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Е. П. Луцева, И. В. Алещанова, М. В. Душаткина

Your guide into Computer English




Е. П. Луцева, И. В. Алещанова, М. В. Душаткина

Your guide into Computer EnglishУчебное пособие

Рекомендовано учебно-методическим объединением Совета директоров средних специальных учебных заведений Волгоградской области в качестве учебного пособия для образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования Волгоградской области



ББК 81.2 Англ-922 Л 86

Рецензенты: д. филол. н., доцент кафедры РГФ ВГПУ Е. В. Бобырева; к. филол. н., доцент, преподаватель высшей категории Камышинского педагогического колледжа Л. А. Шорникова

Луцева, Е. П. YOUR GUIDE INTO COMPUTER ENGLISH: учеб. пособие / Е. П. Луцева, И. В. Алещанова, М. В. Душаткина / ВолгГТУ, Волгоград,

2010. – 108 с.

ISBN 978-5-9948-0382-0

Ставит своей задачей формирование и развитие у студентов навыков работы с текстами по специальности и умений высказываться на иностранном языке по вопросам, связанным с будущей профессией.

Даёт представление о специфике профессиональной деятельности, расширяет знания, полученные студентами среднетехнического факультета при изучении базового учебника английского языка.

Предназначено для студентов технических вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Информационные технологии» и изучающих английский язык как второй иностранный язык.

Библиогр.: 6 назв.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского советаВолгоградского государственного технического университета

ISBN 978-5-9948-0382-0 Волгоградский государственный технический


университет, 2010 Epilogue “Computers aren’t intelligent,

they only think they are”


Данное учебное пособие ориентировано преимущественно на студентов среднего профессионального образования, обучающихся по специальности «Информационные технологии» и изучающих английский как второй иностранный язык. В основу организации пособия положен принцип от «простого к сложному», что формирует хорошую базу для обучения студентов вышеуказанной специальности на начальном этапе, с последовательным переходом к более сложным лексико-грамматическим конструкциям и расширению активного объёма профессионально-ориентированной лексики. При отборе фонетического и лексико-грамматического материала авторы руководствовались программными требованиями по данной специальности, учитывая актуальность текстового материала.

Пособие состоит из четырёх частей:1 часть – «Вводно-фонетический курс».2 часть – «Основной курс».3 часть – «Дополнительные тексты для чтения».4 часть – «Словарь специализированных терминов».Все лексико-грамматические упражнения, упражнения

коммуникативного и творческого характера построены на аутентичных, специализированных текстах, которые являются основой для ведения беседы или несложной дискуссии. В учебных целях тексты пособия сокращены и адаптированы. Каждый раздел пособия сопровождается предтекстовыми и послетекстовыми упражнениями. В предтекстовых упражнениях с целью обогащения словарного запаса обучающихся к новым словам даются также лексические эквиваленты, антонимы, синонимы или однокоренные слова. В послетекстовых упражнениях закрепляются ранее изученная лексика и новые лексические единицы, снимаются трудности, мешающие пониманию текста. В ходе изложения материала находит применение метод контрастного сопоставления грамматических форм как внутри одного языка, так и в рамках межъязыковой интерференции.

Пособие также снабжено дополнительными текстами монологического характера, связанными с основными текстами тематически.

Учебное пособие служит введением в специальность, поскольку отражает тесную междисциплинарную связь, а также способствует


формированию иноязычно-профессиональной компетенции в процессе изучения английского языка как второго иностранного.

АвторыCHAPTER IIntroductory Course of English

Урок 1

Звук Буква Названиебуквы

в алфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения.

[і:] Е е [і] В открытом и условно-открытом слогах.Сочетание гласных букв ее, еа.

[b] B b [bi] bе


P рD d


peep; piconetdeed; debug

[t] Т t [ti:] tea, tree


V vM m


eve, vee, veepme, beam, deam, team, mete, meet,meat

[n] N n [еn] neat, need, mean[f] F f [ef] fee, free (up), freeze, freeware,

flicker- free

S s [es][s] – В начале слова: search, seek, serial, screen[s] – Перед и после глухой согласной: speaker, spread,spectrum, stealth (virus), bits,bits, streaming,spreadsheet, speech[z] – В конце слова после гласной или звонкой согласной: systems, needs, seas, games

[1] L 1 [el] lead, eave, eal, feel, meal, seal, sleeping (mode)

[ei] A a [ei] В открытом, условно-открытом сло-гах, а+b1е: data, fame, flame, frame, same, safe, save, date, late, plate, tape, state, spade, able, table, stable


Звук Буква Название буквы

в алфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения.


К kI i


keen, keep, leak, speak, make, take, lakeВ открытом и условно-открытом слогах, i + nd, i + ℓd: I, mine, nine, fine, mind, find, wild, wildcard, time, idle, title

И Исключение: live [liv]

Урок 2Звук Буква Название буквы в

алфавитеПравило чтения. Упражнения.

[I] I i [ai] [i] – в закрытом слоге: inkjet, active, bit, disk, field, differen-tial, edit, printer

Звук Буква Название буквы в алфавите

Правило чтения.

[el E e [i:] [e] – в закрытом слоге: amend, decode, interface, ex-pansion, encode, interactive, er-ror, embed,

[s] – [k] –

С c [si:] [s] перед e, i – cell, central,cycle, cyber, syberspace, circuit, interface, processor


ck [[k] в остальных случаях –computer, pictorially, icon, click, cursor, command, control, crash, combination, codec, backup, clock, hacking, packet, crack, track, stick

[h] H h [eitʃ] Перед гласной: header, head-phone, help, (disk drive) head,



Урок 3

Звук Буква Название буквы в


Правило чтения. Упражнения.





X х



[ou] – в открытом и условно-открытом слогах: homepage, load, node, open, notebook

[ks] – в конце слова и после ударного слога: fix, hypertext, inbox, Linux, ma-trix, expansion, mailbox, toolbox, exit

[gz] – перед ударным слогом: exit, ex-ist, exhibit, exicute

Звук Букво-сочетание







shell, shift, spreadsheet, shape, refresh, e- cash, pub-lisher

В словах английского происхождения: chip, chat, channel, checksum, fetch, checkbox, attachment, chin, chill, chip, chicken, check, chess, chest, child

В словах греческого происхождения: chemist, chemical, technical, scheme, technology, character,technician

[θ][ð] th

[θ] theme, thin, thick (значимые слова) [ð] the, this, these, them, then (служебные слова)

Урок 4

Звук Буква Название буквы в алфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения

[ɔ ] O о [оu] В закрытом слоге: on, off, laptop, slot,


format, online, floppy, solve, plotter, offline[j]

[ju:]Yy [wai]

[ji:]Перед гласной: yes, yet, yen, yell, YahooYield [yi:ld]

Звук Буква Название буквы в алфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения

[u] U u [ju:] В открытом слоге: use, fuse, tube, tune,multiuserВ открытом слоге после буквы 1: blue, blues, clue

[Λ] В закрытом слоге: upgrade, support, subfolder, hub, subprogram, multimedia, plus, thus, sum

Запомните слова, в которых в качестве исключения произносится звук [u] — put, pull, push, full.

Звук Букво-сочетание

Правило чтения. Упражнения


[u :]


Перед буквой k: bookmark, hook, look

во всех остальных случаях: loop, cool[au] ou out, amount, cloud, sound, output, loud, mouse

Урок 5

Звук Буква Название буквы в алфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения

[w] W w

[dΛblju:] website, webpage, word, worm, Windows, World Wide Web, e-wallet, arrow, white

[f] Ph philosophy, phase, photo, honetic,phonetics, physics, hysical, graphics, microphone


Чтение буквы У у [wai]Открытый


слогНеударное положение

Перед гласной буквой

[ai] [i] [i] [Jlbyte, dry, jus-tify, bynary, dye, recycle

system, physical, synch

assembly, safety, copyholder, floppy, memory, library, topology, utility

yes, yet, yell, you [ju:],display, payloud, layer, tray, loyalty (card)

Урок 6

Звук Буква Название буквы в алфавите

Правила чтения. Упражнения.

[æ] А а [ei]

В закрытом слоге: ap-plication, analogue, ac-tive, access, land, stand, hand, fan, man, plan, flat, sat, map, gas,had, handle, valve, that



A, O U, [ə] e, i, y,


o, e, i (перед конечными согласными 1, n - не произносятся)


alike, aside, op-pose, supply

emit, event, inside —

заударный beta, data illness, native, twenty, system

pencil, even, taken, lesson

Урок 7Тип слога

БукваОткрытый, условно-

открытый (I)Закрытый (II)


А а Е е

Oо Uu I i / Yy

[ei] made, main, may, table[i:] mete, seal, seat, feel[ou] note, lonely, load, noble [ju:] mute, suit [u:] blue [ai] time, type, my, pie, typist, title

[æ] bad, ladder, sandy [е] bed, sent, send[) ] not, solve, bottle[Λ] but, sun, sum[i] sit, listen, system

Долгие гласные звуки и дифтонги Краткие гласные звукиУрок 8

Звук Буквосочетание

Правило чтения. Упражнения





В конце слова: computing, teleworking, manipulat-ing, bracketing, clustering, sliding. It's a wing; It's a thing

В середине слова: English, England, angle, singleВ конце слова: link, junk (e- mail), blank, tank

Звук Названиебуквы валфавите

Правило чтения. Упражнения.




R г

J j

G g

G g


[dʒ ei ]



Перед гласным звуком (в том числе и на стыке слов):radar, record, frame, dry, processor, root, price, prime, try, grid, riddle, hybrid, crystal, predict, RAM (random access memory)a doctor of ...; an administrator of…; summer is ...; a teacher of ...; winter is...; the centre of...; in winter and...

java, junk (e – mail), join, jam, justify, joystick

Перед е, i, y: age, change, stage, agent, gentle, agenda, gentleman, gene, general, language, inter-change, judge

Исключения: give, get, begin, geekВо всех остальных случаях: big, bag, beg, gas,pig, gap, egg, gape, got, jug, jungle, go

[g] Gg [dʒi:] В словах: give [giv], get, begin, good [gud],Google, gigabyte, gateway, game


Урок 9

Чтение гласных в ударном слоге перед буквой Rr (III тип слога)Звук Буквосо-

четание Упражнения

[a:] ar arm, arc, card, bar, mark, charge, chart, sharp, car-bon, article, particle, large, part, depart, department

Звук Буквосо-четание


[ɔ:] or, ore or, for, form, inform, force, nor, north, port, short, support, bore, more, core, before, more

[ə:] er, ir, ur, yr her, first, turn, burn, service, thirst, burst, inter-preter, merge, emerge, insert, circle, circuit, third, person, peri, kernal, certain, curtain, cursor, e- commerce, turn, German, myrtle

В неударном положении перед R r все гласные передаютсянейтральным звуком [ə]:

Звук Буквосоче-тания


[ə] аг егorur

similar, popular, solar, paper, silver, number, printer, bearermonitor, factor, monitor, sector, minor, major murmur

Урок 10Чтение буквы W w в различных буквосочетаниях

w +глас-ная wr wh wh + о

w(h) + a(в закрытом слоге)

war wor

[w] [r] [w] [h] [wɔ] [wɔ:] [wə:]

web writable when whole wallpaper war workwebsite writer white who

[hu:]wash warm worker

webpage wreck while whom [hu:m] was ward world

wild wring which whose [hu:z] watch re'ward word


Windows wrink why what worse

WiFi wrench Washington wordprocessor

width wrong

wroteБуква Q q [kju:] встречается в написании только в сочетании qu.

qu qu + а (в закрытом слоге)

qu + ar

[kw] [kw ɔ] [kw ɔ:] quick quest quite liquid ['likwid]

quad quant quantity quality quadrate quadrant

quart quarter quartz

Урок 11

IV тип ударного слога представляет собой слог, в котором непременно имеется буква R r, стоящая либо между двумя гласными буквами (саге, vary), либо после двух соседних гласных букв (deer, pair).

Звук Буква Буквосочетание Упражнение[eə]


А а

Е е



care, bare, spare, dare, fare, rare, share, square, prepare,air, pair, fair, chair, chairman,

ere dare, hair, here, deer, sphere, mere

ear fear, beer, dear, tear, near, nearly, ear

eer peer, rear, year, clear, hear, shearИ с к л ю ч е н и я : there [ðeə] – тамwhere [weə] – где


[aiə ] I i ire yre

fire, tired, wire, wireless, tyre, spire, inspire, entire, require

[(j)uə] Y y ure pure, cure, lure, se'cure, mure

Звук Буква Буквосочетание Упражнение[аuə] U u our our, hour [аuə], sour

И с к л ю ч е н и я : your [j):] – вашfour [f ):] – четыре

П р и м е ч а н и е : Буква о в IV типе слога читается так же, как и в III (как звук [):] – more, foreman, before.

Урок 12

В целом ряде слов буква O o в ударном слоге перед буквамиt, n, th, v читается как звук [Λ].

[Λ] о + m / n/ v/ th

some, son, done, come, become, love, month, money ['mΛni], above, front, company, among, ton

Чтение буквы O o в ударном слогеОткрытый

слог o+ld Закрытый слог о + m / n / th / v

[оu] [ou] [)] [Λ]barcodevideoprobe


not solvelossplotsolvent


Урок 13 Звук Буквосочетание Упражнения


[а:] f n

а + s + согласная th

after, shaft, staff, plant, answer ['a:nsə], France, ask, glass, class, bath, path, fa-ther

[ ):] а +1 + согласная all, ball, call, fall, small, hall, also, salt, wall, install, chalk* [t∫ ):k], talk, walk, stalk

* Буквосочетание alk произносится как [ ):k].dance, chance, can't, plant, craft, shaft, ask, task, class, glass, bath, path, father, rather, cast, fast, last, past, after, answer, branch, draft, vast, grass, demand, en-

chant, advance, enhance, recastfame – fan – farm – fast; plane – plan – part – path;

Урок 14Звук Буквосочетание Упражнения

[):] a + u a + w

August, law, launch, saw, cause, draw,autumn, daughter, caught, taught, automat-ics, awl, awn.

launch — law; cause — saw; author — draw; autumn ['):təm] — daughter ['d):tə]; a'pplaud — caught; ,auto'matics—taught

fall — fault; call — cause; hall — haultwall — walk — cause — law; call — chalk — clause — saw; tall — talk — fault —

draw; small — stalk — launch — jawПравила чтения буквы A a

Открытый слог Закрытый слог

[ei] [eə] [a:] [ɔ:] [ɔ][ɔ:]

ai, ay

a + r + гласнаяa + гласная + r

а + r / th a + f/n/ s +согласная

a + u

a + w

a + l +согласная

w(h) + a


pair care

part path

plant past

because August

all also

what was




arc charm

pass shaft

law launch


walk warm

Звук Буквосочетание

Правило. Упражнения

[i] ai, ay В неударном положении: Sunday, holiday, yester-day, captain. Иногда в неударном положении перед буквой n буквосочетание ai не читается: certain [sə:tn], curtain [kə:tn].

hay – holiday; day – yesterday; say – Sunday; chain – certain; gray – curtain; fail – fair – far – fare; aid – air – arc – area; chain – chair –

chart – sharing; paint – pair – park – parent; stay – stair

Урок 15

1. Буква I i читается по типу открытого слога перед ld, nd, go, gh.Звук Буквос


Правило. Упражнения

[ai] ild ind ight

mild, child, wild, kind, bind, find Буква g не произносится: sign, design, designer Буквосочетание gh не произносится: high, light, night, bright, sight, tight

sing – sign – bring – design – cling – designer; find – wild – fight;mind – mild – might; kind – child –light;high – sign; right – design; might – designer; a mild night;a wild sight; a high right

[aiə] ia io via, bias, ionize, ion dial, trial,diagram, diode, triode

aim – ion; gain – bias; rain – riot; train – triode; ion – via – avail; ionize – dial – again; diode – diagram – domain; triode – trial – afraid

Чтение гласных I i, Y y[aI] [I] [ə:] [aiə]


В открыт






Если взаудар -

номслоге [i]


ir, yr (Y)i+r+


ia, io

fine mild pit city infinity first fire via

dye find system image stability third tyre ion

type sign myth digit activity myrtle wire bias

quite sight big civil limiting circle tired dial white light dig typical ability thirst require diode

Урок 16

Звук Букво-соче-тание

Правило. Упражнения

[е][ə:] [i:]

еаear ie

еа перед d, v, lth: bread, head, lead, steady, ready, al-ready, spread, heavy, instead, health, breath, weatherear + согласная: learn, earth, heard, early, search, re-search В некоторых словах читается вторая гласная по типу открытого слога: piece, brief, field, chief, shield, yield, achieve Но: variety [və'raiəti]

[i:] – [e]: breed – bread; heal – health; heat – head; steam – steady; heal – heavy; breech – breath; deal – death[i:] – [e]: reach – ready; beam – already; weak – weather; leaf – leather; season – stead; seat – thread; indeed – instead[i:] – [e]: piece – bread; brief – breath; chief – health; shield – heavy; achieve – steady; field – weather; yield – leather[i:] – [iə]: clean – clear; needle – near; heal – hear; sheet – shear; each – ear; feast – fear[iə] – [ə:]: ear – earn; fear – pearl; hear – heard; near – early; clear – earth; beer – learn [i:] – [e:] each – bread; easy – ready; heal – heavy; needle – head; peace – health; please – breath[iə] – [e]: beer – bread; hear – head; shear – steady


[iə] – [e]: clear – lead; dear – dead; fear – weather[iə] – [ə:]: hear – heard; fear – learn; ear – earth

Чтение буквы E e[i:] [iə]

открытый слог

ее еа

ie ear, eer, e + r + гласная

me be

beam meal


year deer

see feel field mere

Pete feat shield sphere

[e] [ə:]Закрытый

слогea + d, v, th, lth

Если в заударном слоге [i]

e + r ear + согласная

met head edit her heardpen heavy enemy term earlyhen health medical stern earthset breath very merge search

Урок 17 Звук Буквосо-

четание Правило. Упражнения

[t∫ə] ture в конце слова – lecture, picture, culture,structure, feature, literature, agriculture, century

[ʒə] sure после гласной – measure, pleasure, treasure, ex-posure



после согласной – pressure, fissureперед гласной – special, specialist, specialize, initiate, partial, patient

[∫n] tion nation, position, election, function

[∫n] sion после согласной — pension, tension, mission

[ʒn] после гласной — division, revision, corrosion


*3аметьте, что ударение в словах, оканчивающихся на -tion, как правило, падает на слог, предшествующий этому сочетанию, и гласная читается по типу закрытого слога.

social – socialist – socialism – position; special – specialist – specialize – condition; efficient – sufficient – coefficient – invention; politician – action – isolation – election; initial – mention – direction – attention; instruction – fic-tion – deflection – intuition

pleasure – picture – treasure – structure; measure – culture – pressure – feature

[ʒn] – occasion, occasional, fusion, explosion, erosion, invasion, conclu-sion, division, revision, precision, decision, diffusion

[∫n] – pension, mission, emission, session, dispersion, expression, discus-sion, agression, commission, version, impressionCHAPTER IIBASIC COURSE OF ENGLISHUnit 1

Ex.1. Read the text.What is a Personal Computer (PC)

A personal computer generally is a low-cost machine that can perform most of the functions of larger computer but use software oriented toward easy, single-user applications. A personal computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry them out. A computer is called hardware because it has no intelligence by itself. A computer system is a combination of four elements: hardware, software, pro-cedures, and data/information.

Software are the programs that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.

Let's take a look at some hardware of a typical desktop computer. The microprocessor ("brain") of the computer system is called the central

processing unit (CPU). The CPU oversees almost everything that a computer does. It is generally composed of the main memory, control unit, and arith-metic-logic unit. It constitutes the physical heart of the entire computer system; various peripheral equipment is linked to it, including input/output devices and auxiliary storage units.

Memory is a very fast storage to hold data. It has to be fast because it connects directly to the microprocessor. There are several specific types of memory in a computer:

– Random-access memory (RAM) stores information the computer is currently working with. There is a dynamic (DRAM) and static (SRAM) memory. Chips of a dynamic memory are used as the main RAM of a computer.


Chips of static memory are used as an auxiliary memory (cache memory) which is intended for optimization of processor’s operation.

– Read-only memory (ROM) is a permanent type of memory storage, which the computer uses for important data that does not change. ROM is capable to store the information for a long time, even when the computer is switched off.

