UN as it will unified Palestine and confirm full acknowledgement of Palestine and its territories.

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Saudi Arabia presented their observation on the flow of the meeting and requested for removal of the speech by H. E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri from the official document of PUIC. The speech deemed as insensitive to other and insulted the Prophet as it says Medina Al Munawarah is a backward country as it turn into autocracy. Iran also enquire on the reason of inviting H. E Hojjatul Islam Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri and his capacity to deliver speech in this Conference. They suggested that if he was invited as the first president of PUIC, then all of the previous President shall be invited. In response to intervention from Saudi Arabia, the Chairman stated that it was convention of the PUIC forum to invite the first President and his speech was not documented in the official document of this meeting. Maldives extended their gratitude to the PUIC for their accession into the organization and ensure their commitment to remain true to the charter and principle of PUIC. Syria expressed their admiration to the speech from the President of Indonesia as it was sending a clear message concerning issues close to admiration to the statement and declaring the presidential speech as one of the official document of this conference. United Arab Emirates proposed to host the second Working/Expert Group Meeting on the Islamic Declaration. CLOSING SESSION Agenda 20 Adoption of the Final Report of the 7th Session of PUIC Conference The Assistant to PUIC Secretary General inform the floor that there was amendment to the report. The amendment was to hold the 8th PUIC Conference in Khartoum Sudan upon approval from the Arab Group. Following intervention from Mr Hamadou Sali from Cameroon regarding application from Chad to host the Expert Group Meeting, it was decided that Chad will host the third Expert Group Meeting. -Report adopted- Agenda 21 Adoption of the Draft Palembang Declaration and the Join Communiqué The Chairman of the Open-Ended Drafting Committee presented his report on the work of the Committee. Syria reminded the floor that on Kampala Declaration, there was a clear reference for withdrawal of Israel from Golan and occupied territories. Therefore Syria suggested for a clear reference to be included in the Palembang Declaration. Saudi Arabia expressed their support for suggestion by Indonesia Parliament regarding rotation of the meeting among PUIC member parliament and the suggestion shall be listed in the minutes. Palembang Declaration adopted.

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Adoption of Join Communiqué Iran clarified on the capacity of H. E. Hojjatul Islam Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri as he was the First President of PUIC Conference. In regard to his speech, it might be a misunderstanding in the meaning of his speech. In response to intervention from Iran, the Chairman stated that the decision on whether to invite all the previous Presidents of PUIC will be discussed in the next meeting. As with the problem arises from misunderstanding due to translation from the interpreter, it was suggested that the speaker submit speech in writing to clarify if there is an issue arise from the content of the speech. H. E Mr Daadoua Al Ayashi represented the drafting committee in delivering report on the work of the committee and presenting the join communiqué for adoption. Iraq appreciated part on Iraq about American forces leave Iraq,reservation about the movement of people in Arab world, add to article no 14 - not to use forces against peaceful demonstration, add to article no 15 under the economic affairs - urge countries to draft convention in relation to economic and commercial exchange as part of agreement, add to item legal affair no 16 item 4 - Islam taught us emphasise on the right of minorities not only religious minorities but also ethnic minorities re-emphasised on the result of deliberation in the First Conferences of the Muslim Women Parliamentarian on representation of women in delegates to PUIC conferences. Iraq was also extending her appreciation for Saudi Arabia for granting voting right for women and right to be elected for Shura Council. Chairman noted correction in English version in congruence to the Arabic version. There was also an amendment to page 8 regarding expert meeting - to add Chad after the UAE -. In regard to the observation from Iraq, the Chairman clarified that the observation has been expressed within the complete document of the proceeding. Sudan proposed several amendments including to add state of Qatar in the item 2 change forum to conference in the Muslim women in congruence to Palembang Declaration. Seeking clarification on the differences between meeting of women parliamentarian in Morocco and on the side of the 8th Session of PUIC Conferences in Sudan. Morocco clarified that the conference in Morocco is different from the Conference. The meeting in Morocco will be organized by the Bureau that was formed during the First Conferences of Muslim Women Parliamentarian in Palembang. Turkey - propose wording - (however no translation provided from the interpreter booth) Qatar appreciated proposal from Sudan and proposed to put State of Qatar and all other parties Bahrain in response to wording from Turkey ... to criminalized the denial of massacre of Armenian Turkey in response to wording from Bahrain ... to criminalized the cleanse of Armenian

