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THE POINTER Series III. Vol. IJI. No. 18 . .

Await Teske Chosen President Of



Clnrc 11 1:c T esk e, lo<'a l stud en t, hus l1('e n c i('l't<'d Presid ent of t he Stnt(• F o­r~nsic Assoc ia t ion f or thi s yca1·. Prof. :Mott has bee n e lected SC'c rctary of th e Associ atiou.

Teske will p res ide at t ht.' o ratori ca l :.u1cl cxtcmpor:rnrous t·ouh'st at La Crossc tomor row.

REPRESENTATIVES LEA VE Studc ut rcp rl·sc n t ativ('S fro m t hi s

c·o ll (•gc wh o went to L nC rossc• were LNJ · ua rcl Sprnguc, as o r:1to r ; All l'll Jl.l' V ('y, .i s ex t e mporan eo us spea ke r; Wa lter \V:i s rud, a s alt e rnat l' o rat or : C' larc1H· C' rrcsk c, as Presid e nt of S ta te F or r 1_18 i t· Associat ion : F ern Pugh , )fa hC' I lltl ts, L t•la Bu ttgt.•11 , Ani ta Da lton, :uu l Doro th y Euhl :1 s mu sic r<' Jlr<'Sl' Ht a ti n·:s . Pro­frsso rs P r r,·i \"al , l\l ot t , :11 ,d Bu r rough -.; ifr-comp:111 i(• d t h e g ro u p.

Th e :i lte rtw tC' o ra to r , W :li h•r \\':i srucl , will h:iv c> sonw cluti('S a s it is c· u sto mary fo r t hi s pt>rso 11 t o mak (' till' l"l' SJ>O ll Sl' i n ht•h a lf o f tht• Coll <' j!t' :it th t• ma ss pep m l'e ti ng. i\in C' t·o ll e g <·~ :in• n• tHeSC'ntcd i n nil .

Thl' l 11tl•rsta tC' ('on h •s t w i ll be h C' ltl this ·vC'ar in ~lissouri , t h e St•t·ontl F r ill:l y in A jui l. \Y i:H·o ns in will Sl' nd a n cxtem ­po rnm•ous :-1 pC':1kC' r, :111 ora to r, :tnd the J>r rsidt~nt o f tho In h' rs t a t r l.:. <•aguc wh o will h e <·h•t·lt• il at La('rustoJe. 'fhc P.rc­s id1• 11 t w ill h e 1·hmw 11 from t h r th n•C' s,·h ools who rank till• higla•st in t ht• 1· 0 11 -t C'sl.

School Library Has Two Old Newspapers

Thu l ih r:in· h:1 s nu i11h·rC'st ing old u t• WMpapt•r _:_ a K e w York H e rald _for April Hi , l Sti:"i, Ju•1Hlli11 i11g th t~ a ssass rna · tiun o f J. i rn·o ln.

Th is p:tpPr was lo :111t•d t o the !ihra i:- .v h \· H:n · J{uhi s ia k and m ay h t• see n 111


1•11sc .0 11 tlw n-<'s t w a ll o f t h t• libra r y . Th t• li h rary wa ~ n lso g i\'1~11, h.'· . G!1.\"

RognH of th e ,Journ a l o ffi n ~, u f :.u·s1milc of t he X . • J. .Journnl for TU<•scln.'·, l-'c h · ru n ry Hi, l 7i9. I t gi n•s t he 11 c• ws o t' t he f• 11cl of Rc w,lutio nar\' W:1r anrl oth er fo n •ign nnd tlonu.' s t il'. u~ws of iut,•rc:-i t.

WESTFIELD PLAYS St u<ll• n ts wh os<' h om<'s an~

,vrs t fi p lfl or t hr n•n hout8 w ill 11<' i11 tt•n •itt<'1 l t o l r aru tlrnt th ,• \\"r:-st ­f ie ld City-Bnskrth n ll- T r111n- wiH-t­pl11y t lw }'o rrstc>rs at Sten •ns P oint, Pri<lay )la rc·h l:i.

Th e.g:1mc will h c> J.,!in ut 8 o ' <· lod , aiu l w ill li e> plny t• ,t on th e g.'· 111 f loo r of St. P t• tn's Sd 10o l whi t· l1 is lot·atcd st•,·c r :1 1 lil o<·kit 1w rth fro m t hr Puhl ic· S qu.irl' .

Ripon Glee Club Is To Sing Here Today

Th <' Hipo u Colleg e G I<'<' ClulJ, whi d 1 w a3 it<· h c• dulecl t o a ppt•:ir in t hl' C'o ll t~gc Audit o r ium on \VC' d n esd ay w ill appr :i t t o,l:i y at t he 1 :15 h'our.

The re wi ll 1,e n o :.u lmission d 1a rg\!; t he n umhe r is consi cl cre ,l an l' x t ra on th e stude nt e n t e r ta inment p ·r ogrnm.

J udging hy pas t performa n<·es, t h e Ripon o rg ani zat ion wilJ presen t a. pro­gra m very w o rthy of b e ing Ji s t c ned to .

S tevens Point, Wis., March 14, 1929 Price 7 cents

St . . Patrick's Function Concert Program Is Well Attended

' The J o int Con ce r t wh ich was givt~n

.\fo nduy rvening in thl' Co ll <' g c Aud it o· rium w:i s w r ll att e nded .