– Basic input/output system (BIOS) is a type of ROM that the computer uses to establish basic communication when it is turned on. It is used to enter information and instructions into a computer for storage or processing.

– Cache is a supplementary memory system that temporarily stores fre-quently used instructions and data for quicker processing by the central pro-cessing unit.

– Virtual memory is the space on a hard disk to store data and swap it in and out of RAM as needed. It is a scheme that gives users the illusion of work-ing with a large block of memory space (perhaps even larger than real mem-ory), when in actuality most of their work is on a disk.

Motherboard is the main circuit board where you connect all internal components.

Power supply is an electrical transformer, which regulates the electricity used by the computer.

Hard disk is a large-capacity permanent storage to hold information such as software, documents and photos.

Computers have four distinguishing characteristics:1. Computers perform all operations electronically.2. Computers have an internal storage capacity.3. Computers receive operational instructions from stored programs.4. Computers can modify program execution by making logical decisions.The modern world of high technology could not be possible without com-

puters. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our soci-ety. They are used for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern com-munication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather re-ports. Using of different databases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.

Vocabulary:software – программное обеспечение; permanent storage – ПЗУ;electronic device – электронное устройство;

to change – менять;to establish – устанавливать;

to carry out – выполнять; to turn on – включать;


hardware – аппаратное обеспечение; frequently – часто;desktop computer – настольный компьютер;intelligence – интеллект, способность к пониманию;

space – пространство; to swap in / out – закачивать / откачивать; circuit board – плата со схемой;

procedure – порядок действий; internal – внутренний; brain – мозг;to oversee – просматривать;storage – хранение, хранилище;

power supply – блок питания;large-capacity – большой ёмкости;

to hold data – содержать, хранить данные;

distinguishing – различительный;

to connect to – подключать к…; currently – текущим образом;auxiliary memory – вспомогательная память, вспомогательное запоминающее устройство;to intend – предназначать;permanent – постоянный;

execution – выполнение;handling of data – обработка данных; transaction – сделка; to enhance – повышать, увеличивать

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.Personal, computer, function, system, instruction, microprocessor, combi-

nation, chip, optimization, virtual, characteristics, illusion, components, elec-tricity, technology, era.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the expressions below.1) выполнять числовые вычисления; 2) недорогое устройство; 3)

однопользовательское применение; 4) выполнять задание; 5) вспомогательное запоминающее устройство; 6) предназначенный для оптимизации работы процессора; 7) способный хранить информацию; 8) установить основную связь; 9) дополнительная система памяти; 10) выполнение логического решения; 11) источник информации.

Ex.4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text.1) software instructions; 2) storage units; 3) peripheral equipment; 4) in-

put/output system; 5) cache memory; 6) central processing unit; 7) important data; 8) internal storage capacity; 9) essential tool; 10) weather reports.

Ex.5. Agree or disagree with the following statements.1. Software of a personal computer is oriented toward multi-user applications. 2. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do. 3. Memory has to be fast because it connects directly to the CPU.


4. Random-access memory (RAM) is a permanent type of memory storage. 5. Read-only memory (ROM) is capable to store the information for a long time, even when the computer is switched off. 6. The computer uses BIOS to establish basic communication when it is turned on. 7. Cache is the main type of memory storage, which the computer uses for im-portant data that does not change. 8. Virtual memory is a scheme that gives users the illusion of working with a large block of memory space. 9. All the internal components of a computer are connected to the mother-board. 10. A great variety of information sources is available by using of different databases and computer networks. Ex.6. Odd one out.

The following words have something in common, but there is one that is different. Say what they have in common, and why one is different.Example

dictionary magazine telephone directory recipe bookYou can read them all, but a magazine is a periodical.

1) DRAM, CPU, ROM, Cache; 2) main memory, arithmetic-logic unit, electrical transformer, control unit; 3) microwave oven, video camera, video recorder, mobile phone, computer case; 4) e-mail, Excel, World Wide Web (www), ICQ, Chat.

Ex.7. Word-matching. Match a word in A with a word in B.A B1) electronic 1) memory2) single-user 2) communication3) basic 3) board4) desktop 4) execution5) static 5) supply6) program 6) device7) power 7) computer8) circuit 8) applications

Ex.8. Guess the word from the text using the given definition.1. … is a large-capacity permanent storage to hold information such as soft-ware, documents and photos.2. … oversees almost everything that a computer does.3. … is the main circuit board where you connect all internal components.


4. … is a very fast storage to hold data.5. … are the programs that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

Ex.9. State questions to the underlined words.1. A computer is called hardware because it has no intelligence by itself.2. Power supply is an electrical transformer, which regulates the electricity used by the computer. 3. Computers perform all operations electronically.4. The microprocessor of the computer system is called the central processing unit (CPU). 5. Computers receive operational instructions from stored programs.

Ex.10. Find in the text examples of gerund and infinitive with “to”.

Ex.11. Topics for discussion.1. The central processing unit.2. Types of memory.3. Significance of a computer in the modern world.Unit 2

Ex.1 Read the text.The History of Computer Development

A computer might be described with deceptive simplicity as “an appara-tus that performs routine calculations automatically.”

The earliest known calculating device is probably the abacus. It dates back at least to 1100 BC and is still in use today, particularly in Asia. Now, as then, it typically consists of a rectangular wooden frame with thin parallel rods strung with beads which represent units, tens, hundreds and so on. Calcula-tions are made by moving the beads up and down.

By the second decade of the 19th century, a number of ideas necessary for the invention of the computer were in the air. Specific methods to make auto-mated calculation more practical, such as doing multiplication by adding loga-rithms or by repeating addition, had been invented, and experience with both analog and digital devices had shown some of the benefits of each approach.

Charles Babbage (1792–1871) an English mathematician and inventor, drew up the first plans for a programmable digital computer in 1834. As a founding member of the Royal Astronomical Society, Babbage had seen a clear need to design and build a mechanical device that could automate long, tedious astronomical calculations. He began by writing a letter in 1822 to Sir Humphry Davy, president of the Royal Society, about the possibility of au-tomating the construction of mathematical tables–specifically, logarithm ta-


bles for use in navigation. Tables then in use often contained errors, which could be a life-and-death matter for sailors at sea, and Babbage argued that, by automating the production of the tables, he could assure their accuracy. Having gained support in the society for his Difference Engine, as he called it, Babbage next turned to the British government to fund development, obtaining one of the world's first government grants for research and technological development.

The Difference Engine was more than a simple calculator, however. It mechanized not just a single calculation but a whole series of calculations on a number of variables to solve a complex problem. It went far beyond calcula-tors in other ways as well. Like modern computers, the Difference Engine had storage–that is, a place where data could be held temporarily for later process-ing. The full engine, designed to be room-size, was never built, at least not by Babbage. Although he struggled on unsuccessfully in the hope of completing the machine until his death. All the same, Babbage's Analytical Engine was something new under the sun. Its most revolutionary feature was the ability to change its operation by changing the instructions on punched cards. Until this breakthrough, all the mechanical aids to calculation were merely calculators or, like the Difference Engine, glorified calculators. The Analytical Engine, al-though not actually completed, was the first machine that deserved to be called a computer.

The rapidly advancing field of electronics led to construction of the first general-purpose electronic computer in 1946 at the University of Pennsylva-nia. It was Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer or ENIAC, the de-vice contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighed approximately 30 tons and had a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute. Its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered. Its first task was doing cal-culations for the construction of a hydrogen bomb.

Vocabulary:deceptive – вводящий в

заблуждение;to assure – гарантировать,

обеспечивать; abacus – счёты; Difference Engine – разностная

машина;rod – рейка; to fund – финансировать;bead – кости (зд.); variable – переменная (величина);benefit – преимущество; Analytical Engine – аналитическая

машина;approach – подход; punched card – перфокарта;founding member – член-

основатель;breakthrough – достижение, открытие;


tedious – нудный, скучный, утомительный;

merely – просто;

automating – автоматизация; glorified – прославленный;navigation – мореплавание, навигация;

to alter – видоизменять, переделывать

Ex.2. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word com-binations.

1) типовой расчёт; 2) использоваться; 3) представлять собой; 4) цифровой прибор; 5) разрабатывать; 6) логарифмическая таблица; 7) точность; 8) совершенствование технологии; 9) решать сложную проблему; 10) достичь успеха, далеко пойти; 11) весить; 12) вручную.

Ex.3. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text.1) calculating device; 2) invention; 3) multiplication; 4) repeating addi-

tion; 5) programmable; 6) a life-and-death matter; 7) all the same; 8) aid; 9) advancing field; 10) general-purpose electronic computer.

Ex.4. Find in the text related words and translate them.calculating – calculation – calculator

Ex.5. Word-matching. Match a word in A with a word in B. A B

1) deceptive 1) tables2) founding 2) Engine3) calculating 3) problem4) difference 4) feature5) vacuum 5) device6) digital 6) simplicity7) revolutionary 7) member8) mathematical 8) methods9) complex 9) tubes 10) specific 10) computer

Ex.6. Answer the questions.1. What can be described as “an apparatus that performs routine calculations automatically”?2. What is abacus?3. What does abacus consist of?4. What were the specific methods to make automated calculation more practical?5. What is Charles Babbage known for?6. How did the Difference Engine operate?7. What was the first machine that deserved to be called a computer?


8. When and where was the first general-purpose electronic computer con-structed?9. What kind of device was ENIAC?10. What was the first task of ENIAC?

Ex.7. Agree or disagree with the following statements.1. Abacus dates back at least to 1100 AD and is still in use today, particularly in Asia.2. As a founding member of the American Astronomical Society, Babbage had seen a clear need to design and build a mechanical device that could automate long, tedious astronomical calculations.3. Having gained support in the society for his Difference Engine, as he called it, Babbage next turned to the British government to fund development, obtain-ing one of the world's first government grants for research and technological development.4. The Difference Engine was just a simple calculator.5. Before the introduction of the Analytical Engine, all the mechanical aids to calculation were merely calculators or, like the Difference Engine, glorified calculators.6. The program of the Difference Engine was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered.

Ex.8. State questions to the underlined words.1. Abacus is still in use today, particularly in Asia.2. Calculations are made by moving the beads up and down.3. By the second decade of the 19th century, a number of ideas necessary for the invention of the computer were in the air.4. Charles Babbage drew up the first plans for a programmable digital com-puter in 1834.5. Tables then in use often contained errors.6. Babbage turned to the British government to fund development.

Ex.9. Fill in the preposition.1. It typically consists … a rectangular wooden frame.2. It mechanized not just a single calculation but a whole series … calculations … a number of variables to solve a complex problem.3. The full engine, designed to be room-size, was never built, at least not … Babbage.4. Although he struggled … unsuccessfully … the hope of completing the ma-chine … his death.5. Babbage's Analytical Engine was something new … the sun.


Ex.10. Find five sentences with modal verbs in the text, translate them.

Ex.11. Talk on the contribution Charles Babbage made to the develop-ment of computer science.

Unit 3

Ex.1. Read the following international words, translate them into Russian and try to memorize.

Computers, design, process, system, control, theory, theoretical, compo-nents, mathematical, analysis, algorithms, technique, designer, discipline, engi-neering, architecture, graphics, form, methods, structure.

Ex.2. Read and learn the following special words and word combinations.Cover the right column and read them into English, checking your pronunciation.

1. study of computers 2. computer science 3. to include 4. to include engineering ac-tivities 5. to make up computer sys-tem 6. to encompass theoretical and mathematical activities 7. to predict success or failure 8. to be generally considered

1. изучение компьютеров2. информатика3. включать в себя, подразумевать4. подразумевать инженерную деятельность. 5. составлять, образовывать компьютерную систему 6. заключать в себе теоретические и математические действия 7. предугадать успех или поражение 8. в целом рассматриваться…


as… 9. to overlap extensively 10. to be incorporated into the development 11. sub disciplines 12. set of instructions 13. to carry out 14. to subdivide into software engineering 15. programming languages 16. artificial intelligence 17. on the one hand

9. частично совпадать 10. быть внедрённым в цикл развития

11. дополнительные дисциплины12. свод инструкций13. выполнять14. подразделять на программную

инженерию15. языки программирования16. искусственный интеллект17. с одной стороны

Ex.3. Read the text and render it in Russian.

Computer scienceComputer science means the study of computers, including their design

(architecture) and their uses for computations, data processing, and system control. The field of computer science includes engineering activities such as the design of computers and of the hardware and software that make up com-puter systems. It also encompasses theoretical, mathematical activities, such as the design and analysis of algorithms, performance studies of systems and their components by means of techniques like queuing theory, and the estimation of the reliability and availability of systems by probabilistic techniques. Since computer systems are often too large and complicated to allow a designer to predict failure or success without testing, experimentation is incorporated into development cycle. Computer science is generally considered a discipline sep-arate from computer engineering, although the two disciplines overlap exten-sively in the area of computer architecture, which is the design and study of computer systems.

The major subdisciplines of computer science have traditionally been (1) architecture (including all levels of hardware design, as well as the integra-tion of hardware and software components to form computer systems), (2) software (the programs, or sets of instructions, that tell a computer how to carry out tasks), here subdivided into software engineering, programming lan-guages, operating systems, information systems and databases, artificial intelli-gence, and computer graphics, and (3) theory, which includes computational methods and numerical analysis on the one hand and data structures and algo-rithms on the other.

The words to the text:data processing – обработка данных;


to include – включать, подразумевать;engineering activities – инженерная деятельность;hardware – аппаратное обеспечение;software – программное обеспечение;to encompass – заключать (в себе);estimation – оценка;reliability – надёжность;queueing theory – теория очередей;to be generally considered – рассматриваться в целом;to overlap – частично совпадать;to subdivide – подразделять;data structures – структуры данных.

Ex.4. Answer these questions basing your answers on the text.1. What does computer science deal with?2. What is computer science used for?3. Why is computer science vitally important for society?4. What is the divergence between engineering, theoretical and mathematical activities? 5. What does each separate activity mean?6. Will you explain your understanding the discipline of computer science?

Ex.5. Learn these synonyms.1) to include – to contain, to consist of, to lie in;2) to encompass – to put into;3) complicated – complex, intricate;4) estimation – appraisement, valuation, appreciation;5) to allow – to let, to permit.

Ex. 6. Points to ponder. 1. Computer science as a discipline.2. Major subdisciplines of computer science.

Ex.7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the structure of the type- “the more…, the less”, “the more…, the more…”.1. The more we learn about computer science, the more we realize the progress of humanity.2. The more we study human brain, the more we become aware of no one ex-isting computer can approach it.3. The more computers there are in everyday use, the less routine mental work people have to do.


Ex.8. Form nouns from the following verbs with the help of the suffix “–tion-“.

Compute, estimate, complicate, predict, consider, instruct, inform.

Ex.9. Say whether these statements are false or true, and if they are false, say why?1. To understand and predict failure or success, the experimentation should be incorporated into the development cycle.2. Architecture, software and theory are the major, inalienable subdisciplines of computer science.

Ex.10. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need them to be negative. to include, to make up, to encompass, to tell.1. It is software which … a computer how to carry out tasks.2. The field of computer science … engineering activities.3. Under engineering activities we mean software and hardware, that …com-puter systems.4. The field of computer science also … theoretical and mathematical activi-ties.

Unit 4

Ex.1. Guess the meaning of the following international words, translate them and practice their pronunciation.

Program, information, disk, control, system, printer, services, function, details, pulse, factor.

Ex.2. Read the text and make its outline.

Operating systems When computers were first introduced in the 1940’s and 50’s, every pro-

gram written had to provide instructions that told the computer how to use de-vices such as printer, how to store information on a disk, as well how to per-form several other tasks not necessarily related to the program. The additional program instructions for working with hardware devices were very complex, and time - consuming. Programmers soon realized it would be smarter to de-velop one program that could control the computer’s hardware, which other programs could have used when they needed it. With that, the first operating system was born.

An operating system is a set of programs that lies between applications software and the computer hardware. The most important program in the oper-ating system, the program that manages the operating system, is the supervisor


program, most of which remains in memory and is thus referred as resident. The supervisor controls the entire operating system and loads into memory other operating system programs (called non- resident) from disk storage only as needed. An operating system has three main functions: (1) manage the com-puter’s resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface, and (3) execute and provide services for applications software. Keep in mind, however, that much of the work of an op-erating system is hidden from the user. In particular, the first listed function, managing the computer’s resources, is taken care of without the user being aware of the details.

Furthermore, all input and output operations, although invoked by an ap-plications program, are actually carried out by the operating system.

The operating system is the control program that keeps a finger on the pulse of the computer hardware. The purpose of the system is to help manage-ment make efficient use of the overall system. It decides which jobs should run on a priority basis, depending on the facilities needed by each one, and the im-portance attached to the job when it is submitted. Operating systems are usu-ally written by computer manufacturers. Some of the operating systems remain in the computer memory all the time the computer is running, while the other ones are loaded from disk storage as they are needed and overwritten when not required until later. The programs are inbuilt into the computer. So, operating systems can handle several programs at a time via time- sharing mode which can optimize the use of the computer hardware. The operating system of the com-puter is one of the main factors which contribute to its capabilities.

Today, operating systems control and manage the use of hardware devices such as printer or mouse. They also provide disk management by letting you store information in files. Besides, the operating system also lets you run pro-grams such as the basic word processor. Lastly, the operating system provides several of its own commands that help you to use the computer.

DOS is the most commonly used PC operating system. DOS is an abbre-viation for disk operating system. DOS was developed by a company named Microsoft. MS – DOS is an abbreviation for «Microsoft DOS». When IBM first released the IBM PC in 1981, IBM licensed DOS from Microsoft for use on the PC and called it PC- DOS. From the users’ perspective, PC- DOS and MS – DOS are the same, each providing the same capabilities and commands.

The words to the text:device – устройство;to store – хранить;to perform – выполнять;to relate to smth – относиться к ч.- л.;


additional – дополнительный;time – consuming – трудоёмкий, отнимающий много времени;operating – операционная (система);to manage – управлять;overall – полный, общий, в целом;to invoke – запрашивать;furthermore – более того, к тому же.

Ex.3. Look through the text, in order to check your answer and to find the answers to the following questions. 1. When were computers first introduced?2. What did programmers soon realize?3. What is an operating system?4. Why is the supervisor program the most important program in the operat-ing system?5. What difference is there between applications software and operating sys-tems?6. What are the main functions of an operating system?

Ex.4. Complete the gaps in this brief summary of the text on operating systems using these linking words and phrases. although in addition because such as but therefore

The user is aware of the effects of different applications programs ……. operating systems are invisible to most users. They lie between applications programs, ……… word processing, and the hardware. The supervisor program is the most important. It remains in memory, ……. It is referred to as resident. Others are called non – resident ……. they are loaded into memory only when needed. Operating systems manage the computer’s resources, ……… the cen-tral processing unit. …….., they establish a user interface, and execute and provide services for applications software. …….. input and output operations are invoked by applications programs, they are carried out by the operating system.

Ex.5. Insert the words.1. Programmers soon (осознали) it would be (разумнее) to develop one pro-gram that could (управлять) the computer’s hardware.2. An operating system is a (ряд) of programs, that lies between (применение, использование) software and the computer hardware.3. Furthermore, (все операции ввода и вывода), although invoked by an ap-plications program, are actually (выполняются) by the operating system.


Ex.6. Rephrase the following sentences.1. One task of the supervisor program is to load into memory non – resident programs as required.2. The role of the operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware.3. One of the key functions of the operating system is to establish a user interface.4. An additional role is to provide services for applications software.5. Part of the work of mainframe operating systems is to support multiple pro-grams and users.6. One of the most important functions of a computer is to process large amounts of data quickly.7. The main reason for installing more money is to allow the computer to process data faster.8. The task in most cases is to facilitate interaction between a single user and a PC.

Ex.7. Match the phrases from the first column to the ones similar in meaning from the second column.

1. searching for a) keeping a diary2. plug into b) looking for3. an integral part c) save the time4. user – friendly d) easy to use5. reduce the time e) a necessary part6. keeping track of life f) connect to

Ex.8. Fill in the gaps with the phrases from the previous exercise. (№7)1. I use it mainly for word processing (but not writing, which I still do

with a pen), ... , from the Internet, for writing purposes or for the travel. 2. I used to think the PC’s main purpose in our lives was to … it took to get things done so that people could enjoy other hobbies – skiing, for example. 3. The PC is becoming … of our private and professional lives I should say. 4. It was a small thing produced here in England, … the TV. 5. And that was what got me really interested because the Macintosh is very … .

Ex.9. Render the text in Russian.

Ex.10. Speak on the main gist of the text, the main facts only. Be as con-cise as it is possible.


Unit 5

Ex.1. Read the following international words and word combinations.Electronic, computer, magnetic, magnetism, type, disk, mechanism, vac-

uum, factors, copies, standard, scheme.

Ex.2. Read and learn the following special words and word combinations.1) electronic memory 1) электронная память2) to switch on / off 2) включать / выключать3) storage devices 3) запоминающие устройства4) to treat smth. with care 4) обращаться с осторожностью5) to be caused by smth. 5) быть вызванным ч.-л. / появиться

в результате ч. –л.6) to rotate at high speed 6) вращаться на большой скорости 7) to be attached to smth 7) быть наклеенным на ч.-л.8) extra labels 8) дополнительные ярлыки9) to remove forcibly 9) извлечь, приложив усилия 10) to destroy the drive 10) сломать дисковод


11) to take smth. into account 11) принимать ч.-л. во внимание12) maximum storage capacity 12) максимальный объём памяти 13) a read / write head 13) читающая / пишущая головка

жёсткого диска 14) a vacuum sealed case 14) герметичный футляр

Ex.3. Read the text and make up its outline.

Storage devices The electronic memory inside a computer is of limited capacity and can only hold data when the computer is switched on. A storage device is used to store data that is not being processed and to save data when computer is switched off. There is a variety of storage devices and storage media available. These include magnetic devices (e.g. floppy disk drives, hard disk drives, tape drives), optical devices (e.g. CD-ROM and DVD drives), and magneto-optical drives. Disks have to be treated with care if you don’t want to damage them or the data stored on them. Damage can be caused by physical strain, dust, smoke particles, fingermarks, sunlight, heat, and magnetism, depending on the type of media used. When in use, a disk rotates at high speed and a read/ write head is brought very close to its surface. If the disk is removed when the drive is in use, the read/ write head and the disk surface may be damaged. If extra labels are attached to the disk, it can very easily get stuck in the drive. In this case, it should not be removed forcibly in case the drive mechanism or the surface of the disk is damaged. A hard disk is particularly easily damaged because it con-tains more than one disk and read/ write head. The read/ write heads are ex-tremely close to the surfaces of the disks and the disks spin at a very high speed. Even a small smoke or dust particle can destroy the drive. It is therefore enclosed in a vacuum sealed case. If a hard disk suddenly fails completely, the disk is to have crashed. When comparing storage devices, the following fac-tors have to be taken into account. What is the storage cost per megabyte?How fast are they at reading and writing data?What is their maximum storage capacity?Are they used by the people you need to exchange data with?Do they conform to a standard?Are they fixed or removable?Are they read only or read and write?Do they use random or serial access?


It is important to keep backup copies of stored data. Magnetic tape is often used because it is very cheap and can hold extremely large amounts of data. It is com-mon to use a backup scheme where a number of tapes are used in rotation.

Ex.4. Answer the questions on the text.1. What can the electronic memory only do?2. What is a storage device used for?3. What do they include?4. What has to be treated with care and why?5. What can be the major cause of a disk damage?6. Under what circumstances can the disk get stuck in the drive? 7. What can extra attached labels cause? 8. What should be enclosed in a vacuum sealed case?9. What is a magnetic tape used for?

Ex.5. Speak about the contents of the text in accordance with your outline.

Ex.6. Copy out from the text all the predicates in the Passive Voice with their subjects and translate them into Russian.

Ex.7. Fill in the chart, using the contents of the text. Computer components Practical application

1. electronic memory2. storage device3. hard disk4. magnetic tape5. a vacuum sealed disk case

Ex.8. Are these sentences true (v) or false (x). Correct the false sentences. You’d better start your answer with the following: In my opinion it is true that…

I’m afraid it is false that…because…1. The electronic memory outside a computer is of unlimited capacity and can hold data no matter whether computer is switched on or off.2. A storage device is used to store data.3. There are not many storage devices and storage media available.4. Damage cannot be caused by physical strain, dust, smoke particles, sun-light and etc. …5. If we paste extra labels up the disk, it can very easily get stuck in the drive.

Ex.9. Answer the questions, using the structure – To have something done .Choose from the boxes. Write sentences in the way shown.


1. data 2. data 3. disks4. extra labels 5. disk

1. to store2. to hold3. to undamage4. to attach to5. safe

Model: Why did we have to switch our computer on? To have our work done.1. What do we use a storage device for? 2. What is the only function of the electronic memory? 3. Why do disks have to be treated with care?4. What is the purpose of extra labels?5. Why should we enclose our disks in a vacuum sealed case?

Ex.10. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need them to be negative.

hold(s) remove include destroy want1. These storage devices ……… magnetic devices (e.g. floppy disk drives, hard disk drives, tape drives), optical devices (e.g. CD-ROM and DVD drives), and magneto- optical drives.2. You should treat disk with care if you ……..to damage it or data on it.3. …… the disk forcibly in case the drive mechanism or the surface of the disk is damaged. 4. Even a small smoke or dust particle can ……. the drive. 5. Magnetic tape is very cheap and …… extremely large amounts of data.

Ex.11. Points to ponder.1. Types of storage devices.2. Disks maintenance.Unit 6

Ex.1. Read the following international words, translate and try to memo-rize them.

Instruction, specific, action, information, complex, programming, mathe-matical, algorithm, method, system.

Ex.2. Read the text and make up an outline.

Programming A modern digital computer is simply a device that follows instructions. These instructions tell the computer how to perform specific actions such as writing information to the video screen, performing complex computations, or reading data from a floppy disk.


In order to solve a problem using a computer, we must express the solution to the problem in terms of the instructions of the particular computer.A computer program is actually just a list of instructions necessary to solve a specific problem, and the creation of this instruction list is computer program-ming. Programming is the process of producing a set of instructions for a com-puter to make it perform a specific task. The task can be anything from the so-lution to a mathematical problem to the production of a graphics package. The approach or method that is used to solve the problem is known as an algorithm. For example, if we wish to develop a program that tests if a number is odd or even, then the set of statements which solves the problem becomes the problem. The method that is used to test if the number is even or odd is the algorithm. To develop a program, to solve a particular problem, we first ex-press the solution to the problem in terms of an algorithm and develop a pro-gram, which implements this algorithm. Then we can proceed to write the in-structions necessary to implement the algorithm on a particular computer sys-tem. These instructions would be expressed in the statements of a particular computer language, such as BASIC, PASCAL, or C.

The words to the text:digital цифровой;device устройство;to perform выполнять, делать, исполнять;to solve решать;computation вычисление, подсчёт, расчёт;floppy гибкий;solution решение;creation создание;approach метод, подход;odd нечётный;even чётный;particular данный, конкретный, особый;implement выполнять, осуществлять, восполнять;to proceed приступить, перейти к ч.- л..

Ex.3. Answer the following questions.1. What is a modern digital computer?2. What actions do the instructions tell the computer to perform?3. What is a computer program?4. What is programming?5. What is considered to be an algorithm?6. What should be done to develop a program to solve a particular problem?

Ex.4. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.1. Цифровой компьютер.


2. Вывести информацию на видеоэкран. 3. Список инструкций (команд). 4. Набор команд. 5. Создание графического пакета. 6. Число чётное или нечётное. 7. Разработать программу. 8. Решить определённую проблему. 9. Продолжить написание программ.

Ex.5. Translate these sentences into Russian, having put the verb – to use - into the most suitable form. See the chart.

Past Present FutureSimple a) used b) use c) will usePerfect d) had used e) have used f) will have used Progressive g) was using h) am using i) will be usingPerfectProgressive

j) had been using

k) have been using

l) will have been using

1. Я пользуюсь компьютером ежедневно.2. Я вчера пользовался компьютером.3. Я буду пользоваться компьютером в следующем году. 4. Я пользуюсь компьютером, подожди, пожалуйста.5. Вчера в семь часов вечера я пользовался компьютером.6. Завтра в семь часов вечера я буду пользоваться компьютером.7. Я воспользовался компьютером, проверь, работает ли он сейчас.8. Вчера к семи часам вечера я уже воспользовался компьютером.9. Завтра к семи часам вечера я уже воспользуюсь компьютером.10. Я пользуюсь компьютером уже три года, со школы.11. Когда вы пришли, я пользовался компьютером уже час.12. На следующий год я буду пользоваться компьютером уже четыре года.Ex.6. For each situation write a sentence ending with – never …before. Use the verb in brackets.1. The girl sitting at a modern digital computer was very nervous. It was her first time there.(use) ……………………………………………………………2. Sam played computer game yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it because it was his first game.(play) …………………………………………………………3. Last year we went to Microsoft company office. It was our first visit there.(be there) …………………………………………………….. 4. We bought a new modern digital computer. Such a perfect device was quite unfamiliar to us.(see) …………………………………………………………..


Ex.7. Translate the following word combinations and make sentences us-ing them.To follow instructions, complex computations, to read data from a floppy disk, in order to solve a problem, a list of instructions, the set of statements, to be expressed, a particular computer language.

Ex.8. Translate into English the words and expressions given in brackets. 1. A modern (цифровой) computer is simply a device that (следует инструкциям). 2. (Для того, чтобы…) to solve a problem using a computer, we must ex-press the solution to the problem in terms of the instructions of the particular computer. 3. The (подход) or method that is used (чтобы решить проблему) is known as an algorithm.

Ex.9. Copy out from the text all the predicates in the Passive Voice with their subjects and translate them into Russian.

Ex.10. Find the proper terms for the following definitions.1. Electronic system that has only two states, e.g. on or off. a) floppy (disk)2. A magnetic storage device in the form of a small b) program plastic disk. Also known as a diskette. 3. A general purpose machine that can be programmed c) solutionto process data in a variety of ways.4. The act, method or process of solving a problem/ The answer to a problem. d) digital 5. A set of instructions written in a computer language that e) device control the behavior of a computer. 6. Using a row of digits, rather than numbers on a dial, to provide numerical information. f) computerEx.11 Talking point.1. Role of programming in work of a modern computer.

Unit 7

Ex.1. Read the text.Microsoft Company

Microsoft is best-known American company involved in software produc-tion. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles and offers elec-tronic mail services. Microsoft’s wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. It has sales offices throughout the world but does virtually all of its research and development at its corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, U.S.

In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, two boyhood friends from Seattle, converted BASIC, a popular mainframe programming language, for use on


an early personal computer (PC), the Altair. Shortly afterward Gates and Allen founded Microsoft, deriving the name from the words “microcomputer” and “software.” During the next few years they refined BASIC and developed other programming languages. In 1980 International Business Machines Cor-poration (IBM) asked Microsoft to produce the essential software, or operating system, for its first personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft purchased an operating system from another company, modified it, and renamed it MS-DOS(Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS-DOS operating system, the basic soft-ware that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, was released with the IBM PC in 1981.

MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the world’s IBM and IBM-clone comput-ers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows’95 in 1995. It was a graphics inter-face environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced DOS in future ver-sions. Then Microsoft released Windows’98, Windows NT, Windows Millen-nium, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world’s software applica-tions. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (data bases) and Outlook Express (e-mail). There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when appeared Microsoft Office XP. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. And as an early supporter of the Macintosh computer, Microsoft virtu-ally owns the Mac application market.

It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85 % of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company’s shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires.

Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft have never been great innovators in software. Most of their best products have been developed from ideas created by others. The success of the company, they say, has been based on the public’s need to use common software and Microsoft has frequently had to defend its business practices in the US courts.

Vocabulary:to involve – касаться, затрагивать to release – выпускатьvirtually – фактически applications – приложения


headquarters – главное управление, центральный орган

Spreadsheets программы табличных вычислений

mainframe – основной word processing – текстовый редактор

programming language – язык программирования

networking – организация / создание сетей

to refine – усовершенствовать entire – целый, весьto carry out – выполнять employee – служащийto extend – расширяться, увеличиваться

shareholder – акционер, владелец/держатель акций

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.Company, multimedia, electronic, office, popular, microcomputer, corpo-

ration, clone, command, version, program, product, millionaire, innovator, idea, business.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word com-binations.

1) производство программного обеспечения; 2) мультимедийные библиографические сведения; 3) благосостояние, процветание; 4) основать; 5) получить название; 6) видоизменять; 7) выпуск; 8) интерфейсное окружение; 9) заменять, вытеснять; 10) снабжать, поставлять; 11) успех; 12) практика ведения бизнеса.

Ex.4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:1) sales offices; 2) operating system; 3) to rename; 4) supporter; 5) appli-

cation market; 6) software industry; 7) to point out; 8) to defend in court; 9) to grow up.

Ex.5. Match the words with their definitions.1. headquarters a. circuit linking a computer and another device2. software b. sequence of coded instructions for a computer3. program c. somebody introducing new ideas or methods4. interface d. instruction that something must be done5. command e. computer programs6. data f. centre from which operations are directed7. innovator g. information operated on by a computer

Ex.6. Answer the questions.1. Who founded the Company?


2. When was Microsoft founded?3. What does the company produce?4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC mar-ket?5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?6. What software applications does Microsoft supply?7. How many percent of the PC software industry does Microsoft control?8. Why has Microsoft frequently had to defend its business practices in the US courts?

Ex.7. State questions to the underlined words.1. MS-DOS operating system was released with the IBM PC in 1981.2. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the world’s IBM and IBM-clone computers.3. Firstly, Microsoft released Windows’95 in 1995.4. Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft have never been great innovators in software.

Ex.8. Find in the text the sentence where Complex Object construction is used.

Ex.9. Find in the text the sentence with Passive Voice.

Ex.10. Topics for discussion.1. The foundation of the Microsoft company.2. Microsoft operating systems. 3. Software applications of the Microsoft company.

Unit 8

Ex.1. Study the words given below.orchestrate – инструментировать;overwhelm – поражать;traffic – поток сообщения в сети передачи данных;cripple – приводить в негодность;salt – забрасывать, засорять;array – масса, множество;trigger – пустить в ход, привести в движение;compromise – подвергать риску;tie up – ограничивать свободу действий;


hacker – пользователь вычислительной системы, занимающийся поиском незаконных способов получить доступ к защищенным данным;patch – “заплата”, изменение, вносимое в объектную программу в виде набора машинных команд, а не в текст на языке программирования;vulnerability – уязвимость;implement – выполнять, осуществлять;update – модернизация.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

Cybercrimes: Denial of service attacksOn February 7, 2000, "mafiaboy," a 15-year-old Canadian hacker, orches-

trated a series of "denial of service" attacks (DoS) against several e-commerce sites. These attacks used computers at multiple locations to overwhelm the vendors' computers and shut down their World Wide Web (WWW) sites to le-gitimate commercial traffic. The attacks crippled Internet commerce, with the FBI estimating that the affected sites suffered $1.7 billion in damages. In 1988 the Internet played a role only in the lives of researchers and academics; by 2000 it had become essential to the workings of the U.S. government and economy. Cybercrime had moved from being an issue of individual wrongdo-ing to being a matter of national security.

Distributed DoS attacks are a special kind of hacking. A criminal salts an array of computers with computer programs that can be triggered by an exter-nal computer user. These programs are known as Trojan horses since they en-ter the unknowing users' computers as something benign, such as a photo or document attached to an e-mail. At a predesignated time, this Trojan horse program begins to send messages to a predetermined site. If enough computers have been compromised, it is likely that the selected site can be tied up so ef-fectively that little if any legitimate traffic can reach it. One important insight offered by these events has been that much software is insecure, making it easy for even an unskilled hacker to compromise a vast number of machines. Al-though software companies regularly offer patches to fix software vulnerabili-ties, not all users implement the updates, and their computers remain vulnera-ble to criminals wanting to launch DoS attacks. In 2003 the Internet service provider PSINet Europe connected an unprotected server to the Internet. Within 24 hours the server had been attacked 467 times, and after three weeks more than 600 attacks had been recorded. Only vigorous security regimes can protect against such an environment. Despite the claims about the pacific na-ture of the Internet, it is best to think of it as a modern example of the Wild West of American lore-with the sheriff far away.

Ex.3. Answer the questions.1. What had moved cybercrime to being a matter of national security?


2. What does DoS stand for? Give its definition.3. How can computer be affected by an external computer user?4. Is it easy to compromise a vast number of machines?5. How can software vulnerabilities be fixed?6. Why do many computers remain vulnerable to criminals wanting to launch DoS attacks?7. Is the Internet nature pacific?

Ex.4. Complete the sentences using the information of the text.1. DoS attacks are a … .2. Software companies regularly offer … .3. Only vigorous security regimes can … .4. Criminals launch DoS attacks to … .5. It is best to think of the Internet as a … .6. In 1988 the Internet was important only for … .7. By 2000 the Internet had become essential to … .

Ex.5. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the words from the box in the appropriate form.

software vulnerability insecure DoS attack update protect cybercrime (x 2)

Rapid evolution of the Internet has changed its role in the life of the society. It resulted in … increase. DoS attacks are a special kind of … . One important in-sight have been that much software is … because not all users implement the … . So it is a matter of national security now to fix … . Only vigorous security regimes can … computers against … .

Ex.6. Discuss the interrelation of the Internet evolution and cybercrimes.

Unit 9

Ex.1. Read and learn the following international words.Project, course, student, component, system, design, standard, commer-

cial, product, clone, code, original, company, program, graphical, academic.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

LINUX Linux has its roots in a student project. In 1992, an undergraduate called Li-nus Torvalds was studying computer science in Helsinki, Finland. Like most computer science courses, a big component of it was taught on (and about)


Unix. Unix was the wonder operating system of the 1970s and 1980s: both a textbook example of the principles of operating system design, and sufficiently robust to be standard OS in engineering and scientific computing. But Unix was a commercial product and cost more than a student can pay. Annoyed by the shortcomings of Minix (a compact Unix clone written as a teaching aid by professor Andy Tannenbaum), Linus set out to write his own ‘kernel’ – the core of an operating system that handles memory allocation, talks to hardware devices, and makes sure everything keeps running. When he had written a basic kernel, he released the source code to the Linux kernel on the Internet. Source code is important. It’s the original from which compiled programs are generated. If you don’t have the source code to a program, you can’t mod-ify it to fix bugs or add new features. Most software companies won’t sell you their source code, or will only do so for eye- watering price, because they be-lieve that if they make it available it will destroy their revenue stream. What happened next was astounding and utterly predictable- programmers (mostly academics and students) began using Linux. They found that it didn’t do things they wanted it to do- so they fixed and improved it. Then they sent their im-provements to Linus, who rolled them into the kernel. So, Linux began to grow. There is term for this model of software development; and it’s called Open Source (see www.opensource.org/ for more information). Anyone can have the source code and contribute to it. As for an operating system kernel on its own isn’t a lot of use; but Linux was purposefully designed as a near- clone of Unix, and there is a lot of software out there that is free and was designed to compile on Linux. By about 1992, the first “distributions” appeared. A distri-bution is the Linux- user term for a complete operating system kit, complete with the utilities and applications you need to make it do useful things – com-mand interpreters, programming tools, text editors, typesetting tools, and graphical user interfaces based on the X- windowing system. X is a standard in academic and scientific computing, but not hitherto common on PCs. As more and more people got to know about Linux, some of them began to port the Linux kernel to run on non- standard computers. Linux is now the most widely – reported operating system.

The word combinations to the text:sufficiently robust достаточно трудный;operating system design модель операционной системы;to be annoyed by smth быть раздражённым ч.- л.;to be a clone быть копией ч.- л.;teaching aid учебное пособие;to set out намереваться (ч. –л. сделать);


kernel содержание, суть, ядро;shortcomings недостатки;memory allocation распределение (выделение) памяти;source code исходный текст (программы);compiled program оттранслированная программа;eye- watering price фиктивная цена;available доступный;to astound поражать, изумлять;kit (зд.) комплект программного обеспечения;purposefully designed целенаправленно разработанный;utility обслуживающая программа;application прикладная задача;programming tools средства и методы программирования;typesetting tools наборные средства и методы;text editor текстовый редактор.

Ex.3. Remember the words to the text and reproduce the situations in which they are used.

Ex.4. Answer the questions basing your answers on the text.1. What is Linux rooted in?2. Who was the founder of Linux?3. What was Unix? Was it cheap enough?4. What made Linus to write his own kernel?5. What is meant under the term “kernel”?6. What are compiled programs generated from?7. Is there any software to be compiled on Linux?8. What is made under the first “distributions”? When did they appear?9. What is X?10. What things is Linux complete operating system kit used for?11. What do people begin to port on non- standard computers?Ex.5. Give Russian equivalents for.

1) undergraduate; 2) computer science courses; 3) engineering and scien-tific computing; 4) hardware devices; 5) everything keeps running; 6) to mod-ify; 7) to fix bugs; 8) to add new features; 9) to destroy one’s revenue stream; 10) utterly predictable; 11) to improve; 12) to contribute; 13) hitherto; 14) to be based on; 15) widely- reported operating system.

Ex.6. Talking points1. Creation of Linux.2. Usage of source code.


Ex.7. State questions of your own to the underlined words.1. In 1992, an undergraduate called Linus Torvalds was studying computer science in Helsinki, Finland.2. Unix was the wonder operating system of the 1970s and 1980s.3. Linus wrote his own kernel – the core of an operating system that handles memory allocation, talks to hardware and keeps everything running.

Ex.8. Copy out from the text all the predicates in the Passive Voice with their subjects and translate them into Russian.

Ex.9. Say whether these statements are true or false. If they are false say why then. You’d better start your answer with the following: In my opinion it is true that … I’m afraid it is false that … because …. 1. Linux was created in the 1980s.2. Minix was created by a university student.3. Linux is based on Unix.4. Linux runs on more types of computer than any other operating system.

Ex.10. Write out all the Participles II, if there are any, and translate them into Russian.

Ex.11. Retell the text as Linus Torvalds might have told about his creation of Linux.

Unit 10

Ex.1. Guess the meaning of the following international words, translate them and practice their pronunciation.

Computer, graphics, display, control, design, category, system, analysis, image, special, effects, virtual, programs, algorithms, animation, video, tech-nology, manipulation, personal, object, construction, fantasy, reality.

Ex.2. Answer these questions basing your answers on the text.1. What does computer graphics deal with?2. What are the major components of its application?


3. What does graphics technology support?4. What does graphics allow users to work with?

Ex.3. Read the text, trying to understand the gist.

Computer graphicsComputer graphics is the field that deals with display and control of im-

ages on the computer screen. Applications may be broken down into four ma-jor categories: (1) design (computer – aided design [CAD] systems), in which the computer is used as a tool in designing objects ranging from automobiles, bridges to computer chips by providing an interactive drawing tool and an in-terface to simulation and analysis tools for the engineer; (2) fine arts, in which artists use the computer screen as a medium to create images of impres-sive beauty, cinematographic special effects, animated cartoons, and television commercials; (3) scientific visualization, in which simulations of scientific events such as the birth of a star or the development of a tornado – are exhib-ited pictorially and in motion so as to provide far more insight into the phe-nomena than would tables of numbers; and (4) human – computer interfaces.

Graphics – based computer interfaces, which enable users to communi-cate with the computer by such simple means as pointing to an icon with a handled device known as a mouse, have allowed millions of ordinary people to control application programs like spreadsheets and word processors. Graphics technology also supports windows (display boxes) environments on the work-station or personal computer screen, which allow users to work with different applications simultaneously, one in each window. Graphics also provide realis-tic interfacing to video games, flight simulators, and other simulations of real-ity and fantasy. The term virtual reality has been coined to refer to interaction with a computer- simulated virtual world.

A challenge for computer science has been to develop algorithms for ma-nipulating the myriad lines, triangles, and polygons that make up a computer image. In order for realistic on- screen images to be generated, the problems introduced in approximating objects as a set of planar units must be addressed. Edges of objects are smoothed so that the underlying construction from poly-gons is not visible, and representations of surfaces are textured. In many appli-cations, still pictures are inadequate, and rapid display of real- time images is required. Both extremely efficient algorithms and state- of- the- art hardware are needed to accomplish such real- time animation. Technical details of graphics displays are discussed in computer graphics.

The word combinations to the text:control of images – контроль за изображением;computer screen – монитор компьютера;


exhibit pictorially – показывать, демонстрировать графически;drawing tools – инструментальные средства рисования;handheld device – портативное устройство;computer science – информатика;textured – структурный;flight simulators – авиатренажёры;application – применение, приложение;interface (v.) – взаимодействовать;spreadsheet – электронная таблица.

Ex.4. Fill in the chart with the suitable grammar forms of the verb -to provide- in Passive Voice and translate each form orally.

Present Past FutureSimpleProgressivePerfectPerfect Progressive

Ex.5. Translate from Russian into English, choosing the suitable words and word expressions from the above list.

computer centre, computer programs, to invent.1. Каждый день в мире изобретают новые компьютерные программы.2. К концу XXI столетия в мире изобретут ещё больше компьютерных программ.3. В прошлом году в мире изобрели немало компьютерных программ.4. Когда мы пришли на экскурсию в компьютерный центр, там изобрели новые компьютерные программы.5. Когда ты родился, уже было изобретено достаточно компьютерных программ.6. Новые компьютерные программы будут изобретены в компьютерном центре в следующем году. 7. Когда мы придём на экскурсию в компьютерный центр, там будут изобретать новые компьютерные программы.

Ex.6. Find and translate Infinitive, Gerund and Participle as they appear in the text.

Ex.7. Make up Simple Gerund Active from the following verbs.To design, to use, to analyze, to develop, to provide, to interface, to manipu-late, to discuss.


Ex.8. Read the text and assimilate its information.

Ex.9. Match the given words and word expressions with their definitions.1) field; а) иметь дело с к-л. /ч.-л.;2) to deal with smth./ smb; b) электронная таблица;3) to exhibit pictorially; c) взаимодействовать;4) drawing tools; d) прикладные программы;5) applications; e) сглаживать;6) to interface f) показывать, демонстрировать

графически;7) spreadsheet; g) область;8) to coin; h) придумать;9) to smooth; i) инструментальные средства рисования,

чертёжные инструментальные средства;10) application programs j) неподходящий, недостаточный не

отвечающий требованиям;11) visible; k) портативное устройство;12) handheld device. l) явный, видимый, очевидный.

Ex.10. Talking points.1. Computer graphics as a field of computer science. 2. Graphics technology.3. Challenge for computer science.

Ex.11. State questions to the underlined words.1. Applications may be broken down into four major categories.2. Graphics also provide realistic interfacing to video games, flight simula-tors and simulations of reality or fantasy.3. The term virtual reality has been coined to refer to interaction with a com-puter – simulated virtual world.

Unit 11

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.Peripherals

Computer peripherals are devices used to input information and instruc-tions into a computer for storage or processing and to output the processed data. New multifunction peripherals that integrate printing, scanning, and copying into a single device are also popular. High-fidelity sound systems are another example of output devices often classified as computer peripherals.


Manufacturers have announced devices that provide tactile feedback to the user-"force feedback" joysticks, for example. This highlights the complexity of classifying peripherals-a joystick with force feedback is truly both an input and an output peripheral.

Input devicesA plethora of devices falls into the category of input peripheral. Typical

examples include keyboards, mice, trackballs, pointing sticks, joysticks, digital tablets, touch pads, and scanners.

Keyboards contain mechanical or electromechanical switches that change the flow of current through the keyboard when depressed. A microprocessor embed-ded in the keyboard interprets these changes and sends a signal to the computer. In addition to letter and number keys, most keyboards also include "function" and "control" keys that modify input or send special commands to the computer.

Mechanical mice and trackballs operate alike, using a rubber or rubber-coated ball that turns two shafts connected to a pair of encoders that measure the horizontal and vertical components of a user's movement, which are then trans-lated into cursor movement on a computer monitor. Optical mice employ a light beam and camera lens to translate motion of the mouse into cursor movement.

Pointing sticks, which are popular on many laptop systems, employ a technique that uses a pressure-sensitive resistor. As a user applies pressure to the stick, the resistor increases the flow of electricity, thereby signaling that movement has taken place. Most joysticks operate in a similar manner.

Digital tablets and touch pads are similar in purpose and functionality. In both cases, input is taken from a flat pad that contains electrical sensors that detect the presence of either a special tablet pen or a user's finger, respectively.

A scanner is somewhat akin to a photocopier. A light source illuminates the object to be scanned, and the varying amounts of reflected light are cap-tured and measured by an analog-to-digital converter attached to light-sensitive diodes. The diodes generate a pattern of binary digits that are stored in the computer as a graphical image.

Ex.2. Read the international words given below.peripheral, special,information horizontalinstruction verticalelectromechanical componentmicroprocessor convertercommand diodegraphical

Ex.3. Translate the following words. Try to remember them.Data, multifunction, highlight, trackball, touch pad, switch, embed, shaft,

encoder, cursor, lens.50

Ex.4. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations from the text. Find the sentences containing them and translate.1) High-fidelity sound system; 2) tactile feedback; 3) flow of current; 4) letter and number keys; 5) laptop systems; 6) a pressure-sensitive resistor; 7) apply pressure; 8) operate in a similar manner; 9) electrical sensor; 10) detect the presence; 11) analog-to-digital converter; 12) light-sensitive diode; 13) gener-ate a pattern of binary digits.

Ex.5. Say whether these sentences are true or false.1. Devices that enable the transmission and reception of data between comput-ers are often classified as peripherals.2. Classifying peripherals is a complex problem.3. Most keyboards are output devices.4. Mechanical mice and optical mice operate alike.5. Digital tablets and touch pads are different in purpose and functionality.6. A scanner is a typical example of an output device.

Ex.6. Join the beginnings and the ends.1. Keyboards contain … a. a pressure-sensitive resistor2. Mechanical mice use … b. a graphical image3. Pointing sticks employ … c. electromechanical switches and a

microprocessor4. Input in digital tablets is taken

from … d. a rubber-coated ball

5. A scanned object is stored in the computer as …

e. electrical sensors

Ex.7. Answer the questions.1. Is it easy to classify computer peripherals? Why?2. What devices does the category of input peripherals include?3. What input devices operate alike?4. What systems employ a technique of a pressure-sensitive resistor?5. Are input peripherals similar in purpose and functionality?

Ex.8. Name all input devices you know, describe their purpose and function. Unit 12

Ex.1. Make a list of output devices you know before reading the text.Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

Output devicesPrinters are a common example of output devices. Early printers often

used a process known as impact printing, in which a small number of pins were driven into a desired pattern by an electromagnetic printhead. As each pin was driven forward, it struck an inked ribbon and transferred a single dot the


size of the pinhead to the paper. Multiple dots combine into a matrix to form characters and graphics, hence the name dot matrix. Another early print tech-nology, daisy-wheel printers, made impressions of whole characters with a sin-gle blow of an electromagnetic printhead, similar to an electric typewriter.

Laser printers have replaced such printers in most commercial settings. Laser printers employ a focused beam of light to etch patterns of positively charged particles on the surface of a cylindrical drum made of negatively charged organic, photosensitive material. As the drum rotates, negatively charged toner particles adhere to the patterns etched by the laser and are trans-ferred to the paper. Another, less expensive printing technology developed for the home and small businesses is inkjet printing. The majority of inkjet printers operate by ejecting extremely tiny droplets of ink to form characters in a ma-trix of dots-much like dot matrix printers.

Computer monitors are sometimes treated as peripherals. Computer dis-play devices have been in use almost as long as computers themselves. Early computer displays employed the same cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) used in tele-vision and radar systems. The fundamental principle behind CRT displays is the emission of a controlled stream of electrons that strike light-emitting phos-phors coating the inside of the screen. The screen itself is divided into multiple scan lines, each of which contains a number of pixels – the rough equivalent of dots in a dot matrix printer. The resolution of a monitor is determined by its pixel size.

More recent liquid crystal displays (LCDs) rely on liquid crystal cells that realign incoming polarized light. The realigned beams pass through a filter that permits only those beams with a particular alignment to pass. By control-ling the liquid crystal cells with electrical charges, various colours or shades are made to appear on the screen.

Ex.3. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases below.Impact printing, electromagnetic printhead, dot matrix, daisy-wheel

printer, to etch patterns, a cylindrical drum, a cathode-ray tube, light-emitting phosphors coating, multiple scan lines, a liquid crystal display.Ex.4. Find the following word combinations in the text and say what Par-ticiples are used in them.

a desired pattern cathode-ray tubes used in televisionan inked ribbon a controlled stream of electronsdots combined into a matrix incoming polarized lightpositively charged particles light-emitting phosphorsa focused beam of lightprinting technology


Ex.5. Read the text again. Use the table below to explain each printer type operation.

1) a dot matrix printer

operates by

a) ejecting extremely tiny droplets of ink to form charac-ters in a matrix of dots.

2) a daisy-wheel printer b) focusing a beam of light to etch patterns of positively charged particles on the surface of a cylindrical drum made of negatively charged organic, photosensitive material.

3) a laser printer c) a single blowing of an elec-tromagnetic printhead.

4) an inkjet printer d) using a small number of pins driven into a desired pattern by an electromagnetic printhead.

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps in this comparison of output devices. Use the words from the box in the necessary form. Some words may be used more than once.

laser printer, matrix printer, character, computer monitor, cathode-ray tube, liquid crystal display, printing technology

There are many different types of printers. Early printers are known as … . They use multiple dots to form … . Dot matrix printers were replaced by … . Less expensive … was developed for the home and small businesses. It is in-ject printing. Inkjet printers are like … . A … is another example of output de-vice. Early computer displays employed … . More recent types of displays are called … .

Ex.7. Describe the output devices mentioned in the text using information in Exercises 5 and 6.Unit 13

Ex.1. Read the text.Computer networks

Networks are two or more computers that are connected with one another for the purpose of communicating data electronically. Besides physically con-necting computer and communication devices, a network system serves the important function of establishing a cohesive architecture that allows a variety of equipment types to transfer information in a near-seamless fashion. Two


popular architectures are ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA).

Two basic network types are local-area network s (LANs) and wide-area (or long-haul) networks. LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business office, laboratory, or college campus, by means of permanent links (wires, cables, fibre optics) that transmit data rapidly. A typical LAN consists of two or more personal computers, printers, and high-capacity disk-storage devices called file servers, which enable each computer on the network to access a common set of files. LAN operating sys-tem software, which interprets input and instructs networked devices, allows users to communicate with each other; share the printers and storage equip-ment; and simultaneously access centrally located processors, data, or pro-grams (instruction sets). LAN users may also access other LANs or tap into wide-area network s . LANs with similar architectures are linked by “bridges,” which act as transfer points. LANs with different architectures are linked by “gateways,” which convert data as it passes between systems.

A LAN, as shown in the figure, may be configured as (1) a bus, a main channel to which nodes or secondary channels are connected in a branching structure, (2) a ring, in which each computer is connected to two neighbouring computers to form a closed circuit, or (3) a star, in which each computer is linked directly to a central computer and only indirectly to one another. Each of these has advantages, though the bus configuration has become the most common.

Even if only two computers are connected, they must follow rules, or pro-tocols, to communicate. For example, one might signal “ready to send” and wait for the other to signal “ready to receive.” When many computers share a network, the protocol might include a rule “talk only when it is your turn” or “do not talk when anyone else is talking.” Protocols must also be designed to handle network errors.

The most common LAN design since the mid-1970s has been the bus-connected Ethernet, originally developed at Xerox PARC. Every computer or other device on an Ethernet has a unique 48-bit address. Any computer that


wants to transmit listens for a carrier signal that indicates that a transmission is under way. If it detects none, it starts transmitting, sending the address of the recipient at the start of its transmission. Every system on the network receives each message but ignores those not addressed to it. While a system is transmit-ting, it also listens, and if it detects a simultaneous transmission, it stops, waits for a random time, and retries. The random time delay before retrying reduces the probability that they will collide again. This scheme is known as carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD). It works very well until a network is moderately heavily loaded, and then it degrades as col-lisions become more frequent.

The first Ethernet had a capacity of about 2 megabits per second, and to-day 10- and 100-megabit-per-second Ethernet is common, with gigabit-per-second Ethernet also in use. Ethernet transceivers (transmitter-receivers) for PCs are inexpensive and easily installed.

A recent standard for wireless Ethernet, known as WiFi, is becoming common for small office and home networks. Using frequencies from 2.4 to 5 gigahertz (GHz), such networks can transfer data at rates from 11 to 54 megabits per second. Early in 2002 another Ethernet-like standard was re-leased. Known as HomePlug, the first version could transmit data at about 8 megabits per second through a building's existing electrical power infrastruc-ture.

Wide-area networks connect computers and smaller networks to larger networks over greater geographic areas, including different continents. They may link the computers by means of cables, optical fibres, or satellites, but their users commonly access the networks via a modem (a device that allows computers to communicate over telephone lines). The largest wide-area net-work is the Internet, a collection of networks and gateways linking millions of computer users on every continent.

Wide area networks (WANs) span cities, countries, and the globe, gener-ally using telephone lines and satellite links. The Internet connects multiple WANs; as its name suggests, it is a network of networks. Its success stems from early support by the U.S. Department of Defense, which developed its precursor, ARPANET, to let researchers communicate readily and share computer resources. Its success is also due to its flexible communication tech-nique. The emergence of the Internet in the 1990s as not only a communication medium but also one of the principal focuses of computer use was one of the most significant developments in computing.Vocabulary:

cohesive – образующий единое целое

carrier signal – сигнал-переносчик, сигнал несущей частоты

seamless – однородный random time – режим произвольного включения

fashion – форма CSMA – многостанционный (сетевой) доступ с контролем


несущей, МДКНISO International Organization for Standardization – Международная организация по стандартизации

collision detection – обнаружение конфликтов (в сети)

OSI – взаимодействие открытых систем

transceiver – приёмопередатчик, трансивер

SNA – архитектура сетевых систем

frequency – частота

LAN – локальная (вычислительная) сеть, ЛВС

via – посредством чего-л., с помощью чего-л.

long-haul network – сеть с протяжёнными линиями (связи);глобальная сеть

gateway – межсетевой переход, межсетевой интерфейс

wide-area network – глобальная (вычислительная) сеть, региональная сеть, ГВС

to span – охватывать, простираться, распространяться

fibre optics – волоконно-оптичес-кий кабель

to stem – являться результатом

bus – канал (передачи информации)

precursor – предшественник

node – узел, точка присоединения к сети

ARPANET Advanced Research Project Agency Network – сеть Управления перспективных исследовательских программ

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them:Function, architecture, type, system, business, laboratory, college, cable, file, processor, program, instruction, to form, central computer, configuration, pro-tocol, signal, address, recipient, scheme, megabit, gigabit, gigahertz, second, standard, version, electrical, infrastructure, geographic, continents, modem, telephone lines, computer resources, technique.Ex.3. Answer the questions:1. What are networks?2. What function does a network system serve?3. What does LAN operating system software allow users to do?4. How may a LAN be configured?5. What does any computer that wants to transmit listen for?6. What happens when a computer detects no transmission?7. What is the largest wide-area network?

Ex.4. Agree or disagree. Correct the sentence if it is fault.1. LANs with different architectures are linked by “bridges”.


2. The most common LAN configuration is the ring one.3. Every system on the network receives each message but ignores those not addressed to it.4. The first Ethernet had a capacity of about four megabits per second.5. Ethernet transceivers for PCs are inexpensive and easily installed.

Ex.5. Put questions to the underlined words.1. LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area by means of permanent links (wires, cables, fibre optics) that transmit data rapidly.2. Even if only two computers are connected, they must follow rules, or proto-cols, to communicate.3. Protocols must be designed to handle network errors.4. The most common LAN design since the mid-1970s has been the bus-con-nected Ethernet, originally developed at Xerox PARC .5. CSMA/CD works very well until a network is moderately heavily loaded .6. Early in 2002 another Ethernet-like standard was released.

Ex.6. Fill the table with the proper form of the adjective.Comparative Superlative




Ex.7. Find examples of the sentences with modal verbs. Explain their meanings.

Ex.8. Topics for discussion.1. LANs2. WANs

Unit 14

Ex.1. Read the following international words and translate them. Physical, component, program, instruction, detail, central, reality, processor.

Ex.2. Read the text and make its outline.Software


The physical components of a computer (the hardware) are not useful by themselves. Before they can function as intended, computers need program to coordinate the activities of these physical components. In addition, they need programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processing, pay-roll calculations, budget analyses, data manipulations, or the presentation of the information to students. All such programs are known as software. A program is a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do. When the computer actually follows the instructions, we say that it executes the program. Computers will do only what they are told; they cannot make in-ferences or reach decisions by themselves. Consequently, every detail must be provided, because with missing steps or details the program will fail to per-form as desired.

Programs of all types share one common feature. They consist of a list of instructions that the central processor can recognize. In reality, we rarely write the instructions that the processor itself needs, rather we write instructions that are later translated into these by a special program called either a compiler, condenser, or an interpreter, depending on how it performs the translation. At the processor level, instructions are very primitive, consisting of short se-quences of bits representing numbers, which makes them difficult to use. For-tunately, instructions have been developed that are more meaningful to peo-ple, such as PRINT or GOTO that have meanings similar to their English lan-guage counterparts. These are far easier to use and are called high – level. A whole set of instructions is called a language.

The words to the text:software – программное обеспечение;hardware – аппаратные средства;to intend – намереваться, предназначать;word processing – обработка текстов;payroll – платёжная ведомость;to execute – выполнять;inference – логический вывод;consequently – следовательно;compiler – компилятор;interpreter – интерпретатор;sequence – последовательность;meaningful – содержательный;counterpart – копия;to perform – выполнять, представлять.

Ex.3. Make up sentences.1) hardware/ Computers/ the/ need/ of/ coordinate/ the/ to/ programs;2) is/ to/ a/ instructions/ A/ of/ that/ program/ series/ tells/ the/ what/ com-puter/ do;


3) by/ Computers/ make/ or/ themselves/ cannot/ decisions/ inferences/ reach;4) instructions/ the/ Programs/ a/ of/ that/ of/ consist/ processor/ recognize/ can/ list/ central;5) A/ language/ is/ of/ set/ called/ whole/ a/ instructions.

Ex.4. Choose the only suitable form.1. The first calculating machine … in 1812.

a) invented;b) was invented;c) had been invented.

2. Huge amounts of information … in computers.a) are stored;b) store;c) stores.

3. Dr. Smith said that the computer … the most far – reaching social conse-quences.

a) have;b) would have; c) will have.

4. Our factories … by computers today. a) run; b) are running; c) are being run.

5. The mechanics of space flight … by the computer. a) is simulated; b) simulate; c) simulates.

6. The most flexible means of communication between man and machine … by the graphic computer.

a) have offered; b) has offered; c) have been offered.

7. She said the graphic computer … her to cope with that problem.a) has helped;b) had helped;c) helped.

Ex.5. Write as many different questions to these answers as possible.1. A program is a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do.2. Programs consist of a list of instructions that the central processor can rec-ognize.3. A whole set of instructions is called a language.4. Computers need programs to coordinate the activities of the hardware.


5. Computers cannot make inferences or reach decisions by themselves.

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

fail processor inferences consequently instructions missing program compiler interpreter

1. Computers will do only what they are told; they cannot make ….. or reach decisions by themselves.2. ….. , every detail must be provided, because with …. steps or details the program will …. to perform as desired. 3. In reality, we rarely write the instructions that the ….. itself needs, rather we write ….. that are later translated into these by a special …. called either a …., condenser or an …. .

Ex.7. Complete these word combinations with verbs. They all appear in the text.1) to ………… the activities;2) to ………… program;3) to ………… an instruction;4) to ………… an inference;5) to ………… one common feature;6) to ………… of sort sequences.

Ex.8. Word families. Fill in the missing words. verb person thing program 1) 2) 3) interpreter 4)5) 6) instruction

Ex.9. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the meanings of the conjunctions “whenever”, “whatever”, “wherever”: 1. Whenever a programmer has to do something new which he had never had before, he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best way.2. Whatever differences exist between computer languages, the basic princi-ples are the same.3. The IT engineers planned to follow their ideas wherever they went.4. Whatever disputes arise between creators of computer games, they can al-ways be settled.


Ex.10. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.1) работать согласно своему предназначению – ...;2) координировать работу – ...;3) расчёт платёжной ведомости – ...;4) помешать желаемой работе – ...;5) принимать решения – ...;6) распознавать команды – ...;7) материальные составляющие компьютера – ... .

Ex.11. Talking points.1. The physical components of computer.2. What is a computer program?

Unit 15

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.Software engineering

Computer programs or the software are growing more and more compli-cated, requiring teams of programmers and years of effort to develop. As a consequence, a new subdiscipline, software engineering, has arisen. The devel-


opment of a large piece of software is perceived as an engineering task to be approached with the same care as the construction of a skyscraper, for exam-ple, and with the same attention to cost, reliability, and maintainability of the final product. The software-engineering process in general consists of several phases: (1) identification and analysis of user requirements, (2) development of system specifications (both hardware and software), (3) software design (per-haps at several successively more detailed levels), (4) implementation (actual coding), (5) testing, and (6) maintenance.

Even with such an engineering discipline in place, the software-develop-ment process is expensive and time-consuming. Since the early 1980s, increas-ingly sophisticated tools have been built to aid the software developer and to automate as much as possible the development process. Such computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools span a wide range of types, from those that carry out the task of routine coding when given an appropriately detailed de-sign in some specification language to those that incorporate an expert system to enforce design rules and eliminate software defects prior to the coding phase.

As the size and complexity of software has grown, the concept of reuse has become increasingly important in software engineering, since it is clear that extensive new software cannot be created cheaply and rapidly without in-corporating existing program modules (subroutines, or pieces of computer code). One of the attractive aspects of object-oriented programming is that code written in terms of objects is readily reused. As with other aspects of computer systems, reliability – is usually rather vaguely defined as the likeli-hood of a system to operate correctly over a reasonably long period of time is a key goal of the finished software product. Sophisticated techniques for testing software have therefore been designed. For example, a large software product might be deliberately "seeded" with artificial faults, or "bugs"; if they are all discovered through testing, there is a high probability that most actual faults likely to cause computational errors have been discovered as well. The need for better trained software engineers has led to the development of educational programs in which software engineering is either a specialization within com-puter science or a separate program. The recommendation that software engi-neers, like other engineers, be licensed or certified is gaining increasing sup-port, as there is the momentum toward the accreditation of software engineer-ing degree programs.Ex.2. Translate these sentences into Russian paying attention to the func-tion of the Infinitive.1. Computer programs are growing more complicated, requiring teams of pro-grammers and years of effort to develop.2. The development of a large piece of software is perceived as an engineering task to be approached with the same care as the construction of a skyscraper.


3. Since the early 1980s, increasingly sophisticated tools have been built to aid the software developer and to automate as much as possible the development process.4. As with other aspects of computer systems, reliability - usually rather vaguely defined as the likelihood of a system to operate correctly over a rea-sonably long period of time - is a key goal of the finished software product.

Ex.3. Read and translate these words from the text and the word combi-nations with them paying attention to word formation. code – coding,computer – computational,use – user – reuse,program – programmer – programming,develop – development – developer,engineer – engineering,maintenance – maintainability.

Software engineering, software design, software-development process, software developer, computer-aided software engineering (CASE), software defects, computer code, software product, computational error, development of educational programs, actual coding, object-oriented programming, program module.

Ex.4. Say whether these sentences are true or false.1. The software has grown more in recent years.2. The construction of a skyscraper is a more difficult engineering task than software development. 3. Sophisticated tools must be built to automate the software development process.4. Reliability of computer systems is a key goal of the finished software product.5. Computational errors can be discovered through software testing.6. The concept of reuse in software engineering is not very popular now.7. New software can be created cheaply and rapidly.

Ex.5. Find in the text Participles formed from the verbs given below and translate them.To require, to sophisticate, to complicate, to give, to write, to finish, to exist, to increase, to train.Ex.6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words with prefix “-sub”.1. As a consequence, a new subdiscipline, software engineering, has arisen.2. It is clear that extensive new software cannot be created cheaply and rapidly without incorporating existing program modules (subroutines, or pieces of computer code).


Ex.7. Explain the use of Tenses and Voices in these sentences.1. Since the early 1980s, increasingly sophisticated tools have been built to aid the software developer and to automate as much as possible the development process.2. As the size and complexity of software has grown, the concept of reuse has become increasingly important in software engineering.3. Sophisticated techniques for testing software have therefore been designed.4. The need for better trained software engineers has led to the development of educational programs in which software engineering is either a specialization within computer science or a separate program.

Ex.8. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Why has software engineering arisen as a new subdiscipline?2. What types of CASE tools are mentioned in the text?3. What is the main advantage of object-oriented programming?4. What are the capabilities of software testing techniques?

Ex.9. Write 5 or 6 sentences to express your ideas of.a) the reasons why the need for better trained software engineers has arisen in recent years;b) the software-engineering process phases and their basic characteristics.

Unit 16

Ex.1. Read and learn the following international words.Computer, personal, processor, intensive, industry, interface, electronics,

graphical, design, information, innovation, interest, agent, social.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.


User interfacesCheaper and more powerful personal computers are making it possible to

perform processor intensive tasks on the desktop. Break thoughts in techno-logy, such as speech recognition, are enabling new ways of interacting with computers. And the convergence of personal computers and consumer elec-tronic devices is broadening the base of computer users and placing a new em-phasis on ease of use. Together, these developments will drive the industry in the next few years to build the first completely new interfaces since SRI Inter-national and Xerox’s Paolo Alto Research Center did their pioneering research into graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in the 1970s.

True, it is unlikely that you’ll be ready to toss out the keyboard and the mouse any time soon. Indeed, a whole cottage industry inspired by the hyper-linked design of the World Wide Web has sprung up to improve today’s graph-ical user interface.

Companies are developing products that organize information graphically in more intuitive ways. XML-based formats enable users to view content, in-cluding local and network files, within a single browser interface. But it’s the more dramatic innovations such as speech recognition that are poised to shake up interface design.

Speech will become a major component of user interfaces, and applica-tions will be completely redesigned to incorporate speech input. Palm- size and handled PCs, with their cramped keyboards and basic handwriting recognition, will benefit from speech technology.

Though speech recognition may never be a complete replacement for other input devices, future interfaces will offer a combination of input types, a concept known as multimodal input. A mouse is a very efficient device for desktop navigation, for example, but not for changing the style of a paragraph. Multimodal interfaces will involve more than just traditional input devices and speech recognition. Eventually, most PCs will also have handwriting recogni-tion, text to speech (TTS) the ability to recognize faces and gestures, and even the ability to observe their surroundings. The amount of information both on the Internet and within intranets at the fingertips of computer users has been expanding rapidly. This information onslaught has led to an interest in intelli-gent agents, software assistants that perform tasks such as retrieving and deliv-ering information and automating repetitive tasks. Agents will make comput-ing significantly easier. They can be used as Web browsers, help- desks and shopping assistants. Combined with the ability to look and listen, intelligent agents will bring personal computers one step closer to behaving more like hu-mans. Researchers have long noted that users have a tendency to treat their personal computers as though they were human. By making computers more “social”, they hope to also make them easier to use.


Ex.3. 1. Cover the right column and read the English words and word combinations. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. 2. Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.

processor – intensive tasks – задачи, требующие интенсивной работы процессора;

to interact with smth. – взаимодействовать с ч.- л.;desktop – настольный компьютер, рабочий

стол (на экране компьютера); convergence – сходство;consumer – потребитель;user interface – пользовательский интерфейс;palm- size – карманный;to redesign – переконструировать;recognition – узнавание, распознавание;to toss out – выбрасывать, избавляться от ч.-л.; multimodal – многомодальный; efficient – эффективный, действенный;cramped keyboards – (зд.) сжатая, уменьшенная клавиатура;to incorporate speech input – включать ввод речи;to involve – привлекать, вовлекать, касаться;amount – количество;to retrieve – извлекать (хранимую) информацию;to deliver information – поставлять информацию.

Ex.4. Complete these adjectives with appropriate comparative and su-perlative forms.Cheap, powerful, dramatic, traditional, significant, graphical, wide.

Ex.5. Say whether you agree or disagree to these statements. Give your reasoning. You’d better start your answer with the following phrases:Personally I think that…; In my opinion…; From my point of view…; As far as I see …; I’m not really sure if I would agree on that…; I wouldn’t agree. I can’t accept that…; I’m with you on that. I take your/ this point…; That’s exactly my opinion…; Yes, I agree to a point…; 1. Fewer people are using computers because computer functions are becom-ing integrated into other electronic devices.2. There have been no improvements in interface design since the develop-ment of the GUI.3. Speech recognition is likely to completely replace other input devices.4. Intelligent agents will make computers seem more like humans.


Ex.6. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and then ask him /her to answer them.1. What developments favour the development of completely new interfaces?2. What has inspired a whole cottage industry to develop to improve today’s graphical user interface?3. In what way have XML- based formats changed the user interface?4. What development has led to an interest in intelligent agents?5. Name ways in which intelligent agents can be used.

Ex.7. Match the term in column A with the definition in column B.

Column A Column Ba. GUI a. Software assistant that performs tasks

such as retrieving and delivering infor-mation and automating repetitive tasks

b. Multimodal interface b. Text to speech c. TTS c. A system that allows a user to interact

with a computer using a combination of inputs such as speech recognition, hand- writing recognition, text to speech, etc.

d. Intelligent agent d. Graphical user interface

Ex.8. Complete these word combinations with appropriate verbs from the text.1) to … computing significantly easier,2) to … one’s personal computer,3) to … information,4) to … faces and gestures,5) to … the keyboard and the mouse.

Ex.9. Make up a plan covering the main ideas of the text.

Ex.10. Give a summary of the text according to your plan.

Unit 17

Ex.1. Read the text.


The InternetThe Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that

the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundred of mil-lions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other.

The Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s. At that time it was used only to read different texts. Then in the early 1990s, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Inter-net to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approx-imately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, be-cause there are hundred of millions of users and their number is growing.

Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work.

Another common service of the Internet is the Internet Relay Chat, or Chat. Chat allows a group of people, using aliases, to send messages to one an-other immediately. While used by a variety of age groups, it is especially popu-lar among young people. Once connected, the user is brought into contact with a large number of other users from all around the world.

The World Wide Web or the Web is the leading information retrieval service of the Internet. The Web gives users access to a vast array of docu-ments that are connected to each other by means of hypertext or hypermedia links—i.e., hyperlinks, electronic connections that link related pieces of infor-mation in order to allow a user easy access to them. Hypertext allows the user to select a word from text and thereby access other documents that contain ad-ditional information pertaining to that word; hypermedia documents feature links to images, sounds, animations, and movies. The Web operates within the Internet's basic client-server format; servers are computer programs that store and transmit documents to other computers on the network when asked to, while clients are programs that request documents from a server as the user asks for them. Browser software allows users to view the retrieved documents.

A hypertext document with its corresponding text and hyperlinks is writ-ten in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and is assigned an online ad-dress called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Other popular services are available on the Internet too. It is reading news, available on some dedicated news servers, telnet, FTP servers, etc.

You can work through the Internet, gambling and playing. However, there are some problems. The most important problem is security. When you send an e-mail, your message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any


of the computers along the rout, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. But there are many encoding programs available. Notwith-standing, these programs are not perfect and can easily be cracked.

Another big and serious problem of the net is control. There is no effec-tive control in the Internet, because of a huge amount of information circula- ting through the net. It is like a tremendous library and market together. In fu-ture, the situation might change, but now we have what we have.

Vocabulary:network – сеть telnet – Интернет-телефонияto embrace – охватывать FTP server – (File Transfer Proto-

col) ФТП-серверuser – пользовательaccurate – точный gambling – азартные игрыto count – считать destination – место назначенияRelay Chat – оперативный

обмен текстовыми сообщениямиrouter – маршрутизатор

alias – псевдоним to intercept – перехватыватьretrieval service – служба

доступа к базам данных с поддержкой их выборки

to encode – кодировать, шифровать

hyperlinks – гиперссылки, гипертекстовые связи

notwithstanding – тем не менее, однако, всё же

browser – браузер, программа просмотра, навигатор

to crack – взломать

HTML – язык гипертекстовой разметки, язык разметки гипертекста

to circulate – передвигаться

URL – унифицированный указатель ресурса

tremendous – огромный, гигантский

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.Chat, million, text, club, group, hypertext, client, format, address, prob-

lem, control, situation.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word com-binations.


1) глобальная компьютерная сеть; 2) общаться друг с другом; 3) самый востребованный способ коммуникации; 4) хранение и транспортировка данных; 5) посылать друг другу сообщения; 6) просматривать найденные документы; 7) данные направляются к месту направления; 8) проникнуть в любой из компьютеров.

Ex.4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text.1) breakthrough; 2) a vast array of documents; 3) an online address; 4) se-

curity; 5) to emerge; 6) can be counted fairly approximately; 7) sending and re-ceiving e-mail messages; 8) the user is brought into contact with; 9) to give users access; 10) to contain additional information; 11) to store and transmit documents; 12) to travel through many different networks.

Ex.5. Answer the questions.1. What is the Internet?2. What is the accurate number of the Internet users?3. What is the most popular Internet service today?4. What are hyperlinks?5. What are other popular services available on the Internet?6. What is the most important problem of the Internet?7. Why is there no effective control in the Internet today?

Ex.6. Agree or disagree. Correct the sentence if it is fault.1. The Internet has not entered our ordinary life yet.2. The Internet emerged in Great Britain in the 1970s.3. Everybody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today.4. People can send or receive e-mail messages only at the internet clubs.5. Chat allows a group of people, using aliases, to send messages to one an-other immediately.6. Chat is especially popular among the adult people. 7. A hypertext document with its corresponding text and hyperlinks is written in Fortran language. 8. Other popular services are available on the Internet are reading news, telnet, FTP servers, etc.9. Encoding programs are not perfect and can easily be cracked.10. The Internet is like a tremendous library and market together.

Ex.7. Put questions to the underlined words.1. Servers are computer programs that store and transmit documents to other computers on the network when asked to.2. Browser software allows users to view the retrieved documents. 3. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special com-puters called routers.


4. There is no effective control in the Internet, because of a huge amount of in-formation circulating through the net.Ex.8. Fill the table with the missing form of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Participle I Participle IIto know


to growbrought


Ex.9. Find examples of Infinitive with “to”, Participle I, Participle II, Gerund and Complex Object construction in the text.

Ex.10. Topics for discussion.1. Popular Internet services.2. Problems of the net.


Unit 18

Ex.1. Read the text.XML takes on HTML

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is the language that spawned both HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML (extensible Markup Language). SGML is not a true language, it is a metalanguage, which is a language from which you can create other languages. In this case, it is the creation of a markup language (a system of encoded instructions for structur-ing and formatting electronic document elements).

HTML is an application-specific derivation of SGML. It is a set of codes, generally used for webpages, that creates electronic documents according to rules established by SGML. HTML is a language that is all about the presenta-tion of your information, not what the actual data is. You can, therefore, say that HTML is a presentation language.

XML is a subset of SGML, but it is also, like SGML, a metalanguage. XML defines a specific method for creating text formats for data so that files are pro-gram independent, platform independent, and support internationalisation (able to read different languages, etc.). In fact, because XML is an extensible lan-guage, you don’t even have to have a browser to interpret the page. Applica-tions can parse the XML document and read the information without any hu-man intervention.

XML, unlike HTML, is concerned with the identity, meaning and struc-ture of data. XML is extensible because it lets website developers create their own set of customised tags for documents. This ability to define your own tags is the main feature of XML, and it is what gives developers more flexibility.

By defining your own markup tags, you can explicitly define the content in the document. This makes XML a more intelligent markup language than HTML. For example, in HTML, you could have a paragraph tag <p> preceding a paragraph about baseball. Your Web browser sees this tag and knows to present the following text as a paragraph. All your browser knows about the text, however, is that it is text; it doesn’t know that it is specifically about base-ball. In an XML document, you could define a <BASEBALL> tag to refer specifically to the text in the paragraph in your document. This way, when your XML browser examines the document, the document knows what data it con-tains, and that makes the content more intelligent. Search engines that make use of XML data can do a better job of finding the pages you are looking for because of the intelligent nature of XML content.

XML, by design, does not deal with how the data is displayed to the end user. Because HTML is a presentation language, XML documents use HTML tags to help handle the visual formatting of the document. Also, you can use XML in your HTML documents to provide metadata, which is data about data in the document.


XML will do to the Web and e-commerce what HTML originally did to the Internet. XML and its associated applications have the potential to blow the roof off the Internet and how we do business.

