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Notes on Genesis 37

Please note when transliterating Hebrew or proto-Hebrew forms certain conventions are used only because they are easier to type.

aa, ii, uu = long a, i, u oo = long oee = long e$ = shin# = tet% = sin

In the bad old days of WordPerfect 5.1 you could type all sorts of combination and special characters quickly and easily on the fly. Progress?


שב יו = wayyiqtol or waw-consecutive (with imperfect). The וי־ should be easy to identify and tell you (a) form and (b) PGN. That leaves two root letters שב. Apply Kittel neat trick #1 from Kittel 3.1. Compare imperfect form *yay$ibu .See Isbell 130 .וישב < to wayyiqtol form *wayyáy$ib ישב <

In many wayyiqtol verb forms the accent moves back one syllable. This will often cause short vowels after the accent to reduce. You will see this often in Biblical Hebrew. Be ready for it.

Wait a moment. What on earth is this “*yay$ibu > ישב to wayyiqtol form *wayyáy$ib > וישב” weirdness? Sometimes I will try to explain where a word form comes from. The asterisk * indicates “reconstructed – this never actually appears in Biblical Hebrew but we think the Hebrew word form comes from this”. Followed by my attempt to show the earlier word form in italicized transliteration. You do not need to learn or memorize these explanations and reconstructions. They are only there to help you understand why a Hebrew word looks the way it does. But in my experience they help me remember Hebrew word forms as well.

Transliteration = using Roman characters to represent sounds. So a possible transliteration of מ לך is mélek.


which is the masculine plural construct ending. So this is ־י Note final – מגוריeither (a) noun (b) adjective (c) participle. This is a noun and you will find it under גור. מגור = “sojourning-place, dwelling-places, sojourning” under BDB 158b.

is one of a handful of nouns that uses a אב .with 3ms possessive suffix אביו = אבconnecting י before a suffix. See Isbell 178 or Kittel 10.2b. How can you tell if the noun is singular not plural?

Construct chain. “In the x of the x of his x”. How do we know – בארץ מגורי אביוthe construct nouns are definite? Hint – אביו.


לה demonstrative adjective. What is the Gender and Number? What use of the = אadjective is this? Attributive, predicate, or substantive? See Isbell 239 or 18; Kittel 18.5 or 352.1

Could be (a) feminine plural ending or (b) infinitive .־ות Note the – תלדותconstruct of a 3rd ה verb. You will find this under ילד. תולדות = “generations” under BDB 410a.

son of 17 years” in other words “17 years old”. Numbers“ = בן־שבע־אשרי שנהnouns with the numbers 11-19 may be in the plural, but if they are items frequently numbers (such as איש, יום, שנה) they appear in the singular. See for example Gen 7:6. See Ibsell 80-81 or Kittel 54.1.

participle. See Kittel trick #Q1 from 9.3a. Compare Qal regular participle = רעה ,pasture, tend“ = רעה .verb ה This is the 3ms Qal participle of a 3rd .פוקדgraze” under BDB 944b. *CooCiyu > *CaaCiyu > CooCe(h). See Isbell 75.

Oh no. Not again. What’s with this “*CooCiyu > *CaaCiyu > CooCe(h)” stuff? Once again I am trying to show you where a Hebrew word form comes from. I use C to represent “any Consonant”. I also use parentheses to indicate vowel letters. So סוסה suu(w)saa(h) “mare” but סוסה suu(w)saah “her horse”. Once again you do not have to learn or memorize these. But they can help you understand Hebrew word forms better. And the better you understand the better you remember.

1 Page references to Kittel are to the first edition. Page numbers – as opposed to section numbers – may be different in Kittel second edition.


in the perfect followed by participle emphasizes action היה רעה – היה רעה – היהcontinuing in the past. And היה in the imperfect followed by participle emphasizes action continuing in the future.

here the preposition “with” or the marker of the definite direct את Is – את־אחיוobject? אחיו = אח with 3ms possessive suffix. אח is another noun that uses connecting י before a suffix. See Isbell 178 or Kittel 10.2b. The preposition .only looks different if it has a pronominal suffix את

the sign of the definite את here equivalent to ב with noun. Is ב preposition = בצאןdirect object aka DDO? Compare to Exod 3:1. צאן = “small cattle, sheep and goats, flock, flocks” under BDB 838a.

ערנ = “boy, lad, youth; retainer” under BDB 654b. See 1 Sam 9:3 and 2 Kgs 4:12. Which meaning is probable here?

This is a tough form although you should recognize it. Feminine plural noun – נשיthat uses masculine endings. אשה = “woman, wife, female” under BDB 61a. Compare singular אשה to plural נשים. The singular and plural forms of this noun come from different Semitic roots. This is called a heteroclitic paradigm.

.should be easy to identify and tell you (a) form and (b) PGN וי־ The– ויבאWayyiqtol aka waw-consecutive. That leaves two root letters בא. Apply Kittel neat trick #2 from Kittel 6.1a. But which conjugation? Note the i class vowel which is an indicator of the Hiphil. See Kittel trick #H1 from 29.2. Compare Hiphil imperfect יביא *yabii’u > yabii(‘) to Hiphil wayyiqtol ויבא *wayyabii’ > *wayyabi’ > wayyabee(‘).

There is an important phonological rule in Biblical Hebrew. An original long vowel in a closed syllable will become short. And then short vowel rules apply.

בתם feminine singular noun with possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the = דsuffix? Review Isbell 92 or Kittel 53.5c That leaves בת־ feminine singular דconstruct form. What is the root? We see two root letters דב. Note the strong dagesh in the second root letter. Could it be דבב? דבה = “whispering, defamation, evil report” under BDB 179a.



ל למכ of comparison and means מן This is the .מן with prefixed preposition = כ“more than all”. See Isbell 27n2 .

old age” under BDB 279a. The root – and remember that all Hebrew“ = זקניםwords including nouns are based on roots - is זקן “be or become old” under BDB 278a. Plural nouns can be used to express an abstract idea.

?pronominal suffix. How is the preposition being used here + ל preposition = לוSee Isbell 61 or Kittel 7.5.

a simple conjunction + perfect or the waw-reversive? It appears to ו־ Is the – ועשהdepend on אהב earlier in the verse. A perfect verb followed by conjunction + perfect can refer to an action continued or repeated in the past.

