The Byzantine name for Çanakkale Dardanellia, from which the English name Dardanelles is derived. ...


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The Byzantine name for Çanakkale  Dardanellia, from which the English name Dardanelles is derived.

Çanakkale was an Ottoman fortress called Kale-i Sultaniye or Sultaniye kalesi (Fortress of the Sultan). It later became known for its pottery, hence the later name Çanak kalesi 'pot fortress' or 'Çanakkale.

Çanakkale is a town and seaport in Turkey, in Çanakkale province. Çanakkale province like İstanbul province, has territory in both Europe and Asia.

The city is the nearest major town to the site of ancient  Troy. The "wooden horse» from 2004 movie Troy is exhibited on the seafront.




Bozcaada Bozcaada Castle

Bozcaada Ayazma Monastery

Bozcaada Museum

Meryem Mother Church

Köprülü Mehmet Paşa Mosque

Namazgah Water Wind Mill


Gelibolu Gelibolu Mevlihanesi

Sinan Paşa Monument Gelibolu War


Azepler Namazgahı

Çanakkale culture is so developed. It has got different peoples and religion. So you can find all of kind meal. Sarma

In the early Turkish Republic, Çanakkale became into existence with the abolition of Biga's and Gelibolu's flags and the Canak villages, locating between Biga and Gallipoli, declearatin of province. According to a population census in 1927, Çanakkale had just 8,500 inhabitants, except its neighbouring villages. It is recorded that Çanakkale which was also called as "Hellespontos" and "Dardanelles" in ancient times, has accommodated to a lot of civilizations for about 3000 years. Even the Archaic Troy (Troia) city, where was governed by Lydians and destroyed by the devastating eathquake in 2500 BC, has ruins in today. In 336 BC, Persian Empire which became the crucial power in Anatolia and was conducted by Alexander the Great that aimed to extend ancient Greek all over the world, was defeated. Also with the ruin of the Anatolian beylik of Karesi, the most part territory of Canakkale was conquered in the Ottoman era, with the assistance of the castles in remuneration for helping to Byzantine Empire, locating Gelibolu. Afterwards, the Canakkale strait was given to the Ottoman Empire.

In 1915, during the First World War, Great Britain and France attempted to to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople and secure a sea route to Russia. Known as the The Gallipoli Campaign, or the Dardanelles Campaign, in Turkey it is referred to as the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish: Çanakkale Savaşı), in particular the sea battle which took place on March 1915 where theRoyal Navy was repulsed by Turkish forces. During the naval battles, Joule, AE2, Triumph, Ocean and HMS Goliath were among the crafts sunk by Turkish forces.