Vocabulary:XML (Extensible Markup Language) – расширяемый язык разметки (гипертекста), язык XML;HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) – язык гипертекстовой разметки, язык разметки гипертекста, язык HTML;SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) – стандартный язык обобщенной разметки (описания документов), язык и формат SGML;to spawn – порождать;application-specific – связанный с (конкретным) применением, специализированный;subset – подмножество;to parse – анализировать, разбирать;customised – сделанный на заказ;tag – тег, управляющий код;search engine – поисковый механизм, поисковая машина, поисковая служба.

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.Document, code, electronic, information, method, format, file, program,

platform, internationalisation, browser, structure, website, tag, paragraph, baseball, visual, Internet, business.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations.1) создавать другие языки; 2) система кодированных инструкций;

3) элементы электронного документа; 4) создание текстовых форматов; 5) интерпретировать страницу; 6) подробно определять содержание документа; 7) интеллектуальный язык разметки; 8) тег абзаца; 9) использовать данные языка XML; 10) нахождение страниц, которые вы ищете; 11) управлять визуальным форматированием; 12) предоставлять метаданные.

Ex.4 Match the terms in A with the statements in B. A B

1) Metadata 1) Extensible markup language2) Metalanguage 2) A coding system used for structuring and for-

matting documents3) HTML 3) Data about data4) XML 4) An example of a page presentation language5) Markup language 5) A language from which you can create other


languagesEx.5 Answer the questions.1. What languages were derived from SGML?2. What type of language is used to structure and format elements of a document?3. Name two metalanguages.4. What elements of data is XML (but not HTML) concerned with?5. What is meant by the term “extensible”?6. What makes XML a more intelligent language than HTML?7. What does the HTML markup tag <p> indicate?8. Why are search engines able to do a better job with XML documents?9. What type of website is particularly likely to benefit from XML?

Ex.6. Agree or disagree with the following statements.1. HTML is no longer useful for creating webpages.2. SGML is more complex than XML. 3. XML files can only be used on Unix systems.4. XML files can only be read by browser programs.5. HTML is a markup language.6. Internet searches will be better with XML files.

Ex.7. Find the sentences where the Infinitives and the Complex Object Construction are used. Explain the omission of the particle to in some of the sentences.

Ex.8. Fill in the blanks with the Gerunds from the box.creating finding formatting (2) structuring

1. It is the creation of a markup language (a system of encoded instructions for … and … electronic document elements). 2. XML defines a specific method for … text formats for data. 3. Search engines can do a better job of … the pages you are looking for. 4. XML documents use HTML tags to help handle the visual … of the docu-ment.

Ex.9. Fill in the table with Participles.Infinitive Participle I Participle II

to associateto customiseto defineto encodeto establish


to follow to precede

Infinitive Participle I Participle IIto spawnto use

Ex.10. State questions to the underlined words.1. In fact, because XML is an extensible language, you don’t even have to have a browser to interpret the page. 2. Applications can parse the XML document and read the information without any human intervention.3. XML is concerned with the identity, meaning and structure of data .

Ex.11. Talking point.1. Advantages of XML over HTML.


Unit 19

Ex.1. Study the following words before reading the text.cyber относящийся к компьютерам,

информационным технологиям, интернетуspawn рождатьspam спам, массовая рассылка рекламы по

электронной почтеunsolicited предоставленный добровольно

estimate оценивать, устанавливать стоимостьcomprise включать, содержатьcirculate циркулировать

waste растрачиватьlegislate узакониватьeliminate устранятьviolate нарушатьpolity государство

junk mail «макулатурная» почта (реклама, приглашения)perpetrator правонарушитель, преступник

privacy секретность, конфиденциальностьconceal скрывать, утаиватьembed вставлять

cryptography криптография (от cryptos - тайный) искусство и технология обеспечения секретности важной информации и методов защиты её от изменений и неавторизованного доступа при передаче по каналам связи или хранении

steganography стеганография (греч. "тайнопись") – набор средств и методов скрытия факта передачи сообщения, напр., кодирование сообщения в графических и звуковых файлах.

sophisticated сложный, модернизированныйlaw-enforcement правоохранительный

considerable значительный, существенныйdecode расшифровыватьensure обеспечивать

via через


in plain sight невооруженным глазом

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.Cybercrimes: Spam

E-mail has spawned one of the most significant forms of cybercrime – spam, or unsolicited advertisements for products and services, which experts estimate to comprise roughly 50 percent of the e-mail circulating on the Inter-net. Spam is a crime against all users of the Internet since it wastes both the storage and network capacities of ISPs, as well as often simply being offen-sive. Yet, despite various attempts to legislate it out of existence, it remains unclear how spam can be eliminated without violating the freedom of speech in a liberal democratic polity. Unlike junk mail, which has a postage cost asso-ciated with it, spam is nearly free for perpetrator … it typically costs the same to send 10 messages as it does to send 10 million – and some of the most pro -lific originating states for spammers (particularly China) have been slow to act.

E-mail also serves as an instrument for both criminals and terrorists. While libertarians laud the use of cryptography to ensure privacy in communi-cations, criminals and terrorists may also use cryptographic means to conceal their plans. Law-enforcement officials report that some terrorist groups embed instructions and information in images via a process known as steganography, a sophisticated method of hiding information in plain sight.

Even recognizing that something is concealed in this fashion often re-quires considerable amounts of computing power; actually decoding the infor-mation is nearly impossible if one does not have the key to separate the hidden data.

Ex.3. Read the text again. Find the sentences containing the word combi-nations given below and translate them.e-mail circulating on the Internet;storage and network capacities;legislate spam out of existence;eliminate spam;ensure privacy in communications;cryptographic means;embed instructions and information in images;a sophisticated method of hiding information; considerable amounts of computing power;decode information;hidden data.

Ex.4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following sentences.77

1. Спам – одна из самых значительных форм компьютерных преступлений.2. Спам – добровольно рассылаемая реклама товаров и услуг.3. Спам – это правонарушение против всех пользователей Интернета.4. Спам почти ничего не стоит, (бесплатный) для правонарушителей.

Ex.5. Say whether these sentences are true or false.1. Spam wastes the Internet resources.2. Spam can be eliminated without violating the freedom of speech in aliberal democratic polity.3. Spam has been spawned by e-mail.4. Spam has a postage cost.5. Spam is offensive only for criminals and terrorists.

Ex.6. Find in the text two sentences with the conjunction “both … and” and translate them.

Ex.7. Read the text again and write 5 or 6 sentences about the features of spam.


Unit 20

Ex.1. Read and translate these international words.Virus, character, system, computer, program, effect, disk, active, form, problem.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.Computer viruses.

The Maltese Amoeba may sound like a cartoon character, but if it at-tacked your computer, you wouldn’t be laughing. The Maltese Amoeba is a computer virus. It is a form of software which can «infect» your system and destroy your data. Making computer viruses is only one type of computer crime. Others include hacking (changing data in a computer without permis-sion) and pirating (illegally copying software programs).

Viruses are programs which are written deliberately to damage data. Viruses can hide themselves in a computer system. Some viruses are fairly harmless. They may flash a message on screen, such as «Gotcha! Bet you don’t know how I crept in.» The Yankee Doodle virus plays this American tune on the computer’s small internal speaker every eight days at 5 p.m. Others have serious effects. They attach themselves to the operating system and can wipe out all data or turn it into gobbledegook. When the Cascade virus attacks, all the letters in a file fall into a heap at the bottom of the screen. This looks spectacular but it’s hard to see the funny side when it’s your document.

Most viruses remain dormant until activated by something. For example, the Jerusalem B virus is activated every Friday the 13 th and erases any file you try to load from your disk. The Michelangelo virus was programmed to be-come active on March 6th 1992, the 517th birthday of Michelangelo. It attacked computer systems throughout the world, turning data on hard disks into non-sense.

Viruses are most commonly passed via discs but they can also spread through bulletin boards, local area networks and email attachments. The best form of treatment is prevention. Use an antivirus program to check a disk be-fore using it. Always download email attachments onto a disk and check for viruses. If you do catch a virus, there are antivirus programs to hunt down and eradicate the virus. The problem is that around 150 new viruses appear every month and you must constantly update your antivirus package to deal with these new forms.

The word combination to the text79

a cartoon character – мультипликационный персонаж;to attack one’s computer – атаковать ч.-л. компьютер;to “infect” one’s system – поразить компьютерную систему ; to remain dormant – оставаться в состоянии покоя;to fall into a heap at the bottom of the screen

– быть сваленным в кучу в нижней части монитора;

to turn data into nonsense – превратить данные в бессмыслицу;to hunt down and eradicate the virus

поймать и уничтожить вирус;

to check for viruses – проверить на наличие вирусов;to pass via disk – проходить/ попасть через диск.

Ex.3. Fill in the chart according to the contents of the text. Virus name Characteristics and effect pro-

duced Yankee Doodle Cascade Michelangelo Jerusalem B

Ex.4. Answer the following questions.1. What is a computer virus?2. What are the viruses deliberately written for?3. What should be done in order not catch a virus?4. What are antivirus programs used for?5. How many new viruses appear every month?6. What should one constantly do to deal with the new forms of viruses?7. Do you know any present day viruses? What are their effects?8. What is the best form of treatment?

Ex.5. Find the proper terms for the following definitions.1. Changing data in a computer without any per-mission.

a) virus

2. Illegaly copying software programs. b) data3. A program written with the purpose of caus-ing damage or causing a computer to behave in an unusual way.

c) hacking

4. A computer program or set of programs used to detect, identify and remove viruses from a computer system.

d) pirating

5. A file that is attached to an email message. e) antivirus program/ 80

software6. The information processed by a computer f) e-mail attachment

Ex.6. Points to ponder.1. Computer viruses.2. The way they spread.3. Computer system prevention.

Ex.7. Learn these synonyms.1) to flash – to blaze;2) to hide – to cover, to shelter;3) to attack – to assault, to assail, to charge;4) to check – to verify;5) to update – to correct, to bring up to date;6) to wipe out – to destroy, to eradicate;7) to creep in – to crawl;8) to spread – to extent, to expanse.


Unit 21

Ex.1. Read the textWireless Networking

Wireless (WiFi) networks are just like fixed LANs but instead of using ca-bles, devices are linked by radio waves.

Each computer in a wireless network requires a wireless network interface card (NIC). These can be built in or you can use plug-in adaptors. These allow each component in the network to communicate with a wireless access point (AP) to create a wireless local area network (WLAN). The AP operates like a router in a fixed LAN. It also provides a bridge which plugs into the hub of a fixed LAN allowing both fixed and wireless users to talk to each other. If your LAN is connected to the Internet, the WLAN can also use it. If not, you can connect the WLAN to the Internet via an ADSL or cable modem.

What are the advantages of a wireless network? You don’t need cabling. In older buildings, it can be expensive to install cables and access points. With WiFi, one access point can cover an entire floor or even a building. You can work anywhere within range of the access point. On a sunny day, you could work outside. You can make any room in the house your study. There are now WiFi hotspots in hotels, libraries and airports so you can link to a network away from home or your office.

There are disadvantages. Fixed LANs can run at 1000 Mbps. Wireless net-works are much slower and the further you are from an access point, the slower the rate. Although there are savings on the cost of cabling, wireless NICs are more expensive than the wired versions. Then there is the problem of interfer-ence, if a neighbour is using the same channel, and security. Other users may be able to intercept your data. Encryption programs like Wired Equivalent Pri-vacy (WEP) can help.

Vocabulary:AP (access point) – узел (точка) доступа, приёмопередатчик беспроводной сети;WLAN (wireless LAN) – беспроводная локальная сеть, беспроводная ЛВС hub - (сетевой) концентратор (ЛВС);ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) – асимметричная цифровая абонентская линия;NIC (network interface card) – сетевая интерфейсная плата, сетевой адаптер;Mbps (megabits per second) – мегабит в секунду, миллион бит в секунду


encryption – кодирование.

Ex.2. Read the following international words and translate them.Radio, cable, interface card, adaptor, component, cable modem, problem, of-fice, hotel, airport, program, version.Ex.3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word com-binations.

1) радиоволны; 2) маршрутизатор; 3) общаться друг с другом; 4) с помощью кабельного модема; 5) размещать кабели и точки доступа; 6) работать в радиусе действия приёмопередатчика беспроводной сети; 7) подключиться к сети; 8) экономия стоимости проводки кабеля; 9) беспроводные сетевые адаптеры; 10) перехватывать данные.

Ex.4. Answer the questions.1. What is the difference between WiFi and LANs?2. How does a wireless access point operate?3. What allows both fixed and wireless users to talk to each other?4. How can you connect the WLAN if LAN is not connected to the Internet?5. What programs can help against interception of the data?

Ex.5. Agree or disagree. Correct the sentence if it is fault.1. Fixed LANs are just like WiFi but instead of using cables, devices are linked by radio waves.2. A wireless network interface card can be built in or you can use plug-in adaptors.3. WLAN provides a bridge which allows both fixed and wireless users to talk to each other.4. You can connect the WLAN to the Internet via the encryption programs.5. Savings on the cost of cabling are among the advantages of a wireless net-work.6. You can link to a network away from home or your office due to WiFi hotspots in hotels, libraries and airports.7. Wireless networks are much faster than fixed LANs.

Ex.6. Fill the table with the Comparative and the Superlative degrees of adjectives. Explain the ways of their forming.

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degreeexpensivefarslowsunny

Ex.7. Translate the sentences into English using the vocabulary.


1. Беспроводные сети – это приспособления, связанные радиоволнами.2. В беспроводной сети каждому компьютеру необходима сетевая интерфейсная плата.3. Вы можете подключить беспроводную ЛВС к Интернету с помощью кабельного модема.4. Чем вы дальше от точки доступа, тем меньше скорость беспроводной сети.5. Беспроводные сетевые адаптеры дороже сетевых версий, подключенных с помощью проводов.

Ex.8. State all possible types of questions to the following sentences.1. Each computer in a wireless network requires a wireless network interface card (NIC).2. Fixed LANs can run at 1000 Mbps.

Ex.9. Topics for discussion.1. Advantages of wireless networks.2. Disadvantages of wireless networks.



Part IDivisions of IT specialties

TEXT 1How to become a programming expert

The primary requirements for being a good programmer are nothing more than a good memory, an attention to detail, a logical mind and the ability to work through a problem in a methodical manner breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

However, it’s not enough just to turn up for a job interview with a logical mind as your sole qualification. An employer will want to see some sort of for-mal qualification and proven track record. But if you can show someone an impressive piece of software with your name on it, it will count for a lot more than a string of academic qualifications. So what specific skills are employers looking for? The Windows market is booming and there’s a demand for good C, C++, Delphi, Java and Visual Basic developers. Avoid older languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL unless you want to work as a contract programmer.

For someone starting out, my best advice would be to subscribe to the programming magazines such as Microsoft Systems Journal. Get one or two at the low- cost “student” editions of C++, Visual Basic and Delphi. Get a decent book on Windows programming. If you decide programming is really for you, spend more money on a training course.

TEXT 2How to become a Computer Consultant

The first key point to realize is that you can’t know everything. However, you mustn’t become an expert in too narrow a field. The second key point is that you must be interested in your subject. The third key point is to differenti -ate between contract work and consultancy. Good contractors move from job to job every few months. A consultant is different. A consultant often works on very small timescales – a few days here, a week there, but often for a core collection of companies that keep coming back again and again.

There’s a lot of work out there for people who know Visual Basic, C++, and so on. And there are lots of people who know it too, so you have to be bet-ter than them. Qualifications are important. Microsoft has a raft of exams you can take, as does Novell, and in my experience these are very useful pieces of paper. University degrees are useless. They merely prove you can think, and


will hopefully get you into a job where you can learn something useful. Exams like Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer are well worth doing. The same goes for Novell Linux Certification. However, this won’t guarantee an under-standing of the product, its positioning in the market, how it relates to other products and so on. That’s where the all – important experience comes in.

Here’s the road map. After leaving university you get a technical role in a company and spend your evenings and weekends learning the tools of your trade – and getting your current employer to pay for your exams. You don’t stay in one company for more than two years. After a couple of hops like that, you may be in a good position to move into a junior consultancy companies. By the age of 30, you’ve run big projects, rolled out major solutions and well known. Maybe then it’s time to make the leap and run your own life.

TEXT 3How to become an IT Manager

IT managers manage projects, technology and people. Any large organi-zation will have at least one IT manager responsible for ensuring that everyone who actually needs a PC has one and that it works properly. This means taking responsibility for maintenance of servers and the installation of new software, and for staffing a help – desk and support group.

Medium to large companies are also likely to have an IT systems man-ager. They are responsible for developing and implementing computer soft-ware that supports the operations of the business. They’re responsible for mul-tiple development projects and oversee the implementation and support of the systems. Companies will have two or three major systems that are probably bought off the shelf and then tailored by an in – house development team.

Apart from basic hardware and software expertise, an IT manager will typically have over five years’ experience in the industry. Most are between 30 and 45. Since IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets and for staff, employers look for both of these factors in any potential recruit.

Nearly all It managers have at least a first degree if not a second one as well. Interestingly, many of them don’t have degrees in computing science. In any case, the best qualification for becoming a manager is experience. If your personality is such that you’re unlikely to be asked to take responsibility for a small team or a project, then you can forget being an IT manager. You need to be bright, communicative and be able to earn the trust of your teams. Most of this can’t be taught, so if you don’t have these skills then divert your career elsewhere.

TEXT 4System Analyst


Studies methods of working within an organization to decide how tasks can be done efficiently by computers. Makes a detailed analysis of the em-ployer’s requirements and work patterns to prepare a report on different op-tions for using information technology. This may involve consideration of hardware as well as software. Either uses standard computer packages or writes a specification for programmers to adapt existing software or to prepare new software. May oversee the implementation and testing of a system and acts as a link between the user and the programmer.

TEXT 5Software Engineer/ Designer

Produces the programs which control the internal operations of comput-ers. Converts the systems analyst’s specification to a logical series of steps. Translates these into the appropriate computer language. Often compiles pro-grams from libraries or sub – programs, combining these to make up a com-plete systems program. Designs, tests and improves programs for computer – aided design and manufacture, business applications, computer networks and games.

TEXT 6 Computer Services Engineering Technician

Can be responsible for installation, maintenance or repair of computers and associated equipment. Installs hardware, ranging from personal computers to mainframe machines, and tests by running special software. Some techni-cians carry out routine servicing of large mainframe systems, aiming to avoid breakdowns. Others are called in to identify and repair faults as quickly as pos-sible usually by replacing faulty parts. Work can also involve upgrading ma-chines usually on customers’ premises.

TEXT 7Network Support Person or Computer Engineer: Network SupportMaintains the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network.

Uses telecommunications, software and electronic skills and knowledge of the networking software to locate and correct faults. This may involve work with the controlling software, on the wiring, printed circuit boards, software or mi-crochips on a file server, or on cables either within or outside building.

TEXT 8Computer Salesperson

Advises potential customers about available hardware and sells equip-ment to suit individual requirements. Discusses computing needs with the client to ensure that a suitable system can be supplied. Organizes the sale and


delivery and, if necessary, installation and testing. May arrange support or training, maintenance and consultation. Must have sufficient technical knowl-edge.

TEXT 9 Systems Support Person

Systems support people are analyst programmers who are responsible for maintaining, updating and modifying the software used by a company. Some specialize in software which handles the basic operation of the computers. This involves use of machine codes and specialized low – level computer lan-guages. Most handle applications software. May sort out problems encountered by users. Solving problems may involve amending an area of code in the soft-ware, retrieving files and data lost when a system crashes and a basic knowl-edge of hardware.

TEXT 10Hardware Engineer

Researchers, designers and develops computers, or parts of computers and computerized element of appliances, machines and vehicles. Also involved in their manufacture, installation and testing. May specialize in different areas: research and development, design, manufacturing. Has to be aware of cost, ef-ficiency, safety and environment factors as well as engineering aspects.


Part IISome interesting facts on Computing and IT Technologies

TEXT 1ICQ: A Great Program to Meet People

ICQ (“I seek you”) is a revolutionary, user – friendly Internet tool that uniforms you who’s on – line at any time and enables you to contact them at will. No longer will you search in vain for friends or associates on the Net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you in real time when they log on. With ICQ, you can chat, send messages, files and URL’s, play games, or just hang out with your fellow “Netters” while still surfing the Net. ICQ will get your entire message across in real time.

