Language Letters A and B from the Greek Alpha and Beta Word Telephone Greek word “tel” far off...


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Legacy of Ancient Greece

Language Letters A and B from the Greek Alpha and Beta Word Telephone Greek word “tel” far off and “phone” voice LA classes, Grammar, punctuation, paragraphing Literature, from Greek tragedies and dramas Historical writing, Herodotus “father of history”

Sports and Entertainment Theatre Sports Special effects Olympics Seat rose from the stage Pentathlon Stories and Plays Olympic Flame

Legacy of Ancient Greece

Government Citizens serving on juries Debate and then vote Elect representatives to speak for us and make laws Women are citizens/people from other countries can become


Astronomy Earth revolves around the sun/seasons Predicted eclipses Estimated distances from the sun to the earth and to the moon Named more than 850 stars

Legacy Ancient Greece

Mathematics Geometry/ from the Greek “to measure land” Euclid’s geometry textbook the basis for teach geometry Calculate area/ laying out a field, building a city
