印度文化☆ Indian culture



印度文化☆ Indian culture. 報告者: 徐婕綾 陳昱綺 藍育琪 林恩柔. 目錄. Directory. 1.Indian flag 2 .Indian civilization 3. Indian history 4. Cultural achievements 5.Indian religions. 1. 印度國旗 2. 印度文明 3. 印度歷史 4. 文化成就 5. 印度宗教. This is 印度國旗. 這就是 Indian flag. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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印度文化☆Indian culture







Directory 1.Indian flag 2 .Indian civilization 3. Indian history 4. Cultural achievements 5.Indian religions

印度國旗是由三種顏色組成的 3 色國旗;橘黃色是象徵勇氣、無私無我的犧牲奉獻。白色是象徵清白廉潔,真理。綠色象徵和平繁榮興旺。在三色國旗的中間有藍色的的像太陽的法輪,裹面有 24個間格。

Three-color flag of the Indian national flag is composed of three colors; orange is a symbol of courage, selfless sacrifice and dedication. White is a symbol of innocence honest truth. Green symbolizes prosperity peace. In the middle of the tri-color flag with blue as Falun sun batter has 24 Layout.

This is印度國旗這就是 Indian flag

印度河流域文明發生晚於兩河流域文明、尼羅河流域文明,但早商於朝。考古專家在印度河流域發現摩亨佐 - 達羅和哈拉帕兩個古代城市遺址,發現了大量石器、青銅器、印章和農作物遺迹,估計城市人口都在 4 萬以上。

文明發生??!Civilization occurred??!

Indus Valley civilization occurred late in Mesopotamia civilization, Nile Valley civilization, but as early as the Shang Dynasty. Archaeologists found in the Indus Valley Mohenjo - daro and Harappa ruins of two ancient cities, found a large stone, bronze, seals and crops remains an estimated urban population of 40,000 or more.

印度國旗是由三種顏色組成的 3色國旗;橘黃色是象徵勇氣、無私無我的犧牲奉獻。白色是象徵清白廉潔,真理。綠色象徵和平繁榮興旺。在三色國旗的中間有藍色的 (Dharma Chakra)的像太陽的法輪,裹面有 24個間格。


生活方式Two city center has an artificial mound pile used as the Acropolis. On the mound was built with large barn, its residents, which is like now that the central bank. City building in the center of the Acropolis is a grid-like distribution, there are municipal buildings, markets, workshops, storage areas, houses and temples. Each block houses are built around a courtyard with several rooms, a toilet and a water well. The basic materials used in construction from the wood-burning kiln system out of adobe. In Mohenjodaro. Darrow Acropolis built on a big bath, with private baths, clubs and so on.


Indus Valley farmers planting barley, wheat, cotton, melons and dates. They also domesticated elephants and buffalo in the fields. This area has many skillful potters, they use the potter's wheel pottery, which at the time was a new technology. Harappan people use stone and bronze making knives, weapons, bowls and statues. They established a well-developed waste management systems, including the cover of the drainage system and garbage chute.

文明 時間 特色印度河文明






史學 7 世紀


古印度文明的疆域曾包括今古印度文明的疆域曾包括今印度共和國、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、巴基斯坦、孟加拉國、阿富汗南部部分地區和尼泊國、阿富汗南部部分地區和尼泊爾爾。。 19471947 年後,年後,印度的領土僅印度的領土僅包括今印度共和國部分。包括今印度共和國部分。



1.史料 2.史前文化 3.古代史 4.近現代史

-1舊石器時代 -1哈柆帕文化 -1殖民地時期

-2中石器時代 -2吠陀文化 -2印巴分治

-3新石器時代 -3十六雄國時期








Cultural achievements

Indian culture has a lot of important achievements is the origin of religion in demand, for example: the invention of math is needed offering because yoga is to seek the people's liberation and so on.

印度宗教Indian religions

為印度最大的教,佔人口 80%,印度教並列世界 5 大宗教。印度教有 3 千年,歷經了佛教和伊斯蘭教的挑戰,如今仍為印度的主流宗教,在鄉間回教徒除了禮拜形式不同外,其他的行為和印度教區別不大了!印度教的教義對教徒的階級、思想、行為模式、生老病死都有嚴謹的規範。印度教的廟會慶典,祀祭南印度廟宇 / 台北印度協會成了印度人的行事曆。印度教是源自亞利安人,亞利安人相信宇宙的創造仍是創造者所支配,這創造者稱為眾生之主 ( PrajaPati)住在天上稱大梵天王 (Brahama) 又稱梵天或梵王,後來梵王又有三個分身 1)婆羅摩 (Brahma) 創造神。 2)毗溼奴守護神 3) 濕婆 (Shiva) 破壞神等三個神。這三個神又分別代表宇宙萬物的生、住、滅的三階段。

Is the largest religion in India, accounting for 80% of the population, the world's five major religions of Hinduism tied. ? Hinduism has three years, after the challenge of Buddhism and Islam, the dominant religion in India today is still, Muslims in the country in addition to the different forms of worship, the other not much different from the behavior and Hinduism! Hindu doctrine class, thinking, behavior patterns of Catholics, illness and death have strict specifications. Hindu temple celebration, worship festival of South India Temples / Taipei Association of India became the Indian calendar. Hinduism is derived from Aryan, Aryan people believe created the universe is still dominated by the Creator, which is called the Creator of all living Lord (PrajaPati) dwell in heaven called Brahman King (Brahama), also known as Brahma or Fan Wang, later, there are three places at once Fan Wang 1) Mount Bromo (Brahma) creation of God. 2) the patron saint of Vishnu 3) Shiva (Shiva) Diablo the three gods. The three representatives of God and the universe were born, lived, off the three phases.




This concludes our report I hope this report helps us better understand Indian culture
