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EASTER 3A Elements of worship 33A from various sources

Bible readings

Acts 2:14a, 36-41 Peter’s Speech

Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 A man saved from death praises God

1 Peter 1:17-23 Born anew through the living Christ

Luke 24:13-35 The Walk to Emmaus

First Thoughts on the Old Testament Readings of the RCL




First Thoughts on the New Testament Readings of the RCL



Liturgical Colours: In most churches, the decorations are white, gold, or white and gold. White represents purity and the resurrection, while gold symbolises triumph.

The Easter Candle: The Uniting Church, in common with other churches in recent years, has revived some ancient symbols. The Easter or Pascal candle signifies the resurrection and is lit for services throughout the Easter season until Pentecost, and again whenever there is a baptism when the candidate's candle is traditionally lit from it. In some churches it is lit for funerals to signify new life in Christ after death, and in some places it is also lit on other occasions when the Eucharist is celebrated.

  (by David Beswick, Easter Sunday.)

The Easter Banner: A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis is a traditional symbol of the resurrection. In our banner today we see the splendid creature in flight over the world leaving behind the signs of death and the old life from which it has come. This new life is now let loose in the world and ascends above the world. (by David Beswick, Easter Sunday.)

Thoughts for focus


Jesus never was where He was supposed to be!  The Wise Men thought they would find a King in Jerusalem, but He was in a stable in a small village.  When He was 12, His family expected Him to go home with them, but He was still in the Temple.  During His ministry He was constantly with the poor and the outcast, with ‘sinners’ than with saints.  His disciples thought He was going to Jerusalem to sit on a throne, but instead He hung upon a cross. After His burial, some women went to His tomb expecting to find His body.  But He was not there.  He had risen.

This does not mean that Jesus was capricious and undependable.  He constantly refused to be bound by what others considered appropriate.  If Jesus really is our leader today, we have to be prepared to take some sharp turns in unexpected directions.  Just when we think we know Him well, we may find that we have missed the point.

Today we have come to Church expecting to find and to acknowledge the Risen Christ.  Yet if this is the only place that we can do this, we have misunderstood Him, just as the first disciples did.  Jesus is with us at our work, on the highways, and in our homes.  Above all, He is present wherever persons hurt, in haunts of wretchedness and need.  If we want to find and serve Him, we must seek Him there.

Thoughts for focus

The changed, post-resurrection understanding of Jesus’ friends and followers are again expressed in stories of encountering Jesus, risen and still in very human form, yet significantly different from the man they have known and lost. Whatever our understanding of the historical nature of a story like Emmaus, here are two good questions, raised by theologian Marcus Borg – Why did the gospel writers tell this story? And why did they tell it in this way?

Focus thoughts

The moving story of the Emmaus walk can be ours. When we discuss the faith, its challenges and its hopes, the Christ walks with us and is present in the Holy Spirit, often enlightening and enlarging our conversation. When we stop and feel that presence and pray that Christ will stay with us, the broken bread and poured out wine are placed in our hands as the gift and sign of grace. We can be truly open to the mystery of the Eucharist and feel its wonder each time, rather than taking it for granted. It is interesting how moving it is to see people receive it for the first time, or after a long separation or alienation. You see the gratitude and trembling hope on their faces. If we talk with them, they tell us what they have seen and believed, just as the people on the Emmaus Road.

Sermon Starters:

Bad news! It seems to come to us every day, sometimes personal, sometimes public, but always fraught with sadness. We lose a loved one and we are torn with grief. We see destruction and we are overcome with regret. The question frequently arises, „What now? What more? or What do we do now? and these questions are accompanied by corresponding levels of anxiety. Look again at today’s scripture story. Jesus is dead. The disciples are torn with grief. Then Jesus appears unrecognized to them and kick-starts their faith. At this point, and from then on, their faith grows and grows, because it is no longer contained, no longer centred around just one man. It is everywhere.

  (from Gathering‚, United Church of Canada, 2011.)

 There are, apparently, several locations in modern-day Israel that claim to be the village of Emmaus. This raises the possibility that Emmaus is nowhere in particular, or that Emmaus is everywhere. Even if we cannot locate with geographic certainty the destination to which the disciples were heading, we can affirm that we too have been on that road–when a relationship has died, when a dream has been shattered, when an opportunity has been seemingly irretrievably lost. It's been said, "When God closes a door, God opens a window," but rarely does the window open immediately after the door has been closed. All too often, it is only in retrospect, with 20/20 hindsight, that we are able to recognize such spiritual serendipity. The two disciples just happened to be travelling along that particular road when the risen Lord joined them. They later stopped for a simple meal, which became much more. Then the stranger vanished from their sight.

  In a book of sermons, Barbara Lundblad asks, "Did they eat the bread?" (Birthing the Sermon: Women Preachers on the Creative Process, Jana Childers (ed.), Chalice Press, 2001. Reproduced with permission.) What do we do with Emmaus holy moments when we stumble upon them in the midst of our faith journeys?

  (from Gathering‚, United Church of Canada, 2005.)



Today is the Third Sunday in Eastertide, a season of 50 days in which we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.  


Prayers & Collects

O God, on this day You gather together Your pilgrim church throughout the world to keep the memory of the Lord's resurrection.  Pour out the Holy Spirit on us now, that in the celebration of the Eucharist we may recognise the crucified and risen Christ, who opens our hearts to understand the Scriptures and who reveals Himself in the breaking of the bread: for He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. AMEN. (from Uniting in Worship‚, Leader's Book, p. 188.)

God of life and love, your Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread. Open the eyes of our faith, that we may see him in his redeeming work, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN.

  (from Common Order‚, Church of Scotland, p. 670.)

Prayer of illumination

Lord Jesus, open to us the Scriptures; make our hearts burn within us while You speak (based on Luke 24:32)

Call to worship

Christ stays with us, as we walk the road of life together, entering our questioning and engaging with us as our friend. We may invite this Christ to the Table, to share our hospitality. As we do that, may we discover the wonder of the divine presence among us. If we will hold out our hands in hope, we will find them filled with everlasting signs of Godís love. Let us worship together this day and meet Jesus Christ among us in this place. Words for Worship

Call to worship

Where shattered hearts are made whole, where wounded souls are healed, where life is stronger than death:there, the stone has been rolled away.Where the lonely become our friends, where a stranger is welcomed home, where hope is stronger than despair,there, we find Jesus walking.Where closed wallets are opened, where the anxious find serenity, where love is stronger than hate:there, Jesus is opening our eyes.The stone has been rolled away!Jesus is our companion on the journey!Our eyes are opened to the needs of others!Alleluia!  Christ is risen!Alleluia!  Christ is with us! Thom Shuman

Call to worship

PSALM 116: 1-4, 12-19


Listening God, with joy we celebrate your saving mercy. We rejoice and give thanks for God’s involvement in our lives.

We give thanks for the blessings of God’s grace-filled promises.


Comforting God, with joy we celebrate the way you bless us. You led us through the dark valley of suffering to life and hope.

We give thanks to our God who hears and answers our prayers.


Holy God, in this our sacred space of worship, we share together in fellowship with God, and in the joy of God’s presence.

Faithful God, we gather to worship and praise your holy name. Amen.  


If used in shared worship, please provide an acknowledgement.

© 2011 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year A. Used with permission.


Prayer of Thanksgiving

Thanks be to you, O God, for the Christ who is so fully human

that he could walk among us and we might think he is one of us.

Thanks be to you, O God.

Thank you for Christ who is so fully divine that every moment can be transformed by that presence in ways which lift our hearts in hope. Thanks be to you, O God.

We thank you for the wonder of every time when we encounter that loving life among us, enriching, enlightening and inspiring us.

Thanks be to you, O God. Amen.

Words for Worship

Prayer of thanksgiving

PSALM 116: 1-4, 12-19

Responsive God, with joy and celebration we give thanks for the way God is so involved in our daily life. How privileged we are!

As we try to see and understand what the future holds for each of us, help us to recognise that whatever happens to us in life or death, that God is there on that journey with us, to bless, guide and help us as we struggle with the implications of our humanity.

God of all times and conditions in life, how blessed we are to be loved the way God loves each of us individually, every moment of every day of our life, however long God gives us to live here!

We give thanks that God accepts our sincere praise and the open and honest way we honour God’s holy name. We give thanks for the reassurances of God’s graciousness, and that as servants of our God, we can serve and witness to God’s goodness all our days.

God, who is Eternal Love, in gratitude for your numerous mercies, we seek your blessings on the commitments we make to you and your relationship to us individually and as a community of faith. Bless our attempts to witness to your loving goodness and mercy with our lives, our actions and our words. All these are a sacrament of praise and thanks that is offered to God in faith, hope and love, and as genuine acts of worship and praise of God’s holy gift of shalom. Amen.

 If used in shared worship, please provide an acknowledgement.

© 2011 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year A. Used with permission.

Prayer of Confession

O Jesus Christ, sometimes we are so busy talking with each other that we fail to find you beside us. We walk on, so focussed on our questions that we do not create the silent spaces which would allow you to speak with us and enlighten our journeying.

Silent reflection

Stay with us, Jesus Christ. Reach out towards us and invite us to pause and meet with you, we pray.

As we look at our lives and that of the world around us, we are sometimes too anxious to share our real questions or our doubts and fears. We keep them within us in troubled silence.

Silent reflection

Stay with us, Jesus Christ.

Reach out towards us

and invite us to pause and meet with you, we pray.

We call your name, O Christ,

and hope to discover you here

in our community of vulnerable faith. Amen.


Whether we believe it, or not, Jesus Christ never leaves us nor forsakes us. Let us open our hearts to receive the grace which Christ brings to us in faithfulness. We are forgiven! Thanks be to God.

Words for Worship

Prayer of confession

We become comfortable, Joyous God, with our lives, with our faith, with our friends and family. We are so secure, your gospel jars us with your hopes for us.  We know we should tell your story, but doesn't everyone who matters know it already? We could invite others to your table, but then wemight have to share.  We could welcome the strangers, but worry they might feel uneasy among so many unfamiliar faces.Forgive us, God of Easter.  Walk with us, so we can become companions to the lost.  Welcome us, so we can include the hopeless and the homeless.  Love us, so we can share that love with everyone we meet on our journey, as wefollow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, intolife with you.

Silence is kept

Assurance of PardonGod loves us so much, God will listen to our cries, our prayers, our hopes, and our dreams.  God's promises are for all, those who are right beside us, as well as those who live on the other side of the world.What can we give to God for us grace?  We will lift our hearts to God, giving thanks for the mercy that has been given to us.  Thanks be to God!  Amen.

Thom Shuman

Prayer of confession

VOICE 1: Risen Lord Jesus, what is it that keeps us from recognising you?

VOICE 2: Often we are so full of ourselves that it's easy to block you right out of our lives.

VOICE 1: Maybe it's the way we interpret Scripture that obscures the signs pointing to you.

VOICE 2: Perhaps we are guilty of being slow of heart when we don't recognise you in our neighbour, or in the poor or the dispossessed.

VOICE 1: Our eyes and ears have become so crammed with the sights and sounds of  living that we simply fail to see you or to recognise your voice.



PSALM 116: 1-4, 12-19


How blest I am! It is almost too good to be true that I am a belovèd

child of God! Yet I know from experience that I can be in a close

relationship with the God of the universe; yet God also cares about

and loves each person, each creature, each example of God’s creative powers with a generous and nurturing love! How blest I am indeed!


Creative pause:           God’s love is personal and individual.


My songs of joyful praise are offered today especially, because God has been with me when life was tough and scary, and I did not know how to go about living with that fear and uncertainty. My faith in God assures me that God accepts my prayers and acts of praise and thankfulness, as I respond to God’s goodness and mercy.


Creative pause:           I sing a new song of praise to God for new blessings.


How can I bear witness to God’s mercies and blessings? Should I stand up in church and bare my soul to everyone, or just thank God in private? If I shared my personal experiences, would that help someone else who was also struggling? This is a question for careful discernment, however, that should not stop me from living a joy-filled life that others can witness.


Creative pause:           I share with others my joy in the God’s goodness.


Praise, glory and honour to you, God of great and merciful love, for you are Love Eternal, always and forever. You lean down to listen to me and hear my prayers. You restore me to new life in yourself. Thanks be to God!


Creative pause:           Glory be to God’s Holy Name


If used in shared worship, please provide an acknowledgement.

© 2011 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year A. Used with permission.



We bring our lives and gifts to you as a sign of our new life and new hope in You. We give thanks for your  love revealed so fully to us in Jesus Christ.  We can be assured of his ongoing presence with us

through the gift of the Holy Spirit.   In recognition of these wonderful gifts, we offer this money and the service of our lives and pray your blessing upon them. AMEN.

  (by Moira Laidlaw, http://www.liturgiesonline.com.au/html/easter_3a.html)

Prayers for others

God of the risen Christ and our God,

We rejoice in Your resurrection power,

Which is fully ours in Jesus Christ,

And we pray that You will keep us alert

To the sufferings, needs, or duties

That burden many people this Easter ...

„Risen Lord Jesus ..[HEAR OUR PRAYER]

Keep us prayerfully aware of those

For whom this Easter is one of misery and loneliness;

Those who are separated from loved ones,

Immigrants who are lonely in a strange environment,

Alcoholics and other addicts

For whom no day is ever a holiday,

Homeless young people,

Unwanted old people,

And the inmates of our prisons:

Living Lord, help them to know Your love in the message of Easter,

And to rejoice in the gift of life in Christ ...

„Risen Lord Jesus ... [HEAR OUR PRAYER]

Keep us aware of those

For whom this Easter time is one of tragedy:

Especially the victims of road accidents,

Their family and friends,

Those who are seriously injured,

Those who are fighting for very life,

And those who are weeping for the dead:

Living Lord, help them to know Your love in the message of Easter,

And to rejoice in the gift of life in Christ ...

„Risen Lord Jesus ... [HEAR OUR PRAYER]

Keep us aware, O God, also of those

Who must work while most of us are holidaying:

Policemen and prison warders,

Transport workers, and entertainers,

Ministers and priests,

Ambulance men and nurses,

Cooks and nightwatchmen,

And all those who are busier than usual

In catering for guests:

Living Lord, help them to know Your love in the message of Easter,

And to rejoice in the gift of life in Christ.

„Risen Lord Jesus ... [HEAR OUR PRAYER]

God of Easter, keep each of us aware of our own needs,

And of the vast resources for our growth in faith, hope, and love,

Which are available to us this day of resurrection:

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

  (from "Australian Prayers" by Bruce Prewer, pp. 54-55.)

Prayers for others


O Christ, as we enjoy your company, we remember that there are many people who are alone or rejected. We think of those whose ageing, illness or family circumstances mean that they feel as though no-one is truly with them. May we see more clearly where they are, O Christ, and be loyal friends to them in your name, we pray.

If they are isolated because of any form of prejudice,

looking longingly at the lives of those who have company and communities of support:

Show us the beauty of all humanness, O Christ,

and call us to draw near in love, we pray.

Give to us, your people, the courage and authenticity to share together the questions we have about life and faith.

Help us to create an environment where honesty is possible,

so that we genuinely discuss the tougher issues together.

Then, when we hold in our hands the bread and the wine,

may we recognise the wonder of the gift which lies there

and receive it in truth as your life with us, O Christ.


Words for Worship

Prayers for others

See WCC prayerbook (In God’s Hands) in library

The World in Prayer site http://www.worldinprayer.org has weekly intercessory prayers.


Let us place our feet on the road of life,

confident that the Christ will walk with us.

And may the stranger be discovered as our holy friend, the road lead us towards the sanctuaries of home and Christ, the Human One, share each meal with us. Amen.

Words for Worship

Blessing and dismissal

Go forth into the activity of this day

as a companion of our Risen Lord Jesus:

May the Word of God stir your hearts and your minds,

may the love of Christ Jesus light your path each day,

and may the power of the Holy Spirit uphold you and give to you

every spiritual blessing both now and forevermore. AMEN

  (by Richard Fairchild, Easter 3A 2002)

May the presence of the risen Christ be with you

the love and mercy  of God be within you

the power of the Holy Spirit sustain you today and always.

  (by Moira Laidlaw, http://www.liturgiesonline.com.au/html/easter_3a.html)


"Stages on the Way" - Worship Resources for Lent, Holy Week and Easter" Wild Goose Worship Publications, 1998 – on library shelf


Christ has Risen (CH4 - 430) As we walked home at close of day (a song about Emmaus, from Enemy of Apathy, the Iona Community, also in The Courage to say No, Wild goose Publications) Jesus Christ is Waiting (CH4 - 360) Christ in the Stranger’s Guise (from Enemy of Apathy, the Iona Community) Be still and know (CH4 – 754: further verses in There is One Among Us, Wild Goose Publications)


Acts 2: 14a, 36-41

Awake, awake, fling off the nightAHB.412

Sing praise to the LordTiS.96 AHB.[83]

They that believe and are baptizedTiS.479 AHB.(405)

We have a gospel to proclaimTiS.245 AHB.189

We know that Christ is raisedTiS.489

Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19

God merciful and righteous isAHB.350

I love the Lord who has heard my prayerTiS.71

1 Peter 1: 17-23

Amazing grace (how sweet the sound)TiS.129 AHB.56

Come Godís people, sing for joyTiS.391 SA.26

Father of peace and God of loveTiS.482 AHB.407

Just as I am without one pleaTiS.584 AHB.497

Lord Christ, we praise your sacrificeTiS.251 SA.60

Luke 24: 13-35

Be known to us in breaking breadTiS.515 AHB.435

Brother, sister, let me serve youTiS.650 SA.14

Christ is alive! Let Christians singTiS.388 SA.18

Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guestTiS.525 AHB.442

The head that once was crowned with thornsTiS.378 AHB.301

The Lord is my light and my helpTiS.16 SA.28

** see John Maynard’s compilation at the end

The changed, post-resurrection understanding of Jesus’ friends and followers are again expressed in stories of encountering Jesus, risen and still in very human form, yet significantly different from the man they have known and lost. Whatever our understanding of the historical nature of a story like Emmaus, here are two good questions, raised by theologian Marcus Borg – Why did the gospel writers tell this story? And why did they tell it in this way?

Luke 24: 13-35

Consider bringing alive the well-known story of the Emmaus road simply by having four readers – a narrator, and the voices of Jesus, Cleopas and the other disciple. (verses 19-24 could be read by two voices, as if the two are taking turns filling in the story).

Consider a time for conversation, inviting people to share in 2s/3s some ways of understanding this story, exploring questions such as... When especially difficult or bewildering things happen, how does it help to talk about it? When have we felt the need to verbalise our thinking to another, perhaps going over things many times? What does it do for us to say it rather than just try to process it in our heads? In this story, what do you imagine the two friends gained from talking with each other, from telling it all over again to Jesus, and then from listening to the perspective Jesus offered in response?

Why do you imagine they pressed him to stay for supper instead of parting company on reaching their destination? When have we felt ‘on fire’ after being in conversation with someone? Imagine being able to meet Cleopas and his companion – what would we like to ask them? How does this story encourage, challenge or enlighten us?

The implication is that Jesus’ interpretation of the scriptures gave them a very altered outlook on their ideas about the Messiah. It’s also worth reflecting on what is being said about our world here... what kind of world cannot handle Jesus and ‘has to make him suffer’? What would it take to have a world that does not seek to bring down the most remarkable of

Worship on the Webhuman lives, but honours, celebrates and imitates the kind of integrity, courage, passion and liberating influence seen in Jesus? Thoughts on this could be used in prayers of intercession.

The challenge to us to live precisely in this alternative, counter-cultural, God-honouring way finds an echo in the accompanying lectionary reading from...

1 Peter 1: 17-23

Holy living and sincere love. What do these high callings look like when embodied in our everyday patterns and practices? Just think of our typical usage of ‘holy’ in describing someone! Worse, imagine asking a friend how well they think we’re doing at being holy! It’s easy to call God holy, but what about us? It might help to consider what it means to be living wholly, in the fullness of life Jesus spoke of coming to give us. As St Irenaeus put it, “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” So how do we know when we’re fully alive? What are the symptoms of a fully alive person, a fully alive church? How do we live when we carry an awareness of our belonging to God into every day? We will love what God loves; we will love as God loves.

“God's love is seen in the character of our relationships together when they are inclusive, accepting, supportive, nourishing, forgiving, kind, encouraging... if we find ourselves labelled instead as judgmental, unforgiving, exclusive, gossipy... there is something amiss in our wholeness.”

(Adapted from http://www.lectionarysermons.com/Oct27-02.htm)

Acts 2: 14a, 36-41

The call to baptism urged by Peter was an invitation to a rite of passage demonstrating the desire for and commitment to the life Jesus intends for us. It seems to have been established early as a sign of becoming part of the Christian community of faith. In a tradition like ours which over the years has formulated a strong case for infant baptism, how do we as adults demonstrate our belonging and participation in a common life?

It might be interesting and worthwhile to consider our sense of belonging to one another and to God. What helps or hinders that sense of belonging? If there are some, or many, from our faith community whom we see only at a Sunday service, how do we meaningfully exist and relate to each other as a body?


[Tune:  Alleluia, Alleluia]

  Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord,

  Alleluia, alleluia, give praise to His name!

1. Jesus is Lord of all the earth;

  He the King of creation ∑ /refrain/

2. Spread the Good News o‚er all the earth:

  Jesus has died and has risen ∑ /refrain/

3. We have been crucified with Christ;

  now we shall live forever ∑ /refrain/

4. God has proclaimed His gracious gift:

  new life for all! Alleluia! ∑ /refrain/

5. Come, let us praise the living God,

  joyfully sing to our Saviour ∑ /refrain/

Words: Donald E. Fishel (1950 ˆ )

Arranged by: Betty Pulkingham (1928-)


Permissions: Copyright 1973. The Word of God,

PO Box 8617, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 USA.


1. Now the green blade rises

  from the buried gain,

  wheat that in dark earth

  many days has lain;

  love lives again,

  that with the dead has been:

  Love is come again like wheat that springs up green.

2. In the grave they laid him,

  Love whom hate had slain,

  thinking that never

  he would wake again,

  laid in the earth

  like grain that sleeps unseen:

  Love is come again like wheat that springs up green.

3. Forth he came in quiet,

  like the risen grain,

  he that for three days

  in the grave had lain,

  quick from the dead

  the risen Christ is seen:

  Love is come again like wheat that springs up green.

4. When our hearts are wintry,

  grieving, or in pain,

  Christ's touch can call us

  back to life again,

  fields of our hearts

  that dead and bare have been:

  Love is come again like wheat that springs up green.

Words: John Macleod Campbell Crum (20thC)

Music: Noel nouvelet, medieval French carol

Sequence: Dall Forsythe, Church of St. John the Evangelist


1. This joyful Eastertide

  away with sin and sorrow;

  my love, the crucified,

  has sprung to life this morrow:

had Christ, that once was slain,

ne'er burst his three day prison

our faith had been in vain;

but now has Christ arisen.

2. My flesh in hope shall rest

  and for a season slumber,

  till trump from east to west

  shall wake the dead in number:

had Christ, that once was slain,

ne'er burst his three day prison

our faith had been in vain;

but now has Christ arisen.

3. Death's flood has lost his chill

  since Jesus crossed the river.

  Lover of souls, from ill

  my passing soul deliver:

had Christ, that once was slain,

ne'er burst his three day prison

our faith had been in vain;

but now has Christ arisen.

Words: George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848-1934 alt.)

Music: Melody from J. Oudaen's 'Psalter', Amsterdam, 1685.

Harmonised by: Charles Wood (1866-1926)

Tune: VREUCHTEN 67.67 D


1. Come, Christians, join to sing

  Alleluia! Amen!

  Loud praise to Christ our King;

  Alleluia! Amen!

  Let all, with heart and voice,

  Before His throne rejoice;

  Praise is His gracious choice.

  Alleluia! Amen!

2. Come, lift your hearts on high,

  Alleluia! Amen!

  Let praises fill the sky;

  Alleluia! Amen!

  He is our Guide and Friend;

  To us He'll condescend;

  His love shall never end.

  Alleluia! Amen!

3. Praise yet our Christ again,

  Alleluia! Amen!

  Life shall not end the strain;

  Alleluia! Amen!

  On heaven's blissful shore,

  His goodness we'll adore,

  Singing forevermore,

  "Alleluia! Amen!"

     Words: Christian Henry Bateman (1813-1889)

     Music: Trad. Spanish Folk Melody

Harmonised by: David Evans (1874-1948)

Tune: MADRID 66.66 D

Permissions: Harmonisation ˆ Oxford University Press, UK.


1. Be present now dear risen Lord,

  help us to know the living Word;

  teach us your true Emmaus way;

  reveal Yourself to us today.

2. The Word made flesh; our only head,

  be known to us in breaking bread

  here in the holy fellowship:

  bread in our hands, cup to the lip.

3. We meet You at the supper, Lord,

  and feel with friends the binding cord.

  Knowing Your sacrifice for all,

  we would serve others as You call.

4. In thankfulness we look for You,

  alive to us in all we do.

  We members of Your body share

  in service, sacrament and prayer.

5. Our risen friend, our glorious king,

  there at the end we hope to sing

  on that great day, Your wedding feast,

  knowing your love has never ceased.

Words: Copyright 1996. David Beswick.

Music: Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1885)

Tune: TALLIS' CANON 88.88

Permissions: Words - David Beswick.

(May be reproduced freely for use in worship,

with acknowledgment of source, but not published

commercially without prior approval.)


1. 'Christ the Lord is risen today,'


  let the whole creation say;


  raise your joys and triumphs high;


  sing now, heaven and earth reply.


2. Love's redeeming work is done;


  fought the  fight, the battle won;


  vain the stone, the watch, the seal:


  Christ has burst the gates of hell.


3. Lives again our glorious king;


  where, O death, is now your sting?


  Once he died our souls to save;


  where your victory, O grave?


4. Soar we now where Christ has led,


  following our exalted Head;


  made like hi, like him we rise:


  ours the cross, the grave, the skies.


Words: Charles Wesley (1707-1788, alt.)

Music: from 'Lyra Davidica', 1708.

Tune: EASTER HYMN 77.77 and Hallelujahs



1. Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,

  whose trust, ever childlike, no cares could destroy,

  be there at our waking and give us, we pray,

  your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.

2. Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith,

  whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe,

  be there at our labours and give us, we pray,

  your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.

3. Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,

  your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace,

  be there at our homing and give us, we pray,

  your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.

4. Lord, of all gentleness, Lord of all calm,

  whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm,

  be there at our sleeping and give us, we pray,

  your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.

Words: Joyce Placzek ('Jan Struther') (1901-1953)

Music: Irish Trad. Melody

Harmonised by: Erik Reginald Routley (1917-1982)

Tune: SLANE (2) 10 11.11 11

Permissions: Words - Oxford University Press, UK.



Friends, this is the joyful feast of the people of God!  This is the Lord‚s Table.  Our Saviour invites all believers, young and old alike, to share with Him in Holy Communion.  Let us come to the Table with thanksgiving.  Let the bread become for us the bread of life, and the wine, the cup of the New Covenant.


According to Luke when our Risen Lord was at table with His disciples, He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.  And their eyes were opened and they recognised Him.  From that day onwards they gave witness to the Risen Lord through Word and Sacrament.  Today we do the same.


  ~~{ all standing }~~

L:     The Lord be with you!


L:     Lift up your hearts.


L:     Holy God, we praise You!


It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,

for through Christ we have come to trust in you,

setting our faith and hope on you

as the one who frees us from death‚s grip.

You laid the foundations of the world

and destined your child, Jesus,

to reveal your eternal presence.

Through Moses and the prophets,

you made your ways known

and called your people to follow you.

You sent Jesus to us, a prophet mighty in word and deed,

to free our corrupt generation from its futile ways.

Though he was condemned to death

and crucified by the religious,

you raised him from the dead

and made him both Lord and Messiah.

Risen indeed, he is with us always;

and now in the breaking of bread

and your living and enduring word,

our eyes are opened

and are hearts set on fire with love.

Therefore with .....

 (Copyright 2002. Nathan Nettleton, www.laughingbird.net,



Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We praise you with greater joy than ever in this Easter season,

when Christ became our paschal sacrifice.

He has made us children of the light,

rising to new and everlasting life.

He has opened the gates of heaven

to receive his faithful people.

His death is our ransom from death;

his resurrection is our rising to life.

The joy of the resurrection renews the whole world,

while the choirs of heaven sing for ever to your glory:

 Holy, holy, holy Lord...

   (from ŒCanticaNova‚, http://www.canticanova.com/planning/year-a/pln3ea_l.htm)


And so we praise You with the faithful of every time and place, joining with choirs of angels and the whole creation in the eternal hymn:

ALL: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.


~~{ The great prayer of thanksgiving continues, recalling Gods goodness in caring for his people, the life and saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ, how he commanded his disciples to remember Him with the bread and the wine, and we pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit on us and what we do }~~

Holy God, this meal which we share today

is indeed the celebration that death has been defeated forever.

We celebrate how the nature of your love became visible

through your beloved Son, our beloved Lord:

through His life and sacrificial love.

He graced lives with healing and hope, with compassion and power;

and as if that were not enough, he gave his very life for us.

With thanksgiving we take this bread and this cup

and proclaim His death and resurrection.  Receive our sacrifice of praise.

  | For, Jesus on the night when he was betrayed

  | was still thinking of others as he took a loaf of bread,

  | and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said,

  | "This is my body that is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me."

  | In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying,

  | "This cup is the new covenant in my blood

  | poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.

  | Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me."

Worthy indeed, O Lord, is your Son Jesus Christ, who died so that we might live and who rose from the dead so that we might be one with him in your sight.  We pray that our lives may always proclaim the mystery of faith:

ALL:  Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.


Living God, on this most joyous day we offer our thanks and praise to You;

creator of heaven and earth, creator and lover of all humanity.

We bless You for creating the whole world,

for Your promises to Your people Israel,

and for the life we know in Jesus Christ Your Son.

Even when we turned away from You, You never rejected us.

You spoke words of mercy and love through the prophets;

promising to swallow up death forever and to host a banquet for all people;

a feast of life-giving sustenance

We praise you for Christ Jesus, Your Word Incarnate made Flesh.

Born of Mary, He shares our life.  Eating with sinners,

He welcomes us.  Leading His followers, He guides us.

Dying on the cross, He rescues us.  Risen from the dead, He gives new life.

Most resilient God, Source of all that is eternally raised up,

we give you thanks for your unspeakable gift of Christ Jesus.

Wonderful the fingers that anointed blind eyes,

the hands that gently touched lepers,

the arms that embraced little children.

Wonderful the smile that welcomed outcastes,

the frown that rebuked the arrogant,

the tongue that told parables of grace.

Wonderful the courage that led to Jerusalem,

the faith that agonised in Gethsemane,

the love that suffered at Golgotha.

Wonderful the lips that gave the Easter greeting,

the mercy which restored ashamed disciples,

the joy with which He filled them all.

Wonderful is the Saviour who has brought us here today,

filled with wonder, love and praise.


Almighty God,

may the Easter sacraments we have received

live forever in our minds and hearts.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing:

Through the resurrection of his Son

God has redeemed you and made you his children.

May he bless you with joy. AMEN.

The Redeemer has given you lasting freedom.

May you inherit his everlasting life. AMEN.

By faith you rose with him in baptism.

May your lives be holy,

so that you will be united with him for ever. AMEN.

  (from ŒCanticaNova‚, April 2005.)


God of all power, breathe your Holy Spirit upon us, and upon these gifts of

bread  and wine, that they may be for us the life of Christ and that we may

make that life visible through our faithful witness to him.

Unite us in faith, inspire us to love, encourage us with hope,

that we may receive Christ as He comes to us in this holy banquet.

Worthy indeed, O Lord, is your Son Jesus Christ,

who died so that we might live and who rose from the dead

so that we might be one with him in your sight.

ALL: Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ

  In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

All glory and honour are yours,

Almighty God, now and forever. AMEN.

  (adapted, in parts, from prayers by Moira Laidlaw, Easter 2001.)


With thanksgiving we take this bread and this cup and proclaim His death and resurrection.  Receive our sacrifice of praise.

Send to us the Holy Spirit, that this meal may be holy and Your people may become one.  Unite us in faith, inspire us to love, encourage us with hope, that we may receive Christ as He comes to us in this holy banquet.

We praise you, almighty Father, through Christ your Son,

In the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.  AMEN.

 (from ŒUniting in Worship‚, Leader‚s Book, p. 110.)


Loving God, send your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts that the bread we break may be for us communion in the body of Christ, and the cup of blessing which we bless may be for us communion in the blood of Christ; and that being built up in love we may be strengthened in the unity of the faith and come to full maturity in Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Gracious God, we make our thanks visible by serving you and one another - all those for whom Christ died.  As you sent Jesus, so send us in the power of your Spirit to reveal  your love in all we do and say. We pray in the name of our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN.

  (by Moira Laidlaw, http://www.liturgiesonline.com.au/html/april_7.html)

As we lift the Cup of salvation, as we grasp the Bread of life, pour out your Spiritupon these simple gifts and all who seek your presence.As our eyes are opened by the breaking of the bread, may we see those around us whose lives have been shattered by an uncaring world.As our hearts are thawed by the sweet taste of grace, may we serve them to all who hunger of healing. Thom Shuman

====[ HYMNS, SONGS and CHORUSES ]====

The following suggestions are compiled from resources prepared by John Maynard, Jeff Shrowder , David MacGregor , Steve Benner , Natalie Simms , Dean McIntyre, Denis Towner and many others.

These hymns and songs may be found in a variety of other hymnbooks and chorus books. Please send me your hymnbook, or your favourite list of suggested hymns/songs/choruses for this Sunday (or Sundays ahead) that I might include them in future posts. John Maynard.

(A.) The First grouping is primarily (but not exclusively) from Australian/NZ resources for congregational singing.

(B.) The Second grouping is primarily from other hymn, chorus and songbooks.

(C.) The Third grouping is based upon the RCL passages for this Sunday.

(D.) The Fourth grouping is a compendium of hymns and Songs for EASTERTIDE.

(E.) The Fifth grouping includes additional suggestions for EASTERTIDE.


  AA = Alleluia Aotearoa (New Zealand)

  AHB = The Australian Hymnbook / With One Voice (Aus/NZ)

  AOV As One Voice Willow Connection

  AT = All Together Now (ATN), All Together Again (ATA),

       All Together Everybody (ATE), All Together Okay (ATO),

       All Together Whatever (ATW)

       All Together for Good (ATG) (Openbook Pub.)

  BOP = Book of Praise (Presbyterian Church of Canada)

  CG Common Ground (St Andrew Press)

  Cha/CH = Chalice Hymnal (Disciples of Christ)

  Ch3 = Church Hymnary 3 (Church of Scotland)

  Ch4 = Church Hymnary 4 (Church of Scotland)

  Common Ground/CG = Common Ground (St. Andrew Press, Scotland)

  Common Praise (Anglican Church Canada)

  Covenant = Covenant Songs

  DMAC = David McGregor

  ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship

  FFS = Faith Forever Singing (New Zealand Hymnbook Trust)

  FWS = The Faith We Sing

  GA = Gather Australia (Australian Catholic Hymnal)

  GBEAT = Gospelling to the Beat 1&2 (Scripture Union)

  GGIVES = God Gives, Books 1,2,3,4 (Songs for Kids, Uniting Education)

  HPP = Hymns For a Pilgrim People (Congregational Church USA Hymnal)

  HS = Hillsong (Hills Christian Life Centre)

  HSNW = Heaven shall not wait (Iona Community/Wild Goose Resource Group)

  IECS = In every corner sing

  Iona = Various Songbooks from the Iona Community)

  LBW = Lutheran Book of Worship

  MH = Moravian Hymnal (Current Edition)

  MH69 = Moravian Hymnal (1969 Edition)

  MP = Mission Praise

  MV = More Voices

  NCH = New Century Hymnal (United Church of Christ, USA)

  NCYC = NCYC Songs (National Christian Youth Convention, Uniting Church)

  Ph = The Presbyterian Hymnal (USA)

  P&W = Praise and Worship (Resource Christian Music)

  RJ = Rejoice! (Presbyterian Church in Australia)

  SA = Sing Alleluia

  SCE = The Source (Kevin Mayhew)

  SFFS = Sing the Faith/The Faith We Sing

     (United Methodist/Presbyterian USA)

  SP&P = Sing Prayer and Praise (United Church of Christ, USA)

  SINGSBK1 = Singalong Songbook vol.1&2 (Integrity‚s Hosanna Music)

  SIS/Song = Scripture in Song (Songs of Praise, Songs of the Kingdom etc.)

  SOF = Songs and Hymns of Fellowship (Kingsway)

  Source = The Source

  Taizé = Various Songbooks from the Taizé Community

  TFWS = The Faith We Sing (United Methodist USA)

  TIO = There is one among us (John Bell/Wild Goose Resource Group)

  TIS = Together in Song (Australia/New Zealand)

  UMH = United Methodist Hymnal (USA)

  URW = Upper Room Worship

  VU = Voices United (United Church of Canada)

  W&R = Worship and Rejoice (Hope Publishing)

  WoV = With One Voice / Lutheran Book of Worship

(* = Recommended) (** = Highly Recommended)


Australian Hymnbook / Together in Song / Sing Alleluia

==[PRAISE: God in Creation, Providence and Redemption ]==

* Among us and before us, Lord, you stand (TIS 259, John L. Bell, 1949-)

* Behold the amazing gift of love (TIS 115 + AHB 36)

* Blest be the everlasting God (TIS 114 + AHB 34) (Ch4 424)

Father of heaven, whose love profound (TIS 131 + AHB 60)

God moves in a mysterious way (TIS 126 + AHB 54)

Now thank we all our God (TIS 106 + AHB 14)

* O praise ye the Lord! praise him in the height (AHB 83, Henry W. Baker)

* To God be the glory, great things he has done (TIS 147 + AHB 85)

** Ye gates lift up your heads on high (TIS 12 + AHB 286) [Communion]

==[THANKSGIVING: Jesus Christ, Saviour and Lord ]==

** Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

** Alleluia ... O sons and daughters, let us sing (TIS 363 + AHB 281)

    (BOP 261) (Ch4 431) (NCH 244) (Ph 116, 117) (UMH 317)

** Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (TIS 387 + SA 18, Brian Wren)

  (BOP 251) (Ch4 416) (Ph 108) (UMH 318) (VU 158)

** Christ is alive! with joy we sing (TIS 393, Pamela Stotter)

* Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (TIS 364 + AHB 283)

    (Ph 110) (UMH 319)

* Christ the Lord is risen again (TIS 365 + AHB 282) (Ph 112)

** Christ the Lord is risen today, Hallelujah! (TIS 370 + AHB 290,

    Charles Wesley) (BOP 247) (Ch4 411) (Ph 113) (NCH 233)

    (UMH 302) (More Voices 152) (CLUW 193) (VU 157) (LBW 128) (ELW 369)

    (CP 206) (MH 539) (various)

Come, children, join and sing (AHB 162, Christian H. Bateman)

** Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (AHB 278, John of Damascus, d.754)

    (BOP 253) (Ch4 414) (Ph 114,115) (NCH 230) (UMH 315) (VU 165)

** Come, you faithful, raise the strain (AHB 278, John of Damascus, d.754)

    (BOP 253) (Ch4 414) (Ph 114,115) (NCH 230) (UMH 315) (VU 165)

** Good Christian men, rejoice and sing! (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (Ph 111)

   (Rejoice 228)

** Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (Ph 111)

   (Rejoice 228)

** Hail! our once despised Jesus (TIS 373 + AHB 295)

    (BOP 353) (UMH 325)

How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds (TIS 223 + AHB 158)

** I danced in the morning when the world was begun (TIS 242 + AHB 183,

    'Lord of the Dance' by Sydney Carter, 1915-2004.)

    (BOP 250) (Ch4 404) (UMH 261) (VU 352) (AoV1-18) (ATN 27) (various)

** ŒLord of the Dance‚ (TIS 242 + AHB 183,  Sydney Carter, 1915-2004,

    „I danced in the morning when the world was begun∑‰) (BOP 250)

    (Ch4 404) (UMH 261) (VU 352) (AoV1-18) (ATN 27) (various)

* I know that my Redeemer lives (TIS 376 + AHB 299)

    (Ch4 423) (Rejoice 299)

Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (TIS 372 + AHB 294) (Rejoice 232)

Jesus! the name high over all (TIS 218 + AHB 150)

** Love's redeeming work is done (TIS 370 + AHB 290)

* Now is eternal life (TIS 385 + AHB 305)

** Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (TIS 382,

    John M. C. Crum/trad., 1872-1958, ŒLove has come again‚)

    (AoV2-131) (ATN 15) (NCH 238) (Ch4 417) (UMH 311) (VU 186) (LBW 280)

    (ELW 570) (CP 237) (various)

O for a thousand tongues to sing (TIS 210 + AHB 141)

O Jesus, King most wonderful (AHB 125, attrib. Bernard of Clairvaux)

** O sons and daughters let us sing (AHB 281) (BOP 261) (NCH 244)

    (Ch4 431) (UMH 317) (Ph 116, 117)  (VU 170) (LBW 514)

    (ELW 820) (CP 228) (various)

** The day of resurrection, earth tell it out abroad

    (TIS 361 + AHB 277, Greek, St. John of Damascus)

    (BOP 249) (Ch4 412, 413) (NCH 245) (Ph 118) (UMH 303)

    (CLUW 188) (VU 164)

The King of glory comes, the nation rejoices (TIS 279 + AHB 212)

* The Lord is risen indeed (AHB 300, Thomas Kelly) (Rejoice 226)

** The strife is o‚er, the battle done (TIS 367 + AHB 287, Latin, anon.)

    (BOP 257) (Ch4 412) (NCH 242) (Ph 119) (UMH 306) (VU 159) (LBW 135)

    (ELW 366) (CP 212) (various)

** Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son (TIS 380 + AHB 303, French)

    (BOP 258) (NCH 253) (Ch4 419) (Ph 122)  (UMH 308) (VU 173)

    (LBW 145) (ELW 376) (CP 210) (Cha 218) (SOF 545) (Sce 694)

    (W&R 310) (various)

* This is the day the Lord has made (TIS 368 + AHB 289) (VU 175)

* To the Name of our salvation (AHB 127, from the Antwerp Breviary 1446)

    (Ch4 471)

** Yours be the glory, risen conquering Son (TIS 380 + AHB 303, French)

    (BOP 258) (NCH 253) (Ch4 419) (Ph 122)  (UMH 308) (VU 173)

    (LBW 145) (ELW 376) (CP 210) (Cha 218) (SOF 545) (Sce 694)

    (W&R 310) (various)

==[ The Church and The Spirit, Its Life and Witness ]==

** Alleluia, sing to Jesus (TIS 517 + AHB 439) [Ascension]

    (BOP 370) (Ch4 445) (Ph 144) (NCH 257) [Communion]

* Be known to us in breaking bread (TIS 514 + AHB 435) [Communion]

Bread of heaven, on thee we feed (TIS 513 + AHB 434)

** Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

** Come, risen Lord, as guest among Your own (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

Draw near and take the body of our Lord (TIS 498, 7th century) [Communion]

Filled with the Spirit's power (TIS 411 + AHB 328)

God merciful and righteous is (AHB 350, Scottish Psalter 1650)

** Hallelujah, sing to Jesus (TIS 517 + AHB 439) [Ascension]

    (BOP 370) (Ch4 445) (Ph 144) (NCH 257) [Communion]

Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420)

Jesus, united by Thy grace (AHB 365) [Communion]

Jesus, we thus obey (TIS 508 + AHB 427, Charles Wesley 1707-88)

Lord Jesus, joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420)

May the grace of Christ our Saviour (TIS 777 + AHB 373)

* Now is eternal life (TIS 385 + AHB 305)

* Now let us from this table rise (TIS 530 + AHB 450) [Communion]

* O Spirit of the living God (TIS 398 + AHB 310) (UMH 539)

The church's one foundation (TIS 457 + AHB 385)

** Ye gates lift up your heads (TIS 12 + AHB 286) [Communion]

==[FAITH: Christian Discipleship ]==

** Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (TIS 586 + AHB 502)

    (Ch4 580) (UMH 700) (VU 436)

* All my hope on God is founded (TIS 560 + AHB 465) (Ch4 192)

Be exalted, O God (TIS 726)

Brother sister let me serve you (TIS 650 + SA 14, Richard Gillard, 1953-)

* Come, let us to the Lord our God (TIS 577 + AHB 490)

* God of all power and truth and grace (TIS 567 + AHB 477)

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (TIS 724, Carl Tuttle)

* How firm a foundation, you people of God (TIS 578 + AHB 491)

I will give thanks to you, O Lord among the peoples (TIS 726,

    Brent Chambers) [Psalm 57:9-11]

Lift up your hearts unto the Lord (TIS 732, Linda Stassen-Benjamin)

** Lord, the light of Your love is shining (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick, 1950-,

    ŒShine, Jesus, Shine'} (Ch4 448) (SOF 580)

    (SIS 580/SCE 335 /P&W 531/ATE 217/SOF 362/various)

Love is his word, love is his way (TIS 534, Luke Connaughton)

** ŒShine, Jesus, Shine' (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick, 1951-,

    „Lord, the light of Your love is shining‰) (Ch4 448)

    (SIS 580/SCE 335 /P&W 531/ATE 217/SOF 362/various)

    ŒShine, Jesus, Shine') (Ch4 448) (SOF 580)

** The Son of God proclaim (TIS 528 + SA 84, Basil E. Bridge)

    (BOP 558)

** We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (TIS 489,

    John B. Geyer, 1932-) (Ch4 635) (UMH 610) (VU 448) (LBW 189)

    (ELW 449) (Ph 495) (Ch 376) (various)



A light is gleaming (VU 82)

Be present now dear risen Lord [new hymn]

Abide among us with thy grace

* All who believe and are baptised [Baptism]

Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia. (Ch4 753) [Honduran trad.]

** Alleluia!  Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise (Ch4 427) (NCH 243)

* As we walked home at close of day (VU 184)

* Baptised in water (TFWS 2248) [Baptism]

Behold how pleasant, how good it is

Bind us together, Lord

* Christ the Lord is risen (Ch4 794, „Surrexit Dominus vere‰) (TFWS 2116)

Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Come, O thou Traveller unknown

Dear Lord, we long to see your face

* Earth, earth, awake; your praises sing: Alleluia! (Ch4 420,

   Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.)

For the bread which you have broken [Communion]

Glorious in majesty

Go forth and tell

Go to the world

God, when I stand, no path before me

God, who hast caused to be written

He comes to us as one unknown

** He is Lord, He is Lord (BOP 252, Phil. 2:10-11) (Ch4 443)

   (SIS 48/P&W 32/SCE 158/various, anon.) (UMH 177) (More Voices 173)

Here, O Lord, your servants gather

* How deep the Father's love for us (Stuart Townend)

How sure the scriptures are

I believe in God the Almighty

I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn

I will always bless the Lord (Ch4 34) [Psalm 34]

Jesus Lord, how joyful you have made us

* Jesus, stand among us

* Jesus, stand among us at the meeting of our lives

** Jesus the Lord has risen (Ch4 794, Taizé Community,

    „Surrexit Dominus vere) [Liturgical Text]

Led like a lamb to the slaughter (SOF 307, Graham Kendrick, „You‚re alive!‰)

* Let there be love shared among us

Light of the minds that know him

Living Lord of love's dominion

* Look there! the Christ, our Brother, comes

* Lord, for the years

Lord, we hear your word with gladness

My Lord, what love is this

Name of all majesty

Now, my tongue, the mystery telling (Ch4 667) [Communion]

O Christ was a good guest

O God, beyond all praising

O Lord of heaven and earth and sea

Open my eyes that I may see (VU 371)

Over the chaos of the empty waters

Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless

Sing alleluia to the Lord

Sing praises old and new

Sing ye faithful, sing with gladness

Splendour and honour, majesty and power

Stay with us (VU 182)

Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear

** „Surrexit Dominus vere(Ch4 794, Taizé Community,

    ŒJesus, the Lord, has risen') [Liturgical Text]

Up from the earth

We hold the death of the Lord

We meet You, O Christ (VU 183)

We who live by sound and symbol

We will lay our burden down

When the Lord brought back

You are salt for the earth



==/ Acts 2:14a, 36-41 /==

[Peter‚s Speech]

** Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

At the font we start our journey (TFWS 2114) [Baptism]

* Baptised in water (TFWS 2248) [Baptism]

* Blessing, honour (P&W 529/HS/SCE 55, Geoff Bullock)

Called by earth and sky (MV 135, Mayberry)

Come, be baptised (TFWS 2252)

Come, let us use the grace divine (UMH 606)

Come to the Water (AoV1-074, Andersen) [Baptism]

** Crown Him with many crowns (TIS 228 + AHB 163)

    (Ch4 459) (BOP 274) (Ph 151) (UMH 327) (SOF 75) (VU 211)

Deep in our hearts (MV 154)

Father in whom we live (AHB 51) (UMH 88)

From the waiting comes the sign (Ch4 614, Murray) (CP 642) (various)

He has risen (SCE 155, Richards)

He that believes and is baptised (TIS 479 + AHB 405) [Baptism]

Holy Spirit, Truth divine (UMH 465)

** I come with joy to meet my Lord (TIS 533 + AHB 452) [Communion]

I will come and bow down (SCE[2] 814, Nystrom)

In water we grow (TIS 494, Brian A. Wren, 1936-)

    (W&R 678) (Cha 375) [Baptism]

Jesus, priceless treasure (VU 667)

Let there be praise (SCE[2] 860, Tunney)

Maker in whom we live (AHB 51) (UMH 88)

Mark how the Lamb of God, self-offering (Ch4 629)

** My Jesus, my Saviour, Lord, there is none like you (TIS 738,

    Darlene Zschech, ŒShout to the Lord‚) (TFWS 2074) (ATO 368/P&W 730/HS)

Now let us From this table rise (TIS 530 + AHB 450, Frederik H. Kaan, 1929-)

    (Ch4 675) (UMH 634) (VU 483) (W&R 715) (various)

* O Spirit of the living God (TIS 398 + AHB 310) (UMH 539)

Our children Lord, in faith and prayer (Ch4 632) [Baptism]

** Shout to the Lord (TIS 738, Darlene Zschech,

    „My Jesus, my Saviour, Lord, there is none like you∑‰)

    (TFWS 2074) (ATO 368/P&W 730/HS)

The church‚s one foundation (TIS 457 + AHB 385) (Rejoice 294) (VU 331)

** The head that once was crowned with thorns (TIS 378 + AHB 301)

    (BOP 270) (Ch4 438) (Ph 149) (VU 190) (UMH 326) [Ascension]

The promise of the Holy Spirit (SCE 488, Hubbard) [All-Ages]

* They that believe and are baptised (TIS 479 + AHB 405) [Baptism]

This is the Spirit's entry now (UMH 608)

** We have a Gospel to proclaim (TIS 245 + AHB 189) (Ch4 363)

** We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (TIS 489,

    John B. Geyer, 1932-) (Ch4 635) (UMH 610) (VU 448) (LBW 189)

    (ELW 449) (Ph 495) (Ch 376) (UMH 610) (various)

We were baptised in Christ Jesus (TFWS 2251) [Baptism]

Wonder of wonders (TFWS 2247)

==/ Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 /==

[A man saved from death praises God]

Celebration song (SIS 361/ATE 208/SOF 244, Brent Chambers)

Children of the heavenly Father (UMH 141)

„Chuyo chuyo‰ (TiS 709, Korean Hymn, Taizé Chant by Jacques Berthier,

    1923-1994, ŒLord, hear us!‚)

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life (UMH 164)

Come, sinners, to the gospel feast (Communion) (UMH 616)

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness (Ch4 103)

** For the beauty of the earth (TIS 137 + AHB 77, Pierpont)

    (AoV1-123) (NCH 28) (Ch4 181) (UMH 92) (VU 226) (LBW 561)

    (ELW 879) (CP 429) (W&R 40) (Cha 56) (various) [Mother‚s Day]

Give thanks (TFWS 2036)

God whose almighty word (Ch4 112)

Great ring of light (Ch4 452)

* Heart and soul (DMAC, David MacGregor)

* How can I ever thank the Lord (Ch4 76)

I have come to love you (SCE 204, Redman

I love the Lord, because he heard (Ch4 75)

I love you, God; I know you listen (Linnea Good, ŒPsalm 116‚)

* I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice (SIS 419/SCE 214,Klein) (TFWS 2068)

I love you, Lord, you hear my cry (URW 311, Watts)

I will call upon the Lord (TFWS 2002)

I will walk in the presence of God (GC 109, Daigle)

I will walk in the presence of the Lord (TIS 71, Helen L. Wright/Proulx)

    (VU 617) (various) [Cantor Psalm]

I‚ll of salvation take the cup (Ch4 565)

** In the presence of your people (TIS 727 + SA 52, Brent Chambers, 1948-)

    (ATE 208) (Ch4 121) (VU 745) (AA 70) (SIS 361/SOF 244)

Jesus, Saviour, Lord, lo, to thee I fly (UMH 523)

Listen to the word God has spoken (Ch4 780)

ŒLord, hear us!‚ (TIS 709, Korean Hymn, Taizé Chant by Jacques Berthier,

    1923-1994, „Chuyo chuyo‰  )

Lord, your almighty word (TIS 447 + AHB 61) (Ch4 112)

More love to thee, O Christ (UMH 453)

O God of blessings all praise to you (Ch4 177)

** O Lord, hear my prayer (TIS 741, Taizé  Chant by Jacques Berthier,

    1923-1994) (AoV1-017) (ATE 282) (LBW 368) (ELW 407) (W&R 484)

    (URW 390) (TFWS 2200) (various)

O the weary world is trudging (GC-II 755)

O Zion, hast (UMH 573)

One more step along the world I go (Ch4 530, Sydney Carter 1915-2004)

Our children Lord in faith and prayer (Ch4 632)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (TIS 111 + AHB 28) (UMH 139)

Psalm 116 (Linnea Good, „I love you God; I know you listen∑‰)

„Saranam, Saranam‰ (UMH 523)

Sing Praise to God who reigns above (TIS 110 + AHB 27) (UMH 126)

Thank you, Lord (UMH 84)

Thanks to God whose word has spoken (TIS 431 + AHB 339) (Ch4 605)

The Spirit lives to set us free (Ch4 565)

There are some things I may not know (TFWS 2147)

** We bring the sacrifice of praise (SIS 655/SCE 542/SCE 542, Dearman)

   (TFWS 2031)

* What gift can we bring? (NCH 370) (UMH 87) (URW 127) (W&R 685)

* What shall we offer our good Lord? (TIS 439 + AHB 362)

==/ 1 Peter 1:17-23 /==

[Born anew through the living Christ]

ŒAgnus Dei‚ (AoV1-196, „Jesus, Lamb of God‰, Marty Haugen‚s

    „Mass of Creation‰)

ŒAgnus Dei‚ (Proulx, „Jesus, Lamb of God‰) (various)

* All my hope on God is founded (TIS 560 + AHB 465) (Ch4 192)

All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine (AHB 180)

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound (TIS 129 + AHB 56) (UMH 378)

And they‚ll know we are Christians by our love (TFWS 2223)

Before the throne of God above (Ch4 466)

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (UMH 369)

Bind us together (TFWS 2226)

Blessed quietness (TFWS 2142)

Blow ye the trumpet, blow (UMH 379)

Christ is the world‚s true light (TIS 238 + AHB 179) (Ch4 456)

* Come, God's people, sing for joy (TIS 391 + SA 26, Keith D. Pearson)

* Fairest, Lord Jesus (TIS 203 + AHB 131)

* Glory be to Jesus (TIS 344 + AHB 263)

Glory be to God the Father (TIS 142 + AHB 84) (Ch4 110)

* God gives us a future, daring us to go (TIS 687, Elizabeth J. Smith, 1956-)

* God of all power, and truth, and grace (TIS 567 + AHB 477)

Great and mighty is he (SCE 135, Pettygrove)

* Hark! a herald voice is calling (TIS 264 + AHB 192)

Healer of our every ill (TFWS 2213)

* I come with joy to meet my Lord (TIS 533 + AHB 452)

I love thy kingdom, Lord (UMH 540)

I was there to hear your borning cry (TFWS 2051)

Jesus, Lamb of God (URW 414, from Joncas‚ Psallite Mass) (various)

Jesus, Lamb of God (AoV1-196, ŒAgnus Dei‚, Marty Haugen‚s „Mass of Creation‰)

Jesus, Lamb of God (Sing Alleluia, Betty Polkinghorne)

Jesus, Lamb of God (Proulx, ŒAgnus Dei‚) (various)

Jesus, priceless treasure (UMH 532)

* Just as I am, without one plea (TIS 584 + AHB 497) (UMH 357)

Live in charity (TFWS 2179)

Lord, can this really be? (Ch4 205)

Lord, we glorify your name (SIS 581, Hampton)

** Lord, your word abiding (TIS 427 + AHB 333, Henry W. Baker, 1821-1977)

    (CP 561) (various)

Man of Sorrows! what a name (UMH 165)

* More precious than silver (SCE 339/SIS 590/P&W 430/SOF 368, DeShazo)

   (TFWS 2065)

** My faith looks up to thee (VU 663) (UMH 452)

* Nature with open volume stands (TIS 343 + AHB 259)

Nothing but the Blood (UMH 362)

My hope is built on nothing less (UMH 368)

* No weight of gold or silver (TIS 249, Timothy Dudley-Smith)

Now, my tongue, the mystery telling (Ch4 667) [Communion]

O the Lamb, the loving Lamb (UMH 300)

O for a thousand tongues to sing (TIS 210 + AHB 141) (UMH 57)

Only by grace (SCE 408/SOF 441, Gustafson)

** Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (TIS 545, John L. Bell, 1949-)

  (Iona) (BOP 557) (Ch4 676) (VU 482) [Communion]

Sing, my tongue, how glorious battle (TIS 331 + AHB 249) (Ch4 398)

Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (TIS 331 + AHB 249) (Ch4 398)

Spirit of faith, come down (UMH 332)

The church's one foundation (TIS 457 + AHB 385) (UMH 545)

The price is paid (SCE 487/SIS 640/SOF 540, Graham Kendrick)

The royal banners forward go (TIS 332 + AHB 251)

There is a green hill far away (TIS 350 + AHB 266) (Ch4 380)

They'll know we are Christians by our love (TFWS 2223)

** Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son (TIS 380 + AHB 303, French)

    (BOP 258) (NCH 253) (Ch4 419) (Ph 122)  (UMH 308) (VU 173)

    (LBW 145) (ELW 376) (CP 210) (Cha 218) (SOF 545) (Sce 694)

    (W&R 310) (various)

Through it all (UMH 507)

Through the love of God, our Saviour (Ch4 562)

* To the Name of our salvation (AHB 127, from the Antwerp Breviary 1446)

    (Ch4 471)

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord (TFWS 2223)

** We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (TIS 489,

    John B. Geyer, 1932-) (Ch4 635) (UMH 610) (VU 448) (LBW 189)

    (ELW 449) (Ph 495) (Ch 376) (UMH 610) (various)

* We will take what you offer (ATW 498) (Iona) (MV 196) (URW 438) (various)

* What shall we offer our good Lord? (TIS 439 + AHB 362)

You are my all in all (P&W 809/SCE[2] 1081, Jernighan)

** Yours be the glory, risen conquering Son (TIS 380 + AHB 303, French)

    (BOP 258) (NCH 253) (Ch4 419) (Ph 122)  (UMH 308) (VU 173)

    (LBW 145) (ELW 376) (CP 210) (Cha 218) (SOF 545) (Sce 694)

    (W&R 310) (various)

==/ Luke 24:13-35 /==

[The Walk to Emmaus]

A stranger met by chance (Barrell) (various)

** Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (TIS 586 + AHB 502)

    (Ch4 580) (UMH 700) (VU 436)

Above all (SCE[2] 611/Integrity's Hosanna Music, LeBlanc/Baloche)

** Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

** Alleluia! Christ is risen (TIS 395, Cecily Taylor, 1930-)

** Alleluia! Jesus is risen! (Ch4 429, Herbert F. Brokering)

As we walk along beside you (FFS 03)

** As we walked home at close of day (Iona, ŒEaster Evening‚) (VU 184)

* Be known to us in breaking bread (TIS 514 + AHB 435) [Communion]

Bring peace to us (a chant by John Murray) (various)

** Brother, sister, let me serve you (TIS 650 + SA 14, Richard Gillard,

    ŒThe Servant Song‚) (TFWS 2222) (SOF 54/SIS 256)

Brother Jesus, right beside me (Worldmaking.net, Bruxvoort-Colligan)


* By Your kingly power, O risen Lord (TIS 386 + AHB 306, James P. McAuley,


By your priestly power, O risen Lord (TIS 529, James P. McAuley)

* Celebrate Jesus, celebrate! (P&W 663/SCE 67/SOF 57, Oliver) [All-Ages]

Christ beside me (TFWS 2166)

** Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (TIS 387 + SA 18, Brian A. Wren)

  (BOP 251) (Ch4 416) (Ph 108) (UMH 318) (VU 158)

Christ is alive, with joy we sing (TIS 393, Pamela Stotter)

* Christ the Lord is risen again (TIS 365 + AHB 282) (Ph 112)

** Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia! (TIS 370 + AHB 290,

    Charles Wesley) (BOP 247) (Ch4 411) (Ph 113) (NCH 233)

    (UMH 302) (More Voices 152) (CLUW 193) (VU 157) (LBW 128) (ELW 369)

    (CP 206) (MH 539) (various)

** Christ the Lord is risen today, Hallelujah! (TIS 370 + AHB 290,

    Charles Wesley) (BOP 247) (Ch4 411) (Ph 113) (NCH 233)

    (UMH 302) (More Voices 152) (CLUW 193) (VU 157) (LBW 128) (ELW 369)

    (CP 206) (MH 539) (various)

Christ, upon the mountain peak (UMH 260)

* Christians, lift up your hearts (TIS 424, John E. Bowers) [Communion]

* Come, children, join to sing (AHB 162) (VU 345)

* Come, living God, when least expected (Ch4 609, Alan Gaunt)

** Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

** Come, risen Lord, as guest among Your own (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

Come, share the Lord (TFWS 2269)

„Cuando el pobre nada tiene‰ (UMH 434)

ŒEaster Evening‚ (Iona, „As we walked home at close of day∑‰) (VU 184)

ŒEmmaus Story‚ (The tide has turned songbook, Digby Hannah,

    „Jerusalem to Emmaus two people walked that day∑‰)

* Find your place around God's table (DMAC, David MacGregor) [All-Ages]


* God gave Jesus for us all (TIS 719, David MacGregor, 1955-)

    (DMAC) [All-Ages]

God, give us peace that lasts (Iona, John L. Bell) (various)

God is walking in the garden (Tune In: Brown)

God the sculptor of the mountains (TFWS 2060)

Good Christian friends, rejoice (UMH 224)

** Hallelujah, hallelujah, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

Have you seen Jesus my Lord?

** Haven‚t you heard that Jesus is risen? (Common Ground 46,

    Alison M. Robertson) (Ch4 433) [Scotland] [All-Ages]

* He's Alive (yes, he is!) (DMAC, David MacGregor) [All-Ages]

* Here God‚s life-giving word (TIS 424, John E. Bowers) [Communion]

Here is bread (ATW 476/SCE 163, Graham Kendrick) [Communion]

** I danced in the morning when the world was begun (TIS 242 + AHB 183,

    'Lord of the Dance' by Sydney Carter, 1915-2004.)

    (BOP 250) (Ch4 404) (UMH 261) (VU 352) (AoV1-18) (ATN 27) (various)

* I have seen the Lord (ATW 437, Robin Mann)

I sought the Lord (UMH 341)

I want Jesus to walk with me (Ch4 539) [All-Ages]

Jerusalem to Emmaus two people walked that day (The tide has turned songbook,

    Digby Hannah, ŒEmmaus Story‚)

Jesus, give us your peace (Gospel Song by Mahler)

Jesus is alive today (ATO 346, East African) [All-Ages]

** Jesus is risen from the grave (BOP 254, Iona Community, Scotland)

    (Ch4 434) (CP 232) [All-Ages]

* Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420) [Communion]

** Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky (TIS 360 + AHB 276)

** Light's reddening dawn gleams through the sky (TIS 360 + AHB 276)

* Listen to the voices (DMAC, David MacGregor)

Lord, draw near (ATO 321/Iona, trad./Iona Community)

* Lord Jesus, joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420)

* Lord, let me see, see more and more (TIS 681, Ross Langmead)

* Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (TIS 613 + AHB 546) (Ch4 166)

  [suitable for Mother‚s Day]

Many and great, O God, are thy things (UMH 148)

May the God of peace go with us (Ch4 786, Jamieson) [Scottish Trad. Tune]

** Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (TIS 382,

    John M. C. Crum/trad., 1872-1958, ŒLove has come again‚)

    (AoV2-131) (ATN 15) (NCH 238) (Ch4 417) (UMH 311) (VU 186) (LBW 280)

    (ELW 570) (CP 237) (various)

* O changeless Christ, for ever new (TIS 254 + SA 69, Timothy Dudley–Smith)


O Christian love (VU 594)

* O Jesus, I have promised (TIS 595 + AHB 514)

* O Master, let me walk with thee (TIS 601 + AHB 522) (UMH 430)

* O stay with us, Lord Jesus (TIS 551, Josua Stegmann 1588–1632)

O Thou who this mysterious bread (UMH 613) [Communion]

On the day of resurrection (UMH 309)

On the journey to Emmaus (URW 123, Marty Haugen) (various)

One more step (ATA 200/various, Carter)

* Open my eyes that I may see (VU 371) (UMH 454)

Open our eyes (ATW 488, Mangold)

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (P&W 848/SCE[2] 926, Baloche)

Open your eyes (NCYC 2003, Robin Mann)

Peace Be With You (Seeds of Faith, Bruxvoort-Colligan) [All-Ages]

Peace before us, peace behind us (AoV1-091, Haas) (various)

Peace I leave with you, my friends (NCH 249, Norbert) (various)

Peace will be with you my friends so do not be frightened

    (*Unknown source, NCYC?, by Mandy Dyson?)

ŒPrince of Peace (ccli.com.au, Imboden/Rhoton, „You are holy∑‰)

Remembrance (ccli song # 5484616, Maher/Redman,ŒThe Communion Song‚)

Saviour, again to thy dear name (UMH 663)

So come, Lord Christ, in the stranger's guise

    (Iona, ŒFrom heav'n to here and From here to heav'n‚)

Stay with us (TFWS 2199)

ŒThe Communion Song‚ (ccli song # 5484616, Maher/Redman, „Remembrance‰)

** The day of resurrection, earth tell it out abroad

    (TIS 361 + AHB 277, Greek, St. John of Damascus)

    (BOP 249) (Ch4 412, 413) (NCH 245) (Ph 118) (UMH 303)

    (CLUW 188) (VU 164)

The Lord liveth (SIS 635/SOF 266, O'Shields)

* ŒThe Servant Song‚ (TIS 650 + SA 14, Richard Gillard,

    „Brother, sister, let me serve you∑‰) (TFWS 2222)

** The strife is o‚er, the battle done (TIS 367 + AHB 287, Latin, anon.)

    (BOP 257) (Ch4 412) (NCH 242) (Ph 119) (UMH 306) (VU 159) (LBW 135)

    (ELW 366) (CP 212) (various)

** The strife is past, the battle done (TIS 367 + AHB 287, Latin, anon.)

    (BOP 257) (Ch4 412) (NCH 242) (Ph 119) (UMH 306) (VU 159) (LBW 135)

    (ELW 366) (CP 212) (various)

They crucified my Lord (VU 141)

* To Emmaus (Songtivity, Bruxvoort-Colligan)

* Travellin' the road (DMAC, David MacGregor)

Turn your eyes upon Jesus (UMH 349)

Walkin‚ down the road (ATN 87, Robin Mann, ŒWhen the day has begun‚)


We sing of your glory (MV 58)

What a fellowship, what a joy divine (UMH 133)

When I‚m feeling down and sad (Ch4 568) [All-Ages]

When the day has begun (ATN 87, Robin Mann, „Walkin‚ down the road∑‰)


When the poor ones who have nothing (UMH 434)

Worthy is the lamb (HS, Darlene Zschech)

You are holy (ccli.com.au, Imboden/Rhoton, ŒPrince of Peace‚)

You are holy, you show us the way (MV 45)

Your coming, Lord, to earth in Bethlehem (TIS 285 + SA 98, Wesley Milgate)



* A man there lived in Galilee (TIS 235 + AHB 176) [All-Ages]

** Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

** Alleluia! Christ is risen (TIS 395, Cecily Taylor, 1930-)

** Alleluia, sing to Jesus (TIS 517 + AHB 439) [Ascension]

    (BOP 370) (Ch4 445) (Ph 144) (NCH 257) [Communion]

An upper room did our Lord prepare (TIS 536 + AHB 453) [Communion]

* And can it be that I should gain? (TIS 209 + AHB 138) (UMH 363)

** At the dawning of salvation (TIS 392 + SA 9, Jock Curle, 1919-)

    (BOP 248) (NCH 308)

* Awake, awake, fling off the night (AHB 412, John R. Peacey)

* Be known to us in breaking bread (TIS 514 + AHB 435) [Communion]

* Bless the Lord, my soul (TIS 706, Taizé Community)

* Blest be the everlasting God (TIS 114 + AHB 34) (Ch4 424)

Blest morning, whose young dawning rays (AHB 288, Isaac Watts)

** Breathe on me, breath of God (TIS 407 + AHB 320)

    (UMH 420) (MH 494) (MH69 230)

* By Your kingly power, O risen Lord (TIS 386 + AHB 306, James P. McAuley,


By your priestly power, O risen Lord (TIS 529, James P. McAuley)

** Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (TIS 387 + SA 18, Brian A. Wren)

  (BOP 251) (Ch4 416) (Ph 108) (UMH 318) (VU 158)

** Christ is alive! with joy we sing (TIS 393, Pamela Stotter)

** Christ is made the sure foundation (TIS 432 + AHB 343)

    (UMH 559) (NCH 400)

** Christ is risen! Shout hosanna! (TIS 394, Brian A. Wren) (UMH 307)

  (SIS 483/SCE 234/SOF 245) [Ode to Joy]

* Christ is the world's light, He and none other (TIS 246 + AHB 191,

    Fred Pratt Green) (UMH 188)

** Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (TIS 364 + AHB 283)

    (Ph 110) (UMH 319)

Christ, our King before creation (AHB 190, Ivor H. Jones)

Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us (TIS 359 + SA 1,

    Celebrating Common Prayer)

* Christ the Lord is risen again (TIS 365 + AHB 282) (Ph 112)

** Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia! (TIS 370 + AHB 290,

    Charles Wesley) (BOP 247) (Ch4 411) (Ph 113) (NCH 233)

    (UMH 302) (More Voices 152) (CLUW 193) (VU 157) (LBW 128) (ELW 369)

    (CP 206) (MH 539) (various)

** Christ the Lord is risen today, Hallelujah! (TIS 370 + AHB 290,

    Charles Wesley) (BOP 247) (Ch4 411) (Ph 113) (NCH 233)

    (UMH 302) (More Voices 152) (CLUW 193) (VU 157) (LBW 128) (ELW 369)

    (CP 206) (MH 539) (various)

Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (TIS 364 + AHB 283)

** Come, God's people, sing for joy (TIS 398 + SA 26, Keith D. Pearson)

* Come, let us with our Lord arise (TIS 375 + AHB 297)

** Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

** Come, risen Lord, as guest among Your own (TIS 524 + AHB 442)

    (Ph 503) (Rejoice 355) [Communion]

** Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (AHB 278, John of Damascus, d.754)

    (BOP 253) (Ch4 414) (Ph 114,115) (NCH 230) (UMH 315) (VU 165)

** Come, you faithful, raise the strain (AHB 278, John of Damascus, d.754)

    (BOP 253) (Ch4 414) (Ph 114,115) (NCH 230) (UMH 315) (VU 165)

** Crown Him with many crowns (TIS 228 + AHB 163)

    (Ch4 459) (BOP 274) (Ph 151) (UMH 327) (SOF 75) (VU 211)

* Easter glory fills the sky, alleluia (TIS 388, James Quinn)

** Easter Song (TIS 389/various, Ann Herring, 1945-,

    „Hear the bells ringing∑‰)

Entered the holy place above (TIS 374 + AHB 296) [Ascension]

* Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature (TIS 203 + AHB 131)

* Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of creation (TIS 203 + AHB 131)

** Faith will not grow from words alone (TIS 691, Elizabeth J. Smith, 1956-)

Father in whom we live (AHB 51) (UMH 88)

** From heaven You came, helpless Babe (TIS 256, Graham Kendrick,

    ŒThe Servant King') (BOP 379) (SCE 114/P&W 674/ATE 261/SOF 120)

Give me the wings of faith to rise (TIS 438 + AHB 360, Isaac Watts)

* God gave Jesus for us all (TIS 719, David MacGregor, 1955-)

    (DMAC) [All-Ages]

God is gone up on high (TIS 371 + AHB 293) [Ascension]

** Good Christian men, rejoice and sing! (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (Ph 111)

   (Rejoice 228)

** Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (Ph 111)

   (Rejoice 228)

Great, there is one among us (TIS 720 + AHB 295, Traditional Caribbean,

    „Halle, halle hallelujah‰)(NCH 236) (Ch4 345) (VU 958)

    (AoVK-85) (AoV2-046) (ATOK 319) (various)

* Guide me, O my great Redeemer (TIS 569 + AHB 478) (Ph 281)

* Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah (TIS 569 + AHB 478) (Ph 281)

** Hail! our once despised Jesus (TIS 373 + AHB 295)

    (BOP 353) (UMH 325)

** Hail the day that sees Christ rise, hallelujah! (TIS 369 + AHB 291)

   (BOP 265) (NCH 260) (UMH 312)

** Hail the day that sees Him rise, hallelujah! (TIS 369 + AHB 291)

   (BOP 265) (NCH 260) (UMH 312)

** Hail! Thou once-despised Jesus (TIS 373 + AHB 295)

    (BOP 353) (UMH 325)

ŒHalle Halle‚ (ATW 452, Robin Mann, „Why do you look among the dead?‰)

** Halle, halle hallelujah (TIS 720 + AHB 295, Traditional Caribbean,

    „Great, there is one among us∑‰) (NCH 236) (Ch4 345) (VU 958)

    (AoVK-85) (AoV2-046) (ATOK 319) (various)

** Hallelujah, hallelujah, give thanks to the Risen Lord (TIS 390 + SA 2,

    Donald E. Fishel) (BOP 260) (Ph 106) (SIS 276) (UMH 162) (VU 179)

    (SOF 6/P&W 189)

„Haleluyah! Pelo Tsa Rona‰ (TIS 541, „Hallelujah, we sing your praises∑‰)

    (Ch4 674) (WoV 722) (ELW 535) (CP 82) (various)

** Hallelujah, sing to Jesus (TIS 517 + AHB 439) [Ascension]

    (BOP 370) (Ch4 445) (Ph 144) (NCH 257) [Communion]

** Hallelujah, we sing your praises (TIS 541, „Haleluyah! Pelo Tsa Rona‰,

    South African) (Ch4 674) (WoV 722) (ELW 535) (CP 82) (various)

** He is risen, He is risen! Tell it with a joyful voice (TIS 379,

    Cecil F. Alexander, 1818-1895)

** Hear the bells ringing, they‚re singing (TIS 389/various,

    Ann Herring, 1945-, ŒEaster Song‚)

* Here God‚s life-giving word (TIS 424, John E. Bowers) [Communion]

** I come with joy to meet my Lord (TIS 533 + AHB 452) [Communion]

** I danced in the morning when the world was begun (TIS 242 + AHB 183,

    'Lord of the Dance' by Sydney Carter, 1915-2004.)

    (BOP 250) (Ch4 404) (UMH 261) (VU 352) (AoV1-18) (ATN 27) (various)

I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art (TIS 198 + AHB 128)

I greet You, my Redeemer sure, who lives (TIS 198 + AHB 128)

I know that my redeemer (TIS 202 + AHB 132)

** I know that my redeemer lives, what joy the blest assurance gives!

    (TIS 376 + AHB 299) (Ch4 423) (Rejoice 299)

I know that my redeemer lives crowned upon the throne (TIS 202 + AHB 132)

** Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia! (TIS 362 + AHB 280) (BOP 243)

   (Ch4 410) (Ph 123) (NCH 240) (Rejoice 225) (SOF 269) (VU 155)

„Jesu Christo reina reina ya!‰ (TIS 728)

Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (TIS 372 + AHB 294) (Rejoice 232)

Jesus lives! Your terrors now (TIS 372 + AHB 294) (Rejoice 232)

Jesus, my Redeemer, lives (TIS 366, Anon.)

Jesus is Lord of all the earth (TIS 390 + SA 2, Donald E. Fischel)

** Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (TIS 207 + AHB 136) (BOP 275)

    (Ph 423) (UMH 157) (VU 330) [Ascension]

Jesus, these eyes have never seen (AHB 508, Ray Palmer)

Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (TIS 372 + AHB 294) (Rejoice 232)

Jesus lives! Your terrors now (TIS 372 + AHB 294) (Rejoice 232)

Jesus, my Redeemer, lives (TIS 366, Anon.)

* Joyful the morning when Jesus Christ is risen! (TIS 383 + SA 56,

    Torres Strait Island Song)

Joyfully shout (TIS 390 + SA 2, Donald E. Fishel)

Let all mortal flesh keep silence (TIS 497 + AHB 418)

** Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky (TIS 360 + AHB 276)

** Light's reddening dawn gleams through the sky (TIS 360 + AHB 276)

** Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (TIS 520 + AHB 441) [Communion]

    (Ph 154)

** ŒLord of the Dance‚ (TIS 242 + AHB 183,  Sydney Carter, 1915-2004,

    „I danced in the morning when the world was begun∑‰) (BOP 250)

    (Ch4 404) (UMH 261) (VU 352) (AoV1-18) (ATN 27) (various)

Lord, Jesus Christ, You have come to us (TIS 526 + AHB 451 ŒLiving Lord')


** Lord, the light of Your love is shining (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick, 1950-,
