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Учебная тема

The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence


Ульяновск 2010

ББК Ш143.21–9 я7

А 20

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема 'The Process of Obtaining

an Air Certificate and Licence' : учеб.-метод. пособие / сост. А. A. Шлямова,

Е. С. Синабдеева, Г. С. Громова. – Ульяновск : УВАУ ГА(И), 2010. – 28 с.

Содержит аутентичные тексты и серию упражнений для развития и закре-

пления лексических навыков по теме 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate

and Licence' («Сертификация и лицензирование на воздушном транспорте»).

Разработано в соответствии с государственным общеобразовательным

стандартом высшего профессионального образования Российской Федерации

и программой обучения студентов высших и средних учебных заведений

гражданской авиации.

Предназначено для проведения практических занятий с курсантами спе-

циализаций 160503.65.01 – Летная эксплуатация гражданских воздушных

судов, 160505.65.01 – Управление воздушным движением, а также для само-

стоятельной работы студентов заочной формы обучения и авиаспециалистов

в процессе профессионального образования.

Печатается по решению Редсовета училища.



Общие сведения ....................................................................................................... 3

1. Certification ........................................................................................................... 4

2. Airmen’s Certificates ............................................................................................ 6

3. Flight Proficiency ................................................................................................ 10

4. Aircraft and Airport Certification ....................................................................... 12

5. Certification in the Field of Civil Aviation in the Russian Federation ............... 15

Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 25

Appendix ................................................................................................................. 26

Ульяновское высшее авиационное училище

гражданской авиации (институт), 2010


Владение английским языком является обязательным компонентом профессио-

нальной подготовки современного авиаспециалиста. Изучение дисциплины «Авиа-

ционный английский язык» ведется в соответствии с Государственным общеобра-

зовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования в области

Аэронавигации и международными стандартами ICAO (Doc. 9835/ Руководство по

внедрению требований ИКАО к владению английским языком).

В процессе изучения данной дисциплины курсанты приобретают коммуника-

тивную компетенцию, уровень которой на отдельных этапах языковой подготовки

позволяет использовать английский язык как в профессиональной деятельности,

так и в целях самообразования.

Развитие у курсантов лингвистической компетенции в профессиональной

области в рамках авиационного регистра английского языка является основной

задачей преподавания авиационного английского языка.

Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с программой

дисциплины «Авиационный английский язык». Изучение данного пособия

предусмотрено в 6 семестре.

Целью учебно-методического пособия «Сертификация и лицензирование на

воздушном транспорте» является введение и закрепление навыков владения

лексическим материалом по данной теме на базе уже изученной грамматики

английского языка, что необходимо будущим пилотам и авиадиспетчерам для

выполнения своих профессиональных обязанностей в стандартных и нестандартных


Пособие содержит аутентичные тексты с технической терминологией

авиационного характера.

Каждая часть включает упражнения на развитие и совершенствование навыков:

– перевода профессионально-окрашенных текстов;

– реферирования и аннотирования аутентичного материала;

– чтения различных видов оригинальной специальной литературы

профессионального характера и технической документации;

– употребления грамматических форм и конструкций, характерных для

авиационного языка.

Пособие характеризуется большой вариативностью заданий.

Одна из целей данного пособия – максимально облегчить задачу усвоения

обширного языкового материала так, чтобы курсанты могли уверенно использовать

его в своей речи с минимальным количеством погрешностей.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 3


Ex. 1. Read and translate international words.

Agency, airliner, airport, automatically, certificate, certification, commercial,

competent, component, demonstrate, examination, extensive, function, inspection,

instructor, international, licence, manufacture, medical, mechanics, mission,

national, organization, periodic, pilot, practice, privilege, specific, standards,

transportation, type.

Ex. 2. Study the new words.

airworthy, adj ['eə¸wз:ði] годный к летной эксплуатации

airworthiness, n ['eə¸wз:ðines] годность к летной эксплуатации

assure, v [ə'ʃυə] убеждать, гарантировать

comply (with), v [kəm'plai] соответствовать, подчиняться


compliance, n [kəm'plaiəns] соблюдение, подчинение (правилам)

ensure, v [in'ʃυə] обеспечивать, гарантировать

habitually, adv [hə'bitʃυəli] по привычке, обыкновенно, обычно

hold, v [həυld] держать, владеть

holder, n ['həυldə] владелец, предъявитель

conformity, n

in conformity with

[kən'fo:miti] соответствие, согласие

в соответствии с

validate, v ['vælideit] утверждать, признавать


oversight, n ['əυvəsait] контроль, наблюдение

Ex. 3. Read the text.


