; JOllEER AN EM URAT. - WA Secretary of State...of tho rules, ltesol.nlloll pus~ed by u vo~e 01...


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NO. 11.- - - ~ =_.= ""

URAT.Gro;-;:"'\ ' \ ' / "Y)

' " . ' • f h )\:. _ 1.J , ~ ' ...... i'I



•. •..:.... ..•. ...::: ;••-;:_ _~ __• -=_ z: __ .7 :..--::...,:::_.. - -

JOllEERVOL. 6.~~~=~~~~==~~~~~=====~====~~~~'=~==~~~~===~Q1:1)t piollrrr anb Drmorrat. -- -, it~ad first -t i l11 ~ 0",1 ~;lI e red to ~ sec; nd - H . p. Xo. [,I, :~porte~bock from the f'I"-li.~~. .J\.~;~~~ tokclI fr:'n ~I;~-;;;I)I;-,;~ :~T - - -- -~'lo~o~~._:Tu~l\Io ry 25tll;-I-8·58.- - - - - - -1'~ ESOA~': .Innunry 19th, 1858.

..... rending. couumttce 0 11 .Iudiciary with amendments,Irend :\ third tune nnd pnsscd. ! House nu.t nt 10 o'clock, .\. )t. Council met nt the usual hour .Is r- u nr.rsueu O~ l:vt: lI¥ I'IIIDAY ~IOII~ J~l: I On mot ion of ~I r. Guthrie, which were adopt ed, 'fhen odjourn';,1. . , ! Report s from committees received. ~I r, Ln Dn, from committ ee 00 :I(emori·

By EDWARD FURSTE. 1.1. B. xe. 2G, on. oct to amend on uet O? molion of :III'. JI.inl'kley ,. I - i :'III'. \\'il ' oll introd uced uls, reported hack II, ~1. xe, 19, and rec-~ Iltlt! l'tl ?11 Bet ~~IRl~lI~ to common schools was on!cr('11 to a th!rd reading, . I 1'1Il;It:,o.\Y, Janllnr~' :!i« , I S5~ . I 1I. •J. It Xu. In, relative to the arre st l ommended its pnsRngr.

:,':{GU'flll"""U I ;i!,:O :Yl\~I C:\/' . 11\ " ash!ngton I'erritury, \l'a ~ taken ~IP, ~1. ~1. ",0. 10, rcJlltll'e to a .seau.weekly Honse mct ot,,,o~l hour. , of th e murderers of Col. I. X. Ehey and I .\ Iso, C. .1. H. Xo . G, M it did 1I0t con-For ouc :\·e.lr. when sent by mail or takeu li t t he and \'n rIOUS amentlments With pend ing mail betwccu OIYIIIJlIl\ ~uu HUlIIcr, rcpor.tccl . Hcpol,ts. or comnut tecs received. i others. fliet with tho Orgnn ic Aet, they recom-

~T~~;lt~. 00; for »ix Illfmth :ol , 13 00. 8i ll~ lc copies , nm ('~1t1mcllts ndoptcc1 .. h~ck froui the CO lJlI~lI tt C C on ~MclUo l'l u l s On mot!on of Mr. Balch, : Rend n fil'st nIHI second timo under n III('IH1 its }lossn~c .No 11:\11(,1' will he 11l ir t Ultil\lll'd.11IlIc~!'l. nt' 1I11~ OlltiOIl Bill rc:~u. a third .t IlDC ~IHI pal\sed~ by n With nmell.Ul11eut ~1 WIHCh were adopted, 300 ('OPIOS ?r c . •J. H. No, 3, r-lutive ,t oi suspension or the rules, nud Upon leave, :\lr. \Vill~y. ' from committee

I) r th. llr' ) lll·ic t~r , until nil arreara ge..;lire pail]. vote ~f 1 j III thu allirmative to n 111 the O~l motion of ~[r. .l~ ll l1 crson , t~1C proclnrnntion of mlll'li.nl low hy Om'. 011 motiou or )[r. Guthrie, 011 Commerce, reported H. H. Xo. 27, backII.\TI;S Of' AIJ'·J-:IlTISIXG. " o~~lll·c . . "as roo~1 a ~llIrd t~~n~ 0~'1 paRSed. . . StHCIl S. were orde red printed fOI' the use Hllies «mfurther suspended and re,oln. /tO the Coal~cil, with ndmendments, nod rcc -

to'Hr,me square . (1 2 lines or I l~:< ") ' three weck-, f .; 1 hell adjourucd. ~l. M. No, 21, . pl .1Yll1g .rO~ tho extur- or the 110050. . rion r(':u1 n. third timc nud passed, l 0ntntcnded Its pnssnjre.Per every wl.lltionul ill!ocr t iflll•. . . . • . .. • • . . .. . .st. • \ p.11I sh~ncnt.o~ ~lt c .fights of foreign corpora- :\lr. Unlch introduced 1 .:\11'. St illman introduced Upon leave, ~[r. Denny introduced*1:~h~~.~~e;J~~~ :~~rti~~~I~~I~~ei~;I~i~~1:;~n ~~~:~:~k(. I) ~foxnA \" , Jauuary 18, 1858. lIOIISIn tlJ~8 lerrttul"l\ WII;) taken up. » II 111. :\0. 2:!, f~r the relief cf Alh-u 1.,.' n. H. ~o. ~n , nn net to nmcml nil net C. H. xe. G, on net relative to the m ea-

em th e margin nr luh ·erli.olenl t'nt't seut U~ . nr·t h l'.\" wlll l louse met. nt. 10 o'clock, .l . x . On motlO.l~ of ~l r. I'I.e.teher, . [ orter, rcnd . first. time, nml to reg-ulnl c tho prnclicc nml plcndings in tion... or tmrn pints. . . . .be , . "till"CJ till r. rbi,l and" u rgedaccordingl)'. R eports from eommittee. received. . C. J . R. "'.0. S, relotll e to Ihc proc~omo' l On mo.tlOn of.-~Ir. Mecker, . proseculions for cri mes. Upon Ico.e. ~Ir. Phillips IIltrodacetl

I, . p , FISln:R, ~Icrc".nt', F.,c1ulI~e Il ll iJ.j; n ~. :llr. Cortis introdoced H . M. Ko. 21, tl?n of mart,lnl low over the eoonlle~ of Rilles su.~ndcd and rea~1 a sl'cood t'm o. Read first olld 'eeond time under n 50S. - C. J . R. No.7,' relative to moking What-' . e",melll" , t....l , Ro n' I'mll ~ i 'cn , isalllhnriwl to praJillg Cong..ss to estillgnish the rights P,erce and 'lhurston hy G.o'· . .Isone I. ::it~. . On motloo of Mr. SnHth, pension of thl' rnlcs when com a part of Delivery. '

. ~~~it~ci:C~m-~~~; .rllr l'ub:O;(, f1 J l tl C)n~ Ollt) :llht.·rti~· ~1! th.c (oreign cOl"llorations ill \\rashilJgtoTl "ens, lutc GO"cruor of \\'nshmgton Terri· Ueferred to committec on Memorinls. I On lIlotion of ~Ir. Kelly . C. B. No. 6, wa~ token up, rend B firste... tory. . tory, was taken from th e tahle; and Mr : Seavy illtrodueed I W us referrcllto committ ce'on Jlldiciory and sccood time and \

.-- --- --- .- --- --- - J:cou first tin!c ; onu 0;' motioll. of :III'. Irh)', n. B. Xo. 5 7, rdutire to e,tal>lishing :'Ilr. G nthric rc.intro,loeed . On mot ion 'of Mr. V on Vleot.Terrltorlal .Legisla!ure-l·lh session. Olllllotion of :'II I'. Irhy. ." o~ cons,dcrel! engro~ed and rcod n the norlh wes~ boundory of J.ITl'rsonl'ono· 11.13. Ko. 12, lin oct to regulole the Lnid on the tnble nod "rderell printed .

IN HOl.)SE~ B eau a sccond tiUle ullder n su' pen. ioll thlrdtllne: . . ~ . ty; reod fil's~ 11Ine, ond , ' dl'Oillin:.; of slValllp olld marsh land s. ' C. J . !t. G, woo tok en up, read first aDdof th o rules, ltesol.nlloll pus~ed by u vo~e 01 1" III the , On motion of Mr. 1 eohody , Heud lirst and second time ullder n su'. second tIme, and

On motioll of Mr. 'l'uylor, offirmull"e to 14 IIllhe lIegallre, as follow.s: hnles su' pcnded oud bill read 0 secoud pension of th e rnles. when . On motion of ~Ir . La Du.rj'roceJli"g s of Jan. I['lIt. Condll';,'; .J Was ref'-\-rell to conlluittee Oil Mellloriuls . Ayes-:lIessrs . B~ker,. Bulhlrd, Cm·tls, lime, olld WIIS rcf"rred to conlllliltce on On 1lI0tion of Mr. Moore Rend n Ihird timo onll possell, ulloni·11 J It Xo II, proy illg all oppropl'iutioll 11. U: Xo . ,,4 read a seeollll timo; and Fletch~r, Glo~gow, Gutlll'1e, !rby, Joc~son. Cou,nties. • . Hefcrrod to committee on J\griculture. mously '

or donotioll of lund for th c estahlishnll'nt 011 motion of :'Ifr. Stillman, HutchlSOD, MIller, Mo:row, 1 cobody, Show C.•J. It. ~o. G, reod a second tunl', onu . Mr. Irby iatroduccd C.~. It. Xo . G, was tokeu.up, read see-of a I,unut,ic .\ ,)'Illm ill Woshill:.;ton'rcr· W us referred to committee on Hoods and laylor ood ~Ir. Sl'eaker-15. . On mollon,of :lfI-. Bolch, 11. ll . No . GO, on nct to omoull on oct ond time, onu pritory; I'e~d a thi rd time IIl1d adopted, 1» ' IIighwllYs. Noes-Messrs . ~ndersoll•• Balch, I~rull. I,oid on.th~ table andorucred printed. entitled nn oct relntiog to jll slices 01 the On UlOt~On o~ 1I1r. Ls Do ,o "ote of 2G ill the nflirmnth'e to I ill th c C. J . It. Xo. " reodll .ecu",1 lime; allll sholl', Crockett. IImekle)', Kellogg, K elly. II. B. Ko. "I, on a.~t to nlllend an oct peace and constables and the procliee I>e- Head II tl",d tlUle and passell, unoui·ncgatire. . Ollmotioll of :llr. Andel·801l. ~I~cker, Moore•. I'hillips, Seavy.. ::imith, en ~ i tl eu on n~t ere~ ~lIIg.th~office 1~lId de- forejostices of th e,peo ec. ~101I'ly. • . ' . •

11 J It Xo 12, reluliv e to th e establish· WHS referred to th e committee on :'IliIi· ::itllll11a ll and W.lson-14. finlllg the dUlics of lemtorlol Aadltor. Hend a lirst and sl'eonll time under a H. 111. XQ. 19. relollve to John Y . Sew·mellt of a ~(orine Ho'pital in Woshingtoll tor~.AlTllirs. • 'I'he Honse odjoorncd. Head .a thiru tilDc and p.nssed. . suspension of th e roles, alld ell, wos reod .n seeond tir:'0' and'l'erritor)'; read a thiru time and odoplcd. Su bstitate for 11. M. ",0. 3, rroyillg for Sabslltute for H. J . U. Xo. 2. rdollve to On 1D0tion of ~lr. Morrow On motion of Mr. Cock.

'l' he pelitioll of J . A . l'lIekard rela t ive the ratifi cation of tr eaHes with Iod iulls of WEO~ESnAY. J anuary 20, 18[,l!. ap pointing q conlluissi?n toc~mpil.e OIlU rc· Referred to cOlUmilte~ OIi Jllli iciury. Head 0 thirll timo n?d paued.to a tollln'iuge, report ed back f rom' th e Woshillgtoll 'l'crritory. Hoose mct III 10 o·c1ock. VlSC. the luws of Wosillngton 1'errltor)', H . M. Ko. 8. relativo to tb e extensioll H . n. No. 27, rclotlre to weights and,elcet committec ' wit h a recommcndlltion Head third tim,', allll possell by a "ole Heports from committees receivcd. Rea.. u thi!u time nod. adopted. . _ of the donatioll lOll' granting settlers dono· measures, '~vas token or.omendmeuts from ·that no forthcr acti on he takell upon th e of 16 in th c nffi rmatil'e 10 II in the nega· ~Ir. I'lcther illirodaced II. J .lt. Xo . 15, 9;J .. It. .Ko. 8. relatlVc to the electIOn tioM of public IlIlIds in Woshillgton'l'erri ' the COml11ltt~e read, whensobj eet • .Ileport of coriullittee odop'c,1. th·e. · . ' relntire to the Dred Scott decision, olld the of . ler~ltorlOl officers; omendcd, reud a tory, comilll{ op, was ' .0 11 .motlon of 1IIr. Den.ny, . .'

_H .B Xo ii, rcnorte,1 hllek from ..~lect . 11.:'11. No. IS, rcliltive to the militol')' fl " .. . thu'd tuoe aud allopteu. 011 motioll of :llr 1IIorrow B,II With amendmeots laId 011 the tablo.•• elldorsemeijlo t Ie present Aumlll,stralloll. TI . . f" . II F . . • ,committce with vari olls amelldments, WIIS ront! from Stoilucoom to Vaocoover. reo Read first time , olld . 10 petl.tloll 0 ,uO~r1S . ' ' rost, pray' Read a th ird time and passed, by n vote . H. B. No. 21, read 0 first alld a seeoodreoll, Illill on thc tuhle OUlI orllered prillted portell bllek frolll the cummittee 011 -'Icmo· 00 motion of Mr. Hillckley, 109 for a divorce. conuog np, WIIS of 24 nyes to 2 nay.. ~ tlme.ond .\Vilh ponllillg olllendmellts. __ rial s, comillg up, w~s, ' It ., .1· d . On motion of :llr. Bolch, II n" 34 • , I ' 00 motion of Mr. Denny.

110nse conearrell ill COlllleii om~II\1mcllt O,i motion of :'Ilr. Boleh, . eau a seCOllu tUlle no er a slIspeuslOn Referrellto committeo on COl'llorations. •...1 d ' "0. " ·Io~. ae't,oJ"mt~Dl fn to,C, lteferred to committee ·on JOlliciory.of tho rnlcs. TI ' ,. .1 t f . , ell,l, e all IIC, re o,mg 0 us II: sOle II M N fi "

to\1I B No 15. Hl'ot! athirlltime aau passcll hy a onon· 0'1 moll'o" of Mr. AI"'ersol', Ie pCll'lOl1 anu remolls ronce 0 cItizens l' d tl r b' J t' f ' . . o. 18, read 0 Irst auu a secoodC. J. It. No. ' 4, rel.,tiro 10 tcnd rillg imoos vote. , . " u , of Pierce coonty. relotive to 0 Terrilorial eoc~ nn 10 rroe Ice e,ore us Ices.o timo. olld

tll"nk- to Go',·. G"o. I,. "'Irry of Ore"ol' , S" .·t' r II U N 40 d 0 '11 " as laid on the table to .l>e prmled . root! reported hack from the committee the 1 eoec, ~cportell ba;k from the commit· On motion of Mr .M xon" • 'v <> lIuS,1 u,e or . D ..< O. • all . . GI . d d II B " 5 ' tee on Jud.clory comm" up wos read n . a ,

. for the oble, Illllllly. IIl1d trlllhfol defehse ljj>. i , " A n uct re!tlting 10 prosecuting at. -'Ir. osgow lIltro lice . ' . "0. G, 011 Roads and HighlYllys with 8 reccom· I ' d • d ' 1I b <> , '" Read 0 third time lind possed uoonimoas-concerning the lat e "olontecr orgnniution torne)' ," rcod lirst time and laid on the to. "An oc.t to amend on OC! entitled. 'An ~ct Illendatiou thnt uo furthcr 8ction be tokea t~1r time on passe yo. of A nyes Iy.of Oregoll and Washington Territol'ies.- hIe to he printcd. to rronuo for ~I::, assesslllg ond collectmg thoreoo, coming up, tbe rcporl of the com· t 2 nays.. , Sal>stitate for II. 111. No.3, praying forneod a first time, onu 0" motioo of :llr. :'I~eker. connty re,vena? . mittee·odopteu. II . B. ",0 . 43 onu H. !l' Xo. 28, r~p.ort· tho ratification of Inlliaa trcoties, was

On motion of Mr . Kclly. 11. B. ",0. 26. was token from the ttll>le; Read h~t tlln e. and' Substitote for II. B. Ko. 54•.reportcd e~ hack fro~ the .commltteo oa.Judll'.lIry takeo up, read first aad seconll t ime, andRolcs susp elldl't!, rco,u Sel'Olld lime. nlld aud " 00 motIon of lIIr:. Sb llw, bock from commillee on Roads and High~ wJlh a subst l.toe, \las rend first tlmo, onll .0 0 motion of Mr. Wiley.

On motio n of :llr. An derson, On motioll of Mr. Kelly. Re ali 8 secoud tIme ulluer n suspellsion wilys, wilh amenuments whieb werc adopt. On motloa of Bolch, . Reali II third tim o ond p06., ed.R eferred to committce on.\lilitary Af· Hefcrredto committee on Educot iou. of the ral~s. ed. wason motion of Mr. llaleh, Rnl~s suspended and read IIseconll. lime. 00 leove Mr. Vlln Vleet, lotrollueell

fairs. On motion of Mr. Fletcher . On mot loo of ~Ir. A",~erson, Laid on the table oad ordered priuted. and laid on the table aodorder.ed prlllted. C. J. R. No.8, relative to tho election1I0llseconcur rcd ill COllllcil nmendment II. 11. No . 55, (apportionment bill) was 'Vas referred to commlllee.on Ways and C. J . It. "'0. 7, for tho estnblishmeat of II.!3. ~o. 21. reported ha;k from the of 'l'erritor;o' orneers, read 0 first 1I0d sec- J

to II. B. No. 8. . token from tho table. -'leSanbs

. . r II B", .. .• n Port 01 Delivery at . Whutcom, W. '1'.• COUII~II: With om~Ollmeftts wInch Wero con· ond timc. nndn. B. No. 18, all oct aothorizillg U. S. :III'. Brndshuw moved . to rcject; which u st~tute or . . ... o. ,,4 wos rellu a reported back from the commillee on Com· corre 111. , • • On motion of 1IIr. Von Vleet,

Const Survcyhigportiestoenlcrupolllallils motioll was lost b)' a vote of 13 io the af. second tm!e i .nnd. meree, cemioll\.op, waa C,. B. No.5, on octm relatloo t? the re· Read 0 tblrd time-ondpassell. ,in Washington Tcrritory to erect signals, firnintivc to 15 in the ucglltive. -On motl?n of Mr. Go~hrle, ... On motioli-of . Mr. Morrow, cordlllg of t?WO pluts, read first time, lind Cooncil adjooroed. "." 'uod to prerelltilljllry to the 8ame. ,B ill ordered to n secood reodiog. .W"" referred to commIttee on Roods aoll Itead a thirll time aDd adopteu. 00 motIOn of Mr. Bolch, . ,.

Reod 0 third time ood passed. H . B. No. 21, ." An act IIlIthorizing th. I1lghways: , O. J . It. No.4, relati.e to Gov. Curry, Itnles sospendell oDd r~od seconll tlOle, ' WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20,1858..011 motioo of Mr•. Stillmnn, counly commissioners to pllt the cOllvicts On mot~oo ~f Mr. B~lch. reported back from the committee 00 MiJi· On motion of )(r. S.mlth, COllllcil met at tho 08001 hoor;" ; " . ,

11.)1. Ko. 10. was taken from the tablc. of thc county jail to labor," . ,. II. Il. ~o. ,,4 w~,s lalll OR th~ tol>le. tory Affairs. with amendment which wos . Referrrd to th e commlltce ou Corpora. Mr. Phillips from eotilliJlttee 'ori Eri'roiJ'edvarious aml'admellt s olTl'rctl. whclI OnjDotioll of Mr. Curti~. II. B... o. 49, .A n oct to m~orporatc ndopted, coming aI', wns .. tlOas" . Bills. reportcd thlltio complillacc ,witll R ,

On illotion of Mr. AlIlIcrsoll, Was takcn f"om tbe table, rend 0 third tho ~telloc~o,m .Llbr~ry AlISoclatlon of 00 motioa of Mr. )Iorrow, . C. n. ",0. G, all act relative. to tho vaen· J. It. No. lS,relotive to 00 E nrolling Clerk,. 'I'he memori"l was re·commiUed , with time nlld rassed. . Woslungt.on lenllory, reported. back from Read 0 tbird time ond passed by .. vote tlOO of town .!,Iah; read first time, and H . R . Cro.bio hod beea appointed as snidpelldiog amelldmellts. to the committec 011 II. B . No. 11, .. All oct relativo to os· the eomm.'ltee on Corroratlons wI,th amead· of 25 ayes to 1 nay. 011 motma of .Mr. Show, Clerk ooll entered upon his do ties oo '){on. ,)lemoriuls. Iro)'s," coming 01'. IVOS. mcO" w~:~~n:r~:~o~~~ . . , C. J: R .· Ko. 5, reported b~ck frolll com· .Read II

C8Qcoudtl!!,e oDd refe"ed to com, day, JllO. 18. :..----:-- ". ; " "

'l'hca .adjourned. Ollmolioll of Mr. Fletcher, ~ m . ' . . , . v. • . mitl ce OIl MilitarJ A ffairs, with ameodmellt mlttee ou ~rporotloos. H . :M. X". 21. p1'llyia g :the ul ioguish. ·Referred 10 committce of thc ,vholo "us ~eo~ 0 third tIme o,nd possed . which was ~uopled, coming ap,wui ortler· On m~tlon of Mr. Sbllw. ment of r ights of fereiga corpo rotions

SATL'RDAY. Jalluary IGth , 1858. HOllse. H . .~f. No. 8•. rc~orted. bock from the etl to a third readillg. II: B. "'0. 50, on oct to amelld a ll ncl in t ' 1'erritory. reod . 1I first oDdsecoodHouse met at thc IIsoaf hOllr. Committeo rose, r~l'orte~ progr?... . and c0",lmlttee 011 mcmorlals WIth .mcodments, C. B. Xo: 3, on nl't relative to IIppro. re~otmg to deed s, was token 01' olld read 0 ti e, and , . . ....,.... ",., ,!.,.~'i

. Reports from committecs receil'Cd. obtailled lea"e to sit ogum 011 'lhorsday IVlllch wer? adopted, was, priutillg mOlley from the Territorial Trous. duro time a~a possell. On motion of M r . Maxon. · . .; ' ~ , ..Mr. Smith ill tho Choir. uexl. • . , , On molloo or ~~r. Mce~er, III' to James MeDona"l olld other. com. 011 m~tlOo of Mr. llolch, R crerrcd to a seleet eommittce; consist·

By a nuauimous rote of the 110usl', 1I1r. H . B. No. 3.2, . ~.' .A II net ~o ' reloeato tbe Ordcred tOTO thll'd re~dmg. .. iny "l', was ameoded. olld ' H. B. No . 3G, was. taken from .tl.'c lahle ing of Mc ssrs. 1I10xon. :Wolloco on'd Cock.oUlhrio was gronteu leove to re.illtroullcc Territori"1 Umverslty" eOlUmg up, was, . .C. J. It. ~o. G, rel~tIV. to mealorlol" g On motion of Mr. Andcrsoll nod relen'cd to commIttee on Jodlelary. H. 111. No . 10; relotivo :IOo semi.we·ekly ·11.11. ~o. 1~. rclotive to clrailling swornI' On motion of 11k I,'letehcr, . . J~mt resolotlons, ~c., addresscd . to -- t he . Reud u third lime and pussed.' On motion of ,11k Mecker. ' mnil bellvcell Olympi o nndRaoier, ownsond morsh land e, which hud hcen defcoteu Ameaueu by strikillg Ollt "BOIsfor t Cong~ess of the Umted States, wos read n House odjoarnell . II. B. No . 54, on nct deloring 0 portion takeuup, read II first ond second time; oDdio the Cooncil. • Plam, " olld iJlserting" Co!vlitz F urm 1'rai· first time on~ ordered to II secou~ reading.. ' of the rond from Olympia to Stcilacoom n On motion uf Mr. 'L Ii Do ;: ,, :.,".:--.:'

. Mr. Boker illtrollllcl'd ril'." , C. J. It. ~o. 7. for the estabhshn~ell.t 01 F moAY, Jonaory 22d, 1 ~58. poblic highway, was takeo up. read 0 third !teod 0 third ·t ime ond passe d. .-" ; .:,' .11 . B. No. 53, 00 ort ,"'c1uring s I1l1ch -,"'. Phillips mo.ed to indCfillilelJ rost· n por,t o~ deh.ery nt Whatcom. Waslung- ilouse met at Ihe osoal hour. time and pas~ed. . H . M. No. 17, to lhe -- Socrotary of th e

of the militar), rond lead ing fr om VOll cou, I'0ne; pCI~ding Which" " ton 'Ierrlt?r)·.lVas rea,l a first time ; anu Sereral members beiog abseut the HOOFO On m?~ioJl of Mr. Irby, . Treosory of th e Uol i ell Stales: reod lI.firstverto E'ort Steihlcoom ns lies In 'l'hllr,StOIl . On motlou of Mr.- Guthrlo, . . On motion of M~. Bradshaw. . nelJ'ourned without transacting allY busiocss. n. B. N,o, 5.1. wos takea from the tablo and second time, aod .' , . . ;.,:county, a military rootl. Wosrostpollcd for forth.r eoos,derolloll Read a seeond IljDe ' uoller II so'rellS,on and modo ' the order of tho doy for 1st of On motion of Mr. 'Valloeo.

Head first time , alld • on, ~ho 21st uay ?I JUlluary. . of the rul~'. . SATeauA\'. Jalluory 23d. 1858. Fehroary. . .. R ead 0 thi rd tima and posscd, by 0 Toto00 motion or 1IIr. ::ihal\'. Ihe HOIlSl' odJo,:,rueu. ~ mOllOIl of Mr, Crocketl! . 1100se met at the usoul hOllr. Ou moltoa of 1I1r. P cohol1y, . of 7 oyes 10 1 no. Mr. W iley excosed froUI

Itol es sospellded. OIlU bill reud a second "as referred to th e com'U1tlcc 011 COlli- 11.111. No . 15. praying the omcudment votin~. 'time. "hell . 'l' eEsIIA\" Jnnaar)' 19, 185 8. merce. - '. . All the mcmhers preseot. of the pre-emptiolllaw liS re~ardB pre-empt- Mr. Wiloy in the Ohair. ' '•. .

011 motioll of Mr. Irby, House met ilt 10 o'clock, C. J. It. No.8, relutl'e to the election Rl'ports from c~mmitlee. receiyed . ing lalld. ia Washiogtoa Territory WIIS II. D. No. 53 all oct . declor iDg so moehReferred' to committl'e 011 Ronus alld Itcpo'rts frolll committees received. of 'I'err;torial oml'ers, read first time; and Mr. ~lorrow mlrodoceu. taken np omended oDd read 0 third time of tho military ;ood leadi ng from 'Steila-

lIighwa)'s, Mr. Anuerson ill Iho Choir. . " . Oa .motioll of Mr. Irby, : . 11. B. No .·.58, an nct to prOVIde for II and )lIss~d' coom to Vnncoo.er os lies withia Thors ton)Ir. ~liIler introdoced :Il,' . llllllord iotroduced II. ' J . It. Ko. Read 0 second time uader spspension of srecio! term, of . Ihe Supremo COllrt . of T~ell odJourued. cooaly a 'l'erdtorial road wns 'takcn up

H . B. No . 54, rdutive to declul'iog II 14, relntive to the odjournmelltoftho I,cg' tho rull's,.and ·ordcred lo.a third reading. Washmgton 'ler.rltory. ~ 0'11 motioll of Mr:D~oIlY. '" •portioo of the roud.from OIYlllpia to Steil· islotm'o 011 the 22d ull. . 00 mot~on of Mr. CurtiS, Renu II fi~sC tllne, aad, IN ~OUNCII,. R ead a thi rd time ond passe·d.aeoom, a public highway. Read first . tim e, and rejeeted I>y a vote II. B. No. 34 wns tokon from tho table, On motion of Mr. Shaw, . ~loNDAY, Jallaary 18th, 1858 . 'rheD odjourncd.

Rend ,lirst t imc and ord l'rcdto n sCl'onll of Ig in the uOirmativc to 10 in the lIegll' lIall ' . ltnlessu.penued ~Y . a anallllllOUS vote , C '1 - t t 10 '1 k . ---d' ' . til·c. 011 motion of Mr. :lleeker, IIl1d bill read asecoll tlme,ooll oonel me 0 oe Oe • A. II. . 'l'UUllSDAY, J ooa ary 21st. 18,58.

reo mg. d d ' " R eferred to commitle~ On J udiciary. . . 011 motiou of Mr. Irby, I :lIr. Wallace obsent 00 leare. . . - . . ' .,. Mr. }'Ielcher introllu cell n. B. Ko . 55 "'OS reu n. Secon tllne ; On motion of Mr. lrby ' Rules still forther sospelld, alld bill read It.por~ from select committee on H . B. Mr. Cock (rom committ ee on EdaeatmllH. B. Xo. 55, 00 oct to apportion th e and II. B. No. SO was tak~1I from thc tabl. a third lime and passed ououimously. "'0. 81, reloti.e to divorce, was roccived. to whoro had beeo reftrre~ II. n. No. 26 ,

. representation of the Legislative Assemhly 011 inotioa of Mr, E'letcher, • and amended . and H B ""0 30 on oct o"'hor·'.·11 g \" ',1_ reeommending the passage of suid bill. ' ' aD ae~ 10ameud lin oct enlltled lIll nct reI·of Wo shillgton··l'erritory. R eferred to commiitee 00 Coonties. " . . -" .. ",. I " . , oUve·to commOil schools t d th B'll

Read first time alld laid on the table OIlU On motioo of 1IIr. Meeker, On motion of 1Ilr. Audersoll, Iiom II. Cooper to establish 0 ferry, read a H. J. It. XO. ' 12, relative to Mariae h k d" . 'J"~o: e 0 Iorllered printed. . Petitioll of citizens of P ieree coaoty reI. Orl1ere~ to 0 third reodi~g. thiru tiroe .and passed. . n?,pit~I, tnken np. rend first ; sotolld, and m~~t.recomroell mg Its \11 e mte pOSlpooc·

II. ~1. Xo. 20, prayiug for on oppro- ative too 'I'erritOrial rood, preseotell hy Mr. 011 mot~on 0;' Mr. Guthrlc. C. J . It. Xo. 5, relotire to Gen. W ool. tlurd .t lmeTond posscd . On motion of Mr. W olloce

Priation to re·loeate. build. II, 0<1 clear of olr More, was r.eferreu to the committee on U . B. !\o. 3" wos tokea from Ihc table, read a th ird time ond adopted by a YOle 01 H . n. No. 31, tok ea aI' , o~d L 'd tl t bl h· tt l' ., - fand . 00 motioll of ~Ir Wiley. 01 o,~ Ie a e su ~ ec 0 I ,e oruerostractions tbe 1IIilitary rood from E'ort Roods olld IIighwoys. . ' . 16 ayes to G nays . . '. Ihe Cooncll. .Steilacoom to the Walla·wnlln vallcy . 11. B. No. 5:1, .. An nct declaring so 00 mollOa of Mr. lrby, 'rhe petition of ,J. W. Gool1ell ond oth· LOlli 00 the 101>Ie alld the speCial orller C B N 6 t k d

Itead seeooll and third time olld posscd . much of . the military road leadin.. from " .as mode the order of thc day for the era relative to a Territorial road "0' lof the day for tho 25th of Janunry. '0' ... 01: • wra~la Den up. aD- " 2Gtl d f J ' . ' • 0 t' f 'I D n 010 loa 0 ..... r. eony.

II II , . '0 .• lai" on tl •. bl .• \' to "'0 • "t '1 c om as lies ia I ay o. uaoory. On mOUon or Mr. Hiackly, n mo Ion 0 -' r. en."y, • It rd " .. '. . ...,0. " ,reuu, u IC ,0 e onu . OIlCOllrer J: r,., el a 0 . 00 motlou of :llr. Shall' . C. B.-No.5 an oct relallve to record109 e erre t~ commlttoe on JudICiary .ordered printed. , . ' . , . Thurston l'onnty a 'Terr itoriol rood ." re' _ _ . ' Referl'ed to commlttce on Roads alld I . ' k dr.' 00 motion of Mr. Cock, .

H . B . ...Xo . "1,' read, allu referred tocom· ported bock from the committee on Roads II B :'\0 29 " A ll act sUI'I,lelllelllol 11' I . . town I' ots. \\OS to en 01' 110 re erreu 10 II B "T 2' t k ., dv ' . .... . , . If,!; J\voys" 'tt cr " .1.' 0. " \vns n ' cn up r cou &CCOUmittee 00 Jlldieiory. IInll Hia:hwoys, . and omelldotory to oct ellt itled 'A ll oct to . II M Xo 22 rel.t·,ve to 'Alleo L 1'0 t Icomllli eo 00 orporo IOn'. I'me ., . ' .- . b '1" ",' ., . ... . , ., . r . H ~I No "9 relotiv. to John Y SCII' I ,nnu '

II. B. No. 52, rcod, laid on th e table IIl1d On motioll of :Ill'. Guthrie, orgalllzo t e mlltm, . was tllkco from the er, reported bal'k from Ihe commiltee 011 . , . , . ~ , , .. . On motioa of Mr. Wil ey, . ."ordered prioted. Was read a tbird time uod passed, ood table the omendmeots of the comm ittee 011 1\1 . I ell, takea 01', read a first aad second tIme, T " U ts ffi 1I b I . •

Mili~ry Affairs adopted and rcau II tlll'r " emOor lO "t~vo.. f'( II ' kl OIlU refcrrcll 10 committee 011 :llemoriols. ,,0 Comell mco 0 ered

Y} IC co\Umlt-. Substitate for II. :'II. Xo . 3, relld n scc· title agrecd to. . I' u


n 1Il0 loa 0 ..... r. mc y, • . tce 00 ommerce were 0 opteu. .Dod time. a,id on motioa'of -'I~. Irby, ns· ::iul>stitutc for II. II . No. 54, " A n oct to tlllle aod ~ossec. !tcod a third lime and pos. ed. II . !I~. ~o. 20. praymg CO'~llre8' fur on Bill read 0 third timl9and:pu sed.signell to 0 th ird reading on :llondo)', locate a 'l'erritorial road f~om Olycn,ria, in 00 motl~n or,:'II~; Allderson, . . H onse eoncnrrell in Council omelldment opproprl!'tlOn to re-Io~a.te, bmld anll clear 11. n. Ko. 29, 00 oct sopplimeDtal riud

H . ~r. No . 19, rclntirc to Johll Y. :5ew· 'I'hurston' eoon t)·. to SteIlacoom, III . th e II . B. 1\0. 2~~ All nct dee"lrIl1~ SOl lo 11. B, Xo. 2i, all act rclalive to weights ~bs~ructlons 011 thc .\ll htory I'ooll from Ft. 'ameoda tory ~o aa ' act eoti tlcd 00 oct toell, read" third time and passetl. . coonty of Piercc, r~l'ortcd hy the eomm,ttee mu~' ~ of the lO~htory road !cn <l i ~.g . rrom olld lII easure~. ::ite,lacoom ~o th e Walla-wulln val!ey, was orgollize the MiIi~n, lVaslaken ur. read l\

H . B. Xo . ·27 , 00 oct relat ive to weights on Ho.ds anti Highways, was read first Stcllacoom to' ancouvcr os hI" II'llllln th c 0 11 mot ,oll of Mr. BlIlIonl takclI np, rend first :lUll second tIme. and first and sccond time s nlland mcosares rentl a third time und l'n6.,cd . lillie, and ordel'e,1 to n second readiog. limits of Lewis county. n Territorial rontl." n. B. No. ,,2, WIIS token fro';' the tol>lo, On mot!oo o~ 11k Yan 'lleet. ,. On motioa of Mr. Wiley.

C. B. Xo. 4. ou oct· relatiug to 1'rosecn· n. M No. Ii, t~ tho ~ccretary 01 thc

lwss .toke ll frolll the table. . . amended, on~ Heou a .thml ,tIme nnll passed. . Referred to committee 00 M ilitary Af-

ting Attorneys. read first time, ond Trcasuryof th e Un~tcd Sts~c~, ~cported 11,11 as IIlUended rcod a tlurll tllue olld l 1;>0 motion of -'Ir. Alluersoll, , I 11. B. ~o. 27, reall.first and second tllne, fuirs. •00 motion of :llr. ~Icekcl', bal'k from the committee 00 I rmtmg, , I'asscd . . La,d on the table aHd mad. thc oruer ufl Hlld referred to comm,ttce 00 CODlm erce. n. B. Xo. 49, nil oct to illcorporule th o

Rilles susl'euded, oud bill rea ll n secolld O~I 1II0lion of ~11.. ~.on Cleav e, I 011 motlO? of !llr. Bro?shalV, . . the day for t!,.e 2Gth Janoor)'. . 11.11. Xo. 2G, rood .first nl1ll.seeon~ lime ~Ieilocoom Librory A ssociotioll, beiug oex~time and I'et'crred ' 10 cumwilll'e 011 Judi· " .as I'eall a tlllrd time nnd passed. II. :II.. No. 14, . praYlOg for II unhtoryI . On 1II0tIOn or 1I1r. Irby, II and referrell to comllllttee on htlueat,oa. UI order, was tokeo op retid lirst oud sec ·ciary. H .:'II. ",0. 4i r"porteu hOl'k frolO the post a~ /<i ew Dan.g,~ss, andlllilitary roud l n. n. No. 45. IVOS takell fromlheltlhle, Uponleo" e ~Ir. Phillips. illtrodoeed oDd time. and . ' ' "

C. J. H. ~o. 5, relotirc to the fllise ulld eOllllllittee 00 Juuiciar)' with amellumeots, Irom ~~IV llongmesl to Port T~lVns~od" omellded, on~ . . . C ..1. H. .Xo . n, relotire to mem~rials, On Illotioa. of 1IIr. Denny. , ...malicious &I"ndcl's hcopctlnl'on th e citizens wCl'e adoptetl; 1I1ll1. IVOS tllken from the to?le, read n tlllrd t,me,I On ,uot,on of :'III'. )Iorrow, IJUlllt 1'l"OIUtIOIlS, &c., adllrcs.ed to Ihe Referred to eommitteo ou Corporo.lioRs.0011 volulltecl's of Wll shillglon Territory 011 motion of -'II-. duthrll', and pnsse,! hy 0 uuanu~lous vote . I The bill was re 'comlllitted 10 tIll: cOIII· l e"ngre,. of the Ulliteu :5tates j rend'fi;st H. 1Il, No. 14, prayiug fOI' 0 militaryby oeo. Wool, coneorn illg lhe late war ill Was laid 00 th e toble to bc I'l'illted . On mot IOn 01 ~Ir. Wll soo, lIIittee on Coullt ie. , . : anti sl'conu timc ond r.forreu to commiltee post nt Xew Duoginess aud a lOilitllry ro"dWashillgl oll Territor~' . ~I r. Sl'cnker ,illthl' Choir. 11 .:11. :;0, I~ , to Brig. (Jell , Clark of Th en a,ljollrned. "" " clllorilll. . from ~ew Don giaess 10 l'ort 'l'o ,,:osfod.

•ti'&'"The L egislat ive Assemhl)" adjourned

sine die, on T uurSURJ last, nfrer n most har­monious session of nearly nine weeks, du­ring which lime a g rea t a mount of usefullabor has been d isposed of. .\ lIlong othermatters, ill wh ich t he county of 'f hnrstonis most directly i D t erest ~d , the new oppor.t ic nrueut gives to us six memuers, as herelo.fore , ins tead of five, of which sixth memberwe were unj us tly' rQMr,[ the session before.

Wha teY.I· may ha vo been the POlilics ortb e memh ers comp osing th e late Legisb.lure, this topic has cntered less tbau everheretofore in th e labor s 01 L egislation._P or t)" politi cs wel'e vcr)" wisel)" e' eilidedalm ost enlirel)" t hercfrom. A spiri l to Ie• .isillte for th e puhlie go od seelUs to ha;eaelnatet! all, uad the fl'lli,s 01 th eir I.borwe uoubt Ll. ot, will SOOn ue uppnrcnt. I

'1'O·dll)", (Fl'ill ll)" ) onl' to wn looks com,pol'ativel)" dosel'led ; many members havealread y tak en th ei,' lIepartnre, and B)':ll oml,,)" Olll' t01Y1I ~'i11 again hovo assumedits usual " ppellrllnee of quiet, ond scarcelya l;i nglc distan t member remnin here.

That nllinterrll l,ted heallh aDd prOSperi.ty ma.!· a tte l1~ Ihem Ihrongh life, is Oureal'lle&t wish 10 all .


~------------------ ---

s: . . I d h' . 1- C -~ - -- I " 1 -I' I 0 '" the 13 .0n~ tan'" P•m0rrat " 1t Elt~;~n.~: xr. B.'CIll:I.D"", a U . S.W. - taken n , -ad fint a nd seco nd t ime, which ·M.r. W alla co WI.t I rcw II motion . , _ " , .,nr.s,.IO' ., . A., l OI.rn~A . " 1. r u. ,~ ,.r I ll; I I' I II d I II I) 1 'Ir 1[, t introduced in Commissioner in 'h'18 Territory, huviueO .: I 'I P h'II' .T he bill was then mu on t ne la , e a n . , , ccem >cr, .u r. in er . _

D mouon 0 " r . I IPS, d Th II c ; bill r th' f twer tv d' I . II ' • ffi di ced....ferred to eommit tec on ~. [emorials. mad o the order of t he ay lor ursday, t I.e ."",na.le 1\ , tor e issue 0 I • . prove n mse a corrnp. 0 ice r, 18gra u....,,, II T r ote \ 10 th e fi rst OL DIPU, lI".\SIII~GTO. ~ TERRITOR I ,H . n xe. 23, on net d eclar iDg 10 much 281h J onu.ry.. I . . I~I 10!'lsl' m [Icasn

/" nl ' ~' 't ~ to I c fi ,~d our laws and the cit iz..as of the Territory,I thernilit co d Ieadlne fre m S tciln Me mori.l praYIllj:; for t'e e xt inguishment SIS 1111 Ion', ie rn co an eres IS I I. PRI DA Y , FEllUUAI: Y 5, 1S5tl. was re moved a fcw daY8 since by hi; honor,

a t ~: " r] a r 'lll ' the limi t ~ o1'"'the r ight s 01 foreign corp~ration8 in W b)" the Treasury Dcpa rt ruent , the balance =c~0i':e ~ ane~n re r asT re~t .I ~n road was Twos read as ame nded by the seleel com: : is to be issued nt the lowest rat e 01. interest ,Just ice CIIE'OWEr,'I, upon a pet ition pre-o k lTlS connd y'fi ". errd I onn d time' and mi'tl ce their um' dmcnr adopte d und me. that will command the excha nge of the notes J . w. WII.EY .\S n E. r t:RSTE, EllITons. sented to him for th at pu rpose. It ista en up re a n rs. an ...co" " ' j f . \"1 t tl . I" t . d '

O n m' O"lon of Hr. ' Van '·Ie. t, moria l passed , . Iat &0. r or specie. ,a re po Ie)" IS as o. si...ned by some 15 ...entl emen a nd 50 10 res,.. to DI. f I " T ruth cru sh'd t o ear th will ri lle aJralR, '" 0 I:)

Referred to committee g O Indlan A ffllirs. An oct 10 confer civil j urisd ict icn 1I [1.o nIrna a ng thc~ ." otes a part 0 t re currency Th e eternal years o r God arc hers," ' om\ is now in our possession . .A Irendy isC il di ed probate courts a nd reg ulate the prseuce does not distinctly appear. ~Ir. II unter d I' .

\:lnnel 0 jonrn . ed I . I' t . I I' f II deserved censure bel'mr IlOS, C upon t 115 in-Iherein lTUS t oken u and tho repor l 01 urp; t Ie Imme< lB e consl< crn IOn 0 Ie • . ' "'.'. 1 d!\ d' I' t I ut the lIlallcr was 'llO ' tponed CAI.I,FoIl S r.ss lll' .- The lat e L egislature di vidnal by Ibose who know hlln bestFruOAY, J nnonry 22, 1855. the committee on . u ICI ~ry, rccommen mSj!'u _ICC, J , ~ C · I . • • 11 d -t . of th Su '

Canncil met a t tbe usnal hour. its inde fi nite pos tponement adopted. • On the ISth , hoth H?~ses o.f on~e<;s u:\flng co e nn ex rn sessIOn e· among whom he ha s residod for th e Inst!tfessrs . Maxon aDd Ynn "Iect a bsent. Husine.. from tbe House, i were illtcnt on th e AdlUlUlStrat lon proJcct preme court, th e same was convened here five )'enrs, and whose esteem a!"1 p;ood will,~fr. f' hillips 01 t he joiot committee on A bill a nt horizing William Cooper 10eS"1of nn is,<ue of 1'~e~sury 1I0te8 to nny nmount on )"esterdn)"-Assoeinle Justice 0. B. ~Ic· ra t her than Ihat of a few 7IIi" ralt1ry ul'my

gorolled m ils, rel,orlel! the following bills Inbli sb n ferr)" was referred to comm itt ee hclow twenty lIulhons oldollar• . The course FA" O"S pre'iding The case 01 th e Indian ' " dII d C r ' of ,Iehate in each renders prohable the IIn- . " , ' . . officers, he shonlol have end eav ore 10 se·

RS being cor rectly enro e : d II II onAnor~oc~a ~?s~~I.ing Ihe bonds of ma\ri. 1IlOsition of \"Cry material l'CS)ri cti ons 01.1 th is Cine! Lesclll, who WllS ~en le~eed 10 ~ ,e eurc. Yoo arc snr oly sh o r t . s i~b l ed , Mr. B.,U . 111. Xo. 1 ; II. M. Xo. 19, a n . . I I t f t I tI QQd It I tl s tr bnnal at Its

Xu.3S. mony helween Julia A. L endingham oll,d issne, nllikl'e as. to tfl~ alUou~t[, raC~ ?t ,.wder- ImngDon lei ~~ tU ., I)" ' 1'11 I t't t or you certniuly would rell eet upon th e

. Mr. WallIce asked lellVe of ab sence for A . L . Lendingham, h.~ing beon mRdo t Ie es~ am In,rn~lon 0 ISSue . .' r.. ~' ,"'.n ~I ~ ate eeem ' er . erm, WI . cons.1 u cone conrse )'our a re pursuing . Helllemb er th Rt1IIr. Maxon, which was " ra nted . s""ci. 1 ord er 01 lo ·day, was read and pass · Said Ihe Governn!ent. ought 10 merea.e Its of the cases eommg before It. 'Ibe exeen· ,. I '1' r . .

o r·· re"euuo b" taxat ion III some form a nd 1I0t . . . . tuose geul emen \\ lose ,a' ors ) on conr tT hen odj onrned. . , ed. J • ' . lion of the senteuce of thnt COUl'l It WIll be 1 , . t ' I'

1IIr. Phillips, on louo, introducod n me· nndertuke ' to meet. I~ current ,expenscs III . • , • ' s may Irar, 01 a momenl, no Ice-I 'C) a reSATUnUAY, J annary, 23 , 1858. moria I for the reliel of Charlos E. Roberts , time uf pcaee by shlllnmg , ,rememb ered, '~llS. prc'~!I1ted by the basene," . subj oet 10 orders, which we hope ma)" be

Council met Rt tho osual hour. n d lizen 01 Whateom connty, which W.I On the 19th, Ihe Senate passt-d Ihe 'Ireu· kna "ery, or cr,mmnl Ignornn ce of the 8her- recoil'ed nt an ea rly do)". In the meanlimeMembers a\l prescnt. read nnd referred to committee on the J u· sury note bill, very slightly amended, 1,)" a iff of Pierce county, combined with the uni, within the walls of Fort Si eila eoom )'o~

d· . mixed vote. Ycas 31 nOC8 IS. ~[essr,. t d ' t' f" to • t k' . ' .Mr. I'hillips, of joint committee on cu· Icmry . • : I r II il K ed S d e exer Ions 0 a ,ew no riC )"-see lUg and t he enemies 01 onr people- (thl>hoslIl erolled bills, reper\ed as correctly e.nrolled, 1IIr Maxon moved 10 Instrnet tho com· Crlt te", en, •oot, a, enn y, ewnr ar lU" rod tes who bad they but one half d f ' III . ~I . No. 10, rclatioo 10 " seml.weekly lDiUe~ to inclode and take ioto considora· and ~Vilso~ of th e Oppositi?n 8upporled ~ g . ua, '., ' . . . .. " • Indian-the mur or 0 IUnocent. wOl.uen a liImail betwee n Oly mpia aod Ran ier. ' tion oll limilor cnses that may come to th eir the hIli, willie lIl essr~ Broderick: ,Jell. Da- t~ le kno\\ ledge \\ Illch the) exhllnt III prct:en ebildron, ) can find sympathy a nd Illde you r

Bn siness from th. Honse: kno\\·ledge." Which was carriod , Yis, J ol!nson of :l'el.ln~ee, und I ugh ~'oted SlOn, ought to have known better than to sha me .U . n. Xo . 51, a n act 10 nmend an act , T hen adj ourned. nllY, WIth n majori ty 01 tb o Il;epubhcans. cngage in the traos.~ctions 01 that da)"; a ." . .-- . . _

entit led a n act creating the office and defio· Mr . Douglas vole~ .cor th e bill; It wa.• kna\'isb petlifog-gihg allorney, nnd a militn- KII.LED.-An I ndi'ln w,.. killed on th e..r Tc ' 'I A d'l 1 T J ry 26 I 85S amended so os 10 hOllt thc dnratlon of th e . . . . I f 'V I 1 l b ' I f I' .iug the dnties '" rrltono n l or, rea, ('£SIlAY, anna , . to I' " d r I'd tl . r)··fawm ng U . S . ComlllIsslOner . mg ,t 0 e' neSl ay as t ) a coup c ons FATAl. A CCIllE' .... .- JoSEI.1I CORRtn, of

fi t and 6OO0ml t ime a nd A b'lI ~ I' tI e relielol A I P orter \fa s ootcs ue ell8ll1 ng year, ao or n Ie IS' . I l ' I f d f ra I'll H 'D I 0 I • , . Slle helol" tl, e denominati ou of ~, 100. In T he I,risoaer was again remanded for sen· red bret Iren (nrmg- tie ren1.)" ao nry 0 Ensport, ~[ ai lle , was inslnn lly killed 011. . On motion 01 .....r. eony, read and ""&sed

Re lerred 10 commit tcc on Ways aud Joint R~~lution relativo to adjournment th e H onsc, '~'rcasury notes were 111so dis· te nee 011 W ednesday last, nnd will probabl)" ~ whiske)" row. 'l'h e gn illy parti es ure oow board t he bark Priw dship, Iyin!: at theMenns. I)n Thursdny, 4th Febrn.ry, was read and cnsse<l.. but WltI!Oot resoll . . be re-sclltenced · t~ay. lIe is now in safe III the enslody of !IIr. Arm;trong, who de· Pn get !llill Co's. whurf a t T ekalel , on tbe

C , J. R. Xo. " relatito 10 tend ering plUSed. Major ~IarrlS 01 the Unu", 111"

asl. e!eeted custody aod in hands from whom he will signs deliYering them over to the friellds allli 12th inst. ~Ir. Corb elL was a..ist illg i

b k 0 C 10 lTOS Ink· u . I .• '1'1 ' t t Se uat e Prmtcr :I[r. Donglns , ee nllog to ' . ' . ' 1 1 I " I . at vn • 10 ov. arry, 0 regon, w emorla praYing .cr a ml I ~r) pos n r h' "" . l" f t . t not mak e IllS escape. A bout n week or ten relutl\'es of the deccased, to ,e ( CU t 1\11 1 ge t t ing tb e main )"al'd aloft aad wh'len np nml read as amended by the IIonse, ~elf Dnnginus was on motIon of Mr. vote or ml or renson. su IS ae or) 0 . . . . I ~ " . ..tI . ..' I e

nd Cooncil concnrred in the ameodments . Ph'll" r rr ~ to c~mmlttee on !IIilitMry himself." . da)'s smee, he made an a ttempt of th iS kmd, accordmg to nulan eo,tom- atooe 1\1. I a standmg on Iho ya rd, wllh Ins hea,l overa Conncil concurred in Honse nme ndments Adallrs~' ro e e The Houso have ele~ted Mr. Stca~man uut wus prevented; subseqneut to th is, he price th e rulue of life. One of Ihe prlSon- Ihe collar of Ihe ma in atay, he sta nding rea­to C. J . n.. No. 8. An oct to amend an act rel ating to deeds. of .Ohio, the Democratl~ caue~8 candldatc, also attempted to Inke his life by hang ing, ers came very ncar makin~ hi; cscape )"es· dy to hook Ihe sling chain, th o hook of the~

1IIossoge Irom tho Honse reporting the was. on motion 01 !IIr. lIlnon, referred to I'rIIl,~~r, b)" a('R·ote °I f)I~ ldt04 8 ' t~tor ~ eorgo but also lailed. 'fhis will be th e t hird time terday, but after ha ving- had runr sbots from "l'per purch ase block ga" e wn)" alld the... 01 II n Ko oS on aet to provide J .r· • ' It ~ ~1. " cston epn ,. an sea eraDp;. . . ~ . ., "" '

passa~_ • . ,: S' . C f nu,clory.eomml .ee. t . ' 0 . tb lS unhapp)" man hllS bad blS sonIc ce prl)- a revolver fired a t hllll withou t lak lll~ e"ect, yard fell to th e deck- aile purt of the.. speCial term of tuo upremo ourt 0 !IIemorlal praYlllg an amend ment of lue ~[R. Dor Gl.AB' KAs s,\s BII.I.-"'asl lln~ ed . b ad d ff b . ' 11 .W:uhing ton T erritory. . pre-emption la w, was, on motion of ~I r. Ion, D ec. IS.-The bill introdneed h)" M~. nOUlIC . ,.. . I ' 1was c eo . . y some pc: , ons m ,e tackle caught. 111m over the ne.ck ODd nCar.

, On ~lolion of M r. Wlloy. Moxon , relerred !'" commit.tee on Claim. . DouglllS in tbe Senate to-day l!rovides for 0 Messrs.." ."hams, shen~, J . 1\I; Baebel· st reets and agam secured. I, 'qnor has been Iy se~'ered IllS bead . from In.s uod)"-he. .rhe .DIII was read a fi r~ t, second and An oct d~elarlUg ~ portIon of tI!e r.oml bo~rd of five persons, appomted h)" Ihe der, commISSIOner, and Ll euts. Kautz and nneommooly pleut)" am ong th em 01 late, haa g mg b)' a small p,eee of IllS neck over

tllIrd time, onder II suspeQ~,on 01 tbe rules from OlympIa to .S tellacoom a pubhe IIIp;h· I'r""ideot nnd eon~rmell by t.ho S~nate, to :lleKibben will also bo heard in defellce of and fighting, qnarreling, noise and distur, th o stay unlil a rope was 8ent up to lowera nd pa ssod. '. way, wa~, on motion 01 Mr. De~ny, refer red make on enum eral:on of the. mhahlta nts of their condnet · in resisting th e exeention' 01 banee has been in propor tion. Ihe lif.less uo~)" on deck.

T he Clerk wa s IUstruclad to raport t he to eomnllllee on Roads and Hlghway8. Kunsa~ and a filiI' npportl<'nment of the . ,. I db 'bill bock to tho Hooso, for tlllT lth. Joint Resolution relative to tbe a rrest of lIIelUbel~ of the Con~ention to form the th e law IU Ilerce eonn ty on tie aya ave , ..". . ' ITe lYas 28 years of ngo, and has a IDoth.

C. B. No)~, o.n oct approptiatlngmoney Ihe murderer. ~f ,I. No Ebey, lTns, on . mo· new Constitntion. 'fhe election te be hell! mentioned. They are hero, as well as some .c&- Tbe ~roeeedlU~ a~lll l'e80lutlons o.f er and brot her8 at Easlport.from tb e temlorlol treRsur)" to pay J am es tioll of Mr. Phdhps, referred to commIttee on a dll)' to be designated by th e board t o o\hel'S, to purge themselvcs of a contempt a mass meetlUg held m Pierce county, e,· ( E ast ern pnpers please cop),. )~leDona ld and ot hers for the arrest of Pot. 011 1Ilemorials. be not less th an ninety 1I0r more than one of its mandales. We Iwpe the)" may sac. pressive of th e seuse of a mAjority or th e •••Re agnn, was now taken up and read as An act to nmelllilln oct onlitled, an act hnndred and twenty dll)"s after th e passnge eeed people o[ said county at tbo conduct of eor- H "-S E~TENCr.Il. _ 'l'he Snpreme Coart,lImended by tbe Honse, and the amand· rclal;,'o to justices?f the pence and eonsta· of the net. The board is to bo entrusled 'VI I . b ' 1 I I" 11 I t taia men conspicuous in the farce enacted ('lOWin 80ssion,) has again re.senleaeed .ments nccep~ed . hIes, was, O l~ .lllot lOn of .1IIr. W.llace, re· wilh the appointment 01 judge8 and the se. la ever lIIay ?-sal( 0 mar l<1 ~w~ U e . . . .

On mollon 01 Mr•.Yan Vle et, rerred to JudiCiary comnllttoe, lcet ion of places 01 "oting, th e eleetire oeenrrenees eoucluslyely show that It IS th o lit Steilacoom en tho 2201 ult" oro nnnyo id L esehi to be hnng, and the day of execu.T he . clerk .~as inltrncted to ~oport to An oct to lIuthorize Will. II . Co.op~r to franchi se to be confi ned to e\'ery rrce while only Inw of any effect in Pierce eounty-- ably crowded out this week . . 'l'hey nrc de · lion fixed on Friday, the 19th inst. ! be

the H onlo t hCl r conenrrenc~ Iherem. establish a ferr)" across the Chehahs river, mole citi zen 01 tbe United StalcB over twen- th e civil is inoperativo. cidedly 8eVere 08 well as rieb, and adminis. sheriff of 'l'hurston coun ty has beea ap'H . M. N o. 22, lor tbe rohol of ;\lIen L . was passed. t)'·one vears of a"'e, wbo may be a bona fide ... ter. 8eatll'ln C.St·1 a t 'Ion to tIle -rsons . t d t . I tio the s I

I'or ter, Ifal read first and see9ltd time, and The I'resident uow. guv e 1I0tice Ibat he resident of th e T~rritorv 011 th e 21st of De- TRurn TEl.l.En~A 10 x 12 Iheet boar. ~. ~.. g , . p. 1'0111 e 0 carry In 0 exeeu n e I'On motion $II ~r. D enny";" . would sig n the bills , memori als, &e., re· cember, a nd who shall ' ha"e rcsided th ree t~lerelD mentioned. 'Ihe resolutlOn8" arc tcnee 01 th e court.

R erer red to committee 0." Memorluis . por ted from tho IIouso for that pnrp ose, mouths prior to sa id election in Ihe county ing th is nome has made its appearance in Sig ned by some 80 or 90 nnmes. 1 he)" ••e' • . .Oil -Ieaw, !\lr. Denny IIltroduced C. •J. "iz: Memorial relatitc to compensa tion in which he offers tOYote. Tho Con vcntiou our midst, beariDg dato at Sleilicoom. It sball appear ia our oex l. X ';WSJ'.\I'ERS-WII..T TIl .\' AnE A~D WHAT

It. Xo. ?' re l? tivo .to logisla tif o ossem!,ly of pnb lie printer; memorial rolative to mil· to assemble in not less th an thlrly nor more is devoted entirely to tho delamation of the ~ .- . - . - . TIl EY D o.-The Richmond Wnig, in an 'or.ndjonr",n: , slUe die, on 291~ J a n., willeh ito ry road fro~ Steilacoom to Y~eouver ; than sixty daY" nf~er .t he elec tion of ~ele- charactor of onr worthy executive, aad in },'ROII },' ORT COL\'I l.I.E.-'-We see by the ticle 8ngge stive 01 taking its Cbri8tmaswas rcad " fi,rst aad second ~"ne, oud, memoria l praymg an nppyoprlatlon .I? re· gnte 3. '1'he ConstltatlOn . to be submitted bolstering np tb e rotten characters of a lew 0 . ' f 30th j, ry received by IMt a mI N ew Ye ar'o ".ifts" in the sha"" of

On mOllon 01 Mr. MUOD, locate an d clear obstructIons ou nllhlory to t he leg al ~olel'S for their free acceptance . . . , . "0O111a n 0 anna , 0 , ._

R eferTell to committeo ~n Memorials. road from Steilacoom to Wall~ "'alia ; ~n or rejection, nnd nnless ad opt ed hy a mnj crr. \Vlth w?om th e elllzcne 01 t.be Temtory moil, that a meeting .01 Ihe d lizens nnd uew suhseribers, bas the following: :On leovo, Mr. :~exon .I ~ t rodaeed C. B. act to est ablish a bonrd of pIlot cOUlmIS' it )" of nil th e legal votcs cas t, sholl bo nnll bn ve neltber sympa thy or feehng. It con· miners 01 Coll'iIIe vall ey was hell! on tho "It is a ci rcumst a nce berderjng . ~lmost

~o. 1, an oct l!ivu~g add,t.'oDal co.ml,ensa· 810n~ rs lor Colu~bia rive~, . a ud an act de· and voi~l.. '1'h.e bill also seeures tboperso~a! tains a enrol from th e sher iff of I'ieree 23d Xovember last, for th e purpose ofa p' ou th e marvellous, and . ce r't~iQly in thelion to the temtorml audItor, willeh was c1ar lllg Ihat portl~n 01 nllhto~y r? ad.from alld pohtlcal rights of th e people, ineludll1g county, Mr. Williams; a long commnniea· 'nfn a "code 01 omeers" tho bet ter to h ighest degree discre ditabl e ' th at therercad a firs t Dnd second time, nnd Vaneonter to Steilacoom a8 hes m 'Ihnr8' those of speech and the press . . . . 1 01 . pol 'g . . '

a u motion of M r. Maxon, ton coanty IYte r ri torial road . ' . t,on ' and dlsserlatlOn upon a w ~n e~u I' protect the live8 nnd property of th e resi· should be one or two hund red tbousaod. Uelerred to commi tleo'on Claims. The oct 'to anthorize U . S . coa8t 8urv oy· ARIZOSA.--;-Ol.' Ihe 1H h De~., IU the Sen· ty (I) from thai profi cient rogue an d attor· dents th ereof. The object 01 the meeti ng, toters in the State ' and yet lolly two.tblrds

. . . . d ' nte, Mr. G W1l1 IIItrodueed a Inll for the os· F CI k ~ h' h ( . . ' . . ..TIt~ l'rcsid ell t.gn~e no.llee thatho .":onld mg par lies 10 e llte~ ~'pon Ion s, erect Sl~' t ab lishment of a 'l'erritor il\l Govcrnment in ney, ' . ar ; one rom IS onor once os 8ta.led by the Cbalrman, was-"lst.:- of them, II not more, hVlUg Irom yent's end

1I0W sIg n memOrIa l pra{lUg for a ml~ltary lIals, a nd prevent IIIJury therelo, was laId Arizona. He ha ving previously presellted a upon D tim e) J. M . Baebclder,· U. S . Co~. That IU cOI~sequ enee 01 80mo ree.Cllt h.osl ile to yea t'8 end witboat ever leeing n newsps'road from .p?st at P ort Townsend , t.o IUlcr· ou tbo to~le.. • memoria l ' from eerroin citizen~ of Culiforn ia misaioner; L ient. McKibben, and a bca,,/I. demonstrations .mado by th~ ~ndlans, It was per, onless thoy be so lorlnnato as 10 1.11scet the Imhtory rood from fort S teIlacoom lIIemorlal relative to an exten810n of the and New Mo.",ieo askin tho SOllie r. 1 icture of the "blood swam " and bat Ibonght expedient to petit ion for a com·. . . .to fort Y ane OllYer : memor ial for the reliel donation la"., was, 011 motion of Mr. Van g. J " I' , ~ . . I' . pallY or soldiers to be looa tod ill t he volley In WIth a 8tray numb er belonging to some·of Jobn Y. S ewell; memorial relu t ive to a Vl eet, referred to commilteo on memorials. l'~cJnc R AILROAU.-So !Oneh of ~he tie field nt Con nell s, pl"OJrle, til blad" thus to belter seeul'e Ihe lives alld pr oper ty' of bod)" else. Kot less than aile hnadrod aDdsemi.weekly mail botwee u Oly mpia and R a· 'l'hen adjourned. Pres,~ent'8 messago as relale8 to the. PaCific dressed, we presume, to commemorate the Ibe citi zens au,I miaers. 201 . Tbat in con· fifly thousaad qualified votcrs 01 tbo Stal.lIier; an act to olter th e bou ndary lines of - - -~ - - • ,e • RaJl~oad has ~een referr<;d to a spe~1U1 com- treeeherous and bloody fate of the lamented seq uence of se"eral Ilt tem pt8 lIt mnrdel'be· - grown np men o"er twenty-one yoars ofWbatcom county; .an .nct epproprioting SUMMARY 011 NEWS BY LAST MAIL. lUer~lal com~lII~tee 01 nmo, Cof ,:,.I~ th e ~leA I.t.l SER, Co, SELL, M08Es and MII.ES, Jug commi~ted, ,,:bieb III ouo or tlfO e ~sos age with beard:npon thoir faces andpor'money Ironl the te m torml treasn ry to pay moyor, Mr . UWIll wa s mnde halll~ll. . A . . . proved serIOUS, It \\'ns thou gbt expodlent ' . ' . . ' "fur certain pr inti ng ; an oct dissolving the The following ~cws ite~s 'IYe exlruc t main· moti?" to Inbl e 1II~. II. .nonnett'8 ~esoln~lOn \I ho her~ m~t t?elr fato aod. untIm ely elld that some civil officer8 should be oppoi~t. bap s With a lalUlly 01 Cblldl'en s~rronlld~nghonds of matri mony existing be tween C. Iy from th e Plnladelplnn Pres." th e SlIn to rmse n select L:OOllllltlco on tllls snhJe~ t at tho IMt'gatlOn of Leselll, now under ed to better maintain peace nlld equity them-toke no newspaper, tbus eutllng.J. Bird and Wheloshlall E mt ul8 Hird; on Froneiseo Times nnd I'orUmnl Slellul"" i. has beell voted down by . 99 to 94. Tbls selltenee 01 death for his connection thero- .ulong tbe inhabitont8." them seh'es off Irom sources of informationnet to a~proprio te lUono)" for tho puymellt Tbe reports of the Legislative A ssembly so looks fuvorable for th e road. with, whoso pl'Obablo fato i8 moro deeply By a privato lotter received from th e alld enjoyment, the , loss of wl;ieh can b~of cerlnln fcC!' an net to protellt tho 8ule K S ' s IIoll R ol t J Wnlker hos re dId b th 1 th th. . . .

• . . 'I' t K k crowd npon our column8 tbat we call only A. sA -- . ).. • ep ore y e .regu ar arlDY an e Dalles bearing dale tbo 14th ult we are compensated lor IU no other direction "bat.of mtoxleatmg Iq oors 0 an a as ; reso· siglled his post lIS Govel'lIor of K ansas h' h . . t t ' ~' " . ..IUlion pru)'in '" a n IIppropria tlo" or dOIlRtion mnko briel extrnets. Wo hopo by alloth er I . . . re'Orenee w IC our cltlZen8 en er aln or inlormed that a rumor W08 . there current e'er. Not e.en books-the best books ofof land for UlC es loblishment of " lunati c wcek to complete them, after which lime, b lIIr. Slnnton, Secret ad'~ t IIs

DTemlor)', the' memory of the dead. Their uniled el· and generally credited th~t the settlers in the' best authors-can possiuly 8upply Ihe

asylum in Wa~hing l on Tcrritor.!·; rcsolu· more space will be devoted to this depart. ":l tbde~n h~ell1olved, aTnb enh·••s benveroaPe' oquenee ' and nrgument will ba insnfficiont the Walla Walla Si~coe a nd Clicka ta t place of a uewspaper. Dook8 are marc 01. I ' h I r f r l ent P0ln e IU IS P ace. ere ~ een s m . . . "

tlo u re at " 'e to t eyro~ "t !a 1011 0 dl~~ r 11Im. talk of giying him th e office 01 Super inlend. to ever reinstate them IU the good 0plmon vallles had longbt 8s lety in Fort Walla the nature 01 a luxury, whilo a hOlf8paper!taw


the elo~.ntt l~s 0 I tleroce an f ~u ~fa. In th e S~nale, on tbe 81h, Ju~ge Doug' cnt of Illdiall Affl\irs, previously held by of hoee8t men. Walla opprebending ser ioas diffienltie. is a li. ing, daily neeess ltY-BS mneh so asou y saae .::' el ens, a e ov.O " . los immed lUtely afler the rea dm... of t be \) A "t I d h t last il g 8everul, d d . . h Id '

0 0 motion of M r Cock ' ." d I 0 10 enr er , splrl el c a e, I '!hese young an aT enl spmls R ou Irom the Indians in tbat qllarter' Also U1 ea ls or driuk or tho vital air. A news. ,., PreSident's .u essage, opene t Ie ~ uusas huurs look place hefore Oen Deover was d I (h th I ' , ,Coe~e.i1 took up II . n. Xo : 18, ar: oc t ball in a lew cnutious but signi fieollt I'e· confi r:lIcd. The confirma tio'lI wus by n ha l"O l e~rn e one esson per ops e on .y tbat on the night of the lltbnlt. , a part)" pup er is a history of da~ly conlemporane.

a ulborlzl.og U . S. ~oast sur v?ymg parllcs 10 mar ks, ind icating bis pnrpose to op~ose.tho strict party Yote. oue he IS conlpotent 10 teach,) from tbelr 01 Indians (snpposed to he Snak08) had ouo life, pllbli e and 80e,al-a Teeortl 01enter npon l auds III the terrllory of W ash· acceptance of th e Lecomplon ConstItutIon. D I '1'1 ' sen ior officer, Lient. Col. CASEI', and kept made an onslaught 011 Stock Whitley's laeis evonts aud eircumslnnces do ily a ndi ngt06n~~otion 01 M r Wiley ~Iess,:,,; O winlo

lfIClall i f~rui~ 'sSt~a rdtolrk~".~h. fi . Et'S'TRt:~~'OS 01' /AI:I~ASnar ~:,ma:c~~ mum. It is tb e wonnded bird that f1ulters, band, killing twenty.three, and ca pturing houriy transpir ing, lind nlike interesting to

., Iga.n lrDlUuu a e Ullu C' \\ur I e" .so cen rtS lucnco 0 . 0 . 0 , c.1 h b t "k' k" • t -the 11 ' f b r~ . f1 •'l 'he bill was laid on t ho ....ble, suujeel 10 broke grouad ~pon tbis exciting subject llrid ellOrt known as " I ranisla n " WaS on t ey are u 'Ie lUg lIgalUs all t beir horses. The writer doe s not state II -' a ma p a us)" Ie, ,ts uet notlons

tbe ordcr of t he COnn~i1. . . sustoilliDg Ihe views of J adge Douglas....: destr~yed ~J fire on tbe nigh't of De~ember pri cks." the origin of tb" rumor. . alld ils ,"ost eOlleerns "- whilo books forC. B. N o.5, on act In relatlou to record· Messrs. J eff. DOTi8, Mason 01 Virgi llia 01101 I1lh . In conclusion, we would sngge sl to tbo The proeeedi.l'gi of tho IDeeting we will t he most part tell us only n taleol the past,

iog tOWfi plats, was t a~en np re.. ~ as lligler 01 l'unnsyhanin indiea led th eir cu' , ~ TI S L . D I tI t army a nd its officers t o stOlid a loof from publish in our next-if possihle. not 3 S important by balf to onr every daya meuded uy t be commlltee on Jud ICiar y, t ire aj:; reement with tbe President. On tb e lle'"' Ie l OUIS crnoCTlI1 earns la . . . . '1 I . . Ia nd tbe:amendmenls adopled. . . 9th, tbo dob ate was furtber coutinued b)" lIeW8 has bee11 received 01 Fort LeDYen. e"erytlllng appert.~lUlDg to cm ow, or ••'. • wel.1 belll.g, eUJoyment, progres~, ~nd as. tie

H . J}. N o•. 2!, an oct authorlZ'~~ the Mr . Donglas, iu fuller. ex positio u olld d e· \Vorth, from Majo es and R nssell's trains t~l~y lUay.get th eir finger s bnr~e~: OU~ . O...\" lI rlA, Feb...5, I S" S. eur.lous,lmporlall t, or e~tert~lnlUg Ih ll~gsco,!nty com~~lOncr8 to p~t. e COII \l~ ts of fense 01 'popul~r. so vere,g~ ty , ' a nd Messrs. for U ta h that the Ooverll ment animal8 CitIzens wtll attend to th~1. . "hlle t he) J . W : WII.EI-, ~s'l.-p,ar .~,, : I II th e wllleh Ihe ·.newspape> dally dlspen~es w,lbthe conn ty Jll,l lo la bor, IDg lIext In or· ~Ia son of Virg'~la a nd B 'gler of Pe n.us)I - , d '" b hi ' s can have nothing 10 do WIth It sa ve to en· pro eeed lllgs, pub!,shetl III )"onr las.t . week's sneh a .hablt of pl.ca saul lless and Wi th snchder. was .t;'ken np an~ re as a mended b)" m nia in opposit'ou: 'l'be speceh or Sena· "ere ymg IU great num ers on t .e l' .uon. for ce ii, th ey may yet lea rn before Ibe S u- ISS.UO, or t he moetmg beld by th ? CitIzens of cloe k.h ke regulari ty.tho J ndlelary eOlDnlltl ee, nntl th e a mend· tor Donglas is considered amoDg the great· Col. IIoffman, who left Fort LeB\elll\orth d' tl t ' t h tillS place, I am mad e ~~say tbml:S1 novcr Aport, however , from the ac tual pleas·men ls adopted. est ho e.er made. ~Ir. Mason wanted th e th e IRst or October, arrived ill 81. Louis on preme :ourt a Jo~rns, la I ca ll ave ulter ed. I called upon M r. J . T . 'l'urllcr, nrc deril'ed rrOUl th e babitn al porusal of a

'l'he Presidea t f?""e notieo. th aI be ~vould gftlleries cleared for applaudillg Dou gl Rs al S Ullday lIigbl . H e brings 110 news of th e semollllng to do wltb th em. th e S ecretory 01 ~he me?tillg, to lUa.ke the go~d. newsp.per , it is Ih e sololllu, soc!al aodnow proceed to sIgn resolntlOn relatlVo to the close of hisspeeeb. !tlr. L: lay, of Al a., t" t I . d'C • e" necessary, cor rectIOn wllleb he pro mIsed to I'0hllcal dill)' of every heo~ of a rjlDl lly 01101th e ~labIi8hmea~ of a marine . hospit a! in suggested th at th e appla use began on th e 0,' expc I IOn. . . I i6Y"' F or the inform Rtioll of th ose whom do, but his .timo has been s~ lUueb ellgaged of every ,"oter in the land to 8nbsc! ibs toWaslllngl~n leyrlto ry ; melUo~la l pray!ng floor. Mr. :llason droppe<l Ihe suhjeet, EARTII Qt:.'KE " , IR" "I.\ -,~ alrg!, t it may COllcem, we wOIII~ stille th at th e toward the close of the SOSSlon of th e L eg. sOllie public jourllal or oth er. No mallfor t ho ratI ficatIon of th e I ndIan treall es ; witb a threot tbat tho ...alleries should ue sboek of a ll ear tllllulike was felt III L ewIS' I' . I I I ' I' islature, that he has been unable to do so. docs J' ustiee to himself or Iris children, 1111'

. I . h dO h G b . ". . . b place to oblain anyt nllg III t Ie c at ling Ine 01 dmelDorla pray lUg t at two orme stea mers cleared Dext t illle. T he diseussioo bet ween nrg, , ree n r, er cou nt)·, ,rglllln,. 011 1 I must t herelore mak e it for myself. less he is the recipient of a well.eon uetebe statiolled o~ tho norlilll.esl cuast ; and Messrs. Douglas a lld Bigler was pr otrael; 100'c1oek 011 'l'hursday nig ~lt , . 'l'ha samo at reasonabl e pr ices, is a t th e. e~tnbli shlDeDt 'Vhen called upon , I simply sa id I was new8poper. Xor can any olle of tho vaston ac t to provldo for n speCial lerlU uf th e ed, aud was piqnant 01101 sngg estiv e. ~lr . llUoment a \'Cr)' . I a r~o lambhde look pl~ce of Mr. ItoSE'"EIlI, nt the bmldmg formerly aot tbe person to gil'e the meotin g Ihe numuer of freelUen in the State, wh.o nowsupreme cour t. Green, of ~lo., delivcred Il lenglhy 8peee b I?,n th e G rc~nlll"ler m 'er, neal' B~gar'8 Mill. o~cupied as the e' pres., office of Wells, Far- faels in tbe malter, but Mr. ~lason was, lako 110 paper, vote und erstandh!gly IU all)"

On mOlioll, II. n. Xo . 2 1,-all llC l aUlhor· in OPPOSilioll to Mr. Douglas. It lTaSi [he e l'.Tlnllelc sa)"s Ihat Ihe wholo ~II? of a " 0 .l;. Co. lIe has a lal'J e stock IIl1d will a lld 1U0ved th at he be sellt for, wbich mo· election or IIpon allY ' Iuest ion, w,lhout .lak.izinJ' t he connty commission er s to put tile courte ous tOlvard s the latter, bnt abounded jlllOnnla lll g a re way , alld was pre clilitaled 0. ' . f r to ' lI I tI ; I"l tion WaS adopted, and thero end ed a ll 01)' ing a lIewspa per . It is 1I0t wilrl subJeel;cont iets 01 tbo conoty jail to labor,l1'll8 in technicalilies aud eitatious of precedent. 'I inlo Ihe miley nnd rinr helow. g Ive S~tIS ae ,on a, '0 I as 0 qua I y part in th e meel illg excep t as 11 listell cr . tha t engagel! tbe th oughts alld considl ra'read a tbird timo a laI flussed. He was anxious for pea ce, and affirmed that - - _ _ . - ~._ , a nd prICes. Yonr<, &e., lioll of past geoerations th at we of the

A n act rela li.e t.o Ib? vacat ioa of low 11 II!e L ecompto." document represented 0 th e Somer. " I' IIAI'I'" r.ss .-lf JOu ~'ould FLot:R.-This a; ti~e •now meets witb .JAIIEs .\1. II n r. pre,e~1l ha r e 10 dea! ; but it is wilh pr:~eD tplats was read a tblrd time and flassed . views of a majority of Ihe poopl. 01 K un· onJ'o" Ihe theat re pal' YOllr admission ' if I It " I I t r t dol -.- .-.. - " -' 'l ueSl,ons, lately arlSeu a nd now arasmg,

Th d· ed . M D I . 1 "\ tl J ' '. . • reo, \" sa e a ,rom we ve 0 Ollr een . . I' I II d t' 'estigateen a ~ourn • S08. · r. aug as, III rep y, sa n lere )"ou would slaml well wilh )'our friend s, ' , CI.AtllS.- Hy referring to Ihe not,ce 01 w lie I we are ca e upon o. III'----. • _ , could he .no pe aco ex~ept UllOn tho founda· gil"e Ihem good dinn ers, and plenty of 1~l'S per barrel. \\ ~ und.crstan? tb at p~r. Su orin te ndent KEsIIITJI, in our adverl i~ in' an d decide~an~ th e.,e qu~st,ol~s all hear

MOND..Y, Jan . 2",h , I8"~ . tioa s of Jusuce amI right, ~nll t hat to pur· Ihem ' if )'0 11 nrc an <ion; to sl,end a for. tiCS here arc purehllElIIl; WIth aVlew of shl]>- p d ' I ' . , I; a close a nd IIIllmate rell\lIonsh lp bo ~b to' . .. . I nlarked 011" b,· ~l r Green ' . k I'' '' , . b I' I I coillms our readers hoi 109 c a lms ngalUsl ~, . ·'d I ' t ' 0 d t t" e notloalll'la c net decl2f IDg &0 much of the mlllla · SilO I Ie course " J ~ . • tUIIC, publish Loo's at Jeur own expense ; mcnt to Cn 1l0rlUll. '1here IS ut Itt eo ' . ," our lIIul\ I na In eresloO £In. . 0 U

ry road l eadia~ from S lcilaeoom to \ .on· \\'ould not only be deatb to t he lIemoeralle if you arc road of scandal, lil"c in a board· d ther whcat or 1I0ur in th e count)", I'roba- the Indian Deportment n III be grati fi ed .to welfare. As men and as CltlZOIlS, ~ herefore,COUfer as lies ':.ilbin the limilS of Lew is pa r ty, hnt would bo a slel' ~ u re to resllit in" hOllse ' if you ha . e a tast e for Inw, hI)' not mQre than snDiciellt for home COII- learu IhRt the money to liquida te th ose it is our dnl)' to inform ourselves III r~;'l'ecteonnty a territOrial road, wcs rend a t hird In a eil'i! war, 10 carryon wb!eh mo~~ than "l~' hor<e: , Ilnd be sure )·ou ha "e a war· sump tion. l u P ortl and it is wort b $ 10, claim . will be placed in the han ds of agents 10 Ihem, and .this ra n only he doDC s u eces~-time a ndrlWcd four reg"uen l ~ \\"ould uo reflUl red . lhede' ! ran leo wilh each 'or Ihelll ' ir "011 would and a t S"lelII lind olhcr par IS of t he "1'l'cr S' d id I I r d lully 'b)" rcadlllg carefully Ihe nelvs!'.pe, ,

. . . u cd t"I ~I.nd a " I " . - 1mmons an .ans a e as soon as I IC .un s I ... If' . I I vllrie'yA n ac to lOeorpora te th e S le,lacoo m ate was postl'0n un I • J" sleep soundly, keel' Ihe bau ,' ont of th e Willameltc but frolll $ . to $$. . • , . " w Ic,'e ,"uJee s o e\C r) IlIe " mLibrary A ssociation being on ita seeoml l The appoinl ment of Ibo standing COUI' NOIll . if <You would Iivc bapp'il,' with )"our I ' _ _ N O ••• _ _ ..._ can be ohtumed from San h ane"eo. 1he are doil y consi~crcd and ,liscussed, aDdre:uling ; Mr. ' V"II~ mOTl:tlto proceed 10 mit tees ha d been unnoulleed in hoIh t he . wife, :,cI'cr con tradict her ; an~ auo,'c 1111,1 ti'&'"Itcuu en 1'. Bois. hilS been apl'oi nled •iodebtedness thus oUls~and ing a monnts to where usclll l hinls alld suggeslions enoughits th ird readi ng , wheo ~Ir. ~loxon mOTed Sena le a nd in Ihe II onse. Se l"ora l Hepuh. : usc Ihe (; m ercnber;;- "'a mill" ~[ edidnes, if A ssoeiate .Justiee for tbe S npreme Cour t of l nea rl)' $i t ,OOO. P ersons shonhl therero re 1m:!)' be picked nl' in the conr se of a werkto a mend by atrik!ng oot th.e na ,;,e of Frunk l lica n Sena lors protes ted against tb e Ii;! as :yon 11'0111,1 e"jo.,. pe r l c~t healt h. n'hich i; !O: egon, in plac~ of .Judge Olney, who de. !h ilv ~ Iheir claims authr nt icated as soon as I' to exe.ile Ihe ~e llecl i.o n s and IIItore' l of.t ,eClark,.",here. er It aceors ID sa"I I" II; nl'UU uufair. the Irue ,e crel "I 1"'I'I""e,.. elIDed a re·ap (lOlIltmenl. ' pOSSible. . . read el fN a \\ hole ) ea r .



A n.CorumluloDer

[J an I 6ll-121T


P OST O VFICr. D t:f' A. RT>re!<TOcloLer 22 IM7

B y II.. E xuUcncy J l lol' 8 D OtGLA8

ntJr oj Va"collrrr , Island a1ld tisc!t1JCUS t1C ...

1 1 7 11. Itf AS t,) 1.11. aU n il C8 01 ~ lJ Q.J allVV go ld In J t.~ Qat r&J I lace tJr del oalt " IU lu tbll

dl.&rlet o( F u ,u r . n ver aud vI' 1hoDlpaon II ritcrcommonly kn own &II lhe QUI d im <':OOlc'aU3 Hoi dSbuswap eoa ntrir. ",h eUu:r a ll t he l anw ot &boQueen or any or HCT ~bJe.t) 8 subJectl beloogs toth o Cro wn

\ utI \\ hc re-a... In formation h.u Lccn rec elred hy theGoven ment tbat g old exl.u uvo n ned 10 the 1011 orthe I:l d dlstrlcw l1nll t.h~t cerWn }'trwn.!! !un o commc Iced o r nit nLout to commen ce reuchlng ODddiggin g ror tho fI.:lo mc for th eir own Q5e. t\ Itbou t Ie-a r eor other a.utb?nty rrom lI er lIaJm)

Now, I Jamt1 Doaglu t he Oon m oTafortflQld OD1><baIC oI lier 1I'II<"Iy do btrtLy l,uW ely DOtl (y andde-dare tb:3.t all I crliQD.lI who Ilhall tUo (rom a nylandl wIthin t hc d id dilltrtcb Boy ~old mdat Qrore contaluh g f.0ld. 'Or 'ftho ah:1U dig tor and .Jt. tur LJthe ROil I l ' ta n: I ot goM metal or " re t without bayI. , betn dulyaulb orUN In ' b, ' beba lCDy lI.t M~t...ty .. Colonial (Juf cm ment wUl be prt ttotcd Loth(;funl nD-IIy anddVl1l, JJ!I the law all ow.

Acd I lllrt her notify an d l1ecl3R tb2.t IUch fts ul:1tl on.!! &.II may be found U'llC'tllelit will 1H: pl't pantlDnd I 1IJlI.wed »eUlog rort h tl o tClru1I6 I n whlth 11ccnsc s \VIII be l!'\,Iud for t bl. p url,XI'8C on 11 0 V3) fCeOLot a ttason3. Llo tec

Gh en ulVler roy hau d nntl fe-a l At the OOTeramentOtllce \ ictotlA ti l" t WCl t)'-<:181 tl1d l y of He

[L l!l l cember In t be yoar or our lArd one t hoa..al 1eight hwuJred tuld a n y N:\eD and Ju t be t \tut ) tll'¥t ) ra r ot Hcr ~lnJ p!lt) " reig n

J \)I~::i DOUU I I HGo\ crnor l an COUffr . hJ anl1.

Dy HI" Exce1Jenc1 ' eomnundIh c UAlID GOLf EnO l':'

8ecrr1'rjGOD l!I A.\ E TU 1! Ql; ED:

Il\ STlt UC1l0l\SU'l bR I ~ 1



W ILLAItD &. SON,JlgeuC' Jor Olyv'pw



Olt AM E~llEltG MACli UEL OJ<JlE \ L'l II




GltAU BXBERG HBA.L'l'H llI'f'fEltS

( t ntral \ 1{ lH for l:aHrom a and Or('~ on­lit IJI S C.TO S' .l; CO

\\ hole:ol&le IIruR'gi "' ..So 10 l: 1I)' ~ttcet

~.l S PRA ,," CJ fI(;O



TIll: om 1:-; MOU~ [ uxME~l

These D tl cD are slttltully BOd c!ega.nOy preparedfrom a nnml.Ji:r or Inr gora.tlUg beaJthy~ bubI c rL~ nud Tine- Au lu\ ;uuable tonic Qnd l!eall.hre&lore r


\ I :J, ntlsomcl) prI nk I ..01 m('l of J OO 13gCR COilC 0. d ext lei) plair d~~cn l t OUlt t 0.1 lDlU ner oflI ~a ~ 'l tI ~ I r "')111tomll anll t n::l.tUlOI t l' Yl.' r) t:lmII) llil 0 hi l l vt) I e Pnoo oa ly :n Cent . U. willl,e tl4: 1 t l ,qIt i cl 11) lion) P0l't oni e In Coli fornill orOre~ D 00 U ~ rc e ll Lot 2.. ceub I,} Ulail or ex l fCA.Adcl r~~ He Iii I{to n llud l,;o San )irnnd aco1 h hro1d cn llC rA' Me Iiclncll ire for ft:I le L) 11.11 Dru g

gills a.nd \1 oU IIc.1 r C1I tbrou~bout th e couJ1try

SCHerei;ro 10 al l Dronchial and Pn lmul1.llry D1aea.IelLIt Io! IJC) ond all quesllon t ruc that Con.uml'UOO la ac.: roo/Ie c.I l "Ca~ anll \110CoUiompthe . Balm Ja theLc-st cur ati ve ever WlIt'tl

f or llKc:lAts of t he e)c thlll l.ot ion I &II no equal Itia:1 l 0 t \ c curt: for I 8:lInllt on or the C) e- weDkncl\.llt s d IOlIe83 [I T ) rllUlnj{ot I gbt It wlll ll.lwoYIiIJC Oe ell 11 11acute I 11 :1 1 n:ll on of tl e eyes I\nd 01so o.sa wa..\lt on In12llDled r.urrace.s

Til ls cx tnlord ln:'lry article III a. ~rre-d) and InColJlLlen:l 1edy In !>I:trrha:a Dy:tenury C I ulera ),forbu l(e h ICrR In rRnt Um an tl the .A l'l intJo Ch olera If L'Ike lln th tI e Itr:,t !lrml tom$ of t he dl5C':L~ It II I llrel]\ cjo;etaLle IU 11.:1 COWl Quud

C \ I Il OIr l( lit I I 11 1 J; ('Ont/IIT11'! ( :1bt I n ro ';JOra t td In Il, (,UTlI arb

\ 11 I t: 11 If) re ncdy ( )r a ll 1 C:lSCi or the wc ml I to tilt u tl n' th, I Jtp I In c t m Iy t1 nk pr I rrf l 1 IMI :l ry oegal" \l eak l l,.""~ i I t l c l a ck I, lin In t l t 1 !oX von mluutes rc allu ved L4 each Intcnne liatc

rc 1 t Ilcn ou:; C~; debllltv etc (II Cal t rma an lioncc vi co not c tber n c til ceil ed ror U.1:Kl11h g t heO r('~ lo t of m rc limn a t.1 ~'It! ca"0'4 I ere til >! InJ II:oln edi c I lUI lJ\: t n Q~l It h:\.i In no ,. t;:tlc In!lta C( I Hallroau an d steamboat cOMp a n es nrc requiredr. It 1 t u gtve 1cr necut r of or to dfcct a ccrtul u to ta ke t.1 0 mail Irour W t1 deliver It lute tLo pw t olllcure 1;('3 t the co tme t o 10 t at J co 1 of t beir ro utes L d

__ tl \ d (rom all olltC C!'l nut more th an 80 rol.l. from u"tnt! n r lnudl r If Propos, lit tun) be subml t ted (or

GIt A(, ~ 1 ~ I,hRG SA Il:sA l'A 'I e I "r rmancc uC a ll the elde ecrvlcc-c -tl al I. CoroniCCIi veer eighty ro de (roUt s ta t on c r 1:\ tI l g

ltILIJ.1 3 N'0t aywlU be made (orlrll a not pcrfunn cd0. d r r each of If reb 0 Ui4SIOU:l not flatl d n. tor I} ( X1101 e 1 tI reo tlmcs tI C (lny nf 11 c trll I ny 1>0 deluc tcd F or Arrival! 80 far behi nd ti me tL8 to brenk

ccnnectlon with 1cl cn ling mail:5 nnd I ot 6uffid cI 11)('X sed onc-Iourtb of th e COl pc lMti n o f t l e t rllI:s !i LJccL to forfeit ure Deduct 0 I ulll a ll40 be ordered (or n gra de ol perfo rmance Infcn nr to tl D. t »JtC­e1l1ct! in tile con tr ac t, f or Tel cn tc d dllloqucnclc)Iof11u kit d I ereln Itl ccltlcd CI lur...cd 1CI :l1Ue.a prot ort to ed tc the nature t l erect a d tl e Import3n~c or11 c mail may be made

, f or leaving bch nil or t IrowlOg otr the maib orno) port ion ot U em for tI e ad r d u lo I of IU.~DKCI"l'lf r fur being co accm cd III flC ltI nJ.; up or ru nning no.ex1 reMconvoJ1nJt Intelligen ce 10 ad vance Dr U e maila [ua rter III I :1yma y be ded ctc d

oS f Ines will 1Je Inti ceed UI ttl :i t:le dellnqueneyLoProml Uy Bod atWacto r Iy c ~llalnc<1 b) certltl·cales or pobt nmsle'rol or U c anltlllv ts of othcr crNlLIe IeJ"KOM ror falUn;; to crrh c in contract ti me (orI cg ccUng to t3.ke the 10:1.11 rro n or d~lh cr it 11to apo t omce for surfetl ng It (owing tHb crto tl e In!'IUl tl.l lJlene.lS or tho placo or m1Dncr of Cl1lTJiog" IL) td bewet Injured dc. tro,ed ro bbed or JO$t an I faT rcfu.slnir , IlflCr demand to com e, Ute ma ll u freq ucntlyD.I t be contr.1.cto r runs or Is conurned in mnolng Acoacb ear. or lteamboat on a. route.

6 fbe 1 Ojlrn3.,ter ( eucral may annul the cont ra dfor J"('pca le J faUuru to run ~.lhly to contract for\ olatl n,q' tI e POtIt oalee la w.. or oiMLcylu,J: 11 eo Ithtrud loWJ of .tbo depart ment for rcflJ ~log lodl,;cb:trgea cnrrie r n hen required b) t bo dcp:utmen\ to do ItO

tor a.~IKDI II~ th o COTtrac t \f1thout the asse nt of t hoI O.ftm:l.!lter Oeneral for roDDlngan eXIreM u afore­&:lId or for t nlu "I purt lng ~t60n!t or l sckagcA conveyInR' mlltlo.L1e- mat ter 0 t o ( the min

1 The l)o~t.m:1Ji,ter General rnay o rder a:1 Increueor r.ervlcc on a. ro lte 1J1 allow iDg tI ere ror a pro n 1Ainc rene on the t ntrJ.ct P3) He m1lj din l ge s<: hcdnles of depaftur'l"" and am f'ah In wi tAJoC!I an d Il:lrt1cula rl) to mak o tI em conform to conneetiou~ witt.I"llUro:WlI 'lTi th out incre3-ie of~) pro..hJed Uw runnln g ti me be not o.Lntl R'et! Ho may nlw or1e r a.uInereut o( Hpoed allo wing lr ll bln t he ftJltrletlnmlolth e Ia n , pro ratn. IncreaJ.Cur pfty Cor UIl;~ ad ditio nal",toek or c:a.rrlcl'li Ir Itny Th o cu tra.ctor Dta} howc\ cr In t ie cn..-wo r Incrc&C of speed rt:llnqu lsh thecont fr\ct by f;1\ 1 ~ prompt noti ce to tbo dCIArtman tthl1t hc I rercf:t doll~ 50 to cnn}lng tI c ord er Into efreet The I osl mMte r Gcnerul n l1y also curtail or dLt­co tlouo tI a Ben Ico in wholc or b 1:tr & at I ro ratadecrease of pay al low DR' ono mo lt h Iicx tra com(lf'nR:lt lon 0 ) tI 0 tunou t dh pe ~d w1&h "heocHr Intl~ 01Inion th e 1ubhe Inte~llI do not ['( luire t bc

Kame o r In ('3~e he d~lf6 to !lnrc r>~(f 1& by a d iffer Iell t gr:ule of t nuuportl\Uon --

8 P l\)"ITlcnt.. ,, 111 00 made for tho u ni t'e I) colIcctlo:li 1rOll or d mrts on pOl tma"t.t" nr vt hcrwbeane r tI e cxplrr.tlo n of eac h qU1.m r-!lsy ln Pcb ru:lrJMay August and No\ enlbcr

~ T1 0 dht4DcelI ArC given n.cCOnl ,nF to t he be! t GO \ U lCll' D "T UOl,; ft \ 1t.'TORU;\ .rect1l III d posltlvc cure for th is dll\lrcfl;lIlng com inrormo.tlo n but no ln cro3.SCtl pa~wlI be alto.....ed 30tb December , l lU7 r

pi Int T ellc I Ills :Ltc coml Q800 prl nclp a1l1 of Qu i ~ I ould they be gretUer t bM Atl\ e rt :d lr t he poinu l With refcrence tt) tbe 1 roel:un:lll on lasc cd on t henine Kith ot her v~et4ble tclnfcs Ilnll -flpumodlc aD 1 to bc RU) plied be cnrrc ctt] stllu d BUMtr, mud In " Stb or Deccmber decIarlol: t he rigbll or t he Cro'a nf( btl ! ;\e Arti cle!! TboUNU 111 IUI\e 1Jeen permAccnU)' f orm thnnltl~{, on Ih,. 1X?inl and 0.00 In referencc h In TCtIpec t \.0 (Old f ound in ita rut! ral iltate o( deporsltcurW by t heIr u:;.c t he weigh t or t he mall the con dit t)R or rosuh hili " withi n t he district ! of fraser JI rher &nd of TbomlJ-

f1 t re-lLmli At an d o.U toHbridg~ ferri ell or ob~tnJc. &an " r lf er comm onll kn own at the QGft-aUaD CoutiOnA or Any kl nd 1,y ".hl cb CX (l'enAemay be Ineune L tu u ud 8htUlt'ap countrin lILt l::I::«lleucy H 0No c1alm for nddltlonal (lI\Y~ on wcb gro un<b Govcrn or Iw Lecn I tc:\..'Cd ft)c.cbblbh the rollowb:s:C:ln be cons idered oor ror aUegetl militate. or mtlt' I)ro, ld orul rt::tulati ODA noder wblcb Ilurun milleIIpprehclUIhms u to tM de~ of ~nlce nor for oL:Alned to 11 g ua.....h ror aDd ~mOTe the aamebrldg destro ) e-d or oth cr obst ructio ns ln ereatln" dl:f.. , _ .&anee o<:c Irrl ng durlns: t)Jc contrad term Omeet ta L From nDd An er the An t dar or f ebtua.ry Qute1U\ulW:ted nn tr lh~ ad vcrtlstment ill tuned tuld a1 no ~uoo .,llbc ~rmltted h dig ~rch ror or re10 dorin ):t th e cont ract tcnn au to be vl..ltcd wahoot mDTa gold on or rr olD WI lahda l)l1LlIe or Inh a leu tra r a} Ie t ho lItitc.D ce be not IUU'CSJ'ed wllhont fi t"!lt t.'d ug out 2.Dd paying (Qr& Uc~D.IC III

10 A hid rccehed ancubo lu &dly and hour on. th e r:1ttn anne-xedmfd or with out the gua~nteo roqul~ by law or 2d } or th o prestot am! pentllD£, fartb« proo f oft hat comLlu~ 1Ie\ eraJ rouLe.!! In 000 lum of campeD tbe exten t and 1 rodut ti npe.I or t l:to Ito d ilepowu.-tlo o, a nnot I.e consIdered In CtlDll)(UUc;n with" t he lIecn~ tee huJL.ecn Oxed at t n't otl -Qne ,blll inltHrcgubr proposal rc:lJWnaL'e in am oun t ptT month to be paM 1:1 adT3nce bnt It l1 to be uo

11 llitlden ahoald tint propGl'a(or 8Cn lce II tr lct,. dtntood th&t tbe rate Is IIu l ~ed to (ctore ad justmeotIy &ccordln" to tho ad vertbcmeot and then if ther u c1rcunut&nce . mal fendcr expcd ttl.de-I re ' 'Pa ra/tlv ror d (fcreDt aeCT1ce , arid. U the reg :Ill The hcenses can be 0 Wof'd at Vlctorla ' a~ulu Lid bo OJe lowcn otrcrcd for tb e adTC rtJ.acd ~" COU\ er 8 bl:mcJ onUia. CommlNlonC'r b ap rof,nted byice U e otbe r propoR1tlon~ may be considered Il l" F..xccllencr the GOTeNOf ttl carr.J tho e ft"gu~

12 The re sboQld be bnt ont' route bid for in a pro- \tOM Into rr%"t.d an d who".111 1Jc atJtboriufJ to reolOsal ceiV'c tbe rtel pS)1Lble lhtl"fonI 4th Il t lu adJDA\tnK \.be utent ~c:J ~Uon or

13 Th e roote t he Rtn I e the furly P:ll the la.nd to be conret.l 1y c:lch UC()ll~ and (or the p"",namc and rCflldence of tho bltlller ( that hi I I.. tl ~un.I Tcotlon o( conra.lon ..nd tlae h:ltt'rfert'Dte o( 00(1 IIl.IO!it omrc ad l re",,) and those of (':lrh mem1,cr of t\ ccnw with MOt! er \V11l Le re-g'llaletl bl the ra idftnn "here n compAny otrertl . bowl! be dl.r.tIncUy fl lA Comml . loDOrte 1 alll.o the mode of conTe.)'Mee it 1\ II ,J:bcr mode JA 1US DOUGLAStI an horae! a ck l..c Inte nded Tho won l" ,,\th d ~ By HI" Fa eeUene) III commandccrtAlnt) lin J~nrit) tn lCrtod to lndl aLt- 1.1 e !node n lC AU D GOLLIPC Eof ('om ~"nc.o ",1U co u tl tut.cn d ar bid \\ I en a Sct ret:ary

"ta r bi b Intto te t no spcci l10 conve rlmee rn U1 tbe IUln t11

l4 IU 1 1cr~ are rtqncllted to n~ M (lIr lUI pra.ctlc l urm rt{trrtd 10 Gold L1U1tstnl1f' th" I rmted rMID of prop ~Iltl run llihe I h) U c NO Itt1('1art mf'nt l.t wr te not III f ull the Aum or t heir bide TI , "~.-ra Il to ~13 ln coplC'4 or them ..... . .. ha\ Ing I aid ~ n

L OJo t ()~ 1 HOI OSA I U e ,"um or hi ('nll -< nC' ..hIJll n~8 on a.Cet I lit of t ho, ~ T('rrl t ria l rtTenUt I I Cf'th) I C~I !Ie him 10 diS{ ' ",reh

I --' (-- cou nt) or - -- f-i talt' or ror an t nmot'c gold on M d from nflr fI ch CroWII1 i rolVl~ to colney the nu 1>1 nr the '-.; 1 ted lll.l tl \\Ithln tI e of l s i~tatc.l rro I J uly I IMSS to June 30 l RGZ on rout e m sll JL", igu to him ftlr 11 ~t purptW' durt ns: the monl hS o _ _ Crom __ '" __ agrerably to t be of I RS" I ('rtl "(' (' t or t1 e I JStm1lltcr Geberal daled Oct Tb b LIc:e1llC InQJt be prod uC'N wht nenr dcmandt'd

2 1M" n 111 I) t he rollowlng modI.' of cunn)aDce by rue or aDl othe r I)f'rson :te l l n~ nud er ttle aathonl)01 the Oon m ment

(Slgntd)n' tr ]

• or iii mmet Coml l:\tnt and most tli!lC'aAf'lli t o "blehchl1drcn \f e a lble d II.:s tru e worth cao ne\ er be le tt r tl, in " nrd" but It can be (cit nod a t predated byI arcn l1 wbO:lC ehlJdrtn lute been sa ved No )(otbershould Le wit bolOt H

lnral uablc for b ltn" wounds llpr~tn l'; cl llblalnaI«.l relt IS f clllnJtIl se re r. In etc '\ 8 ' I uiu l' xtractcrt cannot be exce lled :1m rd ng Immediate n lier frum

U e most e:t:crudstlng patna

Wam\llcd a certain ea rn (or tb L'1 ttlnfu! dllCuc.­\\ It b t be Olltmtnt the re nrc very fe W'~ wb icbcan not be radi{ally and perman ently cured \ abrg lcl\1operation for Illes 1111 1 ¥ I. &ula ..llOoM hOver be rcROrt.c d to UI til ttll. Olut mcn& hu brea th orou gbJytrl e I Jt UeH r ralLt

I ror 1.1 e annQ..I tt.Ql l of - - luiIan~ . ry I ~ -.!.~':!) TIl " I r ~~I I' ma.c1e wllh ("n knowlwR' e or U f'

ell \ Il~- I I".e lol o( r1 ce r " , ,,,, Cor ••le . 1 I '~'U1 e Ibe ro II< II e ,el.blo( II c null '" b< I TOWNRESIDENCEFOR SALEt l" I UO..."TStJ US I)1JltUG HT(I IC .... cnrnl'd a n i a ll othe r p:u1 c la flc lnrt'f('r('nrc toU c AtlOU~f ANll l \nTH ~ inti tow f Sttn

_____ to lte lin 1~n I P' lin 1 . loW) . n u CArTf II ..:\Aminal .. n COl m bt'all ttrull It I f IC n O liof t hc law~ a 1111 , t n ct lon, MUach('l1t tl to. tlver1l'lO- 0' t l 0 lI l rf't t kadlt ..l.~ 11 · ...( or a prtl....te (amil,

}>\T. ~ 1 ~It: 11I <':1 ~.~ \ 11 r t1 e 1.1lent l ied I t.. ,.. ... e ..tT1!\On " oD"ered (ord ll{' of II e 13\' for l":\ e :1t U e mel' d !S3le t he ( aNen Is 120 1 '1: GO red 4nd Ibe J- Dl' -'

J t( .I;."T :;OLi ~ 1J HItt:G ~TOn. \ ate ('ommal I ~ bcautlfut Yle,,"'or t he Sou nd " . i; r ~(s lgn ttl ) be bro IA'I t Into the hoose a t :m Cl:1 tru.e I r abou t ' 10

SEATTLE STEAM SAW MILL I 1 Alt Al\ TfF Tbtre ""' a pple an II>eat l""" Engll, b ' tnwber10 FI TI (' n l Il;r,. I etl Ie 1 nJ:'o. t - - SlaLe of r ea &fItl ra."Vbtfrt~ t1o".u'll \ (' (n the I re-mlsc-t..10 I \ f_" r .. 1t ~ CO arc n w mall ufll.ctU tlll ~ ~ UI lertdke thai 11 th(' fore~o I{ L I f r e"rr) lU ~ t hl \ PI h to " II \\ OOlJ

• 8 I lf l ra rt lde ( r <r; , .. II I I I r :T: :'l 1 11 n le:'\ o _ _ hf'arrtl l('l.l l \ thc l' O!' t maa- Ol.rmr f:\ or - .),NaUle- '0"1 ' 1~ .J II I \ "~ l t H \ r u r C('Iler-oI l tI e L d )('r ",hall I tl nr te th(' ht lay nf :-; \ MUEI, )f cCA.\\ F~

III \ e- I I I .. ler I t il e rc I '"~ 1 11 .Ioiatloo nn J ;an :n , ~ I'" .. D ~ StcUacOOID \\ T


.fth 1 8 ~ !o1


Seattle J a

(Hunlll Aiflll 1 "'~ 7

llAIR DRESSING, SliAYING,Aim 3~.t!U'tIlPOO:{~{}

~ ..cD... ..... e:» «:B~ '"l'Ia ln 8 teet_Ol y w p l a lV T


A ll llll ll ls tl.l t o r 's No tice.

NOTJe f I~ h ertlJy g h en that the ond enl.lgm d hMlJten nppolDted bJ the I robatc Court of I lerr e

counly nt t he Deecmber term \dmlnWrntor tle IJonbno I up n the ('state f A Ben ton U )!'lt.l tlcee3"Ctlb le r S3ld co nt) AIJ/ cn;ODs Jndeblctltothc c t :l t~tre re I e te d to make mmcd 1t('l I nJ mel t n ltl nilI e~~[lS I old ln~ c; l:si n"l R'a.ID..9t F:3id esta le nrc rcq ueqtctllo I resen t them \T til l n nc mont! !I from ti l... d lte

G C III I l/KES SIIII:\ lmlulst ra tor " Ilb the '1'111nnne~c 1

OIy 1111. J a I 15 lS5S_ D8·h'

itA F0RWARDING, ~Stol'uge &, COlllmission

Tli F. Ulldctt'kned keep on 1 Rr d 11 number f o:(cclI nt 1l01ts Jo:S nnd HUOGI~ for hi re a t n~on

aLle rnteslIalllllS done on u.!Ioal te-nTI II Give 1I ~ a call

IIITCII ELJ ok 8TF II AIlTOl)m, la Ilec 17 l~ .-Iy

To '''''om It may (;OIlC(. II

W !I J mTClU LI oC II e arID oCMitch ell '"St ewart L& lOy authorized aJ.":ent to recen e and

receipt for me lind In my name on an :l.ccountl d uct he und ol1'lSCnCtl

1 e,..ol\.ll kn owiu&: t l cnatlvCJ lodeLted are rcque"'Wto call 00 him a.ud ma ko Immodlato 1:1)lUen t. Il lsreceipt.! ,,111 be good in 311 cveM.

• S L D WEST !lROOKOIyIDpl. Ocl • Ill.;" no 16 t(J E\ J F AIll\ SWORTII

Drl uly Sb.rUrJ ..II


J :lnullr) 2.> I SS~

IJ OR5 f ( lIA ltll f;;; A'M FS'T IOS'.-1 'II Itl (Hhum ~ r "-11(' it t t h,.

J Uf, fT SO~~ " Hn~ 1 ~TOmIll! KH I I Clc, k


I -

Rollglons l'i oUcesTI e Hev ( F W IIITWORT U (Prt~b)tulan ) wl1l

pr'f':lcl nt the nc v dl t :i t SocII) I h'J :J~ u n e \ en nt her ~a' 1atb cn:n ;n Id l~ Dc\;\:mlJcr til I~U at IIo clock A )J and U0 clock 1 w:

ltc, r On r o~ Will I rea ch e..en S ahhath at U enew l lct hodis t Church Ol}ml b a t 11 0 cI ck \. M,.JL OLYlIIPIA LODGE, No 5,M Of Ancl(: It f rce and \ cccpted !IIMons hoM.S fe:j{ Ilr co unu Ul IL un~ n t l t: I1rllt :u t t hh d

3lur 1:1) eVenll ~8 J I eH r1 m I t hAll Ultl 11Ic r.i ofthe orde r In s;;:outt t l IJn:t nrehnl

k J to ..tell d r ~ MeEl llU\ IV )(

~ ... . . .' . "'"' . ....~~" , .....~. . . , - .

IS \ AC I . s n.H:Xs .II

---~_. ._-- _._--


O I, mf'I~ , &-I't 15. 18';j

NOTICE .JH IF.S K HURD 1, myanthorlzed Ag en t d url uj::

• Ill.) ah.'lCucc . Jlnd Js Ilro vldetl " Itb th e ue cel'''onPo" cr of AUf/m c) .

WJI1T.~ I ,BAU- Pnrt' - Llnlleet! 0 11 . ( n llw ondBodcd ) Spt~ Tur lJClltl ne. &r • Cor Fale at. tb l'


- -- - -j C Au;r ION.I V,A UT IO X All JlCnKm~ ng llln),\ t l'CFpllFJIlng un Ill)

Lnud CI :l lDl III t he cUllnt) or r~e\\I". \\b1M 1 umtem,l,nraril) ahS<"ut Said claim I", on Innt1!1 cla lmcd11) t ie l '-UKCt ~U.l tl .\ gnCl11tnTlt l COllll)an\.

CllmST,A X OCIlSNEItl .c \\ llf COIID\Y. Oct. Gt b , 18.J7.- Gm .


I AU nO\" llrt'Plut(l to Curnllih an, bUl oCSJlAHS Clntbe s bortcRt nO\lcc . a t the IU1I'elit ("uh price . Or

derl' from It. dl stancc llrom ptl) attendcd to . }f) £at'11ItlC!" Cor )lrOCllrmg l'Ifla l'llca nnot Ill' I;urllll...sed 111 \\ » 11Ing to u Tern tory. Give Die It. trial.

~IOAI'.'1 IIU!U'1I0.32Iy.

PAY YOUR DEBTS!H AVISG dl!tPOl'Cd oC m, e nti re lutt re"t ID lhl

.. :-tOSrtlt t:IL S .\I oo~ , f tn its carmer IlrolJnclorI hcrelly Wish to in f O) m my Innum r raLic .. d rLtorl'llind f rlenu!l," that ha\ iug o ncc PlO\CtI to thcDl • afn cml ln neec1 If (a Cricnd Inde cd .) lit tlmC' ~ wht n tnall m tcnt!l and IlUrp Ol'CMt he) \fCl'C-tJ appl'tl , alit! unaIlle to come " I' tn th c ' t ratrh. thu'"rdn etllntl) oLIIi;lugme to book tll elr lICCOIlIlt.M , that " now i'( the ltccepta­h ie t lillC ' t o mnkc n d(' lIton~tl"U\lnn or t !l("l r p:rnlltudll"'or th b purp Ol"C r \\ 011'" no\'i gc nU,) JOG lite memorYof "lllch us 1Il1Kht ot llr rwlfle be (or Rcti llI J ll~ k fl.baf n or th nl lll h1l1chtc cl to me ntt en d proml lt!) to~ l~maUcr , for Oft, I Dm about t o 1('11\ 0 the coun\r), t e~ l

acrollnts }It RT be d O!'e d. ROOKA " Il \\ r.STII

_ Olf.!"J II:I. Ju~,:-3!.! .!~_ no..16 tr

C B AD AMS,(j';,j U'©J![\.~@: "1 !?'@[f] ©[1,£OJ:JJ~AI, 'I ... ..T T n t . n e l TI\ J' III rART)t ~ lIiT tl 0 .. TIl F. GO'

J' ItS H t >,; T , ran \ TY. CI AHIM, ""OTES , IIKA.t"TS.U:A's n t on

BOUNTY LANDS, PNSIONS AND PTNTS,nOi ce . S o. ~().) . 8 E\" l:S T JlST UJo:f.T ,

\\ a."lh lllgtnn . n.l'.


T In ; Pre~nt unn o f t hl, InRtl tuhoD 1\ 111 clOfit Oft.'rld8Yt hp 27th l""t. rand the Win ter Tenn com

mell cc on the ~!onda) followi ng .The UO:lN of Tea cbcrs will contllltt oC

Re\' . UH.:\ C: nll.1.0s . \ . U . Pn llclpa1.Mr n 1-' . FR..:t:I.ASI1 AII..ltotaat..:\oliN! J.: \·EI.IS I'. U.\DU. Pr«t' IIt.n.'N'

It I" c Xl'e t" t.cd tba t the M( f\ Ic(''' of n coml)d t nt. l ' tIt·ft:o;; l'or u f 1o1u,oICon t he (; uit.:tr, ~Jt" lud coon II JlIl I'll1noWill IJC !4t'c ured

The cou r~ of lO!ltnl c::\ lOn ntIopt etl ,, 1111>(' eml1n r f"dIn th rte !telieral dCpltr1mcn t.o IJn mm"y. ~Mftt lifit D fl d

t.:laultal . Those eont r.lct mg IlD th. fact tll llf 1hE' COUJ'lIt'

flf lIlutI) I're,;crlbcd. Will be Krante d 1C!'1ttOlullli ia orthe AAme b) th e board nf tru lltCE'1l

\ c()D1ml)(hou~ IJoartiinA' Jl ollJle . In t.hc Immtd llt("\ Idu lt ) o f the lloc bool haA been lit te d UIII ,y ~f r 1111D.1GaUahtr. Cor the exelu,he tl.ccoDlruodaLlllll ur Itndelll~ from n tli!'iLo.nce .

Buard U dolla", 11er \\"eek . TH1)a1Jte in pr(l(1uct , , totlenb fum u"blllg their own beddiug , to'l"f('l s , &c

Tf.R)IS .P rl tD lIry . f.S 00Headin g" Sl'clllnJ( , and Wrltl ntc: 6 00Al1th mH ic , GCl1Cra l'h) , a nd (,ram mar, 7 flOll lKh E nKlish Dra nchcf.: , 8 (IllLati n . Grl'ek, u t ra , ench 3 CO

Pt{ lIlllCon Oult.ar , Melodeon a nd Plano . each , 10 flOIncldCl1 lnl eXJlenses added

J 10\ D"~'''OnJo; , "'Kent__~~m"p-!.ll.: ~~ 12. 1~7.-t:'__

CItI~A U l AH.TAR-A pure ftrt ielf'. to be fOl1ntl l.'tlhe l ' UGEl' SOUX!) Dnl:G STo m:

rfm; undersign ed would l'( 'lpe ctrlllly DOur) t he 110bhe that Ut C' \ ha ve tak en the bmldl ng lat tl )' OfcapJed

II) .Jo ll :<l; :-; I tl\\ , at the com er of Y alD and FourthII t rt'l h. ( 1) 101'1:1 . \\ lin e t he} a rc prt'JlIlrf'11 to eeeommodale the people with good bargahu5 IIIc\ rrrtlllngkep t Cor ..ale III a t' JU:-; f CLA SS

GROCERY STORE;S uch a'l Sugnr-c-Brown nnd Crnebcd, Coffee . R) rup.tuee , ~:t lr.ltu'l. C h C'<'~, I'Ickeles I' rv-e rved i rul\l!.Lob..tcrs Uy-ter... , Sardines Ht.l3I', 1101111 111 mn. Hran1 1~ l' eacbes , Ilco t ... nnd Shoes , 'Ilour boll \\ Illllkf')«. hnmpng ue , Le mon Syrup, Iuble nud Alum Bah ,sht:rq null Port w tuc . Cog unc, Old S ILl l'rlt: \ Iutageo f 11oI 2A. 'Old :1'1 Brn ndy . Matdle~ 1:111"111 '1. Ilrt)tJlnll,F rc..h l:allfoll ll:t (. U1PCH. ~Lll rdl . Sodl\. ) ca...l 1111\\ tiers,( . rcell and Illllck Tc I , a slllleClor nr t lch. ~(aIl111 a rope.(u t :Sull,. :\·'.M rh:d , Ale. Porter . Cltler nnd 'l nr~r ,Hoot~ lind "'lIof'!'t n ~ood Ul<iMortment , tO$(ctber wlt.hnuUlj' othcr 111 t itl es too ted ious \ 0 menti on . A. weIt \\ e locat ed here for the pu r pose oCtIuh l~ 8./lcrm anent .11ll- lnc 'll-l . \\ e ca [l n"'llurc t b..• public wo wl l (10 a fllirblls l ll c~ Ou r motto III

u J.nrg DSnh~ . n lltl lSu l a.lI P. uhh~"

and to OIatliefy ) 0 11 th at wo In e up to It . ) nu illit e onllt o ca ll and ~ee onr good !!. Rnd hear th e l' riCf M ~(l

t rouble to fihof' gooll~ Gh e Ui n ca ll.S. \l WIl.I.IA )!S .~ Co•

OI, mpla . O( t 30, 1R:i 7.-nn.

I XDIGO- ' llltIdcr. ext Lczwocd. CllIIll('ra'l Arnatto an ti Hair CotOlIll.': ~tllr.....r on"tltlll l} 011 hand ••t

t he P UGh1 souxn URU(i SlORE

nr, 2A tf


J I' Ksr.r ER



c:l30., c:l30.



~!I''.l)D'~!2~lt!!~B:l.11:1.a.rd lEJa.1 o o n.

-A~ D-




Ii! RE~.r~IL.__1lJAug nst 28, 18:i7

OI)mpltl, Sept . lI . I B,ji

Oct 22, IBSS-71y .

- - - - - - - - - - sti-/§ ~

FRANK BAKER,110 and 112 Vlay Street,


roST OF FIC I'; D( II V I~f1 , )l U S HTItF.F.T. OI \ )Il' U . \". T.

G. r: W ILLA II f) <\. CO

W our.n rt_pe<:t full) In form tile ('Ih lcn" of Wa.OlhIng- ttln Temlur, that tlie) hal e J u~t l eceh ed

a ntl mtend keepiu/{on han.l a gooll ~1I J1 1 1 1) of

Books & Stat ionery ,~nllte tl tQ the wan b of Ihe com m unl h .

111 l1 tllllt lOO to t h e i r 1I.,t of ~chool llooks. t ll('1 hlt\ cllll nJ'l",(ut ment of

IImJ.t:~. JlY\J:oI 1l00 K~ .

IIl STOm ES. 1II0(; RA l'lII f:~ ,

W m Cl; LTURAI.. 1I0 ItTIClJl.T UItAI.~IEIl I I'A J. WOIt KS. 1'0f.1 ICAI. " OHKS,

SClf:X flFl !' .~ "'SCEl.I. \ Xf.Ol!S\\ OURS ~\:c • •h , ~", c.

Th c) bate q mt e a unct) oChandsome and [litercstl ng


retch cll c1 ,r('(\ from New York. b~ e XJlre":ol TIl('yha \ e alllo a l :t r A'e a nd compl ete l\.ol ~Ol lmrllt o f BOOK Sand ~T \.T IO:\ f.1: hflWnn th eir \'ra) from Nc w Yorka lld Sa n F r:tnn ..co . \\ h ll h \\ tl i !!ho r\l j' he 1'C('{'l\ ed , Bnd\\ III make thclr ~tO( k th e larp;f'!ot a lit! mo"t supen Oi Inq nnh t) c\croffcred III th liOma rk ct

Ortle rs fro;n abro~Hl arc lInhc lt('tl. :IntI \\ III\:)('attended t o on the Bamc t erm !t M I f pllrdll "l~1'!4 \\ cre 11I('''en t.

Th ey lire alw IIS:C ll~ fur ~\ Jl l' ll"tou II ncw \\ (lrks . to­\\I t - S llec lmeoH of Am crle til l: loquell t:c .ln 2 \ ol snnd A1Jrld~meot of t it" Dcb I tc!l or Congrc K."l , 1.1) 1II Benton. comJllcte 111 I ') \ lJl,z

('nil. Fee, anti e:oc ltollnl'Ol) mp la , J une 4 l S"j.

ALCOJlOL-....rtnch nmndy. nourbnn " hlltkc) blltlPort WIDe , jtll.t re cehetI . a od for Jl:I Ir. Itt til t>


BRUSHF$-Paint . Slulh Tool . H air. Toot h, Fl C'!lh .Clothe~ ..nd S IoII IIrllllhell. fur ll.'l lc a t the


TIlt: KF.KDAJ I. CO ha\C remoHd Inro t helrnc"!'tot c . on ) fam S tr eet. Ulimedllttrl) 111 frou t. of

thclr rormer place or bu&ne,," , \\ her e tll ~ ) hn\ f' (orwc a. la rge "tock of Nt:\\ GOODS. \fblch " III b',;old at the lowest cub Ilrt t.'CS.

Kr.XIl \ 1.1. (0no4.!U.




W tI f. I cu vc Olympia eve rj Frldll' ot .( o'clock ,PM . With t he U S 1I( ;u l",. to uchl ng at St r Ua

coorn, Sc ~UI" , Port AIa~ il'oOn . Pori. Gamble Port l .rnllow. POlt Townsend, I'enn ~ Cove, Xt:W J) 1l0 g lll CNIan d Bellingham Itl )

Remi mon th ly , tIl Vlcton:l a nd Berni a moo nl ~ •thc"ta l IOn of the U. S BOlllldltry COnlhllsMlllll

1 he .. « (Inl;h tllt 011n hits clcg ltnt nC:lollIl1l011:tt ,Onft,(or pB.'l!5CnKef'lC , an,1 th e 11r!{C 01 p:u;...nge h:ut beenI'lllcell l1\ \ er\ m odcrJ te rJ te",

I'or furth cr information , ('Ilqum' of the ('uplnln onboa.rd, or of M LO UI~SOX .'i (' 0

Se llt. I R, l~G [1I ~ ::r -tf

Salltlwich Isfn uds J>l"OCIUC C ,

A:s t> a. ge nera l a sso rt ment of II1 O\ I..lf u "l .\ C • lila )IX" found at the store or the P aget ~Iln Co ,nt Tee­

kalet Hood'.. Canal. API,l) t o


HEn )!"S

'1'. ,


T ,


YO .U tD . (lMITIl lU T S.

WAllD &, HAYS,lit ..

W M . ' V It 1 o n r ,SJ .&.IID lID U.~ m,

O J) IlIIJln, " 'n >lhlllgion Tu alto r) .

.\ U,t;" lIlft li th 1R.'i5 1l~ 9- I)-- ._-----

- ---- --- ----- -

OIJ IltJIl1\ . W)I I O t.:I S."'O~ .

Av ril .!2. 18;4

8 II ~ TT1U~ , M. n ET T" ...;" .

Bettman Brothcrs," IlOl.I'.'HI.fl AYD m :T\Jl. Pl:AU:IlS IN


Sto re ou \be co rner o f Main an d Se con d Strcet8,0 1ym l"8, W. T.

air :\ hm.nch of \he l['lIto re i ~ e 'ltllhh ",be d In Se a t tl e ,K inK count).OI)mIll~. Au;:t I ~ , \ 1\')4 50t f


Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,n alli. C Apt' . GrO("<,rl~• • C rocker)' ,,"art',

kc 11.'<.: (".~an F rnn r l"co , Cnl.

I LIOI1 TS £ It . Jo YK.lNJ:F.L .33.

- Allin--

SJ '\ll' :!? 'II Ul ~ ~ fJClln llt :lit t ime" be cOIl,'(ultc d. (nnleH8 abllen l o n rI'o­(1:'.."11011111hu '(me"l" .) to whic h he \\ 111 hold hl m!lelf confl.ta nth III readm~s to 1Jt'Rtow flN'Mo nol sm d prompta t te n ti on

klr Cllllnec!.('d wlth hi" offil(' , OR MA\ :<l;AIIU, hUM,aul1 purpose li kecp lug COUI' h lUtI) on h.lIIt1, 11 full andcomplete IItock of ~

ID:l1W<W..aJ A~:O ~:.m:!Dl!:·r.W;~W~~

Emllro cmj:t c \ er.)tl ung requlJ'ltc fur I'rIict lC:C In )fed lti ne ~lI rl2:e r) • •\ c , .\: c: .

N n. In a.hlitl l'l tl to the aLO\o ex te nl't\ e s t oc.: k o fIHtUGS. ~IEJ)lC IXES • •\:c , hc h i hke\\ IMC rec~lveda lar~c 11ml s;enera.1 ax...or t mellt oC

11itY GOOns. n llO!' f:BII:S. 1l.\ RDIHRE,C I.OT H ING, "\c •

WhlCb WIII be :fOld llt 10\\ e "t c(lllh pn r cMIl s. U AYN An n

~ lI.ttle . W. T • An;:ud 22d . 1 ~ ~6 . lIU- tf

D. S. MAYNARD,© @; £<\ 'if 'if [1, [2; 9

K in g Cou n t y , 'v.Jl ll.\ Ing res umed tbo pnractlce oC ,

WJ [§l [!Hl <B Q &1 8


W ':'I I . C 0 C I{ , Pro p r I to • 0 r •

Cor nt r tI/ .110 m and 17u n l S lrul . ,

0 1.1'1111'/,1 . W . 7:The proprl ctor "111 endea\ or til m ak e all com Cortab le

\,.ho IIHIY C:tvor h im \\' Ith their ('UlltQm,Board 110cl J.oogln.l: iJy t.he Da) o r Week

O1J11llla. Re ll\. 12, l R')G I) .& 4--- ----- - - - - - .- -- - -- -

I'OKTL .\:<l;r'I. OK\:GO~:

T \~ t ;''';; pleasure In re tu rumg t ha,pb to hi li~Ilum( rou- Iriend .. and C: 11 l'toOlC~ in " "a"h ~

I IIt;:llJ ll 1 err ttory, (or their very liberal pa tron-aKP. W R.tcbell and J ewel ry Icrt wi lb \\ d ha ms' e x

IIrf1\II " Ill be r.ellt e ver, a mi t he charKl"lI can Ie colcctt:d ou delivery . All urt!ers f .r KoodMIler\\ 1I IIn01'"t-:.'!l1'Cll0l ," III meet prompt au euticn t an d all watch esrei lllired a t tl lIli e"laLlhhme n\ ure warranted to keept ime On hand a nd Cor sale .

'V"t t'h~ ", Si h ~r \"nrt', J r w el l"}...~.e. - Remrm 1.Jc r- "G ('ttl r.txu noee rs s . W .1TC1J

M.\ l\t T•• • l'OltT L~~11 nl' l 3- n l 9

!1 \Ii 110 1 "~ALZ A.)lD n lCTAJI nr,.lLF.KR I""


Tt:U \'tATER, W. T.

AT tho warc hou-lle of WARDA Il A.Ys. \n o IOlle"I 150uth o f Olympill. at t he fall lf of ~hlltE'lI rh ~r, the

Ipublic wiJI at aU ti me:J find In ..tore. nn tl for J<l\le, 110 '' lua nt lty of tbe abon p0l1mente-t1 a r1icl E'''' a t (ln cc!lCtluformalJle wlth the tl me"l• •:H r)"lhln g ti le)" hM e to~cll . th ey wi11 wa rraat t n be Cully Cllu:tl to wh at th t)

Ilila) rcpCC:leutit S mall n s.'Icl" ca n ruch the \ leInIt) o f thclt wJ.~bousc on the fl f)lxl lonll , aOtllean 011

, the eh b Litle_Tnmwllter. X O\ . 28. H~..; ':

M ,4. l t f

A C (' 0 .' f .'1 (171 .f 7 l OS,

LIVERY STABLEavet 3. \ R.iG n4i

H \\'D~ C : rct"c ntl .) pur( h:t.<tt.'l1 the fOl::1Lle I'fl n u"'l ~ .

h ll1"'eol . "~Jtnn" . ba~lcli . ~\ I"•• bel f>n J(ln,s; to t"dOlantI s) h~ter. t he untlcnagned nrc 11rt'I,s retI tu letI. \!JIm AXD I; K'TJ.~:lT r.X 'S R IIl I ~ n lIo n Sf;".

IlIiGl. IES, S.\DD I.ES. &,.Our hn!'""('~ nre :lll youDg llnll \ i,s;nro u". lIoud In Kooc.l

CfluellLI"n Tlt l ) are al,.,.) \\C1I Lrc. I.eu. tllul llCr fcc tl )":l fe fur e \ (' 11 thc mo."t c1dlr aw huh .

Gootl hug.ltl~ a ud UollmMaiM a1\",,, 8 011 hand :\0feaN n("CtI IK" ent crblm'd o( " Lrea k-do\\ n~ " \\ herewe funm,h pa rh e"l

lI um:.c a1""J sCl"er,l1 h 'aU1 S on t ll(:" L I ' 'l . we "llInll("on llta nlJ) In rt' adme"''!10 h:llli jloocJi nntI mCrt'hl\utl17.l!' et ('.., tn all d lrom all par\ol o r the d ty a nd count ry .

9.t&1I110;: . AA hN c\h rorc . aLeu."\l'J1llOrv rnte lt.Alilo 11. /: 0011 \UI.,::"f1It } lt r d nn I1 0 , t ... IlR) . l\:c ,nhn yfl

0 11 IHII111 , (or t r1\e llllg cu~tomc r>l. al lht r t l!J lownlu .ln

l ,n e U ~ n ca ll

m:;ht H or!<c P o" c r .PIli's ImprOHd Polenl Tilfeshrr nnd Sepa ralor,

E W. HI. \ S(;O\"" l\;.Co • nrc I' rt lla l'Cll at t'hort notlce, to do u p the "'l1~ln cs:l oC t hl"c..l l1l1~ \\ h{'nt.

Oa\)!. k c . thron~hout the count, of T hnrsum. Til t'Th reMhr r " I'uh t bru nCh ' a ud se pa tatcll SO hlt!lhel",'l\ h~llt 11er hour. "

TcnoM._ \ \ hr a t fler Lu ~hc l . ll ceu~ . Ollt"" I' r e nt.oI

Th e Inachm e will b<' kell t In o pe rat ion untlJl &1 1 t hewhe:tt In the cClun tn IS t hr""'hcd.

• T. W. Gf. :\SGOW.\ Co

L. P. F I BHE R' S

Advertising Agcncy,~ \ X f n \ ~C ISCO , C \ I .

No Iii ! \\ lI.-1Jl ngWn Strt'(' t , ull t't H. lr t'. lIca rl) 01).

/JOlllte Mlt,lCUl n.· !4 Opera UOUt;C.• P ~ Is IH. I: 19 th e ftuthorbr ll nsc('nLfl f thePJU~U K 4 UIUIOCRAT , Ol~tallll\ \\ . 'I .Mut.) s\ llIull crilltI,HaCnllllCllto Unlo ll.l 'tlClll{ ~Ietllodl"t . ~toc: kt()n .StHlIl r:1 lI el ald ,:\euda J ourna l;Gra"" VdtJe) TclegnJlh,n ed Blul' ' 'eacon;1 t10IUUl IIC Cuu rle r .£1 n omd o l>eta ocru.t . P lftrcl \l!le.8a.n J OaqUID l tel lULhc: ao , H\oc kLon .e tltu m bili. GlIZctte .),Iullntain Democrat , Place rv ille.«. :lI:I-. crall lbron lcle , ll"li.eluwn e :J Ill .Rhw-ta Courier ,Ma rll' o!i.a Gazett e :\ re ka Weekly UruoD.Trlmty J ournal . Wea\cnllit' ,10Wll 11111 S ewlI.Vult'ano l.cdgt'r .Wetkl~ 1.t.-df,cr. J acJL.oon.Ran J Ol'e Te f'Kf&I)h ;SonolD:t Co unl) J ournal .Fol~Dl IJIMII:ttl"h.(":lllfonll:'& ~(lIJ mg J onrnal ,I o~ AIlJ::('tO'lRla r)'N nta Uarbara (i nr:et 1.e .~,an megn Ucral d ,Alllmt'(1a Couutv CazeHe .I' lncer Coorler : YaDkee Ji.m·~ ;:Sllpa COl1nty Repomr;Slcrra Democrat. Downieville,llum1Joldt T IDlCJa;Ore goaian, Portland. O . T. jOI"t'A'0n Btate...mAn Sal em. O. T.lI f'TUld . J at'k ,.om lllr, 0 'I' iPad Re Chn ..\ llln AduK"ate. ~alcuI , 0 T;I'olyne."l!a n. H onolulu . f; 1..I' ac llic Com merc ial .Adu:rU:-er. 1I11nol1110 . s t .Mnl<"" n F.~traordi nary . City of )(e~co.l l unE;koD~ Jteglster, Ch ina.

AIlIf:Rl IAIXtJ IN THf: ATI.ANTIC STATf.~I. 1'. I' hl\ll nOl\: l::oml,lek'd bta ft,nanJl:ell1n~ Cor

the fon r.ud lnl: o f ad \ ertlJ;emcntal to all the I' rl ndJlnlI lI~t clrculDl mKJ onrnul" lLod Ne ,", '~R pc nt IHtLlh.hedIII till \tll\ntl c ~tat(' !t

A 11 11(' np il Irtunlt) 1'1 h('r e ofracil to lhnMC \\ ho 1\ 1,,11to IId\ ertl·c I[l a.ny Illut or the Union . of dnln,:{ 110 ntthe 1'1\\ CM\ r-ate14 , Ulltl ll1 t\ llrompt ond m.U"f.lctor)nllUlllrr

& pt • .& . I~j .

I , I> I> UltHlS.



n t'Ccmhtr l~ . l R!.1.-n' Iy.

1 "1t€·1nllet'llh:ll ed ha" ml:t cl l~ntlO lICtl nne of t hetw o braucll(''' of lJu..lneAA In "hlch they wcrt'

bHetorore cn gJ'!::l'tl , lit(' no w dC'roti nA' th Nr en tire llt..t.cu tlfln 10 the It \ K EU\ derllrt men\. The) now tie-­11I8"n to kt"~p constan t!) on h:m dI'II :~ , CAKf::i , CRACKf.ns, 11m I" II \HIl

nrn: \1l . I'II.OT URr.AI> , ETC\ \ h l l h \\ tll l.e '"ul'Pl!ctI tn 1I 0te l ~ , Faml hc", . und Rte aIDeI''' on t he m'l"l t rea!'Onahle tttml Ol

l 'm a1.e a ull " t dd Jn~ P at1.I(" 1I (um It<hetl With an)tLin;: ne(,rM"\1') Oll Il: llch O(c:ullon~ . ll\ ,.hort Iw h ec

'r: D~:.!'l1.: ~~l!: ·D~r!2~:.o:l1.:SJ~rl't cODsb nUj' on hao ll

\ chfllt e lol of

@ ·' IU"l ro, c)? r:- , "' ",""r ·t " " ,JJ ...;J~.I.s: "::'L\:~ t) U l.::=.J ... :.:.' './

~1I ' l a ul { for holtda\ I'rMoCol", for Soli}" d l l,"",al' Ca ll uad



1- ruit, Shrubs, & Flowers._ !S" atl tlltloD to my Corn Icr extcn_ITe \ :u !t'ty of:I: JlHt: IT . IHI .4DB. A~D O1l:'l'l11urTJ, I. Tn P:EJ'I,

1 hu e latt' ly ubtAlned . from the lOotIt exte mh c n"rtte ri f'8 in CaUfonlb Iond Ore gon , a ch oice lol. o f

S11IlUBB ERl", FL OIVEllb', VI N E S , 4-- .:\mong wb ich may 1.0 fountl the Collowlu(; -

App le.. 1. ' loweri ng Af.p1e ,CO Vnriettcl'. l-'lo1f~r1ng A mond

P~a.... Ab lve lAO .'15 '~nrleU(' 1t. I SUn r I. Popla r ,

l 111a nu, 1 1...,Le rn uhI,10 ' ·nrletle" IWreJling \\ lIlun-,

Ch cr . l u . LocD lll.:l0 , "a rletl tA. 1 !lIountaln A sh

P encht"s . I Ul nc.15 Ch oice tit", vari ttlell IPrIvet.

All r1 tO~ Io'un e . ~ ,3 \ ~IrlCttCII I N u. t- .

