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[NJOioW.. RnlARl8 Or TJG PRJSIDJM' rro. th R•a:r Phtfotw or h11 S~c1al 1"retn

8owt•, '1'eua J'uly 11, 19)8, ebout 11.35 A.. )l .

'l'ena, erul .-on Certer.

I u go1ne to look around tn • ainute to 11111 thll\ tdOUa

place wbe:re AllloD C..rte:r surted In Hlling &ll.llchrtchea .

You OU&ht to han an •p:ro11. on ~.

(Moll. Certer pru~ted \be Preatdent w1 th b\lleu1 U IJid


Title would not be co=rlete Wlleu I hemled Alllon 11 dt1111.


11 July 1938

I .. glad to coce to Bowie. You b.a.ve a lot to lhe

up to in tnie town, not only on accout ot the great !leroea

of the Alll.:iO , but on account or two great men who were born

here ; t he Governor of Texas , and Amon Oar t er .

I am going to look around in a minute to aee t hat

!a:.oua place where AmOn Carter started in aellina aandw1ohea .


You ought to have L"l apr on on .A.mon.

(Amon Co.rter p:resentf'd the Preaident with bilcuite

and chicken)

This would not be com9lete unleu I banded Amon a

dime c





JUI.Y ll, 1938.

I am glAd to come to W1oh1ta Falla. Uy old tr1end,

Congr essman McFar l ane , has told me lllUOh about 1 The C1t 7

that ta1t h buU t 1 • That 1a the Uneat appellation that

any olty 1n the Nation could ha•e.

I a• alao fat~~U lar wlth thh area because .,y uncle ,

!'rederl o A. Delano, apent lll\RY montha here a rew yeara ago

when ha waa appoint ed by the Supreme Court or the Unlted

Stat u t o eol n t.~e problem or the ou wella 1n the Red

R.lTer l n the eatsbll ehlng or the bounda17 be t ween Texaa

and Oklaho ... j .'!1 ' ).. ,j,, . 'd , '" 'I. /.'•' ·• , 1. ·. , ,-Cv--l j I • ' '

1 ... f • f.IL

No. I u abou~ to or e&t e another precedent --' '1t -:/~ • )....,

oonoerna t he t1l"at c ltl:r.en ot the Lone Star State, th: ,..j~'· I

Governor or Texas . Aa Attorney General and as Governor '.4,." 1 " L~ru,:

he baa eetabllahed an enviable r ecord tor rear lueneu, 7-/ '-1-r,C. '.< t--v

hones t J and good adal nletration.

-·-Born 1n Bowie and ll res14ent or 1Uohlb Fal.le, he 11,

ne't'ertheleea, a oltLz.en or the whole State -- and this le

r eoognhed throughout the State. Ke represent• every part

or lt.

As 1 aald two weeka ago, the effort. or the people

ot thla oountry to !.prove our Federal Jud1o1al eratem h.a••

succeeded. Our prlnolpal objeot1.,..a tor the l:lproTeaent or

Just i ce are on tbe was to be t ullJ attAined.

I n line with theee purpoeu I am seeking, wherever

lt l s poeelble , to nominate younger men to poaltlone on the

federal Benoh. '!'bat thought co~led wlth hh t i ne record

Me led me to otter the poaltlon or United St.o~.tu Dlatrlot

Judge tor the sout...,ern Dletrlot of Texas t o James V. Allred,

Gover nor of Texaa.

Governor Allrtd, I hand you herewith the of f lcllll

appolnt»nt as United Statu Dt.trlot Judge. ~ you be

happy ln thl e poet or groat roapona1bU1ty. Way you ae:rve

the people ot the dlttrlot ot the State and ot the United

Sta.tee tor lllllny yeara to oo~ae.