Certification is the first step to ensure that competent pilots fly airworthy

aircraft into and out of safe airports. Any person involved in operating or

maintaining aircraft must hold a certificate. Pilot and maintenance schools, and

their instructors, must also meet certification standards. Aircraft manufacturers, air

carriers and airports must have a certificate allowing their operation.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 4

ICAO does not issue any licences or certificates. Licences issued by ICAO

Contracting States on the basis of Standards and Recommended Practices of

Annex 1 – Personnel Licencing, are habitually called ICAO licences. This has led

many to believe that there is a specific ICAO or international licence. The fact is

that States issue their own licences based on national regulations in conformity

with Annex 1 specifications and validate licences issued by other Contracting

States on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements.

The major aviation authorities worldwide are the US Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). FAA

and EASA are, in particular, primarily responsible for the certification of the

airliners from two major manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus. Both agencies have a

standardization and oversight function for all aviation safety certification activities

of Member States. In addition to operating the national airspace system, the

agencies set standards for aircraft and people working in the aviation field, and

also monitor the performance of air carriers and other operators.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the insurance of pilot competence and airworthy aircraft?

2. What organizations are responsible for the certification of the airliners from

Boeing and Airbus?

3. Can the pilot receive the ICAO licence?

4. What authority issues licences to airmen?

5. How can States validate licences issued by other Contracting States?

6. What are the functions of the US Federal Aviation Administration and the

European Aviation Safety Agency?

Ex. 5. Translate the following word combinations.

– Airworthy aircraft

– Competent pilot

– Primarily responsible

– In conformity with Annex 1 specifications

– Двустороннее соглашение

– В частности

– Определять международные стандарты

– Оценивая возможность компании, работать в качестве авиаперевозчика

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 5

Ex. 6. Translate the following into English.

1. Сертифицирование – гарантия того, что квалифицированные летчики

управляют годным к летной эксплуатации самолетом от одного безопасного

аэропорта к другому.

2. Сертифицирование – оценка соответствия воздушного судна требованиям

федеральных авиационных правил.

3. ИКАО не выдает ни лицензий, ни сертификатов.

4. Авиаперевозчики должны иметь лицензию на право осуществления

пассажирских перевозок.

5. ИКАО издает нормы и правила выдачи свидетельств, которыми

пользуются страны-члены ИКАО.


Ex. 7. Study the new words.

add-on rating квалификационная отметка

applicant, n ['æplikənt] соискатель, кандидат

application, n [,æpli'kəiʃ(ə)n] заявление

approval, n [ə'pru:v(ə)l] одобрение, поддержка, согласие

curriculum, n

(pl – curricula)

[kə'rikjυləm] курс обучения, учебная программа

expire, v [ik'spaiə] истекать (o сроке), потерять силу

guidance, n ['gaid(ə)ns] руководство, указания

hire, v ['haiə] нанимать

increase, v

ant. decrease

[iŋ'kri:s] увеличивать

уменьшать, сокращать

manual, n ['mænjυəl] руководство (инструкция), справочник

revoke, v [ri'vəυk] аннулировать

restrict, v [ri'strikt] ограничивать

restriction, n [ri'strikʃ(ə)n] ограничение

surrender, v [sə'rendə] отдавать, передавать

suspend, v [sə'spend] приостановить действие (временно)

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 6

Ex. 8. Read the text.

Airmen’s Certificates

Standards and Recommended Practices for the licencing of flight crew

members (pilots, flight engineers and flight navigators, air traffic controllers,

aeronautical station operators, maintenance technicians and flight dispatchers), are

provided by Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Proper

manuals provide guidance to States for training curricula of other aviation

personnel such as aerodrome emergency crews, flight operations officers, radio

operators and individuals involved in other related disciplines.

Pilots are certificated for particular types of flying activities. A system of

certificates, together with a set of add-on ratings is used to specify not only what

types of aircraft pilots may fly, but also whether they may carry passengers, fly for

hire, or fly in certain weather conditions. To earn a pilot’s certificate, an applicant

must demonstrate the aeronautical knowledge, skills, and experience prescribed for

the type of certificate and rating desired. Applicants must also meet certain

physical standards, and pilots must continue to pass periodic medical examinations

in order to maintain a valid certificate. Pilot certificates do not expire; they are

valid until surrendered, suspended, or revoked.

There are five main types of pilot certificates:

Student p i lo t ’ s flying privileges are very limited. When student pilots

first start learning to fly, they complete all of their flights with a certificated flight

instructor (CFI) on board. Once they've reached the age of 16, have a valid Class

III medical, and have mastered the basic skills and educational topics of flight,

they can solo (fly alone without an instructor or other certificated pilot at the

controls). They are not allowed to carry any passengers, or to fly for hire. They are

not allowed to operate in the busiest airspace around the largest cities (Class B

airspace) without special training and flight instructor approval.

