مصر التى في خاطرى. Welcome To Luxor Karnak Temple مـرحــبـاً



يقع في مدينة الأقصر على الضفة الشرقية من النيل. و هو واحد من أكبر المعابد التي شيدت في العالم. و ربما يكون أشهر قسم فيه هو قاعة الأعمدة The Hypostyle Hall قاعة الأعمدة و التي تحتوى على 134 عامودا. Located in Luxor, on the East Bank of the Nile River, it is one of the largest temple complexes ever constructed in the world. Probably the most famous section is the Great Hypostyle Hall containing 134 massive columns.Great Hypostyle Hall

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Welcome To Luxor Karnak Temple . . The Hypostyle Hall 134 . Located in Luxor, on the East Bank of the Nile River, it is one of the largest temple complexes ever constructed in the world. Probably the most famous section is the Great Hypostyle Hall containing 134 massive columns.Great Hypostyle Hall Gate to Karnak Temple Karnak Temple, Wide View Sacred Lake reflects Karnak Temple Sacred Lake reflects Karnak Temple Pharaoh Statue and Main Gate Pharaoh Statues Temple Obelisk and Palm Karnak Temple obelisk Avenue of the Sphinxes with ram heads, once ran 3km to Luxor Temple Sphinxes with ram heads - inside Karnak Temple 1 Columns at Hypostyle Hall Columns at Hypostyle Hall With Worker Karnak columns Columns Top Column Top Details Karnak columns - Colorful Top Stone screens blue sky in Hypostyle Hall Sunrise filters through narrow column openings Columns and Obelisk Remaining colors of Karnak Temple Karnak Temple painted ceiling Karnak wall engravings Karnak wall engravings Karnak wall engravings Karnak wall engravings Karnak wall engravings Karnak wall engravings Remaining colors of Karnak Temple Remaining colors of Karnak Temple By