J11111V' .Ulred, aa m.r old tr1end, I w111h you all the

l em gl!ld to cc.e here . lily old trtend , CoDttrll-.o WcJ'arl11111

he told .. a~ch ebout. "The CitJ t.ha\ til t h built . • Tblt. 11 t.be rtueat

Atld I u aleo tu.iller with tble .rea ~au11 llf Wiele,

Freder ic A. Del ano, who 11 he11d ot the N11Uozu1l Reeoorcee Board tn

he we.e eppotnted bJ the Suprwte COurt or the l.IA1ted Stetll ~ IQhe

lhhtng. or tile boundery betnen 'I'exee and OklftbOM.

And , tnoldentallJ', I hna kept tn pretty olOII t oucb wtt h

ell ot tbe ttna thirt,gl that you hua been d.ot ng 1D reoent ,. .. r e . Con­

gre•~ L!el"arlane hu told - ot 1-r raolaJ18tlon pNjeot•, or :roor

eubeletence boaeateada, or your power da•elopaente , and 1 u gle.d th8t

t he Federel Gover1111111t lcnowa tb!lt yoo people are 0.11 the llltlp.

Aa you J')!'ObablJ lc:low , 1 bava bHll a ceuaed in the peat at x

enotller precedent at tbe preeect tt.., 1 precediDt tbat OOD.Cil'QI the

r t ret ci tizen ot thl Lone Star State, your OWD Gove rnor. AI Attorney

Genlra.l and 11 Governor be hae utablilheod an enviabl e rloo:rd tor tear-

lee111111, to:r hMIItJ -.tid for good. pen.ent.

Born ln Bowie ud a reetdwt or ll tchtta hlll, be 11, uever-

thelaae , a :reatdant, a ottt zan or t ha whole St&ta ot Tex&a -- llDd. t hAI

rrantl tn D. R ueh l.tbrwrr

Thh h ll tl"llniCI"Ipt. ~dl b7 tlle •it.. HOUII e t.onoi!;J" .~r 1 ft' 111. 111" 1b<.>rthaool note• taken o' the lptll·~~~ -

• d• . L"r.GIIIrlll.i ·ateiWCll<CIJ f'Kte•pora.'l .. -"•'1 ace to r.·" p: .... oa.lr prepar~ rt'e~·n, :•. 111 perentb('IJCII are ..,,.t -..u .. when the lpe<'el· . ,.,. t. (J".t., tl "CJt they appea r n ~bo pr.~• ~n•.y r-epared. J"OndingCOJo1l'lt .

_, _

h I'I OGgnl1',e4 tb.rouabou~ the Sht.. it. NpNIIDU IUty ~f't Of i t •

.U I aald a owple or _.ka ~o, the eftor-u of the ~ph

of thla -.at17 to api'OYa CRU" Jwliold .,.au:. bua auooe.dtld . Ovr

prloolpal obj.Ctl'l' .. tor the 1aprcn' .. ot ot jUIUCI ar. 011 the _,. to

bi1U6 tu.lly e.tabllsbed .

In Una with tbeae purpoaee, I 8• teelr1Q8, llheriYII' U 11

polllble, to OOIIJ.nue :roun«er -• to poeltlona OD the J'eder.l Bel:tob.

'!'bat tbou,gbt, and tb.U l)llrpoao, coupled wttb. b.b tine record, bas led

•• to otter t he poaltloa or UnitH Sut11 Diatrlct J"udse tor tbe

Southern Dtatl"lot or 'l'eu11 to Jaaea v. Allr ed , GOTernor of Texu .

Go'l'eraor , "·'P fo:rn.rd. Go•ernor All.Nod , I hand you bflrfiWI t b

the ottlclal eppoi !!.UNnt by the Pt.lldent ot the United Steua u lh:llh•d

Stat.ee D1atrlct Judtl • ""'Y J'OU be beppy ID thle poa'C of s.z-eat NOpo!l­

alblllty . May you .UM"e the people or the d t atrtct , t he people or tbe

State and the people of the Uhlt&d Statee t or III8.DJ' long y&era to oOI&e.