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Closing Remarks Concluding Remarks from Each Group H. E. Mr Mohammed Ahmad Al Mur from United Arab Emirates was delivering concluding remarks representing the Arab Group. In his speech, he was extending his gratitude to the host, PUIC Secretariat General and organizing committee. He was also reemphasizing on the importance role of PUIC in restoring peace and security in all Muslim country. H. E. Hamadou Sali from Cameroon representing the African Group. In his concluding remarks, he was extending his gratitude toward the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, the organizing committee and all parties involved in arranging this Conference. H. E. Emrullah Isler from Turkey representing the Asian Group. He was extending his gratitude toward. He was also expressing his appreciation to the chairman for his presidency and in his leadership during this Conference. Concluding Remarks from the Chairman, the President of the 7th Session of PUIC Conferences -Remarks attached- Motion of Thanks from H.E Daadoua Al Ayashi on behalf of the PUIC General Committee. The meeting was closed by recitation of some Verses from the Holy Quran.

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Male Speaker : 9

Participants 19

Female Speaker : 2

Vice Speaker : 3


Male MP : 99

Speaker : 2

Female MP : 26

Male MP

: 6

Secretary : 59

Female MP : 1

Advisor : 15


: 1

Accompanying Person : 31

Secretary : 10

Interpreter : 9

Security : 1

Security : 17


: 21

Journalist : 13

Embassy : 24

Total : 307

PUIC Secretariat : 50

Total Participants : 397

No Country/Organization


e S










e S





e M






























Member Parliaments :

1 Afghanistan 1 1 1

2 Albania 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 1

3 Algeria 4 1 1 6 1

4 Azerbaijan 3 1 1 1 6 1

5 Bahrain 4 1 2 7 1

6 Bangladesh 3 2 1 6 1

7 Benin 1 2 1 4 1

8 Burkina Faso 2 1 1 4 1

9 Cameroon 2 2 1

10 Chad 1 4 2 1 1 9 1

11 Gabon 1 1 1

74 | P a g e

12 Indonesia 1 1 10 3 2 17 1

13 Iran 1 1 2 4 24 3 15 2 6 58 1

14 Iraq 3 1 2 2 8 1

15 Jordan 5 2 1 1 9 1

16 Kuwait 3 1 2 6 1

17 Lebanon 2 1 3 1

18 Libya 1 1 1

19 Malaysia 1 3 1 3 1 2 11 1

20 Mali 3 3 1

21 Mauritania 1 2 1 2 6 1

22 Morocco 1 1 1 1 4 1

23 Mozambique 3 1 1 1 6 1

24 Niger 4 1 5 1

25 Oman 3 2 5 1

26 Pakistan 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 10 1

27 Palestine 5 1 1 7 1

28 Qatar 1 3 7 1 1 13 1

29 Saudi Arabia 1 3 4 3 1 2 14 1

30 Senegal 2 2 1

31 Sudan 3 2 4 2 11 1

32 Syria 2 2 4 1

33 Togo 2 2 1

34 Tunisia 1 1 1

35 Turkey 1 6 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 21 1

36 Uganda 1 2 1 2 6 1

37 United Arab Emirates 1 4 1 7 2 4 1 20 1

Total 9 2 3 99 26 59 15 31 9 17 13 24 307 37

No Country/Organization





e S































1 Organization of the Islamic Cooperation 2 2 1

2 The Arab Inter-

Parliamentary Union 1 1 1

3 The Consultative Council of Maghreb Arab 1 1 1


The African Parliamentary Union 1 1 1

75 | P a g e

5 The Asian Parliamentay Assembly (APA) 1 1 1

6 Turkish Cypriot State 1 2 2 5 1 7 ICRC 3 3 1 8 ICYF - DC 2 2 1 9 PABSEC 1 1 1 10 TURKPA 2 2 1

Total 1 3 7 6 2 19 10

No Country/Organization


e S










e S





e M



























Guest of the Host: 1 Maldives 1 3 2 1 7 1 2 MLF 1 6 7 1 3 Nigeria 1 1 2 1 4 Sri Lanka 1 1 2 1