ICQ has a very convenient interface, and even a novice can use it having just the basic knowledge of English and computers. The sequence of chatting is next: greeting, wondering if you have a photo, where you study or work, what your hobby is, then people usually understand if they found an interesting person to talk and probably to meet, so then they add or don’t add each other to their contact lists. And if a person doesn’t want to wait for sending the mes-sage, it is easy to make an ICQ chat where you will be able to see how your letters are printed. It is very nice and useful for studying foreign languages be-cause you even do not have time to think properly, so you have to think in English or in some other language. But the funniest thing is that you can chat with some people while at the same time discussing absolutely different things: feelings, computers, pets and so on, in different languages. Well, you feel like Julius Caesar. And there are specific signs accepted and widely used in the ICQ community, so called “smiles”. They express the mood you have in the moment of writing a phrase. A novice should be ready for lots of different, and mostly weird, people and suggestions in ICQ.

It’s funny to hear the voice of ICQ calling you if someone has sent you a message, somewhat like a cuckoo and a cat in one :- )))

First it is frightening, and then you get used to it… “ICQers” can find each other and be found by means of the White Pages, which help you not only to find new friends according to your interests, age, location, e – mail, etc., but


to seek your old friends too, by name or surname. Names is an interesting topic especially in ICQ, people use their own names very rarely, mostly using nick-names, that consist initials, computer terms, favorite singers, interests, etc.

Cyberspace exists by its own laws, you may ignore the user if you do not like him/ her and if he/ she is too impudent. And you even may change ICQ and get a new number if someone bothers you very much. If you are a girl don’t be too forward, sometimes it may be shocking, especially for foreigners. Try to be polite…Yes, you may say rude things, but it’s not as pleasant as you imagine. Ask for a photo if you want to meet a person in real life, he/ she may be interesting, but I assure you that there is a big difference between a virtual and a real person. . I think ICQ will be interesting for all of you because there are a lot of new features that you can find in your soul and character in the small model of a person’s life in society – ICQ.

Glossary: URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – The standard way to give the address

of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web (WWW).Interface – A boundary across which two independent systems meet and

act on or communicate with each other. In computer technology, there are sev-eral types of interfaces.

Smile : -) ;-) – A smiley is a sequence of characters on your computer keyboard. If you don’t see it, try tilting your head to left – the colon presents the eyes, the dash represents the nose and the right parenthesis represents the mouth. There are hundreds of smiles used to indicate delight as well as sadness and frustration.

TEXT 2Computer Games

Computer games are becoming more and more popular – some say too popular. But people know more about computer games than John Ritman, a well – known British programmer. He has written Match Day, a football pro-gram, Batman and Head over Heels – both arcade adventures. So how does John write a computer game?It takes a lot of careful and logical planning. At first he doesn’t know what the characters or story will be. You think of the type of game you want to write and then find a story. It could be sports, an adventure, anything. Then you have to work out each section of the game very carefully. Computers are like children – you have to give them very careful instructions so they know what to do!

Each instruction is very simple. It is the combination of instructions, in a very long list that makes footballers score goals and spacecraft fly in computer games. This list of commands is what people refer to as a “program”. The


computer understands it in the form of numbers, but there are different languages through which human words are translated into numbers for the computer.

Sometimes the instructions tell the computer to show something on the screen. The screen has hundreds of little dots on it, which are called pixels. Each pixel has a number so that the computer can recognize it. If you give the computer the number that means “red” and the number of dot it will make that dot red. Repeat instructions like these thousands and thousands of times, and you have a computer game.TEXT 3

The anatomy of a virusA biological virus is a very small, simple organism that infects living

sells, known as the host, by attaching itself to them and using them to repro-duce itself. This often causes harm to the host cells.

Similarly, a computer virus is a very small program routine that infects a computer system and uses its resources to reproduce itself. It often does this by patching the operating system to enable it to detect program files, such as COM or EXE files. It then copies itself into those files. This sometimes causes harm to the host computer system.

When the user runs an infected program, it is loaded into memory carry-ing the virus. The virus uses a common programming technique to stay resi-dent in memory. It can then use a reproduction routine to infect other pro-grams. This process continues until the computer is switched off.

The virus may also contain a payload that remains dormant until a trigger event activates it, such as the user pressing a particular key. The payload can have a variety of forms. It might do something relatively harmless such as dis-playing a message on the monitor screen or it might do something more dis-tructive such as deleting files on the hard disk.

When it infects a file, the virus replaces the first instruction in the host program with a command that changes the normal execution sequence. This type of command is known as a JUMP command and causes the virus instruc-tions to be executed before the host program. The virus then returns control to the host program which then continues with its normal sequence of instructions and is executed in the normal way.

To be a virus, a program only needs to have a reproduction routine that enables it to infect other programs. Viruses can, however, have four main parts. A misdirection routine that enables it to hide itself; a reproduction rou-tine that allows it to copy itself to other programs; a trigger that causes the pay-load to be activated at a particular time or when a particular event takes place; and a payload that may be a fairly harmless joke or may be very distructive. A program that has a payload but does not have a reproduction routine is known as a Trojan.


TEXT 4The future of Information Technology

We are in the midst of convergence. At the hardware layer, computers, phones and consumer electronics are converging. At the applications layer, we see convergence of information, entertainment, communications, shopping, commerce, and education.

Computers have come from nowhere 50 years ago and are rapidly cat-ching up in capability with the human brain. We can expect human: machine equivalence by about 2015. But after this, computers will continue to get smarter. There is a noticeable positive feedback loop in technology develop-ment, with each generation of improved computers giving us more assistance in the design development of the next. Ultimately, they will design their off-spring with little or no human involvement. This technology development will push every field of knowledge forwards, not just computing. It will be almost as through extraterrestrials had landed in 2020 and given us all their advanced technology overnight.

But we will never get far unless we can solve the interface problem. In the near future we may have electronic pets, with video camera eyes and micro-phone ears, linked by radio to the family computer. With voice and language recognition we will have easy access to all that the Internet can provide. We can tell the pet what we want and it will sort it for us. It will be impossible to be techno phobic about such an interface, and the only IT skill need will be to speak any major language.

TEXT 5Electronic progress

Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today. A major example is the electronic marketplace, which will bring customers and suppliers together in smart data-bases and virtual environments, with ID verification, encryption and transla-tion. It will then implement the billing, taxation and electronic funds transfer, while automatically producing accounts and auditing. The whole suite of ser-vices will be based on voice processing, allowing a natural voice interface to talk to the computer, all the AI to carry out the request, and voice synthesis and visualization technology to get the answer out. Electronic money will be very secure but much more versatile than physical alternatives. E – cash can be completely global and could be used as a de facto standard. It doesn’t have to be linked to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations. Its growing use on the Net will lead to its acceptance on the street and we may hold a large proportion of our total funds in this global electronic cash. People will increasingly buy direct from customized manufacturers.


Shops will be placed where people try on clothes, not buy them. Their exact measurements can be sent instantly to the manufacturer as soon as they have chosen an outfit. The shops may be paid by the manufacturer instead.

TEXT 6Employment

Employment patterns will change, as many jobs are automated and new jobs come into existence to serve new technologies. Some organizations will follow the virtual company model, where a small core of key employees is supported by contractors on a project by project basis, bringing together the right people regardless of where they live. The desks they will use will have multiple flat screens, voice interfaces, computer programs with human – like faces and personalities, full – screen videoconferencing and 3d sound position-ing. All this will be without any communication cables since the whole system uses high capacity infrared links. The many short- term contractors may not have enough space in their homes for an office and may go instead to a new breed of local telework centre. Of course, workers can be fully mobile, and we could see some people abandon offices completely, roaming the world and staying in touch via satellite systems. Even in trains and planes there may be infrared distribution to each seat to guarantee high bandwidth communication. One tool they may have in a few years is effectively a communicator badge. This will give them a voice link to computers across the network, perhaps on their office desk. Using this voice link, they can access their files and e – mail and carry out most computer – based work. Their earphones will allow voice synthesizers to read out their mail, and glasses with a projection system built into the arms and reflectors on the lenses will allow a head – up display of vis -ual information. Perhaps by 2010, these glasses could be replaced by an active contact lens that writes pictures directly onto the retina using tiny lasers.



Dictionary of Computing terms and abbreviationsA 1) access [´ækses] – доступ, возможность [право] пользования какими-либо программными ресурсами в компьютерной системе или сети;2) account [ə´kaunt] – 1) абонемент; 2) учетная запись, бюджет;3) active window [´æktiv windou] – текущее [активное] окно;4) address box [ə´dres boks] – область в программе веб-браузера, где отражен веб-адрес;5) algorithm [´ælgəriðm] – 1) алгоритм; 2) метод, правило;6) amend [ə´mend] – изменять, редактировать, вносить поправки;7) ADC (analogue-to-digital converter) [ænəlɔg tu didʒitl kən´vз:tə(r)] – устройство, преобразующее аналоговый сигнал в цифровой, т. о. чтобы его можно было обработать в цифровой системный;8) animation [ænimei∫n] – анимация, создание движущихся изображений на экране дисплея;9) anti-virus (program of software) [´ænti´vairəs] – антивирусная (программа или программное обеспечение);10) applications (program of software) [æpli´kei∫nz] – приложения, при-кладные программы или ПО;11) arithmetic and logic unit [əriθmətik ənd lɔdʒik ju:nit] – арифметико-логическое устройство, АЛУ;12) arrow keys [ærəu ´ki:z] – кнопки перемещения курсора вправо/влево, а также его перевода на другую строку дисплея;13) artificial intelligence [a:tifi∫l in´telidзəns] – искусственный интеллект;14) authentication [ɔ:θenti´kei∫n] – аутентификация, сервис контроля доступа, осуществляющий проверку регистрационной информации пользователя;15) avatar [ævəta:(r)] – «аватар», синтетический (анимационный) интер-активный объект, представляющий пользователя в виртуальном мире.


1) back up [bæk´Λp] – 1) выполнять резервное копирование, дублировать; 2) возвращать базу данных в состояние предшествовавшее сбою;2) back up device [´bækΛp divais] – устройство копирования данных;3) back end [bæk end] – сервер баз данных, серверное приложение (СУБД), прилагаемый, вспомогательный, прикладной;4) backgrownd [´bækgraund] – фон, фоновый режим работы;5) bug [bΛg] – ошибка (в программе), сбой, дефект;6) binary [´bainəri] – двоичный код, исполняемый файл;7) bit [bit] – бит, наименьший элемент компьютерной памяти;8) bookmark [´bukma:k] – закладка, место или выделенная часть исходного текста программы, документа;9) boot [bu:t] – 1) загрузка, начальная загрузка (системы); 2) самозагрузка;.10) browser [´brauzə(r)] – веб-обозреватель, навигатор (программа про-смотра веб-страницы);11) buffering [´bΛfərin] – 1) промежуточное преобразование; 2) буфе-ризация запоминающего устройства;12) bus [bΛs] – 1) шина; 2) канал (передачи информации).

С1) cache memory [´kæ∫meməri] – кэш-память, быстродействующая буферная память небольшой емкости;2) CD-ROM (disk) [si:di: ´rɔm] – компакт-диск, CD-ROM (предназначен только для чтения);3) CD-ROM (drive) [si:di: ´rɔm draiv] – дисковод для компакт-дисков;4) cell [sel] – 1) ячейка, элемент; 2) секция (единый участок памяти, в котором хранится часть файла);5) CPU (central processing unit) [sentrəl´ prəusesiη ju:nit] – центральный процессор;6) CCD (charge-coupled device) [´t∫a:dʒ kΛpld divais] – прибор с зарядо-вой связью (технология сканирования);7) chip [t∫ip] – микросхема, кристалл, разг. чип;8) click [klik] – щелчок (кнопкой мыши), щелкнуть;9) client [´klaiənt] – заказчик, пользователь, сервер;10) code [kəud] – 1) код; 2) система кодирования; (машинная программа);11) command button [kəma:nd bΛtn] – кнопка управления (элемент интерфейса, используемый для активизации некоторого события);12) communication [kəmju:nikei∫n] – 1) коммуникация, связь; 2) сообще-ние, передача;13) computer [kəm´pju:tər] – компьютер, ЭВМ;


14) СAD (computer aided design) [kəmpju:tə eidid di´zain] – система авто-матизированного проектирования, САПР;15) CU (control unit) [kən´trəul ju:nit] – устройство управления, блок управления;16) copyholder [´kɔpihəuldə(r)] – механическое устройство, держатель бумаги для удобства чтения;17) cursor [´kз:sə(r)] – курсор, различают текстовый курсор (верти-кальная линия) и курсор мыши (графический значок, часто стрелка);18) cut and paste [kΛt ənd peist] – вырезать и вставить.D1) data [´deitə] – данные, информация, сведения;2) database [´dætəbæs] – база данных, заносить информацию в базу данных;3) debug [di:bΛg] – 1) отладка; 2) отлаживать (программу или меха-низм); 3) устранять неполадки;4) decode [di:kəud] – 1) декодировать, 2) преобразовать данные в перво-начальную форму, 3) выполнять операцию обратную операции кодирования;5) desktop (computer) [´deskɔp (kəm,pju:tə)] – настольный ПК.;6) dialog box [´daiəlɔg bɔks] – диалоговое окно;7) disk [disk] – диск, дисковое заполняющее устройство, накопитель на диске;8) disk drive [´diskdraiv] – дисковод, накопитель на дисках;9) dot-matrix printer [dɔt´mætriks printə(r)] – точечно-матричное печа-тающее устройство;10) down-load [´daunəudl] – 1) загружать (дистанционно по каналу свя-зи); 2) скачиваемый файл, скачивать файл;11) drag [dræg] – перетаскивать (фрагмент изображения по экрану);12) drag and drop [dræg ən´drɔp] – «перетащи и оставь» (операция гра-фического интерфейса);13) drop-down menu [drɔpdaun ´menju:] – всплывающее меню.Е1) editor [´editə(r)] – редактор, текстовый редактор;2) electronic wallet [elektrɔnik ´wɔlit] – 1) электронный [цифровой] бу-мажник; 2) смарт-карта;3) e-mail [i:meil] – электронная почта;4) ebook (electronic book) [´i:buk] – электронная книга;5) e-mail attachment [´i:meil ətæt∫mənt] – приложение к электронному письму;6) encode [en´kəud] – кодировать, шифровать;7) enter (key) кнопка [клавиша ввода запроса];8) expansion card [ik´spæn∫n ka:d] – плата расширения;9) embed [em´bed] – вставлять, встраивать;


10) extended keyboard [ikstendid ´ki:bɔ:d] – расширенная клавиатура.F1) FAQ (frequently-asked question) [ef ei ´kju:] – сетевой файл содержащий ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по некоторой тематике;2) fault tolerance [´fɔlt tɔlərəns] – неисправность, сбой, выход из строя, частичная или полная неработоспособность или неправильное функционирование аппаратных средств;3) field [fi:ld] – 1) поле; 2) область, сфера, 3) группа разрядов машинной команды или машинного слова;4) file [fail] – файл – упорядоченный набор записей или иная совокупность данных, хранящаяся в компьютерной системе под общим именем;5) file server [´fail sз:ve(r)] – файл-сервер, файловый процессор;6) file virus [´fail vairəs] – файловый вирус;7) filestore [´failstɔ:(r)] – 1) файловое запоминающее устройство; 2) фай-ловая память; 3) виртуальное хранилище файлов;8) flash drive [´flæ∫ draiv] – флэш-память;9) floppy (disk) [´flɔpi] – дискета, гибкий магнитный диск;10) floppy (disk) drive [´flɔpi draiv] – дисковод для гибких дисков, накопитель на гибких дисках;11) folder [´fəuldə(r)] – папка, каталог, директория;12) FORTRAN [´fɔ:træn] – Фортран, язык программирования; сокр. от FORmula TRANslator, процедурный ЯВУ для численных методов;13) format [´fɔ:mæt] – схема расположения и представления данных при хранении, вводе-выводе с/на внешние устройства или пересылке по компьютерным сетям;14) formatting toolbar [´fɔ:mætiη tu:llba:(r)] – панель инструментов задания формата;15) freeze [fri:z] – 1) фиксировать, замораживать (состояние системы); 2) стоп-кадр, пауза;16) function keys [´fΛnk∫n ki:z] – функциональные клавиши, группа про-граммируемых клавиш, имеющих специальное назначение в каждой программе;17) full backup [ful´bækΛp] – полное резервное [страховое] копирование всего содержимого диска или базы данных на носитель резервной копии.G1) gateway [´geitwei] – 1) шлюз; 2) межсетевой переход, межсетевой интерфейс; 3) система выполняющая преобразование из одного естествен-ного формата в другой;


2) general-purpose language [dʒenrol pз:pəs læηgwidʒ] – универсальный язык (язык программирования, напр. Basic, C…);3) get listed [get ´listid] – зарегистрировать веб-адрес сайта в поисковой системе Интернета; 4) gigabyte [´gigəbait] – гигабайт (1024 Мбайт, или 230 байтов);5) Google [gu:gl] – поисковая система, Гугл – термин, образованный от названия одной из самых известных и эффективных поисковых Интернет-систем;6) GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) [dзi: pi: a:r´es] – общий сервис пакетной передачи (данных) (стандарт для передачи данных в сотовых сетях);7) GPS (Global Positioning System)[ dʒi:pi: ´es] – глобальная система на-вигации и определения положения;8) GUI (graphical (user) interface ) [græfikl juizər ´intəfeis] – графический интерфейс пользователя;9) graphics card [´græfiks ka:d] – графическая плата, графическая карта;10) graphics package [´græfiks pækidʒ] – 1) пакет (программ) машинной графики; 2) комплект графических (аппаратно-программных средств).

H1) hacker [´hækə] – программист-злоумышленник (использующий свою квалификацию для несанкционированного доступа к ЭВМ);2) hand held [hænd held] – 1) ручной, переносной; 2) портативный, карманный;3) handler [hændlə] – программа обработки, обработчик;4) hand [hæη] – 1) зависание; 2) «вешать», «подвешивать» программу;5) hard (disk) drive [´ha:d disk draiv] – накопитель жестких магнитных дисков, дисковод;6) hardware [ha:dweə(r)] – аппаратные средства обеспечения;7) header [´hedə(r)] – 1) верхний колонтитул; 2) заголовок;8) head phones [´hedfəunz] – наушники телефона;9) high-level language [hai levəl ´læηgwidʒ] – языки программирования высокого уровня;10) highlight [´hailait] – подчеркивать, выделять, выдвигать на первый план;11) Home Button [´həum bΛtən] – кнопка возврата;12) host [həust] – 1) хост; 2) локальный ПК; 3) главный, основной;13) HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) [eit∫ ti:em ´el] – язык гипертек-стовой разметки;14) hyperlink [´haipəliηk] – гиперссылка, гиперсвязь;15) hypertext [haipətekst] – гипертекст, обобщенный текст.


I 1) I. T. (Information Technology) [infə mei∫n tek´nɔlədзi] – информаци-онная технология;2) inkjet printer [´iηkdʒet printə(r)] – струйное печатающее устройство (с разбрызгиванием красителя);3) input device [´input divais] – устройство ввода данных;4) instruction [in´strΛk∫n] – машинная команда (в языках низкого уровня), оператор в ЯВУ;5) interface [´intəis] – интерфейс (в языках программирования – видимая пользователю, в отличие от реализации, часть описания функции, модуля, класса, определяющая способ их использования);6) Internet service provider [intənet ´sз:vis prəvaidə(r)] – поставщик Ин-тернет-услуг (коммерческая фирма, предоставляющая индивидуальным пользователям доступ к Интернет-услугам);7) Intel [´intel] – корпорация, Intel – крупнейший в мире производитель микропроцессоров и другой полупроводниковой продукции (в том числе Pentium);8) initialize (the hard disk) [I´ni∫əlaiz] – инициализировать, устанавливать в исходное состояние;9) (Microsoft) Internet Explorer [intənet ik´splɔ:rə(r)] – Интернет - эксплорер (программа фирмы Microsoft, обеспечивающая подключение компьютера к Интернету, установление удаленных соединений и использо-вание Интернет-ресурсов);10) IS (Information science) [ai es] – информатика.