Time for a little textual criticism! We have a perfect verb followed by conjunction + perfect and therefore what looks like two independent clauses. “Now Israel loved Joseph… And he made for him”. One commentator reasons that if the biblical writer intended the second clause to be a consequence of the first clause – because Israel loved Joseph me made a robe for him – the second verb would have been written as wayyiqtol aka waw-consecutive = ויעש or ויעשה. See the little a after ועשה? That directs you to the critical apparatus at the bottom of the page where we read:

Cp 37,3a ⅏ ויעש, l frt ויעשה

Which means something like “the Samaritan Pentateuch has ויעש so very likely we should read ויעשה”. How different is that from what we have? How much do we have to emend the text to get ויעשה instead of MT ועשה?

tunic, long robe” under BDB 509a. Try this on for size. Compare Hebrew“ = כתנתנת תכ to Greek χιτων. Did Greek borrow this word from Hebrew? Or did Hebrew borrow this word from Greek?

Masculine plural absolute noun. What is the root? We can see two root = פסיםletters פס. Note the strong dagesh in the second root letter. Could it be


כתנת פסים flat of hand or foot” under BDB 821a. So is a“ = פס Try ?פססa robe that reaches to the palms and soles? This express appears five times in the Bible: three times in the Joseph Story (Gen 37:3, 23, 32) and twice in the story of Tamar (2 Sam 13:18, 19). Traditionally the tunic is called in English translation “coat of many colors” in the Joseph Story but “long robe with sleeves” in the story of Tamar. There is no linguistic basis for interpreting as a coat of many colors. So where did this traditional כתנת פסיםinterpretation come from?

Note also that because פס is based on the root פסס it is פס in the singular but פסים in the plural. When there is an ending or suffix the second ס reappears. You will see this sort of thing happen all the time in Biblical Hebrew.


can be (a) י but remember that initial י A little tricky because of the initial – יכלוthe first root letter as well as (b) a verbal prefix. See Kittel trick #Q4 from Kittel 4.2a. יכל is an irregular verb that does not follow a normal 1st י pattern. It is also a Qal U verb. So Qal 3ms perfect יכל. But with the 3mp verbal suffix the u class vowel reduces to shwa See Isbell 141 or Kittel .יכלו40.5.

ברו .Another tricky form. This is a verb with possessive pronominal suffix – דNote the strong dagesh in ב and the a class vowel after the first root letter. Piel infinitive construct + 3ms suffix. Is the suffix the subject or object of the verb? See Isbell 112.

They were not able his speaking = They were not able to speak“ = ולא יכלו דברוto him”. See Isbell 141-142.

Literally “for peace” or “according to peace”. The .ל + שלום Preposition = לשלםpreposition ל in front of a noun can have an adverbial sense. Try “peaceably”.

Time for another text critical note. Okay so דברו לשלם is an unusual construction as noted above. See the little b after ברו and look down at the דbottom:


b 𝔊 λαλειν αυτω, l )דבר לו)ל?

Which means something like “the Septuagint has λαλειν αυτω ‘to speak to him’ so perhaps we can read לדבר לו”. How different is that from what we have? How much do we have to emend the text to read לדבר לו שלם instead of MT לדברו לשלם?


wayyiqtol or waw-consecutive. You should have no problem identifying = ויחלם(1) form and (2) PGN. We see all three root letters חלם. The first root letter is ח so this is a 1st guttural aka פ״ע verb. Compare regular verb ויפקד to Gutturals resist strong dagesh aka germination and (b) gutturals (a) .ויחלםprefer a class vowels. Review Isbell 4 and 269-270; Kittel 13.6b.

dream” under BDB 321b. A cognate accusative is a direct object (noun)“ = חלוםbuilt from the same root as the verb. See Isbell 318 or Kittel 34.

Oh man how do we analyze this? You should have little difficulty – ויגדidentifying (1) form and (2) PGN. That leaves two root letters גד. Note the strong dagesh in ג. So either (a) the root is גגד but that is impossible because the first two letters of a root are never the same in Hebrew or (b) there is a נ which has assimilated into the ג. Is the root נגד? Apply Kittel trick #H3 from Kittel 32.1. נגד = Hiphil “declare, tell” under BDB 616b. Compare Hiphil 3ms imperfect יגיד *ya(ha?)ngiidu > yaggii(y)d to 3ms wayyiqtol ויגד *wayya(ha?)ngiid > *wayyaggid > wayyaggeed.

פו ו סוי – Note the final Apply Kittel trick #14 from Kittel 8.1b. You should have .־וlittle difficulty identifying (1) form and (2) PGN. That leaves root letters סף. Hmm. Now apply Kittel trick #H4 from Kittel 33.1. יסף = Hiphil “add to, increase” under BDB 414b. You should know that most 1st י verbs that are not true 1st י but originally 1st ו. So פו ו סוי *wayya(ha?)wsiipuu >*wayyawsiipuu > *wayyoosiipuu > *wayyoosípuu(w).

Quick text critical note. Does the repetition of ויוספו עוד שנא אתו seem out of place? Note that a… a bracket the clause. In the critical apparatus we see:

5 a-a > 𝔊*, prb dl


Which means “as for everything between a and a not in the original Greek text – perhaps should be deleted”.

.still, yet, again, besides” under BDB 729a“ = עוד

Infinitive construct. What is the conjugation? Do you see any modifications – שנאto the root? You should be very familiar with the pattern פקד of the Qal infinitive construct by now.

Verbs that go with verbs can be a little tricky in Hebrew. Hiphil – ויוספו עוד שנא infinitive construct = “do something again or more”. “And they added + יסףagain hating = And they hated him even more”. See Isbell 180.


pray, now” which“ ־נא A little tricky. Note the particle of exhortation – שמעוusually is attached to an imperative. Which tells us 2nd person. So is it masculine or feminine? singular or plural? Remember Kittel trick #14 from Kittel 8.1b. Remember that the imperative generally looks like the imperfect without the verbal prefix. Sometimes that would result in two shwas so the first shwa becomes a short vowel usually hiriq . If the imperative is Hiphil or Niphal conjugation a conjugation prefix will appear. See Isbell 68 or Kittel 20.6a.

What is the PGN? We see all three .־תי perfect. Note the verbal suffix = חלמתיroot letters חלם and we have seen this verb before. What is the conjugation? See Isbell


Note: This verse is challenging.

which is masculine ־ים We have not seen many of these. Note final – מאלמיםplural absolute ending. Which means this is a noun or an adjective. And participles are verbal adjectives. Note (a) prefix(?) מ with shwa and (b) strong dagesh in second root letter. Apply Kittel trick #D3 from Kittel 31.1. Piel “bind” under BDB 47b-48a. Who or what is the subject? Who = אלםor what is the object? And since participles are verbal adjectives is it attributive, predicate, or substantive? Review Kittel 18.5. Right now. Seriously.


Independent pronoun before participle. The participle describes – אנחנו מאלמיםthe action or state of the pronoun. There is no tense except that supplied by context. “We binding = We are/were binding”. In Modern Hebrew pronoun + participle = present tense.

”sheaf“ = אלמה .feminine plural noun that uses a masculine ending = אלמיםunder BDB 48a.

מה This form is a little tricky because among other things you need to pay – קattention to the accent. It cannot be a perfect verb because the accent is on the wrong syllable. We see at least two root letters קמ and it turns out there is no root קמה. See Isbell 259-260 or Kittel 27.1, 27.4a.

*Beware*. There is a very small difference between the 3fs Qal perfect and the feminine singular absolute Qal participle of a hollow verb! 3fs Qal perfect מהק but fsa Qal participle קמה. Kittel 27.4a does not mention this.

feminine singular noun + possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the = אלמתיsuffix? See Kittel 53.5c. Note the original feminine ending ת appears before a suffix. You will see this all the time in Biblical Hebrew in verbs as well as nouns and adjectives. See Isbell 92.

בה צנ = perfect. This is a challenging verb form. Keep in mind we just saw (a) 3fs Qal perfect and (b) feminine noun + suffix אלמתי. Note the feminine ־ה ending. Note the strong dagesh in צ. Is this the characteristic doubling of the Piel? Or the assimilation of נ and so the initial נ־ is the Niphal conjugation prefix? Either way the root is נצב! At this point pay attention to the vowel pattern. Often the vowel pattern is the best sign of the conjugation. Is this i-a vowel pattern characteristic of the Piel or the Niphal? נצב = Niphal “take one’s stand, stand” under BDB 662a. See Isbell 283 or Kittel 46.7.

ינה בתס – Yuck. Note ת־־־נה. What is the form? What is the PGN? Take away the verbal prefix and suffix and we have סבי. But note the strong dagesh in ב. Hmm. Verb forms of this type of root are challenging because they can follow two different patterns. סבב = “turn about, go around, surround” under BDB 685a. See Isbell 257-258 or Kittel 51.4.


Hoo boy. You should have no trouble identifying the form. Note – ותשתחוין ת־־־ןinstead of ת־־־נה mostly in the Torah aka Pentateuch. What is the PGN? If you have trouble figuring out (a) the root and (b) the conjugation that is perfectly understandable. Hebraicists used to identify this as Hitpalel(?!?) but now the consensus is this is the Hishtaphel conjugation which שחהoccurs only with the root חוה. It is still listed as שחה = Hitpalel “bow down, prostrate oneself” under BDB 1005a. See Isbell 128 or Kittel 43.2.


infinitive absolute. What is the conjugation? See Isbell + ה interrogative = המלך94, 295 and Kittel 28.6.

?What is the PGN? What is the conjugation .ת־ Note the – תמלך

Infinitive absolute + verb is an emphatic construction. Often – מלך תמלךtranslated in English by adding “surely, certainly” before the verb. See Isbell 245 or Kittel 40.2a.

is one על ?preposition + pronominal suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix = עלינוof many prepositions that takes a connecting י before the suffix. See Isbell 135 or Chart O in Kittel 455.

– אם־

,III “rule = משל .Infinitive absolute. The infinitive absolute never changes = משלhave dominion, reign” under BDB 605b. Note that מכך takes the preposition .ב takes the preposition משל but על

.Here with the sense “on account of, because of”. See BDB 752a, 754a – על־

?feminine plural noun + possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix = חלמתיוYou should be a wiz by now at analyzing nouns + suffixes.

בריו .masculine plural noun + possessive suffix. Rinse and repeat = ד



another” under BDB 29b. Not to be“ = אחר .masculine singular adjective = אחרconfused with אחר “after, behind” under BDB 29b.

What is the form? What is the PGN? This part should be easy for you by – ויספרnow. We can see three root letters ספר. Note (a) shwa under the verbal prefix י (b) strong dagesh in middle root letter. Apply Kittel trick #D2 from Kittel 15.5. ספר = Piel “recount, relate” under BDB 707b. Normally the wayyiqtol form the verbal prefix is doubled. But if shwa is under the verbal prefix doubling often does not happen. See Isbell 57 or Kittel 39.1.

definite direct object indicator + pronominal suffix. What is the PGN of the = אתוsuffix? Do not confuse אתו “him (direct object)” with אתו “with him”. See Isbell 119-120.

Note masculine plural ending. This is the participle form of the – משתחויםHishtaphel conjugation of חוה. We saw this conjugation and root at the end of verse 7. Participles are verbal adjectives. What use of the adjective is this? Attributive, predicate, or substantive? What noun or pronoun does it describe? Hint – it describes more than one noun.


You should have no difficulty with the conjugation and the PGN. We can – ויגערsee three root letters גער. גער = “rebuke” under BDB 172a. Note that גער takes the preposition ב. Who is the subject of the verb?

infinitive absolute. You should have no trouble + ה interrogative = הבואidentifying the root and the conjugation.

.Apply Kittel super neat trick #2 from Kittel 6.1a. Now you know the root = נבואWhat is the PGN? We saw this same infinitive absolute + verb construction in verse 8a.

infinitive construct. See Kittel trick #10 from Kittel + ל preposition = להשתחות14.3. 3rd ה aka ל״ה verbs regularly lose the ה and have ־ת or ־ות in the infinitive construct.

רץא See Isbell 319 and Kittel 11.3. Wait. How does .ה noun + directional = ארצה + suffix – here directional ה – become רץ אארצה? is a segholate noun and


it helps to understand where such nouns come from. We will use another example לב לב dog”. Once upon a time“ כ kéleb was *kalbu. Compare כArabic kalbu(n) and Akkadian kalbu(m). Final short vowels dropped off in Hebrew so > *kalb. Hebrew does not like consonant clusters so a short vowel was added but the accent remains on the first syllable > *káleb > kéleb. A vowel that is added to break up a consonant cluster is an anaptytic vowel.* Okay. When a suffix is added the original *CvCC reappears > kalbo(w) כלבו “his dog”. Isbell 87-88 describes segholate nouns very well.

You will sometimes see anaptytic vowels in Biblical Hebrew. Especially in shortened verb forms.


You should have no trouble identifying (a) form and (b) PGN. Remember – ויקנאוKittel trick #14. We can see three root letters קנא. What is the conjugation? Note (c) the shwa under the verbal prefix ־י־. Apply Kittel trick #D2. Why is there no strong dagesh in the middle root letter? Remember that a consonant with a shwa often loses – or does not take? – a strong dagesh. קנא = Piel “be jealous, zealous” under BDB 888b.


You should have no trouble identifying (a) form and (b) PGN. We can see – וילכוtwo root letters לך. This verb root is a little tricky. Try Kittel neat trick #1 from Kittel 3.1. But there is no verb ילך. הלך often behaves like a 1st י verb. See Isbell 143 or Kittel 3.1.

and we ־ות infinitive construct. Take away the ending + ל preposition – לרעותhave two root letters רע. Try Kittel trick #10 from Kittel 14.3. You should know this verb root from verse 2.

.place name. Look up BDB 1014a + ב preposition = בשכם


negative particle. “Are not?” You will see this + ה interrogative = הלאconstruction frequently.


Apply Kittel trick #Q1 .־ים participle. Note the masculine plural ending = רעיםfrom Kittel 9.3a. Although that leaves two root letters .3רע rd ה verbs generally (1) the 3rd ה disappears before a vocalic suffix or (2) the 3rd ה < י before a consonantal suffix. Make a mental note of that right now. So msa Qal participle רעה but mpa Qal participle רעים.

It is .ה Most Hebraicists call this emphatic .ה Imperative + cohortative – לכהsometimes added to the 2nd person imperative. For emphasis? That leaves two root letters לך. Do you see any conjugation prefixes or doubled root letters? 2ms Qal imperative הלך = לך. With emphatic ה the vowel reduces to shwa > לכה. See Isbell 244 or Kittel 30.1a. Isbell says this is not a cohortative but a “paragogic ה”.

imperfect + pronominal object suffix. You should be able to + ו Simple – ואשלחךidentify (a) the PGN and (b) PGN of the suffix. That leaves אשלח־. We can see three root letters שלח. Try Kittel trick #Q2 from Kittel 17.3a. שלח = “send” under BDB 1018a.

Object suffixes in Biblical Hebrew can be difficult because they appear in various forms. For example the 2ms object suffix can be:

ך ־ך ־ך ־ך or even ־ך

depending on the form of the verb to which they are attached. See Kittel 53.5b.

pronominal suffix. You should have little difficulty identifying the + הנני = הנהPGN of the suffix. Kittel 10.3b calls הנה a predicator of existence.


What is the root? What is the .לך imperative. We only see two root letters = לךPGN? What is the conjugation? We already talked about this form in verse 13. Why לך and not לך?

part of the root? Remember that generally the ה imperative. Is the final = ראהimperative looks like the imperfect without the verbal prefix. Compare ?What is the root? PGN? conjugation .ראה and תראה


ני בוהש –At first glance looks a little like a wayyiqtol. This is simple ו + imperative + pronominal object suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix? Take away the ו and you have ה־ which suggests what? What makes this verb form difficult is that the suffix pulls the accent and some of the vowels reduce. Try Kittel trick #H1. See Isbell 264 or Kittel 29.2, 30.5.שוב = Hiphil “cause to return, bring back” under BDB 998b. Note the that connects the verb to the object suffix. Start making a list of verbs with object suffixes.

הו חוישל – You should have little difficulty identifying (a) the form and (b) the PGN. Note the final What is the PGN of the suffix? The different forms .־הוof the 3ms object suffix are:

־הו ־ו ־ו ־הו and even ־הו ־נו

See Kittel 53.5b. Take away ו־ and What is the .ישלח־ and that leaves ־הוconjugation? שלח = “send” under BDB 1018a. We have another verb + object suffix so add it to your list. Who is the subject? And who is the object?

מק עמ = preposition + noun. What is the preposition? Can you explain the vowel under the מ־?

מה כש = place name + directional ה. Normally the stress would fall on the directional ה. The word is in pause because it is at the end of the verse.


הו אוימצ – You should have no trouble with the form and PGN. What is the PGN of the pronominal object suffix? Take away the ו־ and object suffix and we are left with ימצא־. You should be able to figure out the rest. Add this to your list. Who is the subject?

is a verbal prefix. But this time it is part ת A little tricky because so often – תעהof the root. Apply Kittel trick #Q1. What is the form? What is the inflection? to פוקד wander” under BDB 1073a. Compare msa Qal participle“ = תעה .taa`iyu > *too`iyu > *too`e(h)* תעה In case you are curious .תעה

הו לוישא – Compare to הו אוימצ . Think you can figure this out on your own? Look up שאל under BDB 981a. And add it to your growing list.


.interrogative. See Isbell 238 = מה־

What is the PGN? Note (1) the shwa .בקש We have three root letters – תבקשunder ת and (2) the strong dagesh in middle root letter. Apply Kittel trick #D2. בקש = Piel “seek” under BDB 134b. An imperfect form set in the present time expresses an action, event, or state that continues for a long or short time. See Isbell 112.


Notes for reading/translating Genesis 37:16-36


suffixes + אח PGN of suffix? For ?את or DDO את Is this preposition – את־אחיsee Isbell 178.

preformative and (b) strong dagesh in middle root מ Note (a) shwa under – מבקשletter. Apply Kittel trick #D3. What is the inflection of this form? Who or what is the subject? the object?

.Note word order (1) direct object (2) subject (3) verb – את־אחי אנכי מבקשObject-Subject-Verb is rare in Biblical Hebrew. But we see it more with a participle predicate.

ידה־נא גה – The verb form is tricky. Note (a) ה־ (b) strong dagesh in ג (c) י vowel. Try Kittel trick #H2 and #H3. What is the conjugation? form? PGN? See Isbell 285. We saw ־ה in verse 13. נגד = Hiphil “tell” under BDB 616b. I find this form interesting because ידה גהגד >< ה .

אי + פהאיפה - “where + here” = “where?” under BDB 33a.

independent pronoun. These should be second nature to you by now. See – הםIsbell 35.


journey, set out, pull“ = נסע .What is the PGN? Remember Kittel trick #14 – נסעוout, pull up” under BDB 652a.

= preposition + demonstrative pronoun. See Isbell 239. “From this (place) = מזהFrom here”.

.What is the PGN? conjugation? form? Try Kittel trick #Q4 – שמעתי

ending and (b) holem after first root letter. Try Kittel trick ־ים Note (a) – אמרים#Q1. What is the inflection of the form?


Awkward expression because what is the object of the verb – שמעתי אמרים Gesenius says that an object pronoun is often omitted when ?שמעתיsupplied by context.

If the lack of a pronominal object still bothers you there is a text-critical note.

4 a l c ⅏Mss𝔊𝔗P שמעתים

Which means “with some Samaritan Pentateuch manuscripts, the Septuagint, and Palestinian Targum read שמעתים ‘ and I heard them’”.

What is the PGN? Try Kittel neat verb trick #1. This .נ־ Note also .־ה Note – נלכהis one of the most common verbs in Biblical Hebrew and you should be getting to the point where you can recognize and analyze it immediately. Review Isbell 143. Okay now everyone agrees this is the cohortative ה. See Isbell 244.

ינה תד – place name + directional ה. Wait a second. So is the place name something like ין תד ? That looks like a dual noun form. See Isbell 82.

verb + pronominal object suffix. You should have no trouble identifying – וימצאם(a) the form and (b) the PGN. What is the PGN of the object suffix? That leaves three root letters מצא. What is the conjugation? Do you see any conjugation prefixes? Pay attention to the vowel pattern! See Kittel 53.3b. At this point you might copy it and put it with your notes.

place name. We seem to have two different forms of the + ב preposition – בדתןsame place name. What is going on here?


Apply Kittel .רא What is the form and PGN? That leaves two root letters – ויראוsuper neat trick #4. This is one of the most common verbs in Biblical Hebrew and you should be getting to the point where you can recognize and analyze it immediately. Review Isbell 278.


מן + preposition + noun. You should have no problem explaining how – מרחקרחקמרחק < . See Kittel 3.4b and 245. רחק = “distance” under BDB


רם טוב = simple ו + preposition + noun construct(? adverb?). Can you explain why simple רם .See Isbell 126 ?ו < ו not yet, ere, before that” under BDB“ = ט382b.

.What is the form? PGN? conjugation? Look up this verb under BDB 897a – יקרב

Oh my. Yeah but you should be able to identify the (a) form and (b) – ויתנכלוPGN right away. Note (1) the ־ת־ before the root and (2) strong dagesh in middle root letter. What is the conjugation? See Isbell 251-252. נכל = Hitpael “deal or plan knavishly” under BDB 647b. How about “plot”? Even a reflexive conjugation like the Hitpael can take a direct object.

preposition + infinitive construct + pronominal suffix. What is the PGN – להמיתוof the suffix? That leaves ־המית־. Problem is that the suffix pulls the accent and makes some vowels reduce and so more difficult to analyze. Try Kittel trick #H1. מות = Hiphil “kill” under BDB 559a, 560a. Sometimes pronominal suffix attached to infinitive construct indicates subject and sometimes the object. Consider English “his killing”.

.”And they plotted (against) him to kill him“ = ויתנכלו אתו להמיתו


.”Here with the sense “each – איש

noun + possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix? Ah and is the – אחיוnoun singular or plural? See Isbell 278.

על .owner, lord” under BDB 127a“ = ב

this” under BDB 229b. It occurs“ זה/הזה rare older synonym of = הלזה > הלזonly here and in Gen 24:65. See Isbell 147. If I recall correctly my Doktorvater Gary Rendsburg discusses this as an example of spoken Hebrew in Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew, American Oriental Series (1990).


?Okay. Could be one of two things. Perfect or participle. Your guess – בא


verb form + pronominal object suffix. What is the PGN of + ו simple = ונהרגהוthe suffix? That leaves נהרג־. We see three root letters הרג. What is the PGN? conjugation? form? This form is difficult to analyze because the object suffix pulls the accent and makes some vowels reduce. Even I have a little trouble explaining this verb form. הרג = “kill, slay” under BDB 246b.

Similar to the previous verb form. What is the PGN of the suffix? That – ונשלכהוleaves נשלכ־. We see three root letters שלך. What is the PGN? Note (a) נ־ and (b) ־לכ־. Try Kittel trick #H3. שלך = Hiphil “throw, fling, cast” under BDB 1020b.

By the way the above two verb forms have bothered me for years because – according to my understanding of imperfect verbs with pronominal object suffixes – I would expect the 3ms heavy suffix in both instances. See ־נוRobert Hetzron, “Third Person Singular Pronoun Suffixes in Proto-Semitic”, Orientalia Suecana 18 (1969): 101-127. You can see how morphology and comparative Semitics are issues of particular interest to me.

.preposition + cardinal number. Review Isbell 80. Right now – באחת

בור .ending. This noun is mighty difficult to find ־ות and (b) ה־ Note (a) – הברות= “pit, cistern, well” under BDB 92a. Are אר two different בור and בspellings for the same noun?

What is the form? the PGN? This is one of the .ו Finally not a simple – ואמרנוmost common verbs in Biblical Hebrew and you should be getting to the point where you can recognize and analyze it immediately.

bad, evil“ = חיה. רע adjective. What is the inflection? Note that it follows = רעה= wild?” under BDB 948a. Have you noticed how many words in this story contain רע even if from different roots?

perfect + pronominal object suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix? of – אכלתהוthe verb? See Isbell 66 and Kittel 287. Some scholars say the ה becomes ת in order to help attach the pronominal object suffix. More likely the 3fs


verbal suffix ־ה developed from *-at > -aa(h) and this original *-at reappears when a pronominal object suffix is added. Compare to feminine singular nouns.

You should have little difficulty identifying the PGN. That leaves two root – יהיוletters הי. Apply Kittel neat trick #4. This is one of the most common – oh you know the rest.


הו לויצ – Quickly identify (a) form (b) PGN and (c) pronominal object suffix. That leaves יצל־. Now try Hebrew Verb Helps #A1. What conjugation? Apply Hebrew Verb Helps #B2. נצל = Hiphil “snatch away, deliver” under BDB 664b.

preposition + noun + possessive suffix. Identify the preposition. What is – מידםthe PGN of the suffix?