5 The Int'l Forum for Islamist Parliamentarians 1 1 1

6 Par. Assembly of Uni

Belarus & Russia 1 1 2 1

Total 2 6 1 1 10 1 0 21 6

No Country/Organization






1 PUIC Secretariat 50 1

Total 50 1

76 | P a g e


24 – 31 JANUARY 2011




1 Afghanistan Mr. Abdul Wasi Fatah (Secretary)

2 Albania H.E. Mrs. Jozefina Topalli (Speaker) Mr. Ndoc Topali (Spouse of the Speaker) Hon. Mr. Ndriçim Babasi (MP) Hon. Mr. Aurel Bylykbashi (MP) Mr. Eduart Çoku (Security) Mrs. Linda Ihsani (Advisor) Mr. Arsen Hoxha (Journalist) Mr. Erin Teliti (Cameramen)

3 Algeria Hon. Mr. El-Ayachi Daadoua (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Akhamouk Mohammed (Senator) Hon. Mr. El Hadj Laieb (Senator) Hon. Mrs. Flitti Nasria (MP)* Hon. Mr. Tayeb Chouaki (MP) Ms. Cherif Djamila (Assistant)

4 Azerbaijan Hon. Mrs. Govhar Bakhshaliyeva (HOD/MP)* Hon. Mr. Yavanshir Pashazade (MP) Hon. Mr. Sabir Rustamkhaouli (MP) Hon. Mr. Mirkazim Kazimov (MP) Ms. Zahra Valiyeva (Secretary) Mrs. Aydan Rustankhaouli (Spouse of Mr. Rustamkhaouli)

5 Bahrain Hon. Mr. Sayed Habib Maki Hashem (HOD/MP) Hon. Ms. Nada Abas Husain Haffadh (MP)* Hon. Mr. Othman Mohamed Sharif Al Rayes (MP) Hon. Mr. Ali Hassan Ahmed Ali (MP) Hon. Mr. Abdulhameed Al Meer (MP) Ms. Fatima Zaid Al Zayed (Secretary) Mr. Ali Ahmed Hatem (Protocol)

6 Bangladesh Hon. Mr. Md. Mozammel Hosain (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Md. Ishaque Hossain Talukder (MP) Hon. Mr. Kazi Faruq Kader (MP) Hon. Mrs. Farida Rahman (MP)* Hon. Ms. Showkat Ara Begum (MP)* Mr. Md. Anwarul Islam Sarker (Secretary)

7 Benin Hon. Mr. Lafia Sacca (HOD/MP) Hon. Mrs. Schanou Sofiatou (MP)*

77 | P a g e


Hon. Mrs. Ahlonsou Amoudatou (MP)* Mr. Amadou A. Deen (Protocol)

8 Burkina Faso Hon. Mr. Ouedraogo Sayouba (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Sanogo Issa (MP) Hon. Mrs. Kardialou Korsaga/Keita (MP)* Mr. Simpore Marie Joseph (Secretary)

9 Cameroon Hon. Mr. Hamadou Sali (Vice President of PUIC) Hon. Mr. Amadou Adji (MP)

10 Chad H.E. Mr. Mamadou Kourtou (Vice President of the National Assembly of Chad)

Hon. Mr. Zakaria Mahamat Saleh (MP) Hon. Mr. Mahamat Bazingue (MP) Hon. Mr. Issaka Issa Youssouf (MP) Hon. Ms. Mansoura Hamit Nouri (MP)* Hon. Mr. Ousman Cherif (MP) Hon. Mrs. Souraya Moustapha (MP)* Mr. Brahim Djimet Malloum (Secretary) Mr. Mohamat Nour Hamid (Interpreter)

