+ BRIAN GOYETTE Tour Manager on small personalized cruises in the Mediterranean, Great Lakes, and...


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Tour Manager on small personalized cruises in the Mediterranean, Great Lakes, and African Cost.

Has traveled to 77 different countries.

Met people who were travelers and was inspired to pursue that lifestyle.

Loves new experiences and meeting new people.

It was always a passion but did not have it in mind as a career.

You get to see something new out the window every morning.

Keeps track of all passengers and makes sure guides are doing their job.

Some Important Skills--Patience( things don’t always go as planned)-Good sense of direction-Physical Shape -Good sense of Humor and being interested in the people. -Thinking on your feet.

Highlights of The Job- -The beauty of all the amazing places he gets to visit. - Gets to meet very interesting people.

Some difficult aspects--Answering stupid questions-When someone gets hurt -Saying goodbye to people you have gotten close with. -Can be along time to be away from home. Work travel vs. Personal travel.
