Just like the sunshine, You have been our light, Leading us into beautiful places. We’ve walked...


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Between the Beatitudes

Does recognizing your spiritual

poverty make you feel richer in your relationship with God?

Are you allowing Christ to carry all your burdens?

Have you put your “mighty me” in the back seat?

Is knowing God now the priority of your life?

We will never be the same!

Just like the sunshine, You have been our light,Leading us into beautiful places.We’ve walked through fire, but You’ve made us brighter,Leading us into beautiful places.

“Constant” by Charlie Hall

Insert audio file of “Constant” by Charlie Hall from “The Rising” album on the previous slide.

On the Animation Pane, click Trigger for the song and under Effect Options set it for 4 (four) slides. Otherwise the song will not play through the slides with the lyrics on them.

Faithful Jesus, healing Savior,

Compass, Center, Bread of Life.

Faithful Jesus, cherished treasure,

Our portion, wisdom,God’s great light.

Just like the starlight,You shine in the black night,

Leading us into beautiful places.

Just like the atmosphere, You’ve come to surround us here.

Leading us into beautiful places.

Faithful Jesus, healing Savior,Compass, Center, Bread of Life.

Faithful Jesus, cherished treasure,

Our portion, wisdom,God’s great light.

A new dawning is here…but a new day still awaits us!


Lesson 6: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Matthew 5:7

“Come Back Home” by Kutless

Insert on previous slide “Come Back Home” by Kutless-from Believer album or download single song from Amazon or AUDIO version from YouTube ..

On the Animation Pane , click on Trigger and then on Effect Options and set the song to run for 15 (fifteen slides) You will show the story as the song sings.

Be sure to download under Other Support (same page as Lesson Power Points) the “Come Back Home” Lyrics and Slide Progression which guides through the song and indicates when to change each slide.

Peter’s Beatitude Moment

Peter’s Betrayal of Christ

Whether we stray or betray, God’s mercy will find us

His mercy Gifts New Life

“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me shall live, even if he dies,”

“and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die”

John 11:25-26

“Do you believe this?” asked Jesus. John 11:25-26

The Dark Caverns of Mercy

God’s great “reaching down” for YOU!

Knocking on the door of your heart

And finding YOU!

The convicting power of the Holy Spirit

Your sincere repentance for sin Understanding that only Jesus

could save you from sin Inviting Him to come into your

life and heart to reside forever!

Remember that day!

“Mercy” by Casting Crowns

The Beatitude Moment for the Merciful

Mercy means: To feel sympathy with the misery

of another To have compassion in your heart To show kindness in action To help the afflicted To bring help to the wretched

Where does MERCY lead us?

Yet we can share the richness of our salvation with others

We have been mercy-filled

That mercy flows from us to others

Remember from the 1st Beatitude, we are but spiritual beggars,

Peter exclaimed: “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you….”

How can I allow Jesus to use me to display His great mercy gift to others?

We must pray for His “mercy

mentality” every day!

Blessed are the mercy-filled, who have experienced

God’s great “reaching down”.

His mercy in us can make grand

differences in lives every day!

“When Love Sees You” by Mac Powell from The Story

AUDIO version from YouTube

Show this video from The Story DVD which will assure better video quality and no copyright infringement.

If you do not have The Story DVD you may insert the video downloaded from YouTube (link is on the Media Summary under this lesson) and convert it to video format (WMV) so that it will show in PowerPoint.

“Micah 6:8” by Charlie Hall

Insert on previous slide “Micah 6:8” by Charlie Hall-from Flying into Daybreak album or download single song from Amazon.

On the Animation Pane , click on Trigger and then on Effect Options and set the song to run for 19 (nineteen slides) You will show the story as the song sings.

Be sure to download under Other Support (same page as Lesson Power Points) the “Micah 6:8” Lyrics and Slide Progression which guides through the song and indicates when to change each slide.

•Help us love mercy,•Help us do justly,

• Help us walk humbly•With You God!

•Help us love mercy,•Help us do justly,

• Help us walk humbly•With You God!

Be immersed in His mercy and be heart-filled with the great goodness of God toward all He places in your path.

Where do I see and feel God’s mercy most in my life today?

How will I display His mercy to others today?

Thoughts for meditation:
