Our class went to the Indians game. Case almost caught a foul ball. The Indians ended up lousing the...


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Field trip

Our class went to the Indians game. Case almost caught a foul ball. The Indians ended up lousing the game. On the bus we sang a baseball song. It was a blast.

2ND GRADE MEMORIESby Jackatack sound by Case ideas

by Dom.


Recess is when all 2nd grade goes inside or outside if we go outside we will run outside and play if we go inside we will play games and get to play on the computer. We sometimes eat pizza at lunch.

10 word gist

Pinch-hitter baseball batter firstbase batter shortstop homerun homeplate picher strike


Gym is a fun plase to play and workout. We do fun games. We sometimes jumprope. We do dances. We run a lot to warm up.


Our teacher is Mrs.Siner. Our teacher is very friendly. She teaches us math and she teaches us spelling and so on. We have a good teacher!