'fl~o l' ntc rtainme n t pn·s<' nt cd t o tin• pu Uli t w ns as f ollows :

I. Play, ' 1 The F a t al P ill' ~1 rs. B owss(' r V c rn:1 Sl'1Jor:1 )fr. Ilowsse r . . . . . . . . E'ran k Lascc·kt• l·'lor c nec Bowssc r . . Huth ]>ier<'•-' .Ja t•k Gush e r ]>a ime r Budnhl StudCnt Coud1 .Fra n k Lase c k c

J1. Mus ic Progrnm 1. Vespe r Hy mn B o rt11i a ~1sky Cnrnn~n a . . . .. . . . . ... \ Vilson \lo Down ){ osC"s . . A r rangcd 1,.'. Bur le igh 1. L itt le )J othc r O ' )linc .... B urle igh

Y ouu g Wo me n's G lee> Clu b 2 . Pia 11 0 Solo- _-\ n i t o r ' s Dan <' <' .. Gr ieg

.-\ Ima H ougum . :t V ot·al So lo--Sunri se :111cl You .. P enn )tig ht.\· Lnk ' :1 R ose . . . :.' fo \"in

Uorot h :r Ca w lc>\" 4. Ti111o th.); . . . . . )fo~f:t t ...\ I.on • Dre am ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . L iszt

Y oung \V umen 's Qua r t r ttc .3. 'l':t p-'11:qi -T ap .. . . . . .. .. . . F olk Son g-

Co ll t• g e )fen 's S l•x h •ttt•

Japanese Goods For Sa le At Dormitory

A h it of th t• OriC' nt has t·O HH' to Sft>l , ·,• ns P o int. Th t> gir ls :1t X e lso 11 Hall a rc so t•:t g C'r t u pa y f or t h t•ir UC'\\" pi :1 11 11 th:lt th C' , . h:i,·r s t•<· un~, J m;ll l .'" l><' au t iful C'X:tmplt•S of .Tapant•~ t· hamliwork ;\ll ( i

;1 r~· st' llini:: t h em. Th C' <·11 rri1I 11 1·:,. o n t lw fir s t fl oo r art• in t hnr~t· of thi :-1 sa lC" , w hi t· h is hr•-ing- h c lrl in room 111-1. you will find its w:ills dt•t· o r:ttctl with .T:ipa · 11 est• pnintings :1111] on it!i tahlt•s y ou w ill find c,·Nyt.hin~ fro m t<•n t·C' n t C' II\ ·

hro id t• n•d purses t u fi n • •l o11ar loung ­ing ro h C'S. fn :ul1liti o11 t o t)1 N•C' two ex · trem<'s, tlll'rC :,re haml p111nt1•1l , ·a sc s, ln<·qu r n •cl l io x <' s , in <'t'nst• h t1r1H•rs , t C'a SC' t s, trny s-t.•, ·Ny t hiug ~-o u woulrl t'X · pl'<'t at a .J:ip:111rtoJe ~:ti t• . ThP_ thiu g'i :ir<· go in g f.i s t , nncl the s:1 k w!ll t·l' n ~ ti11u u t hrough out this wt•t•k. ~om· ot th e p rices ar<' so (' xo r1Jit:t11t t.hat thc•y will hrcnk y ou.

Y our m o;H'V will ht•lp t hr ,:!iri s n 111l n m will he a· tli st iugui sh r d possesso r o f j:{e uuinr .fapanPsr :1rti c· lt•s i f you go Io room 10 4. a t N<'l sou Hall.

School Has New Speech Society

E. McGlachlin Gives Handbook To School

L: ts t Wt•t•k th e lihr:1 ry wa s pn•st•u te d w ith a \·:dua hle hoo k t•11tit l t• cl 1

11 Hand -1,ook of Ste ve ns Po in t :t111l t h e U pper \Visco11s i 11 " liy )Jr. Ed w:nd )C cG la c hliu.

'l'h is ,·1· ry in tNl'St ing l,it o f lo1·1tl hi s t ory w a s pu Llis h ecl in 185 7 by Elli s, rrrary, :i nd 8 wayzc, publi shers , :.i t this C" it,·. '!'he whole title of th e b ook i s­'

1 ~Ia11<lboo k of Stc,·l' ns Point a 1ld the U ppe r Wi seo n in - it s ch a racte r , early s ctt lc 111 c 11 t, \'illagcs, popul:.itio11 , and gen e m l :1 ch ·a 11 tn g es f o r settle r s . ' '

~!'hr h ook is :1 ve ry thorough t rc :i tise o n C<' n tra l an<l U pper Wiscon s in , pub· li s h N l ·with th e ideu of attrnc ting se tt IN s. It g i vcs a br ief r esume o f t h e hi story of t he t e rritory, e specially tha t o f S t rve ns P o in t .

Big Excitement At Girls' Games

"Much i 11 t e res t is h l'ing s ho wn i n the G ir ls ' R:i s k c tlrn ll T ourn a me nt. A t the tim P t h e Po intn g <H'S to p n~ss t h t• St' Ol"l'S of th t• t Pa ms nrc :

l'la,· l'{I l'ri mar\" .. . .... ·:i Grnmnlnr . ... . . 1 H omt' El·onn mi t·s .. 2 l·l i!{h S t· lwol . . .... 2 HNI .. 2 P ur plt• ... . 2 Gold .. 2

\\" on l'Prt' ('llt 2 .G6 7

l.OUO .Ollf) .'iOO

l.1100 .000 .. ;oo

Th is g-i \'<'S t.hl' f oll{l wiug- pl:1 tt•.s to the ti •:i111 !'"; i n th C' fir st group : Oramm:ir-lst pint·,·. Pri 111 :1 ry -2rnl plan~. II ig-h S<·hool-3 rd pint·(' , 1I o uH' E1·un o m i<'!'(·-l.t h pl nct •.

'rl1<• f inal -plact:'S in th<' SN·o nd g rCt up :.t rt•: lll·ll -lst pl :l <' l': (i o lcl -:.?nd pla 1· 1· , an <l 1'11 r ph<ircl p l:tt·ti.