Recreat ional p i lo ts are primarily people who learn to fly for fun, with

little interest in becoming professional pilots or using airplanes as a practical

means of traveling from place to place. Recreational pilots must be at least 17

years old and have a minimum of 30 hours of flight time (the real-world average is

more than 40 hours), including a minimum of 15 hours of flight instruction.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 7

Recreational pilots cannot carry more than one passenger and must remain within

50 nautical miles of the home airport.

To become a pr iva te p i lo t , one must be at least 17 years old and have a

minimum of 40 hours of flight time (the actual average is about 70 hours), including

20 hours of instruction and 10 hours of solo. Private pilots may use any airport in the

national airspace system and carry more than one passenger, but not for hire.

Commercia l p i lo ts may carry passengers or cargo for hire. Commercial

pilots must be at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 250 hours of flight

time, including 100 hours in powered aircraft, 50 hours in airplanes, and 100 hours

as pilot in command (of which 50 hours must be cross-country flight time). They

must hold an instrument rating, or be restricted to flying for hire only in daylight,

under visual flight rules (VFR), within 50 miles of the originating airport.

Only a i r l ine t ranspor t p i lo ts can serve as pilot or copilot on air carrier

flights. Airline transport pilots (ATPs) must be at least 23 years old and have a

minimum of 1,500 hours of flight time, including 500 hours of cross-country flight

time, 100 hours of night flying, and 75 hours in actual or simulated instrument

flight conditions. ATPs must have a current and much more stringent Class I

medical, which they are required to renew every six months.

The increase in traffic, together with new technology, has led to more complex

ATC procedures which in turn require controllers to become more specialized and

to use more advanced controlling techniques.

The ATC licence:

– identifies its holder as a person who is qualified to provide ATC services;

– contains details of the types of ATC service that the licence holder may provide;

– contains the ATC unit where the holder may provide these services.

Depending on the type of service provided there can be the following ATC

Ratings – Aerodrome Control Visual, Aerodrome Control Instrument, Approach

Control Procedural, Approach Control Surveillance, Area Control Procedural,

Area Control Surveillance, and On-the-job Training.

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions.

1. What must an aviator hold, if he flies?

2. How are Aviators (Aviation Pilots) certified?

3. What must a pilot demonstrate to earn the appropriate certificate?

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 8

4. Do pilot’s certificates expire?

5. What types of certificates or pilot licences do you know?

6. What requirements must ATP meet to get the certificate?

7. How often should the aviators have medical check-ups?

8. Why are ATC required to become more specialized and to use more

advanced controlling techniques?

9. What does the ATC licence identify?

10. How are the ATC rated?

Ex. 10. Fill in the blanks with the missed prepositions.

1. … addition … operating the national airspace system, the agency sets …

standards … aircraft and people working … the aviation field.

2. Pilots must continue to pass periodic medical examinations … order …

maintain a valid certificate.

3. Pilots are rated … the category and class … aircraft they fly.

4. Student pilots are not allowed to operate … the busiest airspace … the

largest cities (Class B airspace) … special training and flight instructor approval.

5. Recreational pilots are primarily people who learn to fly … fun, … little

interest … becoming professional pilots.

6. Private pilots must revalidate their pilot certificates every 24 months …

undertaking a flight review … a certificated flight instructor (CFI).

7. Commercial pilots must be restricted … flying … hire only in daylight, …

visual flight rules (VFR), … 50 miles … the originating airport.

8. ATPs may instruct … other pilots … air transportation service … aircraft in

which the ATP is rated.

Ex. 11. Give the opposites to the following word combinations.

a) safety mission

b) periodic inspection

c) private physicians

d) be in operation

e) to increase the capacity

f) high-level quality system

g) unique procedure

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 9

Ex. 12. Fill in the table with the information provided in the text.


Pilot Recreational

Pilot Private Pilot

Commercial Pilot

Airline Transport

Pilots Minimum age required

Flight time Allowed to do

Forbidden to do

Ex. 13. Translate the following into English.

1. Выделяют пять основных категорий пилотов: летчик-курсант, пилот

сверхлегких летательных аппаратов, пилот-любитель, пилот коммерческой

авиации, линейный пилот.

2. Линейные пилоты должны быть не младше 23 лет и иметь более 1 500

часов налета.

3. Пилоты-любители могут перевозить одного или более пассажиров, но

не по найму.

4. Когда летчики-курсанты впервые начинают учиться управлять самоле-

том, они выполняют полеты с летным инструктором.

5. Чтобы получить свидетельство пилота, кандидат должен продемонст-

рировать знания аэродинамики.


Ex. 14. Read the text.