ADd J'l_,. All~ , -:y frtend , I WitJI you all t be sood luck ID

tbe world ,

, UIW.IS C:P rtt ft<aJDWT \T WIC:nn r.\W, ra.u,


I .. ,tad t.o ~- to •n~lllh l 'alh . ~ old f'rtcnd, Co ....... o....,lodarl ""•· hao tolt- ... lla'Mut "T~oCitr that

f:l~':. ~!!~:~ ,!::;! :.:.!~" Haon •rpollot1o~ that ...,. &it)'

J-o.loo!aailt.,.alUitMoa,... ...... , • .,...,.lo, rr..Mrlo.t..Dol-,a.,-.. t ... II)'_,Wl .. ,..or .. ,...,..._ - ho . ... a~po!.....,.. "' doe ....,..._ ~ .. no! tho U.h• Su~.ea \6 aoln U. probl• o! tU o il •11• h U.. 1M 1..1..-H 1a tM onU.Itobiq; or ....., bo-., boo.- Tu ... """ flU"'-·

kw I - abo<lt to c,...ta uot~r ,......s.o:;t •• It _,,... \ba flrlt dtll.., of .... ~ lur hau, tba Grra,._. or Tuaa. .u a.tt.or~~.,. c:-ol ....t •• """'•"""" ho t.u .. ublh­~=~..!7"'• ~ont for r ... rl•u~"~• lion nr- goo4 &ollool"h-

koMI Ia llowl o - • ... uout t£ lllcllih hlla, ho Ia, NY~rtholtu, a dUaen or tile wllolo IUto •• toM th~ to rHo[l'lh.,throllol')'>outth .. tt•\6· ll .. raproooaU .. H)',..rt ot it.

AIIUld.twoW<ato ~· \1\oort.,.udt~o poopla ot

thlo &&lllltl')l to il>.pr""o O'~r t'a"rt.l jwllohl I )'H .. huo '"'"""-d· 0\lr!'loclpo.lobjMlloHfortha loprove_,tof j\IOt l.oavoonthowaytot<ol'lollJ Ul&l......t .

111 a ... w~.u. u.. •• ,...,.,.. .. , J•utthoc. ""•nvor ttlapolllbh, toDOai,.......,,...""'"''-t.oP..•Uior.o ... U.o PMor1lh11el1 .. n..t U>ov()lt...,pla<lwltllkllt1 .. r-rd ,_. IN • \6 oftor U.O poU\1001 ot \UI1to4 IU.UI Dla~rkl ~· tor Ulo "'-tbwB Oiotrict ol Tuao to J-• ' · J.llrH, GeY-r oftg..o,

Ooooroor.t.U,...,Ih&NIJOUlloO,...U)ItiMoff1o1&1 aFJoOI•'-~ u U.l~o<l llto.ta• Dlotriu .,Jitllp. J1oo7,..... bo ~P1 I• till~ poat o r ;,nat r•;o~:o1111li1.J· ....,. ,.u ••"• t11o poopl a ortl .. dlotr lctctt ... Stato~otWONt•sutufor...,r

,. ..... t.o .. - ·

Jt..;;, Allro4, u -r old t r hrA , I wlo~ JCIY •ll tho po41.,.1t \II Ul.o-r ld .

0oll8"• ..... lloh.rlan• , ba• told M IIUob about 1fb• CUIJ

Ut.at faith bv.Uti1 • !bd h 1h• t1n .. ti appellaUon \bat

&IV' o1tl' 1D the l a Uon ooul.d ba••·

rr.der10 A. ~~ ~nti an:J IIOrlU:I.• h•N a f .. J• ar• &&0

ltiati .. tio .ol-.. 'lih• pl'Obl• of 'lih• oll wdb 1n thll ~

be hae ••tabl.hh•d an •m~• r.oord tor t •arl•• ... ••,

Bon 1n Bowie a nd a l"eddent of WlohU.a r aue, he le,

neTe!"~eleee, a oltlun ot t.he whol e State - and thb le

~bed throQgb.out the State. Be ~pr-eeenh "U'J' part

ot U.

