Russia China Korea Used as food source in native regions


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Northern SnakeheadChanna argus

Russia China Korea

Used as food source in native regions

Native Areas

Where Northern Snakeheads were First Found

A man purchased two Northern Snakeheads to make a traditional soup

Man ended up just putting the fish in a tank

He later released the two snakeheads into a local pond

Imported Food=Major Problem

Crofton, Maryland is where the snakehead was first caught in May 2002

It was caught in pond where the man confessed to releasing the two fish two years earlier

First Appearance of the Northern Snakehead

Crofton, Maryland

Later in the Summer of 2002

June July

A second adult snakehead was caught in the Crofton pond

A fisheries biologist and a angler caught about 12 juveniles in the same pond

This meant that the snakeheads were reproducing

In August 2002 Fisheries Services treated the pond◦ Diquat Dibromide and Glyphosate

◦ Rotenone was added to the pond two weeks later

How was the Crofton Problem Addressed

Sharp teeth Larger and protruded jaw Dorsal fin has 49-50 rays Anal fin has 31-32 rays


Post-larvae feed on plankton

Juveniles◦ Crustaceans◦ Fish larvae

Food (post-larvae/juveniles)

Crustaceans Frogs Aquatic insects Fish

◦ Perch◦ Carp◦ Bream

Food (Adults)

Slow moving water Stagnant bodies of water Muddy streams Muddy substrate with vegetation Bury themselves in the mud


Maximum size- 33 inches

Males are usually larger then females

Males have a higher dorsal fin



How Problems Start Pets

◦ Out grow tank◦ Placed in ponds

Food Market◦ Illegally import snakeheads

for consumers