Flight Proficiency

For the practical test a pilot will be required to demonstrate to the examiner that

he can control an aircraft. What constitutes the ability to fly varies with different

levels of certificates and the ratings you want to add to them. The fact is that

ratings apply to the kinds of aircraft that you seek to fly and in what kind of

weather you want to fly in.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 10

As for private pilots – they are not required to do the same things that

commercial or airline transport pilots, but private pilots have very broad

operational privileges. During the flight check a candidate for a private pilot must

demonstrate the following:

– Preflight preparation

– Preflight procedures

– Airport operations

– Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds

– Performance maneuvers

– Navigation

– Slow flight and stalls

– Emergency operations

– Night operations

– Postflight procedures.

All of these procedures and standards for them are given in an FAA publication

called The Practical Test Standards (PTS). There is a PTS put out for each level of

certificate from private pilot through airline transport pilot, which is the highest one.

Ex. 15. Discuss in pairs the following questions.

1. What do we mean by the term «proficiency»?

2. What does a level of pilot certificate basically determine?

3. Why is it necessary for a private pilot to exercise a wide range of operational


Ex. 16. Tell a few words about your test flight experience (80–100 words).

Ex. 17. Study the new words and word combinations.

airworthiness certificate сертификат летной годности экземпляра

воздушного судна

fulfill requirements соответствовать требованиям

manufacturing plant завод-производитель

production certificate лицензия на производство

type certificate типовое свидетельство, свидетельство типа

workmanship мастерство, квалификация

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 11


Ex. 18. Read the text.

Aircraft and Airport Certification

Aircraft have to meet high standards of airworthiness. The aircraft certification

process starts at the manufacturing plant, where the State Aviation Agency’s

engineers and specialists work with factory engineers to assure quality

workmanship and design conformity. When an aircraft prototype is finished, it

must pass an extensive series of ground and flight tests conducted by engineers,

inspectors, and test pilots. If all goes well, the aircraft receives a type certificate

showing that it meets standards of construction and performance. When the

manufacturer demonstrates the ability to maintain a high-level quality control

system, the Agency issues a production certificate authorizing the building of

aircraft that meet the provisions of the type certificate. Individual airplanes

conforming to that standard then receive an airworthiness certificate. The

Agency also issues type certificates for engines, propellers, and other aircraft

components. The manufacturer can make changes in the aircraft construction upon

the customer’s request. Such special purpose modifications go through a process

that leads to an amended type certificate.

Air carriers and airports are also subject to Agency standards and must have an

operating certificate. An airline seeking such a certificate must produce manuals

that give the Agency certain pertinent information. The manuals must make clear

how the company intends to operate and maintain its aircraft, train its crew

members and maintenance people, and comply with the Federal Aviation

Regulations. In evaluating a company’s ability to function as an air carrier,

certification teams observe the performance of cockpit and cabin crews as they fly

over routes that the airline intends to serve.

In order to get operating certificate airports issue Airport Certification Manuals

(ACM) which describe operating procedures, facilities, and equipment used to

fulfill the certification requirements.

Ex. 19. Answer the following questions.

1. Where does aircraft certification process start?

2. What certificates are issued to an aircraft?

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 12

3. What is the purpose of the amended type certificate of an aircraft?

4. Must air carriers and airports have a certificate? If yes, what kind of


5. How does State Aviation Agency evaluate a company’s ability to function as

an air carrier?

Ex. 20. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. FAA and EASA monitor the performance of air carriers.

2. Pilot and maintenance schools must meet FAA (or EASA) certification


3. Airliners are checked and repaired in accordance with a prescribed schedule.

4. Air carriers and airports also are subject to agency standards.

5. Special purpose modifications may be added to an aircraft at the request of a


6. The manuals must make clear how the company intends to operate and

maintain its aircraft.

7. An aircraft type may be in operation only a short time before a manufacturer

decides to make changes.

8. An airline seeking an operating certificate must produce manuals that give

the Agency certain pertinent information.

Ex. 21. Remember.


Present and Past participles can be used as adjectives.

Participle I describes what somebody or something are ('What kind'?).

Participle II has a passive meaning.

Participle I

Do you know the woman talking to Tom? -ing clause

Ты знаешь женщину, разговариваЮЩую с Томом?

женщина, говорЯЩая с Tомом

the woman talking to Tom Том

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 13

Participle II

The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. -ed clause

ПострадаВШий в аварии мальчик был доставлен в больницу.

Ex. 22. Translate the following word combinations, underline the Participles

and write the verbs from which they are formed.

Person involved Based on national regulations

People working in the aviation field Manufacturing plant

Licenсes issued Prescribed schedule

Certificate allowing operation Certificate authorizing the building

Approved maintenance programs Flying privileges

Ex. 23. Underline the correct Participle I or Participle II.

1. With changes approving / approved, the next step was simple.

2. The four forces acting / acted on the aircraft during the flight are considered

to be basic.

3. Licences issuing / issued by ICAO Contracting States are based on Standards

and Recommended Practices.

