{ COLPAR Por un paracaidismo divertido y seguro. For a safe & fun parachuting


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Por un paracaidismo divertido y seguro.For a safe & fun parachuting

In September 1973 was created in Tequesquitengo Mexico, the first Pan American Skydiving Organization that led later in the Latin American Parachuting Confederation (COLPAR), which worked actively until the mid-1990´s, when for various reasons failed to maintain an active structure and Latin American Sport Parachuting was sadly dispersed.


In 2010 some of our old skydivers spoke about the possibility of refloating the COLPAR, with the enthusiasm of so many beautiful memories of competitive experiences gained during several decades of the twentieth century, and again put Latin America on the world stage, spreading actors across the continent the impressive progress of today´s skydiving.

In January 2010 at IPC Plenary held in Lausanne, Switzerland, Argentina´s Delegate Tomas Berriolo and Jorge Derviche Filho "Jota", - President of the Brazilian Confederation of Paraquedismo decided to call all the countries of the region, in Buenos Aires, to re-create the Latin American Parachuting Confederation, COLPAR.


The Brazilian Confederation of Parachuting and Argentina´s Parachute Federation were the organizing members, which was based on this new structure COLPAR. The Constituent General Conference held in Buenos Aires was successful and Tomas Berriolo was elected as its “new” President.


We started opening a friendly website - http://www.colpar.org, internationally awarded - as conceived communication, fast and efficient, as the most important tool for regional integration.Then was time for Championships and other stuff.

Rules, Judges Committee, Safety Regulations, Standardized Instruction

The beginning

Federación Argentina de ParacaidismoConfederaçao Brasileira de Para-quedismoFederación Colombiana de Deportes AéreosAsociación Costarricense de Paracaidismo DeportivoClub de Aviación de CubaFederación Salvadoreña de Paracaidismo y Aero deportes


Asociación de Paracaidismo Deportivo de PanamáAsociación Paraguaya de Paracaidismo DeportivoClub Uruguayo de ParacaidismoFederación Chilena de ParacaidismoAsociación Aero deportiva de Paracaidismo de Lima (Perú)Asociación Venezolana de los Deportes Aeronáuticos


May 2011 7th Latin American Championships in Accuracy Landing and Canopy Piloting in San Juan, Argentina. September 2011 8th Latin American Championships in FS-4 in Boa Vista, BrazilOctober 2012 9th Latin American Championships Accuracy Landing and Canopy Piloting, in Melipilla, Chile.


We formed the Judges Committee, chaired by Jelson Amorim (FAI / Brazil) and vice Alberto Moncada Gomez (FAI/Argentina). During the course of the three championships were held made courses to qualify new COLPAR´s judges. In this way we´ve today 52 people qualified as judges for different categories and disciplines.We need to train more COLPAR´s Judges as FAI Judges, in order to improve their skills.

Judge´s committee

At our General Conference held in Buenos Aires, we were honored by the president of the FAI Dr. John Grübbstrom, IPC President Mr. Graeme Windsor and the secretary of the IPC Mr Liam McNulty, among other important authorities of Asiania, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, United States and Canada.It was a dream comes true.

COLPAR´s general conference

Finally the FAI - Fédération Aéronautique Internationale in his 106th. General Conference held in Antalya, Turkey, agreed to the entry of the COLPAR as International Affiliate Member. We think this has been our major achievement, since installed when skydiving in our region on the world map of organized sports.

FAI acceptance

Paraguay will host the 10th Latin American Championships in FS and Artistic Events in December 2013, and Cuba the 11th Latin American Championships in Accuracy Landing & Canopy Piloting in Varadero, August 2014, both Championships ensures the continuity and growth of our sport in the region.

Coming Events

Also, the Brazilian Confederation of Paraquedismo, meanwhile, is structuring the organization for the year 2013, two Latin American competitions (Latin Cup), in Accuracy landing & Canopy Piloting.And also planning to make Latin American Record Freefall Formation, Perris Valley, California, USA: may 20 a 26th

Coming events

If we evaluate that the COLPAR has been recreated in June 2010, and since then has been less than three years, we easily noted the immense progress we have achieved in such a short time, by concentrating on the task achievement of concrete and tangible. things That said, in other words: with lots of action and little talk.


As you can see, the enthusiasm that has been generated around the environment of the region parachuting from the recreation of the COLPAR, is really spectacular and somewhat exceeded our initial expectations. Thus, united in our goals, make that skydiving in those part of the world will grow steadily and we hope that will soon be installed in positions of privilege within the international arena. For now, we are proud not to be mere spectators and expect may be the close future transform us in protagonists.


Thank you for your attention.