11 Gabon H.E. Mr. Léon-Paul Mvouba Okori (Vice President of the National Assembly of Gabon)

12 Indonesia H.E. Dr. Marzuki Alie (Speaker) H.E. Priyo Budi Santoso (Vice Speaker) Hon. Dr. M. Hidayat Nur Wahid (MP) Hon. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf (MP)* Hon. Mr. Sidarto Danusubroto (MP) Hon. Mr. Andi Anzhar Cakra Wijaya (MP) Hon. Mr. Syofwatillah Mohzaib (MP) Hon. Mr. Atte Sugandi (MP) Hon. Mr. Tantowi Yahya (MP) Hon. Ms. Meutya Viada Hafid (MP)* Hon. Mr. Helmy Fauzy (MP) Hon. Mr. Bukhori (MP) Hon. Mr. Ahmad Mumtaz Rais (MP) Hon. Mr. Mustofa Assegaf (MP) Hon. Dr. Susaningtyas N.H. Kertopati (MP)* Ms. Nida Rubini (Secretary) Mr. Effendi (Secretary)

13 Iran (Islamic Republic of) H.E. Dr. Ali Larijani (Speaker) Hon. Dr. Kazem Jalalai (MP) Dr. Alaedin Borujerdi (MP) Dr. Shahib Joveyjeri (MP) Mr.Hassan Ghashghan (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs) Mr. Mohammad Jafari (Advisor) H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Farazandeh (Ambassador) Mr. Hossain Sheikhol Islam (Advisor) Mr.Golamreza Rasouli Zadeh (Head of Protocol)

78 | P a g e


Mr. Abolfazi Abdoli (Embassy) Mr. Ali Ali Varamini (Secretary) Mr. Seyed Ahmad Aalangi (Accompanying) Mr. Morteza Razavani (Secretary of Delegation) Mr. Hossein Maleki (Advisor) Mr. Amir Hossein Hosseini (Advisor) Mr. Amir Asgor Naghalia (Accompanying) Mr. Mohammad Reza Baghepanah (Accompanying) Mr. Ali Karami (Embassy) Mr. Ali Pahlevani Rad (Embassy) Mr. Saeid Molayari (Embassy) Mr. Mahmood Sadeghian (Accompanying) Mr. Jalal Abolhasani (Accompanying) Mr. Ahmad Sohrabi (Accompanying) Mr. Shaker Shahadi (Interpreter) Mr. Mahdi Torabi Mehrabian (Interpreter) Mr. Naser Ranjbaren (Interpreter) Mr. Ramezan Garmabadari (Accompanying) Mr. Hassan Shahriari (Accompanying) Mr. Mostafa Haghhou (Journalist) Mr. Maysam Taheri (Journalist) Mr. Suryo Anggoro (Embassy) Mr. Abbas Jafari (Journalist) Mr. Hamid Emami (Journalist) Mr. Mohammad Reza Yusefi (Journalist) Mr. Ali Akbari (Journalist) Mr. Ali Akbar Siberer (Interpreter) Mr. Amir Hosein Hashemi (Media) Mr. Hamid Reza Goldun (Media) Mr. Ali Soleiman (Media) Mr. Hamed Bagheri Tanha (Media)

14 Iraq Hon. Mr. Sami Jassim Atteyyah Alaskary (HOD/MP) Hon. Mrs. Ala Tahsin Habib Talabani (MP)* Hon. Mr. Rafea Abduljabbar Noshee Al Azzawi (MP) Hon. Mr. Hemeed Jassam Mohammed (MP) Mr. Hosyar Mohammed Salih (PR and Protocol) Mr. Shahab Ahmad Al Ilamad (Secretary) H.E. Dr. Ismieal Shafiq Muhsin (Ambassador) Mr. Younis Salim Sarhan (Embassy)

