动词 -ing 形式用法 (II) 乐亭一中 朱姝 [1].used as subject 1.Learning new words is very...


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动词 -ing 形式用法(II)•

• 乐亭一中

• 朱姝

[1].used as subject

1.Learning new words is very useful to me.

2. Seeing a film opens people’s minds.

3.Some people think that showing movies to refugees is not necessary.

It is no use/no good talking like this.

a waste of time arguing with him.There is no saying what may happen.

There is no holding back the wheel of history.

[2] used as object

1.She suggested/appreciate (her)going to the Great Wall for the spring outing?

2.I enjoying listening to music.

3. Have you finished reading the book?

4.Would you mind my opening the window?

5.He practised saying the tongue twister.

miss, imagine, admit, permit, consider, advise,escape,can’t help,risk, feel like


6.Thank you for helping me.

7.We must prevent them from making trouble.

8.Ann has been looking forward to coming to China for a long time.

9.She left without telling me.

think of , be tired of, be used to, depend on, succeed in doing, devote…to, prefer…to, spend…in, instead of, for fear of

S + have trouble /difficulty (in)doing sth.

a problem/a struggle

a good time /hard time

S + spend time /money (in) doing sth.

S + be busy (in) doing sth.

S + lose no time (in) doing sth.


动 名 词 的 复合结构 n’s(pron) + v ing

Do you mind my smoking ?

Your going there will help a lot.

He suggested our going camping.

I remember Wei Fang’s going there.

John’s going won’t be of much help.

Wei fang going there

me smoking

night coming

主动语态 被动语态

一般式 doing being done

完成式 having done having been done

I don’t mind _____________( 把我留在家里 ).

I don’t remember ___________( 曾经看过这个电影 )

He came in without_________( 没有被请 )

I regret ______________( 没能早点给你写信 ).

He failed to catch the plane ,so he escaped _________________( 死掉的命运 ).

______________ 暴露 to nuclear radiation for a short time may produce variants of genes.

being left at home

having ever seen the film being invited/asked

having been unable to write you earlier.

not having written you earlierbeing killed

Being exposed

1.I’ll never forget___ Paris for the first time.

A.to visit B.visiting C. visit D. visited

2.I can’t imagine ____ that with them.

A.quarreling B. to talk C. argue D. being said

3.I apologize for ____ my promise.

A.not to have kept B. being kept

C.having not kept D. not having kept

4. It is no good ________. You should _____.

A. smoking; to give it up B. to smoke,give it up

C. smoking; give up it D.smoke;giving up it

5.They enjoyed _____ a wonderful evening at the Country Club.

A.being spent B. to have spent

C.having spent D. having been spent

6.The bird was lucky that it missed ______.

A.caught B. catching C. to be catch D. being caught

现在分词短语在句中作伴随状语。该短语还可用做时间,原因,方式,结果等状语1 The next moment the first wave swept her down, __________the garden.(swallow)

2.A new great wave came, sweeping down trees and __________them down too.(sweep)

3.______the news, they all jumped with joy.(hear) 4.____(be) so poor in those days, we couldn't afford to send the boy to hospital.

5.In Sidney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, _______third of all the competing countries.(rank)






过去分词短语做状语 1.“He is right,”he said,pleased.

2.He turned away disappointed.

3.______ from the hill, the town

looks beautiful.(see)

4. _______more time, we will do it

better. (give)



分词短语做定语,前置定语 / 后置定语 He is a promising young men. fallen trees

A leading figure a winding road

A touching story a qualified/experenced teacher

a united class boiled water

1.They build a highway ________

(which leads) into the mountains.

2.______in 1192, the bridge

is over 700 years old. (build)



Our teacher came in with a book in his hand.

He went out with the door______.(open)

With so many people________________in English everyday, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English. (communicate)

He went out with the door________.(lock)

With the exam ______ ,you’d better go to bed early today.(take)

With + 宾语 + 宾语补足语:

介词短语 / 形容词

doing/done/to do




to take

1.At the news we all jumped with____.(joy)

2.He sat with his body __________.(shake)

3.He slept with the light__________.(burn)

4.The whole nation was making rapid progress, with all its people ________

around the leader.(unite)

With the matter________(settle), we went home.






1.A little boy sat______to his father,and listened _______ with great interest.

A.close;closely B.close,close

C.closely,close D.closely.closely

2.In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet_____at another person.

A.point B.pointing

C.pointed D.to point



3.The thieves ______ prison.

A.give up B. end up with

C.break up D. end up in

4.You can never think of what great difficulty I have _____your home.

A.found B.to find

C. finding D. for finding



5.-----Wanghua doesn’t like rock music but

she likes pop music.


A.So do I B.Nor will I

C.Neither do I D.So it is with me.

6.Jim went from shop to shop ,_____a

birthday present for her father.

A.hunting for B.hunted for

C.looking D.buying



7.That tree, the branches_____are almost bare, is a very old one.

A.whose B. of which

C.in which D. on which

8.This is the second company____I used to work at, many fellows of_____still have a good relationships with me.

A.which,that B.where, which

C. that, which D. that,whom



9.The house, _____window is broken is mine.

A.that B. which C. on which D. whose

10. The teacher praised the student ______ English is the best in our class.A.whose B. that C.whom .D.which