What event discredited the Knights of Labor? Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike Panic of '93 ...


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What event discredited the Knights of Labor? Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike Panic of '93 Pullman Strike

Haymarket Riot

When did the American Federation of Labor defy an injunction by the federal courts? Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike Panic of '93 Pullman Strike

Pullman Strike

What was the most significant goal of the Grange during the 1870s? Social contacts for farmers scientific research in farming state regulation of railroads free silver

state regulation of railroads

What was the main issue of the Populist party? High tariff government corruption state regulation of railroads free silver

What is a court order forbidding and action?


What philosophy advocates the collective or government ownership of the means of production?


What free-silver party from the Midwest became prominent in the 1890s?

Populist Party

True/False ___ America's first important labor union,

the Knights of Labor, was relatively conservative and tried to avoid strikes.


True/False ___ The Homestead Strike was one of the

most effective strikes in the history of American business.


A) William Jennings Bryan B) Eugene V. Debs C) William McKinkey D) Terrence V. Powderly

  ___ leader of the Knights of Labor

D) Terrence V. Powderly

A) William Jennings Bryan B) Eugene V. Debs C) William McKinkey D) Terrence V. Powderly

  ___ radical leader of the Socialist party

B) Eugene V. Debs

A) William Jennings Bryan B) Eugene V. Debs C) William McKinkey D) Terrence V. Powderly

  ___ “the Great Commoner” and free-silver


A) William Jennings Bryan

A) William Jennings Bryan B) Eugene V. Debs C) William McKinkey D) Terrence V. Powderly

  ___ winner of the first modern

presidential campaign (1896)

C) William McKinkey