馬偕傳奇的現代啓示 - mmc.edu.tw


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• Knox United church, 1863, Embro.• 老木造教堂(Old Log Church), ‘Auld Kirk’ 加


• 1.Reggae• 2. Wig• 3.Targe or small wooden shield.

4.Highlanders never shine their shoes as this may reveal what's under the kilt .

• 5.Basket-hilted sword• 6. Dirk• 7. Sporran• 8.Kilt

• Mackay Country, the area known from at least the 11th century onwards as the Province of Strathnaver, was absorbed into what is now known as the County of Sutherland in the 19th century.

• The people of Mackay Country have a distinctive history and a strong sense of identity and pride.

Mackay clan• The name MacKay takes its origins from the gaelic "Macaoidh"

or "son of Hugh". • After five centuries of dispute, they finally lost their lands to the

Sutherlands in the nineteenth century. The importance of the clan at this time is best illustrated by the marriage of Angus Dubh MacKay with the grand-daughter of Robert II, and important political alliance.

• The warlike reputation of the clan is echoed in the family motto, "with a strong hand".

• The military tradition of the family continued with 3000 MacKay clansmen fighting in the 30 Years War, and also providing a fighting force alongside William of Orange.

• During the nineteenth century, the clan MacKay suffered greatly as a result of the Highland clearances, and by 1875 the direct line of the clan had died out, with the entire MacKay country being in the hands of the Lords of Sutherland.

Piper Kenneth Mackay at Waterloo

by J.B. Anderson

• Motto: Manu Forti (With a strong hand)Gaelic Motto: Bi Tren (Be True or Be Valiant)

• Origin of Name: Gaelic, MacAoidh (Son of fire)Gaelic Name: MacAoidh

• Clann MacAoidgh: Modern Gaelic spelling for "Clan Mackay"

• MacKay: (Mackay, Mackie) - in Scotland the name is pronounced Mac-eye.

• Badge: The Great Bulrush (Originally REED GRASS - used for bagpipe reeds)Clansmen wore the "badge" during a skirmish to distinguish themselves from the opposing side.

• Crest: A dagger held erect by a right hand, positioned central. All figures in their natural colours, the handle and knob of the dagger being in gold.

• Lands: Ross and Sutherland, Argyll• The Chief: Lord Reay

• John Knox (1513 or 1514?to 1572)

• was born a farmer in Haddington about 1514

• Mary Queen of Scots

• Scottish pioneer missionary to South Africa for over 50 years.

• He opened mission stations in the interior, translated the Bible into the language of the Bechuanas, and wrote two missionary books on South Africa: Labors and Scenes in South Africa and Rivers of Water in a Dry Place.

• His oldest daughter Mary, married David Livingstone(1813-1873) .

Robert Moffat (1795-1883)

William Chalmers Burns. (1815 - 68)

•賓惠廉 Kilsyth




Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. (1797-1878)

• An American Presbyterian theologian, was ordained in 1821, and taught at Princeton for almost his whole life.

• An outstanding defender of Calvinism

• Princeton was the advocate of historical Calvinism in opposition to the modified and provincial Calvinism of a later day.

• Was conservative by nature.

• Classed among the great defenders of the faith, rather than among the great constructive minds of the Church.

• He had no ambition to be epoch-making by marking the era of a new departure.

Alexander Duff (1806-1878)

• Born in Moulin, Perthshire in Scotland

• In 1821 he went to St Andrews University

• He was ordained in August 1829, and started at once for India.

• After consulting with a wise Indian adviser, Duff resolved not to teach in Bengali, Persian, Arabic or Sanskrit but to use English as the medium of teaching.

• 1864 Duff visited South Africa, and on his return became convener of the foreign missions committee of the Free Church. He raised ~I0,000 to endow a missionary chair at New College, Edinburgh, and himself became first professor.

Dornoch beach

University of Glasgow (1451)

• Sir John William Dawson

• a Canadian geologist,• Of Scottish descent, Dawson

attended the University of Edinburgh to complete his education, and graduated in 1842, having gained a knowledge of geology and natural history from Robert Jameson.

Alumni, Glasgow University

• John Knox• 杜嘉德 (Cartairs Douglas,1830-77)• 賓惠廉 (William Chalmers Burns)• 巴克禮牧師(Rev. Thomas Barclay,

1849-1935)• 甘為霖(William Campbell,1841~1921)• 「廣學會」的韋廉臣(Alexander

Williamson, 1829-1990)• 廉德烈牧師(Rev. AB. Nielson)• Hugh Ritchie(1840-1879)• 梅甘霧 (Campbell N. Moody, 1890

graduated) • 蘭大衛 (David Landsborough,1890文學

士學位(M.A), 愛丁堡大學醫學院) • 「蒙古的使徒」季雅各(James


• James Maxwell (1836-1921)馬雅各

• On 16 June 1865, he established the first Presbyterian church in Taiwan, this date now celebrated by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan as its anniversary.