4. Working / worked overtime the team managed to complete the first draft.

5. Airports must have the certificate allowing / allowed their operation.

6. All individuals involving / involved in aviation must hold the relating /

related certificate.

7. At the manufacturing plant aircraft pass an extensive series of ground and

flight tests conducting / conducted by engineers, inspectors, and test pilots.

8. Evaluating / evaluated a company’s ability to function as an air carrier,

certification teams observe the performance of cockpit and cabin crews in flight.

The boy injured in

the accident


в аварии мальчик

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 14

Ex. 24. Read and translate the following information paying attention to

active vocabulary.

A private pilot has few limitations on the exercise of his certificate. The basic

difference between what a private pilot can do compared to the higher commercial

and airline transport licences relates to operating an aircraft for compensation or

hire. A private pilot may get virtually any of the ratings set out in the regulations

for any category, class, or type of aircraft. Theoretically, a private pilot could be

rated to operate an airliner type of aircraft. The fact is that he can’t do it for hire in

any common carriage of persons or property.

Private pilots can also get instrument ratings. With an instrument rating, and in

an aircraft properly equipped, a private pilot may fly anywhere and do it in IFR


Although airline pilots get special authorization to fly in very low ceiling and

visibility conditions, actually, an instrument-rated private pilot is authorized to

operate in almost all flight environments.



Ex. 25. Study the new words.

acknowledge, v [ək`nɒlidʒ] признавать, допускать

allot, v [ə`lɒt] распределять, предназначать

approval, n [ə`pru:v(ə)l] оценка, утверждение, рассмотрение

deliver, v [di`livə] поставлять

initial, adj [i`ni(ə)ʃl] начальный, исходный

prerequisite, n [pri`rekwizit] предпосылка

relevant, adj [`reliv(ə)nt] уместный, соответственный

respect, n [ri`spekt] отношение, внимание, касательство

in respect of что касается

surveillance, n [sз:`veil(ə)ns] инспектирование, надзор

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 15

Ex. 26. Read the text.

Certification in the Field of Civil Aviation in the Russian Federation

In Russia the subjects of obligatory certification are:

– designers and manufacturers of aircraft and other aviation technology;

– aviation companies performing air transportation and aerial work;

– aviation personnel;

– legal entities charged with the technical maintenance and repair of aviation


– aerodromes and airports;

– educational institutions performing the function of training aviation specialists;

– aircraft, aviation engines, propellers, on-board and ground aviation equipment;

– other legal entities whose activities are directly linked with ensuring the

safety of flights of aircraft or aviation security.

Compulsory certification and testing are carried out by specially authorised

bodies to whom the organisation and performance of the funciton of certification

and testing have been allotted. Flight safety in civil aviation in the Russian

Federation is supervised by the following organizations:

1. The Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC AR) that is

responsible for Type Design approvals, initial airworthiness certification of

produced type aircraft, production certification and for all issues related to

production surveillance and continued airworthiness of aircraft type design.

2. The Federal Aviation Authority of Russia (FAAR) that is responsible for

issues related to continuing in-service airworthiness of aircraft operated in the

Russian Federation.

Certification of civil aircraft, aviation engines and propellers

The certification of civil aircraft, aviation engines and propellers of a new type

is made in accordance with the federal aviation regulations, which set out the

prerequisites and procedure for certification. The certification process is completed

by the issuing of the type certificate, if it has been established in the process of

certification that the civil aircraft, aviation engines and propellers of a new type

meet the airworthiness requirements and environmental protection and that the

design of civil aircraft, aviation engines and propellers have been acknowledged as

of a standard type.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 16

In the process of serial production each civil aircraft, aviation engine and

propeller is subject to tests and check-ups, which are completed with the issuing of

the airworthiness certificate in respect of a civil aircraft; in respect of an aviation

engine or propeller a document equivalent to the airworthiness certificate.

Civil aircraft, aviation engines and propellers, manufactured in a foreign

country and delivered to the Russian Federation for operation are subject to

certification in accordance with the federal aviation regulations.

Certification of aerodromes and airports

The radiotechnical, illuminating engineering and meteorological equipment

installed at civil aerodromes, aerodromes of joint stationing of civil and state

aircraft and aerodromes of joint exploitation, as well as objects of the single system

of air traffic organisation must meet the requirements for fitness for exploitation,

which are confirmed by the relevant certificate.

Certification of aviation personnel

Aviation personnel consist of persons having a special education and holding a

certificate and performing activities for ensuring the safety of flights of aircraft or

aviation security as well as activities for the organisation, performance,

guaranteeing and servicing of air carriage and flights of aircraft, aerial work, the

organisation of the use of airspace, the organisation and the servicing of air traffic.

Pilots are certificated for particular types of flying activities. In Russia there are

3 main types of pilot certificates: private pilot licence, commercial pilot licence,

airline pilot licence.

