Priests themselves got upset with what they saw as corruption of the teachings of the bible People...


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Slide 2 Slide 3 Priests themselves got upset with what they saw as corruption of the teachings of the bible People could only read the bibles under church supervision Slide 4 In order to keep power the Church kept making more and more rules Spain kicked all non-Christians out completely Set up courts where people had to prove their faith or face extreme punishments Slide 5 Basically a religious court The Goal is to Save people from going against the church Used torture frequently to get people to go along with them and their goals All it took to get sent to the inquisition is to have one person accuse you Inquisition was not to find truth, but to get people to confess their guilt Slide 6 If you did not confess you could be burned at the stake This was all done in the name of god Slide 7 Slide 8 The church became increasingly interested in getting rich The pope spent TONS of money on his own entertainment The church needed more then donations They came up with new ways of making money, like charging for baptisms! Slide 9 Slide 10 Priests made quite a bit of money and did not have to pay taxes Church made money by letting people pay to be priests This leads to some priests not knowing very much about the bible Slide 11 The church added the concept of Purgatory (not in the bible) Taught that when you died you went to an in-between place to work off sin before going to heaven The church then sold Indulgences, passes to shorten your time in Purgatory People see this as tickets to heaven