• 1844 vs. 1849

• 1871 vs. 1875

• North vs. South

• Mackay vs. Barclay

• Highlander vs. lowlander

• Celtic vs. Norman

• 1872.4.10: 1st church

• 1872.4.25: 1st education

• 1872.6.1: medical care

• 1882.7.26: Oxford college

• 1882.9.15 (Fri): 開學

• Peripatetic College

• 課程:• 神學與聖經,社會學、倫理、中國字研究、


• 台灣教育最早的西式學校。

• 1936年日本接管時改成淡水高女。終戰後,一度改名純德女中,後來與淡江中學合併。

• 台灣第一位女醫師-蔡阿信(1899-1990):東京女子醫學專門學校畢業師。• 1924年與台灣文化協會成員、民族運動人士彭華英結婚而後離異• 1926年於台中開設「清信醫院」• 1928年創設「產婆講習所」• 1941年訪問加拿大,因太平洋戰爭爆發無法返台,曾任日僑集中營醫師• 1949年與英裔加籍吉卜生牧師結婚定居溫哥華• 1982年返台成立「財團法人至誠社會服務基金會」照顧孤苦無依失偶婦女。• 小說《浪淘沙》以她為藍本。

The old church in Huwei, a major landmark in Tamsui since its renovation in 1932

• 1897年9月

• 3000 dollars donated by captain Mackay’s widow, in Detroit

• Rennie、張泉、馬偕和陳卻。

• 1800-1825, Royal Society: 258/371 are scottish., Thomas Addison, Thomas Hodgkin.





• John Ross Mackay (1915-)

• 90th Birthday Celebration, Feb 17, 2006 in The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

• Willet G. Miller Medal in 1975;”As a research worker with a superb talent of

combining three elements - theory, design of simple but effective instruments, and skilled and careful field observations - he has met the challenges of applied science. In the field of permafrost studies he has attained a stature equal to the best from the USA and USSR and in so doing has enhanced Canadian science”.

Mackay married Violet Meekins in 1944. They had two daughters, Anne and Leslie. Violet died in 1997


1995/11/19 約翰和安蓮回台揭幕,他們當時能說流利的台語。

Scottish Enlightenment (~1740 to 1800)

• Arguably the poorest country in western Europe in 1707, it began to reap the economic benefits of free trade with the British Empire in tandem with the intellectual benefits of Europe's first public education system since classical times.

• Under these twin stimuli, Scottish thinkers began questioning everything; and with Scotland's traditional connections to France, then in the throes of the enlightenment, the Scots began developing a uniquely practical branch of humanism.

• The first major figure of the Scottish Enlightenment was Francis Hutcheson, who held the Chair of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow from 1729 to 1746.

• A moral philosopher with alternatives to the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, he founded one of the major branches of Scottish thinking, and opposed Hobbes' disciple David Hume.

• Hutcheson's major contribution to world thought was the utilitarian and consequentialist principle that virtue is that which brought the greatest good to the most people.

• Hume himself is arguably the most important thinker in the Scottish Enlightenment; his moral philosophy eventually triumphed over Hutcheson's, and his investigations into political economy inspired his friend Adam Smith to more detailed work.

David Hume(1711-1776)• Hume was largely responsible for giving the

Scottish Enlightenment its practical hue, for he was concerned with the nature of knowledge, and developed ideas related to evidence, experience, and causation. Much of what is incorporated in the scientific method, and many modern attitudes towards the relationship between science and religion, were developed by him.

• Following Hume's impassioned defense of free trade, Adam Smith developed the concept and in 1776 published what is arguably the first work of modern economics – The Wealth of Nations. This famous study had an immediate impact on British economic policy, and it still informs 21 century discussions on globalization and tariffs.

Adam Ferguson (1723-1816)

• A Scottish philosopher, social scientist and historian of the Scottish Enlightenment. He is sometimes called "the father of modern sociology"

• While teaching at Edinburgh, his home frequently served as a meeting place for people such as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, David Hume, and others.

• The Scottish Enlightenment shifted focus from intellectual and economic matters to those specifically scientific. The harbinger of this shift was James Anderson, a doctor with an abiding interest in agronomy.

• While the Scottish Enlightenment is traditionally considered to have ended with this change (which occurred at the tail end of the 18th century), it is worth noting that disproportionately large Scottish contributions to British science and letters continued for another fifty years or so, thanks to such figures as James Hutton, James Watt, James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin and Sir Walter Scott.

Joseph Black• One of the fathers of modern


• Began his career as a lab assistant for Doctor William Cullen, the professor of Medicine at Glasgow University at the time.

• In addition to the Chemistry and teaching, Black was employed outside the university as a medical doctor, treating such patients as the famous philosopher David Hume.

James Hutton (1726-1797)The founder of modern Geology plutonism and uniformitarianism

Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875)Principle of Geology

•張仁壽, 1878年秋天








陳能通校長 (1899-1947)








•與王昶雄在1958年合作 【阮若打開心內的門窗】









長老教會信徒第一人 高長 (1837-)

• 生於福建晉江縣永寧。高長是一個遊民, 1865年渡海到台灣。前往賭場的途中,高長看到路旁有人正在傳道,高長將改信的意願告訴傳道者,傳道者便帶他去見馬雅各醫生。

• 高長娶了一名平埔族原住民婦女為妻。五男三女中,長男金聲成為牧師,次男篤行也成為牧師,以下再得、再祝、再福三位都是醫生;長女阿金(適黃信期長老)、次女秀圓(適吳秋微醫生)、三女秀理(適李秉文醫生)。

• 第三代,僅男孫二十位中就有五位是牧師、十二位醫生、一位工程師、一位農學士、一位教師。其中較有名的:曾任長老教會總幹事的高俊明牧師、台灣聖教會的高耀民牧師、神召會的高耀東牧師、高天成醫師(台灣大學醫學院院長)、高端模長老(高安醫院院長),孫女婿有陳明清長老、阮德輝牧師,曾孫輩有高明仁長老(曾任花蓮門諾會醫院院長)、宋泉盛牧師(曾任台南神學院院長)。

• 彭明敏教授的祖父彭士藏-彭清靠

• 高俊明牧師的祖父高長

• 廖文毅的祖父廖龍院 ( 1835-1893 )

• 林宗義: 林茂生:林宴臣(後稱燕臣)


• 吳希揚(馬偕院長吳再成醫師之父)(今屏東阿猴人)劉振昌(阿里港人)高再得(長老教會總幹事高俊明牧師之父)(岡山人)顏振聲(衛生處長顏春輝醫師之父)

• 潘阿敦(隨盧加閔醫師習醫)(大社人)


Darwin Wallace Mackay

Books The BeagleThe origin of species

AmazonThe Malay Archipelago

From Far Formosa

Nationality English Scottish Canadian

Religion Atheist (God’s loyal opposition)

Spiritualism God

Disease Heart disease Malaria Malaria

Family Rich Immigrant

Education Medicine, theology theology

Legacy Darwinism, natural selection, Darwin Mt. city…etc

Wallace line, Wallacea MMH etc.

Adventure Galapagos Amazon, Malay, SEA Formosa

Bury Westminster Abbey Tanshui

Marriage Wedgewood CM Chang




•他引用華勒士的話:「我們愈明瞭大自然的道理,就愈相信我們在任何地方所見的複雜錯綜的事物不是沒有計劃的。 」

•華勒士比達爾文年輕14歲,他必須自己籌措旅行探險的經費 (達爾文老爸提供傭人在旅行中照料其生活)




• 25 (1848)

55 (1878)

80 (1902)

•《馬來群島:紅毛猩猩與天堂鳥的故鄉》(The Malay Archipelago:The Land of the Orangutan and the Bird of Paradise)

•上下兩卷,定價一鎊四先令,在當年是相當貴的書,但初版一千五百冊,很快的銷售一空,又加印了七百五十冊, 附有許多精美插圖,成為研究東印度群島的權威著作。



Charles Darwin• 1809 -1882

• born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England

• 「在你眼中,我是無神論者,但在上帝眼中我是忠實的反對黨。」..伍迪艾倫

• 終究甩去了限制西方人近二千年的思想緊扼環,從此展開了上帝的歸上帝,科學的歸科學的叉路。


•Why We Get Sick: The New science of Darwinian medicine, 1995, George W. Williams, Randolph M. Nesse (醫生,在密西根大學Ann Arbor分校教書)


•沒有任何一種醫療問題的治療或預防,會跟演化理論無關。 -- George W. Williams


Nature v Nurture

• Charlie Allnut: A man takes a drop too much once in a while, it's only human nature.