Ex. 27. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the subjects of obligatory certification in Russia?

2. What organizations are responsible for certification in the Russian Federation?

3. What is the main function of the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation


4. What is the Federal Aviation Authority of Russia responsible for?

5. Which 2 certificates permit civil aircraft to be operated?

6. Name the certificate that each aerodrome and airport must have.

7. What are the main types of pilot certificates?

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 17

Ex. 28. Find the English equivalents to the following.

a) Авиарегистр Межгосударственного

авиационного комитета



b) Федеральная авиационная

служба РФ (ФАС РФ)



c) федеральные авиационные правила _____________________________

d) светотехническое оборудование _____________________________

e) аэродром совместного базирования _____________________________

f) аэродром совместного использования _____________________________

g) годность к эксплуатации _____________________________

h) свидетельство пилота свободного




Ex. 29. a) Match the words in column A with those in column B.

b) Learn these word combinations and use them in the sentences of your



type certificate серийное производство

legal entity начальная летная годность

compulsory certification бортовое авиационное оборудование

authorised body соответственный сертификат

to meet requirements получить сертификат

initial airworthiness обязательная сертификация

relevant certificate отвечать требованиям

type design approval сертификат типа

on-board aviation equipment юридическое лицо

serial production уполномоченный орган

to hold a certificate оценка типового проекта

Ex. 30. Fill in the blanks with the missed prepositions.

1. The Civil Aviation Authority is responsible … adapting and implementing

international regulations. It is also charged … the responsibility … overseeing that

civil aviation organizations comply … applicable laws, rules and regulations. CAA

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 18

also issues certificates … personnel and organizations such as air carriers,

maintenance facilities, pilots and cabin crew.

2. This paper discusses a direction of simple and inexpensive manufacturing

processes linked … airframe specific design.

3. All the requirements are related … realization of technological process.

4. A person who provides aviation weather services shall provide them …

accordance … the standards specified in relevant documents.

5. Class G Airspace is uncontrolled airspace. Operations may be conducted …

IFR or VFR. ATC separation is not provided. Traffic Information may be given as

far as is practical … respect … other flights.

6. Two aircraft are … construction and first was delivered … the Russian Air

Force … April 2008.

Ex. 31. Define the terms.

a) certification ________________________________________

b) compulsory certification ________________________________________

c) authorised body ________________________________________

d) type certificate ________________________________________

e) airworthiness certificate ________________________________________

f) aviation personnel ________________________________________

g) to solo ________________________________________

h) to manufacture ________________________________________

Ex. 32. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use dictionary

where necessary.


flight fly flying

……… accord ………

respect ……… ………

relation ……… ………

……… permit ………

……… ……… additional

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 19

Ex. 33. Think of the best translation.

1. В пилотское свидетельство могут быть внесены следующие дополни-

тельные квалификационные отметки: отметка о праве выполнения ночных

полетов, отметка о праве выполнения полетов по приборам, отметка о праве

работы только вторым пилотом, отметка о праве работы пилотом-


2. Обязательной сертификации подлежат разработчики и изготовители

воздушных судов и другой авиационной техники, авиационные предприятия,

осуществляющие воздушные перевозки, аэродромы, аэропорты, воздушные

суда, авиационные двигатели, воздушные винты, бортовое и наземное

авиационное оборудование, а также авиационный персонал.

3. Свидетельство частного или коммерческого пилота может быть выдано

пилоту самолета, вертолета или дирижабля.

4. Обязательная сертификация осуществляется специально уполномочен-

ными органами. Требования к проведению обязательной сертификации и по-

рядок ее проведения установлены федеральными авиационными правилами.

5. Для управления любым летательным аппаратом необходимо иметь

пилотскую лицензию – летные права. Летные права выдаются после прохож-

дения теоретического и практического обучения специализированными

учреждениями. Существует несколько типов летных лицензий.

6. Каждое гражданское воздушное судно в процессе серийного производ-

ства проходит испытания и проверки, завершающиеся выдачей сертификата

летной годности.

7. Гражданские воздушные суда, авиационные двигатели и воздушные

винты, произведенные в иностранном государстве и поступающие в

Российскую Федерацию для эксплуатации, проходят сертификацию в

соответствии с федеральными авиационными правилами.

Ex. 34. a) Study the use of the word 'subject'. Pay attention to the


1) subject [`sʌbdʒikt] – noun

– тема, предмет (разговора), сюжет;

e. g.: Can we change the subject?

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 20

– предмет, дисциплина;

e. g.: English is my favourite subject.

2) subject [`sʌbdʒikt] – adjective

– подверженный, подлежащий (to);

e. g.: Plane times are subject to change during bad weather.