15 Jordan Hon. Mr. Marwan Dudin (HOD/Senator) Hon. Mr. Sanad Neimat (Senator) Hon. Mr. Abed Alrahim Boucai (MP) Hon. Mr. Salaheddin Sabra (MP) Hon. Mr. Mefleh Alkhazaleh (MP) H.E. Mr. Mohammad Hassan Dawodieh (Ambassador) Mrs. Rana Humsi (Spouse of Mr. Baoucai)

79 | P a g e


Mr. Nedal Alamro (Secretary) Hazem Hawamdeh (Secretary)

16 Kuwait Mr. Alam Ali Jafar Al Kandari (HOD/Secretary General) H.E. Mr. Nasser Bareh Al Enezi (Ambassador) Mr. Tawfeeq Al Wehaib (Deputy Secretary General) Mr. Naser Abdul Qodir Al Abdul Al Jader (Secretary) Mr. Rashed Bin Salamah (Attache) Mr. Awaluddin Abutari (Interpreter)

17 Lebanon Hon. Mr. Nawar Mohammed Elsahili (HOD/MP)) Hon. Mr. Imad El Hout (MP) Mrs. Wessam Elsahili (Spouse of HOD)

18 Libya Mr. Masoud S. El Koshly (Charge d’ Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Libya)

19 Malaysia H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Mulia (Speaker) Puan Sri Datin Seri Panglima Diana Diego (Spouse of the Speaker) Hon. Mr. Matulidi Jusoh (MP) Hon. Mr. Hasbi Habibollah (MP) Hon. Mdm. Nancy Hj Shukri (MP)* Hon. Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa (MP) Mdm. Roosme Hamzah (Secretary) Ms. Lavinia Vyveganathan (Secretary) Mr. Jaafar Mat Zin (Secretary) Mr. Raja Mohd. Nizam Raja Kamarulbahrin (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Mrs. Wan Nurshima Wan Jusoh (Spouse of Mr. Kamarulbahrin)

20 Mali Hon. Mr. Moussa Cisse (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Oumar Tapily (MP) Hon. Mr. Mamadou Diawara (MP)

21 Mauritania H.E. Mr. Messaoud Ould Boulkheir (Speaker) Hon. Mr. Abderrahmane Ould Mini (MP) Hon. Mr. Naji Ould Sidi Mahmoud (MP) Hon. Mrs. Fatimetou Mint Mohamed Yarba (MP)* Mr. Mohamed Vall Ould Lekoueiry (Secretary) Mr. Mohamed Yahya Ould Mohamed Hassan (Secretary)

22 Morocco Hon. Mr. Ahmed Hajji (HOD/MP) Hon. Mrs. Khadija Zoumi (MP)* Mrs. Touria Lahmam (Secretary) Mr. El Kbir Ez-zahouani (Embassy)

23 Mozambique Hon. Mr. Ossufo Momade (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Abel Safrao (MP) Hon. Mr. Safi Gulamo (MP) Hon. Mrs. Maria Bachir (MP)* Dr. Américo Izaltino Cassamo (Secretary) Mr. Benedito Nassone (Embassy)

24 Niger Hon. Mr. Harouna Hamani (HOD/MP) Hon. Yacine Ben Mohamed (MP) Hon. Mr. Mohamed Imbarek (MP)

80 | P a g e


Hon. Mr. Janaidou Gado Sabo (MP) Ms. Mariama Manzo (Secretary)

25 Oman Hon. Mr. Abdullah Al Majali (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Saleh Al Mamri (MP) Hon. Mr. Malik Al Abri (MP) Mr. Said Al Mashani (Secretary) Mr. Fawzi Al Mikhaini (Secretary)