Collegians Increase · In" Air-Mindedness"

St mlt•11ts in 44. st atc·s nn• at t<• mpt ing tu win :1 4. -y car uni n•rs it ,\· Nl·hol:i rship in :u."ru na utit·~, or E :1g-k rot· k :1irpla11l'. of fN t• ,l thi s s pring hy th t• Alt•x :ind<'f Aircrn f t t' o111p:111y tu th t• Amcrit-:111 untlt•rgrn<lu:1tt• wh o l"C' \"t•al s the ,lct•p<'s t i11 s i:.rh t :111d prn d it·a l i111 :t j!i11 ~,t io 11 i n :t<'l"O ll a Uti t·S .

.\ r c 111 t lw1c u11d t• rst:1111l ing uf tlH· nt•\\" iudus try c lrnr:idt•ri zt•s papl•rs s tihrnitt C' •l hv :.,1 tu tlt•11t s of 1 .~:i t· olleg cs :11111 uni \'l'rsitiC'x . R,•\"<·rn l llftv t• I sa\1•s iclt> ns arc llt' i11g- us1•1 l to :11h·:1 11t :1 g1• 11.'· t lu.• · .A lc x:111dt•r Ai rtraft ( 'o . Th u n ··

, .. ,, (I ) s po 11 8t' indi 1·:1tcs th at thuu san rls o f Thr

1' )l l•taph.n1it·al 8m·1 ~· t.' . mi•h·i·g r:ul lw ks !-!t•rio usly 1· 1111s idc·r th. •

)1olds_<.l ..i il .LJJ,1.C.C...l i11g~ a t tl!r__girls. dorm!:... - it<"" n-i-rt-ra·ft-tttti·u~t ry -a~ tl1 t• i r -i11h•111 lcd t t>r.'"· during 111 <' :tls. n w:ttio n.

I f , ·o u wau t t o h{' t'Olll C' a nwmh C" I' o f tht> 8(,t· it•t\" ,·ut C' r your :tppli t·ati o u with ..,\ ),1 : 111 :Hld r d i111•t• 11 t i\'1', sc \·t•11tt·1· 11 ' ' Di ,· k , , ~\l ars lntll , tht• trt·a ~urn , o r ~I. I'. Eag-lt•r ut·k tli s tril111 to rs w ill :1w ;1rd fn·.1 · O us t :if~o u , and in:ik t· a s mnll liuwu pny - JO hour fl\"iug eourMt' lf; wo r th ;1pprnx1 · 11\ l ' ll t. Al so ma ke surt• you h:t\"t• s tu 1li t•1l mat <• ly l{l31ifl, t o tht• co llt•j!(' s tud<•11t s in

· tln•i r rc•s pC'd i\"C tt-rrit or it•s w ho 111 3k<' t h t• f i1 IL' poi nts i 11 all fH· ld M. thn h 1.•i:1t rffo rts t u wi11 th 1.• aw:1 r1! 1"1.

Somt• of tlH· po iu t!' 4li .:wu:,1:,11•d a r r : 11 Do wl' C' V(' r t• x pPri t'lll' t..' t h<' f u t u re? '\ Fligh t i u~tru <"t ion m;.111u:tls wi\1 IH' g in·n o r '' What are tll<' thn•c ph :l!.n·s of th e oth c• r ~t u<h ·11tfi who pl :11·<· hi g h. Tia • 1:-; ins t r in th t•on·r'': i f y ou kn ow the m, compr t i tion <· los t· s ~fay l. a s k )L:1 r1d 1a ll ai 10ut th t• fo urth nn cl fif t h. Th r .Al exa11de r .Airc ra ft ('o nqmny is

Oh Yt'· s l Sny girls \'O U shou ld know to11tlul'l111g th1· 1·011h•s t a s : t Jll l•:11,s of ahuu t · th 1.• t•x p:•rt. of ' i', L o \·c )f:tkiug' '. i111<•1t·~t 111J..! m<H ? y o ung lll l' II _:ind \\ OII H'll ~ 011 0 0 th <' r th a u Ge tt a Ol son , till• in fl y ing :11 n l 111 th <: ~e ro 111 '. !us! ry :.1s "Swedt• " with tlw l'lirl y h:1ir. Jli s :1 fit• ltl o f f uturt• :~c t1n_t.y . \\ 1th111 t_hc t h c>o ry is th at th e f i rs t ki,-H i~ j us t as !:1st. _vC'n r t·o mr.ncrt tal aan· ra_ft ' fadon C' s eas,· t o g e t as th e on es fo llowin ~. H t· ha ,·c , · i r tua lly s<· r:1m!1lt•d for th e ~l' r · gua'ra ntces he 'll tell a lt h o kn ows :1 111! I v it· ~M o f <:o ll t•gc t ra 111 ~<l a e roua u~ H·a l n ot e ,·e n smile . - <' 11g11u•e rM nud a e ro nnut 11·a l execu1-1ves .

An<l Jast, hu t not t h<• sma ll C'st , in si;,;c•, Th e shor t a g:c hns _ fo rced n _n um be r of w e have '' D ick'' the• a uthority 011 11 ew rom µautt·s t o impo rt c 11g111 ce rs fr om (1hnu.<·er a nd his '' Cant erbu ry T :i lt•s ''. Gl' rmany and England.

Rurals Invite Collegians To Annual Party ALL STUDENTS INVITED TO


.. 'l'he Uural D e pa1:t 111 c 11t of the Stat e J c>a t.h e r s Co llege 1s spo nsoring a St. Patnc k 's. D a y Party, Sat urday night, .\fnrch 16.

A n invi ta tion is ex t e nde d to a ll t h e ? epart m e nts o f th e sc hool to come and J OIII the f un. It is t he pri v ileg e o f the R u ral D l' pn r t mc n t mc mhcrs to in vit e any o f th eir f rie nd s ou ts ide of t he sc hool.