3) subject [səb`dʒekt] – verb

– подвергать воздействию, влиянию и т. п. (to);

e. g.: They subjected the aircraft to tests and check-ups.

b) Practise reading.

1. The specialists subjected educational institutions training aviation personnel

to many days of check-ups.

2. All building firms are subject to tight control.

3. Somebody raised the subject of airport facilities.

4. The PM says that Italian airport infrastructure is subject to major investment.

c) Find in the text 'Certification in the Field of Civil Aviation in the

Russian Federation' all the examples of the use of the word 'subject'.

Ex. 35. Make up a short presentation on the topic 'The difference between

the certification in the USA, Europe and Russia'. Compare all the subjects of

certification and use aviation terms from Exercises 25, 28 and 29.

Ex. 36. Remember.


The structure of the Passive Voice: to be + Participle II

The Passive Voice is used when the subject that carries out the action is

unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context.

To form the required tense, the verb to be is conjugated:

1. Certification is carried out by specially authorised bodies (Present Simple). –

Сертификация проводится специально уполномоченными органами.

2. London Heathrow Terminal 1 was opened in 1968 (Past Simple). –

Терминал 1 аэропорта Хитроу в г. Лондон был открыт в 1968 году.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 21

3. 100 people will be employed by this aircompany (Future Simple). – 100

сотрудников будут наняты на работу этой авиакомпанией.

4. The aircraft has just been certified (Present Perfect). – Самолет только

что прошел сертификацию.

The passive verb can be followed by:

Word Example

by (the agent, the 'doer') moved by the servo

with (the substance) supplied with air

from (the origin) controlled from the flight deck

to (the objective) advanced to increase thrust

to (movement, connection) attached to the bulkhead

Ex. 37. Transform the active sentences into passive ones and the passive

sentences into active ones. The words in brackets ( ) are not necessary in the


E. g.: The fuel flow controls the acceleration of the turbine rotor. – The

acceleration of the turbine rotor is controlled by the fuel flow.

The elevator control quadrant is connected to the elevator power control by a

linkage. – A linkage connects the elevator control quadrant to the elevator power


1. (A wire) connects the unit to the ground.

2. The panel is maintained in place with three screws.

3. (You) must set the master switch to OFF.

4. (A device) monitors voltage and frequency.

5. The light is illuminated by an overtemperature.

6. (You) can adjust the rudder pedals with a screw.

7. (The pilot) can rotate the trim wheel 3 turns in either direction.

8. Smoke is detected by an optical sensor.

9. Static electricity is transmitted by bonding jumpers.

Ex. 38. Find in the text 'Certification in the Field of Civil Aviation in the

Russian Federation' all the examples of the Passive Voice.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 22

Ex. 39. Remember.

Word Order

The order of words in technical English is very important. Technical English

uses a lot of compound words or 'noun clusters', that is a chain of words.

E. g.: emergency landing – аварийная посадка

fuel consumption – расход топлива

thrust setting – режим тяги

aircraft movement – движение воздушного судна.

The basic principle in a compound word is that one word is the key word and

the other words are the qualifiers.


door lever lever of the door

fuel tanks tanks for fuel

upper deck deck on the top

discharge valve valve for discharging air, etc.

As a rule, the 'key word' is the last word in the chain and translation into

Russian should be started with this word.

E. g.: 1) nose wheel steering system

system – система

steering system – система управления

nose wheel – передняя стойка шасси

система управления передней стойкой шасси

2) gravity feed fuel system

system – система

fuel system – топливная система

gravity feed – подача самотеком

система подачи топлива самотеком

3) approach flight path reference point

point – пункт, точка, ориентир

reference point – контрольная точка

flight path – траектория полета

approach flight path – траектория захода на посадку

контрольная точка траектории захода на посадку.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 23

Careful! The sense of an expression depends on the word order. Look at these

examples. The 'key word' is in bold type:

brake disc

a disc on the brake unit

disc brake

a type of brake

flight level

aircraft standard altitude

level flight

horizontal flight

tank center

the center of the tank

center tank

the tank in the wing center box

Ex. 40. Choose the compound expression which agrees with the definition.


1 back of the seat seat back back seat

2 air used to cool hot air air cooling cooling air

3 to transfer from one circuit to another switching circuit circuit switching

4 procedure to check lights light test test light

5 signal sent back by the system feedback


system feedback

6 large groups (looms) of wires wires loom loom wires

7 non-return valve check valve valve check

8 motor to move a valve valve drive drive valve

9 activates a valve electrically solenoid valve valve solenoid

10 air from engine compressor bleed air air bleed

11 system that provides hot air air bleed bleed air

Ex. 41. Translate the following aviation terms from English into Russian.

a) aircraft type design ________________________________

b) airworthiness requirements ________________________________

c) air traffic organization ________________________________

d) maintenance schools ________________________________

e) certification standards ________________________________

f) flight crew members ________________________________

g) aerodrome emergency crews ________________________________

h) aircraft certification process ________________________________

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 24


1. Воздушный Кодекс Российской Федерации : Федеральный закон от

19.03.1997 № 60-ФЗ / принят Гос. Думой 19.02.1997. – Действ. редакция.

