Perthyn under lockdown OUR STORIES


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Perthyn under lockdown OUR STORIES

Stephen Cox – Chief Executive Perthyn

Hi Everyone Welcome to this special newsletterIts been a roller coaster over the last month or so as we have responded to the many challenges thrown at us from the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic.

There have been many difficulties to deal with, but you our staff, at all levels across all regions, have been truly fantastic in the way you have faced up to these.

We have pulled together just a small sample of your ingenuity, humour, commitment and flexibility so that we can all celebrate what we are managing to do in these challenging times.

You are all contributing to presenting to your communities the great job that you do. We know you do this week in week out and now others are seeing it too. This will be something to build on as we come out of the pandemic to ensure that the recognition that the care sector is now getting is not forgotten and is recognised on an ongoing basis.

We know that there are a lot more exampes of the good ways you have been supporting people so please send your stories in.Email:

On behalf of the Trustees and the Perthyn Leadership Team, thank you everyone.


Hawaiian Night with Jadine

Jadine is making the most of lockdown by enjoying a Hawaiian theme night in her house. She did some limbo with her support staff and played some games and listened to some traditional Hawaiian music. They had lots of fun as you can see from the photos. Jadine really enjoyed watching the Staff do the hula hoop which made her laugh.

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Audrey keeps in touch

Victoria ASM and Manon ASM have helped Audrey and her friend Mary maintain their contact through skype/facetime. Audrey got quite excited by being able to see Mary on the screen and was smiling and calling out Marys’ name. This was such a positive thing to witness and a positive outcome for Audrey is being able to maintain her friendship through inclusive technology whilst the lock down continues.


Staff at Rhyd Y Cerrig have turned the hatch in the kitchen to a little shop and also doing music sessions to entertain everyone


This is Yvonne who has started to use skype to stay in touch with her family due to the coronavirus. Yvonne does not usually like speaking on the telephone as she does not like to hold it and does not understand whom she was speaking with when using it. However, staff have supported Yvonne to use skype via a video call. Yvonne has enjoyed speaking with her brother John and feels more in contact with him. Yvonne gets to see him in person and will chat to him via the video call something that she has never tried before. John is now in contact with Yvonne regularly and even started playing his guitar to Yvonne which she loves to listen and enjoys watching him play.

Yvonne looks forward to chatting with her brother as she feels closer to him seeing him in person. Staff reported that Yvonne will smile and shows enthusiasm when chatting as fascinated that she can see her brother on screen.




This is Gordon who lives in Cardiff trying something new during the lockdown. Gordon is usually very active and will go swimming, to the gym and for long walks. Gordon has not been able to do these leisure activities so staff have supported Gordon to learn to ride a bike at his home in the garden. We know that Gordon, benefits from having regular exercise as this helps with his health and wellbeing. Gordon enjoys physical exercise as it helps with reducing his anxiety.

Here is Gordon with one of his staff learning to balance and steady himself as part of learning to ride a bike.


From the moment that the COVID -19 Lockdown was announced, our immediate concerns were just how the people supported in Northampton would cope. In particular, those that would not observe the newly introduced social distancing measures.

One such gentleman is Peter Almond. It is fair to say that Peter loves going out, everyday in fact. Additionally, Peter’s seemingly ‘undiminishable’ energy levels, that only require five minutes replenishment, meant alternative methods of exertion would be needed.

Also, Peter has been supported to be sociable, which Peter took in his stride, resulting in his extremely friendly demeanour. Now we were suddenly faced with having to explain to Peter, that we could no longer approach people, when we were out and about.

Admittedly, the first few weeks were challenging, given that all Peter had to do was to look outside his window, point to his car, swiftly followed by “go out please”! Another concept that Peter was struggling with was that he had two staff on shift (our usual cue to go out). Staff excelled themselves in explaining to Peter that it was not safe to go out (and have been proactive) so much that Peter, does not mention going out, much.

In fact, Peter has been extremely receptive to staying in, occupying himself with homebased activities.

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Meanwhile in Shropshire…Just wanted to share with you a few photos from Hook Lea. As I feel this has gone above and beyond.

Staff have arranged a few extra items to be purchased this week from shopping and in their own time. Julieanne, Oriann and Danielle have arranged a garden party for everyone at Hook Lea. Without any support from myself they have arranged Decorations, party food, dancing and garden games and wine for Sue Lane. Everyone has had a whale of a time and made the best of difficult circumstances and the staff are an absolute credit to Perthyn.



Busy times at Styche HouseCharles Brick and Shaun Watts both attend Crowsmill craft centre which is currently closed. James Roberts has always enjoyed woodwork. Viv Hawkey who works for the Local Authority mentioned that there may be a funding pot for activities during covid-19 restrictions.

We had a house meeting to discuss 1:1 projects they can all work on during covid-19 restrictions. It was mentioned to them that the Local Authority may be able to help with some funding for “work type” activities. They all jumped on this and wrote up a pretty comprehensive shopping list! The list was passed onto the local authority along with PPE items and risk assessments (which they were involved in agreeing to).

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Busy times at Styche House

The local authority (Viv Hawkey) agreed to fund this. They all now have their own daily 1:1 time within the house/garden where they draw up an idea and then make it with support. Their plans include shelving, a cabinet, a footstool and goalposts for playing football in the garden.

It’s a way of ensuring they all have some constructive “me” time when usual staff support hours aren’t always possible.

In the veg patch- they have planted potatoes and tomatoes. They do this every year, last year they also made their own damson gin to give to family members for Xmas. They all enjoy being self sufficient as much as possible.

Training for Learn ng

Training for Learning



Penycoed in LockdownWith being unable to go out during lockdown staff are making the most of the gorgeous outside space at Penycoed and encouraging individuals to spend time outside in the sunshine. Adam Gillibrand is used to going for long walks to beaches and the country side, however he has been more than happy to have his usual walks substituted for a cycle on his bike around Penycoed. Staff and all individuals we support also held a garden party enjoying the lovely weather we have been experiencing and to say a fond farewell to Pauline Lewis – Assistant Transition Service Manager and to thank her for all her hard work over the last ten years as she goes into retirement. Staff and all individuals had a lovely day, enjoying a lovely buffet with garden games.

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Penycoed in Lockdown Tim who lives at Woodside in Powys, enjoying the VE75 celebrations with Sue Lee

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Don’t forget to send us any more of your stories as we will issue another newsletter to be shared with all staffEmail: