吉姆 · 克勞法 (Jim Crow laws) 泛指 1876 年至 1965 年間美國南...


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吉姆 · 克勞法 (Jim Crow laws) 泛指 1876 年至 1965 年間美國南部各州以及邊境各州對有色人種(主要針對非洲裔美國人,但同時也包含其他族群)實行種族隔離制度的法律。這些法律上的種族隔離強制公共設施必須依照種族的不同而隔離使用

Jim Crow laws: Everything was in black and white

After the American Civil War

Most states in the South

Jim Crow laws were anti-African American legislation.

How did this happen?

Public facilities were segregated.

Segregation in the theaters

Segregation on the buses

Segregation in the restaurants

Segregation on drinking fountain

Segregation on rest rooms


What Happened?

• On the afternoon of Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested because she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.

• Due to the arrest, the blacks of Montgomery decided that they would boycott the city buses until they could sit anywhere they wanted.

Martin Luther King organized Montgomery Bus Boycott.


The success of Montgomery Bus Boycott

• On December 21, 1956, the transportation system finally made the city's buses racially equal.

• The movement led Martin Luther King to participate in civil rights activities and finally to give his well-known speech, “I Have a Dream.”

Do you think all people in the world are equal and everyone deserves the same rights?

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延伸討論與學習 廣告裡的

anti-discrimination or discrimination

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Dear white, something you gotta know,

When I was born, I was black.

When I grow up, I am black.

When I am under the sun, I am black.

When I am cold, I am black.

When I am afraid, I am black.

When I am sick, I am black.

When I die , I am still black.

You - white people

When you were born, you were pink.

When you grow up, you become white.

You are red under the sun.

You are blue when you are cold.

You are afraid when you are afraid.

You are green when you are sick.

You are gray when you die.

And you, call me color?
