ΤΗΕ EUROPEAJN PEPTIDE SOCIETY NEW8LETTER · Exhibition Centre, amply sized and comfortable, ......


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Issue Number 10, 1 November 1994



Professor ΗεΓηαηί Μαία, EPS··23 Chairmαn.

since Proressor ΗΒ MerrifIeld became a Nobel Laureate. Το commemora te this. Professor Carlos ΒeJηardο. Vice~Rector οΙ the UnIversity of Minho, Invested him \'vith a Silver Medal of the University. Professor MerrifIeld responded wίΙh characteristic seJ f-effacing mα:lesty, remarking of the 5eIninaI discovery whIch won him the Prize "my WΌrk was alright but would never have got ίΙ by itseIf" , explaInIng that he thought ίΙ "would nevel' have been selected if the field of peptIde chemI:,tιy and biology Ilad πα! been deveJoped into such a broad and iInportant discI pline by al1 llle people ίη this audIence aπd especial]y by those who have gone before US." The Leonides Zeιvas Award \λι'as

Nearly 900 scientific participants from over 30 countries convened ίη Braga for EPS-23. With partners who bravely came to share the heavy burden of eating, drinking and sight-seeing, over a thousand people took part ίη all. For some, the proceedings began with a separately staged one­day meeting ση the Saturday ίη honour of Dr RC Sheppard: this is reported separa tely below. The opening ceremony of the main Symposium, which was organised and cha ired by Professor HLS Maia , took place οη the Sunday. The auditorium of the Braga Conference and Exhibition Centre, amply sized and comfortable, and provided wi th al1 the appropriate mod. cons., had been decorated fo r the occasion with a stunning floral display. Τ en years have passed

The Society booth at EPS-23.

Dr Geo//rey Young with Pro/essor Shumpei Sakαkibαrα, ίη the Japαnese PeptIde Society booth.

published by ESCOM. There were 55 short oral contributions and also 449 posters, all of which, remarkably, were displayed ίπ a single enormous exhibition hall as big as an aircraft hangar , together with 49 exhibition booths, but still with ample circulation space for delegates.

The Speakers' DίηηεΓ. which was sponsored by Debiopharm, was held at the Paιyo dos Duques de Braganιya. and fol lowed by a rousing recital at the nearby Sao Francisco Church, given by the Orquestra do Norte, conducted by Jose Ferreira Lobo. The impressive guilded and tiled interior of the Church enhanced the experience, which was sadly brief because we had lingered over dinner, and the programme had Ιο be a truncated sequence. Before dinner, the Debiopeptide ΡΓίΖε was presented Ιο Professor ΑΝ Eberle by Dr Valerie Deschamps of Debiopharm, with an introduction by Professor Manfred Mutter.

Pro/essor Conrαd Schneider (οη the le/t), Editor­in-Chie/o/ the Society Joumαl. with the Chαirman αnd Emeritus Chαlrman.

presented Ιο Professors Ernest Giralt and Fernando Albericio by Dr GT Young, Emeritus Chairman of the Society. Professor Merrifield was invited ΙΟ take the Chair and introduce the Josef Rudinger Memorial Lecturer , Dr RC Sheppard. which he did with great warmth. Ιη his lecture, Dr Sheppard sutVeyed the work ο! his smaII (but wonderfully eHective) group, concluding with an exposition of the ίηνεηΗνε and important work οη backbone protection which is continuing at Cambridge under the direction οΙ Dr Tony Johnson.

The sc ientifίc programme ο! the ensuing week will speak for itself ίη the Proceedings, which will be

Pro/essor Mαurice Mαnning. Preside nt οι EPSFA.

Early οη the Wednesday morning, a fleet of twenty buses took an invasion force of participants to Opσrto for the traditional mid· week excursion. After walking ίη the Old City. which is lull ΟΙ archi tectural interest, everyone meI υρ a t the waterfront, and most went thence by bus Ιο the Crystal Palace gardens for a picnic. Some, however, went (σΓ a cruise under the Douro bridges, and had luncl1 ση the boat. Τ σ round σΗ a wonderful day out , there were visits ΙΟ the port cellars, with , of course, some tasting.

Dr Tony Johnson.

ground. the Municipal Stadium - 10 de Maio. Τ eam Α (Eυrope, coach Lajos Balaspiri) lost 2-1 to Team Β (The Rest of the World, coach Maurice Mclnning). Ι Ι

was a skilfuIly played and exciting game, and a 900d time was had by alJ. While the footbalJ match was ίη progress, most of the partIcIpants were fortifying themselves with port, ίη preparation for dinner οΙ jrescQ, with Portuguese music and dancin!~.

The Farewell Banquet was a fitting fina1e to a very successful week. The weather. whIch had been raining cats and dogs οη the Friday after a 10ng Sllnny spell, held οΗ just ίη time for the di ners ΙΟ arriv€~ wilhout the water squelching ίπ theIr shoes. The public address system was ποι quίle ίη the same class as Ihe luχurίous caterIng of the Poυsadas de Portugal, so \ve should record here tI1al the Poster Comp€~tίtion was won by Poster 194. The presenler, Benoit DέφΓεΖ. was noncommittal abou! the υse 10 whIch Ihe prize of 100,000 escudos would be ρυl: ίη England this is about Ihe rIgh l sum for a dozen bottJes of the best champagne. Ιη his closIng relnarks. the Chairman t.hanked all who had contributed. and we join 11im ίη

Αι the conclusion οΙ the Thursday's scientίf ic

proceedings, Professor Conrad SchneIder, the Ed itor~ in-Ch ief of the SocIety's Journa/ ο/ Peptide Science, Introduced and 1aunched ίΙ There wiIl be six issues a year ΙΟ begin with; high standards are going to be set, and every eHort wi11 be made Ιο achIeve the fas tes! possible pubJication without undermInIng these standards. Τhe norrnal subscriptIon rate will be $250, but members of the Society need pay οπlΥ $65. Every rnember who was present at the Symposium shouId have receIved a copy of the lauπch issue, and absent members should have

;; received a copy by post: any member who somehow mIssed ουί shou1d contact Dauid Robinson ο/ John Wiley & $ons (Fax (UKj 0243 531712}.

The Symposium Football Match, ίπ step with the rest οί the programme, edged up-market, and was staged fo r the fIrst time ίη a professIona1

Professor Robert Rαmαge FRS. ΕΡ8-24 Chα;rmαn-designate.

that. 11 wou1d ποΙ be faIr Ιο laud individuals here, because 50 much \vas teamwork. but those responsible for what Inight be calted Ihe artistic background (the flowers, the elegant printing work, Ihe music) deserve a special mel1tion en nlQSse. as do the 35 sc:hool and universiIy students who acted as secretaries and ste\vards. al1d \vere ίπ many ways the bright face of the Symposium. Buι ίη any case the warmest thanks and congraΙU1atIons are due Ιο the Chairman hilnself. who did ηοΙ delegate as mυch as he could have done, but saw a great dea1 through personally,

Profes5Or Gyorgy Keri. the last speaker of the last session of the Symposium, waxed sentimental ίη closing, wiIh a translation of a fare\vell poeI" by Sandor Remenyik. but reminded us ιhat the "EPS does ηοΙ dIe , ί! reincarnates". We look forward to its reincarnation ΙΟ the skIrl of the pipes ίπ Scotland. two years hence.

Corltributed by tlle Editor



Dr RC Sheppard holding the silver sαlver which wαs presented Ιο him α!ΙεΓ the dinner.

with Dr Eric Atherton.

More than 150 people from many djHerent countries assembled at the Universίty of Minho ίπ Braga, ση the day preceding EPS-23, for a one-day meeting held ίπ honour of Dr R (Bob) C Sheppard: he has recently retired from active research ίπ peptide chemistry at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, υκ.

The programme began with introductions from the EPS-23 host and Chairman, Professor HLS Maia , and the one-day meeting organising committee Chairman, Dr ΕΓί, Atherton. This was followed by a Iight programme of interesting and, at times, enterta ining, contributίons frοιη both current practitioners of the Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) method popularIsed by Bob Sheppard, and researchers who had graduated from ΟΓ trained at his laboratory ίπ CambrIdge. The exceptions were Dτ GT Young, who gave a presentatIon οπ hIstorIcal aspects of peptIde synthesIs, and Professor Gregg FIelds, who spoke of his work οπ solvatIon and aggregation e ffects ίπ SPPS.

The subjects of the remaining talks ranged from recent developments ίπ the chemistry of Fmoc-SPPS (Dr Martin Flegel , Dτ Linda CammIsh, and Dr Τ ony Johnson) , to mechanIstIc studies involVIng amino acid activation (Professor Lεο ΒεποίΙοπ) , and current applicatIons such as biological problem-solving (Professor ΑΝ Eberle) , novel protein desIgn (Dr Antonello Pessί) and multIple peptIde synthesIs and libraries (Dτ NJ Maeji , Dτ MIchael Lebl , Οτ Viktor Krchnak, and Dr Morton Meldal). The SΥmΡοsίUlη ended with an address by Bob Sheppard hImself, after which a small group of close colleagues and friends adjourned with him and Mrs Sheppard for a dinner at the superbly-sIted hilltop Hotel 00 Elevador. near the ancient Church of Bom Jesus.

The meeting was generously supported by the Society and bya coterie of thirteen corporations.

Contributed by Eric Atherton, Ton y Johnson , Morton Meldal and John Wade.

FROM ΤΗΕ CHAIRMAN The third meeting of the SocIety Council took place οη 5 September 1994 , ίη the inspiring atmosphere of the l oνiηgly restored castle at Guimaraes, sometime capItal of Portugal. The composition of the Council , followIng ουτ recent elections and a number of co-options, is shown below. Regrettably, only 19 European countries are represented at present , because a number of constituent countries did ηοΙ respond to t.he Secretary's call for nominations. We hope that the gaps will soon be filled. The Editor-in-Chief ο! ουτ

Journal , the Journa/ οι Peptide $cience, is now a member ο! Council ex officio.

The Eχecutive CommIttee also has a new membershIp , as listed below. Hearty thanks from all of us are due Ιο Οτ Albert Loffet (retirIng Secretary), Professor Gϋηther Jung (at οηε time Treasurer , and later Scientific Affairs Officer), and Professor VadIm lvanov, all ο! whom are stepping down. We are gra teful Ιο them ποΙ only for theIr time and trouble, but atso and especially for theIr enthusiasm ίπ helpIng us Ιο brIng the SocIety ίηΙο being and set ίl οη its feet.

The Council has approved the amendmenI. of CΙause 4 of the Statutes, 10 read "Co-opted members shall serve for a period not exceeding four years and shall be re-eligible for οηε further period ηοl exceeding four years". The rules for the Rudinger and Zervas Awards have also been modified; ίη future a Scientίfic Committee (which is ίη the process οί being formed) will deal with ιhese .

As the financial ρosition of the Society is sound, we can continue to support small peptide science meetings, and the Scientific Affairs Officer will welcorne appropriate applications. For procedural details, see the last Newsletter.

The first lnternational Peptide Symρosium will be held ίπ Japan duήng 1997: representatίves of the American , Australian , European, and Japanese Peptide Societies met to discuss the arrangements during ΕΡ5-23 .

The Journa/ οι Peptide Sc ience was launl:hed at EPS-23, and the first issue was distributed 10 all delegates. We can all play ουΓ par! ίπ making this οffΙcίal publication of the Society a success, and the submission of nlanuscripts is encouraged as well as subscriptions.

The organisation of n1eetings οπ tl,e current scale of ουΓ Syn1posia is a daunting business , especially when the hiring ο ί expensive commercial cοnfef1Ξ!ηce operators is avoided. We all owe Professor Hemani Maia a 101 for making EPS-23 a greal scientific and social success, and οη behalf of the entire Society Ι would lίke 10

repeal here ίη ΡΓίηΙ the warm thanks Ι offered at the Thursday Portuguese Evening ίη Braga.

Dietrich Brandenburg

ΤΗΕ COUNClL The newly e lected Nalional Representative of Sweden, Dr Gertrud Westin-Sjδdahl, was omitted ίn εΠΟΓ from ιhε lisl of election results which was ΡήnΙed ίπ the last Newsletter: apologies 10 her. The EPS Council is now made υρ as follows:-

Officia l Co-o pted Members

D Brandenburg (Chairman)

JS Davies (5ecretary) RC Sheppard (Treasurer)

GT Young (Emeritus Chai rma n)

Electe.d National Representatives

Μ Andreae (Austrii~)

D Andreu (Spain)

S Bajusz" (Hungary)

Ε Banedetti (ltaly)

RH Berg" (Denma,·k)

ΑΝ Eberle (Switzerland)

J Eriksen (Norway)

Μ Flegel (Czech Republic)

Μ Fridkin (Israel)

S Horval" (CroaLia)

VΤ Ivanov" (Russia)

G Jung· (Germany)

G Kupryszewski" (Poland)

HLS Μοίο" (Portugal)

J Martinez" (France)

R Ra,nage (UK)

C Sakarellos (Greece)

PBW Τεη Kortenaar (fhe Neιherlands)

G Van Binst" (Belgium)

G Westin-Sjooahl (Sweden)

O rd inary Co-opted Members

Μ Bienert Μ Marraud

Μ Chorev Α Surovoy

JH Jones (Newsletter Edi tor)

• Elected fo r a seconclIern1 o f olfice. Νο nominaIiorls \vere receIved fr0111 Be]arus. ΒιιΙgaria . l.a tνia . UIhuania. SIovenia. οτ the Ukraine.

ΤΗΕ EXECUTIVE CΟΜΜΙΠΕΕ Three members of the Executive Committee retired at the close of EPS-23. when their terms of office came 10 an end. The vacancies have ΟΟεη filled by the appropriate procedures. and the EPS Executive Committee is now made υρ as follows:-

Ο Brandenburg (Chairnlon) Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Veltmanplatz 8. Aachen D-52062. Germany. Tel, 49 2414469115, Fa" 49 2414469100

JS Davies (Secretory) Department of Chemistry, University College (Swansea), Singleton

Park. Swansea. SA2 8ΡΡ. UK. TeΙ 44 792 295264, Fax, 44 792 295747

RC Sheppard (Treasu rer) 15 Kinnaird Way, Cambridge. CBI4SN. υκ. Τεl. & Fa" 44 223 248489

J Martinez (Scientijic A!fairs Of!icer) CNRS-URA 1845, Faculte de Pharmacie, 15 Avenυe Charles Rahault , 34060 Montpellier Cedex. France. ΤεΙ 33 67 040183, Fax, 33 67 412 017

Μ RegeI Feπίng-Lectίva. Komoranska 955, 147100 Prague 4. Czech Republic. Tel, 42 2 402 5121, Fa" 42 2 402 5144

GT Young (Emeritus Chairιnan) Jesus College. Oxford. ΟΧ1 3DW. υκ. Fa" 44 865 279687


Pro/essor ΜυΓΓαΥ Goodmαn.

We informed metηbers ίπ Newsletter Νο . 8 Ihat John Wiley & Sons Inc. , New York, were planning 10 publish a peptide review serial publicalion. Peptide Science (ISSN 1069-2630), with Professor Murray Goodman as Editor-in-Chief. This promises 10 be a νεΓΥ useful aid 10 ιπε digestion and evaluation of an increasingly voluminous lίteraιure .

Τπε first issue should have come ου! by Ιπε time this Newsletter is circuIated. and ί! will appear bimonthIy after that. The first seven issues will be as follows: -

Issue 1. Editor: Murray Goodtnan. Peptide Synthesis, Recognition and Peptidomimetics. Contributions by Bruce Merrifield; Shumpei Sakakibara; Robert Schwyzer: and Ralph Hirschmann & Amos Β Smith 111. Issue 2. Editor: Arthur Felix. Broactiue PeptIdes . Issue 3. Eclitor:

Richard Houghten. PeptIde Lίbrories - Drug Design. Issue 4. Editor: John Α Smith. Antigens, Epitopes and Vaccines. Issue 5. Editor: CΙaudio Τοπίοlο. OligopeptIdes. Issue 6. Editor: Charles Μ Deber. Peptides ίπ Membranes. Issue 7. Editor: Jean Rivier. Criteria ο/ PurIty, iIlC/uding Mass SΡeclrοlηeΙrΥ. CZE. and PDA.



The 4th International Symposium Jnnovation and Perspectives ίπ Solid Phase Synthesis will be held 12-16 September 1995 ίπ Scotland. a1 the University of Edinburgh. Οπ this occasion, the meeting is Ιο be held under the full auspices of the Society. Sug~~estions (or the programme, offers of lectures and requests for further details shouId be addressed Ιο Prof(~sor Roger Epton, whose address is given ίη the Calendar of Meetings at the end of Ιh is Newsletter.

Edinburgh , the ancient capital ο! ScotIand, is among the world's most beautiful university cities. and is famous for its history and architectural grandeur. It is domina ted by its great Castle. home of the Scottish Crown Jewels. The Royal Μilε trave rses trle otd mediaevat town, with its numerous museums and ptaces of interest. and tinks Ιhe Castte with the ROYiIt Palace of Hotyroodhouse. Edinburgh, with its intematίonat airport. is the galeway 10 tourisΙ Scottand.

Edinburgh is now Ihe most acIive centre fo r academic peptide chemistry ίπ Ihe υκ: EPS-24 witt also be hetd there, ίη 1996, chaired by Professor Robert Ramage FRS.



The Society has estabtished the EPS Ex.change Grants Fund. sponsored by Debiopharm, which is a private inslitute invotved ίη peptide research. The object ο! the Fund is 10 assist junior members of the Society who wish 10 extend Iheir experience by spending a period ίη a foreign taboralory, but who are unable 10 obtain adequate financial support from othe r sources, by contributing 10 their travet and subsistence expenses. Granis witt be a\.varded (στ visits σ! about nlfee months, and will be ίη the range ο! 4000-6000 SF: they wilt be pa id onty 10 the junior scientist concerned, and πΟI 10 any institutίon. Applical ions (στ 1995 (which shoutd include a curricu/um uitae, an outtine of the proposed research, and Ihe agreements of the present and invίting taboratories) should be sent ίη trίplicate Ισ the Secretary. whose address is given above, before 31 March 1995.

APS TRAVEL GRANTS The American Peptide Society is invi ting applicatίons for travel grants Ιο assist attendance at the ] 4I.h American Peptide Symposium, which will take place ίπ Columbus, Ohio, 18-23 June 1995. App1ications from young investigators who are seeking ΟΓ preparing (or a career ίη peptide research will be given specia l consideration. Ουε Ιο ιiιηited funding. preference will be given 10 applicants submitting and presenting papers at the Symposiunl. As ίΙ is the ίηΙεηΙίοη 10 distribute the available funds as widely a5 p05sible , supervisors θΓε asked 10 suppor! πο more than Μα cases each. The Τ raveI Grants Committee (Chairperson: Or ΤΚ Sav.ιyer) \.vill take ίπΙο account need , field , originalίty ο! research. and recommendations . The aιηοunts of individua l grants ιvΊll vary according Ιο ιπε λ ίΓ fa re: although ίΙ is intended Ιο help substantially, full coverage of round Ιήρ tίckets is unlikely Ιο be possible. Applίcatίon forms and further information can be obta ined from Dr ΤΚ SΑwyer, Ραrke-DauίsM!αrner-Ια,ηbert Compαny. 2800 PIymouth Rood, ρ.ο. Βοχ 1047, Αππ Arbor, Michigal1 48106-1047. U.S.A. (Fax (313) 998 2782}. The deadline for applications Ιο be sublllItted Ιο him is 1 February 1995.

ΒΟΟΚ REVIEWS JS Oavies ('Senior Re porter', i.e. Editor) , Amino Acids, Peptides. and Proteins. Vol.25. Α review οΙ the literature published duήng 1992, ίπ the Royal Society of Chemistry Specia/ist Periodica/ Reports series . Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994. Χίν + 41Ορρ. ISBN 0-85186-234-9.

Τπε Specialist Periodica/ Reports οπ Amino Acids and Peptides had begun Ιο flag somewhat, but have now found fresh vitality under the directIon of a new Senior Reρorter. John Oavies. whose second annual review is number 25 ίπ the series. Coverage of ΡΓοΙείπ chemistry . whIch had been given υρ as impossible οπ ιορ of amIno-acids and ρeptίdes ίπ one exhaustive volume, has been reintroollced - οη a selectIve basis, but judicIously so (JA LittlechiJd, 443 re ferences) . The chapter οπ ~- Iactam antibiotίc chemIstry whIch apρeared ίπ a few recent volumes has been dropped. This is a ρίΙΥ. because there is much ίπ that a rea which is relevant Ιο mainstream peptide chemIstry - Indeed, Ιπε penicillins are peptIdes. albeIt lηαΗfίed almost beyond recognition as such by sIde-chaIn connections. Βυl g· lactams are admiltedly perIpheral' and the other famil Iar authoritatlve coverage is all present - amino-acids (GC Barrett, heroIcally contributing for the 19th time οπ the trot, 606 references): ρeptide synthesIs (ΟΤ Elmore, 599 references)j peptide analogues (CM Bladon. 371 references); cyclic ρeptIdes , etc (John Oavies hImself, 201 references); and metal compIexes. etc (ΚΒ Nolan. Μ Soudi and RW Hay, covering bοιh 1991 and 1992. 265 re ferences). The published output of the peptIde fίeld has long since grown beyond what any individual could read care fully ίπ its entirety and still have the time and energy Ιο atlempt anything else. Τπε recent proliferation of journals has exacerbated the problem, because many who would like Ιο be able to browse ίπ all of them will ποl have ready access . ιι is ποΙ easy 10 persuade lίbrarίans Ιο take οπ new subscriptions. Even a fter twenty years there are major universities ίπ the UΚ which do not subscrIbe 10 the lnternationai JournaΙ 0/ Peptide and Protein Research. So the annual digests provided by the Specialist PeriodicaI Reports are a vital service. They are πο! Indexed - ίπ Ιπε past reviewers have carped at this defίcIency. failing Ιο appreciate that remedying ίΙ would add greatly ΙΟ costs and. worse . delay publication - but there is λΠ extended table of contents whIch enables users Ιο home ίπ easily οη toPIcs of interest. Every peptide science laboratory should have a standIng order. . .. R Epton (EdItor), lηπouαΙίoπ and Perspectiues ίπ Solid Phαse Syn lhesis: Peptides, Proteins αnd Nucleic Acids - Bio{ogicaI and Biomedica/ Applicαtions. Collected papers, 3 rd lηtema tίona l SPS Symposium. Oxford, 3 1 August - 4 September 1993. Mayflower Worldwide , 1994. xviii + 746ρρ . ISBN 0-9515735-1-9 .

The publication of the Proceedings of the 3rd internatIonal Symposium οπ Solid Phase Synthesis (for a report, see Newsletter number 7) was a lίttle delayed because Ihe progenItor, o rganiser. chaIrman. editor. publisher and general factotum had a serious accident ίπ the meantime. ΗλρρίΙΥ πε has largely recovereC:. though he was seen at EPS-23 waJking awkwardJy with ιπε a id of a stick. The Epton Symposia (trIvial chemical nomenclature cannot be suppressed, especially when Ιπε offIcial fully descriptive name is long­winded) have been growing ίπ size - the 3rd had an attendance of over 400 - and begin to match the PeptIde Society Symposia ίη importance οη the methαlologIcal sIde . Coverage extends beyond the peptIde

field , of course. bυt thal is where the main thrusl remains. and there is ίη any case scope for the cross­fertilization of ideas. The number οί participants aI the 3rd Symposium was such that the Symposium Book has been able 10 accommodale papers οί reasonable length and detail within Ihe compass of a single volume. which the Peptide Society Symposia are now finding difficult. This book is ίη every sense a substan lial contribulion 10 the peptide liter<lture. . .. PJ KocIenskI , ProIecting Groups. Georg ThIe,ne Verlag, 1994. χν + 260ρρ . ISBN 3-13-135601-4 and 0-86577-557-5 flexIcover; 3-13-137001-7 1Ind 0-86577-558-3 hardcover.

ΑΙΙ chemical pepIide synthesis is contingent οπ proIecting groups. The imposition οί selectivity requires tIlem, and ίη their tum they impose strategic and tactica\ constraints. For example. the favoured stepwise assembly οί peptides starting at the carboxy lerminus, comprising the cyclical coupling and deprotection of alkoxycarbonyi-a-amino-acid derivatives, tLIrns οη Ihe fact thal alkoxycarbony! groups permit this without loss of cllira! integrity at the adjacent α-carboηs. Ιη solid phase synthesis. ιhe polymeric carrier doubles as a carboxy jJrotecting group, and the chemistry of lίηkers and anchors is all protecting group chemislry. lη the continυing efforts 10 develop so1id phase p:rotocols which are completely general. attentίon is currently focussed οπ the recalcitrallt problems of certain functional side-chains. and οη the inhibition οί aggregation phenomena by backbone protection. Any book οη protecting groUp'~_ought Iherefore 10 be of greal interest 10 peptίde chemists , and Professor Kocienski has written an elegant and excellenl one. Ηε has very little ίο say about peptides as such - the index cites οπlΥ ίουτ allusions (with seven aIIusions 10 glycopeptides) - but concentrales οπ expounding the chemical principles. He is concise, but cίtes all Ihe key οήgίnalliteralυre ,

and a particularly valuable feature is the 1isting οί re levant reviews at the end of each chapler. Anyone interested ίη the melhodology of peptide synthesis will find this book bot.h useful and stimulating. ΑΙ the head of his firsl chapter. Professor Kocien~;ki quotes Benjamin Disraeli: "Protection is ηοΙ a principle. but an expedient··. Very apposite; however. ΟΠ ΙΥ ίίνε years later Disraeli said "Protection is not ΟΠΙΥ dead. buI damned'". and we have a loηg way to 90 before that will be true. But then Disraeli is also οη record as saying 10 Queen Victoria 'Ύουr Majesty is the head οί the Iilerary profession". and to quote another great British Prime Minister (Wellinglon. οπ being addressed ίπ the streel as "Mr Jones'") ουΙ of context , "If you Μll believe that. you will believe anything'·.

Contribuied by the Editor

NEW ΒΟΟΚ ΑΝΟ NEW JOURNAL NOTICES Informa tion has been received οη the following new books, journals and conference proceedings which may be of interest to members. Notices \vill be repeated ίπ a future issue ίf ίΙ is necessary Ιο correct them ΟΓ desirable to provide fuller information. Suggestions for fulυre eηtήes ίη ιhis section should be sent 10 the Editor. who will welcome them: ίυll data should be provided. including the ISBN or ISSN. Listing here does ποl preclude a subsequent review ίη the NE:wsletter.

ANTlMICROBIAL PEPTIDES Ciba Founda tion Symposium Νο. 186. Approx. 300ρρ , 1994. WiIey. ISBN 0471 950254.

BASIC PROTEIN ΑΝΟ ΡΕΡΤιΟΕ PROTOCOLS Methods ίπ Molecular Biology. Vol. 32. Ed. JM Walker. χii + 490ρρ. 1994. Humana Press. ISBN 089603268Χ.


ISBN 0-89603-268-Χ (hardback) and 0-89603-269-8 (spir.Ibound).

BIOΙOGICAL BARRIERS ΤΟ PROTEIN DEUVERY Eds. ΚΙ Audus and Τ J Raub. χχν + 495ρρ. 1993. Plenum Press. ISBN 0-306-44368-6.

BIOMEDICAL PEPTlDES. PROTEINS & NUCLEIC AClDS Co-ordinating EditoI' R Epton. νοι. 1. Να. 1. October 1994: 5 issues minimum ίπ Vol. Ι, \vhich \vill run to Decen1ber 1995. Mayllower Worldwide Ltd. ISSN 1353-86 16.

BURGER'S MEDICINAL CH EMISTRY ΑΝΟ DRUG DISCOVERY 5th Edn., ναΙ. 1: PrIncIples and Practίce. Approx. 1Ο00ρρ, 1994. WiIey. ISBN 0471575569.

CHEMISTRY ΑΝΟ BIOLOGY Eds. SL SchreIber and KC Nicolaou. lntrαluctory issue, ΑΡΓί1 1994 ; ναl. 1, Να. 1 September 1994; ναΙ. 1 will comprise 4 isslIes; subseqυent volumes will consist of 12 issues. CuπenΙ Biology Ltd. ISSN 1074-5521.

CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Α review journal. Ed. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman. Vol. Ι 1994 (6 Issues). Bentham Science PublIshers. ISSN 0929-8673.

DE5IGN OF ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS Eds. PS Anderson, GL Kenyon. and GR Marshall. ναl. 1. Να. 3 of Perspectiues ίπ Drug Discovery and Design. April 1994. ESCOM. I55ues οΙ Ihis journaI (ISSN 0928 2866), each οΙ whIch ί5 focu5sed ση a selected toPIc, are avaIlab!e separately.

DESIGN OF ΕΝΖΥΜΕ INHIBITORS AS DRUGS. VoI. 2 "Α complete update of Volume 1". Eds. Μ SandIer and MJ Smilh. 844ρρ. 1994. Oxford University Press. ISBN Ο 19 262134 3.

GASTRIN Ed. JH WaIsh. χΧνί + 432ρρ. 1993. Raven Press. ISBN 0781700604.

GL YCOPEPTIDE ANTIBIOTICS Drugs and the PharmaceutIcal Sciences. ναl. 63. Ed. R Nagarajan. Χίν + 423ρρ. 1994. Dekker. ISBN 0824791932.

GUIDEBOOK ΤΟ ΤΗΕ CYTOKINE5 ΑΝΟ THEIR RECEPTORS Ed. ΝΑ NicoIa. 230ρρ. 1994 . Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-859946-3 (paperback) and 0-19-859947-1 (boards).

ΗΑΝΟΒΟΟΚ OF ENDOCRINE RE5EARCH TECH NIQUES Eds. F de Pablo, CG Scanes and ΒD Weintraub. ΧΧίν + 599ρρ, 1993. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-209920-6.

IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Ed,. MJ Wyvratl and ΝΗ SigaI. Vol. 2 , Νο. 1 of Pe rspec tiues ίπ Drug D iscouery and Design. AugusI 1994. ESCOM. I,sues οΙ Ihi, journaI (ISSN 0928 2866), each οΙ which is focussed οπ a selected topic, are available separately.

INNOVATION ΑΝΟ PERSPECTIVE5 Ι Ν SOLID PHASE SYNTHE5IS. PEPTIDE5. PROTEINS ΑΝΟ NUCLEIC ACIDS (Proceedings, 3rd Epton Symposium). For bibliographic data and a review. see above.

INNOVATIONS Ι Ν PROTEASES ΑΝΟ THEIR INHIBITORS Ed . FX Aviles . 534ρρ, 1993. WaI ler de Gruyler. ISBN 3-11-013635X.

JOURNAL OF ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SCΙENCE Editor-in-Chief CH Schneider. Vol. 1, Νο.Ι. January/February 1995; 6 issues p.a., Wiley. ISSN 1075-2617.

NEUROPEPTlDE GENE EXPRE5SION Ed. AJ Turner. χiί + 250ρρ, 1994. Portland Press. ISBN 1-85578-044-5.

ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ ANTIGENS, Α PRACTICAL APPROACH Practical Approach Series, Νο. 144. GB Wisdom. 280ρρ. 1994. IRL οl Oxford Universily Press.

ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ5, CHEMISTRY STRUCTURE ΑΝΟ BIOLOGY (Proceedings, 13th American Peptide Symposium). Eds. RS Hodges and JA S,nilh. Ι χίν + 1160ρρ, 1994 ESCOM. ISBN 90-72199-19-7.

ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ5, DESIGN SYNTHESIS ΑΝΟ BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY (Festschrift. ΚΜ Sivanandiah). Eds. C Basava and GM Anantharamaiah. Χίν + 308ρρ. 1994. Birkhauser. ISBN 0-8176-3703-6 and 3-7643-3703-6 .

PRINCIPLES OF ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SYNTHE5IS 2nd Edition. Μ Bodanszky. χίi + 329ρρ , 1993. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-5643 1-4.

PROTECΤING GROUPS PJ Kocienski. For bibliographic data and a review, see above.

PROTEOL YSIS ΑΝΟ PROTEIN TURNOVER Eds. JS Bond and AJ Βaπett . 290ρρ. 1994. Portland Press. ISBN 1 85578 039 9.

SPECIALIST PERIODICAL REPORTS ΟΝ ΑΜΙΝΟ ACIDS ΑΝΟ PEPTIDES, VoI.25 For bibliographic data and a review. 5ee above.


AMINOACIDS νρ Kukhar. Approx. 400ρρ , 1994. Wiley. ISBN 0471 95203 6.

ΤΗΕ PROTEIN FOLDING PROBLEM ΑΝΟ TERTIARY STRUCΤURE PREDICΤION Eds. ΚΜ Merz and SM Le Grand. χ + 58 1 ρρ . 1994. Birkhallser. ISBN 0-8176-3693-5 and 3-7643·3693-5.

CALENDAR OF PEP1rIDE MEETlNGS AND COURSES InformaIion has been received about the folloWΊng meetings and CQurses which are directly relevant 10 the interests of members. Eχ.cept where stated otherwise the language οΙ the meeting will be English. Meetings which are under Ihe ausρices of t.he Society have their tίtles ρήnΙed ίη green. Organisers are asked 10 send CQl'rections and updates ΙΟ the Editor (see tlle bottom ο( the 1a51 page). Ι ! would be helpfu! if similar informa­Ιίοπ οπ all Γε ]ενΒΠ! meetίngs could be sent ίπ as a matter of τουΙίπε.

EUROPEAN NEUROPEPTIDE CLUB ΑΝΟ AUSTRIAN NEUROSCΙENCE ASSOCΙA ΤΙΟΝ WINTER DISCUSSION 22-25 January 1995, Seefeld. Austria. Α SarIa, ΝeurοcΙιelηίcal υπί Ι , Department ο/ PsychIatry. Uniuersity Hospitallnnsbruck, AnIchstr. 35. Α·6020 lnnsbntck. AustrIa (Fax 43 51250437101.

WINTER NEUROPEPTIDE CONFERENCE 28·3 1 January 1995, Breckellridge. Cοlοωdο. Debra Edwards. ΡΟ Βοχ 7518, Breckenridge. C%rado 80424. υ5Α.


4-9 February 1995, Fort Lauderdale. Floricla. M8W5. ΡΟ 8οχ 016129. Miami. F/orida 33101. υ5Α (Fax 305 324 5665).

2nd ISRAELI-POLISH SYMPOSIUM ΟΝ ΙΉΕ CHEMISTRY ΑΝΟ BIOLOGY OF PEPTIC'ES ΑΝΟ PROTEINS 3-10 April1995. Rehovot. ISTael . Prolessor Μ Fridkin. WeίΖlηann lnstItute ΟΙ ScieIlCe. Rehoυot 76100. Israe/.

PEPTIDES ΙΝ IMMUNOLOGY 2-5 Αρτίl 1995. InIerlaken. SwίtΖerΙand. Prol Ο, C Η SchneIder. Jnselspfta/ Bern. Jnstitut jUr K/inIsche lI"flmunologIe, CH·3010, Bern, $witzerland.