COMMIT'.rEE IN CHARGE Th e_ p 11 rty is in d1argt• of a g enera l

co mn11 ttcc : H C' rbe r t S oc, c lrnirman, ).Io ­na Aa11rud, R u t h S d1u l tz, Edward Opprri cht , nnd Cla m Ede r .

'rh o d eco ra ti o ns s h:11 1 h e s ignifiean t of the d:iy. A ten t e ffect s hall b e th e bas is of th e d ecora t ion sc he me w i t!, g r" e n a nd white as th e hasie cul or<J. Iris h grcr n s hall pre vai l n mong the d i ffe re nt s h:Hlcs o f green :rnd sham ­roc k s s hull be Sl·n t t{•rc cl n ho u t i 1: ]'l"O · fu s ion.

JACOBS' WILL PLAY lfoy .'J:1 <· ohs' O rc·ht• s tr:i wi ll piny. Til t•

:u lmi ssio 11 t h :1rge is se ve 11ty ,·rn t s p e 1· cou ple a ud thir ty- fi ve t·l' nt s )J l'r siugl{' Jll' l"!-1011 . ('u 111 e aucJ j o in th e f ro li c·.

Any wh o wis h i11 v it:1tio ns se 11t to fri e nd s w h o arc uot in St· hool :ire ask ed t o h •:1,·c th e 11nmrs with ) l iss 1-lanna .

Men's Sextette Has Gained Prominence

'l'h t· Col lt•g c ")l l:' n 's s 1• xt ott<', whil·h wa s lh~nrd ::i. t th e t•n tc r t :1i11111 l• nt M o nday n igh t, Ut•iug a de monatic o rgani zation, is ot•<•n to nil. .lf<• mlie rs hip -i s by t ry out.

'l'h<· orga11izatio 11 o rigi11at C' 1l In s t fall :tt tht• l. t·g i 1111 i11 g o f t ht· Ill'\\" SC 1l1t'S1t' r n- h1· 11 it w:i!-1 :1111101111(·t·d that try out s wt•rt• 01wi1 to 111 t• 11 fo r voit·e w o rk.

'fltis sc•mc sh •r, till• s<•xt r tt e is prafti1·· ing :11 , : l .'j 011 Thur:-1dny m o rnings. Jt is :1 n• ry U~(' fu l aud pracli<·td o fg a ni za­t inu fo r a t·o ll ,~g t• :111el the work d one is i 11 s tn1t·t ivc.

THE CALENDAR )fan·h l.J - Hipu11 C o ll e g e

Cll'l' Club :1t 1:L'j ~f:1rl"l1 15 - F ur<• 11 s ic Co11h•!it.

a t L:1 C ro-.f'lt' )l:1 r1·h Hi - Ht. V:d r it·k '~ Par .


I. ,1 ,,,... h 21.,-2~. 2:i , - H . -S:-T

1H• V

. ) ·t n rd1 :!!I - E:is tn l' l't:CSS 11<' · g i ns

Apri l 2 - ( 'lasS<'!i beg in :\p r il ti - ,Ju11i ur l' ro m.

Murilla Roberts ls First Place Winner

,\ t th e mcl' tiug o f t he Girls ' Athl<•tit: Assoc ia t ion l:i s t W c cl11 e~d;1y 1iigh t, t he so ng t•ontC's t t':1111 <' In :111 t·1 HI. )1u r ill a Hoht•r ht ' song took f i rst. pl :t (·t• .

)liss Seen -t a lk ,•d t u t lw girls aliou t t h t• m' w co 11 ~titu tiu11 w hi t h is in th e 111 a ki 11g :rn d :il so ahout jo inin g th e \ \' . A. A.

Ligh t r e fn•shmr 11te wt-r(' se r 1;0.d . 'l'he t in :1 1 result ~ of t he C: irlM' R !'lRl< C' t

Ball T ouru :1111 c 11t will lit• pu h li s hc<l in th e n ex t issu ~ of thC' P o i11tc r .


Vol. m . THE POINTER No. 18.

Published \\'cckly 3t Stevens P oin t by the studen ts of the Central \V isconsiu State T cnchcrs ' Co11cgc. Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

Entered as second-class iuatte r May !?6, 1927, nt the post office at Stevens Pcint, \Visconsin, under the Act of :March 3, 1879.

THE STAFF };di tor . . .. .. . .. . .. ... John Pralguske - Phone 963W 'News Editor . . . . ·. . .. Fern Pugh - Phone 5611'V Socie tv F.ditor . . . •.. , . • • . . Ruth Johnson Girls,- Athl ctic·s . . . Vi v ian Cul ve r F eatures . . . . . . . ....... .... . ... ..... .. . . . . .. . ........... . P c:1rl Staples Ucportcrs .. :Mar ie Mollcn ; Kathryn Thompson ; F. Rogers Constance;

Cath eri ne Novitski; Chester Smith Proof Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .... . . ... Ethel }.fadse n B us iness l\fa.u nger .... .... ... .... Richard iin.rshnll - Phone 963\V Circula tion Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . J ohn l(olka Ass 't Ci rculat ion ~Ianager .... •. .. ......... . ...... . ....... Julius Haroldson Typist ................ . .... . . . . · .......... . . .. . . . .. ... ....... Loui se Meink e Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .... Mr. R. M. Rightscll

!WWW RESULTS WWW T IIB ballot that ll'Cre cast in ti1 c Pointer prefer ence canvass were

not reprcs<' ntat ive of the op inion of the student majurity. Never­theless, the results " ·e re so interesting that a more inclu ·ive cann1ss will he ananged.

It i§.app,~1·cnt tha t students do not fee l d ispo ·eel to troubl e them­S('h·es ll' ith the casting of ballots unless the su1Tounding cond itions 11 rc cxceptionall~· fa ,·ora ble.