A• 1 uld two .. u, ago, the ettOl"'h ot \he ~ple

ot t.hh oount17 to lJipro't'e OUJ" Peden.l JucUolal qet• haTe

nooeecled. OUJ" pl"lnolpal t'bJeoUTee t ol" the ~-at ot

Jutloe are on the n:r to be tul17 attained.

In llne wltb thee• purpo .. , I aa eeetlng, whereTer

lt le po"lble, to noalnate rouns-1" •n to podtlone on \be

h4tlral Jlenoh. !bat lboqgb.t oowpled wlt.h ble tine r.oor4

bu led .. to oltv the podtlon ot Dnlt41d Statee DhtJolot

J uclge t ol" the Southem Dletrlot ot !eue to Jaa" T. AllrM,

QoTet"'IOl" ot 'hue.

CkweJ'ftOl" Allre4, I hand roa herewith the oN lOW

appolDU.nt U Unl\M Stat .. Dhtl"lOt JD4p, IIQ' J OU be

happr 1n thle poet ot gNat MepondbUltJ. lla7 rena ""'

the ~e or the dletl"lOt ot the s tate and ot \be On1W4

8'-.C.e tor ...,. rea.re to .....


J1111Q' Allred, • • rq old tl'1en4, I •lab 7011 all Ul•

good luok 1n Ut• world.



._v\ Ruarks ot the Prehdent:.,


17 ! 0 Wleh}!t.: pii!'19is~a,

' J (Frora the R~r Plattora J\. ot his ~pec1&1 Train)

~Go.-ernor Allred, r!f¥ trtands o~ It chi ta Pallst

I am glad to ccue here. 1

U:y old t'l-iend, ' I

Cons;reu~~&n lleFarlane has told ~~~~ .ucb ~bout •'!'he City

that faith built.• '!hat h the !.,.est nAme that a.r'cy' city

1n the ltatlon could b&Ye. f

And 1 aca nl.so fwaill,ta.r- \With this area because

lilY uncle, Frederic A• De ... ano, r.ho to \ead of the National

Resou.rcea Boar d in Washington, spe~t many months in

Wichita PallS a few yeurs ago •hen \e was appointed by the

SUprem..e Court ot t he United Stutes to :.:olve the probl• o:

the oil wells 1n the bed ot the Red RiYer 1n tbe est.ablie.b­

i~ ot tho boundary between Texas ~ Oklahoma.

' And, 1ncidentl.lly, I ~'\8 kept in pre tty close \ \ tou:,h ' with all of the fine th!nis t~t you have bean doing

in .f'eeent year... Cangressman U:eFak-~e has told me of J'OU.T' '\-

reclacaatlon proJects , ot your subs1\ tenee bo:..es~eads, or \

"~· power devel.op!lents, and I a• l!;~d that the 'Feder&!

Gonrnaent knowa that you people are on the cap.

J.a .rou probably lcno•,, I ha'Ye been acc:ru.ed in the \

past siX year~ Q.f breakJ.ni or makin& precedents and noll' 1

\ a11 &oing to oreate another prece4ent •t the presen<t_ tt&e,


a precedent tha t concerns the tlrs t citizen ot the Lone Star

State, your own Governor . As Attorney General and as

OOTernor he has estubllsbed an enviable record tor fearless­

ness, tor hone st;y and ror good &OY&I'nlll.:lt.

Born in Bowie nnd a a resident or 11tch1 ta Falls,

he 1a, nev8r theles:J , a r esident, a citizen or the whole

State or Texas - - and that 1s reoogn1zed ..throughout the

State. He r epr esents e ve ry part ot it.

As 1 Sllid a couple of weeks qo, the ef!or :.s

of the people of this country to improve our Judlcla.l sys tem have

succeeded. llur principal objectives for the l uprovement of

Jus tice are on the way to being fu1ly esto:bl1shed.