ANTIGEN PRESENTATION ΑΝΟ VACCINE DEVEΙOPMENT 6-7 Αρτίl 1995, Leicester, υκ. ο, Β Austen. $Ι George's Hospita/ MedIcal $choo/, Uniυe rs ity ΟΙ London. Jenner Wing, Crammer Terrace, London. SW17 ORE, υκ.

5th ANNUAL MEETING, EUROPEAN NEUROPEPTIDE CLUB - NEUROPEPTIDES 95, IMPLICA TIONS ΙΝ ΗΕΑL ΤΗ ΑΝΟ DISEASE 4-7 June 1995, Lund University, Sweden. C/aes PosI, AsIra Draco Α8. ΡΟ 8οχ 34. 5·221 00 Lund. 5weden (Fax 46 46 33 71 90).

14th AMERICAN ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SYMPOSIUM 18-23 June 1995, Columbus, Ohio. Dr ΡΤΡ Kaumaya. The Ohio State Uniuersity. ConΊprehensIue Cancer Center. Suite 302,4 10 West Twelfth Auenue. Columbus. Ohio 43210· 1241 υ5Α (Fax 614 2921135).

5th SUMMER NEUROPEPTIDE CONFERENCE 25-29 June 1995. Martha's Vineyard. Massachuset1s. JN Craw/ey. Ν/ΜΗ. 8ui/ding 10. Room 4Ν214. 8eIhesda, Mary/al1d. υ5Α (Fax 301 496 7855).

4th INTERNA ΤΙΟΝΑL CONGRESS ΟΝ ΑΜΙΝΟ ACΙDS ΑΝΟ ANALOGUES 7-11 August 1995. Vienna. Professor Dr G Lubec. Uniuersίty ΟΙ νίεllπa. Departmenr of PaedIatrics, Wahringer Gi.ίrtel 18, Α 1090 Vienna. AustrIa.

DESIGN, SYNTHESIS ΑΝΟ STRUCΤURE OF PEPTIDOMIMETICS 5-8 $eptember 1995, Spa. Belgium. Pro/essor G ναπ Binst, Deparlmenl o/Organic C/ιerηίsΙrΥ. νΓίjε UnΊUersiteit BrusseI, Pleinlaan , 2, Β·1050, Brussels, Belgium (Fax 32 1 Ο 844050).

ΚΙΝΙΝ 95 DENVER 14th internationaI Symposium ση Kinins. 10-16 $eptember 1995. Denver. Colorado. ο. JM Stewort. Biochemistry Β-126. UCHSC. Denuer. Co/orado 80262. USA (Fax 303 270 8215).

13th POUSH ΡΕΡΤιΟΕ SYMPOSΙUM 11-14 $eptember 1995, Gdansk. Languages: Polish and English. Pro/essors Β Lammek and J Przyby/ski , Facu/ty σΙ Chem Istry, Uniυersity 0/ GdaiΊsk. Sobieskiego 18. 80·952 Gdansk, Po/and.

4th INTERNATlONAL SYMPOSIUM ΟΝ SOUD PHASE SYNTHESIS 12-16 September 1995, University οΙ Edinburgh. Scolland. Pro/essor R ΈρΙοπ. do 4th SPS Secretariat. ΡΟ Βοχ 13, KingswInjord. West Midlands. ΟΥ6 OHQ, υκ (Fax 44 384 294463).

33rd JAPANESE ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SYMPOSIUM 4-6 October 1885, Sapporo, Japan. Language: Japanese. Pro/essor Ν NIshi, Hokkaido Uniuersity (Fαx 81 11 747 9780).

TACHYΚININS '95, FROM BASIC SCΙENCE ΤΟ CUNICAL APPUCATlONS 16-18 October 1995. Rorence. ltaly. Fondoziol1e Internotiona/e MenarInί , ΡίaΖΖα def Carmire 4, 20121 Μί/απ. ΙΙαΙΥ (Fax 39 2 804739).

ΡΕΡΤιΟΕ GORDON CONFERENCE 1996. tentatively 11-16 February. Pro/essor JA Smith, Uniuersity ΟΙ Alabama. αnd Pro/essor C Deber. Uniuersity ΟΙ Toronto .

24th EUROPEAN ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SYMPOSIUM 8-13 $eptember 1996, Edinburgh. Scotland. The Chairman will be Professor R Ramage FRS. but requests for information, etc , should be addressed 10 Dr JF Gibson, EPS·24. The Royal Society ΟΙ Chemistry. Bur/ington House, London. W1 V ΟΒΝ (Fax 44 171 734 1227).


1st INTERNA ΤΙΟΝΑΙ ΡΕΡΤΙΟΕ SYMPOSIUM Autumn 1997 , Kyoto, Japan. Language: English. Pr01essor Υ Shimonishi. Osaka University (Fax 81 68798603).


Newslet!er Editor Dr JH Jones,

Balliol College Oxford. ΟΧ1 3BJ. UK.

FAK 0865-277803

Published for the European Peptide Society by the EdiIor. Printed by Thomas Leach Ltd. Abingdon.