The next canvass ll'ill in all probal;Jility be taken ch11·in g a part of the regular assembly period whc1·e such condition: as th o. mentioned above arc likclv to be found .

Hum or aml t he ll a ll of F a me \\'ere gi\' en No. 1 rating in a major­it.,· of the instances. One person sugµ-est cd that th ese f eatnl·es ought not become too personal. · Severa l thought that it was a good idea to enter jokes betll' een

t he ad . One indi\'idnal , e\'idently a faculty member, P.rcfe n ed editorials,

but suggested that there be a sprinkling of editorials "·hich set forth t he common reac tions of the students to the policies of facult~- mem­bers and to the policies of the school in general.

Severn! student also entered thi s very same criti cism ; t wo of the students attached a · contribution to th eir coupons.

The Poin te r staff ll'ishes tha t many more students would fee l that their contribut ions we1·e welcome; this \\'Ould indicate the prevalence of some i•nterest in the school pape1·.

If a comparatively high degree of inte1·est can be attained, the paper will have reached one of it s major goa ls.

The editorial of one of the st udents is to be fo und in this columu .


I ha n ahn1ys des iret~ to. e_ xpound a few of my ideas to the Po~ter s taff, but up to tlus tune I had never received the appropriate

stimulus so ·as to precipitate my manifestation-<0f opinion. The can-. vass (I guess that's what they Hamed it-) was the r equired stimulus.

If this gets into print, I will be so selfish as to believe the Potnter to be entirely all right.

First of all I want to reiterate the poi•nt that instructors must b~ iustructed to r~fra in from keeping students for several minutes after the first bell has rung. Many of our faculty members .avoid this mis­-demeanor through scrupulous attention to the "ding-dong"; some of our faculty members seem entirely oblivious to the ringing of the bell (th e first one, I mean ) and, after due time, dismiss the class be­·Cause they themseh·es have tired.

For the gospe l today, I say unto ye sinning faculty members -' ' If ye hear the bell , answer it. ' '

P ermit me to call your attention to the potential danger of ice -both on th e roof and on the walks. Industrious hands could do away with this menac<• . Don' t lock the barn after th e horse is stolen. L. S.

WWW OF GIRLS WWW 'T'HVi Girl s' Basketball Tourna~ent has a lways been a very in­

--J.- te-1·e,,hng- a-n<l-4ro1,th.w-h-1-l e-p.1'().JCC! Th c..gitl_.cQn t ei;_tan ts a re to be admired for the spi1·it with which t hey \\'ere imbued throughout the va!'ious game:-;.

Ri,·alry among the participants was keen even though, in a major ity o[ the cases. the playc1·s strngglin g against each other were fr iends.

Why doesn't someone place in to operation th e idea of bringin g together the gi rl hask et lrn ll pla~·e rs of the \'arious schools of the con­fe rence? Of course, much can be sa id both pro and con but it must be admitted that girls arc rapidly enlarg in g their fi eld of participa­t ion and the da~· of girls' interco ll egiate competition is not far distan t. _

A discussion of th e plan among th e students of the teachers' co l­leges would be " ·orthy an d perhaps soon lead to definite action. What do you think about it?

The Pointer staff wonlcl appreciate conti·ibutions, in the way of editorials, from students who fo rm definite opin ions about the matter of intercollegiate competi t ion between the girls of the con fe rence schools.


Our opening number for this week's humor column will be a song written by our own Clarence Teske, entitled -" Jeanine I dream of honey time when We'll have the hives together.''

(Please do not shoot!)


Ludlle Scott: " Don't talk su 111u1· h, }'l<'c.> tham . "

:.\lary L{' :1: 1 'Jll1 's not talki11g-h(''S t·hcwiug gum.' 1

Miss Davis: '' Did you ever hear of the man "' who thought Paul Revere' s horse was a night mare? ' '

Miss Georbing : " That's nothing. I knew of a person who always insisted that the Canadian Border paid rent.•'


Uoug'l:l s )f11i11la 111l wis h L•s to :11111 o u1H·1 · that his un cle, who is :t pt• rfu1m~r of notl•, hns issuNI a tt~ 11 J):IJ.!l' li o uk ll't 0 11 h ow the best drcssc1l \\·011 H'll will lHlll'll.


Marion Swan : '' Say, Waldo, I want to let you know - before we argue any further -:- that your line of reasoning is very poor.''

Waldo Marsh : 1 ' The trouble with my train of thought is that it hasn't a very good depot.''

F orrest ,vil kins : '' I w:111t to get my · sr lf viv iseeted.''

'l'h e Familv Doetor: "Vi \· isecti on i s for ea nines.;,

Forrest \\· . - "That's a ll right, I'm ll'ad ing a do~'s life."


Catherine Turrish: 1 1 A girl has more respect for a man who doesn ' t try to kiss her. ''

Lorraine Gunderson: '' But she doesn't have as much fun.''

The Whirlpool Respectfully submitted

1 .. .

De:µ Edit6r 6f thq "Whirlpool",-Why aren_' t thq in6perative µghts on

thq third floor r~placed? N6n-illumin1r tion hqre is d11ngerous as thr~q couples ha vq already fallen d6wn th~ stairs in th~ d11rk.

Signqd - T11wtfol Purseonn Edit6r 's rqply : Y6ur re'!"oning iii

false. Th~ danger element is n6thing ~gainst a pqrsistence of th~ conditi6n n~med. Why, Att11boy A. At~rburt r&­ceived much popular f11vor and h~ WM b6rn iii e11rly y6uth in a log cabin; lived fr6m hand t6 m6uth on his patent ro:µ:h ext~rminator m11de fr6m synthetic v6dka and potassium cyanide l}nd g~­nerally disported himself iii a seem­ingly unhealthy fashion . Y6u will n6w p~rhaps become m6re thoughtful th,µ, ev~r. Oevalt!