In l ine with these purposes, I u seek.lng, where• er

it 1s possible, to no:dN:<te younger aen to posi tions on the

Federal Bench. That thought , and tn.at purpose, coupled with

his f ine record, has l ed me to o r rer the position t United

States District Jud&• ror the southern Dis trict ot texas to

J aaes v .. Allred, Governor ot ~exaa.

Governor, step forward. Governor Allr ed, I band

you yau herewit h the otticial appoJ,ntaent by the Pr esident

ot the United s;atea as united Stat ee Distri ct Jlidae• Kay

rau be happy JA1th1a post or area.tf responsibillt;y. Kay rou

.. rve the peo~e ot the disttiet, jthe people or ,the State


and the people ot the United SW.tes tor ll&lV lon& years to c:ome.

And. J1.lall;y Allred., 11Q" f r iend, I wish you all the

good luck 1n the world.


R-d·•:{ tne Pr .. t1ent

W1c~~~ {!~~~,J', '1.1 0

I..,."""Bhld'o-~a to :rlcbiW. ralle l(:•oldfr1cnd., Co: reag.'sn ),lcfUlat:.c , ht.a tc>ld Qfl •ucb t"b~~. •1'.10 CHy th.,t fliUh bo.ltU• . TMt h \be ftnu1: ~en t hat l.l•J olty in the lla tion co~ld have'-. . (

rr~c~t:'A~1~1~:~~1!n?!:n~i!'do~.:Y i'=~!e~go llllltll he •• appointed. by the SUPTMO• Qou.r\ of the 'Jnltod 6~'•'Cie 'Lo cohe 1:hc protle:o. of the on •clll tn tll•rlia-' il'..,"'~t~~ ca~llo;hlr.g of tl::e bo\&nd&rJ bn .. cn ':'.,_. '}_

:no.~"! ~h • • ti;,,\Iu~~!~ ::';~e~~~:·;, !!e\~ \. Q.o)vern.or .,..,._, .La J.ttorney Gentro.l and ae oovernor .~

ho baa ec\ebllched. an e:.vh.ble .J'Ccord for feerlee:ncee, honelltJ&I'Id.fOOd...:rrlrtt ... ~ • ._

nevu~!lc!~ a:·~oi;~~!~oi! :!~!t!.F~c£~ !:• reeoi-..,l:.ed. t~roughout the state. He r epr.ocnu every pt'U't

oftt •

.Lolaal(j/..l.:a>e .. ctcago,tl'.eflffortaof t hepcopl eof t.1ta OO'.LnUY to lrmrove our~ ~udlola.l oyet n have c~o.;ooe\Ood., Our p~ir.oi>lfl.l objccUvoe for the lo.pro•ea.e.nt of ~untlce ~~~ on the-y to \t r 11) • \ tnl\'d., \ ~ , _

In line wl th taco .,.,.r ponee I .. u...Jctna, wbcrenr

~~!:.r::!:~;· ~~ ... ~~=t ~~~-c:~t:o hr.•n!:n:.~~Jhe .. ac led .. to orf.r the pOGl\10!: of Unl~ed S~U• Dldrld JU<.J.tjil for tbe Soo,l;:Ocrc r!lc\rio1: of ! o:x.u to J-• v . Allred, Oo.,.~r.of':'Ct~ • •

00.-..rnor Allreo!, 1 l::ac.d you bf'r"lth tbe offtcl&l appo1n1MD~t •• United. State= OhU'lc\ J\Mlt,-e. llat JCl,l be M,ppy l:l \ll D po•\ Of i>fto.\ NC~' iblll\J, May)'- tcrve tho peopJ.e f the cHcnlct of the G\tU &114. ef \he unl 1:e<1 8\a\Oafor ;~y""ye:u-ctocoeo,

J~ .Lllr.d., *II r:zy eo1:li fr1en4, 1 •llh 10" all 1:he

sood lu' in 1:he ,.grld..

{ '\ (>:.~) \.:,
