{ Buddhism By: Whitney Lucas & Kate Skrade. Siddhartha Gautama Born in the 5 th century Born...


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By: Whitney Lucas & Kate Skrade

Siddhartha Gautama Born in the 5th century

Born a prince Gautama became enlightened “The Buddha” or “The Awakened One”

Small town of Sarnath Arhat

Origin of Buddhism

Follows three main traditionsBuddhism began to spread Southwards from its place of

origin Also moved Northwards

Previously died outModern Times

Three Main Schools

Diffusion of Buddhism

Common Practices

Vinaya Strict code of conduct Food

Dana Act of Generosity

Funeral Practices

In Most Religions, a marriage is taken before God. There is no “God” in Buddhism

Affirmation of the couple’s commitment

Buddha did not prescribe a form of marriage service


Why do Buddhists Chant?

Writing was not common

Written down on Ola (Palm) leaves

Teachings are preserved in the ancient Pali Language

Today’s Practices

Tipitaka Three Baskets

Vinaya Pitaka Disciplinary

rules for monks

Sutta Pitaka Discourses

Abhidhamma Pitaka Higher


Most important alms giving ceremony of the Buddhist year

Over 2,500 years Marks the end of the annual Rains Retreat, or Vassa

Sangha Monks and Nuns How did the Kathina Festival Originate?

The Festival of Kathina

Noble Eightfold Path

Way Taught by Buddha

Known as the Middle Path

Right Understanding

Right Thought Right Speech Right View Right Livelihood Right Action Right

Mindfulness Right


1. Life means suffering 2. The origin of suffering

is attachment 3. The cessation of

suffering is attainable4. The path to the

cessation of suffering

The Four Noble Truths

1) Harming Living beings2) Taking things not freely given

3) Sexual Misconduct4) False speech

5) Intoxicating drinks and drugs causing heedlessness

The Precepts

1) Taking untimely meals2) Dancing, singing, music and

watching grotesque mime3) Use of garlands, perfumes and

personal adornment4) Use of high seats

5) Accepting gold or silver

The Precepts Continued..

The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of

everything. The greatest action is not conforming with the

worlds ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non-attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through


About Buddhism…

Holy Places of Buddhism

Lumbini “The Buddha”

was born at this site

Bodhgaya “The Buddha”

attained enlightenment & became “The Buddha”

Sarnath “The

Buddha” met his five disciples and delivered his firs sermon

Kushinara “The

Buddha” Died here

Conflicts of Buddhism Colombo, Sri

Lanka The Buddha

intervened in a fight between two clans

Unrest still remains Recent clash between Buddhist and Muslim Destruction of the


Thailand Muslim rebels

have been involved in a bloody insurgency In Southern Thailand A country that

is 95% Buddhist Tibet

Country was annexed by Chinese Communists in late 1950s

Hardy, Julia. Buddhism Beginnings. Patheos Inc., 2011. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.

N.a. London Buddhist Vihara. N.p., n.d.Web.11 Jan. 2012.

N.a. Lumbini-Birth Place of Buddha.N.p.,2008.Web.11 Jan. 2012.

N.a.Spread of Buddhism.N.p.,n.d.Web.11 Jan.2012.