2. Марасанов, В. П. Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации:

около 24 000 терминов / В. П. Марасанов. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М. :

Скорпион-Россия, 1996. – 560 с.

3. Air Code of Russian Federation // Avia.ru. – Режим доступа : www.avia.ru/

english/code/chapter 1.sht. – Заглавие с экрана.

4. Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation // ICAO eSHOP

International Civil Aviation Organization. – Режим доступа : http://www.icao.int/

eshop/annexes_list.htm. – Заглавие с экрана.

5. Conversion Procedures and Processes for FAA Pilot Certificates and TCCA

Pilot Licences : Advisory Circular, AC № 61-135 : Initiated by AFS-810 12.5.06.

6. European Manual of Personnel Licencing – Air Traffic Controllers :

guidance on implementation : Edition date – 29.11.2001. – Режим доступа :

http://www.eurocontrol.int/humanfactors/gallery/content/public/docs. – Заглавие с


7. Licences & Certificates // Federal Aviation Administration. – Режим доступа

: http://www.faa.gov/licences_certificates/. – Заглавие с экрана.

8. Shawcross, P. English for Aircraft 2 (System maintenance) / P. Shawcross. –

Belin. –247 p.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

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Annex 1

to the Convention on International Civil Aviation

Personnel Licencing

As long as air travel cannot do without pilots and other air and ground

personnel, their competence, skills and training will remain the essential guarantee

for efficient and safe operations. Adequate personnel training and licencing also

instill confidence between States, leading to international recognition and

acceptance of personnel qualifications and licences and greater trust in aviation on

the part of the traveller.

Standards and Recommended Practices for the licencing of flight crew

members (pilots, flight engineers and flight navigators), air traffic controllers,

aeronautical station operators, maintenance technicians and flight dispatchers, are

provided by Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Related

training manuals provide guidance to States for the scope and depth of training

curricula which will ensure that the confidence in safe air navigation, as intended

by the Convention and Annex 1, is maintained. These training manuals also

provide guidance for the training of other aviation personnel such as aerodrome

emergency crews, flight operations officers, radio operators and individuals

involved in other related disciplines.

Today's aircraft operations are so diverse and complex that protection must be

provided against the possibility, however remote, of total system breakdown due to

either human error or failure of a system component.

The human being is the vital link in the chain of aircraft operations but is also

by nature the most flexible and variable.

Proper training is necessary so as to minimize human error and provide able,

skilful, proficient and competent personnel.

Annex 1 and ICAO training manuals describe the skills necessary to build

proficiency at various jobs, thereby contributing to occupational competency. The

medical standards of the Annex, in requiring periodic health examinations, serve as

an early warning for possible incapacitating medical conditions and contribute to

the general health of flight crews and controllers.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

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The Human Factors programme addresses known human capabilities and

limitations, providing States with basic information on this vital subject as well as

the material necessary to design proper training programmes. ICAO's objective is

to improve safety in aviation by making States more aware of, and responsive to,

the importance of human factors in civil aviation operations.

Licencing is the act of authorizing defined activities which should otherwise be

prohibited due to the potentially serious results of such activities being performed

improperly. An applicant for a licence must meet certain stated requirements

proportional to the complexities of the task to be performed. The licencing

examination serves as a regular test of physical fitness and performance ensuring

independent control. As such, training and licencing together are critical for the

achievement of overall competency.

One of ICAO’s main tasks in the field of personnel licencing is to foster the

resolution of differences in licencing requirements and to ensure that international

licencing standards are kept in line with current practices and probable future

developments. This is ever more crucial as the flight crew will be exposed to

increasing traffic density and airspace congestion, highly complicated terminal

area patterns and more sophisticated equipment. To accomplish this task, Annex I

is regularly amended to reflect the rapidly changing environment.

Шлямова А. A., Синабдеева Е. С. , Громова Г. С.

Авиационный английский язык. Учебная тема: 'The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence'. Учебно-методическое пособие.

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 27

Учебно-методическое пособие


Учебная тема

The Process of Obtaining an Air Certificate and Licence

Составители: ШЛЯМОВА






Редактор Е. А. Хаймурзина

Компьютерная верстка И. А. Ерёмина

Подписано в печать 2011. Формат 6090/16. Бумага офсетная.

Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 1,75. Уч.-изд. л. 1,78.

Тираж Заказ

РИО и типография УВАУ ГА(И). 432071, г. Ульяновск, ул. Можайского, 8/8