Nrc:ta l h lC". ; .:np;h<ili WaI Dut.~

~ton tlo IButlt"rnut.lUln o r lo~r nJ •• , Cb~tnut

Cat:t" b3 (,;rnl'(". I no~•.h llbcUa do j CO Ue...t cult ivated \ a rlC""Carraut... ~ \inn t t lr ", tl~ .(;OO!'.C1J.em (".i. 7 do I ( ·Arn AU o li .R:u pbeli) , G do ") Best "a ri ..tl ('iIS \rottberr) . G do I ' ''a n egat('d ll ahh:Lot

n ed a.nd \\ hlte DSI"'It'"Orn amrntaJ Trco t's and Vrrbe-n••,

8 h r n b.. I j '~i\rittlPll

AC1LAAla . I Stork Gilly.Ca L'\1(13. Va rid JAmeri CAn 1;110, I m anl lt hellbarbI~(Jmbartl) 1'01,Ia.r . I 1I0r:.c Rad d lsh

I1eO'Iu.JeJl lO:1n) \ ,"ehe>' or~bmlJ,i a nd ...lo\\ r }1l untltr cul th :1tl on . " bleb ca n be furDlslt etI a nothtr ! u ..100 . J

\I !W. ,\ ttlclloku - f ery I'roduc\l\e.WIth t hll'l adtl lttfln to my Corn Ier la1"Jt'e anti~ll'<'ttd

:l.5.-"lQr1me nt oC .\ I)ple . P ea eh . Pear. I lium, Cb erry ,Qaln re . Apricot . M tl eUler t l't"e'l , In endlf*l varlet) .an d uCCrom t n-o to Cour ) e:t l"R' growth . ! (ed lW1R'u lne~Jt m, nUr9Cf) i~ by fn the m01lt extt'n",l"c In theTt rrl\l lry . and am confiden t th at I (':In loCH at pn r e lo\t bat ("IIlDot 1.If! compe ted With by DUy engll gN. to th llbranch (If bu-"ia~

J.A~'.\ YE'lvrg 11.\Len,WJ [§l lli <B m ~ &1 Ul II

' T RTEll . \COO~I, WASIIlXI;TO:ol TEI:l:lTOIl ,

V · t I V } d " Od. I Fl i :J ~t r10 or a, anoouver's 10 an . . _

p'!AW.\IH: Ollbe "",at ,oeon" ..en,o ond ;;1, G EOBGg GAL[,A OJIJ:B,• 1I"an\ (Ifsuttahle accommod ~hon fll l~.. ()I::\I ,t:ltl~ gTOVF:~ lI"'U).w ,\ m.~ .TIX.WAHE ,

tnn:e el'>'Alid bU!flnc~ m('n . ln time" pn"t. the lUll) ..rlu,;nu l hilS hUet! Up,lIl ..Of,ll lI t\ l~ Anti ('umforL1ble AHlUC UL ClJlt \1. nI PI .gM F.~TS. l\c'lIIanner , , (i rd dan J/ (J 'l J'J~ a mI bOlll dlll1: IltJUJr , OL\l1l , .... " . Tfor the C'll ll\ em l nr(' flf lnn e!r N fro m t he \ lllcril a n No\ 5 . 1:-':; :l !lICs tit 111111 r(' '' lllcnh of t ill' J ~l .ln tl lll ~cm: 1 II -=~:-=:-_=====::_:=-_-- _

It ..11 ,11 he Ihe ('OI1..l l lIl mn :l ilt} enl1t I\ or of tll<" 1\1.1:. P. B'U:Et...N'S~ BOW LI N G'"uh,.,r n Ltr tu furlll ..h 1 11 ~ 1011,1.. \\ 1111 ('\ (n ll ll n ~ ('a1ul !f1£t:'\'!~::i \O: ~.5. c\:)"m~:E1!Il"1, ~ etn~'311:.!l';J,!:,. IIaICtl til J,:'nt.hf\ t he (.:\...1" nntl H' llIl c r t lie "'\;1) II f J:"t1c-l"l T tn: ltntl(,~lgnCtI Ul\:lIlJ:" Jll !'it rcl ur nlll from a t ri P" ItIt Illm :l ~rc t ," It' alill 1111...1.....' nl Tn /,1(' \OI. trc S('(' );, - " F F I e J: - t o th e Sffitctt, '" lth t he J:u hn t . r hulu' ..t . all tl I j(' ~t1Il,t!' 1'J.I1I(' '''-to \~ Iudl Ihe So ell~ 1 f of t 1(' J ~l lI lltl t"' II('o St:l:T 11001 TO \\ II ~ '" A. III "' 1 \ 1 :0 . :\II...ortmeu\ o r

'IITCII t.1 I. ~\:. S 1 ~ \\ AIn t' r l lll\ \\ III I'r"I\ (" 111 \ Itl llt:-Iht: tlnders l~ned \\ III tIt ..11'" .1I11 11l f\ll ttl . OIynIJIlD. u ~ T ' VIN E S . I.IQU OR S A X/) CIt,AU.'O 0 ] S01) 1I1llla Ht:(' l a ll. I ... .; ) I~ _1_'1 11l"II:t. rtl cul lr rlttt'n tlOlI 7·/O:llS. J.OllS7·f..R~ ,"'A IlI)/N/~ ~ <Sr.

. r 11 .1 r • I I 1 I -- I' 1I,"11>,I11.'d\:. II 11 1 ' 1' I\l"t' IIn lin 1('1111'" 1I 10 ( 11 I n 11m , .. Dn 11 l' Bl n :ss n turtlle 111 01 '"llUl n th allk", for (" H'r hr ought to the Terrtt on :lll tl :t~ :l1 l1l~llm(' '"ulf' _l'it·'V c ar's ('a ll. I , IIlJ\ { .llt lrtlu"' (;4J.t rtlllll llt ItiT~n~ "CIO~~lll Y Ihchlxral ..hIU{ of l atrn I3;lr he hl"l rt:Cll\td the 11I")l'nclo r oCthc abo\ e ('!;L'l f.h..hmt n: , \\ onlll h("l t 1o\ .J. ll . C()I~E, 1\1. D .,

I ) F.t:s o :"+: s km'l\m;::- 1h('m~:\i.' '' Itltll"llt d 1'1 'I , ., .. _ • -"" . " Ita ..l hH', ra}1lfrom at1 l..tCnll l1~ ) ," I,1I C . IItform t he rl h 7.('nol of OI) m/" a IIntl 81'0rt ln~ ,::cntl\1.0 1I .......n .t e ll :u e rE"lu( ..ted 1'1 ma ke \I .. n SI"" 1 \ I tnr . I \ I J uh .. .. I H no..1 , l, ll r " urn " ('a u he l ClU"lIlt('tl ,l u l.) at Ill'" " Oil ('. ex !::et)('rnlh tb :tt he I'" c1d enn oed to k('('1' n Til' TOl. !';t LATF.: • GOM ~ \S .· tt l.~ {; I ::tCO

'1 rar II ('311 . aud Hlrp n -;e u"" :Inti \llIr r Ot la t '4 II' --- - - -----.- - - - - C<lIt " 11(' 0 :'th"'t'llt on pro((''' l<i lUnal bll"lI1C,.,;:I . T ho:-(' rc- loon T ltofIc 'l'; hibm.c: to I':l'l..."loff a fe" ICHiU l'C hour ... OftCl'M IllS FervlCeft, n.c

r,rtJmptl) 1"l.\ ln.c: 11)1 S 1("1t lLq h \\ e 0\\"'.111'4 fur ti ll I A(hlli ll i~tl·ntO"'''' No t u·(·. "I' Ill;: a l a Ih"I~ ll c(, 1;111 ,1" "' 1 It\ IIIUII r an d o F.O no more Ilgr<'<":1lJl) a ntI rnOFlT \II L\ t han a t I:' II ) s i c i n D D II d S li t·;; c oltll..t t h l't'(" \ C':\ - , ln J an' 111la1,1t t l) 1'3\ . an ft 'l llt - ' ("11 1I l.TTFHs O F \O\IIX1...Tn \ Tlo~ un the "~~ t :tt e .\ Gt'UUlllC ti ll lll l l~ o f \H.I)I(: I :"+: I..",, c OIl- h lll l) on ti ll" (n\O rUe rNtllrt

to t;a ll In :l1Hl 111ft rm u.. IIf t hts 'It t . ,, 1" 11 furlht t l J ' f Wm 11 Hr3.lInan tk c~a."<' 1 1 I:l te of ~ 1 1I '" t;1U1Il hs nd \ ,,/llellthd Lllh.lrtl LiMe l~atL1 1 ht u ll) Ih(' l , r (' II I"(' oI T n th e pt""Iple fl ft unc .nll be j: IH n :UUll ru ll t ('Ill , rt ri HII tlnr Ill"'},;" r r 1\ W I ..lilll t Oil Tcrn ton ' \nre ~lIted t il 11~1111 1 l ('r :\:. U..- Parh cu1::l r alhntlOn 1'1111 hi tl lH:a"ell of th c aq lOU J 1\" th e nec('!l"4r) .. It to,,, " ror\ll a. \ m~ the ~me I ' OR 1 I ••I .\" /J A .YIJ V/C/...\'J7 1Ihe r;lll W~ ..11111 li t" III It as an r 1iI'!{ll, t' lil l Iif' hI II I Jt1~o ... ,1. 1,\ iiI(:" l'ro hat t" (" ourt of '"a liI ('oulln. nil tht" ll-~) C."' · an ll ClirolllC'Q(1100('11':("<1. uf th (' h lnod .. of ponl A J;"oocl bntJ alle~ m (' :ocr e I('ut IInlrr Hl<;o D

Ht' I" P ro r.......or n f O U....Thl Ttl(!'oo . al lll flI ....

("_t la tf' 1I1.. nf" lc!l ll" rna) cODl I,1\ wllh t llr nfJ"( -1 of l '!..t1I I!n lI e ~ o\ cml o(" ['. l ...., i . ...11 l,cr ,olllu<; liU!f'IJtUl I0 j O I) ml ' l;I " Im l •• I Jo;,;I , , IIU . 0. Ireath (01 th(" IL'ie of 'iuch:t.~ tIe"In.' • lIl(l ul:.(lUS:" m:l L•• \ ~' _ (IL' PIC ~I .\ I ' :S• •\ XIJ l'lI lIll U.:XtllUi 1I0t n:l' . a llli 1:'1) t ' IC tid l\ I 1Ihl"lr IUII'lht\ to 1' 1\ '":llli (...Llte a rr tlll refr' n- t1'llllC-I",l t .. ma \ t" 'm lllt.'1l mtl' - - - - hcatt b\ (' :\(' [' (\1 " (' T r " r T r r i ll ( O!'t ,1"_The cou t r:lr , ""III II(' uur "1'11 on of "uch :1.- ,to .lIt 1 I r ilo \l l\('ot :1:111 :l11 l'f'r"l'oIm... h::\Iu.! eLllm~ a t lllll..1 t ie " .. If ".A LL.\CE, I Pn'p.lrt'd n) ..tNoi 11)1",l l:' r oi . d Ull" !'J,n lm,.... co rn u i.- I' rt ,t.o:.t" (lIn 1I1l11 ..IX lUlU - 1011 0-"(' "'I •~ntl ..ho nUl) Joi'(' 1Q Ih"I >O<-f'c.I l u "hUllk m il ~ ' I ' till -01111(' :lu'lu"r' It\ n" lIfied t 11 ' 11~1I1 Ih(,1ll Ill npah at I I\ .lr Jp ., \ .. ~ ~I~ I\' P q. j \ "'101 I" tc fllnll o:.h ed to l ,"\ .ltC P lft l('oI . ln ' J ,,.,,r""'!J", .,l l lh ll h tll.z

ICace" • f "M t red t,.) n; ,nl) lw tJe I rn t 11 ,1.. It ..II" I. " lll u li 0 ' 11" 'l"lI r frum 1111 f' 0.:."': - 'v _.1 ~ - ~ - ...-.># ;; IhG ..hflrtt...t nollcP _ o t t lCI -~f J lI l l ~"'lI X .t I II • \. \ I WS~ \ , \ l l uulII..lrll 'Jr I ~nm. \(nO \f W T .J l WF ...Tn n OnJo\ :"+:0 l '"; \n:TIWl'llIl~ 110Tl J'{ ' :1

Illflll l' ll p .... 1'1 I '" II( ¥~l1ll \\ 1 n. ~ . ,Ih I... .; - no ; . h \ ~ 'l" :J I...... 'I 'f OI"ml' lli Jul,, :n 1<' ;: ,w31~H f" lrt1 m l ~!'tem" " r ,;! j 1""',1


IIATSRne Lc.1frr . Llu k.

• d rab au d Lrown .:l \\ ho le \ ancty of dUfeten\ kind",t ulu: ,' nn d s.:eu\ lcmens India rubbu o ver "hr>rll.

1·. l.VhT R N OTIONS,Huch ;L'l ('omb.". Sd AAO U . k nh eA, ..\e.,~.Ide8 PoOm("

otb er Iluull nrh c1c :ol too numerous to me n \\on. AI. o .t ra n ll nx t ru llk.... " ull('M and C::Lrptt b &I;I , a n.na lot o fI..,d~· and l(l f!~ fiboc li an d booltea

CIGA IlS ANn TOBA CCO,v of tho bel t brandl. Any pe n on that wls be,. ~ pnJo)

the plea.unt IIcent o f a \IUre II llu na Ciga r. ~Icve trj'nu nc. :-tat ut'lll Le af ' ''Jrgln la Ch t:wing Tol ,acc:o ,­

Propritlor. Smok lnJt Tobacco , tl ltrere nt brand".(..'11 11 anti c xam llle for , ou nelu 3, and bopm\: mc cd

of tbe abo\ e facts.A RO~r.Xm:1ll

N OTIC E .Purchasers of Goods !


.A~~·l>:nST~~ A~ ~Al;,r ;t

OLyltfP J.I, TI" 'I'

E. n. WILSO~ . I W. G. Dc-C'CLAr.SlUt F nUlCUC'O. OlyrnpiD.


Olympia. Apn!'. 11<.; ; .

WU OL E:ilLI: .l !CD nET.1t L U!:..1L1:CS I~

Fanoy and Staple 'Dry Goods,I'.lIOROIOr.m cg, DIlESS GOODS, nno cr.mm ,


i'.\ IUII.:m 1)1PI. r.y l'_'iTS, IIAmlIVAm ' .CROCKr.RY• .\:e • .l:e.,

.And Dumer OU-i other articlC!lndapted to tbe t rad e.We have re:no\'Cd oo r fllock an 0 1) nwla to t be

_tore 011 the t'orner o f lf11l::1 and Tb lN nm:\."I. Oflpo­wle the l"ll.c1fie lIo~l.

We ha te am opmed oa r oM !oture :t. t

T U 1\1 W A T.; R ,Under tllP Cftarge o( ro l1~ ~corr.

ODe o f oar arm .,11 rHldc c()QJol1;unUy In s:tll "'railctSCO (or tbe pu rpoM! o f flCk:d utJt. extlrc ..., ly f' ,r t hl..I'J13ftd; J::oocJ1 which W'C . ba.l1 be reecohIIIK blf; \ ~g , cs.~l.

\\ lUI t ht"1ie flt ~l ht le>l, ~ntl a elckrutlllatlon to tlo nCA.'(h blUinc-'t>C. \YCnrc coufid en \ of 1Jem~ aLtc to holdout tltlJlt': r l'lr huJlJecmen~ to t u h c wst 'lmt"n

lb .rch 13. I f1l;J1 16lf

A\· ER"S Cberry PcetonJ, \\1~'" Il;lf~'\m or WIMCbenJ'. O~ lJ n r O II. A.nd G rat"lrenbu re;' 11 C UD

a mpUre ft:t.1Ul , (or F41e a\ th~PUtJeT SOUND DRl;tJ STo m:

SnOUl~DEU. BIt \CES an d~. a fiU[I('n or nttlde .,tLt the l"UG ~:T SOUXU n UUG STO ltE.

\fashingtonSillY O~· TUR I.OXr. TIlER,

{,\HL~!:.1t. gr )U IS J.~D IlEC0 1fD Irnanr.O/.Y.UPIA, W . T .



T HE pnOpntETo n Iu." rt"('~ntll crer k'd. ill ('(onneet1~ "lUI. an d ..,. a POR or l lc .. Will'hl ngton

n ote!" 11 lu g e h"o !ltorr buih1ln~-~B h1 GO ftt't.­L1 wbl eh be Ii e rubleJ to rlro\ J~e thct r:Ll'ellng r nb11cwith Ii IU ,lter namLer o f eapaclou- . comforbble Dndexcel1c::aU, venUb t.ed -[Urtluf:l1" tbaDa n lIO atronJ edLy an,. ol~r p',blle hou~ 10 ''''&.'I1IIu:::;\.oo Terrl to f)An Ide" nf hl, ability tn-ACeOmmodllto the patine maybe Ju~d from tbe fad llClt the Hotel cllotal nt hnot1 11..e pn ",te room-~(exeln,lfe o f CI~mU1 a.pnrt­lUtntA)~lx oC which arc UI'l{e druwinC room". orrar10"- •Tb~nkfll l t l) t be pollhc for UU~ h lltru1 p. t ron ftKC

brre toCnre exu-nclw to tlle pror,rittof ' and h• ..-in;t thullenl.lriiN upo n Ius fon M r bu, nell". he Cl't'll. contldt uthe c.a.n n nde r t~ BOJoum of atrange ra witb blm comrorh bl ,. and l,leuant:. and no /izUnli"han Le "pa1"td i llllet h ts b ble DA n il &II an y 1n ike bUl· lnc~

TW , a:Jd bcd- roo ms fa m i. bOO t lJ n eh C-l may t1e81~

t he m., ll o;u',t by tht- day i ntI U'rt'k

A~cl !'u btc fs at tached to t lJi.c ('t'.la.b lt"hmtnt,wh ich l\ III lJe nml tly supphtd ""tit Coroge Cor the .ll ~co:nm~:atlon or anlmals or the t~felllDg public.

A . h:are or IlalJl1e (latronage 1'1 ['C'iI~ctfl1 l1y flOll·d W .

OLYWrl\ , Ute . 4tb. 18.j;

[) ..:I tS\l:-; s I~lnll f, lil p urchase food. In Olympl.

arc ro~l~dCu lly n, I t~1 to cal . nt! es aenne tbt'Jarge :ll1d .~J1 ~locttd . tock or m"rchand l~ . I UlIl rc­(('ht'l! 1)('1'brig conaon , &ad DOW uttered for w o at

P II II.I.II'S, 1I0RroS .I: CO'S . :,..:W8TORf:,We4 tilde or )(aln St~t. betwteD n,lrn e. ~\ Ay re· .lJafllware Rtore. Alld tbe Hak ery .

O ur . tork cnn·d "t.. ot 8Lo.ple a nd Fan('l Dr,) Gnod",l.ad lo·~ D~ t:ood8 Hen'" Jl eaY')' an ll f ine U oth lng .Hoot.!!. S boe.4. Ib.LI . l ·ap8 Crock t'rJ llUtl m:l8lJ-Wa~.I-~umiturc anll a Wlpcriof 1~ oC lo·m_·m ntul Pt' JlK"~&mn.r Grocen C04, 0.11 o f which b:L\ m;;;: Leen flurchu.edwith grn\ a re . 8.!td on the m olt rl'1I'Una blo te rm ".l\ C EU'Ct'llabled 10 "rr'~ an d trIll GIrt :"'1 jtnod ~n u tide Cor u lIUJe tOone, A.'( &ny oUler !>tort" lu tbe Terri..)~.

lor proor of tlJe abon, we wish AU to r aU. C, t.DtIe u mlne ror yountlfet

l 'II II.Llrs. 1I0 RTOX .I: CO.Our 1J) .4"m J. Cub In bs ud, or Conntry P rod uce.Xo, . IS-t>l1 ) I' 11••\ ("0

MEDI CAL.n. ~~. wnlb!1,£[iT~9 ~'JJ. tQ;.9

rU .1I IlIDlOn O ro TU£ a&: 1LVI~G L.lnLY n\,,\ t rl D ' a T

eo S T L1"EltT Ea . )1.11:<l; STU:ET. 0 1 n u I ...

7r [,u ,.: u.u1en.iJt nrod talt'!' tbi. method of

iDronniaa the a Uunfl. nf 01ymIJla andI'urround lnlt ooun l'1. t bat he 11.,. cpeeeda n omre &1 t he abo \ e pla ce, Ic r t he prac.li ce of ll&DIC IXE In 1\.11 Ya rion. branch·f> _; aud will hold hhu.-e lr 10 tndlnua at al l limf1l . t oat tend to ally wla In U.e 110ft" of bltll pro res-ioo . to"'hlrb hilien i tre attention _mbe devoted ,

n, K. WII. I. AU"no.-:o-I"

Ho ns1: CIlARU I-::S. ATT";~T10X-OII ofCumltl.:a!td Ithodlum fllr ll.a1c nt the

I' IiGRT S~b~~t.:.'.'.~~TO"~(--1~?:

~otjc~. ;Ttmt lJ)" of Wa,JIIDg'ton . ~ Ju tb~ J)l..t ru t COl rt ( f Ule

Comat, OCTb llhWI!. i ~tl J I.ldu.:1.:1 1 I lt- t rH1To John Ic#O n td lt r

T oo an!" bcrebV' no&.illed tha.t \ II f .e,\ c. aotr- l,t:"llCf'or the I\.end.a.ll Co. h a..'1 met! a comillalll t a":::\lII-1 \ II tI

~~ d c:o-.In winch W ill COi fle o u tu be he.c-cJ a t t ll("

/ -. of the CQllrt • • hl(;h flba ll ('''<' IIUnf> llll morro~ J.aD t b rre m , ~ULI ..rtf' r t h(.· fourth d a) o f Hece Ill,er

1~ H57 . nn d .n ole'" you ~ppear at. ~Id I("n n aud a ll- '.... r'\h~ nm~ Will be JJa~n:lPJ COD. fe-~d a ud tll (" I' ta) I rlb~reof j:nurted '

The object and prar u oCt':ud cOIllJll:u ct 1101 to r~ ('o\rr Ju d%DX'tl t . Polo'" you Cor the slim (.f t wo h IIlllretJP1 oe\eeD. 401J.an and el::b ty-one c("nt... for ~.tUtl.. audmercluAd1ae ptt r.: 1l;l.~d or tI le Kendall (4

B I' la 'IJ \l I.;\UfJn le) for I'umllf[

OI,Mpta. Pte. I. IfV7.-nZ3111 .)