נו כנ – Oh this is a fun one. On a scale of 1 to 10 for difficult about an 8. First recognize the heavy 3ms pronominal object suffix. That leaves נכ־ . Try Hebrew Verb Helps #B4. Well that leaves כ for the root. Say what?!? Now apply Kittel verb trick #6. נכה = Hiphil “smite” under BDB 645a. This verb is fairly common in Biblical Hebrew so be ready for it. See Isbell 206.

Bonus fun. The imperfect and the jussive forms of 3rd ה verbs look the same. Which do you think fits the context?

We have a verb with two direct objects. Sometimes the second – לא נכנו נפשobject indicates the specific part of the first object that is affected by the action. “Let us not smite him נפש in the life = let us not kill him”.


negative particle. Used with commands including the jussive form. See = אל־Isbell 243.

.What is the PGN? form? For the conjugation look at the vowel pattern – תשפחו .(?)shed” under BDB 1046a“ = שפח


Try Hebrew Verb Helps .שלח Apply Hebrew Verb Helps #1. The root is – השליכו#B2 but Kittel trick #H2 works better. What is the form? PGN? For the stem (= root + conjugation) see verse 20. See Isbell 117.

Note – תשלחו What is the form? For the .אל־ What is the PGN? root? Note .ת־־־וconjugation look at the vowel pattern. שלח = I. “send, stretch” under BDB 1018a. Although in light of what happens later I wonder about שלח = II. “strip off, take off” under BDB 1020a. Hmm.

ען מל = preposition + ען for the sake of, on account of, to the intent, in order“ = מthat” under BDB 775a. Under what root does BDB list מען?

expresses purpose what form might we expect next? Apply למען If – הצילHebrew Verb Helps #A1. And then Kittel trick #H2. What is the form? We saw this stem in verse 21.

preposition + verb form + pronominal suffix. What is the PGN of the – להשיבוsuffix? Apply Hebrew Verb Helps #B5. What is the form? That leaves .after the first(?) root letter י preformative and (b) vowel ה Note (a) .השיב־ Hiphil “cause to return, bring back” under BDB 996b, 998b. See = שובIsbell 285.


These forms are tricky because the verb form has been shortened. But you – ויהיshould be very familiar with this verb form by now. See Isbell 78 and 57.

often indicates כ relative pronoun. The preposition + כ preposition – כאשרcorrespondence so “as, according to, when”. See Isbell 242.

?Perfect or participle? Which fits the context – בא

You should have no trouble identifying (a) form and (b) PGN. That – ויפשיטוleaves יפשיט. We can see three root letters. Note (1) patah under verbal prefix and (2) hiriq yod י after second root letter. Kittel trick #H3 for the win. שפט = Hiphil “strip, strip off” under BDB 832b.

Again a verb with two direct objects. We saw this in – ויפשיטו את־יוסף את־כתנתוverse 21. “And they stripped Joseph (of) his tunic”.


Now it gets messier. “And they -ויפשיטו את־יוסף את־כתנתו את־כתנת הפסים stripped Joseph (of) his tunic (that is to say?) the full-length(?) tunic”.

Time for another text-critical note! See the a…a around את־כתנו? Look down at the critical apparatus and read:

23 a-a > 𝔊𝔖Which means “everything between a-a is not in the Septuagint and Syriac versions of the text”. Given the semiotic – or symbolic – significance of garments in the Joseph Story this is most unfortunate. One erstwhile biblical scholar to whom I am married would invite us to compare the symbolic significance of garments in the film “Dances with Wolves”.


הו חויק – Quickly identify (a) form and (b) pronominal object suffix. That leaves .and the first one has strong dagesh קח We can see two root letters .יקח־Try Hebrew Verb Helps #A1a. There is no root נקח but there is another root that behaves just like a 1st נ verb. See Isbell 143-144. Now what is the conjugation? PGN?

כו לויש – Compare to הו כונשל in verse 20. You should be able to figure it out on your own from this point.

רה בה – noun + directional ה. Note the directional ה does not pull the accent.

adjective. See if you can figure out what root this is under in BDB. Two root – רקletters רק. Could be ריק רקק or רקה. Note the tsere . Could that be a clue which is the best guess? ריק = “empty, vain” under BDB 938a. Is this adjective used as an attributive, predicate, or substantive?

negative particle = “(there) is not”. Why does the writer bother telling us – איןthis? Why not just והבור רק? I can name one scholar who makes a big deal out of this.



Note – this is a challenging verse.

You should have little difficulty with (a) form and (b) PGN. That leaves – וישבו .Time again to summon the power of Kittel super neat trick #1 .ישב־

preposition + verb form. The preposition should tell you right away what – לאכל־form this is. Is this le’ekaal or le’ekol? Pay attention to the maqqeph ־. See Isbell 14.

This one is a little .ישא־ What is the (a) form and (b) PGN? That leaves – וישאוtricky because normally the ש would have a strong dagesh which has been lost because of the shwa. So does ישא־ help? Now try Hebrew Verb Helps #A1. נשא = “lift, carry, take” under BDB 669b. This is one of the most common – oh you know the rest. Learn it now.

plural noun + possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix? This is – עיניהםactually a dual noun with suffix. The dual construct form is the same as the masculine plural construct.

,travelling company“ = ארחה .feminine singular construct noun = ארחתcaravan” under BDB 73b.

This is tricky because it looks like one of two possible forms. There is a – באהsmall difference between 3fs Qal perfect of hollow verb and feminine singular Qal participle of hollow verb. Which makes more sense? Learn the difference right now.

.preposition + place name = מגלעד

?noun + possessive suffix. What is the PGN of the suffix + ו simple = וגמליהםWhat is the inflection of the noun? גמל = “camel” under BDB 168b.

participle. What is the inflection? root? Try Kittel trick #Q1 and/or = נשאיםHebrew Verb Helps #C5. We just learned this stem a few words ago. Participles are verbal adjectives. Is this adjective being used as an attributive, predicate, or substantive? What or who is the subject?


a = נכאת .Three rare and difficult nouns of uncertain meaning – נכאת וצרי ולטspace (gum?) under BDB 644b. צרי = “balsam(?)” under BDB 863a. לט = “myrrh” under BDB 538a.

.participle. You should be able to figure this out on your own = הולכים

preposition + verb form. What is the form? Try Kittel trick #H4. See = להורידIsbell 131. Why הוריד not *הריד similar to ישיב? Because most 1st י verbs are originally 1st ו verbs. The 1st ו reappears after a conjugation prefix.

