Take over the world ! No that’s not it. Irregular Verbs 6.19Ai What makes them irregular? What...


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Today’s objective : Take over the world ! No that’s not it.

Irregular Verbs 6.19Ai

What makes them irregular? What is a regular verb? I don’t know!

Verbs A verb shows action or state of being.

(If you DO it, it’s a VERB!)

An action verb expresses action.The cat looked down the alley. The ballerinas danced across the stage.

A state-of-being verb shows that someone or something is. It does NOT show action.

Kisha and Rachel are swimmers.Cody is a quiet child.

A verb has 4 main forms:

Present (write at least ONE in your notes)walk play fix

The present form is listed in the dictionary. It’s what comes to mind when we think of a verb.

Past (write at least ONE in your notes)walked played fixed

Present Participle (write at least ONE in your notes)(is) walking (are) playing (am) fixing

Past Participle (write at least ONE in your notes)(have) walked (have) played (had) fixed

Present participle and past participle are combined with helping verbs to create a verb phrase.

Irregular Verbs Most verbs are regular. Their past/past

participle forms follow a predictable pattern.

The past and past participle of a regular verb are formed by adding -ed or -d to the present form.

serve=served type=typed look=lookedhug=hugged (sometimes, another


Irregular verbs’ past and past participle forms do not follow a predictable pattern.

fight=fought say= saidswing=swung

There are so many irregular verbs! This is only a few of them. If you are ever in doubt about the correct form of a verb, check the dictionary!

Grouping irregular verbs

We can sometimes figure out the form of irregular verbs by grouping them by morphology (or structure).

Different-Same-SameFind-found-found build-built-built pay-


All totally different wordseat-ate-eaten do-did-done write-wrote-


All the same vowel soundsing-sang-sungring-rang-rung sink-sank-sunk

All samehit-hit-hit cost-cost-cost read-read-read


So, why is it called Irregular ? Can you name some Irregular

Verbs ? How does that effect how we write?

Do you get it ?

Irregular Verbs Stations

Make a foldable:

1. Fold a piece of paper hot-dog style.

2. Fold it again, hot-dog style. You should have four columns.

3. Put your name, date and class period at the very top.

4. At the top of each column, write Present, Past, Present Participe, Past Participle.

5. Number 1-10 down the side.

Present Tense

1. OG = go2. ETA3. OKWN4. ISMW5. EFZREE

Unscramble to find the present tense. Write the word in the first column.


Past Tense

1. go = went2. eat 3. know4. swim5. freeze

Write the past tense in the 2nd column.

6. bring7. break8. begin9. give10. do

Present Participle Tense

1. go = am going2. eat 3. know4. swim5. freeze

Write the present participle tense in the 3rd column.

6. bring7. break8. begin9. give10. do

Past Participle Tense

1. go = have gone2. eat 3. know4. swim5. freeze

Write the past participle tense in the 4th column.

6. bring7. break8. begin9. give10. do