Answer to last WEEK ' S DESCRIPTION - Herbert W . See.

Description: Local g i r I. . doesn ' t wear glaSscs . . . beauti­ful ... voluptuous .. . last name begins with 1 'S' ' . . . play~ basketball . . . usually we a r s brightly c o 1 or e d clothes ... good dancer and popular. chums with a friend whose name begins with an '• R'' . . . The friend is a · local person too . . .

Guess who it is. Maybe.



The last of a long line of a famous family tree (let us hope!). Has an awful lot of ancestors, some more awful than the others. Sprang from a long line of peers, and has our permission to Jump off the dock any time. Genial

BUT super-salesman of rubber cigars, folding . . . . . , , . , . tooth picks, and a patented wax for

L :-Hl.\ Glo":'~~;m. I ne, cr ,,:mt tu coating false teeth to allow mastication sec._ you 1Uta 111. _ • _ oLthe chicle without that annoying

:.\Tal c Glow.worm: "Vl'ry well, cl c,:ir11•, click ~ you glow you r way aud I '11 J:rl ow min e.' ' ·

Earl Anschutz (on a cool evening) : • ' Are you warm enough?''

Winifred Allen: Well , I've never had a man complain yet.•'


:\lr. Mott ( rhiing in nnger ) : 11 All those people who arc dumhC' lJr.1, stand up. ''

Ncnl .Precour t ri sC's i\Ir. '.Mott: 1

' Arc vou a dumhC'll l ' ' Neal: "Ko, but ·r hat e to sec you

Rta ntling up t here a ll al one."


Lela Buttgen : " Why is it that a Scotchman never gets seasick?''

Erika Leloff : '' Because he hates to give up.''


Sac.lie Espeseth: ' ' Why d o so 111:111 \'

women rest thC'ir c· hin 011 t he ir Jian<l~ wh en t he~· are talki11g?''

Esth C'r EvC' 11 so 11 : ' 1 T o k c(.' p th e i r mouths shut so they won't dist urb the111· selves.,,

Lois Oherke : • 1 I ' 11 never speak to you again!''

Frank Konecny: · "That 's fine; I don 't like girls who spend all their time talking.' '

Claire Martin: 1 1 What is your greatest sin, Alma? ,-,- ·

Alma Hougum : 1 1 Vanity, I sit .. in front of the mirror for hours admiring my beauty."

Claire Martin: 1 1 Tbat isn't vanity, dear , - that's imagination.' '

Did you read the humor titles? GO­W AN! Well, that' s our closing song.

THIS IS TELLING She hceclc<l not th o red light

But speeded on pell-mell. , 'l'h e <!O pper told the soxton

An<l the sexton tolJed the bell.

'1 Jt ttflLL OF FflME

BRADFORD WILLETT A roly-poly · bundle of

humanity with an everlast­ing smile that is irresistibly contagious. Has a steady girl (he is also unwavering) who is awarded a lot of Bradford •s time - but not a ll of it. Wears glasses which-len(\ mrexceptionall deep appearance of inward­ness ·to eyes that are in themselves endowed with keen, deep insight.

I s the model ultra-con­servative of the school; con­servative in · thought, speech, and actions but quite radical (not erratic) in dress - be wears suspen­ders which reflect a large amount of red light.

Is a very suave, slow speaker and is always to be found among the onlookers a t the girls' basketball games. He was going to do it in the physics lab one day.

I Jt


SOCIETY School Domestics

Hold Congregation HE H o ni l' .El's hL•lcl a regular meet ing on \Vcdncscl ay, ).Larch ti, J!)2H. \ ·:1riou s 1.:ommitll'l'S Wl·rc seh•dNl to carry out t he

Lusincss of the organ izatio n. · A program fo llowed the l.rnsin css

mt'cti11g. Lora Dick an d Marjorie Strike fa,·orcd t he d ub wit h • so lo s. )lurilla RobcrtS ga ,·c a readi ng-' 1 Th e Jlr:u:tit·c Baby.''

Prof. Spindler Talks /NELSON HALL NOTES~ To Forum Members ~ ~

E },orum mrt \V e d II cs d a y C\'en ing at 7: 30. A program i;, barge of Betty 8ippy proved o be of great enterta inment to

t he members vrescnt. Prof. Spindler gave a talk in a force ·

f ul m:rnncr. The prese ntat ion nnd the · subject mattC'r it e lf hC'ld the audience t hroughout.

Students quickly :wail thC'mscl\'cs of :rn opportunity to hea r Prof. Spin <llcr, who is one of the best speake rs :1mong the fa culty group.

All members of th e Hig h School De· pnrtmcnt automaticall:· hc to me }'oru111 members. 'l'he group is a l:1rge one :111 J mee ts to form \"l' r:· inten·sting g:tlhrr· ings.

School Grammers Will Give Party

l E Gra mmars held thl•i r n•gul:1r meeting )fond:1:· u ight 1 .\1:i n ·h

:to~~~t i i~~ ih~h?, 1~J~;i/;e\~~1

!uic~t ing the plans for th e Grammar party were di scussed :llld eommi th•cs fo r the program

1 ore hC's trn , a nd decoration..,

wC'rc :ippointed IJy E ,·clyn Elliott. Fol· low ing th e husiuC'SS ml'cting there w:1s a ve ry cnj oy:1ble musiea l program. )Iiss H cfon rfi sscraml plnycll a pia no solo . :Miss Lora. Diek, a1:compa11icd hy 'Mi ss Eunice Riley , sang 11 Little ) lotln~r''

.and ''Caroli n:i. Moon. '' niiss :Maurine - Tavis - two popular piecc.s,

"Sweet Sue-Just Y ou ' ' a nU ' 1 A !\ ight in Jun e. " Following t he progra m most of the members went to the auditorium whe re they listened to the Osh kosh d<'· bate.