26 Pakistan HE. Mrs. Fehmida Mirza (Speaker)* Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirza (Spouse of the Speaker) Hon. Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal (MP) Hon. Ms. Shamshad Sattar Bachani (MP)* Hon. Mr. Saeed Ahmad Zafar (MP) Mr. Feroz Khan (Advisor) HE. Mr. Sanaullah (Ambassador) Mr. Syed Shamoon Hashmi (Secretary) Mr. Muhammad Anwar Sial (Protocol) Mr. Saeed Javed (Embassy)

27 Palestine Hon. Mr. Jamal Ayesh (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Khaled Musmar (MP) Hon. Mr. Mohammed Faisal M.H. Abushahla Wasfiah (MP) Hon. Mrs. Obaida Kazimi (MP)* Hon. Mr. Fathi Aboue Lardat (MP) Hon. Mr. Najib Al Qaddoumi (MP) HE. Mr. Fariz N. Mehdawi (Ambassador)

28 Qatar H.E. Mr. Muhammad Al Khulaifi (Speaker) Hon. Mr. Khalid Hamad Al Lubdah (MP) Hon. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammad Al Misnad (MP) Hon. Mr. Said Batty Assahutti (MP) Mr. Fahad Mubarak Al Khayareen ( Secretary General) Mr. Rasheed Isa Hassan (Office of Speaker) Mr. Abdul Majeed Ibrahim Attamimi (Chief of PR) Mr. Yousef Mohammed Al Mohannadi (Assistant of Chief PR) Mr. Mohammed Lhalid Al Sada (Advisor) Mr. Sultan Abdullah Al Sulaiti (Special escort) Mr. Rasheed Hamad Al Mi’dhadi (Secretary) Mr. Abdulridho Mahdi Al Majid (Secretary) Mr. Ronny Gunawan (Embassy)

29 Saudi Arabia HE. Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Sheikh (Speaker) Hon. Dr. Mohamed Al Salem (MP) Hon. Dr. Ali M. Al Ghamdi (MP) Hon. Dr. Abdullah Al Dhafiri (MP) Mr. Mohammed Al Ibrahim (Chief of Protocol) Mr. Khaled Al Mansour (Advisor) Dr. Saad Al Alangari (Advisor) Mr. Emad Al Sahhaf (Advisor) Mr. Akram Ibrahim Habrom (Interpreter)

81 | P a g e


Mr. Yousef Alharbi (Secretary) Mr. Fahad Abdulrahman (Protocol) Mr. Sultan Abdulrazaq Al Fahad (Journalist) Mr. Ahmed Salman Al Salman (Journalist) Mr. Walid Sulaiman Al Salman (Secretary)

30 Senegal Hon. Mr. Mactar Mbacké (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Mbaye Niang (MP)

31 Sudan Hon. Dr. Ghotbi El Mahdi Ahmed (HOD/MP) Hon. Dr. El Tigani Mustafa Mohamed (MP) Hon. Mrs. Wafa Maki Ahmed Ali (MP)* Hon. Mrs. Tahani Ali Mohamed Ali (MP)* Hon. Mr. Omer Suliman Adam (MP) Mr. Salih Mohamed Ahmed (Embassy) Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim (Secretary) Mr. AbdelGadir Abdalla (Secretary) Ms. Thana Fadul Abdelgadir (Secretary)

32 Syria Hon. Mr. Hasan Al Saka (HOD/MP) Hon. Mohammed Zoheir Taglibi (MP) Hon. Mrs. Suad Chekh Bakkour (MP)* Hon. Mrs. Hind Al Tharrif (MP)*