ירד “he went down” *warada > yaradהוריד “he brought down” *hawriida > hooriid

ים Note the dual form .ה place name + directional = מצרימה רמצ . There are many nouns and place names in Biblical Hebrew that we do not think of as dual that nevertheless take a dual form. Many of these examples might preserve an earlier dual sense. The ancient Egyptians always thought of their nation as a union of Upper and Lower Egypt. Hence ים רמצ = “(the two) Egypt(s)”. Remember ין תד ?


צע .gain made by violence, unjust gain, profit” under BDB 130b“ = ב

.Can introduce a conditional clause – כי

ינו verb. What does + ו simple – וכס look like? Can you identify the root? It ־נוlooks like כסי. Apply Hebrew Verb Helps #A3. Note the strong dagesh in second root letter. Note try Hebrew Verb Helps #C4. כסה = Piel “cover” under BDB 491a.

ם .blood” under BDB 196a“ = ד


Note – לכו Kittel neat trick #14. Are we .לכ־ That leaves two root letters .־וmissing 3rd ה or 1st י or נ? Remember the common verb that looks like 1st י. See Isbell 143.


נו רונמכ – simple ו + verb + pronominal object suffix. PGN of the suffix? That leaves נמכר־. We have three root letters. Try Hebrew Verb Helps #B4. מכר = “sell” under BDB 569a.

By the way according to Robert Hetzron we should only see “heavy” 3rd person object suffixes after (a) imperfect or (b) cohortative.

What is the subject? Look two words back. Parts of the body are usually – תהיfeminine even if they do not show feminine endings. Read this carefully because Judah says אל־תהי־בו not לא־תהיה־בו. Identify the verbal prefix. PGN? That leaves הי. Hebrew Verb Helps #A4 is your friend. Review Isbell 78. Right now.

נו רבש – noun + possessive suffix. PGN of the suffix? That leaves בשר־. בשר = “flesh” under BDB 142a. Is the noun singular or plural?

– Somewhat awkward construction. “Because our brother – כי־אחינו בשרנו הואour flesh – (is) he”. Sure enough there is a text-critical note here.

27 b l c ⅏𝔊𝔖𝔙 וב׳

Which means “with the Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate read because our brother and our flesh (is) he’”. How much do we‘ ובשרנוhave to emend the text to get כי־אחינו ובשרנו instead of כי־אחינו בשרנו?


Form? PGN? That leaves – ויעברו A patah under the verbal prefix can be a .יעברוsign of the Hiphil. But note the vowel under the second root letter. Try Kittel verb trick #Q2. עבר = “pass over, through, pass by” under BDB 716b.

Note holem after first .סחר־ What does the ending tell you? That leaves – סחריםroot letter. Kittel trick #Q1 or Hebrew Verb Help #C5. Attributive, predicate, or substantive? What is the subject? סחר = “go around, about, travel (as a merchant)” under BDB 695a.

.draw, drag” under BDB 604a“ = משך ?Form? PGN – וימשכו


.על This one is a little tricky. Form? PGN? That leaves two root letters – ויעלוApply Kittel neat trick #4. Now it gets harder. Because what is the conjugation? The 3mp Hiphil imperfect and 3mp Qal imperfect of 1st / 3ע rd

verb look the same! Which makes more sense? Review Isbell 269 and ה285. Check עלה under BDB 748a.

-here expresses price or exchange. Review Isbell 80 ב Preposition– בעשרים כסף81. Can you explain why סףכ instead of כסף? See Kittel 19.5.

.י Form? PGN? Note (a) qamets under verbal prefix and (b) hiriq yod – ויביאוKittel neat trick #2 and then trick #H1 for the win.


שב יו – Note the accent mark. Is ש qamets or qamets qaton? I noticed that Isbell does not give a different name when it represents short o. Form? PGN? That leaves two root letters שב. Note י־ and apply Kittel super neat trick #4. Note the vowel under ש. Conjugation? Compare ישוב to שב יו . Many Hebraicists call this a shortened form. Review Isbell 56. Right now.

.”predicator of existence“ + ו simple – והנה

My Doktorvater Gary Rendsburg gives one of the best – והנה אין־יוסף בבורexplanations for how הנה often functions in Biblical Hebrew. הנה = this is what the subject of the narrative sees. It marks a shift from 3rd person to 1st person perspective. What does Reuben see?

?Form? PGN? Do you see any indicators that the conjugation is not Qal – ויקרע .tear” under BDB 902a“ = קרע

Singular or .בגדי־ noun + possessive suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves – בגדיוplural noun? גד garment, covering” under BDB 93b. Segholate nouns“ = בhave unexpected plural forms. Compare singular בגד to plural בגדים. If your brains are working you should be wondering why plural בגדים and not ים* .See Isbell 87-88 .בגד



אמר .verbs behave the same. See Isbell 272-273 א form? PGN? Not all 1st – ויCompare more common form מר אוי to אמר Can you explain why? Note .ויthe accent under אמר .See Isbell 14 .וי

נו נאי – negative particle + pronominal suffix. אין appears with both “light” and “heavy” 3rd person suffixes.

נה = אן .where, whither” under BDB 33a“ ה directional + א

Somewhat difficult construction. It helps to note the – ואני אנה אני־באdisjunctive accent under ואני that lets us know his statement has two parts: Whither (do) I“ = אנה אני־בא And I = (As for) me” and (2)“ = ואני (1)come? = Where can I go?”


which remind us of what very קח Form? PGN? We see two root letters – ויקחוcommon verb? This form is a little confusing because normally ק would have a strong dagesh which it loses because of the shwa.

?Form? PGN? Do you see any indicators that the conjugation is not Qal – וישחטו .slaughter, beat” under BDB 1006b“ = שחט

ים construct chain “buck / he-goat (of) goats” - in other words “a male = שעיר עזgoat”. שעיר = II. “he-goat, buck” under BDB 972b. Where would you find ים .she-goat” under BDB 777b“ = ז. עז in BDB? Note strong dagesh in עז

?Form? PGN? Do you see any indicators that the conjugation is not Qal – ויטבלו wind = טבל .dip” under BDB 371a. Although I wonder about II“ = טבלabout, wrap up, (perhaps even) dye? under BDB 371a.


Form? PGN? Note the shwa under the verbal prefix and the strong – וישלחוdagesh in the middle root letter. Try Hebrew Verb Helps #B7a or Kittel trick #D2. We saw this verb in verse 13 but in a different conjugation. Look up the meaning in this conjugation.


