● Community ●Access ●Support ●Service Healthy Living Consortium



● CASS Aims ● Influence providers to ensure high quality, appropriate and accessible communications and services through facilitating co- production and co-design with groups 3

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●Community ●Access

●Support ●Service

Healthy Living Consortium


● CASS Aims

● Increase awareness of mental health issues and services through working with groups (of interest and locality)


● CASS Aims

● Influence providers to ensure high quality, appropriate and accessible communications and services through facilitating co-production and co-design with groups


● CASS Aims

● Support/channel feedback on service performance and improvements from groups on behalf of local communities


●Service Priorities

● Target community, equalities & faith groups● Target groups based in wards with higher risk of mental health in each locality● Target under and over represented groups in mental health services


● January – April 2015 and Onwards● Manager in post since early January● Inputting into BMH systems, processes and services ● Understanding mental health services● Recruiting CASS Team● Producing publicity & promotional materials


● January – April 2015 and Onwards● Promoting CASS through community events and meetings● Developing detailed work plan● Set up evaluation and establish baseline● Start mapping informal local groups & networks through existing contacts with HLC partners


● January – April 2015 and Onwards● Promoting CASS through Health related forums and networks ● Participating in VCS events/networks ● Start logging issues raised from communities/groups ● Identifying potential Steering Group members


● 3 CASS Networkers

● Each based within a HLC partner covering one of three localities of Bristol


● 3 CASS Networkers

● Raise awareness of mental health & emotional wellbeing and services with local groups ● Make links with local mental health services and with public health & other health professionals ● Organising local or citywide CASS activities


● CASSCommunications Officer

● Set up webpage and social media outlets for CASS● Work with BMH Systems Lead and individual BMH providers● Facilitate focus groups to develop CASS communication’s strategy and review BMH communications materials


● CASS Services CASS will offer information, advice and support to community, equalities and faith groups on: ● Mental health services ● Where/how to get help for individuals and carers ● Overcoming stigma ● Emotional/general health and wellbeing ● Joining CASS and other networks ● Training and guidance


● Support from SARI

● Steering Group membership ● Arranging targeted focus groups ● Supporting independent evaluation


● CASS Contact Details

● CASS Manager: Monira Ahmed Chowdhury● Email: cass@wellspringhlc.org or Monira.Chowdhury@wellspringhlc.org● Phone: 0117 304 1400 / 0117 911 9832● Mobile: 07930184946● Address: Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Beam St, Barton Hill, Bristol BS5 9QY