Club Members See Instructive Films

E Science Clu b mrt \Vcdn es·

}li~;s L oui se )fo in kc visited friends in Bc:n ·cr Dn m o,·e r th e week end.

1'. l iss Li llian R ic· ha rds drove houw with her sister Louise w ho cam e to visit hC'r on Saturday. Lit1inn plnns to rest for a week hcforc resumin g her work.

Miss Sadie Espeseth visi ted her furml'r room·m:ttC', Lucy Baker, in Owen. :\l.i ss Baker seems to ha\·c reco \·ercd f ully from her sca rlet fever illness.

Th e pi:-1110 fund sti ll grows; on Thurs­day corr i,lor t hree had a chocolntc i ce . c ret1m sa le whidt netted $6.65, and {·onidor s ix sponsored a Saturdn v even· ing da 1ll' C whil·h added $5.55. ·

On Frid:i y C',·ening t he µ-irls of ~clson Hall :: rC' spousorin!! a cloulJlc movie, Rumpelstilskin n nd America, the L and of Opportunity. Th e la tter is a Lintoln film. Ad mission is twenty .fi\·e rents.

( 'urr id or onr h:1s _l'Stab}ishcd a Jnpn· HC.S<' sto rr 1 :1t wh ich all kinds of Japa · nciw good~ :1 re procurable; charms1

vases1 p r ints, kimn nos, paja mas, jewel l,ox('S1 la m ps, lamp sh:i<lcs, p:1pcr cu tters, sal:id forks ;111d spoo11s1 tea ·scts1 crea m· ers, and C'vr11 monkeys. The prices arc n·n:son:1bll'; come n u tl sec for y ourself.

Other :dum n:w who hn vc helped t he fund rceent ly :HC': :\fayo Bla ke, 1f:irinn Brnssra u, \VinifrC'd Burns, Elsie Heri · 111:111 , Grn<'c Krumm , Bem ire I ,a Duke, }'rl• i(l:l L :1h~---1·k , Eli z:1l 1(•th :\Jaz:rne(·, anr l Gr:1l'C R osk l•.

Elll•n :\[ill~' kn eC' was injured quite s<'n·n• l:· <l uring a l,a s k C' tlrnll gnm c of thl' tourn anu•nt. S hC' has gone to her h otu(' at EndC'avor to l'O nv:1.lC'S('C.

T~C' ota :\ ndr C' w wn~ al!rn fiurt during a t ouru anll~nt husketha ll ~am c.

CORRECTION ::\ ! r Roberts info rm s us that the na me

of l\Jarga re t He inig should ha\'e been indudcd in the list of those students who recl'i\·cd hr twc>r n 2 and 2.8 times :l!i ma ny hono r point s 11 s 1·r t> dit hours.

! day, Pel1ruary 27th , in ).Ir . }~va ns ' room with t he ir guests, II the membe rs of t he 1Iargnn•t

Ashmun Cluh. A n:-ry int (' n·st inJ! talk

:i:~~tven by Esth,•r Hawkes on ''J>ry . . "RUSSIA" At the (•011<.: lusio n of t he ·t:il k, the

meeting :uljourn<'cl to the a ud ito rium wh ere movies were showu on sugar, crystallization , hakc-litC>, :111d ruUl,cr. TllC' pil'.lures wer e- inten·~ti n~ a~ we ll

,_ .. _i=11=-st_ru_e_t_iv_c·~~~="==~ - - H The Emperor NiGholas II ancl the Russian Revolution

Brown !!if!. slioes are mighty graceful

and stylish _frice_s_are e_xtremel_y moderate

DOMACK CLOTHING CO. 119 Public Square

I By

Rev. Carl W. Bothe, B D.


Parish House 8 o'clock Studenls 35 cents Adults 75 cents

"F"at h t.:'r Holhe l L'C lurC>s o n Hu~siu and HU!-lf-lian !-!Ubject:,i In n :,splt·ndidly inrormed an d illumlnaling mann er. His p(•nwna l con t ai:l wllh t h e o ld Hu.l"i;ia .g in·:-1_ whal he a pc r!W· nal tou <: h that e nl ivenx hi~ db;. COUl°l"t.:', and l't"ll10\"('!i th e lecture f'rom the sterility of ·pun.: a cadc­mlcf-1'. It Is w"ll worth any l"tud('nt· s tlnH· to h t·ar th!~ lecturf'."

Professor E. T. Smith.





Ev~ry Woman

Needs One of th~ Stunnins

Sh<19moor TOPC.OATS

in Her Wardrobe

-lot stt••t w•at -lot mototins -lot short train trips .. for tours -for Europ•an travd -lot th• races -for football samu .. !or aerial travd . .!or yachting • .!or shopping . .!or Palm Beach . .!or th• Riviera

Prescription Druggists l l!=M=E=Y=E=3f=s=P=,a=~=' ~=f=. =c=o=·dl

w~1~~r~ m1 m~~~m~ Prompt Service

Fhone 688

SPRING SUITS $22.50 Hegg Gathing Co.

·i· · ......... t,...: ......... ·*·:...t-•$:


f t .( The comfortable nncl homeli ke f A l + dormitory for women of Ce nt ra l f :i: State Teachers' College I .1. - 1 •!• :t Dining Room t fo r bo th men and wome n II .I. Diet

f Varied, abundan t, del icious aud t inexpensive ! .!. MAY A. ROWE, D1rector :i: I (Graduate Dietitian) j +K-H-!•O•:: ...... :-:-: .. :-:-:-:-:-:-: ........:-:-:•O·<...,

Smart Gollegians Get Their I ttair Gut l\t The

BURCH BARBER S HOP ~1 4 1\la in S t .

