海外中国教育基金会 双手托起孩子的未来! Overseas China Education Foundation



海外中国教育基金会 双手托起孩子的未来! Overseas China Education Foundation. 4 million school-age children unable to attend schools due to poverty. Education Situation in Rural Areas of China A rural population of 30 million below extreme poverty level (annual income

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Overseas China Education Foundation

Education Situation in Rural Areas of China

• A rural population of 30 million below extreme poverty level (annual income <$75)

• Drop-out rate for school-age children as high as 15% in some extremely poor regions/counties

• 4 million school-age children unable to attend schools due to poverty

教育的不平等,是所有不平等中最残忍的 !

-- 梁漱溟

• Overseas China Education Foundation (OCEF) is registered in Texas and granted by IRS as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity organization.

• Mission: – Help less-privileged children in rural areas of China finish their education

up to 9th grade.

• Principles: – Support students who have already dropped out of school or are near the

brink of dropping out of school.– Need based, not merit based.– 100% volunteer based.– Operational cost is ultra-low. More than 90% of donation goes to

impoverished children. – Strict policies are in place to prevent frauds.

• Volunteers:– More than 200 volunteers in North America.– More than 250 volunteers in mainland China.

• Impact:– Paid school fees over 10,000 times (per semester) to impoverished

children in mainland China finish 1-9 years of education since its foundation in 1992.

OCEF 2004 Financial Report

Year 2004 Operation Expenses

      OCEF domain name registration fee      publication & postal fee       office supply      bank processing fee       fundraising expense       attorney fee       long distant phone bill PO box rental fee copying fee credit card donation processing fee       inspection fee inside of China ( ¥ 6,511.20)

$ $$$$$$$$$$


450.001,109.76759.96184.86227.3160.0015.00 609.10 555.00491.16787.88

Total Donation Collected in Year 2004 : $148,658.08

Total Expenditures: $82,881.51

Including Operation Cost: $5,250.03

Operation Cost / Income Ratio (%): 3.53%

Net gain: $65776.57 (to be used in 2005 support programs)

Year 01-04 Financial Data Sheet

  2001 2002 2003 2004

Balance from Previous Year

$42,313.75 $63,073.85 $78,829.58 $116,123

Donation Received 51813.00* 49,908.28 102,131.22 148,658.08

Funds to Students

-18,981.66 -29,992.86 -46,990.17 -61,225.00

Funds for Special Projects -5,006.05(Road)

  䦋 -12,215.73(School and


-16,406.48(School and


Operation Cost -5355.19 -4159.69 -5631.26 -5,250.03

Total Expenditure

-31,052.90 -34,152.55 -64,837.16 -82,881.51

Total Operation Cost 5,355.19 4,159.69 5631.26 5,250.03

Operation/Income (%) 10.35 8.33 5.51 3.53

Net Gain 20,760.10 15,755.73 37,294.06 65,776.57

Balance at the Year End

63,073.85 78,829.58 116,124 181,902.39

OCEF Programs

Mentor ProgramProviding advice, encouragement and guidance to the supported students or scholarship awardees.

Financial Aid Program

Paid school fees over 10,000 times (per semester) to impoverished children to finish 1-9 years of education.

School Building ProgramUpgraded and built 6 schools.

Library Program

Set up 30 libraries for rural area schools.

High School Student Scholarship Program

Supported 10 students in year 2004

OCEF Work Summary











173 Number of Students

Distribution of Students Under Support in Year 2004

Paid school fee 2753 times (twice per year)








1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

OCEF-Sponsored Students 1993-2004

Operation Transparency

• Fairness in student nomination and selection;

• Systematic student application and evaluation;

• Sophisticated local monitoring system and network;

• Transparency in fund-raising and management.

How Can You Help?

• To be a donor:– Donate through www.ocef.org using credit card/check.– Use OCEF’s on-line shopping program to support OCEF.– Use corporate matching program.

• To be a member:– Donate $40 annually to support one K-9 student.

• To be a volunteer:– Monitor OCEF’s operation through participation.– Fundraising, fund-distribution, support site inspection, web

design, data base management, publication & etc..– An enjoyable experience of giving!

OCEF Volunteers—Houston ( 德州休士顿总会义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—SF Bay Area ( 北加州分会义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—Chicago Local Branch( 芝加歌组义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—New Jersey/New York Local Branch( 新泽西 / 纽约组义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—Los Angeles (洛杉机组义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—Beijing ( 北京组义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—Sichuan ( 四川组义工 )

OCEF Volunteers—Shanghai ( 上海组义工 )