• Rose Sayer: Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above.

The origin of altruism and cooperation?

• Darwin 200 (1809-1882) : The origin of species

• Francis Galton (1822-1911): Eugenics

• Herbert Spencer (1820-1903): “Survival of the fittest”, the social Darwinism




•提到土地的陷落與隆昇,火山活動、珊瑚被帶到高山的頂上,他說: 「證明史前時代的激動和變遷。岩石成分包括沙岩、粘板岩、灰色火山岩、片麻岩、石灰石頁岩、花崗岩、段岩的混合物、玄武岩、響石、煤。 」


•他說大屯山脈本身是深藍色火成岩,其西方有2750呎高的噴火口遺跡, 「觀音山也是火成構成,石材被大量採取加工,做為石階、楣石、柱子、房屋基石。 」









•番茄在台灣到處都有,馬偕常勸平埔族栽培試食但無效, 漢人也嫌其味。



1809 查爾斯•達爾文誕生

1823Alfred Russel Wallace born at Usk, Monmouthshire

1825 達爾文被父親帶到愛丁堡唸醫學院。

1829 馬偕父母抵加拿大

1831 達爾文隨小獵犬號出發

1835 九月


1837 維多利亞女王18 歲登基

1844 3月21日



Wallace and Bates leave England for Amazonian South America to begin a natural history collecting expedition

1850 馬偕入Woodstock 小學

1852Wallace leaves South America for return to England


Wallace leaves England for the Far East to begin a natural history collecting expedition

1855馬偕於Woodstock 小學畢業, 進入多倫多師範學校.

1855: While in Sarawak writes 'On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species' for publication

1858 馬偕於多倫多師範學校畢業

達爾文和華氏的論文一同在林奈學會發表。1858: Writes 'On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely From the Original Type' and sends it off to Charles Darwin for comment

1859馬偕擔任Maplewood 小學及Maitland 小學教員.



1864 達爾文獲頒皇家科學院最高榮譽

1866 9月馬偕進入多倫多大學及諾士(Knox)神學院.


1867 9月馬偕轉入美國普林斯頓(Princeton)神學院深造(for 3 yrs)


1869: Wallace: The Malay Archipelago《馬來群島》一書於1869年初由麥克米蘭書店出版,分裝上下兩卷,定價一鎊四先令,初版一千五百冊,很快的銷售一空

1870 4月26日馬偕普林斯頓(Princeton)神學院畢業. 是夜由美起程返加拿大.

11月4日馬偕To Edinburgh, (for 蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學神學院, 再次研究神學.)


馬偕辭別家人從Woodstock搭乘火車, 起程前往中國傳教.

12月5日 抵香港, 巡視廣東. 汕頭及廈門.



1872 3月7日馬偕由李庥牧師同, 自打狗搭乘"海龍"號帆船往台灣北部.

3月9日馬偕一行三人下午三時在滬尾(淡水) 登陸.

Lived at John Dodd’s barn


馬偕. 李牧師. 德醫師步行南, 前往南部教區最北的佈站---大社訪問.埔社

Ritchie in Taiwan for 4 yrs

5月A Hoa as student,climb觀音山



1882 1月22日

馬偕獨子偕叡廉(Rev.G.W. MacKay, M.A. D. D.).生於淡水.



1885 4月15日 法艦隊解除封鎖台灣各港口命令.


1901 維多利亞女王逝世

6月2日馬偕博士於下午四時病逝淡水寓所, 享年五十八.

6月4日 馬偕遺體葬於淡水馬偕墓地,


Wallace receives the Darwin-Wallace Medal of the Linnean Society of LondonReceives the Copley Medal from the Royal Society and the Order of Merit from the Crown



1913 Wallace dies at Old Orchard

19151915: Wallace: Medallion bearing Wallace's name is placed in Westminster Abbey

Newton and Darwin


•76座墳墓的國籍分別有英格蘭、美、加拿大、法國、蘇格蘭、義大利、錫蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙、芬蘭、丹麥等11 國,扣除不詳,英格蘭佔 27.8% ,美國佔 26.2% ,加拿大佔 16.4% ,德國佔11.5% ,蘇格蘭佔 3.3% ,義大利佔 3.3% ,錫蘭佔3.3% ,西班牙佔 3.3% ,葡萄牙佔 1.64% ,法國佔1.64% ,芬蘭佔 1.64% ,丹麥佔 1.64% , 17.5% 國籍不詳。

• George Leslie Mackay (1844-1901)• Celtic • Scot• Canadian• Taiwanese (1871-1901)