33 Togo Hon. Mr. Nana Mama Youkoue (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Touhtou Kpeky (MP)

34 Tunisia HE. Mr. Mohamed Antar (Ambassador)

35 Turkey H.E. Mr. Cemil Çiçek (Speaker) Mrs. Gülten Çiçek (Spouse of the Speaker) Hon. Mr. Ahmet Edip Uğur (MP) Hon. Mr. Emrullah İşler (HOD/MP) Hon. Mr. Ihsan Özkes (MP) Hon. Mr. Orhan Atalay (MP) Hon. Mr. Mustafa Erdem (MP) Hon. Mr. Cem Zorlu (MP) H.E. Mr. Murat Adali (Ambassador) Mr. Nuri Deliorman (Advisor) Mr. Mümtaz Güner (Advisor) Mr. Hasan Baytekin (Director of Foreign Relations) Mr. Ahmet Kocaer (Interpreter) Mr. Mehmet Ali Şanli (interpreter) Mr. Harun Yaşar (Security) Mr. Mücahit Arslan (Protocol) Mr. Hakan Ariburun (Protocol) Mr. Kubilay Çelik (Journalist) Mr. İlhan Atasoy (Journalist) Mr. Ali Riza Sari (Journalist) Mr. Yunus Emre Kocak (Embassy)

82 | P a g e


36 Uganda H.E. Mrs. Rebecca kandaga (Speaker) Hon. Mr. Kyanjo Hussein Silman (MP) Hon. Mrs. Oleru Huda (MP) Hon. Mr. Balye Jjusa Sulaeman (MP) Mr. Opata Cosian (Secretary) Ms. Ranny Ismail (Protocol)

37 United Arab Emirates HE. Mr. Mohammed Ahmad Al Mur (President of the Federal Council) Hon. Mr. Rashad Mohammed Bukhash (MP) Hon. Dr. Shaikha Ali Alowais (MP)* Hon. Mr. Sultan Juma Al Shamsi (MP) Hon. Mr. Marwan Ahmed Bin Ghalita (MP) Hon. Mr. Ahmed Ali Al Zaabi (MP) Dr. Mohammed Salem Al Mazrooi (Secretary General) Mr. Abdulrahman Ali Al Shamsi (Asst. To Sec. General) Mr. Omar Eisa Alshamsi (Secretary) Mr. Abdelrahman Abdullah Al Shehhi (Secretary) Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Al Aqili (Researcher) Ms. Roudha Ali Al Shihhe (Researcher) Mr. Juma Saeed Al Muhairi (Protocol) Mr. Eisa Abdalla Al Zarouni (Media) Mr. Bader Hamad Al Marri (Protocol) Mr. Salem Mohamed Hasan Al Agbari (Journalist) Mr. Ahmed Juma Fadel Mohammad Al Baloushi (Journalist) Mr. Jehad Ahmed Al Yaqoobi (Journalist) Mr. Mohammed Alwahiby Mr. Moddy Komarudin (Embassy)


1 Organization of the

Islamic Cooperation

Ambassador Abdullah AbdulRahman Alim (Assistant Secretary General) Ambassador Tarig Bakheet (Director of OIC Political Dept.)

2 The Arab Inter-

Parliamentary Union

Hon. Mr. Noureddine Bouchkouj (Secretary General)

3 The Consultative Council

of Maghreb Arab

Mr. Said El Mugaddam (Secretary General)

4 The African Parliamentary


Hon. Mr. N’zi Koffi (Secretary General)

5 The Asian Parliamentary


Mr. Bijan Moshirvaziri (Assistant Secretary General)

6 Turkish Cypriot State H.E. Mr. Hasan Bozer (Speaker) Hon. Mr. Mutlu Atayasan (MP)

83 | P a g e


Hon. Mr. Omer Kalyoncu (MP) Ms. Evrim Onsav (Secretary) Ms. Afet Ozcafer (Secretary)

7 The International

Committee of Red Cross

Mr. Vincent Nicod (ICRC Regional Delegation) Ms. Rina Rusman (Advisor) Mr. Irenée Herbert (Advisor)

8 Islamic Conference Youth

Forum for Dialogue and

Cooperation (ICYF – DC)

Mr. Elshad Iskandarov (HOD/Secretary General) Mr. Azar Khuduyev (Assistant Secretary)

9 Parliamentary Assembly

of the Cooperation Black

Sea Economic (PABSEC)

Hon. Mr. Asaf Hajiyef (Vice President of PABSEC)

