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Jeopardy Review Game


























Vocabulary Elections Banking TariffsNative


Jackson relied on a group of informal advisors called his…

Kitchen Cabinet

This act authorized the removal of Native Americans living east of the Mississippi River to

lands in the west.

Indian Removal Act

What was Henry Clay’s plan called to solve the Nullification Crisis?

Compromise Tariff

Branches of public service concerned with government administration, but not including the

military is known as…

Civil Service

What was Sequoya’s role in Native American history?

He created a writing system for the Cherokee Language

These contributed to the expansion of democracy in the U.S. in the 1820s because they allowed more people to become active in politics

Nominating Conventions

Rewarding supporters by giving them government jobs was known as the …

Spoils System

What was the main Democratic criticism of John Quincy Adam’s candidacy for presidency?

He was out of touch with the everyday person

During Andrew Jackson’s presidency westerners supported policies that …

Boosted the farming economy and encouraged further settlement

In 1834 a new political party formed to oppose Andrew Jackson’s presidency. What was the

party’s name and why was the name significant?

Whigs named after the English political party that opposed the monarchy because they

thought he was acting too much like a king.

What was Andrew Jackson’s view on the 2nd Bank of the U.S.?

It was unconstitutional extension of Congress and should be in the power of the states

Which Supreme Court Case ruled that the National Bank was constitutional

McCulloch v. Maryland

What did Jackson do to destroy the bank even though it was not within his power to do so.

Withdrew all the funds and put them into state banks

Why did Jackson force all payments made on federal lands to be in gold or silver?

To help with inflation

What was the role of the National Bank in the 1800s?

Deal with any payment or receipts of federal money, hold federal deposits, and transfer

federal funds between states

In the early 1800s southerners opposed tariffs because tariffs…

Angered their European trade partners

Northerners supported tariffs in the early 1800s because tariffs helped them complete with …

British Manufacturers

The Nullification Crisis was a dispute over the power of the states to…

Reject unconstitutional federal laws

What was Daniel Webster’s position on States’ Rights?

The welfare of the nation overrides the concerns of the individual states

What was Andrew Jackson’s position on Nullification? How did he plan to carry it out?

Nullification is unconstitutional because the Constitution created one nation and not a group

of states. He told South Carolina they had to collect the tax of he would use the force bill to

send in the military

Where was Indian Territory?


Identify the federal agency created to remove the Native Americans to the West.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Who benefited the most from Jackson’s plan to remove Native Americans to the west?

American Farmers in the South

Which group did Osceola lead against U.S. troops?


What was the Second Seminole War?

Seminole were forced to sign a peace treaty but will fight to resist with minor success

What effect did the Tariff of Abominations and the

Nullification Crisis have on Sectional differences in

Andrew Jackson’s America?

Ill feelings between North and South over the tariff North needed

it and the South hated it, South thought they earned the right to reject federal laws because they

created the nation and would succeed if needed, North felt we were one nation and states could

not do their own thing