יביאו Verse 28. This verb should have an object. Which might be why the – וcritical apparatus suggests 32 a prp which means “propose ויבאו and‘ ויבאוthey came’”.

Note – מצאנו .Try Hebrew Verb Helps #C1 .מצא PGN? Form? That leaves .־נוConjugation? We saw this verb stem back in verse 17. What is the object? Normal Hebrew word order is Verb-Subject-Object. This sentence is Object-Verb.

Ouch. One of the more difficult forms to analyze in the chapter. Note (a) – הכר־strong dagesh in כ and also (a) ה־. Try Hebrew Verb Helps #A1a. Then Kittel trick #H2. So what is the form? PGN? conjugation? נכר = Hiphil “regard, observe” under BDB 647b. Oh yeah the following ־נא should help.

Somewhat difficult to figure out structure of this – הכתנת בנך הוא אם־לאsentence. Okay we have הכתנת בנך. That looks like a construct phrase. So why is there a definite article before כתנת? Or is it something else? Note Questions after verbs of inquiring, doubting, or examining can take .אם־לא הוא whether… or”. What role does the independent pronoun“ ה... אם לאplay? And what noun does it refer to? And why is it written הוא? Do you remember perpetual ketib-qere? See Kittel 364.


?Form .ויכיר verb + pronominal object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves – ויכירהPGN? Root? We see two root letters כר. Note (a) strong dagesh in כ (b) patah under verbal prefix and (c) hiriq yod י before third root letter. Try Hebrew Verb Helps #A1a then Kittel trick #H3. Neato! You just learned this verb stem in verse 32.

תהו חיה רעה לאכ – Look back at verse 20. Do you think there is a difference between תהו חיה רעה לאכ and תהו לחיה רעה אכ ?

.tear, rend, pluck” under BDB 382b“ = טרף .Look back at verse 8 – טרף

Hmm. Not the easiest verb form to analyze. What would you expect after – טרף Neither Kittel tricks nor Hebrew Verb Helps have much to say. Would ?טרף help you? How would you figure this out if your teacher did not give טרף*


you a big hint? See Isbell 112n1. Let me emphasize that sometimes the only thing you have to go on is the vowel pattern. We have three root letters טרף. With a u class vowel after the first root letter and an a class vowel after the second. There is really only one verb form with that pattern.

Well sort of. Some Hebraicists argue that many Pual perfect verbs are really Qal passives. Theoretically the Pual perfect and Qal passive perfect of טרף would look exactly the same. Spiffy.


.wrapper, mantle” under BDB 971a“ = שמלה .noun + possessive suffix – שמלתיו

שם יו – Form? PGN? We see two root letters שם. Apply Kittel neat trick #1. שום or שים = “put, place, set” under BDB 962b. This is a very common verb that you should remember from now on. Note the typical shortened form of a hollow verb in the wayyiqtol.

.under BDB 974a שק Does this remind you of an English word? Look up – שק

preposition + noun + possessive suffix. PGN of the suffix? That leaves – במתניוים .This is actually a dual noun .מתני־ נמת = “loins” under BDB 608a. Dual nouns generally look like masculine plural nouns in construct and with suffixes.

Form? PGN? Root? Kittel trick and Hebrew Verb Helps do not cover – ויתאבלthis conjugation which is usually easy to spot. Note (a) ת conjugation infix and (b) strong dagesh in middle root letter. See Isbell 251-253. Easy peasy. .Hitpael “mourn, grieve” under BDB 5a, 5b = אבל

?adjective. Inflection? Function – attributive, predicate, or substantive – רביםWhat root would this be under in BDB? Note strong dagesh in ב. רב = “much, many, great (number or amount)” under BDB 912b.


Note – another challenging verse.


ויק מו – Form? PGN? Root? Conjugation? Note (a) qamets under verbal prefix and (b) vowel after the first root letter. Kittel neat trick #2 for the win.

preposition + verb form + pronominal suffix. Form? The preposition – לנחמוshould tell you right away. Root? The conjugation is difficult. Heck I got it wrong at first. Would * help? If this were a Qal maybe the form would נחמוbe * does not take strong ח .but I would not swear to that in court נחמוdagesh and yet the preceding vowel is not lengthened. Some Hebraicists call this virtual doubling. Helpful. נחם = Piel “comfort, console” under BDB 636b. Is the suffix the subject or object?

.Form? PGN? Root? Conjugation? Note shwa under the verbal prefix – וימאןApply Hebrew Verb Helps #B7a. מאן = Piel “refuse” under BDB 549a. Can you explain why (a) מ and (b) no strong dagesh in second root letter?

preposition + verb form. Form? The preposition should tell you right – להתנחםaway. Root? Conjugation? Note (a) ת conjugation infix and (b) strong dagesh in middle root letter. These are usually pretty easy to recognize. See Isbell 251-253. What does the verb mean in this conjugation? Look up BDB 636b.

Hmm. Start with Kittel neat trick #1. Root? PGN? Form? Conjugation? See – ארדIsbell 130. ירד = “come or go down, descend” under BDB 432b. This is a common verb in Biblical Hebrew. Try to remember it.

adjective. Inflection? An adjective can be used after a verb to describe the = אבלmanner of action. In other words an adjective can be used adverbially. “I will go down to my son mourning”. We saw this verb root in verse 34. Look up the adjective under BDB 5b.

לה אש = place name(?) + directional ה. Does שאל help you recognize the name?

בך יו – Oh I love these. Form? PGN? That leaves two root letters בך. This verb form is annoying because it appears to contradict Kittel neat trick #4. The accent may help. Because wayyiqtol form the accent moves back one syllable. 3rd ה and hollow verbs in the wayyiqtol and jussive become shortened or apocopated. Would *ויבכה help you? See Isbell 78. בכה = “weep, bewail” under BDB 113a.


.takes a direct object בכה In English we “weep for” someone but in Hebrew – אתו


.Potiphar = פוטיפר

eunuch” under BDB 710a. Wait. Is Potiphar a eunuch? Often translated“ = סריס“court official”. Do you think the translation makes a difference?

.chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince” under BDB 728a“ = שר

noun form often קטל noun. The CaC2aaC or + ה definite article = הטבחיםindicates a noun that is known for doing something. “ = 1טבח . cook, 2. guardsman” under BDB 371a. Is Potiphar the head cook? That does not sound very impressive. Think about the literal meaning of many titles for high officials.