10 TURKPA Hon. Mr. Ramil Hasanov (Secretary General) Mr. Anar Ramimov (Assistant to Secretary General)


1 Maldives Hon. Mr. Yoosuf Naeem (MP) Mr. Ahmed Mohamed (Secretary General) Mr. Ihuvan Mohamed (Protocol)

2 MNLF Prof. Nur Misuari (HOD) Mr. Sabturani Bakil Mr. Hasim Mammah Mr. Ali Montaha Babao Mr. Adjimin Mihammad Mr. Gapul Hadjirun Mr. V. Emmanuel C. Fontanilla

3 House of Representatives

of the Republic of Nigeria

Hon. Mrs. Onabamiro Rafeequat Arinola (MP)* Mr. Sade Umar Abubakar (MP)

4 Sri Lanka Hon. Mr. Rauff Hakeem (Minister of Justice) Hon. (Alhaj). A.H.M. Azwer (MP)

5 The Parliamentary

Assembly of the Union of

Belarus and Russia

Hon. Mr. Gubaidullin Ekzam (Deputy Chairman) Mr. Shumyantsev Alexander (Secretary)

6 The International Forum

for the Islamist


Hon. Mr. Nasharudin Mat Isa (MP)

84 | P a g e



1 Hon. Mr. Ali Akbar


Founder of PUIC

2 Mr. Ali Rezza Darrish Secretary

3 Mr. Hosein Alipour Advisor

4 Mr. Mohammad Asgari Security

5 Mr. Asgar Hamidi Security


1 PUIC Delegation Mr. Mahmut Erol Killic (Secretary General) Mr. Muhammadi Sijani Ali Asghar (Assistant Secretary General) Mr. Siddig Yousef Abu Agla Ahmed (Director of Cabinet) Mr. Zahid Hasan Qureshi (Coordinator) Mr. Syed Athar Hussain Zaidi (Head of Finance)

2 PUIC Secretariat Mr. Osama Mahmoud Abd Elfattah Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim Derir Mrs. Amira Shokry Mr. Hussam Eldin Saleh Mr. Adel Amin Ahmed Hasan Mrs. Nefissa Mohamed Ali El Bakly Mrs. Nadia Abbas Hassan Mrs. Samia Husein Khallaf Mrs. Doaa Mohamed Zaki Darwish Mr. Mohamed Mohamed Soliman Ghazal Mrs. Suzan Mohamed Abul Farag Aly Mrs. Hoda Mohamed Abul Farag Mrs. Nirvana Abdel Fattah Hassan Mrs. Bahiga Ahmed Soliman Mrs. Esmat Abdel Sattar Taha Orensa Mrs. Zeinab Abdel Moncef Mrs. Nevine Ahmed Hassan Youssef Mrs. Naglaa Ahmed Fouad Serry Mrs. Nefertiti Moustafa Naguib Mrs. Hoda Aly Gamal Mahmoud Mrs. Zenat Abdelaziz Said Mrs. Malak Shoucri Bidair Mr. Nasreddine Ben Dhaou Mr. Mohamed Hechmi Trabelsi Mr. Zamil Saeedi Hamoud Mrs. Sharareh Fathizadeh

85 | P a g e


Mr. Ibrahim Abdel Fattah Mr. Remeen Farrokh Mrs. Naglaa Taha Mrs. Wegdan El Defrawy Mr. Ahmed Abdel Gawad Mrs. Hanifa Mahmud Sadik Mr. Bechir Garbouj Mr. Taimour Olivier Hubert Mr. Wael Eid Mohamed Abdelguelil Mrs. Soheila Sabri Mr. Haki Uygur Mr. Fouad Abdul Wali Ms. Mowada Siddig Yousef Abu Agla Mr. Reza Nazari Mr. Mazin Muaffak Adham Mrs. Hoda Ibrahim Hassan Farid Mr. Salman Zahid Qureshi Ms. Mariam Salehi Mr. Abdelrahim Ahmed Khalil Eltayeb

86 | P a g e