J 1) jam [dзæm] – 1) замятие, защемление (бумаги в принтере); 2) затор, заклинивание;2) java [´dзa:və] – машинозависимый, объектно-ориентированный язык, разработанный фирмой Sun, Microsystems для создания распределенных прикладных систем;3) joystick [´dʒɔistik] – джойстик, координатная ручка (в графических системах с дисплеем);4) JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) [´dʒei peg] – объединенная группа экспертов по обработке фотографических изображений, по стандартам цифровых видео- и мультипликационных изображений;5) junk e-mail [dзΛnk ´i:meil] – «макулатурная» почта (реклама, приглашения), аналог-спам (spam);6) justify [´dʒΛstifai] – 1) выравнивать (массивы знаков или текста); 2) обосновывать (техническое решение); 3) выключать строку (из редактируемого текста на экране).


K1) KDE [keidi: ´i:](K Desktop Environment) – графический пользовательский интерфейс фирмы Corel;2) kernel [kз:nəl] – 1) ядро; 2) набор низкоуровневых программных примитивов, вокруг которых строится какая-либо система;3) key [´ki:] – клавиша на компьютерной клавиатуре;4) keyboard [´ki:bɔ:d] – клавиатура, клавишная панель;5) keypad [´ki:pæd] – дополнительная [цифровая] клавиатура, (малая клавишная панель);6) key word [´ki:wз:d] – 1) ключевое слово (отражающее содержание текста), дескриптор; 2) зарезервированное слово;7) know-ledge base [´nɔlidʒ beis] – база знаний, является частью экспериментальной системы или других основанных на знаниях систем.

L1) label [leibl] – 1) метка тома, файла; 2) метка или набор значений (оператора СASE); 3) имя поля;2) LAN (Local area network) [læn] – локальная вычислительная сеть, ЛВС;3) landscape [´lænskeip] – альбомная ориентация страницы при печати;4) language processor [´læηgwidʒ prəusesə(r)] – лингвистический процессор, языковой процессор (для обработки лингвистических данных), интерпретатор (программа);5) laser printer [´leizə printə(r)] – лазерное печатающее устройство;6) library [´laibrəri] – 1) библиотека; 2) набор файлов, программ; 3) большое хранилище дисков и картриджей, в котором может быть несколько работающих накопителей;7) link [liηk] – 1) ссылка; 2) канал передачи данных, соединение (в сети);8) Linux [´lainΛks] – операционная система (некоммерческая версия UNIX для ПК);9) line chart [´lain t∫at] – линейный график;10) line spacing [´lain speisiη] – межстрочный интервал;11) load [ləud] – 1) загрузка; 2) вставить дискету в дисковод; 3) нагрузка (сети электропитания);12) log on [lɔg ´ɔn] – входить в сеть;13) loudspeaker [laud ´spi:kə(r)] – динамик, громкоговоритель;14) low-level language [ləu levl ´læηgwidʒ] – языки программирования низкого уровня.

М1) Macintosh [´mækintɔ∫] – Макинтош, компьютеры фирмы «Apple Computer» («Эпл Компьютер»);2) machine [mə´∫i:n] – машина, компьютер;


3) machine intelligence [mə∫i:n in´telidʒəns] – искусственный интеллект;4) mail-bombing [´meilbɔmiη] – почтовая бомбежка (злоумышленное переполнение мусорными сообщениями почтового ящика по конкретному электронному адресу);5) mailbox [meilbɔks] – почтовый ящик;6) main memory [mein ´meməri] – оперативная память, оперативное запоминающее устройство, память универсальной вычислительной машины;7) mainframe (computer) [´meinfreim] – (универсальная) вычислительная машина (в отличие от мини-машин и малых коммерческих машин);8) maintenance [meintinəns] – эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание (включая текущий ремонт);9) manual [´mænjuəl] – руководство, справочник, указатель, наставление;10) mapping [´mæpiη] – отображение в другой системе (не на экране); построение соответствий; процесс пометки буквами сетевых дисков; преобразование;11) marquee [´ma: ´ki] – бегущая строка;12) Media Control Interface [´mi:diə kən´trəul intəfeis] – интерфейс управления средой, мультимедиа устройствами;13) Medium Dependent Interface [´mi:diəm di´pendent ´intəfeis] – интер-фейс, зависящий от среды (передачи данных);14) memory [´meməri] – машинная память, запоминающее устройство, накопитель информации;15) menu bar [´menju:ba:(r)] – строка меню (строка, содержащая названия меню, приложения, расположена под строкой заголовка окна);16) message [mesidʒ] – сообщение, извещение, письмо;17) microchip [´maikrət∫ip] – чип, кристаллик с интегральной (микро) схемой;18) microcomputer [´maikrəukəm pju:tə(r)] – микроЭВМ, микрокомпьютер;19) microprocessor [maikrəu ´prəusesə(r)] – микропроцессор;20) Microsoft [´maikrəsɔft] – крупнейшая фирма-производитель программного обеспечения в США, основатель и глава компании – Билл Гейтс;21) mirroring [´mirəriη] – зеркальное отражение, зеркальное копирование;22) modem [´məudəm] – модем;23) monitor [´mɔnitə(r)] – монитор, экран;24) motherboard [´mΛðəbɔ:d] – материнская (системная) плата;25) mouse [maus] – мышь;26) mouse button [´maus bΛtən] – кнопка мыши;27) mouse pointer [´maus pɔintə(r)] – курсор мыши;


28) monochrome [´mɔnəkrəum] – одноцветный монохромный; нецветное изображение, черно-белый;29) more windows [´mɔ: ´windəuz] – дополнительные окна;30) multiprocessor [mΛltiprəu´sesə] – многопроцессорная система; многопроцессорный;31) mute [´mju:t] – отключение микрофона, немой.N 1) Net (the) [net] – сеть, паутина;2) network [´netwɔ:k] – сеть;3) nickname/nick [´nikneim] – псевдоним, имя пользователя;4) node [´nəud] – узел (сети);5) noise [´nɔiz] – шум, помехи;6) non-interlaced [´nɔn´intə(r) leist] – построчная (развертка у монитора);7) notification [nəutifi´kei∫ən] – уведомление, извещение;8) nuke [´njuk] – «убить», уничтожить файл или процесс;9) numeric keyboard [nju: merik ´ki:bɔ:d] – цифровая клавиатура;10) numeric control [nju:merik kən´trəul] – числовое программное управление, ЧПУ.

O1) (Microsoft) Office [´ɔfis] – пакет программных продуктов фирмы Microsoft, включающий текстовые процессоры (Microsoft Word), СУБД (Microsoft Access), электронные таблицы (Microsoft Excel), электронную почту (Microsoft Outlook);2) offline [´ɔflain] – автономный (режим работы);3) online [ɔn´lain] – работающий в оперативном режиме, в режиме онлайн, неавтономный;4) one-way link [´wΛn´wei link] – односторонняя связь;5) operating system [´ɔpəreitiη ´sistəm] – операционная система;6) option [´ɔp∫ən] – опция, параметр;7) outdated [´autdeitid] – устаревший;8) outliner [´autlainə(r)] – система (программа) оконтуривания, векторизации растрового изображения, планировщик;9) outlook [autluk] – кругозор, перспективы;10) output [´autput] – выходное устройство, устройство вывода, вывод информации;11) overflow [´əuvəfləu] – избыток, переполнение.

P1) pad [´pæd] – клавиатура, клавишная панель;2) packet [´pækit] – пакет;3) (software) package [´pækidʒ] – пакет, комплект, программный продукт;4) palm-size PC [pa:m saiz pi:si:] – карманный ПК;


5) Pascal [pæs´kæl] – Паскаль, язык программирования;6) password [´pa:swɔ:d] – пароль, код, используемый для получения доступа к закрытой системе;7) paste [peist] – вставить (фрагмент текста);8) patch [pæt∫] – «заплата», вставка в программу (с целью исправления или изменения);9) payload [peiləud] – полезная нагрузка;10) Pentium [´pentiəm] – процессор Pentium семейство микропроцессоров корпорации Intel;11) peripheral [pə´rifərəl] – периферийное устройство, внешнее устройство;12) phishing [´fi∫iη] – фишинг, разновидность Интернет-мошенничества, выуживание информации, позволяющей совершить «кражу личности»;13) PIN (Personal Identification number) [pin] – идентификационный номер, PIN- код;14) pixel [piksəl] – пиксель, элемент изображения;15) playStation [´pleistei∫n] – игровая приставка, игровая станция;16) plotter [´plɔtə(r)] – плоттер, графопостроитель;17) plug and play [´plΛg ənd plei] – «включай и работай»;18) port [pɔ:t] – порт (многоразрядный вход или выход устройства);19) portable (computer) [´pɔ:təbl] – портативный, переносной;20) POP (Post Office Protocol) [pop] – почтовый протокол;21) printer [´pritə(r)] – принтер, печатное устройство;22) processor [´pərəusesə(r)] – процессор, аппаратное устройство для исполнения программ;23) program [´prəugæm] – программа;24) programmer [´prəugræmə(r)] – программист;25) public domain [pΛblik də´mein] – общедоступное ПО;26) public key [pΛblik ´ki:] – открытый (криптографический) ключ;27) pull-down menu [pul daun ´menju:] – ниспадающее меню;28) punched card [´pΛnt∫t ka:d] – перфокарта. Q1) qualifier [´kwɔlifaiə] – определитель, спецификатор, ключ, печатающий в командной строке;2) query [´kwiəre] – запрос;3) quote [´kwəut] – ссылка, цитата.R1) RAM (Random access memory) [ræm] – оперативная память;2) raw data [rɔ:deitə] – необработанные данные;3) real-time [´ri:taim] – реальное время, режим реального времени;4) reboot [ri:bu:t] – перезагрузка (компьютера);5) receiver [re´si:və(r)] – приемник, накопитель;


6) record [´rekɔ:d] – запись, записывать;7) Recycle Bin [ri: ´saikl bin] – корзина;8) register [´redʒistə(r)] – регистр, регистрировать;9) reload [´ri:´ləud] – перезагрузка, перезагрузить;10) remote [ri:´məut] – дистанционный, удаленный;11) resolution [rezə´lu:∫n] – разрешение, разрешающая способность;12) restore [ris´tɔ:] – восстановить;13) router [´ru:tər] – маршрутизатор;14) run [rΛn] – запуск (программы);15) ROM (Read Only Memory) [rɔm] – постоянное запоминающее устройство, ПЗУ.16) run-time [´rΛntaim] – время работы, время выполнения программы.S1) salami shaving [sə´la:mi ∫eiviη] – атака «салями» (вид трудноотслеживаемого компьютерного мошенничества в банковской сфере);2) SAN (Storage Area Network) [sæn] – сеть хранения данных;3) save [seiv] – сохранять, записывать в память, на диск;4) scan [scæn] – 1) сканировать, просматривать; 2) развертка;5) scanner [skænə(r)] – сканер, сканирующее устройство;6) screen [skri:n] – экран, изображение на экране;7) scroll [skrəul] – прокручивать, перемещать;8) scrollbar [´skrəulba:(r)] – линейка прокрутки (изображения в окне);9) search engine [´sз:t∫ endʒin] – поисковый механизм (в Интернете);10) seek time [´si:k taim] – время поиска (нужной дорожки);11) secondary storage [sekəndri ´stɔ:ridʒ] – вспомогательное запоминаю-щее устройство;12) server [´sз:və(r)] – сервер, компьютер или приложение, предоставляющие услуги (сервисы), ресурсы или данные клиентскому приложению или компьютеру;13) shareware [´∫eəweə(r)] – испытательная версия программы;14) smart card reader [´sma:t ka:d ri:də(r)] – устройство чтения кредитных карточек (смарт-карт, микропроцессорных карточек);15) software [´sɔftweə(r)] – программное обеспечение, софт;16) spacebar [´speisba:(r)] – клавиша пробела, интервалов (при печатании);17) spellcheck [´spelt∫ək] – проверка орфографии;18) spreadsheet [´spred∫i:t] – крупноформатная таблица;19) storage device [´stɔ:ridʒ divais] – запоминающее устройство, накопитель;20) sub-program [´sΛbprəugræm] – подпрограмма;21) subfolder [´sΛbfəuldə(r)] – папка нижележащего уровня (элемент хранения учрежденческой информации);


22) synchronize [´siηkrənaiz] – синхронизировать;23) syntax checker [´sintəks t∫əkə(r)] – программа синтаксического контроля;24) system error [´sistəm erə(r)] – системная ошибка;25) system unit [´sistəm ju:nit] – системный блок;26) speaker [´spi:kə(r)] – динамик, громкоговоритель, акустическая колонка;27) Start (button) [sta:t] – кнопка «Пуск».T1) tab (key) [tæb] – клавиша установки табулятора;2) tag [tæg] – тег, признак (хранящийся вместе со словом), дескриптор, управляющий код;3) task bar [´ta:skba:(r)] – панель задач;4) terminal [´tз:minl] – терминал, оконечное устройство;5) text box [´tekst bɔks] – текстовое окно (поле для ввода информации в диалоговом окне);6) title bar [´taitl ba:(r)] – строка заголовка (окна);7) toner [´təunə(r)] – красящий порошок, тонер (в лазерных принтерах);8) toolbar [tu:lba:(r)] – панель (инструментов);9) touchpad [´tΛt∫pæd] – сенсорная панель;10) track [træk] – дорожка информации (на ленте);11) traffic [´træfik] – трафик, поток (информации) обмена;12) transmission[trænzmi∫n] – пересылка, обмен, передача данных;13) translator program [træn´sleitə prəugræm] – транслятор, транслирую-щая программа;14) Trojan (horse) [´trəudʒən] – «Троянский конь», разновидность вирусного ПО, которое маскируется под обычную программу, но содержит вредоносный код или программу «взлома» сети;15) Trinitron [´trinitrɔn] – технология Тринитрон, разработана корпорацией Sony. Характерное отличие при изготовлении масок кинескопов цветных мониторов – используется апертурная решетка, что обеспечивает яркость по всему экрану;16) typesetting [´tΛipsetiη] – набор текста.U1) Unix [´ju:niks] – многозадачная операционная система Юникс со множественным доступом;2) update [´Λpdeit] – обновление, модификация;3) upgrade [´Λpgreid] – средства обеспечения наращивания вычислительных возможностей, модернизация;4) upload [Λp´ləud] – 1) пересылка файла из рабочей сианции в хост-компьютер; 2) загружать в удаленный компьютер (по линии связи);5) URL (Universal Resource Locator) [ju:a:r´el] – унифицированный указатель (информационного) ресурса;


6) USB (Universal Serral Bus) [ju:es bi:] – универсальная шина последовательной передачи данных;7) Usenet [´ju:znet] – пользовательская сеть, распределенная система электронных досок объявлений, упорядоченная по группам новостей этой сети;8) user [´ju:zə(r)] – пользователь;9) username [´ju:zəneim] – имя пользователя;10) utility (program) [ju: ´tiləti] – программа-утилита.V1) VB (Visual Basic) [vi: ´bi] – визуальный Бейсик (язык программиро-вания корпорации Microsoft);2) VDU (Visual Display Unit) [vi:di: ´ju:] – монитор (компьютера), дисплей;3) video memori[´vidiəu meməri] – видеопамять, память (для хранения) видео-данных.;4) virtual reality [vз:t∫uəl ri´ælti] – виртуальная реальность (трехмерные визуальные «миры»);5) virus-check [´vairəs t∫ek] – проверка на наличие вирусов;6) voicemail [´vɔismeil] – голосовая почта, вид электронной почты, когда в виде письма хранится речевое сообщение.W1) wallpaper [´wɔ:lpeipə(r)] – обои;2) Web (the) [web] – сеть, (всемирная) паутина;3) WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) [wæp] – протокол, предназначенный для распространения информационных материалов по Интернету;4) WAN (Wide Area Network) [wæn] – глобальная вычислительная сеть, региональная сеть;5) Web server [´web sз:və(r)] – Интернет-сервер;6) Webmaster [´webma:stə(r)] – веб-мастер, администратор;7) Web site [´websait] – веб-сайт;8) Wi Fi [wai´fai] (Wireless Fidelity) – досл. «Беспроводная преданность», беспроводной доступ в Интернет;9) wordprocessor [wз:d´prəusessə(r)] – текстовый процессор (программа подготовки и редактирования текста);10) workstation [´wз:kstei∫n] – 1) рабочая станция (сетевой компьютер, использующий ресурсы сервера); 2) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ;11) Windows Media Player [windəuz mi:diə pleiə(r)] – мультимедийный проигрыватель «Уиндоуз»;12) wireless network [´waiələs ´netwз:k] – беспроводная сеть связи;


13) WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) [dΛblju: eleien] – беспровод-ная локальная сеть, использующая в качестве среды передачи инфракрасное излучение или радиоволны;14) World Wide Web (the) [wз:ld waid ´web] – всемирная паутина –информационная система в Интернет;15) worm [wз:m] – «червь» программа, один из типов компьютерных вирусов самостоятельно распространяющаяся по узлам компьютерных сетей. Может содержать вирус или другую вредоносную программу, а может и выполнять полезные функции;16) writable CD-ROM drive [raitəbl si:di: ´rɔm draiv] – перезаписываемый компакт-диск.

X1) XGA (Extended Graphics Array) [eks dʒi:ei] – расширенная графическая матрица, усовершенствованный графический адаптер;2) XML (Extensible Markup Language) [eks em ´el] – расширяемый язык разметки (гипертекста). Состоит из двух частей: из определения используемого языка и документа.

Y1) Yahoo [jæ´hu:] – поисковая система в World Wide Web (всемирной паутине), поддерживается на средства рекламодателей;2) Yandex [´jændəks] – русскоязычный поисковый сервер «Яндекс».

Z1) zero out [´zierəu ´aut] – очищать, обнулять;2) zip (ped) file [´zipfail] – архивный файл;3) zooming [´zu:miη] – изменение масштаба изображения;4) zoom out [´zu:m aut] – отдалить, сжать, закрыть


1. Гроза, О. Л. New Millenium English (Английский язык нового тысячелетия): Учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Изд. 2-ое, изм. / О. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая, Н. Ю. Казырбаева – «Титул», Обнинск, 2006. – 174 с.

2. Орлов, С. Б. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике и информационным технологиям (60 тыс. терминов) 4-ое издание / С. Б. Орлов. – М. : РадиоСофт, 2007.

3. Encyclopaedia Brittanica Delux Edition, 2006. (CD-ROM).4. Электронный англо-русский словарь Abbyy Lingvo 10, 2004. 


5. Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan Basic English for Computing. Revised and updated. Ox-ford University Press, 2007. – 136 p.

6. Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford English for Information Technology. Second Edition Oxford University Press, 2006. – 222 p.


Предисловие ……………………………………...………………… 3Chapter I. Introductory Course of English……….......……………… 4Chapter II. Basic Course of English…………….....……...………… 17

Unit 1. What is a Personal Computer (PC)……………………….. 17Unit 2. The History of Computer Development………………….. 21Unit 3. Computer science ………………………………………... 25Unit 4. Operating systems ………………………………………... 28Unit 5. Storage devices………………...…………………………. 32Unit 6. Programming ………...…………………………………... 35Unit 7. Microsoft Company………………………………………. 38Unit 8. Cybercrimes: Denial of service attacks ……...………….. 41Unit 9. Linux ………..…………....................................………… 43Unit 10. Computer Graphics ……..…….......……………………. 46Unit 11. Peripherals ........................................................................ 49Unit 12. Output devices .................................................................. 51Unit 13. Computer networks ........................................................... 53Unit 14. Software ............................................................................ 57Unit 15. Software engineering ……………………………….…... 61Unit 16. User interfaces ………………………………………….. 64Unit 17. The Internet ……………………...……………………… 67Unit 18. XML takes on HTML ……………………………..……. 71Unit 19. Cybercrimes: Spam ……………………………………... 75Unit 20. Computer viruses …………………………….....………. 78Unit 21. Wireless Networking …………………………………… 81

Chapter III. Supplementary Texts........................................................ 84PART I. Divisions of IT specialties ……….....……………………… 84PART II. Some interesting facts on Computing and IT Technologies……................................................................................................


Chapter IV. Dictionary of Computing terms and abbreviations ......… 93Список использованной литературы ………………..........………. 106


Учебное издание

Елена Павловна ЛуцеваИрина Владимировна АлещановаМария Владимировна Душаткина


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Редактор Л. В. Попова Компьютерная верстка Н. М. Сарафановой

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Бумага листовая. Печать офсетная.Усл. печ. л. 6,75. Усл. авт. л. 6,56.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №

Волгоградский государственный технический университет400131, г. Волгоград, пр. Ленина, 28, корп. 1.

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