. .for town and country --. .!or co~! wcaih~ ---J- Ho-- S- e_r_v_i_c_e ______ Q ___ l ___ - - -

. .!or most any occasion ua 1ty

Exclusiv• with

Moll-Glennon Co.

Price and Style

Shoes and Rubbers

For The Family



BEREN'S BI\RBER SHOP (Unde r H in.y'a S to re)


TO BE SUCCESSFUL I.if<> i~ what you make it, A:-. you tran•l lu11g_it:,; wuy; LifC' i~ a:,; you Jin, it, H our b.\· hour and day by day. Lift->· i:,; fil1C'd with worn]crs, }'ilh.-d with joy and ~orrOw, too; And it t;lkc:,; a lot of backbone To kt·C'p li,·i11g fair and t rue.

Lt ta kC':- a lot of backbone, \\'h C' n you sct·m to have no luek; It take:,; a 111:in with "gitu, One who hns a lot of p luck ; Lt tukC':- a 111:111 wit h grit To gl't down ancl dig right in; And it takC's a lot of will po'\vcr Tp kl'C')J :,itic kin ~ till you win.

You nm:,_;t be a worker \Vith no sclfi~h <'lid in mind; You '11 h:1vc to be hou('st, For the joy of life you finc1. You rnu:-.t be a leader Living up to what you preach And then ,·ou ' ll be successful Wit h a!J j~y within your rea ch.

A:-k yourself t hese qu e~tions; Ha,·o I courage get nnd pluck t Or am I just living D:1y by day on gracious luckt Life is as you li\'e. ,\ re _vou goi ng to do your best! \Vill the world in future years - say, "There's a man who ~tood that test"1

Lawrence Beaudin.

VETTER MFG. CO. Sash Doors Lumber

Phone 88

HEADQUARTERS For The Best Dressers

Kirschbaum Clothes

The Unity Store SAD TAIL

Ikey: '' Look, J akey, your shirt is out.''

J akey : '' Oudt vare?' ' Ikey : '• Oudt ver de vest begins.



To Know The Difference


Punch Bottled by

Stevens Point Beverage _ Company


Full Line of Carbon­ated Beverages.

Pussy: I'm going to kiss you every time a star fal1s.''

Spike: (ten min utes later.) ''You must be counti ng the lightning bugs."

Footwear For All Occasions

C. B. Mayer Shoe Co.


HO led her into thL~ cl:lrkc!-!t rn\·inc in that desolate scdiun of the c:ountn·. ' ' \Vc're f ive mill'8 from C\'Crywht.• rc>,


' '

she murmured. " W t• an• out of 8igh t :111tl sound of the> buM,. world. \\'l1:1t do you think of this phi re ·!''

''Say,'' he l·riNl joyously, 1' woul1ln 't

th is 1Jl' :t swell pl:i t·t.• tel th row your old stifet~· razo r lJladt.•s ! ' '




)fr. Davidson says (to t he justice of the peace): Arc you sure that was n marriage license you gave me'?

J . 0 . P .: Sure. i\ l r. Daddson: \Veil. I thought t here

was some mi stake; I've Ii vcd a dog's life e\'Cr since.

Home Made Candy -- AT--



C. T. C.

FERDINAND.A. HIRZY "~bt d§ift ~ounistlor"

When you go into a shoe store you don't buy the first pair of shoes you see. _ You are per-

. sonally fitted. Why not apply the same rule to the selection of your Bank? We are a Bank of Personal Service.


Eltabli1htd 1883 Capital Sl00 .000.00


" The Bank That Service Built"


Ma'}!tag 'Washers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent Automatic Oi, Burners


" Abov.i All The R ight Hat"




309 Strongs Ave. Phone 82 ALWAYS ·oPEN

French Campbell & Co. Student Supplie~

44~ Main St. Phone 98-J

Orange Li1le Busses <' mbody e,·cry comfort of t he private automobile. Enjoy a pleasant tr ip home some \,·eek end or plan an outi ng this fnll in the , visconsin River region. '

Orange Linc Intcr·City service 'to Portage and Ma· dison is n conveniently nrrnngcd motor trip. The time spen t in the route is cut to a minimum.

Orange Linc Busses leave Stevens Point for Portage and Madison nt 7:00 A. M. - 2:30 P . M.

For complete ii1formntio11 call 607 or write the Orange Linc nt ifadison.

~ RIJIE fflB T~ ~RANGEar~· 'i/1,eSeruiee Coudan} .Made Popular t,






"Blue Ribbon" Thousa nd I s land Dressing

.Mayonnaise Dressing Sandwich Spread

Tr'}! '"'Blue W.,ibbon" ·· Beller Than The R est

Fruits and Vegetables . Phone 51 457 Main St.

Flipp : 1 1 What a. surprise to see you In a full dress suit. Did you r ent it?

Flapp : ' 1 No; but every time I stood I thought I would."


TAXI Phone 65

WHITING MEN'S SHOP Otto von Neupert Co. Inc.


- Fil s.Lcoder, .Hooks. Reels.Lines .Rods. Flies mode to order

' l.' ,. Writt for Lotcst ·_ ~. • CATALOG 1111

.J,,~'Ffll!it,1l~7l!!i!!£N~N~AK,!!l;..'£...,;.J ff-A J'lsl{ f;iJ{Ef IT


OH, FRITt In the cold moonlight, his lips were

white, While hers were vivid carmine shade. Our hero felt the call to arms, And Joined the colors una fraid.



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Dt1nt Counea For All Tuchen S~cial Trtlninr For Home Economic:& And

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Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevens Point, Wis.
