Пользовательский интерфейс на Perl. Архитектура «Globus...


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Пользовательский интерфейс на Perl

Архитектура «Globus Professional»

Client App ServerDB

Вход в «Globus Professional»

Клиентское приложение

Класс приложенияuse Wx;

# every program must have a Wx::App-derive classpackage MyApp;

use strict;use warnings;

our @ISA=qw(Wx::App);

# this is called automatically on object creationsub OnInit { my( $this ) = @_;

# create new MyFrame my $frame = MyFrame->new( "Minimal wxPerl app",

[ 50, 50 ], #position [ 450, 350 ] #size


# set it as top window (so the app will automatically close when # the last top window is closed) $this->SetTopWindow( $frame ); # show the frame $frame->Show( 1 );


Класс окна (1)

package MyFrame;

use strict;use warnings;

our @ISA=qw(Wx::Frame);

use Wx::Event qw(EVT_MENU);use Wx qw(wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO wxMENU_TEAROFF);

# Parameters: title, position, sizesub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( undef, -1, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2] );

# load an icon and set it as frame icon $self->SetIcon( Wx::GetWxPerlIcon() );

# create the menus my $mfile = Wx::Menu->new( undef, wxMENU_TEAROFF ); my $mhelp = Wx::Menu->new();

my( $ID_ABOUT, $ID_EXIT ) = ( 1, 2 ); $mhelp->Append( $ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tCtrl-A", "Show about dialog" ); $mfile->Append( $ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program" );

Класс окна (2)

my $mbar = Wx::MenuBar->new();

$mbar->Append( $mfile, "&File" ); $mbar->Append( $mhelp, "&Help" );

$self->SetMenuBar( $mbar );

# declare that events coming from menu items with the given # id will be handled by these routines EVT_MENU( $self, $ID_EXIT, \&OnQuit ); EVT_MENU( $self, $ID_ABOUT, \&OnAbout );

# create a status bar (note that the status bar that gets created # has three panes, see the OnCreateStatusBar callback below $self->CreateStatusBar( 1 ); # and show a message $self->SetStatusText( "Welcome to wxPerl!", 1 );


Обработчики# this is an addition to demonstrate virtual callbacks...# it ignores all parameters and creates a status bar with three fieldssub OnCreateStatusBar { my $self = shift; my $status = Wx::StatusBar->new( $self, -1 );

$status->SetFieldsCount( 2 );


# called when the user selects the 'Exit' menu itemsub OnQuit { my( $self, $event ) = @_;

# closes the frame $self->Close( 1 );}


# called when the user selects the 'About' menu itemsub OnAbout { my( $self, $event ) = @_;

# display a simple about box Wx::MessageBox( "This is the about dialog of minimal sample.\n" .

"Welcome to wxPerl " . $Wx::VERSION . "\n" . wxVERSION_STRING, "About minimal", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, $ self );


Запуск приложения

package main;

# create an instance of the Wx::App-derived classmy $app = MyApp->new();

# start processing events$app->MainLoop();

Конструктор АРМ

АРМ регистратора заявок пользователей

Инструмент отладки перлового кода ( KIT )

Регистрация ActiveX-компонентperl -Mblib -MWx::ActiveX::Template -e"run_wxactivex_template();"

Регистрация ActiveX-компонент

Работа с компонентом

use Win32::OLE;use Win32::OLE::Const; use Win32::OLE::Variant;use Wx::ActiveX::RolledCalendar;

…$dlg->{'_Xcalendar'} = Wx::ActiveX::RolledCalendar->new( $dlg );$main_sizer->Add( $dlg->{'_Xcalendar'}, 1, &Wx::wxGROW|

&Wx::wxALL, 0 );$dlg->{'_calendar'} = $dlg->{'_Xcalendar'}->GetOLE();$dlg->{'_calendar'}->SetDate( $date );…$date = $dlg->{'_calendar'}->GetDate();….$dlg->{'_Xcalendar'}->Destroy();

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

use Win32::CLR;

Win32::CLR->load_from( $path );

$fineReaderWrapper = Win32::CLR->create_instance( "EISFREWrapper.Wrapper" );

$fineReaderWrapper->setOutputFormat( $format );


1. презентацияwww.umnix.com/upload/perlGUI.ppt

2. сайт компанииwww.eis.ru

3. www.wxwidgets.org4. wxperl.sourceforge.net5. cpan.org

6. emaililya.klyukin@gmail.comivo@eis.ru
